Homemade desktop jigsaw. Options for making a desktop jigsaw How to make your own desktop jigsaw for cutting

reservoirs 26.06.2020

In the life of a home craftsman, periodically there is a need to make curly and simply decorative cuts, including inside the workpiece. Gasoline, circular and ordinary hand saws cannot cope with this task, due to their design features. To solve this problem, use a manual jigsaw, specially designed to perform such operations. This tool undoubtedly copes with its task, but when working with large volumes or dimensional materials, it definitely loses to its more professional counterpart - a jigsaw.

Buying a brand new, shiny and functional desktop jigsaw is absolutely no problem. Store shelves are filled with products from various manufacturers, aimed at professional and amateur work. At first glance, the stationary jigsaws for sale seem to be very complex in terms of design, whose assembly is carried out only by selected expert technicians. In fact, these are quite simple devices that you can make yourself, with a desire and step-by-step instructions. And if the first point depends only on you, we will definitely help with the second and provide a detailed guide for self-assembly of a homemade jigsaw machine.

Scope of application

The special design and thin saw blade make the desktop jigsaw a unique device, indispensable for certain types of tasks. This device has gained the greatest popularity in the woodworking industry. Often it is used in fine work on the manufacture of jewelry, souvenirs, musical instruments and furniture.

One of the main features for which the woodworking jigsaw is so valued is the ability to carry out internal cuts of the workpiece without damaging its contour. Not the last role in the usefulness of this device is the convenience of its use, when both hands of the operator are free and can best control the position of the product on the work surface. To everything else, it is worth adding the accuracy of the resulting cutting line, as well as the ability to work with plastic and metal. All of the above advantages make the desktop jigsaw the best tool for cutting decorative elements.

The principle of operation of the jigsaw

To form the clearest possible representation of the desktop jigsaw device, you need to understand what it consists of. Further, we will list all the structural elements of an elementary apparatus of this type, without additional functionality (removing sawdust, speed control, tilting the working surface and other lotions). So, a stationary jigsaw consists of the following components:
  1. stable base
  2. electric motor
  3. crank assembly
  4. Desktop
  5. Upper and lower arm
  6. File clamping device
Of course, without explaining the relationship of the above components, they will remain just a bunch of words. To convey a more specific idea of ​​​​the operation of the structure, we will briefly describe its structure.

The whole process originates from the motor, which transmits rotation to the crank mechanism, which converts the circular motion into reciprocating. On the connecting rod, which is part of the mechanism, the movement passes to the lower arm, causing it to move up and down. All of the above construction is located under the desktop. The upper lever is located above the table surface and is connected to the lower spring, which serves as a saw blade tensioner. At the ends of both levers opposite from the spring, there is a clamp where a saw is installed that cuts the workpiece.

For greater clarity of the entire process described above, we present the following drawing of a jigsaw machine with the function of a saw blade tension regulator. Although this possibility is one of the main ones, we did not give it in the description of the design of the elementary device, since it is possible to work without it.

Jigsaw from electric jigsaw

Not everyone has a need for regular decorative curly cuts. Often, to solve such problems, home craftsmen have enough of a conventional manual electric jigsaw. Not everyone wants to purchase a bulky and rather expensive device for one-time use and further dust collection. Nevertheless, in everyday life, sometimes there is a job that requires the most accurate and accurate cut. In this case, you can assemble a fairly simple machine from a jigsaw with your own hands, using a minimum set of materials and a little imagination.

Today, the network presents a wide variety of options for the execution of a desktop jigsaw, of varying degrees of complexity and efficiency. After reviewing dozens of products, we settled on the most interesting and at the same time simple assembly that meets the main requirements for the quality of the cut. Even a beginner who has the necessary tools at his disposal can assemble such a jigsaw machine from a manual electric jigsaw with his own hands. For assembly you will need:

  1. Chipboard sheet (3 pcs): 600x400x20 (length, width, height)
  2. Spring
  3. Profile pipe (1.5 m): 30x30x2 (length, width, thickness)
  4. Electric jigsaw
  5. Flat washers (4 pcs)
  6. Bolts for washers and connections
  7. Self-tapping screws for countertop assembly
The above values ​​are given with a margin. When assembling the machine, be guided by your preferences and logic.

Required tools:

  • Welding machine
  • Bulgarian with a disk for metal
  • screwdriver
Having collected all the necessary arsenal, you can safely proceed to action.

1. The first step is to assemble the basis of the future machine. To do this, we take 3 prepared sheets of chipboard or other sufficiently thick wood material and make a structure out of them that looks like the letter “p”. We fix along the edges with self-tapping screws. For greater reliability and stability, you can make a back wall.

2. In the center of the surface of the assembled tabletop, we outline the future holes for the file and several fixtures for the jigsaw. To do this, remove the sole from the jigsaw, apply it with the opposite (not flat) side to the future attachment point and make several points through the grooves of the sole. At this stage, it is necessary to observe accuracy, since the jigsaw installed from below must have the most accurate, perpendicular location to the side edges of the table, in order to avoid warping the file during further work. The marked points are drilled with a drill by 3-4 mm, and the central one (for sawing) by 10 mm. As in the photos below.

3. After fixing the jigsaw under the tabletop, we proceed to the assembly of the upper lever from a square pipe, which serves as a saw blade tensioner. As a fixed base, we cut off a part of the pipe, 300 mm long, and weld fixation elements (corners or ears) from one of the ends. The moving part should be slightly longer (about 45 cm). The connection of the two elements is carried out using a bolt with a nut and a U-shaped metal element welded to the end of the rack, as in the photo below.

A washer is welded to the end of the movable lever, which will be located directly on the file, which will serve as the upper fastening element.

4. Before installing the tensioner assembly to the tabletop surface, always make sure that the end of the boom is directly above the hole drilled for the file. If the top mount goes too far to the side, the file will often break, complicating the sawing process. When the ideal location of the tensioner is verified, we fasten the structure to the table top with bolts.

5. Since the electric jigsaw is not adapted to work with thin files, we make a simple fastener adapter for it. To do this, we take an old saw blade, grind the teeth with a grinder, cut it to a length of 3-4 cm and weld an ordinary nut to the end, into which the saw blade will be clamped using the second nut and bolt.

When making such an adapter, pay special attention to its length. If it is too large, the nut will hit the bottom of the worktop, which can lead to breakage of the tool.

6. When the file is clamped in both fasteners, it remains only to tension it and get to work. The implementation of such a function is simple. We fasten the spring to the back of the movable lever with a bolt and nut, and fix the opposite part to the countertop to the required length. Determining the tension is very easy. To do this, it is enough to run your finger along the file, like on a guitar string. High sounding will mean that the device is suitable for work.

At this stage, the assembly of the elementary device is considered completed. To more clearly understand how to make a machine out of a jigsaw, we recommend watching the following video.

Homemade jigsaw machine from a drill

A screwdriver and a drill are among the most common power tools in any household. These devices are quite powerful, have a wide scope and are sometimes used even as drives for various mechanisms. It is as an engine that the author of the following do-it-yourself manual for assembling a desktop jigsaw uses a drill.

The manufacturing process of a classic machine presented below does not require welding and cutting metal with a grinder, but at the same time it perfectly demonstrates the principle of operation of such an apparatus. The device is based on an elementary crank mechanism, which can be made in a couple of minutes, having a piece of plywood and a short steel bar with a diameter of 6 mm. Unfortunately, the author did not provide a detailed drawing of the jigsaw, but closed many questions by mounting a visual video instruction.

The whole assembly process includes quite a lot of small details that are easy to understand and do not require additional comments. For this reason, we decided not to explain elementary things in words, but only touch on the main details of the design. By tradition, we will begin the instruction by listing the required materials.
  1. Wooden rail (2 pcs): 500x40x20 (length, width, thickness)
  2. Chipboard for base: 400x350x20
  3. Chipboard for work surface: 320x320x20
  4. Chipboard strips (2 pcs): 350x50x20
  5. Aluminum sheet: 400x400x1
  6. Drill (screwdriver)
  7. PVC tubes (4 pcs): 300 mm long
  8. Self-tapping screws, bolts, washers and nuts
  9. wood glue
  10. Steel bar, diameter 6mm (for crank assembly)
  11. Spring
The listed materials are used in the instructions, but do not claim absolute accuracy. You can substitute what you have at your disposal. From the size, if necessary, you can also move away.

Required tools:

  • Screwdriver or drill
  • pliers
  • Metal shears
  • A hammer
Having prepared the required materials, it remains only to assemble them into a single working mechanism, following the video guide below. When connecting wooden parts with self-tapping screws and glue, we advise you to wait for complete drying, which will last from 24 hours. Otherwise, the connection will be flimsy.

In place of the presented file tensioning mechanism, you can install a small lanyard with a fixing nut. So, the tensioning process will be more convenient and efficient.

As a file, the author uses steel wire for survival in the forest. Of course, a perfectly even cut cannot be obtained with such an element, therefore, at the ends of the upper and lower arms, a fastener should be made. You can clamp the file between two washers tightened with a screw and a pair of nuts.

For the most durable and convenient fixation of the crank, it is better to use a drill chuck with a key. With this element, you can quickly remove the drill or screwdriver when you need it elsewhere. It can just as easily be pulled back.

We hope that the presented manual was useful and intelligibly conveyed the principle of operation and manufacture of the device. You can see a more visual instruction on how to make a homemade jigsaw in the video below.

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  1. Hand tool
  2. Electric jigsaw
  3. Stencil preparation
  4. Sawing process technology
  5. Defects in work

Wood carving with a jigsaw is rapidly gaining popularity: many people want to buy an interesting decor item to decorate their home, furniture and even clothes! Carved objects of various thicknesses organically fit into any interior style, often people buy photo frames for photos with ornaments, sawn words and letters, or order intricate shelves and other interesting products. Few people know that artistic cutting out of plywood with a jigsaw is a business accessible to any person, even an unprepared and inexperienced one. You just need to understand how to work with the tool.

What is a jigsaw: a general description

A jigsaw is a tool designed for cutting out various contours from plywood, including curved ones. It is equipped with a blade with fine teeth that can cut the plywood evenly without the formation of significant burrs.

Hand tool

The ancestor of this type of tool is a manual jigsaw. It is a metal arc in the shape of the letter "U", between the ends of which a saw blade is stretched, attached to the clamps. They securely hold the file during operation and allow you to adjust its tension. On one side of the frame is a handle.

The clamps on the tool can rotate, creating different planes for sawing, thereby providing the opportunity for woodcarving of varying complexity.

When sawing plywood with a manual jigsaw, you need to be careful: its design is rather fragile, during intensive work the blade often breaks from effort and heat, so it has to be replaced. To do this, each master must have several dozen spare files.

When working with a jigsaw for carving internal contours, it is convenient to use such an auxiliary board as in the photo: it will help protect the table and solve the problem of conveniently positioning the workpiece.

Electric jigsaw

The tool is powered by electricity. It is a case in which working mechanisms are located, a handle for control is also made on it. The sawing organ is located in the front lower part. The blade is often protected by a foot, which allows you to cut the contour exactly along the line without deviation. Advanced and professional jigsaw models have various attachments that facilitate the sawing process and level the edges of the plywood.

Blades can have different teeth in shape and size. It is necessary to select saw blades corresponding to the material being processed so that there is no damage and damage to the plywood sheet during the operation of the mechanism.

Classification of jigsaws by power and application:

In the instructions on how to use a jigsaw, or in the technical data sheet, the main parameters of the tool that must be taken into account when using the mechanism should be described.

Wood carving tools

Sawing with a jigsaw is a creative process, but it requires preparation and additional equipment. What is required for work:

Stencil preparation

Drawings for sawing with a jigsaw can be of different sizes, depending on the scale of the product being manufactured. To create a scheme for a shelf, a piece of furniture or a composite three-dimensional toy, you can take a large sheet of drawing paper A1 or A0, the wallpaper remaining after the repair is also suitable, for small figures they take plain A4 paper or another suitable format.

On the surface with a bright pencil or marker, draw the outline of the future product, adhering to the dimensions. It can be an element for assembling furniture, a shelf or other large product.

There are so many jigsaw templates on the web that choosing the right one can be difficult. It is much easier to come up with your own patterns for cutting and transfer them to paper.

Transferring the image to the surface of plywood or boards

Before you start cutting with a jigsaw, you need to transfer the image from the stencil to a wooden or plywood blank. To do this, cut out a figure from the sheet, apply it to the surface of the plywood and carefully circle it. It is desirable that the line is even and accurate. We use a simple pencil so that, if necessary, we can correct the line by erasing it with an eraser.

We apply the contour from the back side so that no remnants of lines are visible on the finished product. The inner area can be shaded so as not to cut off the excess and designate inviolable areas.

It is important to transfer the drawing in such a way as to minimize sawing along the fibers with a jigsaw - it is so difficult to get a straight line.

Sawing process technology

How to use a jigsaw, for sure, many have heard. Working with the tool will not cause difficulties if you prepare for it correctly.

Carving on plywood begins with the inner contours of the pattern. To do this, you need to make slots for inserting the tool blade:

  • Plywood is often taken thin, and there will be no problems when cutting a large contour, and tension may occur in a small residue. Sawing with a jigsaw inside can damage the product - chips, burrs, dissection;
  • It’s easier to work this way: you always have something to hold the workpiece for. A large sheet is much easier to handle than trying to hold a small sawn piece while the inside is being formed.

How to cut with an electric jigsaw:

Working with an electric jigsaw is much easier than with a hand tool, there is no need to exert physical effort and the process is faster.

How to saw with a jigsaw:

There is nothing complicated, as you can see, in this process.

Defects in work

If you did not follow the technology, held the tool incorrectly, the saw may simply move off the line. Why does the jigsaw saw crookedly:

  • tilted the tool during operation;
  • saw blade tension loosened;
  • with an electric saw, it is possible to loosen the fastening of the saw.

To avoid such problems, be sure to check the tension of the saw and the fastening of all working elements before starting sawing. If the blade is beveled and stuck, it's best to start over and make the line parallel to the faulty one.

A little about safety

Safety precautions when working with a jigsaw for sawing plywood and wood are simple:

  • Use protective equipment - goggles, gloves, gown. These things will protect you from dust and small chips.
  • Sawing with a manual jigsaw should be done carefully so as not to damage the fingers with a saw. Keep the distance between the body and the instrument.
  • If you are a beginner, carefully read the instructions on how to use a jigsaw, the main characteristics of the tool. This information will help to avoid accidental injury and damage to the unit.

Wood carving with an electric jigsaw requires accuracy and attention. Both your health and the integrity of the finished product depend on these qualities.

What can be made from plywood: interesting ideas and drawings

Sawing wood with an electric jigsaw or hand tool is a creative process. You can create many decorative products in different directions:

Drawings of plywood crafts do not have to be made in exact dimensions. Even taking an example from the Internet and changing its silent proportions, you will get a unique product that no one else has in this form.

DIY plywood crafts can be painted or left in a natural color, you can glue buttons, beads, ribbons and other decor on them to revive the product. To do this, it is worth involving children in the work, their imagination is a bottomless storehouse of interesting ideas.

We offer you diagrams with photos for cutting plywood with a jigsaw.

You can figure out for yourself what you can cut out using a hand or electric tool, make your own sketch and transfer it to paper, then to a canvas of wood or plywood.

Carving plywood with a jigsaw requires certain knowledge and skills. If you don't have them, consider the following rules:

A desktop jigsaw is useful for every craftsman who cuts out thin details. However, it is far from always possible and meaningful to acquire a full-fledged machine. In this case, get down to business and do it yourself!

The device of the jigsaw machine - what lies inside?

Jigsaws are more special tools than devices that are needed by both an experienced craftsman and an amateur who runs a garage. Their purpose is reduced to a special task, namely cutting out complex curvilinear contours from sheet materials. A special “chip” of such machines can also be attributed to the execution of the cut without violating the integrity of the external contour. Most often, sawing occurs on wood and derived materials (plywood, chipboard, fiberboard), although modern machines equipped with appropriate nail files are able to work with other materials, such as plastic or drywall.

Such equipment has found application in the music industry (manufacturing of musical instruments) and, of course, in the furniture industry. They buy such units and lovers of tinkering in their own workshop. The device of a traditional jigsaw machine, designed in accordance with all the rules, is as follows: the working surface on which the saw is placed hides the drive (electric motor) and the crank structure underneath. The tension mechanism can be located both below and above the machine.

To process a part, it must be placed on the desktop. Many models have the ability to rotate it at different angles to make bevel cuts. The stops and guides on the surface, as well as the swivel mechanism, can be marked, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the work. It is the length of the cut that depends on the length of the desktop - most models are limited to 30-40 cm. The power of the electric motor is an important, but still far from the most fundamental factor, since the machine has a huge margin of unclaimed power. For example, for a home workshop or even a small production, a “engine” of only 150 watts is enough.

The crank mechanism is a much more important detail, because in this case it is on it that the quality of the transfer of the drive torque to the forward-return movement directed in the vertical plane by means of a file depends.

Standard jigsaw machines are considered devices with a range of motion in the region of 3-5 cm at an oscillation frequency of up to 1000 per minute. In many models, a change in speed mode is provided for different materials. The jigsaw itself is usually made up to 35 cm long and is able to cut material up to 10 cm thick. The width of the files can vary in a fairly wide range - from very thin two-millimeter to coarser ten-millimeter, with a thickness of 0.6 mm to 1.25 mm.

Even the thickest and widest nail file will easily break if you do not provide sufficient tension along the entire length of the nail file. For this, spring and helical springs are used. Quite often, such machines are equipped with an air pump, which cleans the cut from sawdust by blowing, as well as a drilling unit. The latter device is especially useful, because in this case the master does not need to be distracted by connecting an electric drill and drilling a hole - everything happens on the working plane of the machine. Of course, you have to pay for convenience!

How to make a jigsaw machine with your own hands from a manual jigsaw?

On the net you will find many different designs of homemade machines, but most of them come down to reprofiling into this machine. Using your ingenuity and watching the video, you can easily make a homemade jigsaw machine from this tool. You only need to modify the jigsaw a little. In fact, it plays the role of a machine tool drive and a crank mechanism, the rest needs to be thought out and implemented.

Of course, manufacturers are trying to please consumers in this area as well, offering their own platform options for quick and convenient rework, however, in reality, only you can make an apparatus that meets your needs. So, the first step is to make a support table, for which sheet metal is most often used. In it you need to make a slanted oblong hole for the saw blade and holes for fasteners (countersunk screws are recommended), and attach the jigsaw to the bottom of the support table.

This design can only be strengthened on a wooden table. You can go beyond this and install guide rails. The convenience of such an apparatus lies in the fact that in addition to performing functions that are not entirely inherent in it, you can always disconnect the drive and with a flick of the wrist turn it back into a manual electric jigsaw! If you constantly need this tool for work, it makes sense specifically for the machine - it will be cheaper than spending money on a real machine.

Advantages and disadvantages - we continue to modify!

But such an assembly inherits not only the advantages of the tool, but also its disadvantages, in particular, a nail file that is too wide for filigree work, which significantly limits the curvature of the lines. If there is a need for this, there is a way out. So far, our machine differs from the classic jigsaw unit by the absence of springs that would provide sufficient tension for the nail file. But to build a simple rocker, which on the one hand will be under the tension of the springs, and on the other hand fixed on a nail file, is quite easy.

There is another option - to clamp the nail file between two guide rollers, but the first option is still more reliable. Do not forget to turn off the pendulum stroke on the jigsaw before you start using a homemade machine. There is another design - if your tool is powerful enough, then it can only serve as a drive in a design of two rocker arms, between which a nail file is stretched. The movement is transmitted by means of a nail file fixed on the lower rocker arm.

Machine from a sewing machine - we give a second life to old tools!

If you inherited a foot or hand sewing machine from your grandmother or mother, consider yourself the owner of an excellent jigsaw! Of course, for this you need to “conjure” a little over the machine. First, remove the thread weaving device, which is usually located at the bottom of the machine. There is nothing complicated in this, it is enough to unscrew the two bolts. Then we knock out the cotter pin and remove the drive shaft leading to the thread weaving mechanism.

Having unscrewed the top panel that protects the mechanisms, it is necessary to expand the slot in which the needle went. Focus on the needs and width of the nail file that you will use in your work. Jigsaw blades of this kind also need to be slightly modified, namely cut to the maximum length of the needle that could be used on this machine. After grinding off the upper teeth and sharpening the lower part on the point, you just have to insert the nail file into the needle holder and test your machine in action!

Since childhood, we have been familiar with the technology of sawing with a jigsaw. The principle is simple - a fixed part is placed on a stand with a technological cutout, the cut is made by moving the file. The quality of work depends on the firmness of the hands and the skill of the worker.

In this way, you can literally cut lace from thin wooden or plastic blanks. However, the process is laborious and slow. Therefore, many masters thought about small-scale mechanization.

A simple design from the last century

Even in the magazine "Young Technician" drawings were offered on how to make a jigsaw machine with your own hands. Moreover, the design does not imply an electric drive, the drive works from muscular strength, like knife grinders.

The machine consists of the main parts:

  • bed (A)
  • desktop (B) with a slot for the canvas
  • lever system (B) for holding the saw blade
  • flywheel (D), which is the primary drive pulley
  • crank mechanism (D), combined with the secondary drive pulley, and driving the levers (B)
  • pedal assembly (E) with a crank mechanism that drives the flywheel (D)
  • saw blade tensioner (W)

With the foot of the foot, the master sets the flywheel (D) in motion. With the help of a belt drive, the crank mechanism (D), connected to the lower lever (B), rotates. A file is stretched between the levers, the degree of tension is regulated by a lanyard (G).

With a well-balanced flywheel, a sufficient smoothness of the saw blade is ensured, and such a home-made jigsaw machine allows you to massively cut out the same type of workpiece, saving time and effort. In those days, jigsaw saw blades were produced in the form of a flat tape with unidirectional action.

Therefore, to obtain patterns of complex shape, it was necessary to rotate the workpiece around the canvas. The dimensions of the workpiece are limited by the length of the levers (B).

From mechanical jigsaw to electric one step

The foot drive cannot give real freedom of action and uniformity of the sawing stroke. It is more reasonable to adapt an electric motor for a crank mechanism. However, if you use a desktop jigsaw from time to time, it makes no sense to make a stationary structure with its own motor.

You can use household power tools. For example - a screwdriver with a speed controller.
Materials are used, literally from wooden scraps and old trash. The only critical part is the frame. It is better to make it from durable plywood with a thickness of at least 18 mm.

We make all connections on wood screws, the joints can be smeared with PVA glue. We assemble a support pedestal for the lever rod from the same material. The design of the support should not have backlashes; the subsequent accuracy of the operation of the entire machine depends on its strength.

In today's article, we will consider an extremely interesting homemade product that will surely come in handy for every homemade product. Namely, today we will look at how to make a jigsaw. This tool is very useful in the household and it very often comes in handy when building any homemade products. Today we will look at one of the cheapest and most affordable assembly options. Homemade will consist of the cheapest and most affordable materials that you probably have at home, and if not, then you can easily find them in your city, or you can order from our Chinese friends. In general, the homemade product is very interesting, so let's not delay with a long preface, let's go!

For this DIY we need:
- Collector electric motor 775 class. (these are usually put on professional RC models).
- Wires
- Some kind of plastic flywheel (large flat gear)
- PVC pipe, the inner diameter of which will be equal to the outer diameter of the electric motor
- Corner for PVC pipes
- Blade for electric jigsaw
- Small metal plate
- A small (but thick) board
- Thick wire (or for example a bicycle spoke)
- Button
- Power connector
- Power supply (12-24v 1-2A)
- Not a large sheet of laminated MDF panel or plywood

Of the tools we will also need:
- soldering iron
- Solder
- Marker
- Hot glue
- Wire cutters
- Pliers
- Round nose pliers
- Cold welding
- Self-tapping screws
- Screwdriver
- Shrink
- Drill and core drill (diameter equal to the diameter of the engine)

To begin with, we should choose the most important structural element, namely the electric motor. In our case, it should be with a large number of turns (such an engine has a large torque). And also in order for the homemade product to serve you for a long time, it should be noted that it is desirable that the motor shaft be on bearings, and not on bushings, as is often the case. We also need some kind of flywheel, the author of the homemade for this took a large and flat gear that he had.

We put our flywheel on the motor shaft, and since the diameter of the inner hole of the flywheel is slightly larger than the diameter of the motor shaft, the author of the homemade product decided to strengthen the connection with a small piece of cold welding. Such a connection turned out to be quite strong and reliable. Then, using a simple soldering iron, we solder two 15 cm wires to the contacts of the electric motor and insulate the connection with heat shrink.

After that, we need to take a PVC pipe, the inner diameter of which will be equal to the outer diameter of the electric motor. This pipe will serve as both a motor mount for our engine and a handle for our tool. We also need one suitable PVC corner for this pipe.

To begin with, we need to make all the necessary holes in PVC pipes. Namely, on a long pipe, we should make a hole for the button. To do this, leave a mark with a marker in a place convenient for you and make a through hole for installing the button. And on the corner, we should make a hole for installing the power connector (to make a hole, we repeat the same steps as we did with the pipe above).

Then we “press” the electric motor into the PVC pipe, which was prepared earlier. Note that the engine must be installed so that there is a minimum clearance between the PVC pipe and the flywheel (but the flywheel itself must not touch the pipe).

For the next step, we will need to take the jigsaw blade (which you plan to use) and a small metal plate. We apply the canvas to the metal plate, as shown below, and circle it around the office with a marker. Then, with the help of wire cutters, we cut out triangles from the metal plate so that, as a result, we have antennae in the place where the canvas expands.

We apply the canvas to the plate in the same way as we applied it earlier, and with the help of round-nose pliers we bend and press the antennae first, and then we bend the plate, as shown below. Next, with round-nose pliers, we twist the same “roll” as in the photo (see photo).

The next step we again need to take a small metal plate. We bend this plate with the help of pliers so that we get a “t” shaped part with a groove inside. Inside the groove itself, the canvas that we previously prepared should move quietly.

After that, we take a not large, but wide board with dimensions approximately as in the photo below. Then, in the indicated place (see photo), using a core drill, we make a through hole with such a diameter that a PVC pipe with an electric motor sits securely in it.

We apply another metal plate to the newly made workpiece in the place indicated in the photo. The metal plate should be slightly larger in width and length than the "T" shaped part that was made earlier. Then we attach the “T” shaped part to the plate, which is already on the board and, having drilled holes, fasten these plates to the board with self-tapping screws.

Then we need to take a thick and rigid metal wire or, for example, a bicycle spoke. And from this knitting needle we should make a kind of connecting rod (see photo). This part must connect the blade and the flywheel so that when the flywheel rotates, the blade moves "back and forth." You should end up with a piece similar to the one shown in the photo below.

After that, we install the “connecting rod” first on the canvas, and then install the PVC pipe with the electric motor in its place (to the board, as in the photo below). And the second horses of the "rod" into the flywheel hole. Rotating by hand, the flywheel checks the operability of the mechanism.

Let's move on to the electronic part of the homemade product. Namely, we set the button. We solder one wire from the electric motor to the button, and the second wire is just a segment of 5-6 cm. We insert the button into its mounting hole and fix it with hot glue. Then, after pushing the wires through the corner, we will install the corner itself on the plastic pipe, as shown below.

Then we need to install the power connector. We solder the wires coming from the electric motor and from the button to the connector itself (the wires should be pushed through the mounting hole for the connector), and finally, install and fix the power connector in its place with hot glue.

To the second end of the corner we insert a segment of the same PVC pipe. The length of the pipe should be such that when we put the structure on the table, the handle itself should be exactly parallel to the table. After that, we need to take some small sheet of laminated MDF panels or plywood, the main thing is that it slides well over the surface. From the panel you took, we cut out a similar blank, which is in the photo below and connect it to our mechanism with hot glue, and in the place where it connects to the tree, we fix it with self-tapping screws.

All is ready! As a result, we got a very useful tool that will definitely come in handy for you on the farm! It remains to connect the power supply and test, you can see the homemade test below.

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