Who is a misanthrope. Psychological causes and correction of misanthropy

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Misanthrope - who is it? People often describe each other psychological type. And one of these psychotypes is a misanthrope. Now we will analyze the following questions: the meaning of the words “misanthrope” and “misanthropy”, is a misanthrope good or bad, why do people become misanthropes?

After reading the article, please write in the comments which psychotype you consider yourself to be - a misanthrope or? Do you think being a misanthrope is good or bad? What real people or characters from books or films do you know? For example, I associate this word with Dr. House.

The term "misanthrope" comes from the Greek words "hatred" and "man" and literally means "misanthropy". There are many synonyms for this word:

  • hater
  • unsociable,
  • Hermit, etc.

You can read the full definition of this word in Wikipedia. In this article, I will describe this concept in simple terms.

Misanthropy is a feeling of hatred for the world around us, for people, for their imperfection. As a rule, this feeling has a global character and is directed to all people. However, there are narrower forms of misanthropy in relation to:
  • Men - misandry (man-hatred);
  • Women - misogyny (misogyny);
  • Children - misopedia (unnatural, pathological hatred, disgust for children).

The main signs of a misanthrope

Since there is no single form of misanthropy, the signs of a misanthrope may differ accordingly. However, there is a so-called standard set» qualities:

  • A sharp and nervous reaction to attempts at contact;
  • Protests against the norms, rules and foundations of society;
  • Contempt and contempt for other people.

Oddly enough, but misanthropes at home can behave quite normally and even love some relatives. But often the opposite is also true - a person closes himself from relatives, withdraws into himself.

At work, misanthropes can also be normal, in particular, if the team is small. If a misanthrope wants to move up the career ladder, then he can be very kind and courteous.

Misanthropes are very demanding of people and do not forgive mistakes, therefore, in relationships, whether it be friendship or love, they have difficulties.

Is it good to be a misanthrope or bad?

There is no definite answer to this question. Since misanthropy different people manifests itself in different ways, then the result of this manifestation can be completely unexpected. For example, many misanthropes do charity work. Why do they do it? There are several answers to this question. Some want to thereby raise their self-esteem, while others are engaged in charity for the selfish purpose of forming their image.

Also, do not forget about the degree of expression of your misanthropy in society. For example, someone can be quietly and peacefully alone, enjoying it. And someone, on the contrary, can aggressively show their misanthropy. Some, moreover, do it quite openly. If the first type does not pose a threat to themselves and society, then the second type can harm both themselves and people.

Why do people become misanthropes?

Often misanthropy manifests itself in vulnerable, soft personalities who are faced with the imperfection of this world. A world that didn't live up to their expectations.

Often, signs of misanthropy occur during adolescence, when there is a misunderstanding between parents, teachers, etc. Signs of misanthropy can begin to appear after some serious mental trauma.

What to do if you find signs of a misanthrope in yourself?

To begin with, I will say that there is no reason for excitement and panic. And now I'll tell you why:

  • First, misanthropes have an above-average level of intelligence. And that's flattering, isn't it?
  • Second, misanthropy corrects itself over time, so even the most stubborn misanthropes can begin to love society.


I tried to analyze in detail with you the concept of "misanthrope" and "misanthropy". I am very glad if this information was useful and interesting for you.

Write in the comments which psychotype you consider yourself to be - a misanthrope or ?

Another question: what do you think a misanthrope or a philanthropist would publish such a video for the article (help me answer the question: who am I - a misanthrope or a philanthropist?).

- (Greek: this. see the previous next). Human hater. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MISANTROP in Greek. misanthropes; for etymology, see Misanthropy. Human hater. Explaining 25,000 foreign words... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

misanthrope- a, m. misanthrope gr. miseo I hate + anthropos man. A man who hates people, alienating them; misanthrope, unsociable. BAS 1. The essence of netsyii .. they have a freak in their thoughts, that everything is sinful and bad for them, it seems that either ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Unsociable, hater, misanthrope. Ant. philanthropist, philanthropist Dictionary of Russian synonyms. misanthrope see misanthrope Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide… Synonym dictionary

MISANTROPE, a, husband. (book). A person prone to misanthropy. | female misanthrope, i. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Husband. pka wives. a misanthrope who hates people in general. picnic, picnic, to misanthropy, hatred of humanity, related Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

- (from the Greek μισέω, "to hate" and ἄνθρωπος, "man") misanthropic person prone to misanthropy. This tendency can be both a philosophy of life and a mental illness. The word became especially widespread after ... ... Wikipedia

misanthrope- the Greek verb "miseo" means "I hate", the noun "antropos" means "man". A misanthrope is someone who can't stand others. This word entered the Russian language in early XIX century and had at first different shades of meanings. A.S. Pushkin in one of ... ... Entertaining etymological dictionary

Star. misanropy, pl., F. Prokopovich; see Smirnov 195. The first is from the French. misanthrope, which became especially widespread after Molière's comedy, and the second form - under the influence of new. Greek pronunciation μισάνθρωπος. Through the Polish misanthrope in… … Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

M. One who is prone to misanthropy. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Misanthrope, misanthropes, misanthrope, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes, misanthropes (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak") ... Forms of words


  • Misanthrope, Meyerbeer Giacomo. Reprint music edition of Meyerbeer, Giacomo`Menschenfeindlich`. Genres: Songs; For voice, piano; for voices with keyboard; scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the bass voice; Scores…
  • Misanthrope, Chingiz Abdullayev. The newest passenger plane crashes in Perm Russian production. Miraculously, only one passenger, a twelve-year-old girl, survives in the crash. She comes to her senses and tells...

What characterizes a person as a misanthrope

To understand who a misanthrope is, you should refer to the dictionary. IN AND. Dahl monosyllabically defines that this is a person who hates people. However, over time, the interpretation of many concepts is expanding. Today, the word "misanthrope", the meaning of which is often misinterpreted, actually means a person who does not accept dogmas and social principles, is hostile to most people. Moreover, the circle of communication of such a person can be quite large. It is important to distinguish: who is a misanthrope, and who is simply hiding behind this image, justifying his bad temper or social phobia. The concept is, first of all, ideological. Or even, if you like, ideological. It does not depend on character traits. A misanthrope can be either a constantly gloomy and unsociable person, or a merry fellow who radiates laughter and joy.

Misanthropes in cinema and literature

The image of a misanthrope is very popular in modern cinema and literature: the characters of Charles Bukowski, Ivan Karamazov in the novel by F. Dostoevsky and Pechorin in the notorious “A Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. do not differ in love for people. Lermontov. Chatsky in the novel by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". The icon of today's youth is the image of Gregory House from the series "Doctor House". House boldly declares: "I'm a misanthrope" and openly disregards generally accepted norms of behavior, considering the people around him narrow-minded. Misanthropes are Tony Stark from Iron Man and Perry Cox from Clinic. Thanks to the film industry, such behavior is associated with extraordinary, gifted people who put business above accepted conventions. However, this is not always the case in real life.

Notable misanthropes

There is an opinion that it is difficult to succeed with such a character, but many celebrities have refuted this theory in practice. Famous Russian TV presenter Alexander Gordon never hid that he did not like people. However, he was repeatedly recognized as the most popular person on television according to the results of public opinion polls. For a long time, the former lead singer of The Smiths, Stephen Patrick Morissi, has made it a habit to limit communication with people as much as possible. Beloved by many Hollywood comedian and theater actor, the hero of such iconic films as "Ghostbusters" and "Lost in Translation", from childhood he showed his misanthropic tendencies: he fought daily with classmates, drew caricatures of teachers and directors. They did not disappear from him even in adulthood.

Summing up

It is paradoxical that it is misanthropes who often make discoveries useful for all mankind or are the idols of millions. On the other hand, misanthropy served as a certain ground for fascist and Nazi ideologies. So it is not so important who the misanthrope is: an ordinary, unremarkable person or a television star. The determining factor is the rejection of conformism and public morality as personal guidelines. To be a real misanthrope, you need courage and strong convictions - just having a heavy and bad temper is not enough.

Basic information

Misanthrope - a person who avoids the company of people, is unsociable, suffers, or vice versa enjoys misanthropy (misanthropy). This tendency may be the basis of life philosophy. The word became especially popular after Molière's comedy The Misanthrope. The opposite is the philanthropist.


Misanthropy is commonly misinterpreted as an individualized hatred of all people. Because of this, the term is often erroneously endowed with negative connotative meanings. Although misanthropes show a general dislike for humanity in general, they tend to maintain normal relations with certain specific people, but the number of such people will necessarily be limited. For misanthropes, a careful choice of those with whom to communicate and be friends is typical. Here, the antipathy of the misanthrope is especially well manifested, since they are characterized by contempt for common human mistakes and weaknesses, including their own.

Misanthropy can be motivated by feelings of isolation and social exclusion, or simply by contempt for characteristic features common to most of humanity. Determining the misanthropic disposition of a personality in practice can be difficult: firstly, its correction is possible, including due to the awareness of social prestige. Similarly, the mask of a misanthrope can be a method of defensive behavior, social mimicry, the purpose of which is the maximum blockade of social and communicative ties.

Notable misanthropes

In popular culture

In film and television

In literature

In comics


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See what "Misanthropy" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek from miseo hate, and anthropos man). Hatred of people, misanthropy. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MISANTROPY in Greek. misanthropia, from miseo, hate, and anthropos, man... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Alienation, hostility, misanthropy, hatred. Ant. philanthropy, philanthropy Dictionary of Russian synonyms. misanthropy see misanthropy... Synonym dictionary

    misanthropy- and, well. misanthropie f. misathropia gr. miseo hate + anthropos man. Hatred towards people, alienation from them. ALS 1. Misanthropy already covers my brow. Bibikov Letters 104. // Sl. 18. Imagine that nothing reaches my desert ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    misanthropy- (wrong misanthropy) ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    Misanthropy- Misanthropy ♦ Misanthropie Hatred or contempt for humanity on the part of one who is himself a part of it. Therefore, misanthropy is less reprehensible than mere hatred directed solely at an external object (for example, ... ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

    - (Greek misanthropia), dislike for people, misanthropy ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (Greek misanthropia) dislike for people, misanthropy ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    misanthropy, misanthropy, pl. no, female (Greek misanthropia) (book). Hatred of people, misanthropy. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    MISANTROPY, and, wives. (book). Dislike, hatred for people, alienation from them. | adj. misanthropic, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

All people can be conditionally divided into types in relation to people and the surrounding reality. A person who does not like people is called a misanthrope. This is a kind of interesting psychological phenomenon that has been manifesting itself for several centuries. What is it and how to determine the features of misanthropy in a person?


The concept of misanthropy is opposed to philanthropy. And if a misanthrope is a person who does not love people, then a philanthropist, on the contrary, is distinguished by great love and a sense of compassion for people.

If in the 19th century misanthropes could be counted on the fingers, today there are quite a lot of them. This attitude to the world has become popular among young people. Such people communicate with each other and unite in online communities.

It is interesting that a misanthrope, a person who did not want to love humanity, is able to reverently relate to animals. Although the view on this is ambiguous: philanthropists do not believe that misanthropes are capable of loving someone. Moreover, they are considered rare egoists.

How does misanthropy arise?

Misanthropy is a rather strange and not entirely studied psychological manifestation. It can arise at any age: individual traits, harsh judgments in relation to people can be heard even from children.

Misanthropy can manifest itself spontaneously in a person. For example, a man was walking down the street and suddenly saw a group of people torturing a poor dog. Only for a second you can become a witness to this scene, and here we have a person who does not like people. This dislike may arise not for humanity as a whole, but only for individual features inherent in the majority of the population of the planet Earth.

In the end, a misanthrope is a person who has never loved and has contempt for such a thing as “love”. Such people wince at the sight of couples in love and lock themselves at home on Valentine's Day.

However, it cannot be said that misanthropes are absolutely alone. Whatever their hatred for humanity and the earthly, they, like other people, have to go to work, communicate with colleagues, etc. It’s just that such people keep their distance and try not to become attached to anyone.

How to communicate with misanthropes

A person who does not like people, in principle, does not cause a desire to communicate with him. Misanthropes are able to bring their loved ones to hysteria with their judgments, therefore, isolating themselves from their society, as they say, is more expensive for themselves.

With such a person, a person with a similar worldview can make friends. In addition, no matter what the misanthropes are, they, like any other person, need to communicate with a living person. Yes, it is also more pleasant to hate humanity not alone.

According to psychologists, the only thing that can give misanthropes a chance to be reborn is love and the appearance of a child. A person can hate and despise people all his life, but maternal or paternal feelings will sooner or later manifest themselves on an instinctive level.

If you want to make friends with a misanthrope or become closer to him, then you need to try not to get into his inner world and be kind and friendly. Perhaps his heart will thaw and hatred will recede into the background.

Most often, misanthropy is a manifestation of youthful maximalism. In this case, everything will fall into place as soon as a person gets older.

Love for misanthropes

Despite external callousness and selfishness, misanthropes often attract people. Girls especially fall under their spell. If you can directly state: “I love a person who does not need it,” then perhaps you met a misanthrope.

In this case, first you need to be patient: it can be difficult to communicate with such a person, and some judgments of a misanthrope can lead to white heat.

Next, you should help the misanthrope to take the path of correction. It is necessary to try to show the positive aspects of humanity, but the most important thing is to show the misanthrope that he is also an ordinary person and he has his own needs, advantages and disadvantages.

Even if the person is not loving people, became soft, some character traits, quite possibly, will be with him until the end of his life. This is pride, vanity, a kind of arrogance and swagger.

To fall in love with a misanthrope is, to some extent, to sacrifice oneself. But perhaps this is not so bad, because every person in the world deserves to love and be loved.

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