Installing the thermal head Danfoss. Danfoss thermostators for heating and heating radiators

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The popular brand under which thermostat is produced is Danfoss. Products of this company can be found in almost all stores.

Check the price and buy heating equipment and related products You can have. Write, call and come to one of the shops in your city. Delivery throughout the Russian Federation and CIS countries.

The production technology based on a gas-filled bellows has a patent and is used on its own company plants. If you are leying for the purchase of the Danfoss thermostat, then be sure to read the instruction manual.

About Danfoss regulators

Why are the thermostat set? To maintain a certain air temperature in the premises.

It consists of a product of two parts that complement each other:

  1. Thermostat.
  2. Thermoregulation valve.

The Danfoss thermostat valve is connected directly to the radiator, and the thermostat is already mounted on it.

The main thing is a thermostatic element that catches the temperature changes and gives a signal to the valve overlapping the heat carrier stream.

Inside the thermal heads - the bellows (corrugated chamber that can change dimensions) with gas. The gas at a certain temperature changes its state (when cooled condenses). This affects the change in the volume and pressure in the chamber, which becomes smaller in size and pulls the range of the spool, which turns out in turn in the lumen valve for circulating the heat carrier.

When heating occurs, the reverse expansion process starts and the lumen is overlapped (the standard is considered to be 2 in ° C of the temperature indicator above the specified).

When putting an optimal degree on the scale of the device, a certain compression of the setting spring appears inside, which is associated with a specific gas pressure.

Danfoss produces gas bellows and liquid (more inert, slower react to temperature fluctuations).

Types and symbols

Abbreviations, according to which the heating thermostators Danfoss differ, mean the type of filler and the appointment of the device:

  • RTS is a liquid bellows;
  • RTD-G - gas operating, suitable for single and two-pipe system without pump;
  • RTD-N is a gas device for single and two-pipe pump system.

Service thermostatic Danfoss RTR / RTD element with integrated temperature sensor

There are modifications that perform not only their main functions, but also a lot of additional. Suppose the option of protection against the reconfiguration of the established indicators. It is convenient when children are constantly in the room. The number of modes and a variety of functions in each model individually.

Popular Temperature Management Models Danfoss

In the company's assortment series, many different temperature controls Danfoss for batteries. The following are popular:

  1. RTD Regulator Label 3640. It is used on 2-pipe classic heating systems. Equipped with an option that prevents the freezing of the highway in a cool time. The Danfoss RTD thermostat is used in household and industrial conditions, has four divisions with marks in the form of Roman numbers.
  2. Designation Rach, as a rule, products with liquid, which is used for mounting on unusual batteries or on heated towel rails. Externally, very attractive and fit well into the design. The body has only divisions with Roman and Arabic figures.
  3. The Danfoss RA-299 thermostat operates from gas, has an autocontrol of the temperature regime, produced in different colors. Promptly reacts to temperature fluctuations. Used only for installation on classic heating systems.
  4. The device Living ECO has an option to control the microclimate indoor. It must be safely installed in various administrative buildings and residential buildings. The product is distinguished by the list of LCD screen, which displays all the necessary data on heat carrier. In addition, the housing has at the main buttons of the mode setting.
  5. There are also a series with a multitude of functions, they are also suitable for heated towel rails, and for different sections of equipment under heating. There may be right and left-sided type.

Danfoss Living Connect thermostat

All Danfoss thermostators for heating radiators have parts that simplify the device fastening and its future use.

Installation of the thermal head Danfoss.

The device is mounted on the hot water circuit pipe. Installation does not mean anything complicated, even in the case of designer options, the installation occurs according to one principle. The work is carried out in stages:

  1. Placement on the feed pipe to designate the area, which will be required to cut. It is worth considering the size of the valve body. The threaded element takes place, which will come directly into the pipe.
  2. The heating is turned off and the liquid descends, to eliminate the flood in the house.
  3. At the marks, the extra section of the pipe is cut, and the cutting is made on the outer part of the cut.
  4. The joke is processed by special paste for plumbing works (the manufacturer is not important).
  5. The valve is screwed on the thread made and is tightened with a washer. Additionally, the connection for tightness is not required. Action performed enough for a reliable junction.
  6. The fuse is removed, the maximum "five" parameter is installed on the regulator and the body with a scale is put on top.
  7. All joints are checked and a thermal device connects to the entire heating system.

If the DANFOSS thermostat is connected correctly, there should be no problems. It is worth checking the operation of the device to the first opening and closing of the valve.

Setting the thermostat

All manufacturer's devices differ in externally and technicians, but still their setup is made equally. To implement it, it is necessary to look into the instructions for use and familiarize yourself with the designation of the modes, which are indicated on the instrument housing. Indicators may differ, it all depends on the model.

Next, to adjust the Danfoss thermostator, put the required temperature on it. This can be done using the movement of the torque element in a specific side. If you installed the device with the buttons, everything you need is to click on the "plus" or "minus".

It is possible to specify intermediate values \u200b\u200bwhen they are best suited to create a certain temperature mode in room. Will be a couple of minutes and heating system It will be time to adjust the specified parameters and will warm until the optimal microclimate is obtained. Also tuning and for refrigeration equipment.

Operation of the regulator in a warm floor system

Danfoss warm floor thermostat is an important thing for the entire heating system. The device lies a responsible function to adjust the temperature to a comfortable 25 ° C.

Flow meters will not help if the pressure is unstable, the air heats up, let's say, solar rays, and the tenants seek to save on heating while they are not at home.

Mechanical regulator Specialists advise to put in small rooms by about 10 m².

In large rooms, apply indoor thermostators Danfoss with temperature sensors of the warm floor.

Thermostatic head Danfoss deservedly has a lot positive feedback. This is an easy-to-use element that does not require special attention From the owner after installation and adjustment. As a result, a favorable microclimate is ensured in the house, and in some cases, and tangible cash savings.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to adjust the temperature in each particular room. You can make it by installing the thermostat for the heating radiator. This is a small device that regulates the heat pumping of the heating battery. It can be used with all types of radiators, except cast-iron. One important moment - The device can reduce the starting temperature, but if there is not enough heating power, it cannot increase it.

Design of thermostators for heating radiators

The thermostat for heating radiator consists of two parts - valve (thermoclap) and thermostatic head (thermostatic element, temperature controller). These products are produced under different sizes of pipes and different types of heating systems. Thermostatic head is removable, on the same valve can be set regulators different types And even different manufacturers - the landing place is standardized.

The thermostat for the heating radiator consists of two parts - a special valve (valve) and a thermostatic head (regulator)

And the valve and the regulators are different, so before installing the thermostat for the heating radiator will have to be even familiar with its structure, functions and species.

Thermoclap - structure, appointment, types

The valve in the thermostat on the structure is very similar to the usual valve. There is a saddle and a locking cone that opens / closes the clearance for the flow of the coolant. The temperature of the heating radiator is regulated in this way: the amount of the coolant passing through the radiator.

On a single-tube and two-pipe layout of the valve are different. The hydraulic resistance of the valve to the single-tube system is much lower (at a minimum, twice) - just can be balanced. It is impossible to confuse the valves - it will not be warm. For systems with natural circulation, valves for single-pipe systems are suitable. When they are installed, hydraulic resistance, it is over, it increases, but the system will be able to work.

Each valve has an arrow indicating the movement of the coolant. When installing it is installed so that the flow direction coincides with the arrow.

From which materials

Made the body of the valve from the resistant to corrosion of metals, often additionally covered protective layer (Nickel or chrome). There are valves from:

It is clear that stainless steel - the best way. It is chemically neutral, not corroded, does not react with other metals. But the cost of such valves is great, find them difficult. Bronze I. brass valves Approximately the same for service life. In this case, it is important - this is the quality of the alloy, and well-known manufacturers are carefully followed. Trust or not unknown - the question is controversial, but there is one moment that is better to track down. On the case, an arrow must be present, indicating the flow direction. If it is not - you are in front of you a completely cheap product that is better not to buy.

According to the method of execution

Since radiators are installed different waysThe valves make straight (passing) and corner. Choose the type that will be better in your system.

Name / FirmFor which systemDo, mm.Corps materialOperating pressurePrice
Danfos, angular RA-G with the ability to set upone-rubles15 mm, 20 mmNickel Plated Latvian10 bar25-32 $
Danfos, direct RA-G with the ability to configureone-rubles20 mm, 25 mmNickel Plated Latvian10 bar32 - 45 $
Danfos, corner RA-N With the ability to set uptwo-pipe15 mm, 20 mm. 25 mmNickel Plated Latvian10 bar30 - 40 $
Danfos, direct RA-N with the ability to configuretwo-pipe15 mm, 20 mm. 25 mmNickel Plated Latvian10 bar20 - 50 $
two-pipe15 mm, 20 mmNickel Plated Latvian10 bar8-15 $
Broen straight with fixed settingtwo-pipe15 mm, 20 mmNickel Plated Latvian10 bar8-15 $
two-pipe15 mm, 20 mmNickel Plated Latvian10 bar10-17 $
Broen, corner with configurationtwo-pipe15 mm, 20 mmNickel Plated Latvian10 bar10-17 $
Broen straight with fixed settingone-rubles15 mm, 20 mmNickel Plated Latvian10 bar19-23 $
Broen, Corner with fixed settingone-rubles15 mm, 20 mmNickel Plated Latvian10 bar19-22 $
OVENTROP, OSEVA 1/2" Nickel plated brass covered with enamel10 bar140 $

Thermostatic heads

Thermostatic elements on heating thermostators have three types - manual, mechanical and electronic. All of them perform the same functions, but in different ways provide different level Comfort, have different features.


Manual thermostatic heads work as an ordinary crane - turn the knob in one or the other side, passing more or less coolant. The cheapest and most reliable, but not the most convenient devices. To change the heat transfer, you must manually twist the valve.

Manual thermal head - the easiest and most reliable option

These devices are completely inexpensive, they can be put on the entrance and at the output of the heating radiator instead of ball valves. You can adjust any of them.


A more complex device that supports the specified temperature in automatic mode. The basis of the thermostatic head of this type is the bellows. This is a small elastic cylinder, which is filled with a temperature agent. The temperature agent is a gas or liquid that have a large expansion coefficient - when heated, they are highly increasing in volume.

The bellows supports the rod, overlapping the flowing cross section of the valve. So far, the substance in the bellows is not heated, the rod is raised. As the temperature increases, the cylinder begins to increase in size (gas or liquid expands), it presses on the rod, which is increasingly overlapping the passage section. Through the radiator passes less and less coolant, he gradually cools. The substance is cooled in the bellows, which is why the cylinder decreases in size, the rod rises, the coolant through the radiator passes more, it begins to warm up a bit. Next, the cycle is repeated.

Gas or liquid

If there is such a device, the room temperature is quite maintained for accurate + - 1 ° C, but in general the delta depends on how inert is the substance in the bellows. It can be filled with some gas or liquid. Gases react faster to changes in temperature, but it is more complicated technologically.

Liquid or gas bellows - no special difference

The fluid slightly slowly change the volumes, but it is easier to produce them. In general, the difference in accuracy of maintaining the temperature is the order of the semi degree, which is almost impossible to notice. As a result most of Presented thermostators for heating radiators are equipped with thermal heads with liquid bellows.

The mechanical thermostatic head is installed so that it is directed into the room. So the temperature is measured more accurately. Since they have fairly decent sizes, this method of installation is not always possible. For these cases, you can put the thermostat for the heating radiator with the remote sensor. The temperature sensor is connected to the head with a capillary tube. You can arrange it anywhere in which you prefer to measure the air temperature.

All changes in the radiator heat transfer will occur depending on the air temperature in the room. The only minus of such a decision is the high cost of such models. But the temperature is supported more accurate.

Name / FirmRange of settingsOperating temperature rangeManagement typeFunctions / destinationConnection typePrice
Danfoss Living Eco.from 6 ° C to 28 ° Cfrom 0 ° C to 40 ° CElectronicProgrammable RA and M30X1.570$
Danfoss RA 2994 with gas bellowsfrom 6 ° C to 26 ° Cfrom 0 ° C to 40 ° CMechanicalFor any radiatorsclip20$
Danfoss RAW-K with liquid spongefrom 8 ° C to 28 ° Cfrom 0 ° C to 40 ° CMechanicalFor steel panel radiatorsM30x1.520$
Danfoss Rax with Liquid Flapfrom 8 ° C to 28 ° Cfrom 0 ° C to 40 ° CMechanicalFor design radiators white, black, chromiumM30x1.525$
HERZ H 1 7260 98 with liquid spongefrom 6 ° C to 28 ° C Mechanical M 30 x 1,511$
OVENTROP "UNI XH" with liquid spongefrom 7 ° C to 28 ° C Mechanicalwith zero markM 30 x 1,518$
OVENTROP "UNI CH" with liquid spongefrom 7 ° C to 28 ° C Mechanicalwithout zero markM 30 x 1,520$


By size, the electronic thermostat for the heating radiator is even more. Thermostatic element is even more. In addition, two batteries are installed except electronic fillings.

The movement of the rod in the valve in this case controls the microprocessor. These models have a fairly large set. additional features. For example, the possibility of an hour to set the temperature indoors. How to use it fashionable? Doctors have long proved that it is better to sleep in a cool room. Therefore, on the night you can program the temperature down, and by the morning, when the time comes to wake up, it can be set up above. Conveniently.

The lack of these models is a large size, the need to follow the discharge of the batteries (enough for several years of operation) and a high price.

How to install

They put the thermostat for the heating radiator at the entrance or at the outlet of the heating device - no difference, work with the same success in both positions. How to choose a place where to install?

At the recommended installation height. Such an item is in specifications. Each device passes at the factory setting - they are calibrated under the temperature control at a certain height and usually this is the upper collector of the radiator. In this case, the heat-regulator is set at an altitude of 60-80 cm, it is convenient if necessary manually adjusted.

If you have the bottom saddle connection (the pipes are suitable only below), there are three options - search device with the possibility of installing at the bottom, put a model with a remote sensor or reconfigure the thermal head. The procedure is simple, the description must be in the passport. Total need to have a thermometer and twist at certain points the head into one, then in the other direction.

Installation standard - on fum-tape or linen winding with packaging paste

The installation process itself is standard. The valve has a carving. Appropriate fittings are selected under it or metal pipe Answered thread is cut.

One important moment to remember those who want to put the thermostat for heating radiator in apartment houses. If you have a single-pipe layout, they can only be installed if there is a bypass - a section of the pipe that stands in front of the battery and connects two pipes with each other.

Otherwise, you will regulate the entire riser, which will definitely do not like your neighbors. For such a violation, a very solid penalty may be written. Therefore, it is better to put bypass (if not).

How to adjust (reconfigure)

All thermostat tune in the factory. But they have standard installation and may not coincide with your desired parameters. If something does not suit you in your work - you want to be warmer / colder, you can reconfigure the thermostat for the heating radiator. It is necessary to do this when working heating. You need a thermometer. His hang at that point where you control the state of the atmosphere.

  • Close the doors, put the thermostat head to the leftmost position - fully open. The room temperature will begin to rise. When it becomes 5-6 degrees above the desired, turn the regulator until it is left to the right.
  • The radiator begins to cool. When the temperature falls to the value you consider comfortable, you begin to slowly rotate the regulator to the right and listen. When hear that the coolant is incisible, and the radiator began to warm up, stop. Remember which digit is exhibited on the handle. It will have to be set to achieve the desired temperature.

Adjust the thermostat for the heating battery is completely simple. And you can repeat this action several times by changing the settings.

LLC "PROMARMATURE XXI Century" offers a wide range of Danfoss products

A range of products includes: | | | | | | |
Danfoss is the world's largest manufacturer of radiator thermostators. Over the years, Danfoss sold more than 300 million radiator thermostators around the world, which saves a million fuel liters daily and prevent harm caused by the nature of carbon dioxide tons, sulfur compounds and other harmful substances. Radiator thermostators pay off in less than two years, and the standard service life of more than 20 years is a great opportunity to save money and energy.

Danfoss radiator thermostators are manufactured with embedded and remote sensors to ensure optimal functioning; plus a wide range of valves and additional equipment Make up the widest range of our products.

Thermostatic elements of the RA 2000 series

Thermostatic elements of the RA 2000 series are automatic temperature control devices designed to complete the RA radiator thermostators. The radiator thermostat is a proportional direct-action air temperature regulator with a small proportion zone, which is currently equipped with systems for the heating of buildings of various purposes. The thermostat Ra consists of two parts:

  • universal thermostatic element of the RA 2000 series;
  • adjusting valve with pre-tuning bandwidth Ra-N (for two-pipe heating systems) or RA-G (for a single-tube system). The program of production of thermostatic elements of the RA 2000 series includes:
  • RA 2994 and RA 2940 with a built-in temperature sensor, protection of the heating system from freezing, a range of temperature setting 5-26 ° C, a device for fixing and restricting the temperature setting. In contrast to Ra 2990, the thermoelectric Ra 2940 additionally has a function that provides 100% overlap of the thermostat valve;
  • RA 2992 - thermoelements with a remote sensor, protection of the heating system from freezing, a range of temperature setting 5-26 ° C, a device for fixing and restricting the temperature setting;
  • RA 2920 - Thermal elements with a casing that protects against unauthorized intervention, built-in sensor, freezing protection, a range of temperature setting 5-26 ° C, a device for fixing and restricting the temperature setting;
  • RA 2922 - Thermal elements with a casing that protects against unauthorized interference, a remote sensor, freezing protection, a range of temperature setting 5-26 ° C, a device for fixing and restricting the temperature setting. Ra 2992 and Ra 2922 are equipped with an ultra-thin capillary tube with a length of 2 m, which is inside the body of the remote sensor, connecting it with the thermostatic element working bellows. In the installation process, the tube is pulled out to the required length. RA 5060/5070 series - a number of thermoelements remote control With the protection of the heating system from freezing, the temperature setting range is 8-28 ° C, a device for fixing and restricting the temperature setting:
  • RA 5062 - with a length of the capillary tube 2 m;
  • RA 5065 - with a capillary tube length 5 m;
  • RA 5068 - with a capillary tube length of 8 m;
  • Ra 5074 - with a capillary tube 2 + 2 m.

    All thermostatic elements can be combined with any regulating valves of type RA. Clip connection provides simple and accurate mount thermoelement on the valve. The protective cover of thermoelements RA 2920 and RA 2922 prevents their unauthorized dismantling and reconfiguration to unauthorized persons. Specifications Radiator thermostators type RA correspond to European standards EN 215-1 and Russian GOST 30815-2002.

    Specifications of thermostatic elements of the RA 2000 series

    The main device of the thermostatic element is a bellows that provides proportional regulation. The thermoelement sensor perceives the change in the ambient temperature. The bellows and the sensor are filled with an easy-to-sleep liquidity and its pairs. The adjusted pressure in the bellows corresponds to the temperature of its charging. This pressure is balanced by the power of the tuning springs. With increasing air temperature around the sensor, part of the fluid evaporates, and the pressure of vapors in the bellows grows. In this case, the bellows increase in the volume by moving the valve spool towards the closing of the hole for the coolant duct into the heater until the balance between the spring force and the vapor pressure is reached. When the air temperature decreases, the pairs are condensed, and the pressure in the bellows decreases, which leads to a decrease in its volume and the movement of the valve spool towards the opening to the position in which the equilibrium of the system will again be established. Steam filling will always be condensed in the coldest part of the sensor, usually most remote from the valve body. Therefore, the radiator thermostat will always respond to changes in room temperature, which does not feel the temperature of the coolant in the underwater pipeline. However, when the air around the valve is still heated by heat, given by the pipeline, the sensor can register a higher temperature than indoors. Therefore, it is recommended to establish thermostatic elements to eliminate this influence, as a rule, in a horizontal position. Otherwise, it is necessary to apply thermoelements with a remote sensor.

    Select the type of thermostatic element

    Thermostatic elements with built-in sensor

    When choosing a thermostatic element, it should be guided by the rule: the sensor should always react to the air temperature in the room.

    Thermostatic elements with a built-in sensor should always be arranged horizontally so that the ambient air can freely circulate around the sensor. Do not install them in a vertical position, since the thermal effect on the sensor from the valve body and the heating system pipe will lead to the incorrect functioning of the thermostat.

    Thermostatic elements with a remote sensor

    Thermostatic elements with a remote sensor should be applied if: o Thermal elements are closed with a deaf curtain; o The heat flux from the heating system pipelines affects the built-in temperature sensor; o The thermoelement is located in the draft area; o required vertical installation of thermoelement. The remote sensor of the thermostatic element must be installed on the furniture-free and curtains or on a plinth under the heating device if there are no pipelines of the heating system. When installing the sensor, the capillary tube should be pulled out to the required length (maximum of 2 m) and fasten it on the wall using the accompanying brackets or a special pistol.

    Thermostatic elements of the RAW series

    Thermostatic elements of the RAW series - devices of automatic temperature control, designed to complete the RA radiator thermostators. Radiator thermostat is a proportional direct-acting air temperature regulator with a small proportionality zone, which is currently equipped with systems for the heating of buildings of various purposes. The RA type thermostat consists of two parts: a universal thermostatic element of the RAW series and an adjusting valve with a pre-adjustment of the RA-N bandwidth (for two-pipe heating systems) or Ra-G (for a single-tube system).

    The program of the production of thermostatic elements of the RAW series includes:

  • RAW 5010 is a thermostatic element with an integrated temperature sensor;
  • RAW 5012 is a thermostatic element with a remote temperature sensor;
  • RAW 5110 is a thermostatic element with a built-in sensor and a device 100% overlap of the thermostat valve.

    The thermostatic elements of the RAW series are equipped with system protection devices from freezing, fixing and restricting the temperature setting. RAW 5012 is equipped with an ultra-thin capillary tube with a length of 2 m, which is swept inside the sensor housing and connects remote sensor from thermostatic element. In the process of installation, the pipe is pulled into the required length. Clip connection provides simple and accurate mounting of the thermoelement on the valve.

    The technical characteristics of radiator thermostators with thermoelements of the RAW series correspond to European standards EN 215-1 and Russian GOST 30815-2002.

    In order to prevent unauthorized dismantling, the thermoelement can be fixed on the valve using a special retainer (see additional accessories).

    Specifications of thermostatic elements of the RAW series

    The main device of the thermostatic element is a bellows that provides proportional regulation. The thermoelement sensor perceives the change in the ambient temperature. The bellows and the sensor are filled with a special heat sensitive liquid. The adjusted pressure in the bellows corresponds to the temperature of its charging. This pressure is balanced by the power of the tuning springs. When the air temperature is raised around the sensor, the liquid is expanding, and the pressure in the bellows grows. In this case, the bellows increase in the volume by moving the valve spool towards the closure of the heat carrier duct into the heating device until the equilibrium between the spring and the fluid pressure is reached. When the air temperature decreases, the liquid begins to shrink, and the pressure in the bellows decreases, which leads to a decrease in its volume and the movement of the valve spool towards the opening to the position in which the equilibrium of the system will again be established. To eliminate the effect of warm air from heating nozzle of the heating device, it is recommended to set thermostatic elements, as a rule, in a horizontal position. Otherwise, it is necessary to apply thermoelements with a remote sensor.

    Thermostatically elements of the RAW-K series

    Thermostatic elements of the RAW-K series are automatic temperature controllers with a small proportionality zone. RAW-K are designed to install on the thermostators of the thermostators of HEIMEIER, OVENTROP or MNG, built into the design of steel panel radiators type Biasi, Delta, Dianorm, Diatherm, Ferroli, Henerad, Kaimann, Kermi, Korado, Purmo, Radson, Superia, Stelrad, Veha, Zehnder-Completto Fix. The thermostatic element of the RAW-K series has a liquid sensor with a temperature setting range of 8-28 ° C and is equipped with a device for protecting the heating system from freezing.

    The company "Danfoss" produces 3 modifications of the thermoelements of the RAW-K series:

  • RAW-K 5030 with an integrated temperature sensor;
  • RAW-K 5032 with a remote temperature sensor;
  • RAW-K 5130 with a built-in sensor and a device 100% overlap of the thermostat valve.

    RAW-K 5032 is equipped with an ultra-thin capillary tube with a length of 2 m, which is swept inside the exhaust sensor housing, connecting it with the thermostatic element working bellows. In the process of installation, the tube is pulled into the required length. The thermostatic elements of the RAW-K series comply with European standards EN 215-1 and Russian GOST 30815-2002.

    Electronic radiator thermostat Living Eco

    Electronic radiator thermostat Living ECO® is a programmable microprocessor regulator to maintain a predetermined air temperature, mainly in residential buildings serviced by water heating system. The thermostat is designed to be installed on the closens of radiator thermostators instead of traditional thermostatic elements.

    In Living Eco®, the P0, P1 and P2 programs are installed, which allow you to adjust the temperature in the room at different periods of the day.

    The P0 program supports constant air temperature throughout the day. P1 and P2 programs in order to save energy can reduce the temperature in the room during certain periods of time, which allows to adapt the operation of the heating system to the lifestyle of people living in it.

    The Living ECO® thermostat is supplied with adapters for its installation on Danfoss thermostators, as well as most of other manufacturers. Installing and configuring the Living ECO® thermostat does not represent difficulties, there are only three buttons on its panel.

    The Living ECO® thermostat is equipped with an open window function, which turns off the coolant supply to the heating device with a sharp decrease in the air temperature in the room, which reduces heat loss in the way increases the efficiency of the heating system.

    The main characteristics of the thermostat:

  • ensuring energy saving;
  • ease of installation;
  • simplicity settings;
  • maintaining comfortable temperature;
  • the "open window" function;
  • valve testing function in summer;
  • PID-law of regulation that provides accurate temperature maintenance;
  • adaptive adjustment of the output time after a decrease in temperature;
  • ability to task various temperatures for weekends and weekdays, as well as up to three periods during the day;
  • long service life of one battery pack (two years);
  • limit limit function (min. / max.) temperature;
  • blocking to protect against children;
  • special mode for a long absence during which the room for a long time not operated;
  • the function of protecting the heating system from freezing;
  • display with background illumination;
  • autonomous food.

    Pre-installed programs

  • The program without an automatic temperature reduction function - supports a permanent arbitrarily set temperature during the day. The energy-saving program - reduces temperature to 17 ° C at night (22.30-06.00). It is possible to change the energy saving program. An extended energy-saving program - reduces temperature to 17 ° C at night (22.30-06.00) and during the daytime on weekdays (08.00-16.00). It is possible to change the extended energy-saving program.

    The function "Long absence" allows to reduce the temperature in the room when it is not operated. The absence period and temperature are adjusted arbitrarily by the consumer.

    The selection of programs and their setup are made in accordance with the instructions attached to the thermoelement.

    TWA thermoelectric actuators

    The thermoelectric mini-actuators of the TWA series are designed for a two-position control of various control valves in heating systems and heat-drying of local ventilation plants.

    The drive is equipped with a visual indicator of the stroke, which shows, in which position is the valve - closed or open.

    TWA actuators depending on the modification can be used with valves of the RA, RAV8 and VMT series manufactured by Danfoss, as well as with HEIMEIER, MNG and OVENTROP valves, having a thread for fastening the drive M 30 x 1.5. In the case of applying a drive with other types of valve valve, the valve must be tested for compatibility of geometry and ensuring its closure. Power supply voltage - 24 or 230 V. Valves can be normally closed in the absence of voltage (NC) and normally open (NO). In addition, the normally closed drive with feed voltage 24 V is supplied with a limit switch (NC / S).

    The thermostat valves with the pre-tuning RA-N and RA-NCX DU \u003d 15 mm (chrome)

    RA-N and RA-NCX regulating valves are assigned to use in two-pipe water heating pumping systems.

    RA-N is equipped with a built-in device for preliminary (mounting) adjusting its bandwidth within the following ranges:

  • Kv \u003d 0.04-0.56 m3 / h - for valves do \u003d 10 mm;
  • Kv \u003d 0.04-0.73 m3 / h - for valves do \u003d 15 mm;
  • Kv \u003d 0.10-1.04 m3 / h - for valves do \u003d 20 and 25 mm.

    Ra-n and Ra-NCX valves can be combined with all the thermostatic elements of the RA, RAW and RAX series, as well as with thermoelectric drive TWA-A.

    To identify RA-N and RA-NCX valves, their protective caps are painted in red. The protective cap should not be used to overlap the coolant flow through the heating device. Therefore, the handle should be applied (code number 013G3300).

    Valve housings are made of pure brass with nickel coating (Ra-N) or chrome (RA-NCX).

    The technical characteristics of the RA-N and RA-NCX valves in combination with thermostatic elements of the RA, RAW and RAX series correspond to European standards EN 215-1 and Russian GOST 30815-2002, and the size of the connecting thread is the HD 1215 standard (BS 6284 1984). All radiator thermostators manufactured by Danfoss are manufactured at factories with ISO 9000 quality certificate (BS 5750).

    To prevent deposits and corrosion, RA-N and RA-NCX thermostat valves should be used in water heating systems, where the coolant meets the requirements of the Rules technical exploitation electrical stations and networks Russian Federation. In other cases, it is necessary to contact the company "Danfoss". It is not recommended to use compositions containing petroleum products (mineral oils) to lubricate the valve parts.

    Setting on the calculated value is made easily and accurately without the use of special tools. To do this, make the following operations:

  • remove the protective cap or thermostatic element;
  • raise the ring setting;
  • rotate the tuning ring scale so that the desired value is opposite the setting mark "O", located on the side of the valve outlet (factory setting "N");
  • release Ring Settings.

    Pre-configuration can be performed in the range from "1" to "7" at intervals of 0.5. The "N" position valve is fully open. Installation should be avoided on a dark zone scale.

    When the thermostatic element is mounted, the pre-tuning is hidden and, thus, protected from an unauthorized change.

    The thermostat valve with a pre-tuning RA-N with a compound fitting

    The RA-N valve is designed for use in two-pipe water heating tubing systems with copper pipelines or of stainless steel. To connect the valve with a pipeline with a pipeline, special crimping tools are required. Valve Case for appearance and the technical characteristics are identical to the standard valves Ra-N DN \u003d 15 mm. Ra-n can be used with any types of thermal static elements of the RA or RAW series, as well as with thermostatic elements of a special design of type RAX and thermoelectric TWA-A thermoelectric drive.

    The RA-N control valve is equipped with a built-in device for preliminary (monkent) adjusting its KV bandwidth in the range from 0.04 to 0.73 m3 / h.

    To identify valves, the protective cap is painted in red. The cap should not be used to overlap the adjustable medium. To this end, it is necessary to use a special metal handle (code number 013G3300). The valve body is made of nickel-plated brass DZR, and the pressure pin is made of stainless steel. The pin does not require lubrication over the entire life of the valve. The gland seal can be replaced without emptying the pipeline system. Ra-n should be used in water heating systems, where the coolant meets the requirements of the maintenance rules of electrical stations and networks of the Russian Federation. In other cases, it is necessary to contact the company "Danfoss". It is not recommended to use formulations containing oil products (mineral oils) to lubricate the valve parts.

    The thermostat valve with increased bandwidth RA-G

    The valve thermoregulating with increased bandwidth RA-G is designed for use, as a rule, in single-pipe systems of water heating with a pumping circulation of the coolant that meets the requirements of the technical operation of electric stations and thermal networks of the Russian Federation. The valve is not recommended to be used if impurities of mineral oil are present in the coolant.

    RA-G is equipped with a seal that can be replaced without emptying the heating system. The pressure pin in the gland is made of chrome steel and does not require lubrication over the entire life of the valve. All performances of RA-G valves are combined with any thermostatic elements of the RA series.

    Ra-G valves are supplied with gray (for identifying) protective caps that should not be used to overlap the coolant flow. Therefore, a special metal service locking handle should be applied (code number 013g3300).

    A set of X-TRATM thermostatic reinforcement for heated towel rails and design radiators.

    The thermostatic X-TRA ™ kit is specifically designed for heated towel rails. It consists of a valve of the thermostator, the thermostatic element and shut-off valve with drainage function. Innovative self-adhesive connection of valves to the radiator is carried out using a thread one second inches. Valves and thermoelement are available in white, chrome-plated and steel versions, suitable for most heated towel rails. This kit is the perfect ending of the heated towel rail. Attractive and compact design allows you to install the thermostat under the heated towel railway parallel to the wall, eliminating random strikes on it.

    Nomenclature presents two types of thermostators with various principles of regulation:

    • RAX, regulating the room air temperature;
    • RTX, which determines and regulating the temperature of water at the outlet of the heated towel rail. Used on heated towel rails and customizable by 5-10 ° C over temperature indoors, the RTX thermostat provides a constant temperature for drying towels.
    Temperature regulators have the same design with the exception of the number of the setup scales: on RAX - Roman, on RTX - Arabic.

    The valve assembly is a housing with a two-sided self-fitting fitting, which has two sealing rings: one - to compact fitting compound with a heated towel rail, second to seal fitting compound with valve body. The screw with an internal hexagon is used to ensure the sealing of the valve body compound with the fitting. If the sealing rings are not suitable for the fittings of the heated towel rail, the traditional sealing material is used.

  • Installation on the thermostat radiator is the ability to reduce the cost of heating, improving the microclimate in the house, as well as the maintenance of Earth energy resources.

    The motives can be different, but the decision is incarnated in life more and more.

    Many, choosing equipment manufacturer, stop at Danfoss.

    And not surprisingly products famous brand Easy to meet on the shelves of many stores.

    The production technology of their thermostats based on a gas-filled bellows is patented and applied at its own company plants. If you also decided to purchase a Danfoss thermostat, the installation and operation instruction will be by the way.

    The goal of the installation of the thermostat is maintaining the selected by the consumer, the air temperature in the house.

    The design of the thermostator for radiators includes two elements, complementary by each other:

    1. Thermostat (or thermostatic element).
    2. Danfoss thermostat valve.

    The valve is connected directly to the battery, and the thermostatic element is installed on it.

    Basis base is a thermostat. It is he who reacts to a change in the ambient temperature and affects the valve that overlaps the coolant stream.

    Temperature regulator Danfoss.

    Inside the thermostat head - a bellows (corrugated chamber capable of changing the size), filled with gas. Gas, depending on the temperature, changes its aggregate state (chilled it condensed). This leads to a change in volume and pressure in the chamber. The camera decreases in size, pulls the stem of the spool, which opens a greater clearance in the valve for the receipt of the coolant.

    When heated, the reverse process of expanding and overlaping the lumen occurs (adopted standard - 2 V ° C of excess air temperature over specified).

    When a comfortable temperature is displayed on the regulator scale, a certain compression of a tuning spring is established inside, which is interconnected with a certain gas pressure.

    Danfoss produces gas bellows inside, as well as liquid. The latter are more inert, react to a change in temperature slower.

    Types and symbols:

    • RTS - liquid bellows;
    • RTD-G is a gas beam for a single-tube system, or two-pipeless without pump;
    • RTD-N is a gas beam for a two-pipe system, and systems with a circulation pump.

    Danfoss Radiator Regulators RA 2991

    There are also modifications of thermoelements in which:

    • Protection from reconfiguration with random persons (a great option for public institutions and children's rooms).
    • There is a remote thermal sensor, connected by a two-meter capillary tube, which can be installed away from the radiator, blown into a niche or forced furniture, which gives a more accurate measurement result.
    • With a range of temperatures, slightly less than the conventional sensors, to integrate into the system where payments are made by standards.

    Extraction electricity from the Earth is interested in many people. - How to get your own hands, read in the article.

    Formulas and examples of the calculation of ventilation of industrial premises can be found.

    With reviews about the efficiency of electrical heating convectors, you can familiarize yourself.

    Heating system of floors

    Thermostators are used for the heating system of floors. The thermostat for warm floors is simply necessary!

    After all, driving fluid into the floor circuit, you need to lower its temperature from 60 to 90 in ° C, to a comfortable 35 - 40 V ° C (while the surface of the floor itself will be about 25 in ° C).

    Flow meters are powerless if the pressure is jumping in the system if the air heats up, for example, from the Sun, and even if the tenants want to save on heating during their absence.

    Thermomechanical regulator is better to apply for small rooms, about 10 m2.

    For large squares Use room thermostat with a warm floor temperature sensors.

    Installation of thermostatic element

    First of all, the valve on the radiator is mounted. For this, the flow of the coolant is overlap.

    1. There is a markup on the feed pipe. The site that will need to cut out should be in length correspond to the size of the valve body minus threaded connections.
    2. The heating pipe is cut, superfluous cuts.
    3. With the help of a lark, or a dice, a thread is made on the outside of the cut pipe.
    4. The compound is processed by plumbing paste and fum-ribbon.
    5. The body of the valve hills the resulting thread.
    6. Since it is impossible to twist the pipe, from the opposite side of the valve, a cape-nut-American woman twists, and then screwed (hexagoned key) into a slice of the radiator.
    7. The body of the device is screwed into its own naked nut through the rubber washer. This connection is not necessary to somehow seal, the main thing is that it is clean.
    8. After the valve is installed on the radiator, the protective cap is removed from it (located perpendicular to the pipe).

    The thermal head is set to the maximum temperature value, after which it dresses on the valve with pressing (before clicking).

    Installation of the sensor

    As already mentioned, the remote sensor is needed if the battery is built into the wall or something closed (furniture, screen, dense curtains).

    In one case of this item, a sensor and a tuning node are combined.

    1. It is best to place the device on the open (but without drafts) of the wall, at an altitude of about 1.4 m. From the floor. It is necessary to avoid places near instruments that can strongly change the temperature of the medium - air conditioners, kitchen stoves, etc.
    2. Included in the device there is a small mounting panel, which is fixed to the selected location using a pair of self-tapping.
    3. Inside the sensor, the capillary tube is mixed. It is pulled into the desired length so that the device reaches the fixed plank.
    4. The capillary tube is neatly fixed on the back of the valve.
    5. The sensor is placed on the bar by simply snatching.

    Microclimate in the house and air humidity - two inextricably configured concepts. For home and health, read it in the article.

    Which insulation for a warm floor to choose, read. And you will find general information About laying insulation.

    Installation of restriction

    The basis of the work of thermostators - physical laws. Therefore, you need to remember that the conditions in which the device is located can be made some adjustments (for example, remoteness from the heat source). There are approximate tables of compliance of the regulator scale and temperature, which can be taken beyond the landmark when installed. However, after the main setting it will be necessary to "understand" its thermostat.

    For this:

    1. Exhibit the temperature on the handle with the labels.
    2. An hour later, control measurements are conducted by a room thermometer at several points of the room.
    3. If the temperature is greater or less, the testimony is adjusted on the handle.

    The proportionality zone is 2 ° C. If you set a temperature of 20 °, the device will hold the indicators ranging from 20 to 22 ° C.

    Sensor after installation on the radiator

    Two pin, which are included in the sensor, help set limitations of the minimum and maximum position of the thermoelement.

    They are at the bottom of the device:

    1. To set a limit on a mark, for example "3", you need to pull the limiter and set the sensor readings at the "3" mark. The pin is then inserted into that hole, which in this position turns out to be under the rhombus icon.
    2. The second restrictive threshold is exhibited in the same way. The handle turns to the desired indicator, only the pin is inserted into the hole, which appears under the triangle icon.
    You can block the regulator at a certain temperature (protects from the inadvertent failure or children's pranks).

    For this:

    1. Both pins are removed.
    2. The handle is put on the desired indicator.
    3. In this position, the first pin is inserted into the hole located under the rhombus.
    4. The second pin is in the hole under the triangle.

    Danfoss thermostators have many positive feedback. This is a very easy-to-use device that does not require any attention after the initial installation and settings. But the result will be a more comfortable temperature in the apartment, as well as in some cases, substantial savings of budget funds.

    Video on the topic

    The advantages of our products

    Saving up to 46% of energy

    Radiator thermostators allow you to spend exactly the amount of energy that is necessary in this moment To maintain a comfortable room temperature. Different thermostatic elements cope with this task in different ways. Compared with the manual adjustable valve, the thermostats with liquid or paraffin filling make it possible to save 31%, with gas filling - 36%. The use of electronic radiator thermostats Danfoss Living ECO allows you to save up to 46% of energy to heating.

    * According to a study conducted by the Rhine-Westphalical Technical University,
    g. Achen, Germany.

    Fast reaction

    DANFOSS RA series thermostators are equipped with gas filling bellows. The heat capacity of gas is significantly less than liquids and, moreover, paraffin. As a result, gas regulators with gas filling react much faster to change the temperature indoors. Therefore, Danfoss thermostators maintain a temperature with greater accuracy and provide greater energy savings. Radiator thermostat with a gas-filled thermostatic element ("gas") are patented and manufactured only by Danfoss.

    Simple installation and configuration

    A set of adapters will allow you to install Danfoss Living Eco thermostat on most thermostatic valves present in the market. Ensure yourself, looking at this short video.

    Reliable work

    Danfoss thermostators are fully adapted to work in Russian conditions. It makes it possible to approve this to us more than 40 years of experience of operating thermostators in Russia. For the first time in Moscow, Danfoss thermostators were installed in 1964 in the hotel "Russia", where they served before her demolition

    Safety thermal heads for heating radiators

    In thermal heads for radiators heating Danfoss. Living ECO provides a blocking function from children. The study of the surrounding world will be safe even for the smallest.

    Comfort in all rooms

    The amount of heat required by each room changes during the day. In the morning the sun shines in the windows on the eastern side of the house, at noon on the southern, evening on Western. If you control the heating of the whole house around the temperature in the same room, the temperature will change during the day.

    Now you can buy a thermostat with modern design.

    Red Dot - known worldwide "quality mark" in the field of industrial design. Only exceptionally from the point of view of aesthetics and functionality products are obtained by this high evaluation. In 2010, Danfoss was awarded Red Dot award for the development of the Living series thermostats.

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