Milk oolong tea - how to brew correctly? Beneficial properties of Milk Oolong tea. Milk oolong - benefits and harm How to brew milk oolong tea correctly

Decor elements 02.02.2024
Decor elements

Those who have once tried milk oolong tea with its delicate taste and delicate aroma are unlikely to be able to refuse it completely. But it’s not enough just to buy a good tea leaf; it’s also important to brew it correctly. Otherwise, you can ruin high-quality raw materials, resulting in a completely tasteless drink with the smell of hay.

At the same time, you don’t need to be a tea ceremony guru to brew oolong. All steps are quite simple. If you are not lazy and don’t rush anywhere, you will be able to achieve amazing results from dry brewing.

First of all, you will need, of course, the tea itself. You should not buy cheap raw materials. Here, even following the brewing technology will not help you get a tasty drink.

In the event that it is possible to purchase tea in bulk, then you should choose the one that has a light, unobtrusive aroma of herbs and fruits, creamy notes and caramel. If the tea leaves smell like hay or, worse, mold, you should refrain from making such a purchase. Most often, oolong is small dense lumps (of highly compressed tea leaves). Depending on the variety, they can be dark or bright green, but they should always be elastic, the same size, without yellowness or other inclusions.

If it is not possible to examine the tea, then you should carefully read the information on the packaging and pay attention to its date. The further the day of purchase is from the production date, the less tasty and aromatic the drink will be.

The next very important point in creation is dishes. Ideally, it should be a ceramic or, even better, a clay teapot. It is these materials that hold the temperature suitable for oolong well. You can try using . But in this case, further brews will turn out to be less saturated, although usually oolong tea reveals itself brighter and brighter each time.

When using a clay teapot, there are two very important points to remember:

  1. Green tea is never left inside for later. Oolong may turn sour, and the porous material will absorb this acid. In the future, the tea will become less tasty and aromatic, and may even acquire unpleasant flavor tones.
  2. Clay dishes are never washed using special products. You can only rinse it with hot water to wash away the remaining tea leaves.

In addition to the main kettle, in which the tea will actually be brewed, it is worth getting another one. It is necessary to drain the finished drink. Oolong should not stand for a long time with leaves. Although, if a large group drinks tea, there is no longer a need for intermediate utensils.

In addition to raw materials and utensils, what kind of water will be used for brewing is very important. For these purposes, under no circumstances should you take tap water, even filtered water. Spring water is best suited for making milk oolong. Since this is very difficult to find in urban areas, you can use bottled ones. But not mineral, since the salts contained here will spoil the taste of the finished drink.

Brew correctly

Now that everything you need has been prepared, all that remains is not to spoil the tea leaves during the brewing process. If everything is done correctly, the reward will be a surprisingly aromatic tea with a subtle, soft, sweet taste and an amazing creamy aroma. In addition, it is also very capable of calming the nervous system, relieving insomnia, and improving the functioning of all body systems.

It is ideal for brewing oolongs, like pu-erhs, where patience and care are required. But at the same time, there are no clear rules for its implementation. Everyone can adapt it to their own rhythm:

  1. Water should be heated to a temperature no higher than 80-90 degrees. If you couldn’t turn off the kettle in time, then let it stand and cool a little. Milk oolong is especially sensitive to water temperature; too high will make the finished drink bitter. And the right temperature will allow you to enjoy the light caramel-milk taste and aroma of cream.
  2. At this time, prepare the teapot: pour boiling water over it and wipe dry or heat in the oven.
  3. Next, you need to pour the leaves into the teapot and fill it with water. At the rate of 1-1.5 teaspoons per 200 ml of water. Now the contents are slightly shaken and the liquid is completely drained. In this way, the tea leaves are washed from dust - it is not worth drinking.
  4. Before the next brew, you should leave the teapot open for a few seconds to let the leaves “breathe” a little. And again you can fill it with hot water.
  5. You cannot keep oolong in boiling water for a long time - literally after 20-30 seconds the drink is completely drained from the teapot. Now you can pour it into cups and drink it. Use oolong correctly without sweets and sugar, without diluting, only in its pure form.

Do not immediately throw away used leaves. Real oolong can withstand up to five to seven brews, each time becoming tastier and more aromatic.

Connoisseurs of green tea advise increasing the subsequent brewing by 5-10 seconds longer than the previous one.

Brewing milk oolong is much easier than it seems. If you have high-quality raw materials, the right utensils and good water, then all you have to do is put in a little effort and patience. You need to do everything right, and the reward will be a drink that is tastier than anything you have ever tasted.

Milk oolong is becoming increasingly popular. Just a few years ago, this drink was unknown in our latitudes. Now it is served in every coffee shop and is readily consumed at home.

Features of the drink

Milk Oolong belongs to the category of green teas. Lovers appreciate this variety because it has a tart taste and leaves behind a soft aftertaste.

Many people often purchase this tea for tasting because of its unusual name. The taste of tea does indeed have creamy tones, but it has nothing to do with milk.

Brushes that are used to brew tea have an unobtrusive aroma, reminiscent of a certain creamy smell. The aroma becomes stronger after several stages of processing, which is transmitted to each tea leaf.

To achieve a rich taste and that very fragrant trail of Chinese Oolong tea, it is necessary not only to brew it correctly, but also to taste it correctly. Milk Oolong comes from China, some of its species also grow in Taiwan. The Chinese call this type of tea “Nai Xiang Xuan”, which literally translates to “Flower of fire with milky aroma”.

Due to incorrect transcription and translation, another name for the drink has become common: “oolong”. It can be found on tea packaging or on the price tag. But don’t be afraid if the designation on the plate is one and the one on the tea is different, because they are one and the same. But still, the name “oolong” is considered the most correct and closest to the original version. Translated from Chinese, oolong means “turquoise”. Oolong is a type of semi-fermented tea. When making the drink, the special processes in the leaves are only about 55 percent complete, so they only affect the edging and top layer of each leaf.

Do not assume that this is dishonesty or careless processing. This is a deliberate method that helps retain the desired flavor profile. Ultimately, this will give the brew a rich and rich taste.

The brew for the drink is obtained from tea bushes, which are unpretentious by nature when compared with other bushes. The leaves are collected once a year in the fall.

An unobtrusive milky smell can be felt even from a fresh leaf that blooms on a branch. But the aroma becomes brighter and tart after special processing steps. It is after them that we get the same smell that we are used to feeling in teapots.

Milk Oolong is classified as a type of tea that warms and tones: it “restarts” digestive processes, prevents excessive stress on the liver and spleen, and increases the level of immunity. With regular use, you feel a surge of strength. It is worth noting that the drink helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the skin.


Real milk oolong is rarely found on the shelves of large supermarkets. And even if you manage to find this tea, it will cost too much.

Producing real tea is an expensive business. Therefore, it is easier for suppliers to replace such an expensive variety with simple green tea with a flavor that will imitate the milky taste.

Real Oolong milk tea contains many vitamins (A, B, E, D) and beneficial elements (potassium, magnesium, selenium, collagen, calcium and phosphorus).

Theine (caffeine), which is also included in the drink, provides an additional invigorating and tonic effect. This allows many to avoid drinking a fair amount of coffee in the morning or throughout the day.

Oolong is a very low-calorie product, despite the variety of trace elements and large amounts of protein, which reaches 70 percent. Many nutritionists prescribe it in their diets. One hundred grams of dried leaves contain only 150 kilocalories, which is approximately 6-7 percent of the daily norm.


In addition to its pleasant taste, Milk Oolong also has a number of beneficial properties:

  • A fairly high level of antioxidants in the composition, which allows the skin to remain more youthful and elastic. Slows down skin aging and prevents age-related changes.
  • Microelements prevent the risk of blood clots, strengthen weakened vessel walls, and restore heart rhythm. Substances that milk Oolong is rich in reduce and normalize cholesterol levels. They “force” the pancreas to produce insulin, which reduces blood sugar and prevents the body from building up fat.
  • It has a beneficial effect on brain function, increases efficiency, relieves fatigue, and improves memory.
  • It has a good effect on the digestive system, helping the entire gastrointestinal tract function.
  • Stabilizes changeable mood and helps cope with depression.
  • Removes accumulated waste and toxins from the body.


Despite all the benefits, Oolong, like any product, has a number of contraindications.

Tea should not be consumed:

  • people with serious problems in the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, colitis);
  • pregnant women (the amount of theine can cause premature dilatation of the uterus);
  • women during lactation (breastfeeding).


There are two types of tea - Chinese and Oolong, which grows in Taiwan. They are very different from each other and are easy to distinguish from each other.

The drink of Chinese origin has a more subtle taste and barely noticeable aroma. Taiwanese is more pronounced and rich. It conveys taste qualities more clearly.

The Taiwanese say that nature itself helps to achieve this taste. Temperature changes between day and night vary greatly, and this affects the plants growing on the plantation.

Tea varieties can also be divided into highly fermented and weakly fermented. The first ones are closer in classification to black tea varieties. Some of the brightest representatives are the expensive varieties of tea – Oolong “Gaba” and “Tie Guan Yin”.

There are also cheaper variations of varieties. They usually contain impurities from other herbs (ginseng, rose petals, cinnamon).

When buying tea, it is worth remembering small tricks with which you can choose the most delicious tea:

  • real oolong has a characteristic delicious aroma;
  • the leaves are twisted in appearance and do not differ much from each other;
  • the color common to all petals is green;
  • expensive types of tea are distinguished by the fact that the core of the leaves is bright green, as if they had not been dried, and the edges are framed in dark green, almost black;
  • the package must not contain any other plants or flowers. If, however, there is something in it besides Oolong leaves, then most likely the tea will be of low quality.

Cooking rules

For those who have already encountered brewing Chinese tea of ​​any kind, it will not be difficult to master the technique of brewing Oolong tea. The brewing process is based on the traditional Chinese tea ceremony.

The temperature and duration of brewing the drink are directly related to the fermentation of the tea. Oolong tea is a semi-fermented tea, which means it takes longer to brew than red tea, but much less than green tea.

For beginners, this may seem like a very time-consuming process. After all, in order to prepare the drink correctly, you must adhere to all the subtleties of the tea ceremony. Doing this at home will not be difficult. The most important thing in this case is calmness, regularity, smooth movements and harmony.


For the tea ceremony, it is preferable to use porcelain or clay cups. Such dishes will help maintain the correct temperature and not permeate the drink itself with foreign odors or tastes. However, you should not buy the most expensive porcelain for welding. In such dishes, it is not the appearance that prevails, but the quality of the material. The standard set includes a ceramic teapot and several bowls. Sometimes the standard set is additionally “enriched” with a “cup of justice.”


In order to brew milk Oolong, you need to heat the water to 80-85 degrees Celsius. Do not bring the water to a boil or cool it. The best option would be bottled and still water. Filtered water can be used. During the ceremony, the water temperature must be maintained at the same temperature and should not be allowed to cool down. If the tea starts to cool, it needs to be reheated.

When brewing, you should be guided by the following proportions: about ten grams of tea leaves are used for 500 ml of water. You can measure the tea leaves using either a teaspoon or a scale. The more often you brew tea yourself, the easier it will be for you to measure it by eye.

During the brewing process, you need to put the leaves of the plant in a bowl or bowl. This will help guests smell their scent. Sugar, sweets or various confectionery products are not consumed during tea drinking. And milk is also not added to tea.

Before steeping the leaves, rinse the teapot with hot water. Thanks to this trick, the aroma will develop faster and the taste will become richer. Then you should place the tea leaves in the teapot and only then pour water into it. After a few moments, you need to drain the water, leaving the leaves in the teapot, thereby rinsing the tea. And only after all these steps should you brew tea.

The pour should be filled with water and wait a few minutes. Then pour the drink into the “cup of justice” or pour into bowls. The “Cup of Justice” is of a practical nature and does not have any “high” meaning. The vessel was created only to make it possible to empty the teapot and pour tea into bowls. After all, if you pour tea from a teapot, then the last guests will get the strongest drink.

Leaves can be re-brewed in a teapot up to seven times. With each subsequent brew, Oolong reveals a new side. But if you brew it in a mug, then the same brew should be used no more than three times.

It is better to take milk Oolong in the morning or before lunch. Tea will help you cheer up, it will relieve drowsiness and give you energy for the whole day.

If desired, you can drink tea in the evening in a cozy and calm environment. But it is worth remembering that you should drink tea at least two to three hours before bedtime. Otherwise, you may suffer from insomnia and simply not fall asleep.

Oolong is stored for a long time and does not require the creation of special conditions for this. The leaves should be kept in a tightly closed jar. It is best to use glass or ceramics, but not plastic. Taste qualities do not disappear during storage.

Oolong has a strong, vibrant aroma. In this regard, it should not be mixed with other types of tea - it will simply interrupt their smell.

To learn how to brew milk Oolong correctly, watch the following video.

In order for real Milk Oolong to be born, many people have to work hard.

In spring and autumn, we will have to collect raw materials from certain tea trees growing on the mountain slopes of one of the regions of Taiwan. The leaves already at this stage smell faintly of milk, and as they ripen the aroma will intensify.

Tea leaves unloaded from bamboo baskets are dried in the sun. They are constantly turned over so that the process proceeds evenly.

Then the sheets are shaken so that the cell membranes are destroyed, this is necessary for the next most important process - fermentation. At this time, the tea raw materials are kept in a fairly cold room with high humidity. Such conditions are created for the fermentation of juice in the leaf cells and the beginning of chemical reactions. At this time, the smell and appearance of the leaves changes.

From cold to hot. Frying in progress. The last moisture leaves the raw material, and not a trace remains of the greenery either.

A special unit curls the leaves. After another drying, they are made into granules. You also need to sort the raw materials and free the leaves from the cuttings. This is done manually. The last heat treatment - and Milk Oolong is ready for packaging.

How to brew Milk Oolong correctly

Agree, it would be a crime to spoil the tea, which was so difficult to prepare for this procedure, by improper brewing. You can, of course, quickly brew oolong in the morning for breakfast and run to work. There will be no harm. But you won’t feel any benefit from such hasty tea drinking.

Milk Oolong is a tea for special occasions, holidays, and enjoyment. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is used in tea ceremonies, in particular Gongfu Cha, which is translated from Chinese as “supreme tea skill.”

Let's get acquainted with the stages of the tea ceremony. What to prepare before you start

  • Table. Wooden or marble - it doesn’t matter. The shape doesn't matter either. The table should accommodate dishes for all participants in the ceremony.
  • Round teapot. It’s a teapot, not the teapot we’re used to. Usually clay, but porcelain is also not forbidden.
  • Clay or porcelain bowl to familiarize yourself with brewing.
  • The so-called “kettle of justice”: it is used as a measuring stick.
  • Tea pairs - cup and saucer, we would say. But here it’s just a couple – cups of different sizes on stands. One is used to enjoy the smell of freshly brewed tea, the other is used to drink the drink. This dish can be made of clay, porcelain, or glass. Moreover, glass is preferable, since through its walls you can also admire the color of the drink.

All items are available, participants need to be prepared. They will have to wash, perhaps change clothes, be sure to rinse their mouths, and women will have to remove their lipstick.

The brewing water should be spring water. Most likely, you won't be able to get one. Then take a bottled one.

While the water is heating up, the participants are studying the tea. It is poured into a special bowl and passed from one to another so that each guest can inhale the aroma of oolong and admire the green balls of tea.

At this time, the owner of the house pours boiling water over all the tea utensils - inside and out. Cups heated in this way will help the tea reveal its best qualities when brewing.

Now you have to pour the tea into the teapot. Again, you need a special device, because taking tea with your hands is prohibited. How much tea to add depends on the number of people sitting at the table. Milk Oolong increases three times during the cooking process, keep this in mind.

We take the next step - pour boiling water over the tea in the teapot. There is no need to insist; without delay, pour water from the teapot over the dishes on the table. The tea in the teapot has “woke up”. The aroma has become more sensitive. Guests breathe it in and share their impressions of how exactly it has changed.

A short digression about the temperature of the brewing water. The classic option is when tea is brewed with slightly cooled boiling water (temperature should be 80-90 degrees).

The main part of the Chinese tea ceremony begins. Hot water is poured into the teapot, the kettle is closed, and boiling water is poured over the top. After a minute, the ripe tea should be poured into the “kettle of justice”, after swirling the teapot several times, and from there poured into tall cups for the guests. Moreover, bottling is not done simultaneously, but so that the strength of the drink is the same in all cups. That is, first everyone gets the top part of the infusion, then the middle and, finally, the bottom. Cups should be three-quarters full.

Now you should cover the tall one with a bowl and carefully turn the resulting “fungus” over so that the infusion moves into the bowl. Having taken out a tall cup, you should inhale the aroma that has saturated the dishes. Only after this can you drink the tea itself.

Drink in no hurry, in small sips, listening to your feelings. Now everyone will feel the taste of caramel and cream for which milk oolong is so famous.

But no matter how slowly the tea is consumed, it ends. No problem, you can repeat the whole process again. And with the same brew. And you can do this seven to ten times. Each time you will feel new shades in the taste and aroma of tea. One is strengthening, the second is weakening.

After the fifth brew, according to amateurs, oolong tea begins to lose its taste and unique smell, but an unforgettable aftertaste appears. This is precisely why tea ceremonies are so highly valued.

Be sure to look into the teapot after finishing your tea; you will be surprised how the tea leaves have opened up and become prettier.

Take them out, rinse the kettle with clean warm water, dry it and store it. Be sure to prepare and hold such a small tea ceremony with your friends and family. Everyone will be happy.

Finally, let’s briefly dwell on the beneficial properties of milk oolong. In the hierarchy of traditional teas, oolong tea is located between green and black teas, therefore, its beneficial properties combine the best qualities of both. Being very tasty and rich, oolong tea imbues tea lovers with energy and good mood for the whole coming day.

It tones the nervous system and helps the brain remain functional for a long time. By properly affecting the heart, oolong tea fights hypertension. Long-term regular consumption of oolong tea helps prevent cancer.

Oolong tea is the richest tea in the world. Cleanses the body, helps digestion, reduces weight.

In general, milk oolong distracts you from everyday thoughts, relaxes you, and puts you in a positive mood. It is not without reason that it is called tea for the happy.

Please note that in China (Taiwan) there are practically no obese people, many long-livers and less cancer and heart diseases than anywhere else. Of course, not only thanks to oolong. But so does him.

Drink only real milk oolong. If you come across tea with a pronounced milky taste, it means it contains artificial flavors. High-quality milk oolong has subtle, even delicate, nuances of taste.

Milk oolong, popular in all restaurants and cafes - what does it have in common with milk? This tea is between green and black in terms of fermentation, so it is important to accurately choose the water temperature and infusion time. What subtleties are there in the process of preparing it, how to preserve its delicate aroma and taste over several brewings?

How to quickly prepare aromatic milk oolong

Milk oolong gained its popularity due to its subtle, pleasant smell. He also awarded tea with many legends about production - how tea bushes are carefully watered with cane sugar and milk syrup, and the harvested crop is soaked in baths with milk. In fact, if bushes are watered with milk somewhere, it is not at all to give the drink a special aroma, but to combat small pests. How is Chinese oolong tea actually made?

Oolong milk tea (another name is oolong) is semi-fermented, it ranks between green and black in terms of the degree of fermentation. It traces its history back to Golden Flower (Jin Xuan) tea, which is grown in the mountainous regions of Taiwan. Its leaves have a slight smell of milk, which, after processing at high temperatures, is accompanied by caramel notes. However, the aroma of Jin Xuan is irregular and weak; sometimes only experienced tea tasters can distinguish the shades.

Therefore, milk oolong tea, which is artificially flavored, is produced for Europeans. Processing such raw materials is cheaper, and the technology guarantees a stable smell and taste. For it, the leaves of not only the Golden Flower variety, but also other tea bushes are used as a base. At the same time, unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality raw materials, generously flavoring them with flavorings that drown out the true taste of tea. Choose oolong milk tea carefully - if it is made from high-quality leaves and the smell is given to it by natural flavors, then it will not cause harm.

How to cook

Oolong milk tea has special requirements for the temperature of the water used and the infusion time. These parameters should be greater than for green tea, but less than for black tea. Let's figure out how to brew milk oolong correctly.

To get a decent result, follow a few rules:

  • take soft bottled or filtered water;
  • Dishes made of baked clay saturate the drink with oxygen and change the taste for the better;
  • Before starting, thoroughly warm all utensils with hot water and wipe them dry.

You are ready to begin the process of preparing the drink! How to brew milk oolong - general step-by-step instructions:

  • put 5-7 grams in the kettle. tea leaves for a volume of 200 ml;
  • wait a couple of minutes for the leaves to warm up and begin to smell;
  • pour in water at a temperature of 70-90 degrees;
  • leave for 3 minutes.

  • The infusion is completely poured into mugs, then one portion of the tea leaves is used up to 10 times, with each step increasing the infusion time by 2-3 minutes. Connoisseurs consider the infusion obtained during the third or fourth iteration of preparation to be the most pleasant. If you brew milk oolong directly in a cup, you will only get a quality drink 2 times.
  • In addition to general recommendations, it is worth knowing the subtleties that depend on the degree of fermentation of the raw materials. The hotter the water, the faster the leaves release their taste and aroma, reducing the number of full brews. But water that is too cold will not awaken the tea properly.
  • How to properly brew slightly fermented milk oolong (by 20-30%) - the water temperature is 60-80 degrees, the holding time is 1-2 minutes. These parameters are similar to the recommendations for preparing green tea. If the values ​​are exceeded, the subtle aroma will disappear and the beneficial substances will evaporate.
  • How to properly brew milk oolong of medium fermentation (more than 30%) - water temperature in the range of 80-90 degrees, holding time for 2-3 minutes.

Now you know how to brew oolong, and you are ready to experience new shades of smell and taste with each subsequent serving of this drink.

How to drink and what are the benefits

  • It is recommended to drink oolong milk tea during the day or evening. The subtle creamy aroma with caramel undertones relaxes and soothes, setting you up for a positive perception of events. It is better to drink oolong tea without sugar or sweets in order to fully enjoy its taste.
  • This infusion contains antioxidants that protect the body from aging. Its catechin enzymes have an antibacterial effect and speed up metabolism, making it easier to lose weight. Lowers blood sugar levels, cleanses the kidneys, strengthens blood vessels. It contains fluoride, which restores tooth enamel.

Milk oolong tea is a unique drink; if it is made from high-quality raw materials, it has every chance of decorating a tea party.

Before answering the question, you should find out what this product is, what properties and taste it has.

Chinese oolong (milk): what is it?

Milk oolong is a Chinese tea that is classified as an elite variety. Despite the fact that milk is never added to the finished drink, the notes and aroma of this product can still be traced in its taste. This is where the unique name of the presented drink came from.

As you know, this tea is harvested only in spring and autumn. It is the latter harvest that is most valued among consumers, since the aroma and taste of such a product are more intense.

Milk oolong: beneficial properties

The peculiarity of this drink is its warming effect, as well as its ability to counteract the aging process. Before we talk about how to brew milk oolong, it should be noted that this product promotes the balanced production of sebaceous gland secretions. In addition, this tea is recommended for those representatives of the fairer sex who have too oily or, conversely, dry skin. Milk oolong helps overcome vitamin deficiency in the body, as it contains about 400 useful components.

As practice shows, drinking 1000 ml of milk oolong per day significantly lowers blood cholesterol levels. But before drinking such tea, you should find out what contraindications it has.

Contraindications for use

Milk oolong, the beneficial properties of which were presented a little higher, is not recommended to be consumed before bed. In addition, it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to drink it, because it contains a large amount of theine. If you only want to get the benefits of this drink, it should be consumed in small doses.

Making a drink at home

How to brew milk oolong? This is done quite easily. But in order for the tea to retain all its taste and aroma, you must adhere to strict rules, namely:

  • To prepare this drink, it is best to use a clay teapot with a thick bottom and walls. This will keep the dish warm for a long time.
  • It is advisable to take purchased bottled water for milk oolong, or better yet, spring water. After all, ordinary water coming from the tap can spoil the drink.

So how to brew milk oolong? To do this, the clay teapot should be thoroughly heated by rinsing it with boiling water. Next, you need to pour about 7-10 g of the brewing component into a warm bowl (depending on the number of family members or guests who will enjoy this drink). For the indicated amount of tea, you need to add about 500 ml of water to the kettle. In this case, initially the tea leaves should be filled with a small amount of boiling water at a temperature of approximately 87-90 degrees. If you immediately use the bubbling liquid, the tea will lose its taste and aroma.

In order for all the tea leaves to open, it is recommended to drain the first pour of boiling water. After this, you need to add hot water again to the clay pot, and then leave under a tightly closed lid for about 2-3 minutes.

The peculiarity of oolong is that it can be brewed more than once, or even twice. But each time the time spent on this process will increase slightly. Moreover, the taste of the tea will also change, but not for the worse.

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