Design computer desk on the balcony. How to turn a balcony in a comfortable office: advice on improvement and design

Engineering systems 12.08.2019
Engineering systems

A separate office is a dream of many people. Often, the dimensions of the apartment do not allow him to give it the desired area. If the apartment has a balcony, then you can make another room from it and equip it on your taste. The working office on the balcony will be interesting decisioncarrying many advantages.

  • Workstation on the loggia will have a lot of natural light, good ventilation, and this important conditions For office.
  • The ability to create a working area, retreasing from households.
  • View of the street outside the window.
  • A secluded place where you can work at any time.

To implement this idea to life, you will have to try, after performing several types of work.

What need to do

To create a workplace on the balcony, it is necessary to carry out events that transform the room from an uncomfortable space with drafts into a full-fledged room equipped with a destination.

Approximate list of works:

  1. You need to start with glazing the balcony.
  2. Conduct electrical work.
  3. Think about how to insulate the future office.
  4. Perform the decoration of the room.
  5. Cabinet arrangement with suitable furniture.


It is good to use PVC double-glazed windows with double, and even better with triple glazing. This will solicitely complement the arrangements for insulation and sound insulation of the room. Single windows will not help in maintaining heat, have to strengthen.
The office has a small area, and that it becomes a comfortable and favorite place to work, you should consider each item, finding harmony between them. When glazing, it is necessary to plan, in what places the flaps should be opened so that they do not block the workplace, and if necessary, you could wash the windows. To ventive, it is good to install several packages with swivel-folding flaps.

The balcony is a structural plate built into carrying wall According to the console principle. At its edge, fence is made. Before making glazing and equip personal Area on the balcony with their own hands, follows determine the status of the plate and, if necessary, strengthen it. It is necessary that the balcony is able to withstand the load from the designs of glazing and other elements. The stove of the loggia is based on three sides on the walls and is more sturdy construction, and glazing on it is required on the one hand.

Note: In any case, the plates and the balcony and on the loggia should be in good condition. The same applies to the parapet, therefore, if necessary, you can additionally install parapet from foam blocks.

Electric installation work

Planning how to make a cabinet from the balcony, you need to remember that the use of electricity will need in the cabinet. We have to light the workplace if the work is not only in the daytime. Therefore, you can make point lighting - above the desktop and position the outlet in its zone to connect, for example, a computer. Should be paved or cable channel from the apartment under the wiring and make it better at the beginning of the repair and construction work.


To create a comfortable microclimate on the balcony, you should perform insulation of side walls, ceiling and floor. For insulation of the balcony, light materials with low thermal conductivity are chosen, such as mineral wool, foam or extruded polystyrene foam.

Cabinets on a loggia or balcony, you can pour a screed to the floor or make the floor on the lags. In the process of insulation, waterproofing and vaporizolation are performed. The choice of the method of insulation is coordinated with the planned finish of the floor and walls.

An important event on the insulation of the premises is the careful seal of all the cracks. If this is not done, then all the efforts to arrange an office with comfortable temperature will be defective.

From our separate article you will learn. In it, you will also find tips on the selection of lamps.

For more information about the insulation of the balcony in the material, the cases of thermal insulation using the most popular materials are considered.


If warming is performed qualitatively, it will contribute to the conservation of temperature in the office, but without heating it is most often not to do. For floor, you can use an electric warm floor. Since steam heating is prohibited on a balcony or possibly only to resolve certain organs, autonomous heaters are departed.

Convectors and oil heaters

Now exercise on sale big choice Such devices. They are beautiful and effective. Electric convectors I. oil heaters Possess when exploiting advantages:

  • eco-friendly, not "overlap" in the room oxygen,
  • safe
  • well adjustable
  • oil heater is mobile, easily moved to another place.

There is only one minus in their application - considerable electricity consumption, and, consequently, the method of insulation is not cheap.

IFC heaters

The devices work as long-wavelength emitters (infrared range). They are represented by panels that hang under the ceiling or on the walls. There are separate options for heaters that can freely move to any place.

Advantages of applying as heating devices:

  • effective and economical in work,
  • heat is distributed evenly,
  • it is heated with objects and people, not air indoors,
  • installation of suspended panels can be performed independently
  • well fit into the design of the office on the balcony.

Finishing of the room

What applied finishing material For a balcony or loggia - should be based on personal preferences. The goal is to create a situation where it will be better to work.

Among options:

  • lining
  • plastic,
  • plasterboard,
  • plastering.

A good loggia solution is the use of drywall. On its surface make plaster, painting or glue wallpaper. You can create a real office atmosphere. Camping is environmentally friendly, the material is light, it remains only to decide whether business style. Plastic - lightweight material, beautiful and easy to install, attached to anything, suitable for ceiling decor and walls. To finish the ceiling also use - sandwich panels, they are different color, lungs and have thermal insulation qualities.

Linoleum is light, mimics a variety of parquet textures made of valuable breeds or other natural surfaces. Is an budget option For warm balconies. Laminate is more suitable for heated loggias, because it has a density of appropriate heavy wood. The material is beautiful, functional, wear-resistant. But, basically, in this matter it all depends on the taste and personal preferences of the owner.

For the glazed part, as finishing use horizontal shutters. They are able to adjust the light stream well, which is necessary to maintain the working atmosphere. In addition, they have a huge variety of colors and design solutions, which makes it possible to choose blinds accurately to a specific setting.

Read our instruction article and you will learn all the details of that and that it will be needed for this.

About laying laminate on the balcony there is information. By the way, it can be applied not only for floor finish.

Design and selection of furniture

How to make a cabinet on the balcony so that it was convenient and nice to spend time and fruitfully worked - skillfully perform the design of the room, including a thorough selection of furniture. Well divide the room to the zone.

When the balcony is revealed to the office, it is important to connect the entire interior one designer ideaSo that the colors, the texture of materials and the form of the objects of the situation are harmoniously combined. Color It is desirable to pick up non-larky, monophonic, setting up on business way. Dark tones will visually reduce space. Light shades - visually make the room more and configure the good condition of the spirit, it is desirable to use pastel natural tones for this.

To create a pleasant atmosphere in the field of view at the workplace, we have a photo, a picture, a statement or craft, which raise the mood, is consonant with the owner of the cabinet.
Furniture should be a bit, but choosing it should be done carefully.


Considering the size of the balcony, it will be better to construct the countertop yourself or order. If necessary, you can make another retractable table top for the keyboard just below the level from the first.


It is important that the chair is comfortable, it will allow a long time to work with a good return. Suitable office chair Or a chair with the ability to adjust its height and position of the back.

The wardrobe is better to perform from the lung materials and think that it is multifunctional, for example, one of the sash has been folded and carried out the appointment of a table where you can drink coffee.

Having arranged a personal office on the balcony, householder will expand the possibilities of the apartment and will enjoy creating workspace to your taste.

Cabinet on the balcony photo

We bring to your attention a few more photos. You may like some design ideas that you can embody in your future mini office.

The glazed and insulated balcony has long received the status of residential space. It is often used as a utility room for drying linen or growing plants. However, an additional area can easily arrange a more functional room. Advanced tenants equip the workplace on the balcony or loggia: a small workshop, a cozy office, a children's corner or a joinery.

Following the desire to transform balcony space, the ideas of its reincarnation appear. Registration and construction activities are completely dependent on plans of one who becomes the conditional owner of the premises. The workshop for an adult family member requires a more practical, business approach, and the place of study for a child is completely different.

Cozy workstation on loggias for schoolchildren or students

First of all, the project should be invented - make a plan for re-equipment of the balcony in a more comfortable room. It is better to draw a sketch or prepare a printout of a virtual interior created in the computer program. Then you need to write a list of everything that will make interior of the room.

Be sure to take into account the following points:

  • daylight day and electric evening;
  • comfortable furniture for work;
  • comfortable air temperature;
  • nice but not distracting the decor;
  • neutral color gamut.

No need to forget that the corner for work is still different from the restroom, so couches, sofas, comfortable rocking chairs there will be superfluous.

Simple, but elegant economy class project for typical three-meter balcony

If planned to be equipped school cornerBe sure to ask the child about his preferences. It depends on what desire it will perform homework, read or engage in creativity. Adults are usually oriented towards the degree of comfort and a relaxed atmosphere.

Ways to organize a working space

If you still decided to highlight the balcony or part of it under the workplace, approach each stage of arrangement. Insufficient lighting or uncomfortable furniture may cause carefully prepared square meters Again turns into a dryer or storage room. Start by S. overhaul (if it was not yet), and finish - designer design.

Thermal insulation - pledge of comfort and coziness

Apriori Your balcony is glazed, otherwise the residential premises will not work out. However, one glazing is not enough, high-quality thermal insulation is required so that the heat does not leave the room.

Walls are insulated with extrusion polystyrene foam "Penoplex"

The selection of insulating material depends entirely on the winter temperature on the street. Usually use foam plates foamed polystyrene or minvati. All non-beam surfaces are insulated, including the floor and ceiling - it is necessary to take into account when calculating the material. In addition to the insulation, it will be necessary parosolation film and material for the crate (timber or lining). The finishing decorative layer is chosen based on the material possibilities and the selected style.

Wood and floor decoration with wooden panels

One of the options for thermal insulation of the floor on the balcony looks like this (bottom up):

  • Concrete screed.
  • Parosolation - membrane or film.
  • Mats or heat-insulation rolls in the crate.
  • Leveling flooring or plywood.
  • Outdoor coating (linoleum, tile, laminate).

If a concrete plate In order, you do not need to do the screed. The wall decoration and the ceiling occurs in the same order.

Solar Scheme S. decorative finish Plastic panels

For lining of walls, lining or plastic is usually used, but other options, for example, clinker tiles or ordinary plaster with subsequent painting are possible. Wallpaper Use not recommended, since in conditions high humidity And possible drafts they can quickly come off.

Lighting system

If the muffled light is perfect for recreation, then bright, but soft lighting is needed for fruitful work. On the one hand, the table and items on it should be clearly visible, and on the other - the rays should not cut the eyes.

Chandelier S. daylightceiling

The advantage of the workplace on the balcony, where one wall is completely glass, in the fact that there is enough natural light in the daytime. Even in winter, the window is considered fairly light and suitable for writing, reading, working at a computer or needlework. For evening work, the installation of lamps will be required.

Table lamp on a long dynamic clamp

The top light is good when it is located directly above the workplace. But if the chandelier is suspended in the center of the loggia, and the table is installed in the corner, a table lamp or a luminaire on a clamp, fixed on the wall or shelf, is required. The main thing is that the light does not blind eyes and illuminated the working zone - written or computer desk, crafting table.

Lamp with lampshade creates a cozy atmosphere

But you must first take care of the wiring. Usually in the wall drill a hole through which the wires from the distribution box of the residential room are driving.

Options for laying electrical cable for loggia

Taking into account the fact that the balcony is completely protected from precipitation and temperature drops, the degree of protection of the lamps may be the same as in room analogs - not higher than IP44.

Interior Design

Designer solutions for the interior of the balcony infinite set, even if it is work room or office. More composed of the design project of the organization of the workplace on the balcony, all issues relating to finish finish Wall and floor, selection of furniture and lamps.

Usually the office or workshop is separated in neutral style close to modern minimalism. However, it often use elements of other suitable directions to give individuality.

Project in contrasting gamme

On the balcony where a lot of light is welcome scandinavian style: Bright, ergonomic, easy to perform furniture, minimum curtain, snow-white or pastel walls. For a more statical workplace choose a good classic: Wooden walls of walls, leather armchair, table from natural tree.

Schoolboy or a student is conveniently engaged in an inexpensive desk, but it will take many shelves and boxes for school supplies, a place for a PC or a laptop. The student is difficult to attribute to some defined style.

Cozy place for young schoolgirl

In addition to furniture, which should be a bit on the type balcony, you should pay attention to the drapery of the windows. Tight blinds or curtains in summer create a comfortable half-day, while transparent curtains will not protect against sun ray, It will be impossible to do.

Wooden blinds - strictly and noble

Often, a tile is used for floor cladding. If the "Warm floor" system is mounted under it, additional insulation No need, otherwise it is additionally recommended to lay a warm mat.

Nuances of the workplace equipment

The place to work is the concept of relative. For one, this is a comfortable computer desk with a chair on the rollers, for the other - small tableiR with a comfortable soft chair, for the third - workbench, near which it is required to work standing, and not sitting. Each of them has its own features and distinctive features. The rest of the workplace depends on the rest of the workplace.

Office Cabinet

The office is also called the place of work of an adult, which decides important problems And domestic labor earns money, and a class of a schoolboy, where you have to write a lot, read and print.

To work or the creative process, it does not prevent anything, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere for which such features are characteristic as:

  • neutral, calm colors in the decoration of walls and furniture;
  • local full-fledged lighting in the zone of the table;
  • comfortable chair or chair;
  • ergonomic - everything should be at hand;
  • silence.

The last item provides double / triple double glazing and closed door to the room.

Homely cozy corner for study

If you equip the place where you have to write a lot or use the computer, you need a comfortable table. A modern workplace for a schoolboy on the balcony implies presence, except PC or laptop, additional equipment: a copy machine, printer, scanner or MFP, which combines listed devices.

Compact mini-office on the balcony with a kit of office equipment and aquarium

At the same time, not quite ordinary materials may participate in the wall decoration. For example, to create an environment in an industrial style, you can decorate the walls for concrete or brick.

Unexpected balcony Loft.

For girls are not characterized overly strict canons in the creation of the interior, so it is quite appropriate to a living range in the design, use room flowers To decorate the working corner, and many decor on the walls, shelves and the wall.

The project "Office" for a lover of flowers

Adults, as a rule, do not like to clutter the room with superfluous objects to get as a result really business atmosphere. Nothing should interfere with accounting estimates or create a new engineering project.

If your goal is a home mini-office, more on how to furnish and check out, read in a separate publication.

Handwriter workshop

Have a separate corner for home needlework - the dream of many women who are in the free time from the main work time to knit, sew, embroider or engage in other types of applied creativity. Small square Standard urban apartments do not always allow to allocate for needlewomen not that room, but even a small cozy zone. Many "move" to the kitchen or to the bedroom, but there is also a deficit of space.

Air conditioning in the workshop will avoid drafts

Balcony is a great way out. Using an additional area, you can make a real workshop, with a desktop and lockers, where hundreds of coils with threads, yarn, yarn, needles, billets for decoupage and scrapbooking, paints and pencils, beads and sequins.

Original I. functional design Table S. glass cover: Content Boxes Point

Applied homemade art is difficult to call work, it's rather a hobby, so there should be no rigor in the design of the workplace of the needlewoman on the balcony. The main thing is that the master felt comfortable, and this is a comfortable chair, and a table in size, and a thoughtful storage system. Drawers with numerous consumables You can install under the table or on the shelves, secure on the walls. We use a shelf, lockers and mezzanine.

Workshop beginner artist

If creativity does not imply the use of a large number of materials and tools, then the wall can be stored for the storage of labor results.


If the apartment lives a homemade craftsman, then the balcony can be safely presented to him - under the workshop. There is enough space to work with wood or metal, soldering or assembly of electronic gadgets. Thanks to the individual workshop, the younger generation will learn from childhood. electrical circuitsCut from the tree of ships and sharpen knives.

Real men's place to work

As the basis for the workbench or just desktop can be used old furniture - the same kitchen or desk. It can be upgraded by adding an end with drawers, shelves or tool racks.

Economical option to improve the workplace

The small tool and the passage can be decomposed on drawers or boxes, large put on the tabletop. If there is not enough space on little table In the corner, you can fix the long narrow table top along a glazed wall and use it for cutting parts or setting machine tools.

There was a place for a grinding machine

In order to do not rummage in boxes in search of bodies or screwdriver, some of the free walls are discharged to the storage of the tool that is required most often. The panel with hooks or pockets is quite combined as a compact, but very convenient storage system.

Wall Organizer for Tools

Men, like women, love order and comfort. If seriously refer to the placement of furniture, find suitable options tool storage correctly electrical cables And install sockets, it will be a comfortable workshop.

Cozy tree thread

As you can see, it is not difficult to find a corner in the city apartment for creativity, work or study. Numerous photos with design workplaces on the balcony will help you determine the choice of style and nuances of the design.

Overview Corner for needlewomen:

Cabinet "from scratch":

Interesting I. original ideas There is always a place in life. Evaluate the conditions of your balcony - it is possible that you can also install the table and equip a cozy corner for labor. A lot of light fresh air, beautiful landscape in front of the eyes is a great setting in order to work fruitfully and engage in creativity.

Residents big Cityliving in small-sized apartments, you have to be very inventive and use the maximum of every centimeter of residential space. At the same time, many often forget that they have a balcony, and store all unnecessary things or billets for the winter there. This approach is very impracticious, because at that very place you can arrange a zone for recreation, work or creativity.

One of the most practical options For busy people - to arrange a working office on the balcony. If you learn or work, then such a room will help you make a watch spent on a computer, more efficient. On how to organize space on the balcony so that it turns into a mini-office, you will learn from our article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Not every balcony is suitable in order to re-equip it under the office. Decide whether the balcony space can be used for working areaAnd only then go to its arrangement.

If you have an open and unheated balcony, then it is definitely not suitable for the organization there. Also, you should not arrange the workbook on a very tiny balcony, where you will even have nowhere to turn around.

But, of course, this designer solution has its advantages. Separate cabinet, even the smallest is an already great version of the working space. There you can retire and learn or work at your pleasure without distracting the conversations of family, extraneous noise and other external factors.

How to prepare a balcony

If, weighing everything for and against, you still decided to turn your balcony into a small home office, then it must be prepared. If you have open balcony, for example, in the bedroom, then it must be glazed.Thus, you can use your working office at any time of the year, regardless of what the weather outside the window. You can use both cold and warm glazing method.

Ideally, the balcony also needs to be inspired.Heated it outside and inside, you will get a cozy space, where it will be nice to spend time even with winter evenings when outside the frost window. Exist various options insulation. On your balcony, you can use any of them from dense mineral Wat, Before a hermetic foam. All the gaps and openings should be treated with foam or sealant at least a day before you embody all your designer ideas into reality.

It is also desirable to supplement your room also a floor heating system. It is worth such a system is not so cheap, so if such an addition does not fit into your budget, you can limit just laying good laminate or carpet. They are pleasant to the touch, and cool in the cold time is not as fast as the tile.

According to the rules, central heating There is no balcony. Therefore, you will have to warm yourself. To protect OT. winter Morozov Install a small electrical heater on the balcony.


When the foundation of the Cabinet is ready, it is possible to go by arrangement. First, decide on the style. Best of all, such styles as classic, English or modern are suitable for the working office.

Due to the fact that the balcony is a very small and limited room, then you do not need to use too many all sorts of details that will only take free space. Such an attitude to decorative trifles is characteristic of all the styles listed above.

As known, light colors Help to make space visually wider. Therefore, bright colors are best used to decorate the balcony. Wallpaper in pastel colors, laminate from light wood and white ceiling Make your little room more cozy and spacious. The same result can be achieved by installing large windows. For the working office is hardly suitable panoramic glazingThat will be enough simple wide windows.

In a small space, it will be enough for only a few color accents, for example, a bright lamp, a photo frame or a flower in an unusual pot. Such an office will look at the same time and creatively, and quite officially, so it will be comfortable to work there.

In the working office, the right light plays an important role. Since here you will work with a lot of time with books, documents and a computer, then you need the light to be good, and did not spoil your eyesight. If during the day this problem is perfectly solved due to the natural light that falls inside through the windows, then to work at night or evening the day it is worth installing lighting devices on the balcony.

For example, you can install in the corner of the flooring, or lay a small on the table desktop lamp. Naturally, large chandeliers and volume luminaires on a tiny balcony there is no place. Therefore, limit into small lamps or lamps. It is also desirable to hang on the windows of a curtain or blinds to feel comfortable in the evenings. Blinds and curtains, like wallpaper, it is better to choose bright to create the illusion of free space.

Balcony space, in the presence of fantasy, you can use differently. If you seem to be an irrational simple litter of space with old things, then try to convert it to the working office. Establishing such small space In accordance with your requests, you will enjoy, get there behind the work. Inspire the ideas offered by us and examples of the design of other workspaces, and create your dream creative office on the balcony.

Many modern apartments complements small balcony sizes. To free space It did not disappear in vain or not used for easy storage of all sorts of rubbish, it can be turned into a small room. If you work at home or just spend a lot of time at the computer, then you can use a balcony space for organizing an office there.

Features and advantages

This solution has its advantages, and disadvantages. So, if your balcony is already used to store conservation or other things that are no longer placed anywhere, then it is irrational. Another important moment - The design of the balcony itself. If you have an open and not heated, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend much time and money for its arrangement.

Also balcony may be too small. Therefore, it will not fit the chair, nor even a small desktop. But, no doubt, such a designer solution has its advantages. First, you will finally have your own full room, where you will work alone and in silence, without distracting anything.

Balconies, as a rule, are complemented from three sides high and wide windows. If you choose french option glazing, then windows will be floor height to ceiling. This means that natural lighting in the room will constantly be very good. Therefore, you can safely work or read all day without fear for your vision.

A balcony in good weather is very easily ventilated. And from the midges and mosquitoes, it can be protected with a simple mosquito net. So, if you make your workspace correctly, then you will be comfortable to do your affairs in it.

Preparation of space

Before designing a balcony space, it is necessary to carry out basic works on his alteration.

Deciding to arrange the office on the loggia or balcony, create there at the beginning of suitable conditions for work. If the balcony is originally open, it needs to be glazed and insulated additionally. It usually leaves for about a week of free time. Remember also, before carrying out any work, you must receive a special permission for this, and the territory of your future cabinet should be examined by an engineer.

It is also necessary to warm the balcony. First of all, take all cracks with a sealant or special foam. If you are not sure to handle this task, it is better to immediately contact the specialists. After all, if you incorrectly seal the room, it will remain cold.

The miniature balcony should not complement with wide panels. It is better to give preference to foam. This material is good in that it does not reduce the space. The foam should be laid a wall that connects the balcony with the main room. This is simultaneously not only warming the room, but also contributes to good noise insulation.

Another way to insulate the office is to install a warmed floor there. This uses a special system that is paved under ceramic plates or a fabric. To install this type of insulation, you also need a special permission. You can also install the heater in the room of small sizes. Choose a compact converter that will not be the cause of dangerous situations, and will not take much space. The only disadvantage of this type of heating will be what little balcony Your compact heater will strongly overdo the air.

Balcony space is also worth protecting from invasion of insects. Hang mosquito nets on the windows so that the summer and mosquitoes do not irritate you in the evenings. Or install the window immediately with special mosquito inserts, which, if necessary, are easily removed and inserted back.

The next step is to install the lighting. Initially on narrow balcony And even there is no electricity on the loggia. But it can be done there. This procedure is also not worth producing yourself. Wires must lay specialists. The wiring is placed either in the plinths, or under the floor.

In order to work premises It was comfortable for you as comfortable, it is desirable to install in your new room at least two or three sockets. As for lighting, you can restrict ourselves to one lamp or set up the top lighting or sconce. Since it is almost always necessary for work and learning to work, make sure that the signal takes place to the balcony. If not - Swipe the Internet cable.

The final stage of redevelopment of the room - redecorating. Walls and ceiling are best done in bright and fresh colors. The ease of the design of the work office will give a white, light green or coffee-colored wallpaper. The same effect is given and a variety of vegetable or abstract patterns made in the same light shades. Especially good, light base is combined with the furniture of contrasting dark colors.


After redeveloping the space and create all comfortable conditions, You can go to design. In the office should be at least minimum set Furniture. This list includes a desk, chair and shelves or racks. Such equipment will already provide you normal conditions for work. If you put a table in the angle, but above it are the shelves with books and all sorts decorative elementsYou will have a lot of free space.

If the size of the balcony allows, then the equipment can be more. In the office you can install bookcase, armchair, tiny sofa and a small coffee table.

And if there are not enough places, you can stop your choice on a tiny corner table or attached table tops, which are also practically not taken away free space.

In order to save space, you can use window sills available on the balcony. Treat them and paint, and they will become an ideal working surface for you. But you can go to another way by removing all the windowsill. It frees quite a lot of free space.

One more interesting ideathat will help you save space - connect the balcony with the room. So you will have a bedroom, divided into two zones: working and, actually, sleeping. If you want to implement this idea into reality, you can perform both rooms in one style, or divide the room into zones using different variants Design.

We have already talked to the balcony on how to carry out electricity on the balcony. Now let's consider this question from the point of view of aesthetics. Lighting Also are part of the interior. On a narrow balcony, it makes sense to use either high narrow lands, or several desktop lamps. You can also make a choice in favor of traditional top lighting.

Lamps should be chosen under the features of the interior. So, in the Art Nouveau office it will be appropriate to look at a monophonic glass lamp, and indoors performed in english style - Original lamp in vintage style.

In order to feel comfortable in the evenings and were not distracted by the views of the strangers, walking down the street, it is desirable to supplement their premises correctly selected curtains or blinds.

Wide enough to fit a small table, it is quite possible to redo the comfortable and cozy office. Getting Started to develop interior design, it is important to determine whether it will only work or also a small library, a place to rest and privacy. Based on this, despite the not limited space, it is better to break it on the functional zones.

The working office on the balcony will be a good and interesting solution that has a lot of advantages.

  • Privacy: Balcony or Loggia - the most detached place in the depths of the apartment or room. Therefore, even in the case of joining a balcony or loggia to the room, with the subsequent organization on it / her zones for work, a certain isolation is preserved, again, contributing to fruitful work.
  • Illumination: balcony or loggia have a large number of windows
    Consequently, in a bright day of day sunlight It will be the main source of lighting. It should be borne in mind that the natural light is useful for the eyes and, in general, very positively affects the mental and psychological state of a person, and therefore work in such a room will be more pleasant and productive.
  • Ventilation: In a well-ventilated room, the human brain will work at full capacity. And on the balcony or loggia, it contributes to a large number of windows (in addition, the view from the window will delight the eye).

For disadvantages, it is possible to include labor intensity and the cost of transformation conventional balcony Or loggia in a full-fledged office.

Stages of repair work on the balcony

Electric installation work

The future worker mini-cabinet will not be fully used without office equipment, that is, lighting, sockets and switches are needed.


Unfortunately, neither capital insulation, no triple glass windows will be able to provide a comfortable temperature on the balcony during the winter frost. Therefore, it will not be possible to do without additional heating of the mini-cabinet. Heated balcony is carried out electric fireplaces or convectors, since the heating batteries output beyond the apartment is not allowed by law.

The ceiling and walls can be painted in bright shades, and the floor is in the dark, which will create color contrast. Bright hues and beautiful design Balcony in eco-style with practical and comfortable.

When designing a balcony, it is important to combine the whole interior of one designer ideaSo that the colors, the texture of materials and furniture items combined beautifully and harmoniously.

The material, in fact, can be any, the main thing is that the color and texture of the finishes were withstanding in one style. Color It is recommended to choose a non-larky, monophonic to adjust on the business way.

It is advisable to avoid dark tones, because they are visually narrowing the already small room. Very large and quite bright elements also do not choose, as they will distract from work.

Light, pastel, natural shades visually increase the room, soothe and contribute to the worker. One of optimal options There will be a color of natural wood or other unobtrusive shades.

Workplace for a schoolboy on the balcony

In a small apartment, it is pretty problematic to install a computer desk for a schoolboy. And if in the family two children, then problems are doubled. And, nevertheless, having even a loggia, you can create a magnificent worker for schoolchildren.

The table can be made along the window sill, which is quite practical on a narrow balcony. Moreover, under the table you can position boxes and shelves for storing school supplies.

And if there are two schoolchildren in the family, then in this way you can create a workplace for two at the same time.

Blinds or curtains on windows that can protect from heat and make small rooms more comfortable, and the color splash will create a contrast with white and give liveliness to the interior.

Cabinet design on the balcony connected to the room

Quite often, the balcony attach to the room and the warming up it creates a small working corner with different shelves or cabinets.

Rest zone

The opposite side of the balcony can be turned into reading roomBy installing a bookcase made under the order or own. I can look at the racks with books and look at the side wall of the mini-cabinet.

In addition, a small recreation area can be successfully fit in a cozy office, where you can accommodate a small coffee table and a chair to make it nice and conveniently drink a cup of coffee, relax from affairs or read your favorite book. But this option, unfortunately, is possible only if the balcony area allows.

Garden furniture and decor Accessories, such as vases, lamps, lights, candlesticks, wall decorations And attractive pots with plants and flowers will help add charm and style to your design.

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