Mounting blinds on windows: instructions with and without drilling. Do-it-yourself installation of blinds on plastic windows Mounting horizontal blinds on plastic windows

Decor elements 23.06.2020
Decor elements

In order for horizontal blinds to serve for a long time, you need to know how to hang horizontal blinds with your own hands correctly.

And also in our article we will look at how to wash horizontal blinds and repair them ourselves.

Installation of horizontal blinds - step by step instructions

How to fix horizontal blinds? Experts call 3 ways:

Mounting methods

1) To the ceiling.

2) To the wall.

3) In the window opening.

Before direct installation of horizontal blinds, you must do the following:


1. Determine the dimensions of the horizontal blinds (width and height) based on the features of the window opening.

If you want to install horizontal blinds directly into the window opening, then it is advisable to subtract 1-2 cm from the planned width of the structure (correcting uneven slopes).

2. Determine the best location of the control parts - on the left or on the right.

3. In addition, it is necessary to determine the type of fastening:

Set of tools

Either using standard twist brackets, or it will be installation to tilt-and-turn sashes with drilling, or fastening to tilt-and-turn sashes without drilling.

4. Determine the length of the control mechanism. Standard length - 2/3 of the height of the blinds.

Please note that the possible minimum width of the blinds is 22 cm, and the maximum width is 220 cm with a guarantee of trouble-free operation. Of course, you can use 300 cm, but no guarantee. And the height is 250 cm (maximum), if with a guarantee; and without it - 300 cm.

Horizontal blinds - how to install step by step

Now consider how to attach horizontal blinds with your own hands in all three ways:

But first, prepare the necessary tools:

  • Roulette,
  • Pencil,
  • hacksaw,
  • Building level,
  • Drill,
  • Scissors,
  • Fasteners.

Mounting on brackets-twist

Attaching brackets to windows

1) Based on the dimensions of your blinds, mark the mounting points for the brackets. Please note that the distance between them must be at least 60 cm. And the brackets must not fall into the rope lock and control mechanism.

2) Attach the twist brackets to the window frame, wall or ceiling.

3) Turn the latches of these brackets counterclockwise until they stop.

Fixing the brackets to the wall

4) Insert the upper cornice of the blinds into the brackets, while turning the latches clockwise until they stop.

Horizontal blinds: fixing on inclined windows with drilling

Installation of twist brackets

1) Install twist brackets on the upper part of the sash, and corners on its lower part, i.e. lower plastic brackets.

2) Fasten the cables in special bushings.

3) Install these bushings through the springs into the holes along the edges of the upper cornice.

4) Attach the cornice to the brackets.

5) Pass the cable through the holes along the edges of the slats.

6) Insert the second set of bushings into the holes of the lower twist brackets, passing the cable through them, which is then fixed with a screw.

7) Attach the handle hook to the control mechanism.

8) Install the handle holder (on the plate) on the sash.

9) Check the functionality of the finished horizontal blinds.

Horizontal blinds - instructions for installation on inclined windows without drilling

Installation of horizontal blinds without drilling involves the use of cap brackets.

1) Mark the mounting points for the brackets.

2) Use the screws to secure the twist brackets, which should come with the swivel top fasteners.

3) Install the "products" on the top of the sash, while fixing them with a special key.

4) Install the lower cap brackets on the base of the window sash.

5) Fasten the cables in the bushings.

6) Install the bushings through the springs into the holes along the edges of the upper eaves.

7) Fix the eaves on the brackets and thread the cable.

8) Install plastic bushings in the holes of the bottom brackets.

Cornice installation

9) Fix the cable in the bushings with screws.

10) Attach the pen holder.

11) Check how all the elements of the resulting design work.

Conclusion: it is not difficult to install horizontal blinds, the instructions are quite simple!

How to remove horizontal blinds?

Removing blinds

Before you wash horizontal blinds (video can be viewed here :) they must be removed. We'll show you how to do it right. We note right away that it is much more difficult to dismantle horizontal blinds than vertical ones, since the latter have a fairly simple device. You can read more about this in an article on our website.

First, consider how to remove horizontal blinds from a window without brackets:

1. Unfasten the cornices from the brackets that hold the blinds.

2. Remove the decorative cover, if there is one at the attachment point.

3. Raise the slats and, while holding them, locate the latch tabs on the top edge.

4. Pull the latches first towards you and then to the right.

5. Pull the curtains down and forward.

6. Remove the product from the window and close it.

In addition to the method described above, it is also possible to remove horizontal blinds together with brackets:

Usually, for the installation of horizontal blinds, their entire structure is used a standard metal corner and hexagonal screws, which only need to be unscrewed.

Remove the shutters.

If you have a roof window or a window structure with a plastic profile, then often horizontal blinds are installed with removable clips using a clamping key that is turned clockwise.

Locate this key on the clips and carefully turn it in the opposite direction.

If you still have questions - how to remove horizontal blinds video instruction can be viewed here:

How to wash horizontal blinds - detailed instructions

After you have removed the blinds, we proceed to clean them. However, we note that there are different options for caring for horizontal blinds, depending on their material.

How to clean aluminum horizontal blinds?

These blinds are easier to clean if they are not removed from the window structure. So let's get started:

  • Vacuum the blinds to get rid of accumulated dust.
  • Close the blinds tightly to keep the window from splashing.
  • Prepare a soapy solution to which add a little cleaning agent.
  • Apply this solution with a sponge to each plank.
  • Leave for a couple of minutes to make the dirty or greasy coating disappear.
  • Wash each bar thoroughly, fixing it on the reverse side. Otherwise, a fracture will appear on it.
  • Rinse the blinds in warm, clean water.
  • Wipe clean blinds dry.

The method of cleaning metal horizontal blinds can be quite simple. If possible, remove them from the structure. Then:

  • Prepare a dish detergent solution in the bathroom and soak your blinds in it for 1-2 hours.
  • Rinse each plank with a soft sponge. So, you will get rid of the raid.
  • Rinse the blinds and leave them to dry. Or wipe them dry and stick them in place.

How to wash plastic horizontal blinds?

Care of plastic horizontal blinds

Plastic horizontal blinds do not require special care. They perfectly tolerate cleaning and are easily washed, even if a weak soapy solution.

  • Close the blinds and vacuum.
  • Wipe with a damp sponge or cloth soaked in soapy water.

If your blinds are heavily soiled, then they should be removed from the window. And then they are washed in the bathroom, as is the case with aluminum horizontal products.

How to wash horizontal wooden blinds?

Cleaning wooden horizontal blinds with a vacuum cleaner

Wooden blinds are the most expensive and must be carefully looked after. Be aware that it is strictly forbidden to use water, because under its influence, wooden planks can change color and deform. If you want to keep the original look of your blinds, then:

Wipe them with a clean and dry cloth or simply vacuum them.

However, we note that sometimes it is allowed to use a special tool for cleaning unvarnished wooden surfaces.

Repair of horizontal blinds

At the moment, the market is saturated with a variety of components for different types of blinds. Therefore, you can repair horizontal blinds with your own hands. You just need to identify the faulty part, find it and simply replace it with a new one.

However, when disassembling the blinds, be sure to remember the location of all parts and the order of disassembly. Otherwise, you will make a lot of mistakes when reassembling. It is best to photograph the entire disassembly process.

Horizontal blinds

For repairs you will need:



Wire. Bend it in half so that there is an eyelet, like in a needle.

This is necessary to thread the cord.

And now consider the main damage to horizontal blinds and instructions for their elimination:

1. The canvas of the slats stopped working - the swivel mechanism was damaged. To repair it, do the following:

1) Remove the side plugs from the top cornice.

2) Using pliers, pull the axle out of the swivel mechanism.

3) Remove the mechanism. To do this: open the sides of the eaves.

4) Take the new mechanism and assemble the structure in reverse order.

2. The lamellas are damaged:

1) Remove blinds.

2) Squeeze out the cord plugs from the lower lamella, cut off the end knots and pull out the cord.

Blinds horizontal in the hall

3) Remove the damaged strips and replace them with new ones.

4) Pass the cord through the holes of the bars and plugs.

5) Tie knots and insert plugs into the lower slat.

3. The ladder broke:

1) Remove the blinds and the side plugs from the top cornice.

Kitchen with horizontal blinds

2) Remove from the support, which is located on the axis of the rotary mechanism, the upper ends of the ladder.

3) Detach the curtain from the curtain rod and remove the cord.

4) Pull the ladder out to the side, while holding the planks in your hand. Otherwise, the whole canvas will crumble.

5) Install the clamps on the new ladder in the same way as they were installed on the old one.

In addition to cleaning the blinds, it is necessary to wash windows from time to time. How to do it better

At first glance, it may seem that the installation of horizontal blinds seems to be an easy and simple process. However, it is worth considering that the windows and walls in houses are most often uneven, so the installation of horizontal blinds requires appropriate experience and knowledge.

If there is confidence that the blinds can be fixed independently, then it is necessary to adhere to a certain installation technology.

This will require tools such as a Phillips screwdriver, hammer, hammer drill or impact drill, drills and drills. The first thing to do is to decide on the method of mounting horizontal blinds - to mount them on the frame or in the window opening, to the wall or to the ceiling.

Only after choosing the place of attachment and correctly performed measurements, you can proceed with the installation of blinds. In order for the installation of horizontal blinds to be carried out reliably and efficiently, it is necessary to use fasteners - brackets or brackets that are equipped with any blinds.

Brackets can be used to securely fasten blinds to almost any surface.

Video: Blinds on plastic windows. Measurement and installation.

Horizontal blinds installation technology:

1. Mark out the places where the brackets will be attached. When marking, it must be taken into account that the brackets must not fall on the latch and on the control device. Using a ruler and level, mark the location of the fasteners from each other at a distance of more than 60 cm and less than 25 cm from the uppermost sections of the blinds.

If the width of the blinds is large, you can use intermediate fasteners to increase the reliability of the installation. One of the brackets must be placed close to the raising-lowering device, since in this area the louver device is subjected to the greatest load.

2. Consistently drill holes in the wall, insert dowels into the marking places. Screw the brackets with screws. It is very important that the screws and dowels are completely similar to the fastening, wall or ceiling material.

If in the plans horizontal blinds are fixed to the PVC window frame, then it is not necessary to drill the window profile, as there are special brackets designed for metal-plastic windows. It is worth replacing that this method of fastening can only be suitable for a swing-out sash.

3. The installation of the blinds eaves on the fasteners is in progress.

4. The upper rod of the blinds is put on the brackets and locked with a latch. Moreover, horizontal blinds should already be assembled.

The installation of inter-frame horizontal blinds has some differences from the technology presented above. Such blinds should be installed in the internal space between the panes.

That is why, when installing them, the brackets are first attached to the upper eaves. Then, due to the compression, a flexible adapter is attached to the swivel rod.

The control device is brought into the room through a pre-drilled hole. Only upon completion of these operations, it is possible to proceed to fastening to the frame of inter-frame horizontal blinds.

Video: How to install horizontal blinds yourself

After you, most likely, you will immediately have a question about the need to install blinds. In most cases, blinds are not just an element of window decor - they are a means of protection from the sun, it is about blinds that we want to tell you today, telling about their advantages, types and methods of installation with our own hands.

The content of the article:

Should blinds be installed on windows?

Someone thinks that blinds are just a necessity, and someone - on the contrary, that they are not needed, so who is right in this situation!? In fact, there are no right and wrong in this situation, since the need to install blinds is an exclusively subjective opinion. This opinion is based on two factors: personal taste and necessity. Thus, we can draw a small conclusion that blinds are installed in two cases: if they like and / or if there is a need for them. Let's look at these two factors in more detail.

Many people like blinds because of their beauty, because there are several types of them, which we will talk about a little later. With the help of blinds, you can visually decorate the window, especially by using blinds of a certain color or with different patterns, which will fit wonderfully into the interior of the room, and also transform the window "thematically". Many prefer blinds, because they can be used to replace curtains and curtains that many are already tired of.

As for the need for blinds, they help protect from the sun's rays. If your windows face east, south or west, then in summer you will be very uncomfortable with direct sunlight.

Firstly, due to direct sunlight, the air temperature in the room rises significantly. By installing blinds, the temperature in the room will be several degrees lower, as they will prevent direct sunlight from entering. In addition, blinds are necessary if you have air conditioning installed, otherwise it will take longer to cool the air in the room, and the temperature will be quickly lost. Therefore, in order not to force the air conditioner to work unnecessarily, it is necessary to install blinds.

Secondly, due to direct sunlight in the room it becomes very bright and this causes discomfort, especially for those whose windows face the east side, when the sun begins to shine in the eyes in the early morning. Also, blinds are necessary if you have a not very beautiful landscape outside your window - the blinds will hide all this beautifully. Well, another small positive thing about blinds is that they close the room from the sun's rays, so furniture, paint, wallpaper and window profiles from the inside are less prone to fading.

Types of blinds

Today there are 3 types of window blinds:
  • Horizontal;

  • vertical;

  • Fabric.
Blinds can be made from a variety of materials:
  • Aluminum;

  • Plastic;

  • Tree;

  • Textile;

  • Bamboo;

  • Etc.
The choice of type and material of blinds depends solely on your preferences. If you prefer classics and simplicity, then these are definitely horizontal aluminum blinds. If you do not plan to hang curtains and curtains or want to install blinds instead, then the best option is vertical blinds. If you want something beautiful and elegant - choose fabric blinds, they are very beautiful, besides, unlike the previous two blinds. For those who prefer something new or if you have a room made in some style, then we recommend opting for blinds made of wood or bamboo.

Do-it-yourself blinds installation

An integral part of the installation of blinds is their measurement. If the measurement is made incorrectly, then this may not only not look aesthetically pleasing, but also adversely affect the window profile.

Measurement of horizontal and fabric blinds

There are 2 options for fastening blinds: on glazing beads and on a profile. Of course, if you want to attach blinds to glazing beads, then you must be very careful in choosing the length of the screw, as a long screw can damage the glass of the double-glazed window, which will ultimately lead to depressurization of the entire double-glazed window and adversely affect its thermal insulation properties. Mounting blinds on a plastic window profile is easier, there is no danger, but it is one thing when a hole is made in a glazing bead, which can be easily replaced, and another when the hole is in the profile. Personally, we recommend giving preference to fastening blinds to glazing beads, and, if possible, to fasteners with double-sided tape, this method will not require making extra holes in the window.

The width of horizontal blinds is measured from the left edge of the left glazing bead to the right edge of the right glazing bead. In the same way, the height of the blinds is measured: from the top of the upper glazing bead to the bottom of the lower glazing bead. It is important to consider one point: how you will fix the blinds. If you want to strengthen the blinds on the glazing beads, and at the same time install the lower clamps also on the glazing beads, then the length of the blinds must strictly correspond to the distance from the bases of the glazing beads.

We decided to show the measurement of the blinds in the picture below. Beads are shown in blue - plastic strips that fix the double-glazed window to the profile. The red lines show the boundaries along which it is necessary to measure the window, taking into account our recommendations.

Measurement of vertical blinds

In turn, measuring vertical blinds is a simpler process, since there are no special nuances here. The peculiarity of the measurement is how you want to fix the blinds. There are three types of vertical blinds:

  • To the top of the window slope;

  • Above the window opening (like a regular cornice);

  • To the ceiling.
Each of these options has its own advantages - consider them.

If you want to limit direct sunlight into the apartment, and at the same time give preference to vertical blinds, then it is best to mount them on the top of the window slope - this type of mount has a more beautiful look. If you want to completely hide the window behind the blinds, or if you have plastic slopes, then you can mount vertical blinds above the window opening. If you want to install blinds instead of curtains and stretch them along a large window opening or on the entire wall, then you need to mount the blinds on the ceiling.

If the blinds will be installed in the window opening, then their width should be equal to the width of the window opening, and the length should be strictly from the upper slope to the window sill, even a little shorter so that they do not cling to the window sill. If you want the blinds to protrude beyond the perimeter of the window opening, then the width of the blinds must be made with an allowance of 15-20 cm, and you can make the height both with an allowance of 20-30 cm more than the height of the window opening, or even make blinds to the floor. If you want blinds to the floor, then we recommend giving preference to blinds for the entire wall - such blinds and the type of their fastening will look very beautiful.

When your measurements are ready, you can go to a company that manufactures blinds, or you can order them through an online store, which will be cheaper and easier. The only thing you will need to choose is the color of the blinds and clarify whether the fastening materials are included with the blinds.

Blinds installation

How to install blinds on plastic windows? Now let's get down to the fun part - installation. Horizontal and vertical blinds have a different mounting method, so we will talk about them separately.

Installation of horizontal blinds

To install horizontal blinds, you will need a screwdriver or screwdriver and a pencil. The installation procedure is very simple. We put brackets on the upper part of the blinds and measure in which part to screw in the self-tapping screw and mark it with a pencil. It is very good if the brackets are mounted on one self-tapping screw to make fewer holes in the window. So, when the attachment point is planned, we check the correctness of everything and remove the brackets. We first take one bracket, apply it to the intended area and screw in the self-tapping screw. After that, we do the same with the second bracket. Then we put the blinds on the brackets and in the same way we fix the clamps on the sides from the bottom of the blinds. We check whether everything works, and proceed to the installation of blinds on the remaining parts of the window.

As for horizontal fabric blinds, the principle of their installation is somewhat different from the above. As a rule, this type of blinds is attached to brackets, which are fixed to the window on an adhesive base, that is, simply put, they are glued to the profile. As well as horizontal blinds, fabric ones are fixed at the bottom.

You will learn more about the installation of horizontal and fabric blinds from the videos below.

Installation of vertical blinds

Installation of vertical blinds has 2 types of installation. The first type of installation is when the cornice of vertical blinds is attached to the ceiling or to the upper slope. The second type of installation is when the cornice of the blinds is attached to brackets that are fixed to the wall.

In the first type of installation, there are special mounting holes in the middle of the eaves through which screws are screwed in, fixing the structure to the ceiling or to the slope. To fix the cornice, you need to attach the cornice itself, then you need to outline where to make holes for fastening. Using a puncher, make holes and drive dowels into them. Please note that if you make holes in the slope with a puncher, then be careful not to break off part of the wall. After you have driven the dowels into the holes, attach the cornice and fix it with screws.

With the second type of installation, you must first fix the brackets on the wall, after which the cornice is put on them. Before marking the areas in which the brackets will be fixed, it is necessary to attach a cornice and take measurements. After that, we make holes in the designated areas, hammer dowels into them and then fix the brackets with a screw. At the end of the installation work, we fix the cornices on the brackets.

The next step in the installation of blinds is their assembly. Unlike horizontal and fabric blinds, vertical blinds need to be assembled, but it's not difficult. To do this, you need to collect all the sliders together and turn them with notches towards you. Then we take the lamellas and insert them into the sliders, when the lamellas are tightly fixed, a click will sound. Then weights are inserted into the lower part of the slats and fixed with a chain. After that, check the operation of the mechanism and proceed to attach the decorative panels to the eaves.

Blinds installation video guide

This video demonstrates the process of installing horizontal blinds. In the mounting method used, the brackets are attached directly to the profile with self-tapping screws, and not to the glazing beads.

In this video you can get acquainted with the installation of fabric blinds, the brackets of which are also attached to the profile with self-tapping screws, and not glued to it.

The last video will tell you how to install vertical blinds and assemble them.

After purchasing the blinds, the question arises of how to install them. In principle, you can turn to professionals, they will do everything quickly and efficiently, but of course not for free. If you don’t want to spend money and you think that you yourself can handle such work, then this article is for you.

I draw your attention, try to assess your strengths and capabilities without emotions, pragmatically and calmly, otherwise you can ruin the purchased blinds and damage the window.


We determine what type of purchased blinds: horizontal, vertical or roller blinds.

Horizontal blinds are called with lamellas (slats) parallel to the floor and ceiling, vertical - blinds with lamellas perpendicular to them. Roller blinds are called sun protection products, which are a canvas (in most cases fabric) wound on a shaft.

It is necessary to take measurements correctly, otherwise all the work will go down the drain. If you make a mistake and the lamellas turn out to be too long, then removing the extra lamellas will not be difficult, but on the contrary, adding them if you have shortened them more than you need is unlikely to succeed.

Installation of horizontal blinds in the overlay

We measure the width and height of the window opening, the blinds should exceed it in these indicators by at least 3 cm or more.

In the case of fastening the blinds to the ceiling, we measure the distance from the ceiling to the window sill.

In the case when the window is flush with the wall, the handle may get in the way when opening, so you have to use brackets. Make sure that they do not touch the mechanisms inside the eaves.

Of the tools you will need a hammer drill or a drill and a screwdriver.

  1. We fix the brackets at the desired height.
  2. We install the cornice
  3. Installing the control knob.
  4. Checking the result

Installation of horizontal blinds on PVC brackets

Screwdriver and pliers required

  1. Using a special screw, we connect the PVC bracket to the universal bracket.
  2. We take a piece of cable of the required length and fix the upper cable clamp with a screwdriver
  3. We pass the cable through the eaves and lamellas
  4. We install PVC brackets on the cornice and fasten it to the sash of the plastic window. We tighten the cornice with a special key from the fastening kit.
  5. Install PVC brackets for the bottom of the window
  6. We pass the cable through the latch in the bottom bracket and pull it
  7. Now it remains to put the control knob and check how successful the installation was.

Installation of vertical blinds. Instruction

  1. Make markings for wall brackets to a height of plus 2 cm.
  2. Assemble the bracket with the spring
  3. Drill a hole 6 mm in diameter with a puncher in the wall
  4. After inserting the dowel and plugs, using self-tapping screws, fix the brackets.
  5. Install the brackets on the eaves to attach the decorative panel
  6. Next, you need to install the eaves. Remember, its front part must be inserted into engagement with the short edge of the fastening spring. Gently press the tail of the spring until you hear a characteristic click.
  7. With a rope, move the sliders to one side, with the help of a chain, turn them 90 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the cornice
  8. Attach the slats to the assembled runners
  9. To prevent the lamellas from dangling in the wind like strips of fabric, we insert weights into special pockets on them
  10. Install the decorative panel and bottom chain.
  11. We check the assembled structure.

Installing a roller blind on a window

Tools: drill or puncher, drills, level, double-sided tape, anchor screws, screwdrivers.

Roller blinds can be mounted on a wall, in a window opening or installed without drilling.

We make sure that nothing will prevent the opening / closing of the roller blind. If, for example, the window handle interferes with the opening of the structure, then you can turn the curtains so that they turn counterclockwise, and not along it.

  1. We assemble the roller blind. We insert a plug into one of the ends of the pipe, we mount a mechanism with a control circuit into the opposite one;
  2. To designate and drill holes for self-tapping screws, we apply curtains to the window. Align the shaft horizontally, for this you need to use the level.
  3. After that, install the latch in the bracket, fasten it to the bracket.
  4. Pass the fishing line through a special lower hole in the bracket so that it does not fall out, make a knot. The fishing line from the other end must be threaded into the guide and pulled into the lower latch.
  5. Apply double sided tape to the bracket. Do not forget to degrease the surface before this.
  6. Having removed the top layer on the adhesive tape, we mount the curtain on the window.
  7. We snap the hooks on the brackets to the stop.
  8. Next, we fix the bracket with self-tapping screws and fix the bracket on the other side.
  9. We check the quality of the installation.

Installing a roller blind with a fishing line

Usually they are installed separately on each of the window sashes.

  1. Make sure you have all the necessary accessories.
  2. If necessary, shorten the curtain fabric, then fix it on the shaft
  3. Pass the fishing line through the holes on the mounting corners, tie knots on its edges.
  4. Cut off the rest of the line
  5. Carefully, with the utmost care, insert the capsules into the edges of the shaft with the wound curtain.
  6. Snap the edges of the capsules of the mounting brackets.
  7. Make sure that the installed curtain is working.

To save money, you can try to install blinds with your own hands. This work is not difficult, you just need to correctly mark the slope or frame, depending on where you need to fix the structure. You can use different ways to install such curtains, the choice is made on the basis of design features and dimensions.

Overview of types of curtains blinds

For different objects, the design of windows of a certain style and functionality is selected. Lamellas in the design can be arranged in different ways: vertically, horizontally.

Horizontal blinds

You can find different types of arrangement: pleated, inter-frame, attic, bamboo roller shutters, roll shutters belong to the same group. The main distinguishing feature is the horizontal slats. They can have different thicknesses, widths and function differently. Such structures can be attached to a slope, a frame, they are also installed on top of a window block or inside a frame. It all depends on the size of the windows and the preferences of the owner of the home.

Construction of horizontal models

Classic horizontal blinds can be safely installed in premises with a variety of purposes: offices, private housing, production sites, administrative, retail and educational facilities. These are universal designs that are found in various shades.

Vertical blinds

Such curtains are usually mounted on top of windows, which is due to structural features: vertically oriented slats, most often made of woven material. There are two main types of such structures: floor-length or window sill-length.

General view and arrangement of vertical models

This is one of the reasons why it is customary to install such curtains in private houses, apartments and offices. Installation of blinds of this type is carried out on self-tapping screws. There is an alternative installation option - to the ceiling surface.

Roller blinds

Blinds for windows in this design combine two types of curtains: classic fabric and horizontal plastic. They are equipped with a continuous sheet of various types of material, close the double-glazed window, and, if necessary, rise, folding into a roll.

Roller blind device

Blinds of this type are fastened with self-tapping screws, as well as brackets. You can hang them in various interiors.

Mounting options

Horizontal and vertical curtains are characterized by individual design features. Based on this, various fastening methods have been developed:

Mount 1: For vertical structures

Fastening for vertical horizontal models to the wall

Vertical blinds can be mounted under the ceiling or over windows. Such blinds cannot be installed on plastic windows without drilling.

Mount 2: On a horizontal view

Structures with horizontally oriented slats in the standard version are attached directly to the window sashes, to the upper slope. Horizontal blinds without drilling can be placed in any design only on the sashes of the window block.

G - can be mounted in the window opening, on the ceiling, wall, on the sashes of plastic windows

But the inter-frame analogue was created exclusively for installation in the space between the window frames. There are restrictions on installation to the upper slope, in particular, inter-frame and attic blinds are not attached in this way. If the installation is done by hand, it is imperative to take into account the design features of the products when choosing the installation method.

Preparation, measurements

Useful tools: screwdriver / screwdriver, tape measure, carpenter's pencil. In order for curtains to function as efficiently as possible, measurements must be taken correctly. The design should be symmetrical with respect to the double-glazed window.

If blinds without drilling are attached with adhesive tape, it is possible to correct errors. For analogues mounted on brackets and self-tapping screws, you need to markup as accurately as possible.

To fix vertical curtains, it is enough to measure the dimensions of the window opening, the distance between the attachment points and the length to the bottom edge of the curtain. This will allow you to correctly position the structure relative to the level of the floor and the window opening.

Horizontal blinds are often installed on the sashes, so the main measurements relate to the double-glazed window: height, width of each glass. To these values ​​\u200b\u200badd 2 cm along the upper edge and bottom, 0.5 cm on the sides.

Installation of vertical blinds

Anyone can do the installation of such curtains with their own hands. If the blinds are short, they can be placed inside the window openings. Otherwise, the installation is carried out on the wall or under the ceiling.

For error-free fastening, a consistent instruction is given:

Step 1: Markup

The center point of the window opening is determined and correlated with the center of the blinds eaves. You need to make your own marks along the edges of the structure. The points for installing self-tapping screws are marked on both sides of the eaves closer to the center of the window block by about 5-6 mm.

Attach the cornice to the wall so that the center of the cornice coincides with the center of the window, and make marks along the edges.

Step 2: Look at the level

At the same time, it is necessary to assess whether the lamellas are correctly positioned. Their lower part should be 1-2 cm above the floor level. The same amount must be retreated when installing short curtains (up to the windowsill).

Step 3: Mounting brackets

Dowels are installed in do-it-yourself holes prepared in advance. Brackets are fixed, this is done using self-tapping screws. Further, special clips are installed on these elements.

Be careful with the puncher when drilling for the bracket fasteners, otherwise part of the wall may break off.

Step 4: Installation of slats and chains

A cornice is attached, into which it remains only to insert the runners and directly hang the vertical lamellas themselves on them. The final touch is the chain attachment.

The slats must be hung exactly in the order in which they are folded in the package. Otherwise, you can break the pattern of the blinds.

Installation of horizontal

Guided by the markings made earlier, you can do the fastening of a horizontal structure with your own hands. There is an instruction for this:

  1. First you need to fix the upper fasteners. To do this, using a screwdriver, holes are prepared that will allow you to install the brackets using self-tapping screws.
  2. Next, you need to hang the cornice, it is fastened until it clicks.
  3. Holes for the lower fasteners (corners) are drilled taking into account the dimensions of the thread retainer connecting the lamellas. Typically, the design of blinds requires holes to be made on the sides of the glass. Then the latch, which is connected to the lamella web, can be easily inserted into the corners.

Do-it-yourself installation must be done with the utmost care, otherwise the blinds will not function correctly.

Methods for fastening roller blinds

When deciding how to install blinds on a window, the first task is to determine the appropriate method of fastening. The roll structure is mounted both on self-tapping screws and with the help of an adhesive (adhesive tape, liquid nails).

2 ways of attaching rolled curtains to pvc windows, to l-shaped brackets and to adhesive tape

In the first case, the installation technology of vertical curtains is taken as a basis, since roller blinds require fastening only in the upper part of the structure. To "plant" the structure on the adhesive, the surface of the windows is cleaned and degreased. This will improve the adhesion of materials.

This option is suitable for double frames. Installing an inter-frame plastic curtain is a complex process and involves the need to violate the integrity of the frame profile: holes are drilled (2 pcs.) To output the blinds control system (handle and cord).

They should be located at the top of the inner sash. Brackets are installed on the upper profile, the technology for mounting horizontal blinds is taken as a basis.

Basic tips for choosing:

  • Before you purchase a design, you need to clarify the composition of the kit, in particular, the presence of fasteners;
  • If the installation is easy to do on your own, then it is better to entrust the repair of curtains to the master;
  • Plastic is easier to care for;
  • It is not recommended to clean the new design too often, as this will cause the protective coating to wear off quickly.

Detailed instructions:Do-it-yourself step-by-step installation (photo)

For example, horizontal blinds can be positioned as inside in any convenient way. However, the most popular option is on top of the sash. The interframe structure is more difficult to install, and the vertical counterpart can only be located above the window or under the ceiling due to its large dimensions.

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