What is an array of wood in furniture. What is an array in furniture

The buildings 29.08.2019
The buildings

Estimation of centuries The tree was a symbol of power, forces, was considered a reliable material for the construction and manufacture of household items.

The tree is an excellent material for the development and creation of exclusive furniture, alive and incredibly cozy, attractive and good, ergonomic and practical. And even the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, as well as the emergence of new technologies and innovative materials on the market, did not make a natural tree less popular in demand among the admirers of natural beauty and style.

Benefits Furniture from the natural array is difficult to overestimate.

1. Ecology.

Furniture created from environmentally friendly materials, guaranteed not to harm your health. After all, the use of such furniture has a centuries-old history and has not been checked on one generation.

2. Safety

When hitting O. wooden furniture A significant part of the strike array takes on itself, thereby the trauma of the collision decreases.

3. Practicality

Furniture from the massif, in comparison with composite furniture (chipboard, MDF, DVP), much stronger and more reliable, which means it has more long term operation. Thanks to mine natural properties Wood, the rocks of which are used for the production of furniture, more resistant to humidity and is not susceptible to rotting. Furniture from natural tree It is capable of serving its owner "faith and true" not one decade and consistently remain not only stylish, but also reliable.

The array products are ideal for restoration, despite the fact that in some cases they appear dents and slightly noticeable scratches. However, they provide products with some kind of special flare of antiquity, charm.

4. Aesthetics

Massif furniture is not only stylish, but also prestigious. You can try to bring as much as you like artificial materials To the appearance of natural wood - it will not be possible. Created by nature itself, the unique pattern and the color of natural wood caress the look, make a peace and comfort in the middle of the house. Touching furniture, you can feel the velvetiness and heat of the surface. The furniture from the massif please smells, so your home will be filled with a sophisticated aroma. The tree has a special energy, with the help of which you can make positive emotions in your apartment.

Natural wood is good also by the fact that it does not contradict any style, which means it will easily fit even in the most ultrabic interior.

Array - Production Secrets

An array of wood is ecologically pure Materialwhich is very often used for the manufacture of furniture. Such furniture is 100% composed of high-quality wood. Many would like to have such excellent and beautiful furnitureBut not everyone knows how to choose it.

Due to the cheaper technologies for the production of various building materials The tree array is less and less used for the manufacture of furniture. If you take into account the fact that such furniture does not afford to each person, naturally, manufacturers are focused on consumers who will acquire products from cheaper materials. But still in stores you can still see furniture from the wood array. Such furniture looks great and constantly attracts the views of all buyers.

But not all buyers know that the furniture is hidden. Very often we do not even imagine how the price of the furniture is also affected by the price of the furniture and wood and wood quality. It should be stopped at these points.

Furniture from the wood massif is always made of wooden shields. So, there are one-piece and fascinated shields. Also distinguish shields with bitch and without. It is possible to determine the quality of wood only at the production stage. On the quality of wood affect the availability of bitch, the density of annual rings and the presence of interlayers in the wood array. It should be noted that the presence of bitch reduces the quality of the wood. But still back to the shields. With solid shields, everything is clear - these are pieces of wood. Fingering shields receive by gluing with each other thin plates. As a result, we get a durable shield from which you can do any product. It should be noted that the products from the frenched shields are practically not deformed. Naturally, furniture from fascinated shields is an order of magnitude higher.

So, we figured out, from which wooden array make furniture. But not only one or another type of shields affects the price of the furniture, but also a tree breed. When choosing a tree of wood, take into account the mass of the nuances.

Array - seventures of choice

First, pay attention to the softness of wood. On the this moment Production uses more than 40 tree breeds, among which they distinguish with solid and soft wood. Soft wood have pine, whaw, cherry, alder, spruce, cedar, juniper, poplar, chestnut, aspen, fir. Such wood is suitable for the manufacture of furniture on which a large load will not go.

Solid wood has such species of trees: maple, elm, oak, birch, beech, rowan, ash, apple tree, walnut, Platan, Ilm. There are also trees with very solid wood: Samshat, Kizil, Tis, Pistachio Tree, White Acacia. Of these breeds of wood make children's furniture, cabinets, beds.

Each type of wood is distinguished by its features in the manufacture of furniture and its use.

Massive pine - Productive material. It is easily processing. Pine coating reacts well to grinding and tint, without losing its natural texture. The main quality pine characteristic is reliability. It easily tolerate moisture and is not afraid of water. It has a healing effect on the body. The choice in favor of pine furniture is a great option, if you take into account the price value, quality and availability ratio.

Array of beech great for making light furniture. This breed of wood is different not only with its hardness, but also flexibility, so beech made of beech furniture. The beech is used to make furniture "under ancient". By the way, the beech is an excellent alternative to the oak.

Massif of Duba different with its strength. The furniture from the oak is not only very durable, but also expensive, since the wood of this tree is very valuable. Also consider the oak wood has a wide range different shades: From yellowish and white to yellow-brown. But in his natural color, Oak is rare. Usually this wood is smeared.

Often from manufacturers and sellers of furniture, you can hear the expressions "Array of Tree", "Natural Tree" and so on. But what is really an array of wood and how natural is it? We'll figure out.

Coming B. furniture store, the buyer often has to face the phrase "This product is made of natural wood array." This can be read in technical description, and hear the learned phrase from the seller-consultant. However, few people understand this terminology, and does not give in any meaning. What ? Can he be unhetric? What is the solid array differs from glued? What is called lamellas? Answers to these and other questions you get in this material where a specific definition of each of the terms is given. This information can be useful to you when choosing furniture, interior doors, outdoor coatings and other products from wood.

What is called a wood array

An array of wood is the material that fully consists of a natural tree. Unprocessed array can have a view of bars, boards or wooden canvasesFrom which the furniture product is then manufactured. An array can be manufactured different waysBut always only from the whole pieces of wood, and not from sawdust, chips and other waste. This is the key difference between the array from other wood materials, such as chipboard, MDF and Fiberboard. Products made of solid wood are considered the most elite, since this material has high quality and environmental friendliness. At the same time, it is distinguished by a high cost, which gives furniture from the natural tree of elimination. Having understood with the definition of the array of wood, one can move to its views and methods of production.

Whole array

On the external attraction of natural wood products big influence It has an existing surface texture. The presence of bitch, cavities and other formations negatively affects appearance Furniture. Because of this it follows that perfectly clean slices of wood are considered better, but they are much more difficult to pick up. A piece of such wood is called solid, therefore, like the array itself.

Furniture made of solid wood array refers to an elite category, which is confirmed by the corresponding high cost and prestige. A large price is formed not only at the expense of the cost of solid wood, but also at the expense of the accompanying expensive fittings and finishes. If you want to buy a product from a natural tree, but at the same time you are not ready to pay significant amounts, you can make a choice in favor of another type of woody array - glued.

Glued array

During the cut of freshly edged trees, it turns out great amount Small pieces, of which one cannot manufacture whole bars or boards, but it is also impractical on the sawdust. The same can be said about boards with some defects in the form of bitch or cracks. From such materials and is made glued array, which is also called furniture, or, if it has the form of a bar - Eurobrus.

The glued array consists of several layers of wood, which are fixed with each other with a special adhesive. Each of these layers is called lamella. An important feature of gluing lamellas is the alternation of the longitudinal and transverse direction of the fibers. The prestige of furniture made of glued wood is less than one-piece, but at the same time significantly higher than that of products from chipboard and MDF. Although an array and glued, but this is a real tree, and not glued shavings and sawdust as chipboard or MDF. By some parameters, the glued array exceeds one piece. If we truth to speak, then the real furniture made of wood massif must be solid, but many manufacturers in attempts to attract customers lower costs are increasingly using cheaper raw materials.

Thus, choosing furniture from the wood massif, you should not pay attention to the beautiful signs of the type "Furniture from a natural tree", "Made from wooden bar" etc. In fact, such products consist of a real tree, that's just main question In the technology of its receipt: a solid board or glued slabs. It is on this that it is worth concentrating attention.

Differences of the whole and glued massif

Natural tree requires compliance with all rules technological process In the manufacture of furniture. The most important and difficult stage, which has a significant impact on the quality and durability of products, is drying. With incorrect storage or drying materials, the product in the future can crack and lose its attractiveness. In this regard, the furniture from the glued massif is much less arrogant, it is significantly less common and cracks and cracks.

The second criterion that is spilled in these types of products is strength. Thanks to multidirectional wood fibers, the strength of glued products is higher than that of solid. Of course, a certain role is played by the used wood breed. Another advantage of the glued wood is lower cost. Of the disadvantages it is worth noting the presence of an adhesive substance, and, as a result, less environmental friendliness. Some manufacturers, trying to save, use not the highest quality glue, which can be distinguished by harmful evaporation.

Summing up, it can be concluded that the woody array is the most environmentally friendly and durable of natural materials, which is widely used in the manufacture of various furniture. Choosing between glued and solid wood should be relying on their own capabilities and desires. The presence of glue in the glued array is not critical, as it is significantly less than in less qualitative materials, such as chipboard and MDF.

There is a Sheremetyevsky palace in Moscow, everything is wooden there. You can visit him with a tour only in summer time. Because he is considered a monument of architecture and so that he does not rot for 50 years, they decided not to carry out any heating. Conclusion: - If you start seasonal heating, then the temperature differences, and therefore the humidity will begin to destroy unprotected wood very quickly. Now a little numbers. In order for the exciderace from the massif, there was no cracks, before production, the tree is dried to 14% humidity. I have panel house And after installation plastic windows suddenly room Flowers Started bending. I had to go buy moisture meter. At first I thought that the device was not working, because its value of 30% did not change for several days. I ran to measure moisture in the bathroom. When the soul is turned on, the value seemed to 90%. I ran to buy an air humidifier and after it turned on, two days moisture meter continued to show 30%. On the third day of the testimony slowly crawled up.
Conclusions: - Without an air humidifier in the humpy season, the relative humidity of the air in the apartment, as in the sugar desert, less than 30% is the lower limit for measuring the device. The five kilogram rope drying of linen in the kitchen has increased humidity by 3-5%. Humidity useful humidity - 40-60% (SanPiN). On the street, the humidity changes every day by 20-40%. In the room, the humidity does not change quickly and strongly depends on the walls of the walls, the ceiling, the floor - their hydroscopicity. So I have all partitions from plaster. This material has a huge ability to stretch the suction and evaporation of atmospheric moisture from the material into the air. For this reason, or with the help of hoods, the round-the-clock operation of the humidifier could not raise the humidity above 50%. In the summer, the humidifier had to turn off, because, as soon as the windows were opened for ventilation, the average humidity of 50% became a permanent, background meaning. Why all this? Here are the 14% of industrial wood drying for furniture only and ensure the tightness of the joints of the fastening of products and any exceeding the external humidity leads to the bulk of the compound and increase its strength. And if the tree is not delicious, and the domestic drying technologies, the quality of varnishes and attitude to the profession, we know what, tables and chairs begin to swing. And more - for natural wood 10 years not a term, a tree blows up to decades. And if the humidity sharply increases wood from overvoltage, even simply on the fiber - internal stresses. That is, that the tree serve for a long time behind it needs careful care and accommodation conditions. Or calm attitude if it gets sick. I often want to ask the participant for the forums, and how often do they like (or would like) to change the interior projected? How to spouses? Or how are friends? I think how in a song is a serious case, it is impossible to trust anyone. Although the interior is created according to your sample and likeness ...

The woody array is wood that is deprived of a variety of impurities and adhesive compositions. In order to make furniture, you can use valuable or non-poor rocks.

Such products are chosen not only due to increased level of safety and durability. It is here that you can familiarize yourself with furniture, which is distinguished by an excellent appearance.

Array in furniture: Main features

To handle wood, you have to spend a lot financial means. That is why one-piece slices are rarely used in the process of manufacturing furniture. This item should be taken into account if you have looked after a wardrobe from an array of any tree breed. Of course, you can buy a product from solid pieces, but get ready to spend a considerable financial sum.

That is why manufacturers try to replace such a material with a glued array. These are plates from wood that received the gluing method of individual pieces of wood. For the production of the array you need to hire only a real professional. That's why finished goods It turns out very high quality, and with their manufacture, all technologies were observed.

Thanks to this material, you can get furniture that is much cheaper. Sometimes technology is combined, producing basic designs of glued array, and elements for decoration - from solid material.

The method of manufacturing furniture can easily calculate if carefully examine the fibers. If used natural material, they do not have clear borders and do not break down in an unexpected place. The boundaries of the glued material look as if their someone outlined. In addition, his fibers "torn", which can be seen with the naked eye.

Furniture from this material: basic advantages

With what is an array, you figured out. However, do you need to spend money on the purchase of such furniture?

She has a number of weighty advantages:

  • such furniture is different increased level strength;
  • lessons will serve for a long time, if you care about them;
  • furniture from the array is environmentally friendly, because it does not emit harmful components into the air;
  • with the help of such products, you can decorate any interior, because they look very presentable;
  • the tree has a special energy, with which you can make positive emotions in your apartment;
  • the furniture from the array smells very pleasant, so your home will be filled with a sophisticated aroma.

These are the highlights that concern furniture from the array. If you choose in favor of such products, you will get a lot of pleasant impressions, because your home will become more comfortable and more beautiful.

What is the difference between the concepts of wood furniture and furniture from the wood massif, look in the video:

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