Stall equipment for cattle. Homemade feeder - so that the cow is always well-fed How to make a feeder for a cow in the corner

Encyclopedia of Plants 09.07.2023
Encyclopedia of Plants

One of the most important points when building a barn is stall equipment for cattle. It is needed both for a large herd and for a small family farm. The article will talk about it in more detail.

The choice of stall depends on how the cows are kept. The main requirements for it are practicality, combined with the idea of ​​convenience and safety for animals. It includes:

  • various limiters;
  • feeder;
  • drinking bowl

Stall equipment for cattle

On a note. It is convenient when stall equipment can be assembled without additional effort, without using welding or other original methods. Water can be obtained from a nearby well.

Equipment for loose cattle

With this method of housing, the main area of ​​the barn is divided into separate pens. All along the barn, holes are made using metal parts, through which a cow or calf, sticking its head through, can take food and drink water.

Each free-stall pen contains a small number of cows, which have the opportunity to move freely within it. They are not able to get from one pen to another.

To get food, they must go to the desired edge of the pen and stick their head to the feeder.

Equipment for tethered cattle

To use this method you need chains or belts. In this case, the cattle are tied loosely by the neck so that the cow or bull can easily reach the feeder and drinking bowl. In this case, the animal does not have the opportunity to roam freely between the stalls.

Equipment for tethered cattle

An environment is created for the livestock to which they gradually become accustomed. In this case, the cattle are positioned so that there is a level cement floor behind them with a slope towards the ditch. This makes it possible to remove manure after cows as needed.

The dimensions of the stall for tethered bulls are usually no more than 120 by 260 cm. If the bull is an adult intended for insemination, the space provided to him may be larger.

Feed dispenser for cattle

To help in servicing animals, a special device is used - a feed dispenser for cattle. All portions of food are immediately loaded into it, then, moving along the aisle, it measures the required amount of food into the cow feeders.

Using a feed dispenser, you can organize the supply of haylage, silage, green feed, and forage mixtures for cattle. This mechanism provides the ability to distribute food to both one and both sides of the passage along which it moves.

Such devices must meet the following requirements:

  1. Food must be distributed to the entire barn in no more than 30 minutes.
  2. Safety standards must be followed. In this case, you need to think not only about the farm workers, but also about the livestock. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for ensuring electrical safety (animals should not be harmed by old faulty wiring). If there are any malfunctions, repairs must be carried out immediately.
  3. The portion of food supplied to each nursery must be accurately measured. The deviation should not exceed 5% if we are talking about concentrated feed. For hay, the accuracy is 15%.
  4. It is unacceptable when food stratification occurs when feeding food into a feeder for bulls or cows.

Feed dispenser for cattle

Interesting. Existing models of feed dispensers for cattle farms can differ in load capacity, distribution method (on one or both sides), be mobile (moved on wheels with tires like a car) or permanent (installed inside the farm).

Electronic scales for cattle

When raising livestock, it is important to control the weight of each animal. For this purpose, special electronic scales are used. Their main distinguishing features:

  1. The scales are capable of working with fairly large weights: 300-5000 kg.
  2. The size of the weighing area can reach 3 by 5 meters.

Scales for cattle consist of the following three parts:

  • weight platform;
  • fencing;
  • indicator where weighing results are shown.

Electronic scales for cattle

Additionally, the kit may include:

  1. A ramp that allows the animal to easily enter the weighing area.
  2. Sometimes the kit includes wheels to make it possible to move the scales around the workshop.
  3. An additional indicator where you can see the weighing results.

Metal parts of cattle equipment must be protected from rust.

The operating principle of electronic scales is to use strain gauges, which are located at the four corners of the weighing platform. Each of them simultaneously serves as a support and allows you to read data to determine the weight of the animal.

Scales must meet the following conditions:

  1. They must ensure stabilization of the determination of the animal’s weight.
  2. It is necessary to be able to accurately set the zero.
  3. Possibility of taking into account tare weight.

There are two installation options. In the first, simpler case, they are simply placed on a flat area of ​​the floor. In the second case, a recess is made in the floor into which the scales should fit. In this case, the weighing surface will have to be level with the floor. This option requires additional work during installation, but is more convenient for livestock.

Ventilation on a cattle farm

Ventilation on a cattle farm

At the same time, air accumulates inside, which contains cow waste, dust, and dirt. It becomes a source of health problems for the animals inside and the people working there. In particular, this has a bad effect on cattle productivity.

Note! Well-functioning ventilation can solve these problems.

What you can do with your own hands

In some cases, it is possible to make useful devices yourself. Here are two such examples.

Cow feeder

If you need a do-it-yourself cow feeder in a barn, you can make it as follows.

To make a feeder in a barn you need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • boards;
  • hand saw;
  • plane;
  • wooden slats.

Step-by-step instructions for operation:

  1. First you need to make a drawing of a hay feeder for cows. This will be an open top box. The dimensions of its bottom are 45 by 80 cm. The height of the far edge is 1 m, the near one is 30 cm. A semicircular recess is made in the front part. It is designed for the neck of a cow.
  2. The boards need to be cleaned with a plane. They should be smooth and fit snugly together.
  3. We nail the boards and as a result we get a box for the feeder.
  4. We attach a frame of slats to the near wall. When feeding, the cow will have to stick her head into it and while eating she will not be able to scatter the feed.

Cow feeder

Now the cattle feeder for hay is ready.

DIY vegetable cutter for livestock

You can make your own vegetable cutter for livestock at home. To do this, you need, first of all, two components: certain skills in working with metal and a working electric motor. For example, you can use the one found in an old washing machine.

The work is performed as follows:

  1. You need to take an old bucket or other similar metal container.
  2. It is necessary to drill a hole with a diameter of 1 cm in its bottom.
  3. A rectangular hole is made in the lower part of the side surface of the bucket, the width of which should be no more than one and a half centimeters, the height - approximately 7 to 10 cm. The edges of the cut metal must be bent outward.
  4. The motor axis is threaded through the round hole from below. Two knives are installed on it, having different purposes. One of them must be sharp. It is designed for cutting vegetables. The other has the side edges slightly curled. He pushes the crushed mixture into the holes, and throws some pieces up so that they fall under the knife again.
  5. To prevent vegetables from flying far, you need to attach a curtain to the outside of the hole.
  6. The motor is attached to the bottom of the bucket, and the entire structure is mounted on metal legs.

When chopping vegetables, place a container under the outlet hole into which the chopped food falls.

Restrictors are usually made of metal. To increase their durability and to protect them from animals, it is necessary to treat them in one way or another to prevent rust. One of the common methods is to galvanize metal parts.

In order for the air quality to be high, it is necessary to equip an air purification system using fans, special adjustable curtains and other such artificial devices.


The presence of reliable and convenient containers in the barn allows you to reduce labor costs for servicing animals, and at the same time make the existence of livestock on the farm more comfortable. It is absolutely not necessary to purchase feeders in specialized stores; you can make them yourself, and it is not at all difficult, especially if you understand the device.

What types of feeders are there?

Today there are a variety of types of feed containers, the difference between them lies in the method of manufacture, purpose of use and some features. Much also depends on what materials are used (at the moment, polymers, which are lightweight and especially durable, or stainless steel, are used for production).

The main criterion by which the classification of feeders for cattle is compiled is the method of keeping the cattle. Based on this, feed containers can be adapted for pasture or stall keeping.

Hay feeders

Such feeders are used for winter housing of cows; cut and dried grass is placed in the container, which is the main type of feed for livestock in the cold months.

Containers for hay can be installed on the walking area. Here they will have a cone shape, which is convenient for cows, who can come up for food at any time, and for service personnel. People can fill the feeder with hay without entering the enclosure.

Conical designs have a number of advantages compared to wooden feeders:

  • easy to assemble;
  • minimal risk of injury to animals;
  • structural strength.

If we talk about price, then this option is somewhat more expensive than a wooden feeder. When placing the container in the walking yard, select a place under a canopy.

Containers for grain and concentrates

To maintain the desired level of productivity, cows must be provided with a balanced diet that contains enough microelements and vitamins. During the summer months, if there is plenty of nutrient-rich green forage available, cows will still need additional nutrition.

The most rational solution is to install automatic feeders, which will provide grain and concentrated feed to animals in strictly dosed quantities. The model makes it possible to practically eliminate feed loss, but at the same time the livestock will receive food in the required quantity.

The use of automatic feeders is convenient in premises for young animals: they are the ones who need balanced feeding for growth, development and weight gain.

Feeders for pastures

Pastures are created so that in spring and summer livestock have the opportunity to obtain their own food by eating grass.

With the onset of autumn, some difficulties arise, and therefore breeders make containers for food in walking areas, where a certain place has been allocated for feeding the animals. Such a feeder should have the following characteristics:

  • capacity;
  • functionality;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • minimal feed loss.

The most optimal option is a conical feeder, where a large amount of hay is placed in the form of a roll. A positive feature of such a container is the insignificant loss of feed, especially when compared with distributing hay on the floor, because the animals will eat gradually, and therefore trampling of feed residues into the ground is eliminated.

Worth knowing. The conical version does not pose a danger to animals. An additional advantage is ease of assembly and maintenance, strength and long service life.

Another type of feeder for pasture is a cage, which has a square shape with a lattice. Many farmers choose such structures due to their low cost. But here it is important to remember that it is dangerous to the health of animals. Cows often get their heads stuck between the bars.

What is used for stall housing?

When organizing feeding space in a closed barn, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  • number of livestock;
  • housing option (tethered, loose-tied, stall types);
  • maintenance (automatic or manual feed distribution method).

With a large number of livestock, it is most convenient to use automatic feeding of animals; feed dispensers will place food on special tables. On a small farm, preference should be given to mounted feeders, where feed will be added manually.

When housing in stalls, special tables are created that are raised above the floor by 15-30 cm and have small (up to 0.5 m) walls. They serve to prevent dry feed from spilling under the feet of livestock. Additionally, the walls allow you to maintain the cleanliness of the feed, which does not get dung on it.

Hay tables can be mobile and are divided into several types:

  • vertical. The feeder has straight bars, which allows you to keep animals without a leash, and they can come up for food on their own at any time;
  • inclined. The container is equipped with inclined bars, which allows cattle to eat hay only from a certain position. Used for tethered housing;
  • automatic. Refers to the most expensive options. Here it is possible to record an individual if a veterinary examination is necessary.

Cows are tied in the position in which the owner needs it. When animals are in individual pens, you can make simple feeders.

Helpful information. Different containers are used for roughage and liquid feed.

Organization of drinking bowls

All animals, including cows, need water. One individual is capable of drinking about 100 liters of liquid per day. This means that an attentive owner must ensure that there is always water in the drinking bowls, and that the animals have the opportunity to approach them without any obstacles.

The easiest way to make a drinking bowl is to fit a bucket under it. The only positive feature of such watering is the presence of buckets in any household, but there are many more disadvantages. The animal will receive water only when a person brings it, which means that a special schedule for watering the cows will have to be developed. Cattle knock over the buckets without any problems, and the buckets are not large enough to provide the cow with the required amount of liquid. In this case, it is more convenient to use a large trough.

This option is not bad for a small farm, but on a large farm it is already extremely inconvenient, and therefore group drinking bowls or individual ones are equipped here. In the first case, plastic pipes with a large diameter are used; they are cut horizontally, closing the corners. The lightness and strength of the structure have long been known to farmers, which is why they are used not only in cowsheds, but also on pastures where there is no possibility of running a water supply. The drinking bowls can be easily turned over and washed if necessary.

How to make a feeder yourself

The simplest option is a feeder with folding walls. The owner will need to have a minimum of woodworking skills (the ability to clean and process materials). The feeder is simple and practical. You can use pine, oak or larch, and you also need to prepare the following tools:

  • saw;
  • roulette;
  • plane;
  • boards;
  • wooden slats;
  • nails.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Drawings are being drawn up (will be presented below). This takes into account the operation of the structure, how it will be filled, washed, etc. The sides are made in the following sizes: on the inside - 1 m, on the outside - 0.3 m. The width of the feeder can be 0.8 m, and the bottom - 0.45 m.
  2. Preparation of materials, drying and cleaning of boards.
  3. Carrying out control measurements of the parts that will make up the feeder; nails are used for connections.
  4. A hole is made on the inside of the side of such a size that the cow can easily stick her head into the feeder.
  5. Fastening the slats. They can be wooden or steel. You can do without them, but in this case the feed will be consumed in larger quantities.

The organization of full-fledged feeders helps to simplify the care of animals and allows for more economical use of available feed. When choosing designs, you need to focus on what they are intended for and what conditions for keeping cows they are suitable for.

A livestock feeder must be reliable, functional, durable and comfortable. It is advisable to think through every detail and correctly install containers for food and water. This will provide comfort for both the animals themselves and farmers. Let's consider the features of feeders, their varieties, the nuances of manufacturing and installation. Here are a few instructions so that everyone can make a feeder with their own hands.

A container for food for cattle is of great importance when arranging a stall or barn. First of all, it is important to remember that different containers must be provided for dry and wet food.

It is advisable to store hay and grass in a rectangular mounted feeder. Feed sometimes falls apart. To prevent this, farmers often make the front wall from lattice material. In this case, the animal must be able to freely stick its head between the partitions.

Large buckets and large plastic containers still hold the leading position as feeders for wet mash. The best option is to use a corner or wall-mounted model to save space. At the moment, specialized companies provide a fairly wide range of models: they are designed for cows, horses, calves and goats.

The dimensions of the container are essential. Usually for cattle it is customary to use feeders with a length of 100-120 cm, no less. The width of the bottom is most often approximately 35-40 cm. The height of the outer side is usually made at 70-75 cm. At the same time, there are a lot of options for ready-made containers, and you can independently make a model according to individual parameters to ensure maximum comfort.

Hygiene and ease of use are also important. The leaders here are models with hay racks, as well as with folding side walls. It’s great if you can remove the container if necessary. In the summer, farmers wash them and dry them thoroughly in the sun while the cattle are on the pasture.

Setting up a stall

When the time has come to set up a stall, you must immediately provide for the presence of several types of feeders and allocate a place for their most rational placement. Let's look at the features of feed containers.

For wet food, you should purchase a special plastic model. They are sold in a form completely ready for use. There are economy options, the cost of which is in the range of 1-3 thousand rubles. For a large farm, more functional, spacious models are chosen. Their price can reach 25 thousand. At the same time, they are durable, environmentally friendly, durable and comfortable.

Note! Wet food containers will need to be emptied regularly to maintain cleanliness and sanitary conditions. Therefore, consider in advance how comfortable it will be for you to remove and then attach the model again.

Dry food is most often placed in rectangular containers. It is preferable to choose mounted options. The front grill will help you maintain order, because the hay and grass will not constantly fall apart. Be sure to ensure that the cows stick their heads through without difficulty and do not get stuck in the fence.

Types of feeders

Let's look at the different types of feeders. For example, you can use feeding containers in the stall on a regular basis. At the same time, in the summer, feeders are placed directly on the pasture.

Feeding in the pasture

Farmers who are professional cattle breeders and keep cattle know well: pastures should also have specially equipped areas: this is where the animals will be fed. There you need containers that are as capacious and functional as possible. It is important that there is no need to maintain such feeders too often. In addition, food should not be wasted. Let's consider two main options.

Models for dry food

It is imperative to make feeders for dry food. Even when out on pasture, cattle may lack good green grass. This is especially true in the fall. And here the equipment of walking spaces with special convenient, spacious hay feeders saves the situation.

Note! Often, owners prefer to simply pile hay on the ground and install small stacks. This approach is wrong! Feed consumption with this method will be too high, since the cattle will simply trample the hay into the ground.

The optimal solution is to make a conical feeder. It fits a whole roll of hay at once. This is convenient because you do not need to regularly replenish the container. The cattle obtain hay gradually, as needed, and the consumption is adequate. It is better to choose a semi-shaded place.

Such models are attractive because they are easy to use, easy to assemble, durable and strong, and safe. For farmers, primitive square cells remain more familiar. Of course, making them is cheaper and easier, it will take a minimum of time. However, when using them, there is still a risk of injury, since cows sometimes begin to get stuck between the bars.

Models for combined feed and grain

Cattle need a balanced, fairly nutritious diet, rich in valuable microelements and vitamins. Even when there is a lot of green grass and varied vegetation, this is still not enough for the proper maintenance of livestock.

A very important point! The issue of proper feeding is especially acute for dairy cows. It is very important to feed animals with nutritious feed.

The best solution is to use modern automatic feeders to supply feed and grain. Such models are designed taking into account all the nuances: food loss is practically eliminated, and livestock always receive the right amount of feed.

Such models are often used by experienced farmers in premises where young animals are located. Calves primarily need more nutritious, balanced feed. They grow, so they need significantly more energy for optimal weight gain and development.

If adult animals and young animals are kept together, one problem may arise. Adult cattle eat all the feed if access is not limited. To prevent young animals from being deprived, it is advisable to install special automatic feeders with restrictions: young animals will pass there freely, sticking their heads in, but large livestock will no longer be able to feed from them.

Feeders for stalls

Feed tables for stalls are most often located in aisles. It is worth enclosing them with small walls. An excellent option is to raise the table above the floor by at least 15 cm.

Food from hanging containers

There are several key factors to take into account. The type of keeping and the size of the total population are of great importance. It is important whether the farm is maintained manually or using special equipment. When a large number of cattle are kept at the same time, it is more rational to use modern automatic units for placing feed directly on the tables. If the stall is small, there are not so many cows, it is much easier and more economical to distribute the feed into hanging containers manually.

Often, cattle breeders prefer the usual feeding tables, which are equipped with half-meter walls. With just such a design, the hay is already used sparingly, since it does not fall under the feet of the cows. In addition, the feed is protected from manure, which ensures hygiene. Let's consider the advantages of such models:

  • The feed can be placed as simply as possible using a feed dispenser;
  • with such models you can quickly and efficiently clean aisles;
  • It will not be difficult to make a feeder with your own hands, which will allow you to save additional money.

For any type of cattle keeping, special tables are provided. The method of keeping animals is of significant importance here. When cows have the opportunity to move freely, the tables must be supplemented with several types of gratings: they can be automatic, vertical and inclined. Such elements prevent the food from being scattered and trampled into the ground or bedding. When livestock are kept on a leash, special devices on the tables are dispensed with, since the animals are already limited in movement and can only reach certain areas of the feeder. They no longer scatter hay.

Types of rods

Let's look at different types of rods. With straight slats, livestock have more freedom of movement. During the feeding process, it is much easier and more comfortable for them to get food. But with inclined bars, the cattle are well secured and the movement of cows is limited. The stall will become noticeably cleaner. True, it will not be very convenient to eat animals.

The best solution is to choose modern automatic grilles. This is especially true if the animal needs to be well secured, for example, for insemination, veterinary examination, and other procedures. The cow will stand calmly and it will be convenient to work with her. True, such devices are quite expensive. In addition, they are not always distinguished by proper strength: strong, excitable individuals break them.

We make containers correctly

Now we will find out how best to make a feeder with your own hands in order to get the best result at minimal cost. We will look at simple, accessible methods.

Detailed drawing

Transformable container with folding walls

It is enough to have basic skills in working with wood to make an excellent multifunctional feeder. You need to know how to use wood, how to clean and process this material. A comfortable container will become not only convenient, but also absolutely environmentally friendly. Choose, if possible, stronger wood species: for example, oak, larch or pine.

Stock up on the following tools, as well as all the necessary materials for productive work. You will need:

  • plane (you can replace it with a sanding machine;
  • boards;
  • roulette;
  • hand saw (some people use a jigsaw with success);
  • slats made of wood (but reinforcement is more durable);
  • detailed drawing.

Prices for popular models of jigsaws


Now it's time to look at specific step-by-step instructions.

1 First of all, you need to think over a work plan and make a fairly detailed drawing of the future cattle feeder. Take into account all the nuances, immediately calculate how it will be more convenient for you to operate the container, rinse it and fill it. The standard parameters are as follows: the height of the inner side is 100 cm, the outer side is 30 cm. The width of the bottom is 45 cm, and the width of the feeder itself is 80 cm.
2 Now choose and prepare all the building materials you need. Dry thoroughly, sand and clean the boards.
3 The parts must be prepared carefully, repeating the measurements twice. Then all the elements are connected. The best option is to use nails as fasteners.
4 It is necessary to make a hole in the inner side. It is intended for the animal's head.
5 At the final stage, wooden slats (steel reinforcement can be used) are attached to the finished structure. They are needed to save feed: animals will not be able to throw it out while eating. This will reduce consumption.

Group feeder

If the livestock is large, the best solution would be to equip a larger feeder - a group feeder. Then feeding is carried out faster, in comfortable conditions. Immediately take all the materials that will be useful for making the container. You will need:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • fittings with a diameter of 8 mm;
  • dye;
  • metal profiled pipes (needed with a diameter of 19 mm and 13 mm).

First you should prepare all the elements that will then be needed when installing the model. Pipes and fittings are cut into standard parts using a grinder.

Prices for angle grinders (grinders)

Angle grinders (grinders)

Refer to the drawing. You need to do the following details:

  • 13 pipes with a diameter of 19 mm, 4 pipes each with a length of 68 and 35 cm, 3 pipes of 201 cm, and two pipes of 90 cm;
  • elements made of pipes with a diameter of 13 mm: two tubes each with a length of 55 and 205 cm, 26 parts of 68 cm each.

When all the elements are prepared, it’s time for installation.

1 First of all, the frame is made. Weld 68 and 201 cm pipes together in pairs. You should get a rectangle.
2 Weld the legs to the rectangle using 4 35 cm tubes.
3 Create stiffening ribs for additional stability: weld a pair of 68 cm tubes between the legs.
4 At the next step, you need to install two vertical tubes of 90 and 201 cm each. The two elements are attached to opposite ends, the remaining part is fixed between them. At this point the base of the feeder is ready.
5 Now comes the time to assemble the hay compartment. Weld a rectangle from sections of 55 and 201 cm.
6 Weld a rectangular element to the highest point of pipes standing vertically.
7 All that remains is to weld the pieces of reinforcement between the piece of pipe located below and the rectangle. Maintain a 7cm step.
8 Do not forget to paint the structure with a special composition to prevent rapid wear and tear of the metal by corrosion.

The paint used for feeders must be environmentally friendly and safe.

Drinking bowl

It is advisable to take care of a special drinking bowl. Cows need increased drinking. Most often they just put buckets or troughs, but this is not the best option. You can purchase a ready-made model, for example, an automatic one. It is functional, effective, but quite expensive.

A good choice is to also make a drinking bowl yourself. You will need a polypropylene pipe with a large diameter. You can simply cut it carefully lengthwise. It is enough to close the edges so that the end result is a hygienic, durable container of large volume with minimal weight. This drinker is especially convenient to use. In addition, such structures are effectively used in pastures where water supply is too expensive or impossible.

High-quality, convenient, reliable feeders for cattle will make keeping animals more rational and convenient. Making structures yourself is also a good solution.

When breeding any animals, including cattle, feeding and watering are one of the most important aspects. However, many people have a slightly misunderstood understanding of them. Most people think that it’s enough to think through their diet and everything will be fine. In fact, you need to know not only what, but also how to feed and water animals. And for this you need feeders and drinking bowls for cows. Moreover, it is quite possible to make them with your own hands and at home.

The first thing you need to understand is why specialized devices are required. Isn’t it possible to simply unload the animal’s food, pour water into a bucket or trough and move on to more important matters? No, unfortunately. This approach is unacceptable for several reasons.

Firstly, food scattered on the floor will be trampled by cows, and food placed in ordinary bowls or buckets will be turned over. These actions will greatly increase ration costs and also complicate cleaning.

Secondly, using feeders you can regulate not only the composition of the diet (which, of course, is very important, especially for dairy breeds), but also its quantity. Obesity is not good for anyone. Even meat products. Too fatty beef is not the most popular product.

Finally, thirdly, feeders and drinking bowls for cattle, located in certain places, will greatly facilitate the inspection of animals in case of suspected disease. They can easily be trained to drink water in a certain place, and the livestock breeder will have the opportunity to fix them there (in the case of violent ones) or simply examine them (if the cow is calm).

It is expensive to purchase ready-made structures, such as conveyor ones. Their price is quite impressive. Although, if funds allow, it is better to spend it. If not, it’s quite possible to make decent drinking bowls and feeders for cows with your own hands at home.

Drinkers for cows

Let's start with a more pressing issue: watering. Drinkers should provide free access to water for cows and bulls. So that they do not interfere with each other (to avoid conflicts) and can calmly quench their thirst.

There are two types of drinking bowls: group and individual. Of course, they differ in their characteristics and require separate consideration.

Individual drinking bowls

They are more often used in barns on small farms. Primarily due to the fact that they are easier to make with your own hands. The main task of individual drinkers is to provide water to cows and calves (for the latter - a teat milk drinker) that are kept in tethers.

In terms of the main advantages, it should be noted that it is protected from mass infections in case of problems with water or drinking water. With separate watering, it is easier to identify the presence of a problem in the early stages. In addition, when cows drink, they do not jostle or interfere with each other.

This version of drinking bowls is best suited for households. Primarily due to their disadvantage in terms of complexity of operation, they are ineffective for a large number of cattle.

Group drinking bowls

Now about the water troughs used on industrial farms for cattle. These are the so-called group structures. They give access to water to several cows or calves at once, which increases their efficiency in terms of operating time. And it’s easier to clean one, albeit large, drinking bowl than several small ones.

This group watering station is used when keeping cows not tied, so they are divided into stationary and mobile. The latter option is characterized by large sizes, and it is often used during grazing in the absence of water sources in the pastures.

Mobile and stationary structures

There are several options for properly making drinking bowls for cows. First of all, they differ in their ability to move. There are stationary and mobile. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

From the obvious, stationary ones are stronger and more reliable, and also have a larger size, but they cannot be used on pastures. Mobile ones (for example, cup ones) are more likely to break, but give cows access to water anywhere.

Assembling drinking bowls

It is impossible not to consider what and how you can make drinking bowls for cows and bulls with your own hands. Materials used in this case:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • brick;
  • plastic.

Wooden and plastic structures are the simplest. It is enough to put together a large container from the boards and fill the cracks with resin. With plastic, everything is also simple: first you need a rectangular or round gutter. To do this, you can take a wide plastic pipe and cut it lengthwise, and then attach some supports for stability (there are special photos and videos with relevant information).

Brick and metal drinking bowls for a cow or bull are more difficult to assemble, but much more reliable. In the first case, a brick container is laid out and plastered. Regarding metal, a rectangular gutter is welded or riveted from sheets (you can take a ready-made cast iron one). On one side you need a tap or a folding sealed wall to drain stagnant water.

Automatic level sippy cups are very popular. They are difficult to make, but very effective to use. The design includes:

  • ladle for collecting water;
  • automatic mechanical system;
  • water return device;
  • heated component (not found everywhere).

This automatic drinker consists of several interconnected bowls, to which water supply is supplied through pipes. You can make a valve to start water. It is better not to attempt to assemble such a structure with your own hands. It is advisable to assemble even purchased automatic drinkers by professionals.

Cow feeders

Now it’s time to describe the second important point in breeding cows: feeders. In meat production, especially when working with breeds going to slaughter, this aspect needs to be carefully considered.

The main features of a high-quality cow feeder are maximum functionality with minimal involvement of maintenance personnel.

There are two types of structures for feeding cattle: pasture and for stalls. Each of them has its own characteristics in terms of assembly and operation.

Pasture feeders

Barn and pasture yards often require additional feeders for certain types of food. First of all, this applies to the autumn-winter period, when there are problems with green feed. For this purpose, a special hay feeder is installed.

It should be noted right away that hay bales or ordinary hay piles are ineffective. With these methods, feed losses are very high due to its trampling and mixing with manure. Feeders prevent hay from spilling and, if assembled correctly, cows cannot knock them over.

The best option is a cylindrical design. It can be made according to a principle similar to drinking bowls: from wood, plastic, brick or even metal. It is better to make supports from a springy material that will not damage the cows’ legs.

You should not resort to the common design that uses a vertical sheathing of rods above the stack. Yes, it is cheap, but it is also very dangerous. Very often cows get their horns stuck in it and get all sorts of wounds trying to get out.

Stall feeders

As a rule, it is represented by a fenced section of the passage on the farm. Fences stand on one side or on both. To increase feeding efficiency, feeders raised above the floor are often used. The optimal height is about 30 cm.

Assembling the feeder

For a small farm, the best option is a homemade design. It reduces feed wastage and increases nutrition efficiency with an individual approach.

Appearance and components of the feeder:

  • a trapezoid with upward expansion promotes the efficiency of eating green feed;
  • the optimal length for the head is 80-100 cm;
  • width of the upper part - 60-80 cm;
  • It is advisable to equip the front edge with a vertical sheathing with wide cells (especially for breeds with long horns).

Most often, these structures are assembled from wood (not from plywood, fiberboard or chipboard, because they are too short-lived). They are made from boards, then the feeder is tarred so that it lasts longer. In this case, compartments for green and roughage are equipped separately.


In general, in the initial stages, when the number of cows is not yet very large, you can get by with buckets or troughs for watering and feeding. However, starting from 10 animals or more, a more complex design will be required. When it comes to the scale of an industrial farm, you can’t do without automated drinkers and feeders (especially in winter).

A properly equipped cow feeder greatly simplifies the process of feeding animals. It should be comfortable, reliable and durable. A high-quality feeder will allow the farmer not to incur unnecessary losses of feed. When producing it, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of feed, the place of feeding and the characteristics of keeping livestock. This will allow a person to easily care for the structure, which will extend its service life.

When feeding livestock in a stall, consideration must be given to the number of animals and how the farm is maintained. For a large farm with a large number of livestock, an automatic feed stacker is required. This will allow you to comply with the feeding regime of the animals. On a small farm, it is quite possible to cope with this task manually.

The feeding table in the stall is located on the aisle and is a corridor with a closed fence 30-50 cm high. It is quite easy to make this design at home, without resorting to large expenses.

The advantages of this location:

  • Cleaning is easy.
  • The feed does not fall under the feet of the cows, which leads to its saving.
  • Avoiding contact of feed with manure reduces the risk of livestock diseases.
  • Ease of use.

When making a table, it is necessary to take into account the way the livestock is kept. If cows are tied and cannot move freely, special equipment for restraining them is not required. Animals only reach certain areas of the feeder. This allows them to take the amount of food they need without throwing away the leftovers.

When cattle move freely around the barn, the design of the feeding table should include gratings that prevent wastage of food.

Types of gratings:

  1. Direct. Allow cows to feel free and comfortable. Their movements are almost unlimited.
  2. Inclined. They have the property of easily securing livestock, limiting their movements. With this equipment the barn will be cleaner.
  3. Automatic. This type of grating is optimal. The grids tightly secure the animals during feeding thanks to the automation mechanism. The equipment can be used during veterinary examinations and for other purposes where it is necessary to immobilize the cow. Automatic grilles do not have high strength; they quickly wear out and break.

For pasture

Farmers should be aware that cows also need additional nutrition when grazing. This need is caused by a decrease in the amount of grass on the pasture at the end of the summer season.

It is necessary to organize a place for livestock to eat during grazing, where feeders should be located. The peculiarity of pasture devices is the rarity of their maintenance. The technologies for their creation are carefully thought out. Structures must have good capacity and high strength.

Types of feeders for outdoor use:

  • For distributing dry food. This food includes fresh grass and hay. The feeder is used during the cold season, when livestock require additional feeding due to a lack of growing grass. The ideal design option is a conical shape. It gives it spaciousness (you can fit a whole roll of hay) and allows cows to take the required amount of food without scattering the excess. A rectangular device is also not recommended for use due to possible injury to animals.
  • For distribution of grain. The grain serves as an additional source of vitamins and microelements. A device for such food must have an automation mechanism that allows you to add food in doses without human intervention. This type of feeding is very convenient to use for young animals when limiters are installed (adults do not have to eat everything).


Feeders are classified according to their purpose and are divided into those suitable for stalls and for pasture. Depending on their purpose, the design features of the structure are designed.

Depending on the size and degree of automation, they can be individual or group. The second type is suitable for large farms where a large number of animals are kept.

Also, the type of device is selected based on the type of livestock feed: for hay, for dry feed and compound feed.

For hay

For hay, hanging structures in the shape of a rectangle are selected. This ensures convenient and economical feeding. They are made of wood or metal. They have a lattice structure that allows cows to easily get the required amount of hay. Helps save feed.

For dry food

For dry food, designs with automatic feeding are used. This allows the farmer to save time and ensure timely and comfortable feeding of livestock.

For feed

For mixed feed, hanging plastic feeders in the form of a bucket are used. It is important to ensure the convenience of washing containers. The suspension element must be easily removable for the necessary processing.

At home

Any experienced farmer can make a feeder at home, considering its purpose and choosing the right material. It should be comfortable and durable, allowing for proper feeding of livestock. The advantage of homemade devices is their low cost, which helps reduce the cost of keeping animals.


Creating an individual, simple device for eating cows does not require much effort. The material usually used is metal (the parts are fastened with a welding machine) or hardwood (the parts are fastened with nails). The shape of such a feeder is usually rectangular. Average dimensions: length - 100 cm, width 70 cm.

The selected materials are prepared, measured, and fastened in the appropriate way. For dry food, a hanging model with a grid is made. No grate is required for grain and other additives; the walls of the structure are solid.


The group feeder should be durable and easy to maintain. Metal is used in its manufacture.

Required materials: metal pipes with a diameter of 13 and 19 mm, fittings with a diameter of 8 mm, an angle grinder, a welding machine, a paint and varnish mixture.

Manufacturing algorithm:

  1. Pipes with a diameter of 19 mm are cut into 13 elements of the following sizes: 4 x 68 cm, 2 x 90 cm, 4 x 35 cm, 3 x 201 cm.
  2. Pipes with a diameter of 13 mm are cut into 30 elements: 2 x 205 cm, 2 x 55 cm, 26 x 68 cm.
  3. A frame is made in the form of a rectangle (length 201 cm, width 68 cm).
  4. Weld 4 legs of 35 cm each.
  5. Between them, 2 pipe elements of 68 cm each are fastened by welding (for stability and rigidity of the structure).
  6. Weld 4 vertical pipes at the corners of the rectangular frame. The size of the rear pair is 201 cm, the front pair is 90 cm.
  7. Weld the base for the hay, fastening the 55 cm and 205 cm pipes.
  8. Connect the base to the frame by welding the rectangle to the highest points of the vertical pipes.
  9. The reinforcement elements are welded vertically between the lower pipe and the upper base, maintaining a distance of 7 cm (they give the structure a lattice appearance).
  10. Coated with varnish to protect against corrosion.

Folding walls

To make a device with folding walls, hard wood is used. The advantage of this material is its environmental friendliness. With proper care, the feeder will last a long time.

We will need: boards, a plane, a circular saw or jigsaw, sandpaper, slats, nails.


  1. A detailed drawing is drawn, taking into account all wishes and operating features. Standard dimensions: inner side - 100 cm, outer side - 30 cm, product width - 80 cm, bottom width - 45 cm.
  2. Prepare the tree for work. Clean, grind, polish. Dry if necessary.
  3. The boards are measured and cut into the required elements in accordance with the drawing.
  4. Fastened with nails.
  5. Make a recess on the wall in the form of a semicircle (a hole for the animal’s head).
  6. The slats are attached (for latticework of the product).
  7. Control polishing is carried out, getting rid of irregularities and splinters.

With the correct organization of equipment for eating cows, the quality of their care is significantly improved, the farmer saves money and time on maintaining the barn.

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