Where can I go after passing biology and chemistry. Unified State Examination Chemistry and Biology: where to enter St. Petersburg

Engineering systems 10.10.2019
Engineering systems

Studying in the natural science class of MBOU "Babaevskaya school No. 1"- this is preparation for the admission of future applicants to the following areas of training: biology, medicine, psychology, veterinary medicine, Physical Culture.

Target: in-depth study of natural science subjects for admission to universities and preparation of future applicants for the successful development of higher education programs.

Before future graduates who want to continue their education, the question will certainly arise, where to do. Good for those who have long decided on their future profession. Many people first take tests in their favorite subjects and only after that they decide which faculty to take the documents to. If your favorite subject is biology, you have a pretty wide selection.

Having passed biology with a high score, you can apply for Department of Biology. In addition to this subject, you will have to bring the results of the exam in Russian language, mathematics (or chemistry), and also, possibly, pass an additional intra-university exam in your favorite natural science (depending on the university, the disciplines may vary). It would be nice if you also understood physics - a lot of attention is paid to this subject at the beginning of studies at the Faculty of Biology.

Biology is a compulsory entrance exam Faculty of Medicine . Along with this discipline, you have to show your knowledge in Russian language and chemistry. If you would like to engage not in the treatment of people, but in the development and implementation of the latest technologies and cutting-edge equipment, you will also need knowledge of physics.

Psychologist - Another specialty, admission to which will not do without testing in biology. If you are prone to humanities, you can give preference to this faculty. However, the list of required subjects varies depending on the institution. As a rule, applicants, in addition to biology, also provide USE results in Russian language, social studies, mathematics or history.

IN veterinary medicine biology is indispensable. Those wishing to treat animals, in addition to the main subject, will have to confirm their knowledge In russian language, and mathematics or chemistry depending on the chosen faculty.

The results of the exam in biology are required for admission to Faculty of Physical Education . Also, depending on the school you choose, you may need Russian language andprofessional test (testing physical fitness).

If you really love biology and are good at it, then you should try your hand at this particular direction. By enrolling in this direction, you can become in the future:

Specialists in this field participate in scientific expeditions, conduct laboratory research, assess the state of the Earth's resources and take part in projects to create rare biological objects.

The Faculty of Biology, where you can enter only with high scores in biology and chemistry, opens up a variety of platforms for its graduates to work, including environmental organizations, reserves, biochemical industry enterprises and much more. They will be prepared for activities in professional fields:

Bachelors in the direction 06.03.01. "Biology" after mastering the BEP in the profile "Bioecology", those who have shown interest in science have the opportunity to continue their education in the magistracy in the direction of 06.04.01. "Biology" (master's program "Ecology"), in postgraduate studies in the areas of study: 05.06.01 "Earth Sciences", 06.06.01 " Biological Sciences”, 44.06.01 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences”.

With biology, you can also enter the Faculty of Psychology, where thousands of candidates apply every year. For admission, some universities also require results in social studies. This is a fairly popular profession among applicants due to its stable demand. Here students can master a variety of specialties:

In the future, faculty graduates quickly find positions in medical organizations, educational institutions and various private companies. Many specialists open their own offices and practice psychology in private.

If you have always been partial to animals and are well versed in biology, then you can go to the veterinarian.

Specialists of this profile not only treat domestic and wild animals, but also take part in the creation of new vaccines, study unknown diseases and conduct gene experiments.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, for which you will also need high scores in Russian and Chemistry, graduates specialists who later work in private veterinary clinics and research laboratories. Today given profession very much in demand and highly paid.

The love of sports leads many applicants to this direction. Here, graduates have the opportunity to learn to be a coach, physical education teacher and sports instructor. After graduation, many specialists find work in educational institutions, sports centers, fitness clubs and swimming pools. This is an active profession that will allow you to earn money and keep yourself in great shape at the same time.

large group forestry specialists(forestry, forest management, forest protection, forest seed farming, afforestation, etc.) manage to harmoniously combine love for nature and creativity. Highly qualified teachers will give knowledge on dendrology, forestry, forestry, reforestation, forest protection. In practice, you will get acquainted with the gifts of the forest, a variety of mushrooms, berries, medicinal herbs. Carefully and efficiently carry out the logging process with modern equipment, process wood, making environmentally friendly products, they will teach, teaching in the direction of “Technology of logging and wood processing industries.

A specialist can get a job in a forestry enterprise, a timber industry enterprise, a woodworking plant. There are vacancies in city parks, botanical gardens and nature reserves. Another direction for self-realization is design and landscape companies, where experts in wildlife are always in demand. You can also get a job in organizations that protect the environment. Alternatively, the position of a gardener at a country house can be attractive.

Agronomist- a qualified specialist whose main task is to improve agricultural production, as well as to control the work of field farmers, gardeners, machine operators, combine operators, etc. Today, the profession of an agronomist is one of the key specialties in the field of agriculture. It is quite natural that this profession is chosen mainly by residents of villages and villages who have been accustomed to working on the land since childhood, love and know how to do it. However, in last years there is a popularization of the profession of an agronomist among urban children, who consider this work not only useful for society, but also a great opportunity to return to the roots and communicate with nature every day. True, only a few succeed in realizing themselves in this profession.

Studying on the profile "Agronomy", you will learn to master and apply modern technologies for the production of fruits and vegetables, their processing and storage, not only on an industrial scale, but also at the level of a farm, personal subsidiary plot. You will be taught to master the skills of landscape design, the basics of floriculture, ornamental gardening, teaching the profile "Ornamental gardening and landscape design", the direction "Gardening".




Budget places

Passing scores last year

Competition person\place




Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

On a commercial basis

distance learning

68 thousand rubles in year

Psychology of official activity

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

On a commercial basis

Faculty of Biology and Human Health


Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Physical Culture

1. Biology
2. Russian language 3. Professional test (physical fitness test)

On a commercial basis

181.4 (average score)

RUB 65,800 in year

Recreation and sports and health tourism

1. Biology
2. Russian language professional test (physical fitness test)

On a commercial basis

distance learning

RUB 73,800 in year

Vologda State University, VSU, http://priem.vogu35.ru/

Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Natural Geography



Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Faculty social work, Pedagogy and Psychology


Teacher Education


Psychology and social pedagogy

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Vologda State Dairy Academy named after N.V. Vereshchagin (VGMHA)

Technology of logging and wood processing industries (Forest engineering)

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language


Faculty of Technology

Food of animal origin (Technology of milk and dairy products)

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

full-time, part-time

Forestry (Forestry)

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

full-time, part-time

Agronomy (Agronomy)

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

full-time, part-time

Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry

Gardening (Ornamental gardening and landscape design)

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry

Technology of production and processing of agricultural products (Organization entrepreneurial activity in the agro-industrial complex)

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Extramural studies

Veterinary (Veterinary)

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

full-time, part-time, part-time

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology

Zootechnics (Technology for the production of livestock products)

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

full-time, part-time

Saint Petersburg StateForestry University (SPbGLTU)

Institute of Forest and Nature Management


Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language


Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

81,000 per year

St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine



Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Full-time, part-time, part-time

Veterinary and sanitary examination

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language


Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen



social pedagogy

(Child psychology)




Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology


Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Psychology of Education

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Psychology and social pedagogy

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Institute of Physical Culture and Sports

Physical culture and health technologies


e test:


culture (OFP),

Russian language

(in writing),


Faculty of Biology

General biology

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Biological (pedagogical) education

Biology, Russian language, social studies



Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Agrochemistry and agrosoil science

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language


Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language


Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Technology of production and processing

agricultural products

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Aquatic bioresources

and aquaculture

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language


Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

LGU them. A. S. Pushkin (St. Petersburg)

Defectology and social work

speech therapy

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Full-time, part-time

Natural sciences, geography and tourism


Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Teacher Education

Social science, biology, Russian language

Technologies and organization of active types of tourism

Biology, physical education (introductory test), Russian language



Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Full-time, part-time

Clinical psychology

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Philosophy, cultural studies and art

landscape architecture

Biology, mathematics PU, Russian language

Full-time, part-time (for a fee)

NSU named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg http://lesgaft.spb.ru/ru/commission/priyomnaya-komissiya

Physical Culture

Physical Culture

Russian language, biology, Chosen sport (VS + SFP) – practical

58 (2015, USE)

Full-time, part-time

Total budgeted

Of them

USE score

score of






North-Western State Medical University named after N.N. I.I. Mechnikova, St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Tver State Medical University

Yaroslavl State Medical Academy

Ivanovo State Medical Academy


First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.I. I.P. Pavlova

Social work

Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk

Chemical and biotechnology

St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy

One of the noblest professions is the profession of a doctor, and according to statistics, it is very prestigious in Russia. For many, this profession is presented with a romantic halo - saving lives, grateful patients, joyful smiles. All this, of course, is present, but life is not a movie, there is another side of the coin - it's hard work, constant stressful situations, the need at any time of the day or night to be ready to rush to the rescue, to be able to let someone else's pain through your heart, to have iron self-control.

If you are firmly convinced that treating people is your calling, and you are ready to overcome any obstacles on the way to your goal, if any remarks of skeptics do not bother you, then choose an educational institution and start preparing for admission, after specifying what you need to enter medical school.

The decision to become a doctor should be purely personal. Studying at a medical college or university at the insistence of parents or fashion trends does not make sense. This applies, however, to any other specialty, but studying medicine against personal convictions is unbearable. Keep in mind that you will have to study almost all your life: about ten years at the university, residency, doctoral studies, and then regular advanced training courses.

We decided that the medical future is just for you - choose the direction of your professional activity. As practice shows, most applicants dream of a career as a surgeon. Think twice... It will be many, many years before you are allowed to operate on your own. In addition, this is one of the most difficult specializations, where a doctor has a great responsibility, which means that it is impossible to study anyhow. A surgeon must either be an excellent student or not be a surgeon at all.

Decided on the specialization - find out which universities are considered flagships in the training of specialists in your profile. Visit the department you are interested in on the open day, take brochures for applicants (they are in every university). There you will find almost exhaustive information about what subjects are required for admission, as well as a brief description of the amount of knowledge that a future student should have.

In practice, the target area in 2017 looks like this: after graduation, the graduate will have to work for at least 3-5 years in the specified medical institution or return all funds paid to the state treasury.

The main majors for physicians are chemistry and biology. Mandatory for all specialties is Russian language. In some universities, applicants also take mathematics.

Very good help will become Golden medal or a red diploma of secondary specialized education, this gives additional points (in YaGMA - 5 points). Many become students based on the results of university competitions (see websites).

You need to prepare for admission to medical school in advance, at least two to three years in advance. A lot of applicants graduate from various preparatory courses for admission to a medical university. However, attitudes towards such courses are ambiguous. However, even if the courses turned out to be too expensive, you should not despair. Transfer to a school with an in-depth study of biology and chemistry. Or talk to the teachers at your school. They will surely advise you good literature For self-study. Entering a medical school, preparing yourself, is quite real!

Some students prefer to get a specialized secondary medical education, hoping then to enter a higher educational institution without any problems. This option is possible, but not entirely justified. College graduates have the same rights and grounds for admission as regular school students. Of course, in college you will get some amount of knowledge, you will be able to understand whether a medical career is really for you. They enter colleges on the average score of the certificate, the results of the exam are not required.

Medical business . The scope of responsibility of a paramedic is at least less than that of a doctor, but more diverse. Often, paramedics provide any medical care from therapy to resuscitation, paramedics also work in the ambulance service.

Nursing business. Nurses and nurses are college graduates. The demand for junior medical staff is very high. Nurses and paramedics are required in almost all public and private clinics.

Medical and preventive business - Qualification "sanitary paramedic".

Obstetrics business. Obstetricians are those who provide care to women in labor.

Laboratory diagnostics - qualification of a medical laboratory technician, a laboratory worker involved in the study of various analyzes.

Orthopedic dentistry - Another specialty in the program of secondary medical education. Graduates receive the profession of "dental technician". They are engaged in the manufacture and fitting of dentures.

Preventive dentistry - Dental hygienist - in the medical college, the specialty is in great demand. A dental assistant who deals with hygiene procedures and assists the doctor during operations.

Medical optics - Optical technician. A person who manufactures and repairs eyeglasses, lenses, and other corrective devices.

Medical massage - Profession massage therapist. A good massage therapist can improve their skills by learning new massage techniques. As a rule, such specialists are in great demand, and their work is well paid.

Pharmacy. Pharmacists are trained in this specialty. Although pharmacy workers no longer prepare medicines by hand, but sell ready-made ones, nevertheless, they cannot do without good knowledge of chemistry and physiology.

30.05.01 - "Medical biochemistry": "Chemistry", "Biology", "Russian language";

05/31/01 - "Medicine": "Chemistry", "Biology", "Russian language";

05/31/02 - "Pediatrics": "Chemistry", "Biology", "Russian language";

05/31/03 - "Dentistry": "Chemistry", "Biology", "Russian language";

05/33/01 - "Pharmacy": "Chemistry", "Biology", "Russian language";

05/37/01 - "Clinical Psychology": "Mathematics", "Biology", "Russian Language".



Admission plan

Competition h\place

Passing score (general competition)

Medical business




medical biochemistry

Clinical psychology

Social work

For training under the programs of a specialist in the specialty "General Medicine":

50 people, passing score - 197.

For training in specialist programs in the specialty "Pediatrics":

20 people, passing score - 187.

For training under the programs of a specialist in the specialty "Dentistry":

2 people, passing score - 254.

For training in the programs of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy":

3 people, passing score - 184.

The manual was compiled by Andreeva S. N., deputy. director for water resources management of MBOU "Babaevskaya school No. 1", tutor of RC No. 8 (for the implementation of specialized training).

As you can see, in early XIX century (and Liebig graduated from the gymnasium in 1819) was not among the famous and prestigious. But it was thanks to chemistry that humanity emerged from the Stone Age into the age of metals and hundreds of thousands of other materials that have become indispensable. Consider: everywhere we are surrounded by materials that chemists have had a hand in. With the help of chemistry, fabrics, clothes, shoes, furniture, dishes, detergents and explosives, paints, building materials, cosmetics, electrical engineering, all types of transport and many other useful and necessary things are made. “Chemistry stretches its hands wide into human affairs” - these are the words of M.V. Lomonosov perfectly express the scale of chemistry.

And the chemist himself is changing the face of the world. He creates new substances and composite materials from ordinary mineral raw materials, transforms natural ingredients into hundreds and thousands of products, necessary for a person. By the way, humanity today knows about 10 million chemical compounds, and you have a chance to increase this number by becoming a pioneer of new ones.

Will you become a chemist?

Perhaps right now you are deciding whether to link your fate with chemistry, whether you have the abilities that would allow you to make a brilliant career in this area. Academician D. A. Epshtein argued that they consist of two main components: “chemical head” + “chemical hands”.
What does it mean? We can say that a person has a “chemical head”, if he is characterized by good logical, associative and figurative thinking, the ability to abstract and generalize, terminological memory. (However, these same qualities will allow their owner to succeed in the field of any natural science - biology, physics or geography.)

But the most important thing in a real chemist is a keen interest in substances and the processes of their transformations, the desire to work with them. The peculiarity of chemical thinking lies in figurative and model ideas about matter and its transformations at the level of the microworld. And when a person with such thinking has neat, delicately feeling hands, this is a born synthetic chemist or analyst.

When considering the biographies of recognized luminaries of chemistry, one can notice that it was precisely the processes of transformation of substances that aroused a keen interest in them in childhood. So, D. I. Mendeleev’s childhood passed at a glass factory, J. Liebig enthusiastically watched the preparation of medicines in his father’s pharmacy, W. Ostwald was engaged in photography, and he was especially interested in the preparation of solutions of developers, fixers, as well as the processes due to which an image appears on paper. Many more examples could be given, but I think the main idea is clear - you can become a good chemist if you care about the chemistry of processes.

And in order to check the degree of your abilities in more detail and get to know chemical science and the chemical industry in detail, read the book by G. V. Lisichkin and L. A. Korobeynikova “Are you fit to be a chemist?”


It should be remembered that at his workplace a chemist constantly deals with toxic, caustic, flammable substances, so contraindications to this profession should not be ignored. This is an imperfection of the sense organs (tactile sensitivity, vision, smell), nervous system disorders (dizziness, hand trembling), diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, absent-mindedness, unstable attention, and a high tendency to allergic reactions. All this can make work in the specialty unbearable.

At the same time, one should not think that the modern chemist is doomed to poor health. Compliance with safety regulations, use modern means protection allows you to eliminate harm to health or reduce it to a minimum.

three ways

For a person who decides to become a chemist, three possible directions of study open up, which will largely determine the future place of work.

Scientific activity

Classical chemical education can be obtained at the Faculty of Chemistry of a classical university. Such a specialist can best realize his potential as a research chemist. This field of activity is right for you if you are interested in Scientific research, you like to study chemistry additionally, you make significant progress in chemistry olympiads, you realize the crucial importance of chemistry in the life of mankind and dream of a Nobel Prize. Let's say right away that such an application of forces has great prospects. Thus, of the 14 main applied problems that need to be solved in the 21st century (according to the report of the US National Academy of Engineering for 2006), three will have to be solved by chemists. The aforementioned “chemical head” + “chemical hands”, an irresistible desire to find the truth and the ability to research will be especially useful to the research chemist.

According to the career guidance terminology of psychologists, the field of work of a research chemist is "man-substance" (in combination with the types "man-nature", "man-technology" and "man-sign systems"). The main content of the work is the study of the structure of matter and mechanisms chemical reactions, analysis and synthesis of substances, development of scientific theories.

A modern chemical laboratory is equipped with many sophisticated instruments, but for a chemical researcher it is still important to be able to work well with your hands.

The main result of the work is the accumulation of scientific information, publications in scientific journals, patents.

If you want to do science in the field of chemistry, then research laboratories of universities and research institutes are waiting for you as a place of work. Leading chemical research institutes in Moscow are:

Here, young professionals are always welcome - and you can continue your education by studying in graduate school, but there is one significant drawback. Research institutes are budget-funded organizations, and salaries here are small (in the range of 10-20 thousand rubles), especially for novice specialists. So, either enthusiasts who can absorb the solution of scientific problems completely, or those who want to gain the initial experience necessary for a successful start in the profession, choose a scientific career. After all, many enterprises will be happy to receive a leading specialist or head of a laboratory with a PhD, and even more so a Doctor of Science degree.


Pedagogical chemical education can be obtained at the chemical and biological faculties of a classical university, as well as at the chemical or biological-chemical faculty of a pedagogical institute (there are several of them only in Moscow). A person with such an education expects workplace a chemistry teacher at school or a chemistry teacher in schools and technical schools. In addition to the "chemical head" and "chemical hands", pedagogical abilities will be required here, since in this case the interaction "man-man" comes first, and only then - "man-substance" and "man-nature".

It is worth going to a chemistry teacher if you like the job of a teacher (try to put yourself in the place of your current teacher), you love children and nature, and you are successful in studying chemistry at school. The main content of the teacher's work is directly the process of teaching chemistry, the main result of the work is an increase in the level of chemical education of students, their ecological culture. It should be noted that of all the fields of activity of a chemist, it is in teaching work that contact with hazardous substances is minimal, which means that the risk of injury or acquiring a chronic disease over time is practically reduced to zero. With jobs here, too, the situation is not bad: teaching staff is always needed - but the salary in this field of activity leaves much to be desired. In Moscow, the situation is more favorable than in the regions: here the average salary of a teacher at the beginning of 2008 was about 20 thousand rubles - in the periphery this figure drops to 5-10 thousand rubles. However, now the ministry is taking a number of measures to increase the prestige of the teaching profession and rejuvenate teaching staff, because today 40 percent of school teachers retirement age and they need a replacement.


specialists with technological chemical education graduate chemical and technological faculties of technical universities, among them the leading ones are:

  • Russian University of Chemical Technology D. I. Mendeleev (RCTU),
  • Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology. M. V. Lomonosov,
  • Moscow State Open University.

A person who has received an education here is waiting for a job as a process engineer in a chemical industry. The main areas of action of the technologist are “human-technology” and “human-substance”, the presence of technical thinking, inventive abilities is welcome, the place of work is factory workshops and production laboratories (work indoors or outdoors, in a “chemical microclimate”). Until quite recently, many chemical enterprises in Russia were idle, and 5-7% of graduates of specialized universities went to work at the plants, but now times are changing - and the reviving chemical industry in dire need of young professionals. In addition, today many chemical enterprises in Russia have begun to offer decent salaries - for example, at a plant a specialist can receive from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles, and in some cases you can count on the provision of departmental housing. Chemists-technologists are in great demand at enterprises for the production and processing of plastics, at factories producing paints and varnishes, fertilizers, in the petrochemical industry. The essence of the work of a chemist-technologist is the development of new compositions with desired properties; in conducting research on the selection of optimal raw materials, the introduction of technologies for the production of new products and control over these processes; in studying the properties of the obtained substances and adjusting the formulations in order to improve their quality.

It should be noted that today it is not just chemical technologists who are especially in demand (and have the highest level of income), but specialists who are able to work with suppliers of raw materials, are well oriented in the market chemical substances can develop and lead projects to introduce a new type of product. So, you will not interfere with initiative, the ability to work with people, additional knowledge in economics and management. All these qualities will help you make a career and take leadership positions in a chemical enterprise.

Get a chemistry degree

The good news is that the competition for chemical specialties is usually small, even in the leading specialized institutes it is rarely more than two people per place. For example, in RKhTU im. D. I. Mendeleev for the popular specialty "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances" last year the competition was 1.8 people. The highest competition was, perhaps, at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University (3.4 people). Note, however, that in the last ten years, up to 80% of the medalists who applied here become students of the Faculty of Chemistry. I think this situation is connected, rather, with the demographic crisis than with the drop in the interest of applicants in chemistry. However, this is no reason to relax: entrance exams are still difficult. In addition to profile chemistry, you need to pass mathematics and Russian. In most "chemical" universities there are preparatory courses.

However, those who entered the Faculty of Chemistry need to prepare for a long and hard work. Studying as a chemist is really hard - and only those who are sincerely passionate about this science can do it. Chemistry in one form or another is studied throughout the entire period of study. You will have a close acquaintance with inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, colloidal and other types of chemistry. Traditionally, difficulties are caused by a large amount of higher mathematics and physics studied in the first two courses. If the university is technological, then complex technical disciplines should be added to this: “Automation of chemical and technological processes”, “Control, accounting and technical and economic analysis in the industry”, etc.

And we can only wish success to all future chemists in their admission, study and employment.

Most often, graduate students already know what profession they want to get, what subjects they will take, how many points they need to score in order to freely enter the chosen faculty. If you plan to take chemistry, then where can I go?

Chemistry Unified State Examination: where to enter?

Chemistry is a subject that has many subtleties and aspects, so only a few know it perfectly. And if you are one of them, you should know in advance where you can go.

Chemical faculty

This faculty is suitable for those who are very fond of chemistry. But in order to enter this faculty, you need to pass the exam in chemistry, as well as mathematics and the Russian language. At this faculty, you can master such specialties as a biochemist, a pharmacist, as well as a chemical analysis laboratory assistant and a chemist. You will study the features of conducting a variety of studies, examinations, etc.

There is a growing interest in the natural sciences: in 2017, 91,000 people passed the USE in chemistry, which is 12,000 more than in 2016.


Recently, the demand for agronomic specialties has been increasing. After all, agriculture is gradually expanding. AND Special attention the agricultural industry is given precisely in the north of our country. After all, it is here that vast territories are available that can be used for various works. At such a faculty, one can become an agrotechnician, agronomist, breeder. For admission, not only chemistry is required, but also the Russian language, as well as biology. At the same time, preparation must be carried out seriously in order to enter the chosen faculty without difficulties.

Fire safety

At such a faculty, the features of the work of firefighters, liquidators, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as fire safety engineers are studied. For admission to this department, excellent physical preparation is required, as well as good results in mathematics, Russian language and chemistry.

Faculty of Civil Engineering

In the event that you do not want to take biology, you can enter the Faculty of Civil Engineering. After all, here you need to take chemistry, as well as mathematics and Russian. Mastering the construction profession, you can always get a job. After all, every year in our country various objects are erected, repairs and modernization are carried out.

In almost every city, construction work is carried out year-round, therefore, specialist builders almost always have work. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, you can get such a specialty as an urban planner, an architect.

Technology of light industry products

People from such faculties are often engaged in the development of various products and devices for light industry, monitor quality indicators, and also manage a variety of technological processes.

Undoubtedly, other specialties can be obtained at such faculties. This makes it possible for lovers of chemistry to master interesting and quite financial specialties, to get a decent job in the future. In order to become a technologist, it is necessary to study chemistry with special care.

Where can I get admission in chemistry?

Since chemistry is present in almost every industry, you can easily find a profession that suits you perfectly. Before you decide, you need to highlight a narrower direction.

So, lovers of chemistry have access to such specialties as a doctor, cosmetologist, pharmacist, manufacturer of various paint and varnish products and devices. Work is also available in various research centers.

Biology, chemistry, Russian: what to do?

As soon as the profession is determined, you can proceed to the choice of a higher educational institution in which you will study. By the way, on this moment Almost every university has a chemistry department. For example, you can give preference to medicine. But in this case, you need to master not only chemistry, but also biology.

In order to work in the oil and gas industry, you can enter the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. As for medicine, as well as pharmaceuticals, you can enter such higher institutions as MMA them. THEM. Sechenov, Russian State Medical University.

But in all cases, it is necessary to study not only chemistry, but also other subjects. That is why it is very important to conduct thorough preparation in order to achieve certain success in admission and training.

Every academic year, hundreds of thousands of Russian graduates, and with them the graduates of previous years, who for some reason were not able to get into universities earlier, begin to frantically rush about in search of “their” institution - a university that is the best and most profitable in terms of a future career and where your profession is.

These issues need to be resolved as soon as possible, because you need to register for the exam, and after all, the set of subjects for each profession is different. And you also need to combine the choice with the interests and abilities of the student. After all, a humanist will not study effectively with natural sciences, and a techie is unlikely to be happy with the Unified State Examination in literature.

Here, each graduate has his own path - both in terms of abilities and needs. You can give examples of applicants who, having passed the exam in chemistry, biology, the Russian language, are considering where to go.

Natural sciences

School time is not only a happy childhood and first love, it is also an educational reality with examples of "the reaction of aggressive sulfuric acid and alkali" and "the structure of a group of brothers in mind - monkeys." And only adults can laugh at pistils and stamens, twenty years after graduation.

Whether you are at least but the subjects of chemistry and biology - two rather complex disciplines, not every high school student prefers them as their favorites during the period of study. It is easier to work with humanitarian subjects that do not require a large number of special terms and numbers. Moreover, will you suffer if you pass biology, Russian, chemistry, where to go. The country is large, there are many universities and specialties.

However, at the same time, natural science disciplines in all eras (from the Russian tsars to recent years) met the requirements of the level of highly scientific subjects, a strong character and a penchant for skills. There is an opinion among teachers that only selected students can be submissive, how difficult and incomprehensible they are for schoolchildren. That is, to pass for smart and talented, it is enough to become a "biologist" and "chemist".

In addition, specialization at school in these disciplines gives good prospects in the future. After all, many professions, highly paid and interesting, are based on these sciences.

So, after passing the exam (chemistry, biology, Russian language), where to go?

Entrance exams

But, descending from heaven to earth, one must understand that there is one serious obstacle, which teachers will begin to talk about even in high school. And this is not only a problem in the complexity of the entrance exams. Mainly, the difficulty is in the interaction of sciences, and hence, academic disciplines. When entering various Russian universities, in addition to these two subjects, it is also necessary to take compulsory ones, most often it is the Russian language and mathematics.

And this is already a serious problem. Even in our fertile land, the Lomonosovs are not born through one person in order to pass the most difficult exams as a whole set. Is it worth it to suffer after passing the exam in the disciplines "biology", "Russian language", "chemistry", where to go? As they say, the skin is not worth the candle.

Fortunately, both heads of universities and admissions committees understand this, offering possible options.

According to the first, the most difficult, it is proposed to take biology and chemistry (core subjects) in parallel with the Russian language and mathematics, which are also almost core. If the competition is great, then the risk justifies itself and the newly-minted students are all, as one, smart, capable and eager to gnaw at the granite of science. So, for example, applicants Chelyabinsk region no need to suffer, having passed the exam in the disciplines "chemistry", "biology", "Russian language", where to go. Chelyabinsk presents to applicants a number of disciplines of the natural science cycle.

However, in our time, and the level of knowledge is declining, one has to stick to more modest requirements for applicants. In practice, there are quite a lot of specialties, for admission to which only one of these disciplines is enough.


So, driven by your abilities along the first, most difficult path, you passed the exam in all subjects of this cycle. It remains only to decide where biology, Russian language, chemistry are needed for admission?

The first (and probably the most correct) impulse is medicine. Unfortunately, people will always get sick, and with the development of science, the number of specialties in this area is only increasing. There are quite a lot of medical universities, both in terms of the level of popularity of the complexity of admission, in terms of the number of specialties and opportunities for further scientific and administrative careers.

So, you passed chemistry, biology, Russian. and St. Petersburg in medical specialties? There are several medical universities in the capital, known for their history, traditions, experienced staff and the latest technologies. For admission to these educational institutions, the Unified State Examination is required in these three disciplines. Among them are:

  • Medical University. Sechenov.
  • Medical University. Pirogov.
  • GMSU.
  • Medical University. Pavlova.

These are universities of the two largest cities in Russia, but in almost all large cities there are popular and large educational institutions of this direction. And to guarantee (the competition for one place is rather big), you need to get high marks in the Unified State Examination in biology and chemistry, have a good portfolio of diplomas and first places in school and district olympiads and diplomas in various competitions.

Medicine in other regions

Russian education has always been famous for medicine. Currently, this direction is being strengthened again. For example, you should not suffer when deciding where to go after passing the Unified State Examination in Bashkiria in chemistry, biology, the Russian language. Ufa is the largest city in the region and has many opportunities:

  • Specialty "Medical and preventive work", full-time study on the basis of 11 classes at the Department of Microbiology of the Belarusian State Medical University in Ufa.
  • The specialty "Pediatrics" trains pediatricians - doctors in the field of clinical medicine, which examines the state of health of the child in the course of his development.
  • The specialty "Pharmacy" trains specialists in the field of handling medicines, including development, scientific study, production, application and other specialties.

No need to look for, after passing the exam in the disciplines "biology", "Russian language", "chemistry", where to enter. There are a lot of training options.

Where else to do with such a set of subjects for the exam?

The training options discussed represent only the tip of the iceberg. modern education. No need to suffer, passing the exam in the disciplines "chemistry", "biology", "Russian language", "mathematics". Where to enter, graduates will be prompted by the websites of admissions committees and the websites of universities.

That's just one direction - biology.

Biological disciplines will always be an important part of human education. Because of this, graduates in this field are constantly in demand. The higher school offers several variations of biological disciplines:

  1. Anthropology (or paleontology) combines a number of scientific branches connected with the study of the genesis of mankind. The acquired material will be borrowed in many parts of science. The field of activity is very interesting, but getting a job in the specialty is quite difficult.
  2. Genetics. The discipline of theoretical orientation. The applicant must be interested various types genes, understand the problems of heredity. After graduation, you can get a job as a genetic consultant, genetic engineer.
  3. Zoology is the science concerned with the study of animals. The specialist undertakes to study the life of animals. In addition, he makes experiments and studies the manners of animals in different conditions.
  4. Biophysics is a form of scientific activity, meaning the analysis of the impact on the body of various physical factors. The specialist must be able to work with equipment for conducting experiments.
  5. Soil science is the science of studying and organizing activities aimed at preserving and improving soil fertility. Such specialists develop the characteristics of the studied layers of the earth, etc.

These specialties show that there is no need to doubt, thinking, having passed the Unified State Examination in the disciplines "biology", "Russian language", "chemistry", where to go.


In addition to classical medicine, there are a large number of specialties that are very popular because of their value and usefulness. In Russia, a large number of livestock in agriculture, many pets in the form of dogs and cats, there are also a wide variety of exotic animals: chameleons, snakes and motley pigs. And they get sick quite often too.

If you love animals, do not like to mess with them and treat them, then you can get a profitable and always in demand specialty. Veterinarians have a permanent job and the opportunity to earn a decent income. It is easier to study in such a university than in a medical one.

For example, applicants from the north-west of Russia do not have to think about how to become a veterinarian, having passed the Unified State Examination in the disciplines "chemistry", "biology", "Russian language", where to enter. SPB provides great opportunities in this regard. There are 320 places in veterinary medicine in St. Petersburg State Academy. The Academy trains good, versatile specialists - veterinarians.


Since the twentieth century, the profession of biochemist has become more and more famous and more and more needed. Already from the name it is obvious that this specialty is at the intersection of biology and chemistry. After graduating from the Faculty of Biochemistry, you can find a wide range of vacancies. A degree in biochemistry will open the doors to a large number of laboratories related to the field of medical research, the food industry, and pharmacology. Specialists in this area often get vacancies in cosmetic centers, they are also in demand in clinics.

Biochemical research in order to control quality and create new products is in many ways the leading one in various sectors of the economy, and this determines the profession of a biochemist.

This specialty is quite profitable. So, you don’t have to think, having passed the exam in the framework of the disciplines "chemistry", "biology", "Russian language", where to go. Novosibirsk is a city of scientific orientation and many universities have a specialty "Medical Biochemistry". Applicants can enter such a university only on the basis of 11 classes. The sphere of interest of specialists includes many living beings - from microorganisms to large mammals.


Having passed the Unified State Examination in the subjects "biology", "Russian language", "chemistry", upon admission, you can plunge into the field of agriculture.

Good old agronomy. After its entry into the ranks of one of the most unpromising professions, a rebirth of agronomy has begun in recent years. The specialty is very popular and seems very promising. This is due to the rise of the domestic agricultural industry. Sanctions, the attention of the state, the appetite of the citizens of our country lead to the fact that agriculture is developing at a faster pace. And agronomists, as leading specialists, bear not only the brunt of the work, but also receive a good income.

Agriculture is multifaceted. Both chemistry and biology are in demand here. As a result, within the framework of the specialty "Agronomy", a student can receive certain professions: a vegetable grower, a botanist, an agrotechnician, a breeder.

based on chemistry

In addition to the complex use of natural science disciplines, there are a number of specialties for admission to which you need to prepare for delivery only either chemistry or biology (however, the study of the second discipline has a conditional role and can be an important factor for the selection committee).

It is worth considering, having received the results of the Unified State Examination in several disciplines (Russian language, biology, chemistry), where you can enter. The applicant has the right (in the presence of the Unified State Examination in non-core subjects marked for delivery in the lists of the selection committee) to apply for training in the following specialties:

  • pharmacology;
  • theoretical chemistry;
  • industrial chemistry;
  • agronomy (in some specialties biology is not needed);
  • Fire safety.

Pharmacology in any era will be a promising occupation. A graduate in this specialty can either be a pharmacist in a pharmacy, or work in a laboratory, and develop more effective and safe medicines. Specialists go to work in pharmacies, hospitals, factories. Specialists in this area will never be left without work.

Theoretical chemistry is needed by laboratory workers, as well as those graduates who plan to work in science in the future.

Unlike the industrial sector, where you can become a technical worker, a technologist in many areas of both organic and inorganic chemistry, you can work at almost any enterprise in the laboratory and in production, in the technology department.

Administrative and technical regulations, the state of the modern economy have led to the fact that fire safety engineers are needed in almost any institution, regardless of specialization. Such an engineer will need not only theoretical knowledge in natural sciences, but also good physical training. If successful, the education received will allow the graduate to be an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a fire inspector, an engineer. All these professions are highly valued and in demand.

Many qualified specialists are trained in the Sverdlovsk region. There, the applicant does not need to look for, having passed the exam in the disciplines "chemistry", "biology", "Russian language", where to enter. Yekaterinburg offers training in the specialty "Fire Safety". This is a very difficult and responsible profession, involving a cycle of measures to prevent fires, extinguish fires and evacuate people in a difficult situation. Firefighters are trained here.

based on biology

Are you thinking, having passed the exam in the disciplines "Russian language", "biology", "chemistry", where can you go? You don't have to take all of these items. You can single out the main discipline.

Biology (in addition to the classic version) is also necessary for a large number of specialties. So, in particular, it is required for the psychological sciences. Nowadays, biology is in great demand, in many domestic and foreign universities there are or begin to recruit psychological faculties. As a result, you can become such a specialist:

  • defectologist;
  • psychologist;
  • psychoanalyst;
  • psychotherapist.

Biology is also necessary for teachers. There is a profession of a psychologist-educator - a specialist who can simultaneously teach and treat children and adults. We must also remember about the rather multifaceted specialty of a biologist. Often, out of old habit, they are combined with the theoretical basis of the science of biology, but in practice in our time one can also be a zoologist, ecologist, biotechnologist. All such professions are needed in various sectors of the economy: industry, transport, and the agricultural sector.

Future applicants who prefer chemistry are welcome at the faculties of natural sciences. There are many professions that require excellent knowledge of chemistry. Which university to prefer and how to choose the right direction of study?

Fundamental science is not suitable for everyone, but applied chemistry is in demand in various industries - from industrial production to pharmacology. In every university, you can find programs that train future environmentalists, technologists, and pharmacists. Which universities are considered the best for studying science, and which ones will give you more practice for work? Let's figure it out together.

Top universities and faculties for future chemists

Capital and regional universities with specialized areas in chemistry.


Specialty/Bachelor's degree

Passing score 2017 (budget/commerce)

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

04.03.01 Chemistry

Modern physicochemical methods for the study of organometallic and inorganic substances based on synchrotron radiation

Chemistry of innovative medicines

Nanocatalysts for chemical reactions. Petroleum Chemistry

Analysis of the biological activity of organic and complex compounds

Saint Petersburg State University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Novosibirsk State University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Analytical chemistry

Bioorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

Organic chemistry

Physical chemistry

Chemistry solid body

Ural Federal University

04.03.01 Chemistry

179 / no set

Far Eastern Federal University

04.03.01 Chemistry

fundamental chemistry

132/dial was not

National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. N. I. Lobachevsky

04.03.01 Chemistry

Chemistry and materials science

South Ural State University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Moscow Pedagogical University

04.03.01 Chemistry

179 / no set

Belgorod State National research university

04.03.01 Chemistry

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Medical and pharmaceutical chemistry

Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Forensics and environmental Safety

189 / no set

Applicants who have chosen the direction of study in the field of chemistry and related sciences receive good career prospects.

Demanded specialties

Chemistry students in their third year, and sometimes at the very beginning of their studies, choose a specialization for themselves, which will determine their future profession and the possibility of development in their field. Let's take a look at what you can choose from.

Pharmaceutical industry chemist

Demanded and interesting profession associated with medicine. A pharmaceutical chemist takes part in the development of new drugs, supervises technological processes in the manufacture of drugs. He can specialize in research areas, participate in experimental programs.

The demand for chemists in the pharmaceutical industry is stable. The average salary in Russia is 40 thousand rubles.

Environmental chemist

Impact monitoring specialist environment harmful and toxic substances. Environmental chemists are in demand at industrial enterprises, where strict environmental control is ensured.

Employees take part in the development of new production technologies that reduce the harm from the use of various toxic substances, check the quality of products and raw materials.

Graduates can find work in expert organizations, certification laboratories, sanitary and epidemiological stations, factories and industrial facilities. The remuneration of a young specialist starts from 20 thousand rubles, an experienced ecologist can claim earnings up to 60 thousand.


Biochemistry is in demand in the research field. The working day of a specialist takes place in laboratories and is associated with the study of various processes in living organisms.

Biochemists take part in experimental programs in genetics, drug testing and analysis biological functions substances.

Specialists are needed not only in medical research centers, but also in the food and agricultural industries. Experienced biochemists are highly valued. Wage on initial stage career from 20 thousand rubles.


This specialty is adjacent to pharmaceuticals, genetics, and medicine. Biotechnologists are engaged in the development and production of drugs, vitamins and nutritional supplements, food products.

They spend their working time in cosmetic and pharmaceutical laboratories. Large food production also open corresponding vacancies in the state. More experts are working scientific work- conduct research in the field of genetics, cellular structures.

The results of the activities of biotechnologists are in demand in agriculture. Earnings vary from 20 to 80 thousand rubles, depending on experience and field of activity.

A teacher or a scientist - any chemist can conduct not only scientific research, but also fun experiments


This is a technical specialty. You can consider employment options in metallurgy, oil, energy and gas industries. The main activity of the specialist is related to research, development and testing of new materials.

Finding a job after graduation is not difficult, the initial rate of a young specialist is 20 thousand rubles, workers with experience can count on amounts from 40 to 50 thousand.

Chemistry teacher

Professionals are in demand in schools and secondary specialized educational institutions. Anyone who likes to share knowledge and has chosen a pedagogical direction for himself will easily find a job. At the initial stage, the income will not be high, but over time you can build a good career.

Living systems architect

This specialty is positioned as the profession of the future. By the time today's applicants graduate, it will be new and promising direction. It combines the work of an ecologist, a biotechnologist and a chemist.

The main task of the specialist is the design and creation of closed-loop technologies for the autonomous existence of settlements and cities. Although today it seems like science fiction, the direction of reproduction and recycling of resources is considered promising.

In addition to the listed professions, graduates of chemical faculties can try themselves in science, forensics, medicine and other areas.

Chemistry for admission to medical school

For applicants who have applied to a medical university, chemistry is a major subject in which they will have to pass an entrance test. Many universities have requirements for minimum USE results, a minimum of 50 points.

Was the decision of the doctor/chemist/pharmacist long overdue? You need to think about entering in advance - to participate in olympiads, to take preparatory courses. This will give an additional advantage when submitting documents and help in exams.

The more prestigious the university, the more difficult it is to enter it. Those who choose universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk or Kursk should be prepared for a big competition. Siberian "towers" in Tomsk or Khabarovsk are distinguished by a high level of teaching, but due to their territorial remoteness, it is easier to enter them.

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