Healthy food presentation and recommendations. Presentation "healthy food"

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Pledge of health Prepared by: teacher of biology and chemistry Nuralieva Zukhra Aslyamovna

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The purpose of the lesson: to organize the educational activities of students in the formation of knowledge about the importance of proper nutrition as an integral part of maintaining and strengthening health. Tasks: - teaching: organize work on the formation of the ability to choose healthy foods for a healthy, rational diet and systematize students' knowledge about the importance of food; - developing: to promote the development of logical thinking, observation, communication skills; - educational: to instill a culture of communication, practical skills of self-healing, to cultivate the desire to be successful in achieving your goals, respect for your health.

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Nutrition (physiological act) - maintaining human life and health with the help of food - the process of absorption of food by living organisms to maintain the normal course of physiological processes of life.

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Proper nutrition (healthy diet) is nutrition that ensures the growth, normal development and vital activity of a person, contributes to strengthening his health and preventing diseases.

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Proper nutrition is a stumbling block for us. Why is the most delicious thing also extremely harmful? And everything that is good for health actively accumulates everything that is harmful, which, again, is impossible for us. It is almost impossible to live on the reserves of subsistence farming for a whole year. And even with iron willpower, you cannot be fully responsible for what you eat. Who knows how and where it all grew and under what conditions it was stored. But despite this, the elementary rules of healthy eating have not been canceled.

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Stay hydrated Your body is 70 percent fluid. Therefore, a prerequisite for a healthy lifestyle is to drink water between meals up to 3 liters per day. At the same time, remember that fluid intake during and immediately after meals, and also during physical activity, is highly undesirable.

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Cook less Most of all vitamins and microelements are found in plant foods, and it is better to eat vegetables and fruits raw. As a last resort, cook them in the oven or steam them.

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Drink Vegetable Juices You probably enjoy drinking at least 1 glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice a day, but vegetable juices are just as healthy. Including them in your daily diet, you greatly contribute to the cleansing of the body. It is best to use beetroot or carrot juice for this, and beetroot juice should never be used in its pure form, it must certainly be mixed with others.

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Limit your sugar intake Or better yet, cut it out altogether! Sugar does not have the best effect on our blood vessels and blood composition. Moreover, its absorption requires a large amount of B vitamins, which over time will cause their deficiency in the body and increase cravings for high-calorie baked goods in which it is present, which will clearly damage your figure.

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Follow the diet Even the most healthy food eaten on the go will not bring you any benefit. So set aside a certain time for eating, and the first meal should not be later than noon, and the last no later than seven in the evening.

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Eat in moderation When eating, the stomach should be filled to two-thirds of its volume. At the same time, getting up from the table, you may feel that you are also able to eat the same amount, but it did not mean that you were left hungry. You will feel full thirty minutes after eating, when it begins to be digested. Chew food thoroughly. In the process of chewing, food must be brought to a jelly-like state. In this form, it is better absorbed. In addition, the satiety signal will reach the brain faster, which will save you from unnecessary overeating. If the food is really good and necessary for the health of the body, it only becomes tastier from long chewing. "Empty" and harmful food quickly loses its taste when chewed.

Healthy eating is a healthy lifestyle! It is the food that we take that ensures the development and constant renewal of the cells and tissues of the body, is the source of energy that our body spends not only during physical exertion, but also at rest!

Milk-calcium! The need for calcium increases with age. Skimmed cow's milk is rich in calcium, essential for bone health and osteoporosis prevention, as well as proper nutrition. Dairy prevents bone loss due to menopause or rheumatoid arthritis (beneficial with a healthy lifestyle). Drink two glasses of skimmed milk daily, or include low-fat yogurt and calcium-rich fruits in your diet.

Bananas are potassium! Just one yellow fruit contains 467 mg of potassium, which is needed to keep muscles strong and healthy. It lowers blood pressure. Bananas are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, they neutralize acid, so they are useful for the treatment of heartburn. Try how delicious it is when you add banana slices to oatmeal, yogurt, milk or fruit juice. Other sources of potassium are lentils, sardines and dried apricots.

Eggs are a healthy diet for a healthy lifestyle! Even if you are worried about cholesterol, do not give them up. Eggs are a source of protein and lutein, which protects the eyes from cataracts, eggs are part of a healthy diet. There is reason to believe that they prevent the formation of blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. What's more, eating six eggs a week reduces the risk of breast cancer by 44%. Today, nutritionists say that one or two eggs a day do not increase cholesterol levels, since the body itself produces it from saturated fat, and does not get it from cholesterol-rich foods.

Salmon-nicotinic acid! Salmon is rich in omega-3 fats, which lower cholesterol levels, protect against certain types of cancer, and prevent blood clots. Studies show that salmon alleviates depression and prevents memory loss because it contains nicotinic acid. And it, according to some reports, protects against Alzheimer's disease. If possible, eat fresh or canned salmon at least three times a week - if you lead a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle). Omega-3 fats are also found in walnuts.

Cereals-phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium! From the point of view of nutrition, cereals can be called universal products and can be used for any disease. The same cereal is suitable for preparing various dishes for a variety of ailments. Using various culinary treatments, it is possible to provide the most sparing regimen for the digestive organs (liquid and pureed cereals) or to activate the intestinal motor function (crumbly cereals).

Meat and meat products. Meat and meat products are the main source of complete proteins of animal origin, the content of which in them ranges from 14 to 24%. Meat has all the essential amino acids, a lot of iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1, B6, B12. However, it has little calcium and magnesium, no vitamin C and some others. The meat is rich in nitrogenous extractives, which improve its taste, increase the secretory function of the stomach, excitability of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are extremely rich in fats, proteins, essential amino acids, some minerals and vitamins. In terms of calories, they occupy one of the first places among plant foods. When choosing nuts in the shell, take those that are heavier and do not rattle when shaken. They should not have cracks or holes. Beware of moldy peanuts - they can cause serious illness. Buy nuts and seeds whole, not chopped, ground, or peeled, as nut kernels go rancid faster. When buying nuts and seeds, pay attention to their color. Old rancid fruits usually have a yellowish tint.

Mushrooms are the most valuable food. Fungi belong to the class of spore plants. They are quite simple in structure, do not have a green color, do not contain chlorophyll, and do not absorb carbon dioxide. They feed on ready-made organic matter located in the ground or in another substrate. Mushrooms are the most valuable food. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, different mineral salts and vitamins play an important role in human nutrition. These substances are part of the mushrooms. According to the content of elements, edible mushrooms differ significantly from other products of plant origin. They do not contain vegetable starch at all. Of the carbohydrates in mushrooms, there is glycogen and sugar.

Chocolate is an exquisite delight! Chocolate has been known for five hundred years, but still remains a mysterious product. Along with a large number of calories, chocolate contains a whole pharmacy of useful substances and trace elements. Everyone knows that chocolate is indispensable for relieving fatigue, hunger and even getting rid of stress. Studies by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have shown that the special essential oils that make up chocolate can effectively protect our blood vessels from cholesterol. They prevent the deposition of fats and lime on the walls of blood vessels and arteries. And this is just one of a number of amazing recent discoveries. The antioxidants found in chocolate may help fight cancer, as cocoa contains twice as many antioxidants as red wine and three times as much as green tea.

Honey is rich in minerals. Of course, honey is not just a delicacy, it is a very valuable medicine and a means of prevention. Honey contains the entire periodic table, it has everything that our body needs in the most suitable form for assimilation, so honey has no equal among medicines. And if you add to it, for example, also pollen or healthy fruits, nuts, then you can get potent medicines for many diseases. Even if you are practically healthy, but you know the weaknesses of your body, purchase or prepare your own honey with the supplement that is good for you. Take it every day on an empty stomach, 1-2 teaspoons, washed down with water at room temperature. But remember that you should not dilute honey in a hot liquid because this valuable substances in it are destroyed. Of course, all these tips do not apply to those who are allergic to honey.

… without water and neither here nor there Water is the only liquid on Earth that has special physical and chemical properties. Water molecules easily break down into positively charged hydrogen (H+) and negatively charged hydroxyl (OH) ions. It is these ions that determine the spatial structure of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and other organic substances. The polarity of the molecules of water is due to the ability to dissolve various substances: mineral salts, simple alcohols, sugars, etc. That is why water serves as a medium where numerous chemical reactions take place, which together create life. The beneficial properties of water are known to everyone, it is thanks to them that water has firmly established itself in the daily diet. On average, a person should drink 8 glasses every day, which is about 2 liters.

This presentation provides all the information on the principles of healthy eating, the rules of the "Pyramid". I used it as a background object when working with printed notebooks "Healthy Eating". I spend this lesson in the fifth grade, we repeat this topic in the eighth grade when studying the topic "Nutrition and digestion". It can be used in class hours at the middle level and during elective courses in medicine in grades 10-11.



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Project of Rachkova V.I. biology teacher MBOU "secondary Russian-Tatar comprehensive school No. 150s" Privolzhsky district of the city of Kazan.

Healthy food. Food is a building material that our body needs for energy, for cell renewal. It is nutrition that affects our mood, energy, life expectancy. It is known that our intellectual abilities also depend on what we eat.

Proper nutrition is healthy nutrition. Thousands of specialists deal with the problem of healthy nutrition: they study the composition of products, analyze their compatibility, develop diets ... But only you can choose the only diet that suits you. A universal dietary product that would suit literally everyone without exception, alas, has not yet been invented. What to do? Of course, look for compromises, select only those products in various combinations that are not incompatible for your body. And you need to start eating right as early as possible, adhering to the following principles.

PRINCIPLES OF HEALTHY NUTRITION. Principle 1. Do not litter the body with toxins! For some reason, the most delicious foods are either useless or harmful for the body. In any case, nutritionists advise avoiding salted foods: cheeses, sausages, canned food and smoked meats.

Principle 2. The acid-base balance must be maintained in the body! The most important thing for the prevention of all diseases is to maintain a normal metabolism in the body. When food is processed in the gastrointestinal tract, it breaks down into neutral compounds, weak acids and alkalis. Some of them are quickly destroyed and excreted from the body, and the rest have an oxidizing or alkalizing effect on the state of the internal environment of the body. According to this principle, food products are divided into "acidic", "alkaline" and "neutral". Alkalization of the body is promoted primarily by vegetables, fruits and milk. And the most powerful oxidizing agent are meat and fish products. And the most beneficial for the body is a slightly alkaline environment.

Principle 3. Avoid overeating! It is better to eat less, without overloading the stomach with large portions of food, and at the same time do not forget about a balanced diet.

Principle 4. Nutrition must be complete! As you know, the nutritional value of products is the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in it. All these elements are necessary for our body.

Principle 6. Follow the food culture! Food that is too compressed, hard, poorly chewed, too cold or too hot, low-quality foods should not enter the stomach.

Food pyramid. The basis of health can be considered a food pyramid. The creators of the Pyramid successfully illustrated the beneficial ratio of food in the daily diet. Studies have shown that the graphic image of the Healthy Eating Pyramid is easily perceived by both children and adults.

Floors of the pyramid. GROUND FLOOR: CEREALS Cereals are the basis of a healthy diet; they contain little fat, they supply the body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber. This food group is a source of complex carbohydrates. Because breads and pastries are high in calories but low in nutrients, keep them to a minimum. It will be better for your health to eat whole grain porridge.

SECOND FLOOR OF THE PYRAMID: FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES provide the body with important vitamins, minerals and fiber. And, as a rule, do not contain fat. Studies have shown that each additional serving of fruit or vegetables reduces the risk of heart disease by 4%. Green leafy vegetables and vitamin C, found in many types of fruits, are especially successful in this.

FRUITS. Breakfast is a good time to turn to the fruit component of the diet. Add fruit to snacks and lunch for three to four servings a day. Try to choose fresh fruits that are in season.

VEGETABLES. Outside of fried potatoes, pizza, or pasta heavily flavored with ketchup, many people don't eat vegetables at all. This is a dangerous trend, since vegetables, which are mostly water, can significantly expand the range of dietary dishes. Vegetables are an excellent source of vitamin C, folic acid, beta-carotene, minerals and fiber. In addition, they are practically free of fat.

THIRD FLOOR OF THE PYRAMID: ANIMAL ORIGIN PRODUCTS THIS Pyramid floor is dominated by ANIMAL ORIGIN products - a group of dairy and meat products, which also includes poultry, legumes, eggs and nuts. Such food provides the body with important nutrients, primarily protein, calcium, iron and zinc. Meat and its substitutes (2-3 servings, or 150-200 grams daily).

DAIRY PRODUCTS Milk, yoghurts and cheeses occupy the third level of the pyramid, next to meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs and nuts. Like meat products, dairy products are a good source of protein. Plus, they're high in calcium and vitamins A and D—a great addition to your diet! PLEASE NOTE: Dairy products can be high in fat, so look for low-fat or low-fat products in stores to control your weight.

Meat and fish. Choose the best varieties of lean meat - beef, veal and lamb. Give preference to lean parts of the carcass, such as beef fillet, steaks. Choose lean ground beef. Be careful with delicacies: many meat dishes contain more fat than lean meat in pieces. Don't forget about fish, especially sea fish! Most types of fish contain a small amount of fat.

TOP FLOOR OF THE PYRAMID: FATS, OILS AND SWEETS. At the top of the Healthy Eating Pyramid are fats, sugars and sweets. How little space they have! Their share in a healthy diet should be just as small. Indeed, excessive consumption of fat threatens to increase the level of cholesterol in the blood and the development of many formidable diseases, including heart attack and stroke. Sugar lovers get metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity, migraines and tooth decay. Teach yourself and loved ones to use these products as little as possible. Most of them, being high in calories, do not supply the body with any nutrients other than sugar, fat and calories.

Conclusion. As it turned out, children who eat healthy food, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, experience fewer mental problems than their peers, who consume mostly fast food, white bread, red meat and sugary sodas. At the same time, well-nourished teenagers are less aggressive and less prone to depression.

Vegetables are an essential nutrient for the human body. Vegetables are eaten fresh or processed. Vegetable dishes are very tasty and healthy. The processing of vegetables, especially the heat treatment of vegetables, reduces the biological value of the product. It is preferable, of course, especially in the summer-autumn period, fresh raw vegetables or cooked with the most gentle heat treatment. With intensive heat treatment of vegetables, part of the organic compounds that are beneficial to the body breaks down. Food becomes energetically defective. However, you should not abuse only raw vegetables either. Everything is good in moderation. It is necessary to gradually increase the amount of raw vegetables and fruits, taking into account the individual tolerance of raw fiber, try to include vegetables and fruits in your diet every day before boiled food. Fragrant herbs remove harmful substances from the body, slow down the aging process and give elasticity to the skin. With greens, any dishes become more useful. The main function of aromatic herbs is not only to enhance the taste and awaken the appetite (due to the content of special essential oils), but also to remove toxins. Spicy herbs are best used fresh, when they have more nutrients. And in order to enjoy the greens even in winter, in the summer do not forget to freeze the washed and dried greens in small portions in bags. Frozen herbs fully retain their beneficial qualities. You can grow greens from seeds on the windowsill Diversify your menu. Fruits and berries can be an integral part of many dishes from vegetables, cereals, dairy products, meat, poultry, fish. Fruits and berries contribute to their more complete digestion and assimilation, supplement dishes with a number of nutrients. Eat as many different fruits and berries as possible. It is better to eat fruits and berries no later than 20-30 minutes before a meal and never on a full stomach. Fruits are digested in the intestines, lingering in the stomach for only a very short time. When the stomach is full, the fruits seem to be waiting for their turn to get into the intestines, and at this time, under the influence of enzymes and temperature, they begin to ferment and lose their beneficial properties.

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Healthy nutrition is mainly proper nutrition, which means the use of foods that contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, essential trace elements, and do not contain harmful substances. Proper nutrition is one of the main conditions for the full health and development of children. It also plays an important role in the prevention of a number of childhood diseases.

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It is important not only what the child eats, but also how his food is organized. Strict adherence to the regime corresponding to the age characteristics of children is an indispensable condition for rational nutrition. If the time for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner is observed every day, the child's body prepares in advance for eating. Thanks to this, food is better digested and absorbed.

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Physiologically justified for preschool children is 4 meals a day with intervals between meals no more than 4 hours. A longer interval can lead to a deterioration in well-being. With more frequent meals, the digestibility of nutrients is disturbed. 3 meals must necessarily include a hot dish.

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It should be borne in mind that a monotonous diet leads to vitamin deficiency. What are vitamins? Vitamins are organic substances with high biological activity. They act as regulators of metabolic processes. Food is the source of vitamins.

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Basic principles of nutrition Nutrition should supply the child's body with the necessary amount of energy for motor, mental and mental activity. Nutrition should be varied and balanced, containing nutrients of all types. It is necessary to provide a drinking regime. Be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of children, possible intolerance to any products. It is necessary to observe the technology of food processing and cooking, the terms and conditions of their storage.

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Preschool age is the most favorable period for cultivating the right habits of assimilation of cultural traditions of nutrition and the formation of taste preferences

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Preschoolers about proper nutrition Adults should help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition. To form knowledge about which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy, to bring to the understanding that not everything tasty is healthy. To give knowledge about safe food, that is, to form a cautious attitude towards stale foods.

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What cooking methods are used in children's nutrition? This is boiling, baking, stewing It is good if the finished dish looks beautiful

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The period of preschool childhood is characterized by intensive growth and development of children, functional maturation of the body. This determines the physiological needs of children for nutrients and energy. At the age of up to 3 years, the need for energy is 1540 kcal., From 3 to 7 years 1970 kcal. in a day. The daily calorie content of food should correspond to these figures and be correctly distributed between individual meals. For preschool children, the following distribution is considered appropriate:

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The value of baby food lies not only in the number of calories, it is also necessary that it contains substances such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

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Proteins Sources of protein are meat, fish, milk and dairy products, eggs (animal proteins), and legumes; It is preferable to use lean beef or veal, chicken or turkey; Recommended varieties of fish: cod, pollock, hake, pike perch and other low-fat varieties.

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Fats Sources of fats are butter and vegetable, cream, milk, dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese), as well as meat and fish.

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Carbohydrates The most important source of carbohydrates in children's nutrition are fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals, confectionery.

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Table of the average daily content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates 3 years 4-6 years 7 years Proteins, g. 53 68 77 Fats 53 68 79 Carbohydrates 212 272 335
  • Egorova Elena Yurievna
  • Nomination: Physical culture and human health.
  • Job title: "Healthy food"
  • Subject: physical education
  • Position: physical education teacher
  • Educational institution: MOU secondary school No. 8 of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory.
  • healthy eating
  • In the modern world, much attention is paid to the problem of proper nutrition. It was found that for each person there is an individual diet, which depends on his age, weight, health, physical activity and other factors.
  • In this project, I plan to consider:
  • Basic principles of proper and healthy nutrition;
  • Vitamins necessary for human health (in which products they are contained);
  • The diet of children from birth to 18 years;
  • The diet of people with acute and chronic diseases;
  • healthy eating
  • Basic functions of nutrition. Everyone knows that nutrition is absolutely essential to sustain life. Science has firmly established three functions of nutrition.
  • The first function is to supply the body with energy. In this sense, a person can be compared to any machine that does work, but requires fuel for this. Rational nutrition provides for an approximate balance of energy entering the body and expended on ensuring vital processes.
  • The second function of nutrition is to supply the body with plastic substances, which primarily include proteins, to a lesser extent - minerals, fats, and to an even lesser extent - carbohydrates. The need for plastic substances in food varies depending on age: in children, such a need is increased, and in the elderly it is reduced.
  • The third function of nutrition is to supply the body with biologically active substances necessary for the regulation of vital processes.
  • The fourth function was revealed by scientists relatively recently. It consists in the development of immunity, both nonspecific and specific. It was found that the magnitude of the immune response to infection depends on the quality of nutrition and especially on the sufficient content of calories, complete proteins and vitamins in food.
  • Principles of healthy
  • food
  • Moderation
  • It is necessary to maintain a balance between the energy supplied with food and the energy expended in the process of life. It has been established that, on average, about 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per hour is spent during the main metabolism. In people who constantly experience physical activity, the main metabolism, as a rule, increases within 30%.
  • Diversity
  • The population of our planet uses thousands of food products and even more culinary dishes for food. The energy value of the diet depends on its constituent proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of a healthy person is close to 1:1.2:4.
  • Diet
  • A person's diet is usually regulated by appetite. But it must be borne in mind that the appetite persists even after eating. This is due to the need for digestion and absorption of nutrients. And only after the beginning of their entry into the blood, the excitation of the food center begins to be replaced by its inhibition.
  • Interesting Facts
  • Energy consumption of a "standard" person (weighing 60 kg) in various activities, kcal/h
  • Rest lying awake
  • Reading aloud
  • Housework (cleaning)
  • 120-240
  • calm walking
  • Fast walk
  • Jogging
  • Skiing
  • Bicycling
  • 210-540
  • Skating
  • 180-600
  • Swimming
  • 180-400
  • Rowing
  • 150-360
  • Standing lab work
  • 160-170
  • Sitting in the lab
  • office work
  • Energy value of some products, kcal per 100 g
  • Rye bread
  • wheat bread
  • cakes
  • 320-540
  • Sugar
  • Milk
  • Butter
  • Russian cheese
  • Sunflower oil
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Apples
  • Boiled beef
  • Beef cutlets
  • Eggs (1 pc.)
  • Boiled cod
  • grape juice
  • Baby food
  • Nutrition for children aged 1 to 3 years
  • Nutrition for preschoolers
  • Click here
  • (links)
  • More (health food)
  • Nutrition for children in the first year of life
  • Nutrition of infants is carried out exclusively according to its own characteristics:
  • It is necessary to take all measures to preserve the mother's breast milk and provide the child with natural feeding at least for the first 5-6 months of life.
  • From the age of 3 weeks, all children need food supplements containing mineral salts, organic acids, vitamins, pectin. Therefore, they need to be given fruit or vegetable decoctions in the form of a drink. And from the beginning of the second month of life, children should receive fruit and vegetable juices.
  • The nutrition of children older than 1.5 - 2 months should include mashed apples, bananas, apricots and other fruits. From 3-3.5 months of life, ¼ of the yolk of a chicken egg should be included in the child's diet, and from 4 months to 1 year - ½ of a hard-boiled yolk.
  • From 5-5.5 months, vegetable puree is prepared on a vegetable broth with the addition of milk, vegetable oil, cream, yolk, later - butter, and even later - meat puree.
  • 5. With the appearance of teeth, it is advisable to introduce salads from vegetables grated on a fine grater into the diet. From 5-5.5 months, you can add porridge from semolina, rice, buckwheat and oat flour or cereals to the diet.
  • 6. In the diet of 7-8-month-old children, whole yogurt can be used as a third complementary food. From 7-7.5 months, meat puree can be included in the nutrition of children, replacing it with fish puree from 8-9 months of life. From 8 months, meat broth is prescribed. In the diet of children of this age, they use low-fat beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit, and from fish - cod fillet, perch, and other low-fat fish.
  • 7. A child with teeth after 10 months can already eat meatballs from boiled and twisted meat instead of mashed potatoes, and then soft steam cutlets. You can use special children's canned meat and fish, and canned meat and dairy products from offal.
  • 8. By the end of the first year of life, many children switch to 4 meals a day. Weaned usually by 11-12 months.
  • 9. You can not overfeed children - excess weight leads to early obesity, diabetes, childhood hypertension, dysfunction of the gonads and other diseases!
  • To the table of contents
  • Nutrition for older children
  • from 1 year to 3 years
  • Babies grow and develop rapidly, they have more teeth, the acidity of gastric juice and the activity of digestive enzymes increase, taste is formed, the volume of the stomach increases, motor processes intensify.
  • After 1-1.5 years, children should get used to more dense foods that require chewing. Porridge should be cooked from boiled cereals, vegetables - stewed or in the form of casseroles with cottage cheese, cereals. Raw, baked, stewed vegetables are very useful.
  • The first place in the nutrition of children is occupied by milk and dairy products.
  • From 1.5-2 years old, it is allowed to give the child a small piece of mild, non-spicy cheese, including processed dietary cheese. Eggs are useful for children of this age - boiled or in the form of omelettes.
  • Useful wheat and rye bread, lean meats and fish.
  • To the table of contents
  • Nutrition for preschoolers
  • At this age, food should be even more varied. The set of products is expanding, their volume is increasing, the culinary processing of dishes is becoming more complicated, approaching the generally accepted one.
  • Milk and dairy products remain the main food. Complex snacks from fresh vegetables are very useful in combination with fruits, berries, vegetable oil or sour cream. Vegetables can also be boiled, fried, stewed.
  • From meat, you can cook cutlets, stew, boil, fry it. The menu includes a variety of fish dishes.
  • As a first course, broths from meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, mushrooms are recommended. You can fill them with vegetables, noodles, potatoes, cereals, etc. By-products are widely used.
  • Useful cereals from all types of cereals, especially with vegetables and fruits.
  • Margarine, fatty meats and fish, smoked meats, spicy seasonings and spices are excluded from the menu!
  • To the table of contents
  • Nutrition for schoolchildren and adolescents
  • In children during school and adolescence, sexual development is formed, they grow rapidly, gaining weight and muscle strength. Sports and physical labor lead to a sharp increase in energy expenditure. The nervous system of children of this age is in a state of considerable stress under the influence of intense cognitive information, the complexity of schooling. That is why it is so important to provide schoolchildren and adolescents with wholesome food, to properly organize a diet.
  • It is advisable to include dietary butter, sour cream in the diet.
  • Schoolchildren should receive meat, milk, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, bread daily.
  • In the morning you can give a snack (salad or cheese, sausage), then a meat or fish dish with a side dish or porridge, cottage cheese or egg dishes, tea, milk, coffee, bread and butter.
  • For lunch - salad or vinaigrette, soup, meat or fish with a side dish, compote or juice.
  • In the afternoon - milk, kefir, pastries, fruits.
  • For dinner - dishes from cottage cheese, vegetables, eggs and drink.
  • At this age, unfortunately, children often break the diet, eat randomly, often dry, on the go. These addictions have a detrimental effect on the growing organism. Parents should teach their children to diet from early childhood!
  • To the table of contents
  • Health food
  • With peptic ulcer
  • For chronic gastritis
  • For acute bowel disease
  • For diseases of the liver and gallbladder
  • With obesity
  • With diabetes
  • Next (vitamins)
  • Health food
  • with diabetes
  • Basic principles of clinical nutrition:
  • Frequent (at least 4-5 times) and regular meals;
  • More or less the same in terms of the amount of carbohydrates and caloric content of the main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner);
  • Dietary diversity: wide use of a range of products that do not contain large amounts of sugars;
  • Replacing sugar with sorbitol or xylitol, as well as saccharin, which are added to foods and drinks;
  • Forbidden:
  • Sweets, chocolate, confectionery, muffins
  • Jam, honey, ice cream and other sweets
  • Sugar is allowed in small quantities with the permission of a doctor
  • Lamb and pork fat, spicy, spicy, smoked and salty snacks and dishes, pepper, mustard
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Grapes, bananas, raisins
  • To the table of contents
  • Health food
  • with peptic ulcer
  • Basic principles:
  • Creation of the greatest rest of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Exclusion of products with a strong juice effect;
  • Exclusion of products that mechanically irritate the gastric mucosa (all food is given in a pureed form);
  • It is unacceptable to administer abundant food at one time;
  • Frequent and fractional meals - eating every 3-4 hours;
  • Exclusion of too cold and hot food;
  • Restriction of table salt to 10-12 g per day;
  • High nutritional value of the diet (sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, min salts and vitamins, mainly A, B and C);
  • Meat, fish and strong vegetarian broths are prohibited, especially mushroom, fatty meats and fish, fried meat and fish, refractory fats (beef and lard and mutton fat), raw unmashed vegetable fiber, salty dishes, spicy snacks, canned food, sausages, pastry, pies, brown bread, very cold drinks, ice cream, alcoholic drinks.
  • To the table of contents
  • Health food
  • with obesity
  • Basic principles:
  • Appointment of a low-calorie (reduced) diet;
  • Limited introduction of carbohydrates, especially rapidly soluble and rapidly absorbed (sugar);
  • Limiting animal fats and increasing vegetable fats in the diet;
  • Creating a feeling of satiety thanks to low-calorie, but significant food (raw vegetables and fruits);
  • Multiple, 5-6 meals a day; exclusion of foods that stimulate appetite;
  • Salt restriction in food (up to 5 g) and fluid restriction (up to 1-1.5 l)
  • The use of so-called zigzags in nutrition (contrast, fasting days);
  • Forbidden: sweets, chocolate, confectionery, muffins, ice cream and other sweets, spicy spicy, smoked and salty snacks and dishes, pepper, mustard, horseradish, alcoholic beverages
  • To the table of contents
  • Health food
  • with chronic gastritis
  • Basic principles:
  • Completeness of nutrition, which contributes to the development of compensatory-adaptive reactions of the digestive system and slows down the rate of progression of chronic gastritis;
  • The gradual introduction of food into the body (regular meals, not abundant slow food), which provides the most favorable conditions for the course of the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients;
  • Excluded: very hot and very cold dishes and drinks, pickles, smoked meats, marinades, spicy sauces and seasonings, lard, goose, duck, fatty meat and fish.
  • Restricted: pastry products, fried meat and fish, breaded in breadcrumbs, canned snacks, raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, milk in its natural form, black bread, carbonated drinks.
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  • Health food
  • in diseases of the liver and gallbladder
  • Basic principles:
  • A sufficient amount of complete, easily digestible proteins in the diet;
  • The quality and quantity of fats is determined by the condition of the patient;
  • The amount of carbohydrates in the diet should not exceed the physiological norm, and for obese patients should be reduced;
  • Maximum sparing of the diseased organ, which is achieved by the thoroughness of the culinary processing of food (boiled, chopped or pureed food);
  • Frequent fractional meals for better digestion and assimilation, choleretic action, improvement of intestinal motility;
  • The inclusion in the diet of foods rich in fiber, which increases the choleretic effect of the diet;
  • Forbidden: fatty pork, lamb, goose, duck, fried foods, refractory fats, rich broths, smoked meats, canned food, cocoa, chocolate, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms, as well as any alcoholic drinks, cold drinks, ice cream.
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  • Health food
  • in acute bowel diseases
  • Basic principles:
  • Increased excretion of fluid in the first days of the disease;
  • Introduction into the body of all nutrients necessary for life, especially animal proteins (meat, fish, fresh cottage cheese, eggs);
  • Ensuring good digestion of food with a minimum load on the digestive organs, which is achieved by a special selection of the most easily digestible products and their processing (food is given in pureed form, boiled in water or steamed);
  • Excluded: sauces and spices, natural tea, black coffee, cocoa on the water, decoction of wild rose, blueberries, bird cherry, butter in limited quantities (20-30 g per day), no more than 5 g per serving
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  • Let's talk about vitamins
  • Further
  • Group A vitamins
  • B vitamins
  • C vitamins
  • D vitamins
  • Group A vitamins
  • First of all, vitamin A is found in milk fats, butter, egg yolk, milk, fish oil, etc. There is no vitamin A in vegetable products. However, many vegetables and other plant products (carrots, pumpkin, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, apricots, etc.) contain a yellow coloring matter - carotene, which in the human body turns into vitamin A. Carotene, getting into the human liver, passes into active vitamin A. Cereal crops are poor in carotene. Most of it is in yellow corn.
  • However, 1/3 of the daily requirement of vitamin A, the human body should receive with dairy products and fats.
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  • B vitamins
  • All B vitamins are usually found in foods together. There are many of them in rye bread, in oatmeal, buckwheat and barley groats. Especially rich in vitamin B1 baker's and brewer's yeast. In the absence of vitamin B1 in the human diet, a disease known as beriberi develops. For the first time, this disease was discovered in the countries of the East, where rice has a large share in the diet. The higher the grade of rice, the less vitamin B1 it contains, which is found in rice bran and is absent in the grain itself.
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  • C vitamins
  • Vitamin C is antiscorbutic. If there is little vitamin C in the body, then the body's resistance to infectious diseases decreases, drowsiness appears, attention is weakened, pain and bleeding of the gums appear when brushing the teeth. With a prolonged lack of vitamin C in the body, scurvy develops.
  • Vitamin C is found mainly in fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. It is especially abundant in black currants, green onions, and rose hips. Lots of vitamin C in lemons, oranges, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables and fruits. However, constant sources of vitamin C are fresh cabbage and potatoes.
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  • D vitamins
  • With vitamin D deficiency, mineral metabolism is disturbed. Fragility of bones appears, rickets develops. There is a loss of appetite, nervousness, sweating appear, sleep is disturbed, instability to infectious diseases is manifested.
  • Vitamin D is found in fish oil, animal liver and especially fish liver, butter, egg yolk, milk.
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  • Conclusion
  • In this project, we considered:
  • The basic principles of healthy and proper nutrition, studied the basic rules of food consumption, in which a person feels healthy, vigorous and has no problems with being overweight.
  • Diet for children from birth to 18 years
  • Diet for people with various diseases
  • The content of vitamins in certain foods
  • Thus, we found out that nutrition should be moderate, varied, and the mode of eating should be observed. It is necessary to consume food rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  • Children of all ages need proper and nutritious nutrition. Food items are selected according to the age of the child.
  • For people with acute and chronic diseases, special nutrition is provided, following which they will feel good and not experience complications of their illness.
  • By following the basics of proper nutrition, you will always be HEALTHY!
  • Used Books
  • "School Nutrition". Gostorgizdat 1990. Authors: S. R. Groznov and L. I. Sidorova
  • "The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food". Publishing house "Kolos" 1993. Editor-compiler: L. I. Vorobieva
  • "Your Blood Type: Diet and Lifestyle". Publishing house "Phoenix" 2002.
  • "Healthy food". Publishing house "Panacea" 2005.
  • "Fundamentals of a Healthy Lifestyle". Publishing house "Panacea" 2003. Authors: Velsky A. A., Krotkov A. R., Lyutina M. F.

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