Vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language in elementary school. Working with dictionary words Continue working with a dictionary entry

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Topic 4. Working with dictionaries

Work on a word is complex and varied. It is necessary to educate children in attention to an unfamiliar and unfamiliar word. To this end, it is advisable to practice an assignment that requires students to indicate new and unfamiliar words encountered in a text or exercise and explain their meaning.

Work on the semantics of the word is of particular importance. In school practice, it is recommended to use various techniques to familiarize students with a new word and its meaning:

1) finding out the meaning of a word according to an explanatory dictionary,

2) selection of synonyms,

3) selection of antonyms,

4) derivational analysis,

5) etymological analysis,

6) translation.

The methods of acquainting students with the semantics of a word are varied, but the choice of the method of their semantization is determined by specific didactic tasks, and most importantly, by the expediency of using each of them.

The Russian language program requires systematic vocabulary classes that could provide the necessary vocabulary training for students. The inclusion in it of the topics "Noun", "Adjective", "Verb" creates favorable conditions in the organization of speech practice, providing for the improvement of vocabulary knowledge of schoolchildren.

The types of vocabulary tasks are varied:

1) Inclusion of additional lexical material in the exercise, taken from the Russian language textbook.

2) Inclusion of words with difficult semantics in sentences for parsing.

3) Selection of words for the spelling rule.

4) Drawing up exercises that include thematically related words.

5) Drawing up phrases or sentences with selected words .

6) Compilation of coherent texts based on key words.

In the process of studying the semantics of a word, it is necessary to draw the attention of students to the existence in the language of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, in the use of which mistakes are especially often made. Researchers see the reason for mixing such words in the similarity of their sound composition and morphological structure, in ignorance of their exact meaning. The study of these lexical units should be carried out in terms of preventing errors in their use. The main method of working with them is comparison, therefore it is advisable to simultaneously introduce both words into the exercises.

It is necessary to pay great attention to tasks that require revealing the semantics of words that are close in sound. To this end, students are offered the following types of exercises:

1) Answer the question.

2) Vocabulary dictation with a task: replace the given sentence with a word.

3) Selection of synonyms.

4) Word-formation analysis.

5) Inclusion of the studied words in the context.

The strength of the assimilation of unfamiliar and unfamiliar words is ensured by their repetition in the educational speech activity of students both in the lessons of the Russian language and in the lessons of literature, history, etc.

In the organization of vocabulary and semantic work, different types of dictionaries should be used.

"Explanatory Dictionary" in Russian lessons

It is necessary to familiarize children with the use of the dictionary. Speaking about the role of dictionaries in working on a word, you can use the poems of J. Kozlovsky:

There is a magical land, how to write which word

What is open before you, How to write and how to read,

The one who with words, How to combine with others ...

That people are inhabited. We respect the sovereign

They are ruled by a sovereign, nicknamed Dictionary.

Nicknamed Dictionary, Even Pushkin,

And he refers to them, I am confidently talking about this,

As if to his subjects. More than once for advice

Asserting is nothing new to him, I have turned to the Dictionary.

Dictionaries can be used to explain the meanings of words:

1. Explanatory dictionary, which gives the interpretation of the meanings of words.

2. Dictionary of synonyms, the purpose of which is to give the teacher at the disposal of the lexical material necessary in organizing work to expand the stock of synonyms in the speech of students; reveal the meaning of words.

3. Dictionary of antonyms.

4. Phraseological dictionary, which will help students to improve the culture of speech, enrich their vocabulary with figurative expressions.

5. A collection of proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters will help in forming an attitude towards the world, enrich the feelings of the child, his speech.

"Explanatory Dictionary" edited by TG Ramzaeva is a reference textbook designed to enrich, clarify and activate the vocabulary of primary schoolchildren in the general system of teaching the Russian language. When choosing words, the following criteria should be considered:

1) the practical significance of the word, that is, the role of the word in the cognitive and speech activity of students in the process of mastering the literary course;

2) the frequency of the use of the word, its regular use in the speech practice of schoolchildren in connection with the study of program material;

3) semantic accessibility of a word - a criterion that requires taking into account the ability of students to comprehend the essence of the phenomenon that is indicated by the word;

4) the qualitative usefulness of the word from the side of semantic, emotionally expressive, stylistic, grammatical and spelling.

The methods of work and the content of the tasks are unlimited. You can write out in alphabetical order the names of animals, the names of the professions of people, the names of objects, signs of objects, actions.

Work methods should be aimed at developing skills:

arrange these words in alphabetical order, look for words of the same subject in the dictionary, find errors in the alphabetical arrangement of words: which word "got lost"; indicate several letters before the letter "f", several letters after after "m"; indicate the last six letters of the alphabet, five letters after "k", "o", "d", etc.

As soon as a significant part of the class has mastered the ability to find the right word, it is necessary to send the lagging children to the alphabet, on the first page of the dictionary, and in the class to conduct the following technique: the first student who finds a word in the alphabet in the dictionary calls the page number out loud. The work goes faster, the children quietly sort out the letters of the alphabet, thereby memorizing it. This saves time during the lesson.

The process of mastering the structure of a dictionary entry by children deserves special attention. In it, after the original word, there are grammatical marks: part of speech and basic grammatical features. The lexical meaning of the word is revealed after the label.

Further, children must learn that the direct, or basic, meaning of the word is revealed in the dictionary entry under the number 1. If a word has several meanings, then they are revealed under the following numbers. Most of the words are ambiguous, but there are also unambiguous words.

The word can be used figuratively. These meanings can be several, and they are given after the main meanings at the end of the dictionary entry. Distinguishing the use of the word in the literal sense from the figurative, schoolchildren learn to treat the word more carefully.

Operating with generic words-names as a synthetic work significantly advance schoolchildren in the development of their thinking and speech.

In the structure of the dictionary, an important place is given to indexes of synonyms and antonyms included in the dictionary. Pointers serve as a kind of table of contents for the dictionary. You just need to teach children how to use it. Not every synonym is explained in dictionary entries. You can always find them in the index, you just need to refer to the application. As you study the grammatical features of parts of speech, according to the index of synonyms and antonyms, you can offer a variety of tasks such as "find ...", "write out ...".

Pointers are especially needed just before writing a creative work, when every minute is counted. There is no time to re-read dictionary entries, and the synonyms can prevent many speech errors. The dictionary at this time is on the table, you can use it.

Simultaneous work with them is very effective for understanding synonyms and antonyms. If the task is given to select words that are opposite in meaning, then an additional task will be successful: to choose words that are close in meaning, using the corresponding dictionary entries and an index of synonyms.

Along with the educational task, the practical task of developing the speech of primary schoolchildren is also being solved. With the help of the dictionary, the student learns to use the lexical means of the language in his speech. Consequently, on the one hand, he enriches and refines his own vocabulary, and on the other hand, he achieves the ability to use his vocabulary in speech and do it lexically accurately, grammatically correctly, expressively, showing the ability to subtly feel the semantic shades of a word ..

The solution to the practical problem of enriching the vocabulary of junior schoolchildren is carried out in one volume or another at each lesson of the Russian language in connection with the upcoming creative work. Creative tutorials consisting of a few short sentences can be done quite often. So that preparation for them does not take a lot of time in the lesson, you can disperse it into several lessons: acquaintance with basic words in the dictionary, performing a lexical task in connection with the grammatical task of the exercise, composing phrases, exercises in restructuring sentences, analyzing the results after checking the work by the teacher. When the vocabulary is updated, spelling preparation has been completed, you can start creative work.

Such training, dispersed in time, makes it possible to gradually prepare children for free expression of thoughts, for elements of reasoning based on comparison and juxtaposition of facts close to the life experience of children. Students have the opportunity to operate with synonyms, in the process of reasoning, opposing words that are opposite in meaning, learn to use the word in a phrase, sentence, text.

Each word or group of words on which the dictionary is being worked should have a targeted output into speech practice. Otherwise, the word will simply not be memorized, since it will not be captured by the student's arbitrary attention. If the writing of a short text is delayed, then the dictionary entries, which are the basis of the future text, should be consulted as often as possible and should be done in connection with the tasks of the textbook or as an independent preparatory task for the upcoming creative work.

Quite often, after completing the grammar and spelling exercises of the textbook, children are asked to reveal the meaning of some phrases. The "Explanatory Dictionary" serves as a reference here.

Reading an article of the dictionary, children reason under the guidance of a teacher, clarifying the lexical and semantic shades of the word. This is very important for the upbringing and development of children. When preparing for creative work, the teacher activates the vocabulary of the students in advance: the meaning of the word is clarified, the children analyze its essential features, direct and figurative meaning, what words can be replaced with similar words, is it possible to use words that are opposite in meaning, stable phrases.



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"Working with dictionaries in Russian lessons as one of the ways to develop speech and enrich the vocabulary of students"

Teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school №2 in Petrovsk ", Saratov region Polyakova M.V.

“For everything that exists in nature - water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rain, forests, swamps, rivers and lakes, meadows and fields, flowers and grasses - there is a great many good words and names in the Russian language” ... These words of K.G. Paustovsky should help the children realize one important point: the word is a tool for understanding the world.

The names of everything in the universe are included in dictionaries. The French writer Anatole France said it very well: "Dictionaries are the whole universe in alphabetical order."

By and large, the whole lesson of the Russian language is working with the word. Through the word, students learn and understand the laws of the language, are convinced of its accuracy, beauty and expressiveness. And therefore it is very important that the lesson is subordinated to the main goal: acquaintance with the word and awareness of all its components.

Let me remind you that the methodology distinguishes between vocabulary-semantic and vocabulary-spelling directions of vocabulary work.

We regard it as a unity of these two types. Indeed, in the lesson we are interested not only in vocabulary words unfamiliar to students, but also in our usual native words.

A.M. Peshkovsky argued that "you must first hear and then watch how this word is written." But it seems to me that you need to first get acquainted with the orthoepic appearance of the word. The word written on the board must be heard. Students should hear and remember how it is pronounced. Then we try to find out the meaning of the word, to give an interpretation of its lexical meaning, first independently, and then with the help of an explanatory dictionary. And only after getting acquainted with the pronunciation and semantics, we proceed to mastering the spelling of the given word.

What dictionaries do we refer to most often in Russian language and literature lessons? When do they come to our aid?

School spelling dictionary is a necessary tool for working in every Russian lesson. From the V class, we begin its systematic use. Spelling vigilance, observation, memorization of the form of a word, introspection - these are the results of such work. It seems to me that you can use the dictionary during any class work (dictations, presentations, essays). The ability to use a dictionary is already an indicator of the degree of spelling success.

I will give examples of assignments that can be given to students.

1. Using a dictionary, select 10 spelling difficult words and arrange them in strict alphabetical order. Expedition, terrace, opposition, illumination, banner, pessimism, document, aggressor, bulletin, compromise, privilege, adventure, symmetry.

2. The game "Relay". Write it right. Steward ... ah, gri ... ace, inte ... igentia, ah ... elation, su ... ogat, ah ... lucid, co ... ersant.

3. Write down from the dictionary 10 words with prefixes and prefixes, in which you can clearly distinguish between the meanings of these prefixes.

4. Write out from the dictionary 10 adverbs with a prefix in -, which are written with a hyphen. (apparently wolfish, in Russian)

Of course, everyone needs a spelling dictionary in order to prevent arbitrariness in the spelling of words, especially in cases where the spelling does not obey the rules, but is determined by the dictionary. As a result of frequent reference to the dictionary, students are trained visual memory.

An explanatory dictionary helps us to determine the meaning of any word. Using the explanatory dictionary ("Dictionary of the Russian language" by S. I. Ozhegov, the four-volume "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. I. Dal, "School Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by M. S. Lapatukhin and others), students can learn how the word of interest is spelled and pronounced, what are its phonetic and morphological features, what grammatical forms are characteristic of it, what parts of speech are formed from it.

Let's consider examples that make it possible to visualize the construction of a dictionary entry.

Mercy - me, cf. Willingness to help someone, or forgive someone out of compassion, philanthropy.

Show mercy.

Morality - and, well. Rules defining behavior; spiritual and mental qualities necessary for a person in society, as well as the implementation of all these rules, behavior.

High morality. // adj. moral, th, th.

It should be especially noted that the school explanatory dictionary is valuable not only as a reference book, but also as a textbook on the Russian language and literature. Here are some examples of possible assignments.

1. Using an explanatory dictionary, write down the meanings of the words "patriot", "mercy", "morality".

2. The game "Scrabble". Uncover the meaning of the highlighted words.

Half-forgotten words sound like music now - mercy, repentance, dignity, conscience. (V.G. Kostomarov).

3. Dictation "Guess the word!"

The teacher gives the interpretation, the children write down the word itself.

4. Lexical dictation. The teacher dictates the words, and the students must give the interpretation.

In addition to an explanatory and spelling dictionary, we also need a word-formation dictionary in the classroom. In the "School word-formation dictionary of the Russian language" A.N. Tikhonov's words are arranged in nests. Where necessary, grammatical information about words is provided.

Using several examples, we will show how, using the dictionary of A.N. Tikhonov, it is possible to develop the skill of choosing one-root words among students.

1. Find out from the dictionary which morpheme the final is in the adjectives of foxes, blue, fresh.

(fox, blue, fresh)

2. Find out from the dictionary which prefixed verbs can be formed from the verb to write.

3. From the verb to live, form three vocabulary nests. Check the correctness of the task using the word-formation dictionary.

Students face difficulties, and this makes them think, analyze.

Experience shows that orthoepic dictionaries are needed in the lessons of the Russian language and literature ("Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language" edited by R.I. Avanesov, "Russian literary pronunciation and stress" edited by R.I. Avanesov and S.I. Ozhegov, " Dictionary of Russian stresses "R.V. Krylova and others).

To develop and consolidate orthoepic skills in students, you can offer such tasks.

1. Game "Announcer". Place the stress, pronounce it correctly. Dispensary, chaos, parterre, contract, meatballs….

2. Orthoepic dictation: correct pronunciation of the words written on the board.

3. Put stress on the words below and check in the dictionary. Pamper, apostrophe, flounder, heretic, whooping cough, hunk, rust, call.

I note that the set of words with difficult pronunciation is not very large, so it does not change from lesson to lesson, and repeated repetition ensures good assimilation of pronunciation norms.

It is known that in words of a foreign language origin (coffee, scarlet, taxi ...), students often mistakenly define gender. And here the "School Dictionary of Foreign Words" by V.V. Odintsova, G.P. Smolitskaya and others. It is intended for high school students. It includes the most common borrowings. These words can be heard on radio and television, found in works of fiction that are studied at school.

1. Game "Define a dictionary!"

“Mom offered me meatballs, meatballs, vinaigrette, tea, cocoa. But I ate a sandwich, a cake and a cup of coffee with sugar. "

2. Find the following loan words in the dictionary and pay attention to their pronunciation: museum, tour, detective, decade….

3. Determine the gender of nouns in the dictionary: ranch, impresario, alibi, jury….

The “School Dictionary of Russian Synonyms”, “School Dictionary of Russian Antonyms” by M.R. Lvov, "School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language" V.P. Zhukov. The ability to use these dictionaries forms in students a desire for self-education, instills in them the desire to use words in strict accordance with their meaning and stylistic characteristics.

The following types of exercises are possible:

1. The game "Who is faster?"

Write down synonyms for the words kindness, conscience, love, authority and others from the dictionary.

2. Form a synonym for the word mercy. After completing the assignment, refer to the dictionary to independently check yourself, your active vocabulary.

3. The game "Who is more?" Give examples when antonyms are included in the title of works.

4. Copy passages from various works of art and underline antonyms.

You are rich, I am very poor.

You are a prose writer - I am a poet.

(A.S. Pushkin.)

5. In the following poetic lines, highlight the phraseological units, explaining their meaning. Check the correctness of your answers in the dictionary.

Smelling him, the road horse

Snores - and a careful traveler

It rushes up the mountain with all its might ...

(A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin".)

He has seen all kinds of

Traveled all over the province

And far and wide.

(N.A. Nekrasov. "Who lives well in Russia?")

6. Name the phraseological units that include the names of parts of the human body (head, eyes, nose, legs).

Head - to fool your head, ...

Feet - take your feet away, ...

Eyes - an eyesore, ...

Nose - turn up your nose, ...

You can keep students with personal thematic dictionaries. This is a small notebook that is convenient to keep in a textbook, which means it will always be at hand. The use of such a little book brings vocabulary work into some kind of system.

Words can be given in the classroom on topics: literature, theater, art, science, sports ...

Literature: essay, play, dialogue, review, prototype, epilogue ...

Science: associate professor, priority, diploma, scholarship, candidate, dean's office ...

First, students write a vocabulary dictation, then there is an explanation of the meanings of new words (and according to the dictionary!), Then the students write them down in their dictionaries, come up with sentences with them. This is how new words enter the minds of students.

Vocabularies can start in grade 5 and continue until grade 9, supplementing the lists that have already begun by topic. Such a dictionary can bring tangible benefits to both the teacher and the students: they can be repeated in speech development lessons in preparation for essays.

In grades 5-9, I try to use comprehensive word analysis as one of the techniques for teaching Russian.

The meaning of this work is to find in a single word its phonetic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic and other properties and features, and then to establish its connections with other units of the language, indicating the existing single-root words, synonyms, antonyms, possible phrases, etc. .d.

Comprehensive word analysis is a qualitatively new type of parsing. Turning to such a complex task, naturally, fosters in students a broader view of the word as a living speech unit with diverse patterns. Performing exercises on a comprehensive analysis of the word requires students to systematically repeat, the ability to keep ordered information in memory regularly, to use them in relation to different didactic material and from different angles of view.

Here is an example of completing the task:

Snow - precipitation (lexical meaning) White snow.

The word snow has no synonyms.

Not used figuratively.

Snow is a monosyllabic word.

s - [s] - voiceless consonant, hard

n - [n,] - voiced consonant, unpaired, soft

e - [e] - vowel

r - [k | - voiceless consonant, solid

Snow - snowy, snowman, snowball, bullfinch, snowdrop.

The word snowdrop is formed morphologically from the combination under the snow by simultaneously attaching the prefix sub- and suffix -nik.

The word snow is neutral and can be used in any style.

Snowball - unstressed vowel is checked: snow; the stress falls on the last syllable, which means that it is necessary to write after the hissing not e, but o.

This order is subject to change. So, you can start a conversation with the grammatical characteristics of a word, then move on to indicating other qualities and properties.

When the joint work with the teacher shows that the students have mastered its principles and methods, you can offer independent, and then control tasks. The completion of this work is the story (composition) about the word.

In all cases - during training work or work on the control - students should be offered a questionnaire, which can simultaneously serve as a response plan. During training sessions, the questionnaire is useful to be completed with the students. Only at the highest level of work, when the teacher expects to receive a detailed answer in the form of a story about a word, a questionnaire is not offered in order not to restrain the independence and initiative of students. Completion of assignments at different stages of this work can be oral and written (written analysis takes 20 to 40 minutes, so this work often cannot be done).

Not every word is convenient for a comprehensive analysis. It is necessary that students understand it and give a lot of material when explaining it,

Therefore, for such a purpose, it is better to choose independent words, and not official ones. Before offering the students a word for parsing, it is imperative that the teacher himself thoroughly parse it before the lesson. Comprehensive analysis of the word is a promising exercise that helps to systematically check the material of the program, fostering in children a more complete, “volumetric” understanding of language as a system of systems.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote that “a child who is not used to delving into the meaning of a word, understands darkly or does not at all understand its real meaning, will always suffer from this fundamental defect in the study of any other subject”.

That is why so much attention is paid to the formation of the need and the use of reference literature. It is important to remember that carefully planned and well-organized vocabulary work helps to enrich the vocabulary of students, develop spelling literacy, develop the speech of schoolchildren, and in general helps to increase language culture, form the child's attention, respect and love for the native language. Therefore, vocabulary work should be present in each lesson, being the main point in its structure.

And intuition will tell the teacher at what stage of the lesson and how much time (at least 5 - 7 minutes) to devote to vocabulary work. Only such training can give positive results.

I believe that thanks to the systematic vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, my students have an increased interest in vocabulary work and in the Russian language in general. They love and know how to work with dictionaries and reference books.


A.A. Kosolapkova. Generalizing lesson "Visiting dictionaries". - Russian language at school, 1992, No. 2, p.19-21.

T.M. Kashkarov. Vocabulary work at the lessons of the Russian language. - Russian language at school, 1991, No. 2, pp. 41-44.

V.V. Rogozinsky. Spelling vigilance. - Russian language and literature in secondary educational institutions of the Ukrainian SSR, 1991, No. 5. p.49-50.

PER. Potiha, D.E. Rosenthal. Ligvinistic dictionaries and work with them at school. - Moscow: "Education", 1987.

Lesson on the topic “Explanatory dictionaries. Working with a dictionary entry "grade 5

Expected result: they know the purpose of explanatory dictionaries and know how to use them to determine, clarify the lexical meaning of words, know the structure of a dictionary entry and know how to navigate in it.

They master the ability to use to compare, extract the necessary information, analyze the studied phenomena, develop the ability to freely express their thoughts correctly.

(Presentation for the lesson is attached)

During the classes:


Once a young (and later famous) French poet Charles Baudelaire came to another poet, the venerable Théophile Gaultier; Gaultier asked him: "Do you read dictionaries?" Baudelaire replied that yes, he reads willingly. And Gaultier began to tell him how necessary this occupation is for the writer, how much useful one can learn from reading dictionaries.

And yet Gautier was right: without constant work with dictionaries, a writer cannot have a genuine philological culture. And such work is necessary not only for the writer: every cultured person constantly turns to the dictionary! After all, you can glean a lot of important and interesting information from them.

Slide number 1

The dictionary is the entire universe in alphabetical order! If you think about it, a dictionary is a book of books. It includes all other books, you just need to extract them from it.

A. France


Indeed, if you think about it, a dictionary is a book of books. LEXICOGRAPHERS are engaged in the creation of dictionaries. They've created a whole bunch of dictionaries for you guys. Among them are encyclopedic and philological ones.

Slide number 2

If you want to learn about different countries, states, representatives of culture, art, if you are interested in natural phenomena (eclipses, earthquakes, etc.), if you want to know more about planets, the history of civilizations, etc. - refer to ENCYCLOPEDIC dictionaries. Philological dictionaries contain information about the word.

TOEach of the dictionaries performs its specific function, gives information about the word according to its purpose.

We dedicate this lessonExplanatory dictionaries.

1. Explanatory dictionary. Why do you think it is called that?

So, dictionaries that serve to explain the meanings of words are calledsensible.

2. Working with text. Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

slide number 3

For a long time, people began to use dictionaries. The tradition of creating dictionaries arose when there were a lot of books. The reading person came across unfamiliar words in the texts, the meaning of which he could not understand.

The work of interpreting words is difficult. A linguistic scientist must study what meanings a particular word has in different texts, and write about the word so that it is understandable to a person for whom the word is unfamiliar. You need to write briefly, otherwise the dictionary will grow to such a size that it will be inconvenient to use it.

Yes, creating dictionaries is difficult, painstaking and time-consuming.

On his "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" V.I. Dahl worked all his life.

Slide number 4

(small messages from students about the creators of explanatory dictionaries, prepared with the help of the encyclopedic dictionary of a young philologist)

The first message "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V.I. Dahl "

Slide number 5

The second message "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by D.N. Ushakova

Slide number 6

The third message "Dictionary of the Russian language"S.I. Ozhegova

Slide number 7

4. But in order for the dictionary to become our friend and helper, we need to learn how to use it.

Working with a dictionary entry and schema.

Slide number 8

Consider the scheme of a dictionary entry, tell us how it works

Explaining the concepts of "litter", "context"

Conclusion: if you learn to navigate in a dictionary entry, how much information about a word can you learn from it!

5. Practical part

1) Consider a dictionary entry, tell us how it works

Slide number 9

Courage , -a,Wed Courage, presence of mind in danger.Show courage in battle.

Knight ... -I am, m. Poet., Obsolete ... Brave warrior, hero.And thirty beautiful knights Chredo emerge from the clear waters. Pushkin. Ruslan and Ludmila.

Jury . - neskl ... A group of specialists deciding the issue of awarding prizes or awards at competitions, exhibitions.Jury ruling.

2) consider the dictionary (if it is possible to put everyone on the desk), select a dictionary entry, tell us how it works.

3) Compare two definitions of the same word. Which of them can be read in the dictionary, and which can the interlocutors give in a conversation?

Slide number 10

Kitten - baby cat

The kitten is a nice fluffy lump.

Rose is a plant with beautiful large fragrant flowers and a stem, usually covered with thorns.

Rose is a beautiful thorny flower.

    Write down the names of the items shown in the pictures. Find the lexical meaning of each word in the explanatory dictionary.

Slide number 11

5) Let's read an excerpt from a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

Slide number 12

We were in a shootout for two days.

What's the use of such a trinket?

We waited for the third day.

Speeches were heard everywhere:

"It's time to get to the buckshot!"

And here on the field of a formidable battle

A shadow fell in the night.

I lay down to take a nap by the gun carriage,

And it was heard until dawn,

How the Frenchman rejoiced.

Write down the words, the meaning of which you do not know or find it difficult to define (buckshot, whip, gun carriage) How will you solve this educational problem? (let's turn to the explanatory dictionary!) Students determine the meaning of words using the explanatory dictionary.

6) Write down 5 unfamiliar words and the wording of their meaning from the explanatory dictionary. Make a coherent text with them

6. Outcomes Teacher:

Words words words.

A name is given to everything -
Both the beast and the object.
There are a lot of things around
And there are no nameless!
And all that the eye can see is
Above us and below us, -
And all that we have in our memory is
Indicated by words.
They are heard here and there,
On the street and at home:
One thing is familiar to us for a long time,
The other is unfamiliar ...
Language is both old and eternally new!
And it's so beautiful -
In the vast sea - a sea of ​​words -
Swim hourly!
And not to "drown" in this sea will help you DICTIONARIES

Slide number 13

Assistant Tips

If you do not remember or do not know the meaning of a word, refer to the dictionaries:

VI Dal "Dictionary of the Great Great Russian Language"

D.N. Ushakov "The Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language"

S.I.Ozhegov "Dictionary of the Russian language"

Homework: Write a verbal statement

The article "Organization of vocabulary work

at the lessons of the Russian language "

Master the word- means to assimilate its meaning and norms of use in speech. Well-organized vocabulary work, Firstly, ensures the timely mental and speech development of children; Secondly, promotes deep assimilation of program material; third, serves as a means of moral education of students.

Work on a word is complex and varied. It is necessary to educate children in attention to an unfamiliar and unfamiliar word. To this end, it is necessary to practice an assignment that requires students to indicate new and unfamiliar words found in a text or exercise and explain their meaning.

The Russian language program requires systematic vocabulary classes that could provide the necessary vocabulary training for students.

The types of vocabulary tasks are varied.

1) Inclusion of additional lexical material in the exercise, taken from the Russian language textbook.

2) Inclusion of semantically difficult words in sentences for parsing.

3) Selection of words for a spelling rule. So, nouns are matched to the spelling rule of prefixes in З - С (revival, recovery, ascent) and adjectives (weak-willed, selfless, unselfish, carefree),Verbs (reunite, elect, succumband etc.).

4) Drawing up exercises that include thematically related words.

5) Drawing up phrases or sentences with selected words.

6) Compilation of coherent texts based on key words. So, in the story about the hero of the war of 1812, the adjectives are introduced seasoned, selfless, general (battle), heroic, proud, valiant, decisive, selfless(in connection with the study of "Borodino" M.Yu. Lermontov).

Of particular importance is work on the semantics of the word. In school practice, it is recommended to use various techniques to familiarize students with a new word and its meaning:

1) finding out the meaning of a word in the dictionary;

2) selection of synonyms (claim - claim; attraction - gravity);

3) selection of antonyms (courage is cowardice; talented - mediocre);

4) word-formation analysis (serene - rebellious - rebellion);

5) etymological analysis (crafty - from a bow - "bend, curvature", i.e. crafty - "crooked, insincere, two-faced, deceitful");

6) translation (international - international).

In the process of studying the semantics of a word, it is necessary to draw the attention of students to the existence in the language of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, in the use of which mistakes are especially often made.

For example, the words are mixed in the use introduce - grant, condemn - discuss , recognition - appreciation, connected - connected anddr.

Researchers see the reason for mixing such words in the similarity of their sound composition and morphological structure, in ignorance of their exact meaning. It is quite obvious that the study of these lexical units should be carried out in terms of preventing errors in their use.

It is necessary to pay great attention to tasks that require to reveal the semantics of words similar in sound... To this end, students are offered the following types of exercises:

1) The answer to a question, for example: Who is called messenger, Who messenger? What is the difference in the meaning of the words deed and wrong? What people are called honest and what ambitious?

2) Selection of synonyms (Wedignorant - rude, ill-mannered, impolite Human , an ignoramus - an ignoramus, an uneducated person ) .

3) Inclusion of the studied words in the context (composing phrases, sentences, stories), for example: skilled craftsman - artificial flower, get recognition - express appreciation.

The strength of the assimilation of unfamiliar and unfamiliar words is ensured by their repetition in the educational speech activity of students both in the lessons of the Russian language and in the lessons of literature, history, etc.

To use the language, i.e. to speak and write, you need not only to know the words, but also to be able to change and connect them with each other. Words are the building blocks of language; they can be used to create beautiful speech buildings, but in order to use this material, you need to be able to process it.


1. Skorokhod L.K. Vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language: Book for a teacher: From work experience. - M .: Education, 1990

2. Burmako V.M. Russian language in drawings: Book for students. - M .: Education, 1991

Vocabulary work in the classroom by discipline "A culture of speech. Rhetoric", of course, should be given a significant place, especially in that part of the course, which is associated with the study of the norms of the modern Russian literary language. This provision is determined by the fact that, according to work experience, it can be noted that modern non-philological students lack the necessary lexicographic competence.

There are a number of problems that a teacher of the culture of speech must solve, trying to familiarize students with the competent use of dictionaries.

The main problem that is usually encountered when referring to dictionary work with non-philological students, lies in the fact that after the school course, students know a very limited set of dictionaries, which they prefer to refer to in any difficult cases. The “leader” here is the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Shvedova, with whom they in most cases managed to work at school. Accessing this dictionary is usually not difficult for most students. They represent its structure and ways of presenting information in it, they know that in this dictionary you can not only inquire about the meaning of a word, but also pick up additional, related information: spelling, some grammatical forms, the correct setting of stress. But at the same time, there is no access to the level of comprehension of the dictionary as “the whole world in alphabetical order”.

The second dictionary that students call is "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" IN AND. Dahl, however, their idea of ​​the method of presenting information, the structure of a dictionary entry in this dictionary is rather vague. But the concept of this dictionary consisted not only in demonstrating the lexical richness of the Russian language, but also in V.I. Dahl "to show the" spirit "of the Russian language, i.e. word-production relations, which corresponds to the nesting principle of the arrangement of words, as well as to reflect the spiritual and moral views of the Russian people, its character traits, customs and mores. "

Thus, in the course “Culture of speech. Rhetoric "for non-philological students, it is important not only to acquaint students with various types of dictionaries, teach them to extract the required information from a dictionary entry, but also to form their understanding of the linguistic picture of the world of the Russian people.

In connection with this approach, the problem arises of selecting those types of dictionaries that the teacher will consider in class. You cannot grasp the immensity, and no matter how much you want to acquaint students with dictionaries that are unusual for them and with the information they contain, you still have to select those dictionaries that students will actually refer to in the future. From the whole variety of dictionaries, students should be introduced to dictionaries that reflect the lexical composition of the Russian language (explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, etc.), dictionaries of difficulties (grammatical, pronunciation, etc.), historical dictionaries. Work with the "Russian Associative Dictionary" is well received by students. In principle, in the classroom on the culture of speech, you can use almost any type of vocabulary, the main thing is that the algorithm for working with it is explained by the teacher, and the analysis of its material is organically included in the content of the lesson.

Acquaintance with dictionaries usually begins already at the first lesson. The way of working here can be different. This can be a comparison of the information presented in encyclopedic and explanatory dictionaries, and an overview of different types of dictionaries (difficulties, synonymous, antonymic, historical, etc.). It should be noted that, for example, a review of various types of dictionaries can be carried out not only under the predominant guidance of a teacher or as homework, but also take place in the form of creative work, as a competition for the best presentation of your vocabulary. The teacher brings several dictionaries of different types to the lesson (6-7).

Students are divided into working groups, and the teacher sets the parameters for analyzing the information presented in the dictionary (addressee of the dictionary, number of units, structure of the dictionary and dictionary entry, goals and objectives of the dictionary, additional information in the dictionary entry, etc.). The choice of dictionaries for this type of work can only be limited by the material base of the institute and taking into account the specifics of the audience - non-philologists. Probably, it is better to select several explanatory dictionaries, phraseological, synonymous and other dictionaries that reflect the paradigmatic connections of the vocabulary. The analysis of historical and educational dictionaries is interesting. Based on the results of the analytical work, students in each group should make a short presentation of their vocabulary.

You can complicate the task. The teacher chooses one word, and students, in addition to a general overview of the dictionary, tell how this word is represented in the dictionary and what features of the phenomenon or object named by this word are recorded in the dictionary. The more varied the composition of dictionaries in a given lesson, the more interesting the results. For completeness, spelling and even spelling dictionaries can be used. Thus, summarizing the results of work with different types of dictionaries, students create a lexicographic portrait of a single word. The result of this work is:

  • acquaintance with various types of dictionaries;
  • acquisition of primary, elementary vocabulary skills;
  • description of fragments of the linguistic picture of the world according to the data of the dictionaries of the Russian language.

The most interesting for this type of analysis are words that can have an ideological component or connotation in their meaning (for example, footman, proletarian"Homeless, homeless, backward" by Dahl), or words denoting abstract concepts ( true, truth, honesty etc.), i.e. words that have been influenced by time or cause difficulties in their precise definition.

If we talk about working with dictionaries of grammatical difficulties, then quite a lot of them have appeared recently, and the purpose of the dictionary work in this case is more informative than analytical. When studying section "Grammatical norms of the modern Russian literary language" more attention should be paid to working with reference books and reference manuals, where not only the correct options are given, but also the patterns in the formation of a particular norm are revealed. For example, this concerns the choice of the plural endings of the Nominative and Genitive cases, the determination of the gender of unchangeable nouns, where it is important to outline the tendency in the predominance of one or another variant. Otherwise, you have to face the fact that, having determined the gender of the word from the dictionary pony as a male, the student often finds it difficult to determine gender in similar cases, for example kangaroo, grizzly, cockatoo.

Working with different types of dictionaries is important when studying the topic "Difficult cases in the system of word usage norms." The types of work with dictionaries and the choice of dictionaries itself are diverse here. Depending on the topic of the lesson or exercise performed by students, synonymous, antonymic, phraseological dictionaries, dictionaries of foreign words, etc. are used. As a rule, the use of these types of dictionaries does not cause difficulties for students, therefore, work with them is usually in the nature of homework with the formulation: "when performing this exercise, refer to the dictionary of synonyms, paronyms, foreign words, etc." .

One of the interesting components of vocabulary work on the topic "Lexical norms" is an analytical and search type of work, when students, based on the analysis of the material of a vocabulary article, are invited to draw a conclusion that deepens their understanding of the language and overcomes the stereotype of the perception of the dictionary as a reference book that exists separately from the living, everyday speech.

For example, from the course of the school curriculum, students know that some words have a pronounced stylistic affiliation. These are words such as neologisms, archaisms, dialectisms, etc. They also confidently operate with the concept of a lexicon, but what words make up the lexicon of a modern Russian person and their own lexicon, they often find it difficult to answer.

When introducing students to the concepts of active and passive vocabulary, you can invite them to analyze a page of any explanatory dictionary and distribute all words into three groups:

  1. I know and use
  2. I know, but I don’t use
  3. do not know.

Thus, after completing this task, it becomes obvious to students what the modern lexical system of the language is, what life spheres it serves, what is included in the active vocabulary of a modern native speaker, and what words and for what reasons belong to the passive vocabulary. In addition, this work is also of a creative nature, based on the desire of students to learn their vocabulary, to compare it with the results of the work of other students, which increases their interest in working with the dictionary.

Summing up, it should be emphasized that vocabulary work in the classroom on the culture of speech not only teaches students to correctly and consciously use dictionaries, but also increases their linguistic competence, helping to penetrate the language itself and see its close connection with human life, culture and everyday life.

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