Whitefly on indoor plants - how to deal with the pest? How to deal with white mold Fight white mold.

landscaping 10.07.2023

The appearance of white plaque can be caused by a number of diseases, some of which are very serious, that is, requiring immediate treatment. Therefore, it is better not to diagnose yourself, but to consult a specialist. An experienced physician is able to determine by the localization of plaque and its appearance (color intensity, density) whether it needs treatment.

For example, if it is faintly colored and loose (whitish), located in the middle part of the tongue, the cause may be a disease of the stomach and/or duodenum. If a dense white coating covers the sides of the tongue at the back, the cause is almost certainly kidney disease. If a white coating covers the anterior third of the tongue, lungs are needed. A white coating on the entire surface may indicate either stomatitis or dysbacteriosis. Only after additional examinations and a final diagnosis will a specialist prescribe treatment. After getting rid of the disease, one of the symptoms of which was white plaque, it disappears.

How to maintain oral hygiene to avoid plaque on your tongue

It may also be that the cause of a white coating on the tongue is not a disease, but a lack of hygiene. Not all people know that it is necessary to regularly brush not only the teeth and interdental spaces, but also the surface of the tongue.

For such cleaning, you should use a special brush with soft bristles, or even better, a plastic scraper. On sale you can find toothbrushes with a rubber band on the back for cleaning the tongue. You can also resort to a simple but effective method: wipe the surface of the tongue with a gauze swab dipped in a solution of baking soda or table vinegar. For this procedure, it is better to first wrap a strip of gauze around the tip of your finger.

There is another good way to clean your tongue. Take a tablespoon of vegetable oil (unscented) into your mouth and, as it were, “roll” this liquid on your tongue. The duration of the procedure should be several minutes. Then rinse your mouth with cool water.

Finally, a white coating on the tongue can be caused by smoking. Try to get rid of this bad habit. If the cause is poor nutrition, adjust your diet.

Many have encountered such a garden pest as the whitefly, the fight against which is... exhausting, there is no other way to put it. These small white midges are dangerous insects for many plants, since they can quickly destroy an entire crop, acting, so to speak, on several fronts. Well, the time has come to think about how to get rid of these pests and choose safe means to protect against whiteflies.

Whitefly pest: fight, folk remedies, how to get rid of small white midges

Whiteflies or Aleyrodidae are a family of very small homoptera insects with a waxy coating on their wings. The source of their life is plant sap, which they absorb in quantities much greater than their nutritional needs. This is precisely the main reason for the death of crops.

Also, as a result of such excessive eating, the whitefly secretes the so-called “dew”, which, settling on the leaves, contributes to the formation of sooty fungus. And, here it, in turn, interferes with their normal air exchange and photosynthesis, as a result of which the plants begin to become covered with a sticky crust, turn black, and then die.

But that's not all. Whiteflies are also carriers of a variety of diseases that can simply infect a healthy crop. In general, this little white midge causes global harm, combining a large number of threats to diseases and plant death, acting both in open ground gardens, in greenhouses, and even at home. In order to successfully fight whiteflies, it is necessary to use more than one method of protection, destruction and prevention. And the most important thing is to act in a timely manner; if the process is delayed, it is very difficult to get rid of this pest.

Signs of whitefly damage to a plant

It is quite simple to identify a whitefly - it is small, maximum 1.5-5 mm in size, white, most often with a yellowish tint, similar to a moth. When you touch the affected plant, the midges fly away (as do psyllids). But you also need to pay attention to the larvae that it lays - they are much, much more difficult to detect - they are oval in shape, green-transparent in color, and their size does not exceed 0.2-3 mm (depending on the species).

The leaves of the plant that are infected have spots of white coating on their surface. The whitefly itself hides on the back, invisible side of the leaf, and if you turn it over, the midges will immediately fly away. You can also see yellowed leaves that soon fall off - this is also the work of the whitefly.

The fight against whiteflies is also complicated by the fact that they reproduce very quickly. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, it can destroy quite large areas of crops. During her entire life, which is a month, she can lay about 130 eggs. And after 5-7 days, the eggs turn into larvae, then, after 2 weeks, into nymphs, and then into adults.

Whitefly larvae during their development are very resilient: they are not afraid of pesticides and other similar drugs. Therefore, it is practically useless to fight them during this period. In open ground, female pests lay eggs only in the spring, but with heated greenhouses it is more difficult - there is a comfortable climate for this process almost all year round. Therefore, it is in the greenhouse that the whitefly has ideal conditions for reproduction; there it can grow up to 15 generations in a year. Can you imagine? Just creepy...

The pest especially “loves” such a crop as tomatoes - after exposure to the whitefly, not only the leaves of the tomato are affected, but also its fruits, which turn white from the inside. Whiteflies also destroy cucumbers, zucchini, and peppers.

Scientists have identified more than 1,550 species of whiteflies. The following species can be found in the CIS:

  • Strawberry (Aleurodes fragariae Walk) - yellow eggs overwinter in the young tissue of the stems of strawberries and many other herbaceous plants. The main damage is caused to strawberries and strawberries.
  • Bordered (Trialeurodes abutilonea) - found on vegetables, cotton, melons. Adults have a gray body color with dark transverse stripes on the wings.
  • Honeysuckle (Aleurodes lonicerae Walk) is a very common species in open ground. In autumn it covers the vine foliage abundantly. There are black speckles on the front wings.
  • Cabbage (Aleurodes brassicae) is a lover of all types of cabbage, but easily switches to other vegetable crops.
  • Mulberry (Tetraleurodes Mori) - pests citrus and other trees. Nymph larvae have a black body, and on top they are covered with a white waxy fringe. Completely Martian in appearance.
  • Iris (Aleyrodes spiraeoides) - settles on irises and gladioli, and also feasts on vegetables, cotton and other herbaceous plants. Adults have waxy speckles on the wings, and waxy circles are also observed around the egg laying.
  • Crowned (Aleuroplatus coronata) is a lover of oaks and chestnuts. Nymph larvae are black in color with an accumulation of wax in the crown line.
  • Ashy (Siphoninus phillyreae) - attacks trees and shrubs (both fruit and ornamental), does not disdain citrus species. Larval nymphs have a tiny tubular fringe with waxy droplets.
  • Giant (Aleurodicus dugesii) - adult sizes up to 5 mm, and wax threads up to 20 mm long. Favorite breeding sites are hibiscus, begonias, and vegetables. But some trees and ornamental shrubs are also attacked by this type of whitefly.
  • Citrus (Dialeurodes citri) - harms citrus and other southern trees, as well as ash, lilac, gardenia, privet, honeysuckle, jasmine and others. On the back of this type of whitefly there is a pattern resembling a “Y”.
  • Tobacco (Bemisia argentifolii, B. Tabaci) - can harm a wide variety of plants, but prefers melons and vegetables. But she also likes flowers and medicinal herbs. In adults (adults), the wings are slightly inclined. Has a wide distribution area. Hot and humid weather promotes active reproduction.
  • Greenhouse or greenhouse plant (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) is also omnivorous, causing harm to a wide variety of plants (indoor, greenhouse, and open ground). Extremely resistant to natural conditions, reproduces exponentially. In adult insects, the bodies are yellow and the wings are whitish.

As you can see, this harmful insect appears not only on crops growing in open ground and in greenhouses, but also at home, on indoor flowers. Methods of dealing with it differ in all cases, and it is necessary to use those that are suitable for a given case.

How to get rid of whiteflies in open ground

The only positive thing about open ground is that the whitefly completely dies during the winter; it does not tolerate frost, but the ground freezes quite well. But it can start up quite quickly, and multiply even faster, so when a whitefly is detected, the fight must begin immediately.

How does it appear? In our case, everything is simple - the neighbor has a greenhouse. That’s where she spends the winter, and then moves to the garden.

If there are already midges, but they did not have time to lay larvae, then there is a chance to get by with little effort - to carry out preventive measures. To begin with, the plants should be treated several times with a soap solution. Of course, you also need to use tar soap.

And then the treatment must be carried out regularly with different preparations - it is best to use those that contain avermectins (Akarin, Fitoverm, Vertimek). But pyrethroids and organophosphorus preparations are hardly possible to use in the garden: they take a long time to decompose. Yes, and there are greens and early vegetables in the greenhouse, but at home it is even more dangerous.

Crops are also treated with the preparations Bud (works especially well on cucumbers and zucchini), Ovary. These are natural stimulants of fruit formation that increase the stress resistance of plants. Dilute them with water in proportions according to the attached instructions.

Alternate treatments with the use of Barsik flea shampoo or spray. Or any other based on fipronil. They can be found in veterinary pharmacies - they are completely environmentally friendly products. For example, do not spray the spray on the foliage; spray paths and mulch. Dilute the shampoo in water, you can use it on the sheet.

Spraying should be done frequently, if possible every 5 days, carrying out the procedure until the whitefly completely disappears. For a 100 sq.m garden, as a rule, about 10 liters of solution are required per treatment.

But you should remember some other nuances when spraying:

  • it should only be carried out on a windless day, without rain;
  • drugs need to be changed, since the whitefly quickly develops immunity to any of them;
  • when spraying tomatoes, it is better to do it in the evening, otherwise the fruits may get burned;
  • You should avoid using too strong chemical solutions, which tend to accumulate in the soil, which will cause significant harm to both it and the crop. After this, it will be quite difficult to restore the soil.

Whitefly in a greenhouse: how to get rid of it using folk remedies

A greenhouse, especially a heated one, is a year-round place for whiteflies to live. It should be noted that the pest can be brought there either with soil or with seedlings. There is nowhere else for her to appear. In the greenhouse, it is important to carry out preventive measures to protect against whiteflies, even if neither it nor its larvae are detected. Prevention consists of taking complex actions:

  • disinfection of the greenhouse after the autumn harvest;
  • freezing the greenhouse premises in winter (several days at a temperature no higher than 12 degrees will be quite enough);
  • removal in the fall of weeds that may be carriers of larvae (this is especially true for nettles and nettles);
  • purchasing and planting only healthy seedlings.

If the whitefly still appears, then you can fight it in the following ways:

To achieve maximum results, it is necessary to introduce this insect into the greenhouse 2 weeks before planting. About 3 insects are required per 1 sq.m. But it should be taken into account that encarsia will not be able to destroy whiteflies on cucumbers; contact will be prevented by plant hairs. But on tomatoes it will show good results.

As for macrolophus bugs, they are also suitable for controlling the pest if it appears on peppers or tomatoes. For 1 sq.m of greenhouse, 5 bugs are required, the number of releases is 2, with an interval of 14 days.

And the simplest folk method is to plant mint in a greenhouse. The whitefly does not like its smell. But this is a rather aggressive plant, and to curb the spread of mint, fence the plot deeper - either dig a pot or a wide border strip (15 or 20 cm). 2-3 bushes for an average greenhouse are quite enough.

How to fight whiteflies at home

The whitefly is familiar not only to summer residents who garden, but also to lovers of indoor plants. The problem is found mainly on plants and flowers that were recently purchased in the store, from where there is a high probability of bringing whiteflies. Therefore, the first time after purchasing a new flower, you should carefully monitor it and identify the whitefly at the very first stage of its appearance and development. If a pest is detected, then it is necessary to take all measures against the annoying insect that spoils indoor flowers. You can also fight whiteflies at home in different ways:

  1. Traps. If pests are found on the plants, you can place traps nearby; fly tapes, a piece of cardboard coated with Vaseline are suitable for this, or you can purchase special devices in the store.
  2. Removing larvae. If whitefly larvae are detected, the leaves of the plant must be thoroughly washed with a soapy solution.
  3. Biological agents. In an apartment, you can also use verticillin against whiteflies, which releases a toxin when it comes into contact with an insect, causing the midge to die.
  4. Folk remedies. Whiteflies can also be eliminated using infusions prepared according to folk recipes:
  • Garlic solution. Quite effective in removing whiteflies from flowers. Take about 150 g of garlic, which are crushed and filled with water in an amount of 1 liter. This solution should infuse for a week, during which time the lid of the jar should be tightly closed. Before spraying, the garlic tincture is diluted with water based on a ratio of 6 g per 1 liter.
  • Dandelion infusion. When preparing this infusion, dandelion roots and leaves are used, which are finely crushed and filled with water. This solution should steep for 2 hours, after which it must be filtered and used immediately, that is, sprinkled on all house plants. To prevent the dandelion infusion from “dripping” from the leaves, you can add laundry soap to it, which will help it stick to the leaves.

In any case, when starting the fight against whitefly, you should use different methods, combine them, and be sure to carry out preventive measures. Also, when choosing means of exterminating a pest, you should take into account its life cycle, development phase, this is what will help you effectively get rid of the whitefly in the shortest possible time, and thereby save the crop and/or your favorite indoor plant.

Along with the first sunny days, nature wakes up. Shoots and leaves bloom, which means food appears for small insects called aphids. Many gardeners know that this tiny plant pest is voracious beyond its size and can destroy an entire future harvest in a matter of days. Therefore, a number of measures should be taken to solve this problem.

What is white aphid?

The appearance of this pest is familiar to everyone. These are tiny insects no larger than 5 mm in size, mostly without wings. Particularly noticeable is the black aphid, which is very fond of bird cherry. In addition, there are green, brown and white aphids. The body of the latter is translucent and may seem like a drop of dew.

The adult lives for one season, laying overwintering larvae, from which a new population emerges in the spring. The sweet sap of leaves of trees and plants provides food for aphids. Nature gave her a specially formed oral apparatus. In general, the egg develops exclusively from the mother’s egg without the participation of the male’s gametes, which makes it possible to speed up reproduction several times.

Why is it dangerous?

Aphids are pests that, by drinking the sap of a plant, destroy it. This is especially true for young shoots and fruit trees. After meeting it, the leaves curl and shoot growth stops. Accordingly, in such a situation, the entire future harvest is called into question, which makes gardeners very nervous.

How to get rid of white aphids

The fight against it is the same as with any other type. There are many means and methods for this. Almost all of them give excellent results and destroy aphids on raspberries, grapes, tomatoes, plums and most other plants without spending much money and time.


To combat white aphids, a separate group of pesticides has been developed - insecticides. The principle of operation is different for everyone and is conventionally divided into systemic and contact. The first is more lethal, but has a somewhat delayed effect, the second depends on the duration of exposure of the substance to the insect. The most popular are:

  • "Fitoverm". Available in 2, 4, 10 ml and 5 l. Contains the substance aversectin, obtained from a certain type of soil fungus and affecting the nervous system of the individual.
  • "Aktara". Helps protect plants from aphids using thiamethoxam. It can be purchased in the form of soluble granules and suspension. The resulting solution is sprayed on infected plants.
  • "Metaphos". Treatment with the solution is carried out in calm weather. The advantage of the drug is its long-lasting effect.

Mechanical methods

Traps and bait are not effective against aphids. All methods considered come down to the physical removal of pests from an infected object. This is not easy and requires time, effort and, most importantly, desire. It is important to understand that they are not used for severely weakened or very small plants, since there is a high risk of damage. Two methods are used:

  • removing insects by hand;
  • churning with water from a hose.

Biological agents

Natural tricks that help prevent the appearance of aphids or quickly destroy their population can be combined in this category. Of course, they are not as effective as liquidation agents, but they have proven themselves well as preventive measures. For example:

  • the use of insecticides of organic origin (Akarin, Aktofit);
  • the correct arrangement of plants on the site so that the biological properties of one are protected by the species growing nearby;
  • attracting beneficial insects and small birds that feed on aphids to the infected area. These include ladybugs, sparrows, hummingbirds, etc.

Folk remedies

People have long invented their own recipes for protecting and combating white aphids. For example, it is recommended to pour water after rinsing clothes onto plants, and not under them. The smell of the powder and its unpleasant taste will definitely not please insects. Regular soap has a similar effect and will not cause any harm to the plants themselves.

Soap solution

  1. To create a soap base, it is better to use dish soap or liquid soap and water. They are mixed in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 250 ml of water.
  2. It is advisable to add 100 ml of unrefined vegetable oil to the solution to enhance the unpleasant odor and create a film on the sheet.
  3. Spraying is best done in calm and clear weather.

Ash with soap
Ash perfectly protects against aphid attacks, and is also an excellent fertilizer for soil and plants. Soap, in turn, does not leave pests a chance to survive.

  1. Boil 2 tbsp. water.
  2. Pour it into a container containing 1 tbsp. ash.
  3. Cover and wait until completely cooled.
  4. Then add 2 tsp into the solution. liquid soap and stir.
  5. Spray the plants with the prepared solution.


It is always worth monitoring the appearance of ants on the site. Some of their species bring aphid eggs with them, and then in every possible way support and protect their colony, because they feed on the honeydew secreted by them. For this reason, it is better to carry out the first treatment immediately after detecting ants and immediately from both.

Gardeners and gardeners have many options at hand for killing aphids, but often, without having the necessary information, they choose a completely wrong method, which leads to a worsening of the situation. Therefore, it is still recommended to study the enemy before fighting him.

Delirium tremens is an acute psychosis that is dangerous for the patient and his loved ones. It occurs most often in chronic alcoholism after a sudden cessation of alcohol consumption. In most cases, delirium tremens occurs in people who have suffered a head injury or a severe infectious disease. Treatment of delirium tremens at home is possible only at the first stage, then the patient must undergo therapy in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

At the first signs of alcoholic delirium, it is worth providing first aid to the patient. Home treatment should be started for the following symptoms of delirium tremens:

  • severe headache, nausea and vomiting;
  • incoherent speech;
  • convulsions;
  • mental agitation, mood swings, anxiety;
  • sleep disturbances, nightmare visions in sleep;
  • increased sweating, increased temperature;
  • trembling of limbs, facial muscles;
  • increased blood pressure and rapid heartbeat;
  • change in complexion, tongue, yellowing of eyes.

Auditory and visual hallucinations are also pronounced. The patient may have visions of scary images, insects, and people. Behavior becomes inappropriate, he tries to get rid of obsessive hallucinations. Voices often appear in the head, leading to suicide or murder of other people. Men are overcome with intense anger and jealousy; they suspect everyone of conspiracy and persecution. The patient becomes aggressive and dangerous to his environment. Women often become depressed, but they can also show aggression and do not control their actions.

Treating delirium tremens at home

How many days does delirium tremens last after drinking?

The condition can last from 3 to 7 days, sometimes more. At the first attack of delirium tremens, a person needs to receive urgent help. You should not give him medication right away; he needs to be calmed down and placed in a horizontal position. Then call an ambulance and admit it to a hospital.

What to do at home during delirium tremens:

  • The patient must be put to bed and reassured. If a person is aggressive and behaves inappropriately, it is worth tying his arms and legs securely. Remove from him all foreign objects that could injure him or harm other people.
  • Provide the patient with plenty of fluids and cool air. You can put it under a cold shower, or place a compress with ice or a damp bandage on your forehead. Change compresses as they warm up.
  • The patient must take sedatives: Piracetam, Diphenhydramine. He needs to calm down and fall asleep. You can give decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, lemon balm, sage. They normalize sleep and relieve anxiety.
  • The patient can be calmed by talking quietly. You should not quarrel and blame him, since he does not understand what is happening in reality. Relatives need to treat the patient with understanding and care. Your support is extremely important.
  • Call an ambulance immediately. Treating delirium tremens at home is undesirable and dangerous. Without adequate therapy, the patient will not be able to cope with this condition. He can be harmed.

How to treat and cure delirium tremens at home? It is impossible to do this without a doctor. Many drugs cannot be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, and some of them can be harmful to health and lead to death. The patient needs full treatment in a clinic under the supervision of experienced specialists. He must give up alcohol completely. Since delirium tremens contributes to the destruction of the entire body, a person must take drugs to restore organs. Therapy can be prescribed only after diagnosis.

Treatment of delirium tremens in a hospital

Can delirium tremens go away on its own? No, It is Immpossible. This condition must be stopped, otherwise the consequences can be tragic. In most cases, the patient is placed in a psychiatric hospital where treatment is carried out. This is necessary so that he does not commit suicide or harm others. The patient needs constant monitoring and supervision by doctors. After the attack of delirium tremens has stopped, he is shown comprehensive psychotherapy.

At the clinic, the patient is given medications to relieve symptoms: sibazone solution, sodium hydroxybutyrate and others. The patient is immediately placed in a psychiatric hospital to restore the nervous system and calm down. He is prescribed sleeping pills and sedatives, isolation from others, and protection from psychosis. An effective remedy for the treatment of delirium tremens is the recommendation of doctor E.A. Popova: phenobarbital (luminal) 2-3 tablets, medical alcohol 10-20 g, distilled water 100 ml. Everything is mixed well and given to the patient in one dose. Phenobarbital may be replaced by another strong sleeping pill.

After the patient has calmed down, a comprehensive detoxification of the body is carried out - alcohol breakdown products are removed from the blood, breathing and heartbeat are normalized. With the help of tranquilizers, drugs and vitamins, the water-electrolyte balance is stabilized and metabolism is restored. To restore strength, glucose preparations are administered intravenously. Doctors need to normalize the patient’s mental state, eliminate insomnia and restore good sleep. The patient is shown complete rest and rest. After this, you can begin treatment for alcohol addiction, sessions with a psychotherapist.

Treatment of delirium tremens at home is not only ineffective, but also dangerous for the patient and his loved ones. It is impossible to select the necessary medications; it is extremely difficult to calm an alcoholic in an attack of psychosis. This can lead to dire consequences. The patient must be under constant medical supervision to avoid complications. After eliminating the attack of delirium tremens, he is prescribed mandatory treatment for alcoholism, restoration of the nervous system, and complete abstinence from alcohol. Otherwise, delirium delirium may recur and be fatal.

Why do cucumbers acquire a white coating? This occurs due to the occurrence of fungal diseases in the plant, which can destroy cucumber bushes, reduce the quantity of the harvest and affect its quality. Therefore, it is very important to identify the infestation early and eliminate it effectively.
Fortunately, there are now quite a lot of means and methods of combating fungi and other diseases; it is necessary to prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms, to plant and care for bushes correctly.
White plaque is a sign of disease
White coating or spots can sometimes be found on cucumbers in a greenhouse; this can be a sign of several diseases at once. If the disease is not recognized in time, the cucumbers may dry out and stop bearing fruit. Frequent use of nitrogen fertilizers can promote the development of powdery mildew.
White coating or spots can sometimes be found on cucumbers in a greenhouse; this may be a sign of several diseases at once.
The so-called white rot occurs due to improper care. If the plant is not cured, the bush may die completely.
To ensure that white cucumbers never appear in the garden, you need to properly care for them, do not overfeed them with fertilizers, water them sufficiently and plant them in prepared soil.
As already described above, the leaves of cucumbers in a greenhouse may acquire white spots and plaque due to various reasons. Often, due to the activity of fungi, the leaves of cucumbers turn white; this requires treatment so that the plant can bear fruit in the future.
White cucumbers are a manifestation of the following diseases:
powdery mildew;
false dew;
white rot.
Powdery mildew
It is often found not only in cucumbers, but also in many other cultivated species. It manifests itself in the appearance of a white coating on cucumbers in a greenhouse on the leaves, stems and fruits. First, a small white spot appears on the leaf, and then it covers it completely. Dew spreads quite quickly throughout the plant, the leaves dry out and fall off. The plant slowly dies and may stop bearing fruit. The cause of this disease is improper watering with cold water. It is necessary to water the cucumbers moderately and get rid of weeds in time. Dew also appears due to temperature changes, so cucumbers in the greenhouse should not be overcooled or suffer from drafts. If the plant has suffered from powdery mildew, then the next year you cannot plant cucumbers in the same soil again.
Dew spreads quite quickly throughout the plant, the leaves dry out and fall off.
White rot
One of the most common diseases in cucumbers in a greenhouse is white rot. This is a fast-acting disease that develops in 2-3 days; within a week it can completely affect the entire crop, causing rotting and death of the leaves. White rot is caused by a fungus and after it appears on the leaves it also affects the fruits. The affected areas begin to get wet, resulting in white cucumbers, the leaves of which become soft over time, become covered with mucus and die. The cause of white rot is excessive watering and low temperature in the greenhouse.
One of the most common diseases in cucumbers in a greenhouse is white rot.
White rot attacks from the inside, something like cotton wool forms on the roots, it can destroy even strong stems and fruits of cucumbers.
False dew
It is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of cucumbers. The fungus covers everything from the inside, penetrates the stem, leaves and seeds. The plant dries out instantly, the leaves rot and fall off. This is very dangerous, the disease develops instantly and in just 3 days can completely take over the plant, which can no longer be saved.
The difference between true powdery mildew and false mildew is that in the first case, a white coating on cucumbers is the starting and main symptom, and in the case of downy mildew, it is the last
The difference between true powdery mildew and downy mildew is that in the first case, a white coating on cucumbers is the starting and main symptom, and in the case of downy mildew, it is the last. If cucumbers suffer from downy mildew and have acquired a white coating, then it is no longer possible to save the bush.
How to get rid of and prevent white plaque on cucumbers
Plaque that appears due to powdery mildew must be treated comprehensively. First of all, you need to plant only strong and resistant varieties of cucumbers; at the first signs of infection, leaves with plaque should be torn off, you can spray them with mullein, and increase fertilizing with potassium.
If cucumbers in a greenhouse are infected with white rot, the affected areas must be removed immediately. Treat the cut areas with charcoal; if the bush is completely affected by the fungus, then it is necessary to remove it without sparing. To prevent infection of the remaining fruits, you need to water them with a solution of copper sulfate.
To overcome downy mildew, it is necessary to replace or disinfect the soil. At the first sign of damage, remove leaves and stems.
If cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, then treatment should begin with complete disinfection, best done in the fall. You can use copper sulfate or pour boiling water over the soil and cover with foil.
It is necessary to disinfect not only the soil, but also all garden tools.
Dead plants must be removed and burned outside the garden to avoid infecting others.
In stores for gardening and gardening there is a sufficient range of chemicals to combat fungus, these are “Hom”, “Topaz”, solutions of copper, mullein, colloidal sulfur.
There is a good remedy for treating white rot - weekly spraying of the bushes with a solution of soda and soap.
In order to get a good harvest, you cannot do without proper care of cucumber bushes. You should inspect the bushes; if the leaves begin to turn yellow or acquire a white tint, or spots or plaque appear on the stems, then treatment should be started as soon as possible.
You should inspect the bushes; if the leaves begin to turn yellow or acquire a white tint, or spots or plaque appear on the stems, then treatment should be started as soon as possible
In all cases, to prevent damage to cucumbers by any fungi, it is necessary to plant only hybrids that are resistant to pests and diseases.
The bushes should not be close and densely located to each other. It is necessary to regularly weed the beds and provide the cucumbers with sufficient ventilation. It is necessary to maintain the correct temperature in the greenhouse and not allow it to drop below +23°C. Water cucumbers only with warm water, avoid drafts and temperature changes. Cucumbers need to be planted in a different place every year due to the fact that possible pathogens remain in the soil for a long time.

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