How to make a school corner of a house near the window. Furniture for a schoolboy, selection tips

Garden technique 14.06.2019
Garden technique


Every child needs life space. But unfortunately, circumstances are different, and some young families have to fit children's things into a small apartment.

A separate area for children in a room with parents - often forced measure: Living in one-room apartmentParents allocate a small corner for a crib, children's toys, the necessary furniture. In addition, it is necessary to secure the room: as well.

The correct separation of space will allow the baby to give the baby, albeit only with a screen or locker. Designers at the design of one-bedroom apartment often forget that children may appear in the apartment, so it is not always there the desired space. But young parents are experimenting, share experience with other families and find amazing and stylish solutions Placing a crib and toys.

You need to start with the choice of furniture. At the same time, do not forget:

  • ... if at first the baby slept with his parents, you need to buy a crib for him to teach sleep separately;
  • ... in the children's zone there must be lockers for diapers, diapers, warm clothes, shelves for rattles, bottles and educational games.
  • ... In the children's zone of the teen baby, there must be a sports corner and baskets for toys.

1. Proper zoning

Sometimes the planning of the apartment provides special niches. It can be cut down by a curtain, shirma, curtain. These small limited spaces can be filled with bed and dresser. Toys are cleaned by B. retractable cabinets Or cozy are located.

Tip: Do not hang the shelves over the bed - it is unsafe.

Treat lighting: it should not be very dull. You can come up with several options with daylight lighting and night lights.

Children grow rapidly, and the capabilities of a young family do not always allow to expand the space. Corner for a schoolboy in a one-room apartment should be equipped with a working area: first of all this table, chair, bookshelves and a good lamp. Often, furniture stores offer two-storey complexes, where the bed is from above, and the table and shelves are built on the bottom.

Remember the importance of the competent combination of places for storing clothes and things. The space in one-room apartments is very valuable, so if the furniture is too much, staying in the room will not be comfortable.

2. Lighting in the orphanage

As mentioned above, in the design of one-bedroom apartments, the lighting is thought out especially carefully. In zoning, it is also used very actively: for example, the light is muzzled, and above the table and in the gaming zone should be bright. Now, dimmers often use dimmers to regulate the necessary level of lighting.

3. Planning options

In shallow niches, you can arrange a crib, and in the main room. Very often the children's zone occupies a lot more placesthan parental: new toys appear, new furniture, a lot of clothes that is bought on the grow out or on the contrary, Mala. The partition between zones should not necessarily be clearly indicated: light barriers from curtains, racks and partitions are perfectly coping with the task.

An interesting effect is created by dense curtains, selected in style and tone wallpaper. They darken well a corner, and if necessary, it is easily cleaned.

Make separate lighting in each zone. So parents will be able to engage in bright light by turning off the light on the half of the child when he sleeps.

Glass and plastic partitions are well missing light, but also give a feeling of separation of the room. However, materials for such a partition should be chosen as carefully as possible, otherwise such partitions can be dangerous.

Another option is the podium. The furniture can be installed on it, and in the design itself, you build additional boxes or even a drawer bed.

The folding cabinet bed is quite a bit of place.

1. Making up the interior, make space as wide as possible and free. Do not try to add a lot of details, colors and other items. Remember: competently decorated space will raise a feeling of taste in a child. Learn to make the decor with your own hands - so you teach the kids seriously treat creativity. If the child has, draw a picture together, which will decorate the children's corner.

2. Light tones are visually expanding space, so pick up the furniture for kids. Do not forget about the fact that the baby will need to play and play sports, so we think in advance the storage options inventory and things.

3. Make a hanger for toys, as in the photo below. So they are always in sight, they are easy to get. It is best to hang your favorite kid toys - if they won't use them for a long time, they will quickly cover dust and need to need more thorough care.

4. One-room apartment does not mean what you need to forget about sports. Similar sports corners are easily mounted in the space of any area. Choose as safe options as possible with rubberized steps and handles, not very high, but durable.

5. Plastic partitions put on the rails, perfectly searched the room. When a child becomes older, he will sometimes need to retire in his personal room, and such a partition will easily solve the problem.

6. Properly decorated niche creates an extra room. See how the corner of the owners of the apartment has furnished in the photo below: In a very tiny space, a cot, changing table, and open cabinet Successfully performs partition function.

7. It is important to correctly think over the placement of bags, toys, things. Bright baskets and hangers will help solve the problem in small apartment. Before installing, pay attention, do they disappear to move freely in the room.

Home tasks require a bunch of time, so schoolchildren spend long hours in their work corner. It is very important to do so that workspace Your child was properly organized, because not only adherents in school, but also health. And yet - it should be beautifully organized, because aesthetics is a mood. To work in joy (and study is enough hard work), It is necessary that the corner of the schoolchildren is bright, optimistic, original, drawn up to the taste of the child. It should be hardly the most beautiful place In the children's room, where everything is the same, namely:

How to equip a schoolboy corner

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Writing table - the basis of the work corner, all work on training lessons occurs on it. Best of all, of course, buy a new, necromotive, modern table Light shade. You can also computer, and to it purchase a separate tube on the wheels.

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Children love everything bright, new. That's why you should not put an old polished table, or, especially, the kitchen. It should be a comfortable and ergonomic table, and it is not bought for one season. Per beautiful table And it works more than!

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Ergonomic norms, too, no one canceled, so the table must be properly positioned. You can not put the table close to the window, the distance between the window and the table should be at least 25 cm. Otherwise, light from the window will be strongly reflected from the tabletop.

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And it is better to place the table relative to the window so that the light is preferably falling on the left.

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The table should be quite large (tabletop at least 120 cm long), otherwise it will be difficult on the table to position everything you need.

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To make it easier to sort learning things and make the design more fun, you can make tables of tables multicolored or using varying accessories.

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Chairs usually in ergonomics are better adapted for long seatingthan chairs, they are mobile, they are usually a soft upholstery, and you can adjust the height. Chair has permanent dimensions and is not always supplied with armrests.

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Chair is or chair, most importantly - so that they come in height. The chair is suitable, if the elbow lowered the baby's right hand, which sits on this chair, will be below the table for 5-6 cm. The feet must get to the floor, if you do not get, you need a special little foot straw. The bottom of the back of the child should be pressed against the back of the chair - it gives support to the spine.

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Now the computer is the most used in training thing, and it is impossible to imagine a modern schoolboy without a computer. It must be placed on the table so that the distance from the monitor to the eye was at least 70 cm.

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Not any tabletop allows this, so when buying a table it is better to navigate on the model with a retractable shelf for the keyboard. Then this rule will be accurately stored, since the width of the shelves is added to the width of the countertop.

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Of course, the computer should be with a flat screen - it and the place saves, and harmful radiation gives less at times. Retractable shelf allows you to maintain a keyboard clean.

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The table must contain a stand for books. The distance from the eyes to the book should be at least 30 cm, and when the book simply lies on the table, then the distance from the eyes to the upper and lower lines is different, which is why the eyes are tightened.

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In addition to the books for books, there must be a fairly large stand for stationery: pencils, tassels, markers, handles, scissors, erases, clips, etc. This stand should be bright, original, and it should be convenient to use it.

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Of course, you need a table lamp - better with a small lampshade, and better with a flexible "foot". It should be well covered, but do not take a lot of space on the table. It is necessary to put an energy-saving light bulb, since conventional incandescent lamps warm.

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You can also put a multi-tiered tray for papers, notebooks that are used in this moment. You can attach a hook for a school bag.

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In the rest desk It is better not to clutch. The mess on the table causes mess in thoughts and beats off the desire to do.

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Next to the desk should be a rack for textbooks, books, notebooks, boxes. It can be open or closed, the main thing is that it is the rack, and not bookshelfbecause the rack accommodates much more items. It can be put next to the table or extinguish the working area to them as shirma - it all depends on the individual arrangement of the working corner.

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Hang a special board on the wall, on which you can pin up the notes, pictures, postcards, schedule of lessons.

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You can also hang magnetic or chapel board or their combination. Then the schoolboy will be planning his affairs with hunting, making up a "collage" every time on such a blackboard.

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It makes sense to hang a few bright hanging cups, boxes for trifles or an interesting sachet, attach individual hooks so that you can hang something. You can simply stretch the decorative cord, and the information is added to it with bright clothespins.

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Additionally allocate a working corner of a small cozy rug and a soft ottoman or a chair, which can be sitting in moments of rest or read something. It will be a resting place in the Mini format.

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Please note that new school trifles need to be purchased to the new school year.

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Let the handles, pencils, pencils, bookmarks and covers for books, ruler and eraser, a briefcase and other school arsenal items will be new, bright, original. This allocates the importance and solemnity of the new school year, encourages using these items, making the learning process is pleasant.

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School - a difficult stage in the life of a child, and parents need to be used to organize the place as convenient as possible to work. In any apartment, even with the most modest metrah, the schoolboy must have his work . This is one of the indispensable conditions for good studies. A permanent place, for classes disciplines the child, tends him to independence; He quickly realizes that in this corner he is shifted and followed by the order here himself.

1 corner of schoolboy

2 school furniture

3 table schoolboy

4 Table lamp

Consider several accommodation options. corner of schoolchild in modern apartment Depending on the number of rooms.

If only one room is in your apartment, and you can highlight under the "Cabinet, only a small space, the corner of a schoolboy must be separated from the total zone through racks, a decorative flower wall, etc. But since the room is still common, then the most good option Partitions - high wardrobe; In this case, the child during classes will be most focused as possible, since its peripheral vision will not be distracted by what is happening in the rest of the room.

FROM two-room apartment It is much easier: either a corner for classes is highlighted by a child in common roomThus, the bedroom is given to parents; Either (which is more preferable) the smaller room is provided to the child. In the first case workplace You can also separate from the rest of the space with all sorts of furniture and decorative designs. In the second case, zoning can be conditional, since the entire room is at the disposal of a schoolboy.

In a three-bedroom apartment (even if the rooms are small) problems with the workplace device for the student, as a rule, does not arise at all: one of the rooms stands out by the child. But this is if the child is in the family one. If the children are two, and the time of classes coincides with them, then it is desirable to arrange a separate workplace, for example, one in a nursery, other in the bedroom. When children relate to different age groups (a schoolboy and a cloak age schoolboy), it will be preferable to separate the place to occupy the older child from the space for the junior games.

School furniture

Each element of the "home office" setting of a schoolchildren must be thought out thoroughly. It is important not to overload the thorough or room or in the subject nor in style. The furniture should be the most practical and functional and not emitted from the overall interior ensemble. Also, do not forget that your schoolboy develops, not only intellectually, but also physically, and therefore, together with him, it should "grow" and Its workspace.

Recently, doctors beat the alarm: most children preschool age There is a violation of posture, and by the time of graduation of the secondary school almost half of young people suffers from scoliosis - the spinal curvature. Therefore, if you are not indifferent to the health of your child, take care that during the class case the child had the right position.

Table schoolboy

There are hygienic standards for matching the height of the seat of the chair and the cover of the written table of schoolchildren child growth; Compliance with these standards will save the schoolboy from the posture violation. And these standards are: with growth 110 - 119 cm, the child is not - the chair with a height of a seat of 31.5 cm and a table with a cover height (table top) at 52 cm from the floor level; 120 -129 cm growth corresponds to the height of the seat of 34 cm and the height of the table cover of 56 cm; When a child is growing another 10 cm (130 - 139 cm), then the chair and the table must "grow" to 38 and 62 cm, respectively; The next growth gap in 140 - 149 cm fits a chair with a seat of 41 cm seats and with a lid height 68 cm; With a rise of 150 cm and more furniture for classes should have conventional "adults" standards (43 cm - chair, 73 cm - writing desk).

Determine whether this furniture Your child for growth can be not having no measuring instruments at hand. Take the child to the chair: If his hips are freely resting on the seat, the feet completely (and not socks!) Touch the surface of the floor, and the angle between the thigh and the shin is very close to the straight, then the chair is correct.

Now check if the height of the table of your chosen table has matched the height of your child. G will suck the child at the table on the "right" chair, while the front of the seat edge should go under the table cover for 4 - 6 cm (approximately the same

there must be a distance between the edge of the table, and the baby's breast. Let the child fold his hands on the table as he will sit behind the school desk. If at the same time the elbows and shoulders have to be lifted, the table, for the child too high. If he flashed his back and leaned toward the table, the table is too low.

Often the student's desktop has an adjustable inclined lid; Read and write after this table is much more convenient, as it provides the same distance in 35-40 cm from the eye of the child, both to the bottom and up to the top of the page of the book or notebook, for writing (reading) the tilt must be installed in 7 -15, for exercise classes - at 15 - 30, and for drawing - at 60 - 75 °. Dimensions of the table covers can range from 50 x 90 to 60 x 110 cm. As for the finishing of the working surface of the table, it should be matte, so that the light rays do not reflect it, and the color should not be contrasted with the color of white paper.

Chair is preferable to choose with a rigid or semi-rigid seat; It can be both smoothly horizontal and slightly concave. Well, if the back of the chair has a break at the loan level, and her top part - A small tilt back of the width of the seat can vary within 38 - 42 cm, and its depth is 35 38 cm.


Whatever your accommodation, remember very an important rule: The place where the student is engaged in, should be well lit desktop lamp. First of all, it is necessary to use as much as possible daylight. First, the writing desk of the child will be wiserfully located near the window. Secondly, instead of Tulle with a dense pattern, which poorly misses daylight, the window is best curtained with a rare weaving tulle. Thirdly, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of window glass, because in conditions big City They are very quickly covered with a layer of street dust and gari from automotive exhaust gases.

For evening or cloudy weather, local light sources are needed: landsreys, sconces, . Leaders among local light sources are table lamps. Designs desktop lamps They can be the most diverse, but the most convenient of them are those that allow you to adjust the distance from the light source to the illuminated place and the direction of the light rays. An example of the lamps of this kind are table lamps with a flexible counter. Modern desktop lamps are not installed on the table cover, and they are attached to it with the help of the "clothespins" clamp.

Often, floor lamps are used to illuminate the working surface of the desktop. However, the landsrs, the supports of which pass through the center of the lamp, are not suitable for the work surface. Here you should give preference to those lamps that the lampshade is located on the side of the supporting leg and can be rotated and move along the vertical axis.

Wall lamp - used as a local light source above the writing table quite rarely, for example, to illuminate the working surface of the secreter; In this case, the sconium is mounted on its side or rear wall. The same design can be applied if the desk is built into the cabinet furniture.

Each of the listed lamps creates the necessary level of lighting only on little plotTherefore, the source of the light stream (lamp) should be located at a distance from the illuminated zone by no more than 90 cm. In this case, make the light stream to be directed uncontaminated to the child, and on the working surface of the table. Protect eyes from direct light rays will help properly selected lampshade or lamp ceiling.

Now about lamps. In principle, local lighting can be used both incandescent lamps and halogen lamps and daylight lamps. The main thing is to create the necessary brightness of the light flux; For reading and writing is quite enough power in 60 W.

Daylight lamps give light stream purple tintthat applies to all the lights covered by the lamp and acts in oppressively on the psyche. In addition, the lamps of daylight often observed "blinking", and this causes tangible harm to vision. The only advantage of such light sources of their economy, but is it worth saving on health?

Where to locate a table lamp, lamp, brake and with what side from the window should I install a written table? The tritomatic truth that the light source should be located on the left, is correct only if your child has a "home" hand. But among people a lot of people who have the main left hand. If your child is from the level of left-hand, then, respectively, the light source must be placed on the right side. By the way, about left-handers: doctors strongly advise the attempts to "retire\u003e Levshu. First, these attempts are usually fruitless, and secondly, they are very injured by the rapid children's psyche.


Little area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, in this case One-bedroom apartment, leaves very few options for redevelopment, when parents combine one room with a child. However, changes should occur only because new life Carries with them a lot of responsibilities from parents and a lot of impressions from the child.

But do not be upset in advance, because today, experienced designers have created the most successful techniques that are easy to implement even in small-sized apartment. The main goal of re-planning is to function to functionally use each meter so that each family member has found its place in the shower.

Rules of effective zoning

For combining in the same room adult zone and children's corner, it is important to know the laws of ergonomics, because sometimes simple, but effective methods Capable to increase the space. Let's consider several rules for efficient zoning and visual increase Spaces:

  • The use of arches, podiums, racks, mechanical partitions perfectly copes with the zoning task. At the same time, they fulfill the role of separation and advantageous functional;
  • Mirrors often use designers in their projects to expand the room. Thanks to the mirror, the interior items occurs due to this, the room seems more. Even better to use bright hues walls and ceiling;
  • Furniture module. The choice of furniture must come from its mobility and compactness, especially with the current selection of goods from European manufacturers to do it easily. For example, bed is better to replace the folding sofa, which has a secret place for linen.
  • Make a coup on your balcony or loggia. Glazing and insulated this part of the apartment, you can lengthen and increase your area.

Correctly decorated interior depending on the age of the child

Children grow and with age, their interests change, what was interesting in infancy is no longer impressive in four years. Therefore, the differences should have its own initial history from birth to school years.

A children's corner in a one-room apartment in the first two years of life can not be called firmly owned by the child, since at that age the main furniture is a cot and changingtable combined with chest.

Further more. Than adult childThe more you have to change your priorities. Starting from two years, it is time to be seen on more interesting furniture for children: bright shelves, animal pictures within, crafts and other. An important feature is illumination.

Lights should be a lot, so it is advisable to put a crib near the window, but not right at the window sill. Very often the children's zone when the child is still very small, merges with an adult in view of the fact that the crib is set next to the bed of adults. In this case, simply separate the zone with a comfortable small chair and a bright rug.

Preschooler and his apartment

Here you will not cost a cot and a chest of drawers, the preschooler needs a table, a full-fledged place at the teenage bed, shelves for stationery.

Here are some tips used in the "Odshka" When zoning the room:

  • Make a choice in favor of beds with drawers;
  • Closet great idea For general wardrobe, it can be built in a niche;
  • Cut part of the room where the child will be located with decorative curtains.

The issue of the style of the room worries most of the inhabitants who have children. Correctly reorganize the room in classic and modern style. Deprived of extra objects scandinavian style Also suitable, in mind, its simplicity and ease every year it is chosen more and more designers to create a warm and calm interior.

7 years old - new changes

Build a children's corner of a schoolboy - it means to make it most independent of the exploit of the parental corner. Children grow up and more and more personal space. Create partition can be in several ways:

  • Build a rack;
  • Mock sliding doors or heavy curtains from durable textiles;
  • On the border between the parent sleeping sofa and the orphanage to supply the closet.

In the arrangement of interior and furniture objects, one can say one thing - there are mobile and compact designs. For example, bunk bed Save too much with the table at the bottom square meters For other purposes. As for the decoration of the walls, you can safely provide a choice of child, since the wallpaper with mini-teddyrs or some other little animals from infancy will not be interested in it. Personal furniture of a child is a manifestation of his individuality, so let him full right to choose from.

Errors that should be avoided in the children's room when interior design

Children's in a one-room apartment, even if there is no place to be found for the implementation of the desired fantasies, you can make a multifaceted and functional, browse the photo on which the zoning of the room between parents and the child organically combines the interior items. But still there are mistakes that need to be avoided:

  • Electric lighting. Avoid cold light because it causes a feeling of cold and anxiety. Warm tonality of lamps will give the room comfort and warm.
  • Too bright colors. Making a room causing not excusable if all the colors of the rainbow you decided to connect in the same room. In such a room, not only difficult to be in it will not be concentrated.
  • The most expensive parents are often ready to buy for the arrangement of their Chad. But do not hurry and think, whether it is rational to make the cladding of the walls overly expensive wallpaper. Those who have children know that it is better to postpone such an idea to the preschool age of the child, because there is a high probability that the walls can be outlined, heated and painted. Create a beautiful atmosphere with crafts, for example, inexpensive light wallpapers will become an object of impression if they decorate with butterflies. They can be drawn or pasted by buying in a stationery store.

  • Placing a bed near the window. The window, even the most reliable is often the place of drafts, so it is better to retreat from him at least on the meter.
  • Outdoor coating - carpet. Carpet, no doubt warm material, not slippery, but spill water from paints or compote on it, unlikely you can clean it completely.
  • Heavy curtains near the window. You should not decorate the window with bulk curtains, they take away free space.

Safety in the children's room

Creating the comfort of the children's room is important to provide all possible dangerous corners in advance. In an effort to make a children's bright and colorful, do not forget that often children are moving and rapidly in the assimilation of the new space, so it is very difficult to keep track of them.

Sports corner for a child

Each child is gifted by those or other abilities and every talented in its own way, but almost every child loves sport gameswhich include: Lazagne on the stairs, rope, horizontal bar, etc. In order for the design of the studio apartment to combine a sports corner, work zone It must be properly designed, because the Sports Corner is often a Swedish wall.

It is logical to install this corner opposite the bed at the wall, and down to put a bulk mat, especially this moment is important if you teach a child from an early age. Very often for young children offer small slides and swings. In our case, you can buy removable, which are then removed and hidden in a secret place.

Today manufacturers sports corners Offer a special fastener on the wall, which is easily suspended by a bike or scooter.

The space for the child is an important component in a holistic entourage room. Interior design is not a simple, but solved. Thoroughly prepared parents have all the authority to develop their children with a worthy person, the main thing is not to infringe on his personal space. Check out the photos of designers who are proposed skillfully combine the life of parents and the younger generation.

School time is approaching, schoolchildren returned from summer camps And sanatoriums, parents prepare their children to school. Preparation for the new school year is not only in buying the office and school uniform, but also a workplace for study (school corner), if it is not yet ready.

An ordinary writing desk can be a place to study, and a corner specially assembled in one style. The corner of the student must choose the student himself, because it is for him that this place is preparing.

What criteria should have a schoolboy children's corner? Probably furniture should be good qualityTo, having bought one time, it was enough for a long time.

Come on furniture store With the child, let him choose himself. The child must check how comfortable it is for him for, whether he is reached before books and textbooks without getting off. Any disadvantages can be very difficult to interfere with homework. Boxes in the desk must be equipped with a comfortable handle and spreading system.

Photos Corners for a Schoolboy with Bed

Furniture dimensions

The child must match a certain height of the table. There is a table where the compliance of the growth of the child and the height of the table and the stool is indicated.


Buying a corner for a schoolboy, pay attention to the possibility of lighting the written table. If it does not provide built-in soffits, immediately take care of a small desktop lamp Or the sconium, as in the evening the child will be difficult to work when the room is covered only the chandelier. Lighting must be adjusted properly. If the schoolboy is right, then the light should fall on the left, and vice versa.

Corner design options

Exist different variants Corner design. The easiest option is, chair, bookshelf or rack.

Since the choice in our days is unlimited and you can buy everything that the soul will want, it may be better to buy more complex option Corner. It consists of a written table, chair, bookshelf or, built-in bed, included can also be a separate closet for clothes or a small chest.

There are many options, so you choose from what. On the furniture factory You can order your own version of this corner for a schoolboy who will be calculated on your child.

Actually, the workplace can be located not only by the corner, but also completely along the wall. Perhaps someone will be more convenient to arrange all furniture items at different places in the room, so the corner easily disassembled.

Options providing for a bed or may also differ. For example, the bed can be a second tier, that is, being above the table, and it will be necessary to climb on a small staircase. Such a corner may have an unusual designer solution. For example, be in sea stylewhere the deck is a bed, and the trim is a workplace. Thus, the child will be more interesting to make lessons - fantasy in children is stormy.

The usual option involves the placement of the bed on the side of the table. The bed can be built retractable drawers Or other things. All attention should be paid to the convenience of the table and shelves for books and notebooks, otherwise - on the convenience of the bed. Above the bed can also be placed the night lamp - so that the vision does not spoil when reading the book.

IN modern houses There are many different planning apartments. The apartment may have small rooms, and spacious halls. Most likely, the place to study will not take much space, so the corner of a schoolboy with the bed can be placed in a small room. Thus, in the nursery there will be enough furniture, and will only be able to pick up the color of the walls, which will not be difficult, because the main part of the composition will take the area decorated in one style.

Photo of furniture for a schoolboy corner

The design of the school can be completely different - it depends on the taste of the schoolboy himself. Maybe this place will be his beloved not only for study, but also for creativity or the incarnation of their talents.

For the design of the corner you can use small stuffed Toys, various crafts from kindergarten, Frames with photos or room plants.

Schoolboy himself can decorate its place to study his place, because he will need to maintain order on his workplace all year.

Most likely, the children will have to put a computer, then a written table can combine and computer. It will be enough to buy a separate stand under the monitor, the retractable shelf for the keyboard and a small cart on the wheels for the system unit. All these items will not occupy a lot of space, which means they will not interfere with the child to do lessons. The main thing is that the schoolboy understands that "the case is time, and fun - an hour."

If parents cannot afford large spending on the training place right away, you can take furniture in installments - if such a service offers a furniture store. In most shops, there is such an addition, to the Word, quite profitable, because not everyone can accumulate into pretty short time Sufficient to buy furniture amount.

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