A sample estimate for the repair of a porch made of tiles. Repair of the porch in an apartment building

landscaping 20.06.2020

Sooner or later, in a multi-storey building, it is necessary to repair the porches of the entrances. Although most of the structures are equipped with canopies, they do not completely protect the concrete from the effects of harmful weather conditions.

Over time, the porch begins to lose its attractiveness, and pieces of cladding falling off can cause a person to fall and, as a result, get injured. Therefore, it is required not to delay the repair of the structure, which will be discussed in the article.

The entrance porch of an apartment building, like any structure, requires periodic or major repairs.

The reasons for its wear can be:

  • Washing out concrete with rainwater;
  • The appearance of microcracks under the influence of temperature fluctuations. When moisture gets into them, which expands when freezing, the crack increases, and the porch begins to gradually become unusable;
  • Often the repair of the porch in an apartment building is brought closer by the residents themselves: with constant physical impact, the facing material gradually wears out, which significantly accelerates the destructive effect of natural factors;
  • Natural aging of materials;
  • Mechanical damage that occurs from the fall of heavy objects, as well as shrinkage of the building.

At first glance, small damage to the steps seems to be minor defects that do not lead to the complete destruction of the structure. But their repair in this case is simply necessary.

  • Due to the increase in the area of ​​cracks, chips and other defects, there will come a time when it will be impossible for safety reasons to operate the staircase of the main administrative building, or the porch in the house - and especially at school.
  • To avoid such problems, timely maintenance of concrete steps, carried out at the initial stage of cracks, chips and potholes, will help. At the same time, its price will be significantly lower than a major overhaul - and even more so, a complete replacement of the structure.
  • When ordering the repair of steps immediately after the discovery of even minor damage, the owner of the building, simultaneously with the restoration of the flight of stairs, receives a complete examination of the structure, which makes it possible to identify defects hidden in it.

Repair estimates are prepared by contractors, and all work must be carried out by experienced, qualified specialists.

Features of the repair of the porch at the entrance of the house

The choice of the type of repair: capital or local, depends on the characteristics of the object or that part of it that needs restoration.

This requires:

  • Pay special attention to foundation defects;
  • Eliminate various cracks and deformations;
  • Reconstruction of the cladding of surfaces adjacent to the porch walls;
  • Sometimes make additional updates to the ventilation products and waterproofing, which regulate the level of moisture in the base of the house and prevent the accumulation of fungi and the premature destruction of the entire building.

Due to the large passage capacity of the entrance group of a multi-storey building, repairs may require local or complete replacement of the floor above the porch made of wood.

Tip: Wood is the most susceptible to deformation. When installing wooden structures, fire-retardant impregnations should be used to maximize their service life.

To repair reinforced concrete treads, it is necessary to make a notch up the step, and apply cement mortar to this area. You can use sulfur or liquid lead. A similar procedure is carried out with brick treads.

The completion of the work is painting and other operations for decorating the porch, so that in the end it harmonizes with the facade of the entire building and has a pleasant appearance.

When choosing materials for restoration, it is necessary that they be:

  • durable;
  • Differed in resistance to influence of weather factors and attrition;
  • safe for people. For example, sometimes you can find a porch that is tiled, which becomes very slippery in the cold, even if it is dry. This is due to the unprofessional approach of contractors to the repair of the porch and the wrong selection of materials;
  • Attractive for decorating the entrance to the entrance.

Porch repair organization

Usually, the construction of the porch of an apartment building consists of a platform and a concrete staircase.

You can repair it in one of three ways:

  • Contact an organization or company that serves a particular house, write an application for repairs;
  • Collect funds from the residents of the entrance, and conclude an agreement on the performance of repair and restoration work directly with the contractor;
  • Make repairs to the porch with your own hands on a voluntary basis.

There is nothing eternal. In any house, the porch is the most loaded, and it is all the more not surprising that even the solid concrete structure of the porch of a multi-storey building will require restoration over time.

How to organize a porch repair in an apartment building

There are three main ways to repair a concrete porch:

  • Contact a company or organization serving a particular house and write an application providing a documentary basis;
  • Collect funds from the residents of the entrance and conclude an agreement on carrying out repair and restoration work;
  • Repair the porch on a voluntary basis on their own.

Important! Try to establish the reasons for which the partial destruction of the porch occurred. In addition to natural wear and tear, this may be subsidence of the foundation or problems with the removal of rainwater.

As a result, the repair of the porch in the entrance of an apartment building may require significantly more resources than previously planned.

We repair the porch

Before turning to repairs, you should carefully study Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 491 of 2006. It defines what is common property for all residents of an apartment building. Without going into the legal background of the case, we can say that the repair of minor damage to the porch of a residential building and its steps should be carried out at the expense of residents. All other types of problems in the entrance of an apartment building are eliminated by the owner of the house or the housing office.

Contact the Housing Office

Before you write an application for the repair of the porch, you must perform a number of mandatory procedures:

  1. Compile a competent and detailed description of the problems with the porch, take photographs and pre-roughly estimate the approximate amount of work and the cost of materials needed to repair the porch at the entrance of an apartment building;
  2. Hold a meeting of tenants and draw up a protocol, which will be signed by all participants. By the decision of the meeting, it is necessary to draw up an estimate and collect funds with the preparation of a statement;
  3. Next, you need to write a collective appeal to the owner or to the housing office serving the apartment building, in order to make an application and carry out the repair itself by the employees of the utility company.

After submitting the application with the attached copies of the documents, we expect 10 days, and then we re-apply for clarification. If there is no reaction, no one is going to repair the entrance to the entrance, it is necessary to re-gather people and offer to write a complaint to the municipality about the failure to take measures to repair the porch. The complaint must be objective and explain in detail the situation with the repair of the porch. It is especially emphasized that failure to take action can lead to injury to people on the porch.

If the fight against bureaucrats drags on, and the porch in the entrance of an apartment building threatens health, the best option would be to do it yourself.

Do-it-yourself porch repair

In order to remove possible claims or accusations of wasting the collected money, it is better to invite the residents of the house to decide collectively and choose: buy materials and repair with their own hands or contact a specialized company. The second option will be twice as expensive as the first one, but the choice must be drawn up legally competently, with the execution of a decision protocol for the residents of an apartment building. This is necessary to eliminate possible claims from lazy smart people after the porch is repaired.

If all the formalities are settled, we purchase the material according to the estimate and proceed to the repair.

Advice! When buying, you must take receipts for the goods and photograph all the materials indicating the information for which work they are intended.

The destruction of the porch in the entrance of an apartment building usually has a large amount of concrete spalling and the destruction of facing tiles. During the repair work, it is necessary to install a wooden ladder on the porch, which residents can use for a while until the concrete sets.

It is best to choose a warm, but not hot day for porch repairs, because most of the work will have to be done during the daytime, when most residents are either at home or at work. We begin the work with fencing the repair site. Take pictures of as many operations as possible, the pictures will be useful to you later.

At the first stage of the repair, it will be necessary to remove part of the top layer of concrete so that the top reinforcement is exposed. It is easier and faster to do this with an electric puncher and a grinder with a cutting disc for concrete.

After clearing debris and concrete chips, the reinforcing ligament should be opened across the entire width of the steps, while under the metal bars, concrete is sampled at least another 40-50 mm.

In those places where the reinforcement has been lost or deformed, steel bars must be laid and tied to the remains of the old structure using steel wire or electric welding.

At the next stage, it will be necessary to assemble formwork from wooden boards for pouring the concrete mixture and forming new steps from the concrete mass. This work takes a lot of time, so it is better to use ready-made shield assemblies than to knock down the frame from scratch.

It is necessary to lay a steel mesh over the entire surface of the steps of the porch and attach it to the surface of the porch of an apartment building using dowels. Before pouring concrete, the remains of the steps are intensively moistened with water with the addition of a small amount of liquid soap. To improve the process, water can be rubbed with a brush or an old broom.

We prepare the solution for steps according to the old recipe: for one measure of cement No. 400, three measures of sand and three measures of washed crushed stone, of different fractions. Depending on the volume of pouring, a steel container or a trough of 40-50 liters will be required to prepare the solution. Each step must be filled completely, moving from the bottom to the top.

If the porch repair project provides for laying tiles, then it is better to use clinker material, it is stronger and adheres to concrete much better than paving. The poured steps must stand for at least a month before the facing of the steps can be started. If you do not have experience in laying tiles, it is better to hire a master with experience, but the payment for his services should be agreed earlier at a meeting of residents of an apartment building.


Don't forget to capture the tiling process on your camera. After completion, the repaired entrance must be presented to the residents and once again clarified their costs for repairing the porch, usually they are beyond the preliminary estimate. Send information about the repair carried out to the municipality, the housing office and the control and audit department so that the specialists from the housing office do not have the temptation to write off your work at their own expense.

To date, housing maintenance offices that serve residential buildings in our country are far from ideally coping with their direct duties. This is especially true for maintaining the condition of the entrances. It is known that for long-term operation of a dwelling it is necessary to carry out regular cosmetic and major repairs.

Restoration work often falls on the shoulders of the residents themselves. In order to professionally and rationally carry out all restoration work, an estimate for the repair of the entrance is needed, which can reflect the real amount of material costs.

Estimate for the repair of the entrance

If all the tenants have decided to take a responsible step - to repair the entrance, you need to know how to correctly draw up an estimate. This document helps to avoid problems with repairs in the future.

The first step is to find a reliable construction company that can do all the work at an affordable price. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a small monitoring of proposals in the service market. In this industry, there are a lot of companies offering their services at a variety of prices. Nevertheless, it is not worth focusing only on cost, since unsatisfactory quality and negligence are hidden behind the low price.

It is best to trust the reviews of your friends who have carried out similar work, or read information on the Internet. Companies with more than 5 years of experience value their reputation and try to complete the assigned tasks as efficiently as possible.

As a result, about 3-4 companies are selected and an analysis of previously completed work is carried out. For more detailed information and a repair organization, you can use information from the Internet. Only after that you can start drawing up estimates for each company, which will allow you to choose the best option for your budget.

Estimated documentation can also be compiled by the joint efforts of the residents of the entrance. To do this, you need to have knowledge and skills in the industry. For maximum accuracy of calculations for all stages of repair work, it is worth using the services of a professional and independent of any construction companies estimator. It is a specialist who is not interested in monetary cheating that will be able to display the real cost of all work and materials. In addition, he can give practical advice on how and on what to save the allocated budget.

One of the most important moments in the repair is the conclusion of an agreement with the contractor. This document will guarantee the quality of work performed within the established time frame. The estimate acts as an addition to the main contract.

How is the repair of the entrance carried out according to the estimate?

All restoration work is carried out in stages. Initially, it is necessary to carry out dismantling work, which consists of removing old paint, worn coatings on the ceiling and walls, as well as dismantling windows and protective grilles. Of course, such manipulations will bring temporary inconvenience to residents, since construction debris and dust will be present.

The most extended in time will be painting work. Large surfaces require a rough coat and finish with further painting. All work must be supervised by the house manager in order to prevent defects or shortcomings.

What works can be included in the estimate for the repair of the entrance?

  1. Ceiling.

After plastering the ceilings, restoration work does not end, since further whitewashing or wallpapering is necessary. More modern repair options are also possible, namely, the installation of suspended ceilings with built-in lighting fixtures. Quite often, decorative modeling is used as decorations or ceiling tiles are used. At the request of residents, additional lamps and chandeliers can be installed.

  1. Walls.

The standard painting of walls with whitewash is a thing of the past. At the moment, professional builders use in their work a wide range of decoration elements that will make cosmetic repairs a unique work of art. As a material for walls, wallpaper for painting or ceramic tiles are used.

More expensive, but elegant, is sheathing with plastic and wood panels. Relief plaster or applied mosaic will create an amazing atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

Of course, the choice of material remains with the customer, leaving the material possibilities. If necessary, additional partitions can be erected for zoning the space.

The construction market has a huge number of different floor coverings that can be safely used for the entrance. The most popular are ceramic tiles, durable laminate, linoleum, natural parquet and even carpet.

  1. Windows and doors.

Depending on the collective desire of the residents of the entrance, modern plastic windows and reliable entrance armored doors can be installed.

Depending on the type of repair (major or cosmetic), the list of works in the estimate may differ significantly. At the same time, each type of restoration work is divided into: planned, emergency and extraordinary.

To make an accurate calculation, it is worth taking advantage of the offers of professional estimators with extensive experience in this industry. They will conduct the necessary studies and measurements, which will allow us to obtain the following estimate documentation:

  • visual inspection and accurate measurement of all dimensions of the entrance will allow you to find out and fix the entire scope of work;
  • based on the data received, a list of all necessary repairs is compiled;
  • then a table of necessary building materials and their prices is compiled;
  • workers' wages are also calculated.

The finished estimate for the repair of the entrance is put up for general review and approval of the residents. At the same time, everyone can make their own adjustments and offer the best options. After approval, a contract will be signed with a contractor who will perform all the work.

A well-designed estimate allows you to take into account almost all the nuances and costs, which in the future will be able to protect the customer from additional costs or fraud.

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