Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a steam bath in stages. Interior decoration of the bath: how to create a zone of comfort and coziness

The buildings 25.06.2019
The buildings

The bath can be built from any material: wood, brick, foam concrete, aerated concrete and much more. To do this, you can attract experts in this field.
But finishing the baths inside with your own hands can be not only cost-effective, but also of high quality.

Where to start finishing work? After all, there are several surfaces in the room that need to be aesthetically beautiful.
This includes finishing:

  • Stan.
  • Paula
  • Ceiling.

Floor finish

The whole process starts from the floor. As a rule, during the construction of the draft floor is not done.
It is for this reason that it is worthwhile to initially deal with floor structures. For this, a concrete screed is made.
For the solution is used:

  • Cement brand 400.
  • Crushed stone (not too large).
  • Sand (cleaned).
  • Water.

Stages of work:

  • Wooden beacons are installed along the entire perimeter of the room, and the solution will be poured along them. After that, sand and gravel are added, and expanded clay can also be used.
    It is insulating and waterproofing works. This is especially important if there is no basement in the room.
  • The concrete solution itself is mixed in a concrete mixer. Thus, you can save time and effort. It is necessary to fill in such a way that the surface of the subfloor is as even as possible.

Advice. If this did not work out, then it will be possible after complete solidification concrete mortar screeds use a liquid floor that perfectly levels the surface.

Finishing work on the floor is carried out only after the completion of work on the walls and ceiling of the room. Interior decoration floors can be made with any modern and affordable floor coverings.


After work on the floor, the whole process switches to the walls. The rough finish of the walls is their alignment and preparation of the surface for fine finishing work.
In what cases do you need finishing:

  • Wall decoration is more dependent on building material from which the bath is built. If it is built of brick or other similar material, then surface alignment may not be required.
  • Only it will be necessary to qualitatively prepare the surface for finishing work. In this case, you can use drywall or plaster.

Advice. To save time and cash it is best to opt for preparatory work using drywall.

Application of plaster for surface preparation.
To use plaster you will need:

  • Starting plaster.
  • Finish plaster.
  • Container for mixing solution.
  • Water.
  • Two spatulas (large and small).

Applying plaster:

  • Plaster on stone walls fairly easy to apply. To do this, the surface of the wall must be primed.
    After that, the starting and finishing plaster. The name of such materials speaks for itself.
  • Starting plaster is used in initial work. It is sold in bulk form and in order to qualitatively knead the solution on the package there is a special instruction.
    Water is added to the container along it and plaster powder is poured into it. After that, with the help of a construction mixer, it is qualitatively kneaded to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • The starting plaster is applied in small layers. Each layer must first dry well.
    Then such plaster is processed with sandpaper.

Advice. For such work, it is better to choose a large sandpaper. It will very quickly help to get rid of various irregularities that could be formed as a result of applying the starting layer.

  • After the starting layer of plaster is applied finishing. Its solution is made similarly to the starting plaster.
    Only it serves not to level the surfaces, but to hide the irregularities that could have formed as a result of applying the starting plaster.
  • Applying this type of plaster is quite simple. Layers should not be too large.
    Their number must be at least 2 layers. Each layer dries well before applying the next.
    The quality of applying plaster to the surface will depend on this. After that, the surface is treated with sandpaper.

Advice. Finer sandpaper must be used to sand the final plaster layer.

As soon as the walls are already prepared, then it will be possible to carry out fine finishing work on them.

The use of drywall in decoration

Drywall has been used for many years to level and prepare surfaces. Very often, in order to perform from rounded timber, it is drywall that is used in the works.
To install drywall you will need:

  • metal profiles.
  • Self-tapping screws for metal and with wide hats.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Perforator.
  • Level.
  • Bulgarian.

Finishing the bath inside with your own hands using drywall will be quite simple. The video shows such a finishing process.
There is nothing complicated in all actions:

  • Previously, a metal profile frame is attached to the wall surface. It is mounted with dowels and screws.
    It represents a kind of crate. Drywall sheets will be attached to it. Such material is cut very easily.
    To do this, you can use a regular clerical knife.
  • Drywall is mounted on the frame using self-tapping screws with large caps. After the frame with the material is ready, all joints must be glued with a special construction tape.
    Then only on the surface it will be possible to apply plaster or putty.
  • Do-it-yourself bath walls are finished inside with any material. His choice will largely depend on the purpose of using a particular room.

Ceiling finish:

  • The rough finish of the ceiling will depend on what material the ceiling is made of - wood, concrete floors etc.
  • If, however, concrete floors are used as a black ceiling, then the surface may not be leveled, but preparatory work must be done.
  • The whole process is very similar to the rough finishing work on the surface of the walls, drywall or plaster is also used. But here the type of ceiling finish will play a big role.

In some cases, it is not necessary to pre-prepare the ceiling surface.

Finishing work on finishing the bath inside

The whole cleaning process finishing works inside such a room it starts from the surface of the walls, then goes to the ceiling, and only then the floor is finished.
In some cases, it would be more rational to initially make the ceiling, then the walls and then the floor, see photo. But it depends on the choice of ceiling covering.

Room wall decoration

Today there are very big choice fairly affordable finishing materials that are widely used in bath decoration and have good technical characteristics.
Very practical are:

  • Plastic.
  • Siding.
  • wood.
  • Plaster.
  • Ceramic tile.

The choice of one or the other depends on the room itself and how it is used. It is clear that in the decoration of the steam room it is best to use natural materials- wood.
It is under the influence of high temperature and steam is not able to emit a variety of harmful substances.

Advice. To finish the steam room in the bath, only deciduous trees are used, since conifers can release oily substances, which over time will simply spoil the aesthetic appearance of the surface.

  • Siding and plastic are most commonly found in shower rooms. They have almost the same specifications.
    They are moisture resistant and are not able to be exposed to temperature changes.
  • They are attached to the crate and thus the surfaces are leveled. Plastic is considered universal, as it is used not only for wall decoration, but also for ceiling covering.
    It cleans up easily.
  • As for ceramic tiles, it can be used not only on the walls of the room, but also on the floor. It is very rational to apply it on the floor in the shower room or near the pool.
  • inside using ceramic tiles is also quite simple. This material is mounted on a flat surface using special glue or cement mortar.
  • Cross-shaped beacons are inserted between each tile, which will make it possible to maintain not only uniform distances between the finishing elements, but also in case of shrinkage, it will make it possible not to deform the material.

On the this moment there is different price on ceramic tiles. It all depends on the size and manufacturer.

Ceiling finish:

  • As a ceiling covering in a bath, moisture-resistant and practical plastic is often preferred, which has not only a wide variety of colors and sizes, but also types.
  • Also often found in stretch ceiling. But in this case, it is better to give preference not to a film, but to a fabric structure of this type.
    It will not deform from the effects of temperature changes and has a fairly large selection of colors and textures.

  • Do-it-yourself interior decoration of baths can be using and false ceiling. But here it is worth considering the moment that there are suspended structures of various structure and texture, and some of them are not recommended for use in rooms where there is high humidity.

Bathroom flooring:

  • As floor covering can be any material. Laminate interior flooring in baths has become very popular.
    But it can only be used in a rest room or other room where there is no moisture. Otherwise, such material may begin to deform (swell) and lose its appearance.
  • Linoleum is widely used. Ceramic tiles are most often found in shower rooms and around the pool.
  • Parquet in the bath is better not to use. If there is no well-designed ventilation system in the room and there is always high humidity, then such a finishing material will be deformed.
    It costs quite a lot.

It is necessary to choose the finish of the bath judging by your financial capabilities, the practicality of the finishing material and interior design.

It is no secret that the interior decoration of the bath, if specialists are involved for this purpose, can cost a tidy sum. At first glance, complex and painstaking work is available to everyone, the main thing is to understand all the subtleties and choose the right materials. The material below will introduce you to the popular options for interior decoration of baths.

The most common options for finishing baths - natural wood. Recently, wood has been combined with wild stone, refractory bricks and tiles that can withstand high temperatures. Choosing the right option, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of a particular material, personal preferences and financial capabilities. Recommended materials for a bath, taking into account temperature differences and humidity:

Finnish pine in the decoration of baths (saunas) occupies a leading position. Walls trimmed with clapboard look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. The tree of this breed is able to serve for many years without compromising quality and appearance. A feature of the Finnish pine is that this breed retains its natural aroma. The bath is fresh and pleasant, no resin flows on the walls. It is mounted in the usual way, its naturalness gives unity with nature. Using this type of finish, you can get original design baths.

Durable oak finish can last for decades, while remaining a noble material. Walls made of oak lining look very harmonious with furniture made of the same wood. In addition to aesthetics, oak has a number of useful properties with which the tree was endowed by nature. Inhaling the aroma of wood, you can get rid of many diseases. Oak sauna has a beneficial effect on health, especially in the presence of colds. The wood species absorbs moisture in such a way that it allows you to adjust the temperature that is optimal for the steam room. Such a bath looks noble and solid.

The rustic flavor of the bath is given by the use of a block house for finishing linden logs. The surface of the logs is slightly rough, they are chosen when arranging the traditional Russian style in the bath. This option can be considered a costly affair, but if you do the finishing yourself, you can save a lot. In addition to walls, logs make out door and window openings, make them wooden furniture antique.

The rich color of mahogany gives the bath nobility and presentability. A rare type of wood, in addition to deep color, has undeniable advantages over other species. It is expensive to save wood, it can be combined with other species, tiles, stone. A mahogany bath will look chic if there is such an opportunity and the desire to make such an interior can be done on your own. Otherwise, it is better to contact specialists.

Mahogany does not require additional external protection from destruction, which is why it is so prized.

In modern baths, the combination of different finishing materials has become popular. Increasingly, bath masters began to use for wall decoration, useful material- Himalayan salt. Thanks to natural material you can create an original design and improve your health. A visit to such a bath is equated to medical procedures. Salt stone is very harmoniously combined with natural wood. The atmosphere of such a bath contributes to complete relaxation, ideal for relaxation.

To more available options finishes include larch lining. The choice of this material for modern market huge. Unpretentious larch finish in care - strong and durable. The interior of the bath with larch acquires a cozy soothing shade. Larch can decorate walls, make doors, benches and other bath utensils.

Tip: instead of stain, it is better to cover the larch lining with a proven method - beeswax. This type of wood processing gives the surface a natural shine and protects against rot.

Finishing the bath inside with your own hands step by step

As already mentioned above, best material for facing of baths and saunas - a natural tree. Lining or timber of a certain type of wood will create a special microclimate and will retain heat perfectly. No other alternative has yet been devised. Below we will talk about the technology of phased clapboard lining inside the bath:

  • Preparatory work;
  • Measurement of the bath area;
  • Necessary materials;
  • Wall and ceiling decoration;
  • Work on laying the floor;
  • The final stage;

TO preparatory work refers to an action plan that needs to be carried out step by step.

Understanding how to sheathe a clapboard bath will help detailed video. See how to do it right to avoid mistakes. Professional advice will help you finish the walls and ceiling in the bath with your own hands.

Bath materials and their features

Materials for interior decoration of such premises must be absolutely safe. Do not use linoleum, chipboard, plywood and PVC panels. In addition to being flammable, forbidden materials release harmful toxins when heated. By giving preference to wood and stone, you choose practicality with durability. Reducing the cost of the material over time will require replacement. Lining should be free of knots, smooth, without roughness and notches.

  1. A rich assortment of wood allows you to choose a breed without resinous compounds and resistant to temperature extremes.
  2. It is necessary to process wood with non-toxic means, otherwise, instead of the natural smell of wood in the bath, the smell of chemicals will soar.
  3. If desired, the tree can be impregnated with hemp or linseed oil, beeswax.
  4. The firebox area is trimmed with non-combustible materials, a stainless steel sheet should be laid on the floor next to it.
  5. When choosing insulation and waterproofing, it is better to give preference to materials from trusted manufacturers.
  6. Lighting lanterns must be closed so that moisture does not get there. Wiring should be done by a specialist or a person who understands this topic.

When interior decoration of the bath, it should be borne in mind that the structure must withstand conditions of high humidity. An important task is to create those that meet the needs for baths. performance characteristics conditions. Professional advice and step by step recommendations will help to finish the bath in accordance with the requirements.

From time immemorial, not only the Slavs, but also the Finnish, Ugric and even nomadic tribes have made a considerable contribution to the creation, which eventually began to be called "Russian bath". In those days, the technology was very simple: a massive frame was used, which did not have any heaters inside. In our technological world, this option is not very practical, since it will take a significant amount of firewood and a lot of time to heat the bath. Once upon a time, wood was the cheapest material - now it is no longer so. Modern bath easier to sew. There is enough information and photos for this. How to make it inexpensive and beautiful? About this and will be discussed Further.

Quick Guide to Material Selection

What lining for the bath to use and is it needed at all? An important question for owners of steam rooms. Let's first understand what functions it performs. The main task of the sheathing is to reduce the consumption of heat energy and reduce the burning time from 4 to 1-1.5 hours. Although, perhaps, this does not apply to baths, competently built according to old technologies - from a single bar. In this case, no heaters are required. However, the construction costs will be completely different.

Steam room from solid timber

So, when choosing a material, first of all, you need to think about the properties that it should have. Of course, it must be non-flammable, vapor-resistant and, of course, harmless to your health. Not recommended for upholstery internal walls baths are unnatural materials.

The favorite material for interior decoration is lining, a little less often they prefer spectacular to their appearance block house, or just developing magnelite on the market. What do you prefer anyway? Let's consider all the options in more detail.

Clapboard lining

Lining among builders is associated with beauty, practicality and reasonable cost. High quality wall paneling partially regulates the air humidity in the steam room, prevents the appearance of fungal mold and condensate, and allows the walls to "breathe".

Advice. There is little secret when choosing a lining, which can significantly reduce the cost of its purchase. Very often, on the building materials market, lining up to 1.5 m long is much cheaper than from 2 m and above. And sheathing a bath with a material of this length is quite simple - you just need to make a rail in the middle.

Most often, lining is preferable for finishing the interior of the bath, as it has a number of undoubted advantages:

  1. Saves heat. Lining significantly reduces heat leakage, respectively, and the amount of firewood used (electricity, gas).
  2. It gives the room an aesthetic appearance, hiding communications and uneven finishes.
  3. Prevents the formation of dampness.
  4. Long serves.

Steam room lined with clapboard

You should also seriously approach the choice of wood for lining, because the level of reliability of the material and the degree of financial costs depend on it.

  • Linden - perfect option for a wig. Allocated by her essential oils have a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect. It enhances perspiration without burning the skin and Airways due to low thermal conductivity.
  • A less financially costly alternative to linden will be aspen. It draws out diseases from the body, is not subject to decay after prolonged contact with water. This tree is very soft, it is cut without problems.
  • The best option for shower walls larch. It has a positive effect on well-being, increases resistance to infections. And floors from this tree will be exclusively strong and reliable. Even various small rodents and a bug will not be afraid of them.
  • The leader in strength among tree species is undoubtedly white stock. It is even stronger than oak and will only get stronger with time. Acacia is not subject to deformation and decay. Products made from this wood will be very durable and wear-resistant, so acacia is perfect for finishing doors and floors in a steam room.

Choosing a block house

Block house for a bath - the best combination of price and quality. This material is so close in its external characteristics to a log house that it is almost impossible to distinguish a bath sheathed with a block house from a log one. This material undergoes special drying, so it is not afraid of deformation or cracks. But periodic (once every few years) bactericidal treatment is still desirable.

block house

There is a classification of a block house according to the degree of quality:

  • Class "C" - low quality material, processed only superficially. Various kinds of deformations are allowed (cracks, bark remnants, etc.);
  • Class "B" - medium quality block house, allowing only a limited amount of deformation (small cracks, knots up to 3 cm, etc.);
  • Class "A" - perfectly processed material, without any irregularities (with the exception of small knots - up to 3 cm);
  • "Extra" class - the most high level material quality with perfect surface finish.

For the interior decoration of the bath, a block house of the last two classes is recommended. As a material for a block house, hardwood and wood are used. conifers, with the exception of spruce and pine (because they have a high thermal conductivity and can cause burns if touched).

Advice. In no case should you use chipboard and fiberboard in a steam room, since they release toxins when heated.


A self-confident newcomer to the building materials market is a glass-magnesium sheet. It is made from fine wood shavings, magnesium and other components reinforced with fiberglass mesh. This is an acceptable, but not the best material for interior decoration. However, certain advantages of this material cannot be denied:

  1. Immune to temperature changes and burning.
  2. Does not rot and is immune to moisture
  3. Easy to mount.

Magellan glass sheet

We have introduced you in this material to the possible options for finishing the interior of the bath, ranging from natural wood and ending with modern materials. Now, knowing about the advantages of certain materials, it will be easier for you to make a choice depending on your wishes and financial capabilities.

What not to sheathe a bath: video

How to sheathe a bath: photo

Finishing a steam room with your own hands requires a special approach, since the materials used for this must withstand not only high humidity but also peak temperatures. In addition, the aesthetic design of the premises should create a special favorable atmosphere that promotes psychological relief and physical relaxation.

In order for the sauna steam room to meet all the needs of its visitors, according to all possible parameters, it is recommended to think over and draw up a plan for decorating the room in advance.

Basic principles and stages of steam room equipment

If the structure of the bath has already been erected, the premises have been distributed, and each of them is known, then, based on this data, you can start creating a project. It would be better to make several options for a particular room so that there is a choice between three ÷ four interiors.

After it has been determined the most optimal option, it will become possible, focusing on the size of the room, to calculate the amount of necessary building and finishing materials for decorating the walls of the steam room, arranging shelves, for paro-, hydro - and thermal insulation of walls.

In addition, you will immediately need to decide on the lighting system. It should be safe and bright enough to create a special mood in the dark room of the steam room, conducive to relaxation.

All construction and finishing activities are carried out in a certain sequence, which should not be violated, otherwise it is possible that you will have to redo all the work.

  • First thing installed all electrical wiring. In the planned places of installation of fixtures, wires are passed through the entire system of insulation and waterproofing, as well as through the lining.
  • The next step is the crate on the walls and ceiling, and the first layer of vapor barrier material is fixed to it.
  • Then a place is determined for the installation of the furnace - it will be finished using a special technology and a little later.
  • Next, the location ventilation system, preparing a hole for the chimney in the wall or ceiling.
  • The next step is to install insulation between the bars of the crate. Usually, stone or basalt wool is chosen for a bath, which reacts less than others to elevated temperatures and humidity.
  • Further, the second layer of the vapor barrier membrane is stretched on top of the insulation.
  • It is fixed on top of it, or one of the other reflective materials is selected.
  • Then settles down place for installation of the furnace - base and walls.
  • The rest of the floor is laid out with ceramic tiles or, if desired, covered with wooden flooring.
  • The next step is to install the door frame and the door itself.
  • Further, the steam room is sheathed with wooden clapboard - first the ceiling, and then the walls.
  • Then the installation of shelves, other elements of bath equipment is carried out, lamps are installed.

Video: a few sketches of possible options for steam room equipment

This was the general sequence of work. Now about these stages - in more detail.

Step-by-step finishing of the steam room

Electrical part

Electric cables are fixed on the wall under insulation and vapor barrier. The cable must be solid throughout, must not have terminal or solder joints, and even more so - twists. After finishing the finishing, the connection points of the lighting fixtures must be very well insulated.

Lighting devices are distributed evenly throughout the room - it can be the illumination of the ceiling, shelves or corner areas. Any lamp must be equipped with a special hermetic cover that will protect the lamp from moisture. If ordinary unprotected lamps are used in the steam room for lighting, they will fail very quickly. It is also quite likely that short circuit when moisture gets inside the device, and this is fraught with very serious consequences.

The cable is fixed on the wall using special holders or placed in a box, which will create additional protection from the aggressive environment of the steam room.

Sometimes small windows are arranged in the walls of the steam room for lighting, but you need to remember that they will always help speed up the process of cooling the air in the room. So if the window is still planned, then it should be very small in size, no more than 300 × 500 mm, and be sure to close tightly. The best option in this case would be to install a miniature with double-glazed windows.

Installation of the electrical part of the steam room is not particularly difficult, if professional electrician. If the master making the sheathing in the bath is far from this line of work, then it is best to invite a person who knows exactly how this is done to perform them.

Installation of battens on walls and ceilings

The crate on the walls can be mounted vertically or horizontally, and on the ceiling along or across - this moment depends on the chosen direction of the lining.

The crate is made of wooden bars, which should have a thickness equal to the thickness of the insulation material.

The location of the elements of the crate (the interval between adjacent guides) is calculated based on the width of the insulation. The bars are placed at a distance that will be 20 ÷ 40 mm less than the size of the insulation material, since the thermal insulator should be as tight as possible.

To protect the crate, walls and ceiling from moisture, as well as the formation of condensate, a vapor barrier membrane is fixed to the bars and the surfaces between them, which will allow the insulation layer to “breathe”.

Determination of a place for the furnace

The "central element" of the steam room is always, therefore, having arranged a crate on the walls, it is necessary to determine the location of the heater and the size of the area under it. Usually the stove is installed about outer wall, so it's easiest to bring the chimney through the wall to the street without damaging attic floor and roofs.

However, it is quite possible to install a traditional vertical pipe that runs through the entire construction of the bath. For her, they arrange a specially designed hole in the ceiling, conduct it through the attic, and then pass it through the roof and close the gaps between the pipe and roofing material waterproofing. This option is more difficult in the installation of the chimney, but if you choose it, you can significantly save space in the steam room due to the indentation from the wall.

Having calculated and marked the platform for the heater, you can proceed to planning the ventilation openings.

Openings for ventilation and chimney

Already at the very first stages of the formation of an insulating "pie", it is necessary to immediately indicate the location of the ventilation and chimney openings. Their location directly depends on where the stove will be installed. Since the place has already been determined, you need to refer to the ventilation device diagram. There may be several ventilation openings, but always, one of the windows is at a height of 300 ÷ 400 mm from the floor, and the second is 150 ÷ ​​200 mm below the ceiling.

The lower ventilation window will be located next to or behind the oven, and the upper one on opposite wall under the ceiling.

Therefore, in these places it is necessary to arrange through holes, and temporarily install a piece of plastic pipe or wooden bars to take them into account when installing other layers of insulation and finishing cladding. A special publication of our portal is devoted to the problems.

The hole for the chimney can be made in the ceiling, as mentioned above, or in the wall. For him, as well as for ventilation, they arrange a passage through all layers of insulation. If a hole is made in the wall, a pipe of the desired diameter is also temporarily installed in it. Subsequently, the chimney will need to be separated from combustible surfaces with heat-resistant gaskets.

More details from - in a separate special article of our portal.

Insulation installation

Installation of insulation material is first made on the ceiling. If necessary, it is temporarily fixed with a thin but strong rope, which is fixed with a stapler on the crate.

On top of the insulation is covered with another layer vapor barrier membranes. It can be replaced with foil film, or you can use them in combination.

The advantage of using foil is that it has the ability to reflect heat inward, thus keeping it indoors as much as possible and not allowing the walls to cool.

These layers are stretched and fixed to the walls and ceiling with an overlap, which should be at least 200 mm, and fixed to the crate with brackets using a stapler.

Then the joints of the individual canvases are glued with waterproof foil tape.

The slats of the counter-lattice will help to finalize the insulating “pie”

Quite thin layers are often fixed on top of these layers. wooden slats(elements of the so-called counter-lattice), which will more securely fix these materials on the main crate.

Arrangement of walls and floors at the installation site of the stove-heater

Before installing in place, it is necessary to expand the hole designed to bring the chimney to the street and equip it with a heat-resistant gasket that will protect combustible walls from overheating. If the bath is built of brick or stone, then the pipe can be removed without preliminary preparation of the hole.

After carrying out these works, the walls are finished with reliable non-combustible material. Most often they are sheathed with asbestos slabs, in which a hole is made in the right place and combined with a hole for the pipe.

The walls can then be tiled with wall-mounted ceramic tiles, for example with imitation natural stone or burnt brick.

The base for the heater must be raised above the rest of the steam room floor by 200 ÷ 250 mm, so it is used porcelain stoneware or thick floor tiles.

After that, the rest of the floor surface is laid out - either a high-quality one is suitable for this flat board. Traditionally, wood flooring is used for the steam room floor, but tiles will last longer.

By the way, if it is made of ceramic tiles decorative coating, then it is easy to install special removable wooden gratings on it.

Door frame installation and door trim

Next, it is necessary to carry out measures to install the door frame and. This is done before the wall cladding, so that it is possible to close the fasteners and the closed gaps between the walls and the box with a clapboard.

A poorly fitted door and its poor-quality installation can cause a room to cool down, so you need to foresee and take into account some points that will help avoid heat leakage:

  • The door should open outwards, not towards the steam room.
  • On the door, from its outer side, special slats are fixed, which will protrude beyond the perimeter of the door leaf by 20 ÷ 30 mm. When closed, they will bridge the gaps between the frame and the door, fitting snugly against the jamb.
  • The threshold is made 100 ÷ 120 mm above the floor surface.
  • During installation, the gaps between the box and the wall opening are hermetically sealed.
  • You can install a wide baguette of the door trim from the inside of the steam room, thereby creating an additional obstacle to the penetration of cold inside.

  • It is very important that the door is a reliable keeper of hot air and steam inside the steam room. Therefore, the door is often first sheathed with heat-insulating material and only then decorated with clapboard.

Very often recently, to create a tightness of the room, they use metal-plastic door options, and, although this is not at all traditional for Russian steam rooms, it must be said that they work efficiently. Moreover, it is quite possible to order a decorative sheathing of a metal-plastic structure with a wooden clapboard. Moreover, it is even recommended to do so that the metal on the door does not overheat.

Decorative ceiling and wall cladding and completion

To cover the steam room, you need to choose the “right” tree that will create a healthy atmosphere inside the room - it can be oak or linden, larch or cedar. Particularly resinous species of coniferous trees, such as pine, are absolutely not suitable. The latter, when heated, can release resin drops, which can even accidentally burn you.

Start covering from the ceiling. The lining is installed on the crate according to the "groove-thorn" system, and fastened with the help of special metal holders (kleimers). It is in them that nails or staples are hammered, then becoming invisible, since To the leimer is covered with a spike of the next lining panel.

Having installed the lining on the ceiling, they proceed to work on the walls. Sheathing goes in parallel with the installation of shelves and is carried out in a certain sequence:

  • First, using a level and a marker, the surface of the walls is marked. The stepped design of the shelves is placed in two or three levels, depending on the height of the ceiling of the room.
  • It is necessary to determine at what height the shelves will be located, their width and configuration. The width of the shelves usually varies from 400 to 600 mm, depending on what size of these elements allows you to make the area of ​​​​the steam room. The bottom shelf must be arranged no lower than 400 ÷ 500 mm from the floor.
  • Further, the material is prepared - the boards and bars prepared for the manufacture of shelves, as well as lining panels, are sawn.

  • You must also have special device(measure), which will be measured gaps between boardswhich the seats and side walls of the shelves are assembled.
  • If necessary, additional bars are attached to the wall, which will form a reliable base for the shelves.
  • When installing the lining, you must not forget to drill holes in the right places to bring the electric cable out, as well as cut openings for installing ventilation doors or other devices.
  • The next step is to install the lining on the walls under the frame for the shelves, it is fixed in the same way as on the ceiling.
  • Next, the side and front of the shelves are sheathed, while not forgetting to measure the distance between the sheathing boards. Such gaps are necessary for the free circulation of air in any direction, as well as for the speedy drying of the wood after the next “session” of using the bath.
  • Sheathing boards are fixed above the frame bar exactly to the thickness of the boards from which the seat of the element will be assembled.
  • Next, a seat is assembled, the boards of which are also fixed at a certain distance, which is controlled by a measure. The boards are fixed on slats laid perpendicular to them, having a thickness of 8-10 mm, then they are laid and screwed to the stepped structure.
  • After laying the seat, a lining is installed on the wall, which is located behind and above the seat.
  • When the shelves are mounted, and a lining is fixed around them on the surface of the walls, the remaining walls are sheathed.

Before the final lining of the clapboard on the walls, there should be such a “pie”

  • The penultimate stage in the design of the steam room is the consolidation and floor plinths. If necessary, these elements are installed in corner connections. It should be noted that these cladding details are used only as a last resort, if the lining at the junctions of the planes is adjusted inaccurately. However, it must be remembered that it is better to do without them, since moisture will accumulate in the gaps between the baseboards and the main skin, which over time will contribute to the emergence of fungal or mold colonies.

At the end of the work, ventilation doors are installed and lighting. It is important to remember that the wire connections to the fixtures must be carefully insulated.

After installing lamps and ceiling lamps, electrical cables are connected to the power supply and switches, which are recommended to be provided outside the steam room.

The last step is to install the furnace and connect it to the chimney.

Seen: a visual lesson on the equipment and decoration of the steam room

In the presence ofinstructions for the process of finishing the steam room, necessary tools and high-quality materials, such work can be done independently. However, I would like to remind you that electrical work it is recommended to entrust to a specialist who will make reliable insulation of all luminaire connections, as well as professionally perform cable connections to the power supply system.

Something similar can be noted about the system for removing combustion products from the furnace. The chimney also "does not like" the amateurish approach, because often the safety of the building, the health and even the life of the owners of the bathhouse will depend on the quality of the work performed.

The bath is a place not only for physical purification, but also for the restoration of spiritual harmony, it helps to heal the soul and body. For a comfortable and pleasant bathing, high-quality interior decoration of the bath is very important. Photo or video footage is not always good at learning repair work, much more important is the information accumulated over the centuries. Therefore, having decided to build a bathhouse or restore an existing room with your own hands, you should very carefully study the rules and methods for decorating its interior. Everyone makes the choice of a suitable design, based on their own taste.

However, there are general rules for all in choosing an interior, which should be followed for the harmonious functioning of the entire complex. By properly designing the bathhouse, you can minimize heat loss, increase the durability of the structure, and protect visitors from accidental burns. Also, the interior lining of the room contributes to the release of aroma particles at high temperatures, which heal human body. If desired, you can significantly reduce the cost of repairs, for which the interior decoration in the bath is done by hand.

sticking to right technology carrying out this process, there is no doubt about the durability, quality, and most importantly, the positive impact of the whole complex on health.

Finishing materials

When viewing articles where various options design, the wooden interior of the bath immediately catches the eye. Photos presented in various sources offer many interesting ideas bath complex, the lining of which is made of wood. This material is the most environmentally friendly and has a positive effect on human well-being. In addition, its main characteristics include high thermal and moisture resistance.

A log house made of wood is the most common type of building for a steam room. The interior of the bath should also be wooden. From a log, the most environmentally friendly bath complex is obtained, which has good ventilation and, as a result, a good hygienic environment.

But not every type of wood is suitable for these purposes. Cedar, linden, hornbeam, oak and ash have long been considered the most suitable. Linden and pine are the most widely used, since when heated, they most actively release specific substances and have a healing effect on the human body.

Particularly sophisticated lovers will like the interior decoration of the bath, sauna combined type where several types of wood are combined.

The main criterion when choosing a sheathing is the quality of the material, which must be perfectly hewn. The wood inside the bath is never painted or varnished, because when the temperature reaches high, the influence of harmful chemical substances rises sharply and can be very harmful to health. In the absence of a coating, wood releases essential oils much better.

Materials should be selected based on the knowledge of experienced professionals. Only in this case, a do-it-yourself bathhouse, the interior decoration of which is carried out in accordance with all the rules, will in no way be inferior to a complex designed by professionals.

Deciduous wood species should be preferred for ceiling decoration. When choosing needles for these purposes, one should expect the release of resinous substances that can leave a rather unpleasant burn on the skin.

The interior decoration of the bath requires a thoughtful approach when choosing materials for each room. Equipping the vestibule and washing, you can use various tiles. But as for the steam room, there is a whole science for its design.

Walls in the steam room

The highest temperatures are maintained in the steam room, therefore, the materials of the highest quality should be chosen here. Hardwoods are best suited, which have greater heat resistance, which will prevent burns from accidentally touching the walls. Also, these rocks dry out quickly, which helps maintain a healthy microclimate in the steam room.

The interior decoration of the bath allows the use of lining, which is fastened with flush nails. Boards are not covered with any additional decorative materials.

It is also necessary to provide a reliable vapor barrier, which can be folgoizol, glassine. Wall insulation can be mineral wool, foamed polypropylene with foil coating. The sequence of these materials is as follows: insulation, then vapor barrier, followed by an air gap and finishing lining.

The floor in the steam room

The floor in the bath must be laid under a slope, along which water will drain into a place specially designated for it. Here you should mount the siphon for draining. This is a very important point in the arrangement of the steam room, because the moisture in it should not linger for a long time.

You should not use wood for the floor of the bath, as it will be its wettest place. For these purposes, ceramic tiles are more suitable, which will extend the life of the entire floor structure of the room and will be much more convenient to maintain. You can also apply and wood flooring, however, its durability is significantly inferior ceramic tiles. The floor level of the steam room should be made higher than the level of the washing room (15 cm).

Benches in the bath

The aesthetic appearance of benches and shelves in the bath depends on the customer's imagination. Oak, poplar, aspen and linden are suitable for these interior items. The edges of benches and shelves should be rounded, and their surface should be smoothly sanded. They are most often placed under blank walls.

The distance of the top shelf to the ceiling is in the range from 1 to 1.2 m. The distance of the benches from the oven is at least half a meter.

Furnace finish

When planning the interior decoration of the bath, you need to take seriously the choice of the stove, because it is the soul of the whole complex. Each oven has its own character.

This part of the interior correct design not only brighten general form, but will also become a pledge fire safety baths.

There are several options for finishing the stove, which depend on the budget and imagination of the owner of the bath. So, you can finish this element of the bath complex with tiles, use a steel case or simply plaster the stove.

Washroom finish

The most important parameter that the interior decoration of the bath in the washing room requires is the moisture resistance of wood. You can use needles. Its good resistance to damp conditions will extend the life of the room.

Doors and windows should be kept small to help prevent unnecessary heat loss. Windows should be made double, and doors should be made of durable wood.

bath interior technology

Technologically, the interior decoration of the bath is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the material must be acclimatized in the bathhouse for at least 24 hours;
  • preparation of the lining of the lining;
  • installation of hydro and thermal insulation;
  • installation of wood panels;
  • selection and installation of furniture.

All of the above steps require compliance with a certain accuracy and accuracy of work, otherwise all the shortcomings will eventually make themselves felt.

Rest room decoration

When designing a lounge, it is very important to choose correct design interior and avoid big expenses. Suitable option there will be pine, which is of high quality and has a large number of shades. When using this material, there are no problems with applying varnish. The resins contained in the pine structure perform a protective function.

Spruce is also well suited for these purposes. It is more difficult to process, but given material will give originality to the room.

Using oak for decoration of the rest room, there is no doubt about its strength and durability.

It is important to comply with all technical standards for interior design, which will ensure long term operation of the premises. A built bathhouse (with your own hands), the interior decoration of which meets all construction and sanitary and hygienic requirements, will last for many years, healing the people in it and pleasing the eye with its unique interior design.

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