Warehouse or hangar heating. Heating in a hangar Heating a hangar from sandwich panels 350 cubic meters

Landscape design and planning 15.07.2023
Landscape design and planning

Despite the fact that the original idea in the construction of hangars was to store various aircraft in such premises, in our time a significant part of the hangars are also used as warehouses and production workshops. However, among the undeniable advantages of hangar-type buildings (low cost and high speed of construction), there are also certain difficulties associated with the operation of hangars. One of the main problems is that in winter it is not as easy as many other premises - the height of the building and the insufficient level of thermal insulation of the walls do not allow the use of a conventional heating system here.

Selection of equipment for heating a hangar

However, if you require large area in winter, then in this situation a solution may well be found. Unlike conventional water radiators, which make no sense to install in a hangar, only industrial heating and ventilation equipment can help here. The main disadvantage of hangars in terms of the possibility of heating them is the high ceiling and very large volume of the room. Only really powerful fan heaters, capable of pumping thousands of cubic meters of hot air per hour, can cope here.

In order to quickly and maintain the specified temperature parameters in it, it is necessary to select a suitable configuration of heating and ventilation equipment, taking into account the area and cubic volume of the structure. This can be done by consulting with a specialist from our company, who, based on the parameters of your hangar, will be able to determine for you the most suitable option for purchasing heating equipment.

We are ready to offer you fan heaters and thermal curtains with a hot air pumping capacity from 2000 to 6000 cubic meters. at one o'clock. In most cases, one or two powerful fan heaters are enough to completely provide heat to a hangar with an area of ​​several hundred or 1-2 thousand square meters.

What are the benefits of air heating of a hangar?

Using air curtains or fan heaters as the main heating system is the most suitable way to ensure an acceptable temperature inside the structure during winter cold. Heat the hangar in the traditional way - using heating batteries, it is almost impossible. It is rare that a hangar has sufficient thermal insulation characteristics so that it can be heated with water heating radiators. The huge volume of the room itself and the presence of high ceilings in it will negate all efforts. Only a powerful industrial fan heater can cope with the task of heating a hangar.

Hangar heating It is very difficult to accomplish using traditional liquid systems, because hangars, as a rule, have a large volume and central heating simply cannot cope with its task. And installing your own boiler room to heat the hangar is not economically feasible. The use of electric heaters will also be very expensive during operation. We have equipment that allows us to heat the hangar properly, quickly and economically. Hangar heating with air- This is the most reasonable way to maintain optimal temperature in the hangar all year round. If you need to heat a hangar, contact us. We can heat your hangar at minimal cost and will save you money not only when purchasing and installing equipment, but also during its operation. The autonomous heating system using a gas air heater is the most reliable today. Even if it is not possible to connect to the central gas network, you can install a tank for liquefied gas, which will pay for itself very quickly, because gas is by far the cheapest and most economical type of fuel.

The operating principle of our hangar heating system is very simple.

Air heaters are hung around the perimeter of the hangar, gas is supplied to them, a chimney is installed and a thermostat is connected, which monitors the temperature in the hangar. The thermostat sets the required temperature. When the temperature drops, a signal is sent from the thermostat to the air heater control system, the gas valve opens and the burner lights up. At the same time, the fan turns on, which blows air through the heat exchanger. Warm air enters the hangar, and the temperature is brought to the set value. The thermostat sensor is activated again and the system is turned off. This hangar heating system is completely autonomous and economical; gas is consumed only when the air heater is running. Hangar heating With highly efficient furnaces, Modine minimizes costs due to low equipment costs, low energy consumption and no operating costs. We supply this and other equipment for efficient hangar heating directly from the manufacturer, so our prices are minimal. The most popular Modine gas stoves are always in stock at our warehouse in Moscow. We will independently carry out the hangar heating project and carry out installation with high quality and in the shortest possible time. No one will give you a better offer. Back to

According to the principle of operation, air heating systems can be divided into 3 types:

Direct flow system

Partial recirculation system

Recirculation system

Fully recirculating air heating systems allow you to minimize operating costs, because They take already heated air from the premises. This system can be used in buildings where air recirculation is allowed and large amounts of fresh air are not required, for example, such a system is ideal for warehouses and storage terminals.

Air heating with partial recirculation is the most flexible. Such a system can operate in various modes; in rooms, in addition to partial replacement, complete replacement, as well as complete air recirculation, can be carried out. In these three modes, the system operates as heating and ventilation, purely ventilation and purely heating. It all depends on whether and in what quantity outside air is taken in, and to what temperature the air in the air heater is heated. This type of system is suitable for almost any type of building and structure.

Direct-flow air heating system has the highest operating and initial costs. It is used when ventilation of rooms is required in a volume no less than the volume of air for heating (for example, in rooms where explosive and flammable substances are emitted, as well as substances harmful to human health or with an unpleasant odor). To reduce operating costs in a direct-flow system while maintaining its main advantage - complete ventilation of the room - a recuperation system is used, which additionally uses an air-to-air heat exchanger, which makes it possible to utilize part of the heat of the exhaust air to heat the supply outside air.

Air heating of industrial premises can be implemented either with or without dividing the air duct system for air supply .

Installation of an air heater in a heated room. Ductless operation

Installation of the air heater in a separate room or outdoors. Working with the air duct system.

Warehouse air heating with
using air ducts

Ductless heating system Heating of the production workshop

Air heating is an ideal option for heating warehouses, hangars, workshops and any other mono-volume premises. The cost of air heating equipment may vary depending on the power and manufacturer.

What's the benefit?

1. Energy efficiency:

- absence of intermediate coolant, due to which high efficiency is achieved (up to 95%) and there is no intermediate heat loss;

Possibility of heating premises in “standby” mode (maintaining low temperatures during non-working hours), which allows saving up to 25% of thermal energy.

2. Flexibility:

Short warm-up time for the building due to the low inertia of the system;

Possibility of heating local workplaces and areas without heating the entire room;

Various design options for the system (outside and inside, with and without air ducts).

3. Minimum capital investments and short payback period:

Absence of many expensive components of water heating (boiler houses, heating mains, pumps, valves, etc.)

Simple and quick installation;

No need to install a boiler room or heating station;

No operating costs for water treatment, ongoing repairs and maintenance of the system.

4. Versatility:

Possibility of combining several systems in one;

Possibility of connecting additional units as needed at any time (filtration, humidification, etc.)

Unified control system and full automation.

Application of rooftop monoblock installations Rooftops

The air heating system for a home is a complex climate system with partial air recirculation, due to which, along with heating, there is a constant supply of fresh air into the house to ensure ventilation of the rooms. To organize heating in the house, an air heater is installed and a network of supply and return air ducts is laid to distribute air throughout the house. Not a single traditional water heating system will allow you to solve a complex of climate problems at once, so the price of air heating for a private home is quite justified and in most cases will be significantly lower than for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems separately.

To ensure that manufactured products do not lose their quality, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for their storage in a warehouse. In creating a suitable microclimate, not only ventilation and humidity levels play an important role, but also a comfortable temperature in the building.

Heating types

The main criterion for choosing a particular system is fire safety standards, sanitary, hygienic and technological requirements.


As a rule, heating of warehouse buildings is carried out using. A feature of such a system is the location of the heat source outside the heated premises.

Central heating system

Depending on the type of coolant used, there are steam, water, air and combined warehouse heating systems. The same types of heat supply are used for heating production workshops or hangars.


Depending on the methods of moving the coolant, there are two types of heating systems. One of them is forced circulation, for which certain mechanical devices are used - fans and pumps.

Forced heating circuit


There are also heating systems for industrial buildings with natural circulation. In this case, heating a warehouse or workshop is based on the principle of the difference in the densities of warm and cooled coolants (air or water).

Natural heating scheme

Room characteristics

When choosing a heating system, you should pay attention to some characteristics of the building. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling and the area of ​​the building. If the height from floor to ceiling is more than 3 m, then it is not recommended to use water systems, because they are unable to provide the required temperature in large rooms.

The second important indicator is thermal insulation. Insulated walls and ceilings will significantly save money spent on heating a workshop or warehouse. If it is not possible to avoid heat loss, it is recommended to use heat sources that heat certain work areas.

You should also take into account the technological temperature requirements for storing raw materials or products.

Types of heating systems

There are several types of modern heating systems that can quickly and efficiently provide a warehouse, workshop or hangar with heat. All of them must meet several criteria: fire safety, high power, efficiency. A detailed description of the advantages and disadvantages of heat supply systems will help you make the right choice.


Water vapor is used as a heat source. Do not use in areas where flammable gases or vapors may be released. The main advantages of this method are:

  • quick heating of the heating main;
  • compactness of equipment;
  • low pressure in the heating network;
  • insignificant heat losses in heat exchangers.

However, heating a warehouse with steam also has significant disadvantages:

  • pipelines are susceptible to corrosion;
  • the coolant temperature must be at least 100° C;
  • large heat losses in pipes.


The best option for small industrial buildings with an area of ​​up to 250 m². This is how woodworking shop heating is most often done. Firstly, water heating ensures uniform heating of the entire workshop space and maintains a constant air temperature, which is very important for a material such as wood.

Water heating.

Secondly, waste from the wood processing industry can be used as a fuel material. In addition, the system allows you to organize hot water supply if necessary.
But there are also negative points:

  • for maximum heating you need to use pipes of large diameters;
  • the air in the room warms up slowly;
  • complex and expensive installation.


It is a network of branched channels through which heated air moves. Air heating of the workshop occurs as follows.

Through special equipment, including filters and fans, outside air is taken in. The incoming air masses are heated in a special electric or gas installation. Next, the hot air is distributed throughout all working areas of the building using an extensive duct system.
The system has gained high popularity due to its advantages:

  • absence of radiators and coolant, which significantly reduces heat loss;
  • Efficiency – up to 95%;
  • compatibility of the heating circuit with the ventilation circuit;
  • possibility of adjusting the temperature regime.

Water infrared panels

Today, there is another very profitable method by which you can arrange the heating of a hangar or any other large utility room - the use of IR water panels.

In this case, the coolant fluid is heated to 160 °C and enters radiant tubes located under the ceiling. The infrared emitter effectively dissipates heat throughout the entire volume of the heated room. Thus, the equipment operates not on a convective, but on a radiant principle.

The uniqueness of such equipment is that the air in the room does not heat up. Various types of surfaces are subject to heating, including the surface of equipment, goods, shelving, walls, floors, ceilings and even people in the room.

Using IR water panels, you can effectively organize the heating of a workshop in which welding, carpentry and other production work is carried out.

In this case, the purpose of the method is not to heat the room or raw materials itself, but to provide heat to the working personnel.

Main advantages

  • quick and easy installation of the necessary equipment;
  • the ability to heat certain local areas of warehouse premises;
  • minimal heat losses;
  • durability, reliability and safety;
  • additional functions of sound absorption, lighting and ventilation.

In addition, heating a warehouse, workshop or hangar using such a radiator is an economically feasible process, since savings reach 50%, if parallels are drawn with other methods of heating warehouses.

Airborne solar collector Solar B Energy for a hangar - equipment for heating and ventilation communications powered by the sun. During operation, it does not require expensive energy resources and does not create a load on the power grid. The collector copes with the assigned tasks perfectly: it maintains the set temperature and humidity in the room, and maintains favorable conditions. The hangar collector is installed on the surface of the roof or wall so that nothing prevents direct rays of the sun from penetrating it. The equipment is activated automatically, absorbs street air currents, warms and dries them, and then passes them into the room using fans. To maintain stable circulation of air masses, large hangars require the installation of several collectors. Devices are divided into ventilation and heating categories. Each model range is represented by modifications that differ in power, size and price.

Depending on their purpose, hangars can be divided into heated and unheated structures. But even in hangar rooms without heating, there is a minimum temperature limit of up to +5 degrees in winter. Otherwise, the room begins to freeze: icing occurs, which negatively affects the technical parameters of building materials. Small cracks appear, strength decreases, which shortens the service life of hangar structures. In this case, the developers advise installing heating systems in all hangars.

Airborne solar collectors Solar B Energy are the ideal solution. Such equipment creates positive temperatures in the hangar even in harsh climates, and at the same time its operation does not require material costs.

The tasks that the innovative manifold copes with when heating a hangar:

  • Significant cost reduction to maintain the set temperature during the cold season.
  • Maintaining a comfortable environment for working in the hangar, storing products and material assets in it.
  • Preventing freezing of the building.

Creating heating using innovative technology from Solar B Energy will not require special design or replacement of communication systems. Installation will require very little time, which is a significant advantage when selecting devices powered by solar energy. Solar B Energy systems can be adapted into an existing ventilation system, which will significantly reduce ventilation and heating costs.

Hangar ventilation

Solar collectors Solar B Energy are also indispensable for creating engineering systems that provide air exchange in hangars. The design of such structures does not provide many gaps, which leads to rapid air stagnation. As a result, carbon dioxide begins to accumulate, humidity increases, and bacteria and harmful microorganisms begin to appear. Humidity promotes rusting of steel elements. Unpleasant odors arise in the hangar, which eat into the products located there and make them unsuitable for further sale. Another negative consequence of the lack of ventilation is the appearance of rodents that damage electrical wiring, packaging, and production equipment.

Financially profitable creation of ventilation is possible thanks to Solar B Energy air solar collectors. They are activated by sunlight and provide uninterrupted air circulation. Which ultimately guarantees the supply of fresh air, removes excess harmful substances, maintains a comfortable climate in the hangar, and reduces health risks caused by poor ventilation to zero.

Advantages of using solar collectors from Solar B Energy

Among the many advantages of an innovative heating system, we highlight the main ones:

  • Prevents the appearance of foul odors and mustiness.
  • No drafts, no need to ventilate the room.
  • Absolutely autonomous (does not require connection to electricity).
  • Environmentally friendly, do not harm the environment.
  • Domestic production.

If you are planning to purchase Solar-B-energy solar collectors in Moscow with delivery throughout Russia, call the numbers provided and our consultants will answer all your questions.

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