Do-it-yourself wooden roller under the neck. Do-it-yourself pillow-roller - an indispensable attribute of comfort and coziness

Engineering systems 17.06.2019
Engineering systems

How to sew a pillow with your own hands? Every needlewoman thought about this. A pillow is needed not only for sleeping, with it you can make the design of the apartment complete and original.

After looking at photos of homemade pillows on the Internet, you might think that sewing requires experience and talent. But having understood the very process of creating a pillow, it turns out that it is not at all difficult.

Let's see how to make a pillow with your own hands?

The most important thing to know before you get started

Before you start sewing a decorative pillow with your own hands, you need to decide exactly how it will look. But more important than this is to choose the fabric and filler.

If you want to make a multifunctional pillow, it is important to choose a fabric that can be easily cleaned. The filler should not fall into dense lumps for as long as possible, losing its elasticity.

Materials. Textile

To make durable, practical and nice pillow you need to choose the right fabric.

Firstly, it should not be strongly electrified and attract any dust to itself, it can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Secondly, the material must prevent dust from entering the packing. Suitable fabrics:

You can use other fabrics, except for propylene matting. It is slippery, rough and tough, so for soft pillow won't fit.


The pillow can be stuffed with many materials. It can be cotton wool, bird fluff or feathers, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, holofiber and many others.

Let's deal with each filler:

Cotton wool and synthetic winterizer fall into lumps at great speed. At the same time, it is almost impossible to evenly fill the product with cotton wool.

Feathers and down are not suitable not only because of the difficult accessibility, but also because of insufficient elasticity. No one will beat up a decorative pillow like a sleeping pillow, so as not to spoil the beautiful finish.

Hollofiber is readily available, available in two forms: sheets and fluffy granules. Sheet is more expensive, it can be replaced with cheaper foam rubber. Hollofiber is well suited for a pillow. It serves for about 10 years without rolling.

Another filler option is round silicone granules. They are best for baby pillows because they are hypoallergenic and can be easily poured out, rinsed, dried and put back in through a small hole.

Decoration. Colors

The easiest way to decorate the interior is to do it with pillows. different color. Of course, they must fit color scheme to interior items: furniture, curtains or even walls.

It's sometimes not an easy task- achieve a combination - but very popular. From pillows of different colors, you can make an ensemble that will emphasize all the advantages of the interior.

The most interesting thing is that the idea with colorful pillows is not only easy to implement, but also financially affordable.


Do not stop the choice only on plain fabrics, materials with patterns and ornaments will look advantageous.


Recently, printing on fabrics has become more and more popular. Why not print on the pillow? This is affordable option decoration of your product: printing prices are not very high, the pattern is stable and clear.

With the help of numerous computer programs, you can make a design in advance and even see how the ensemble will look in the interior.

Shape and Fragment

Pillows can be made in absolutely any shape. There are no restrictions in this, the main thing is to show imagination. You can use the technique of modular sewing. To do this, several simple parts are made, which are subsequently sewn in place into a complex product.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is quite difficult to clean. You must either completely disassemble the product, or use a furniture vacuum cleaner.


Use the same patchwork or patchwork. Most often, they take a key fragment and place it in the center. The fragments combined with it are located along the periphery. Simple but very effective!

key element

The compact key element adds a touch of sophistication to the throw pillow. Such an element can be a button, tassels, bows and much more. There are also no restrictions.

You can ennoble a product from a modest fabric with the help of a key element. With his help ready product will look richer and more expensive, so you can use technical or furniture upholstery fabrics that do not differ in bright colors.

Knitting, embroidery, lace

Knitted sofa cushions are more difficult to make than just sewn from fabric. You must be able to knit or crochet - this is a laborious craft that requires care.

However, so is embroidery. On the pillow, you can embroider any plot with satin stitch, cross or ribbons. Here, too, everything depends on your skill, imagination and perseverance.

You can also decorate the product with lace. Of course, it is easier to buy ready-made lace in a store, but it will be much more expressive if you make the lace yourself.


Just imagine the faces of guests who saw pillows completely made by you.

For the manufacture of pillows, you can use, for example, old sweater. The effect will be the same as from knitted case. If desired, it can be decorated with various beads, buttons, and so on.

Cushion embroidery

As mentioned earlier, you can decorate the pillow with any embroidered plots, but you can not do them in any technique that you own.

Therefore, do not embroider with beads on the pillow. Why? It's just unhygienic. It will be problematic to wash out all the dirt from under the beads, but what got into the beads itself will remain there forever. Yes, and think about whether it will be comfortable to lie on such a pillow?

Cross stitch is best because it is the most durable. You can wash such a product without worrying that the threads will come out. You can use the smooth surface, but when washing the threads weaken, and the pattern loses its attractiveness.

From old clothes

So, you can make a pillow out of old sweaters, but what else can I use? Yes, whatever! Old T-shirts, sweaters, T-shirts - everything that is lying around in your closet and waiting in line for a landfill.

You can even use jeans. The product will turn out not so soft, but it will look very original.


These pillows are perfect for a child's room. They can simply stand on a bed or even a shelf, pleasing to the eye and finishing the nursery design. They can serve as toys or serve their intended purpose.

The figurine pillow can be of absolutely any shape, the main thing is that you and your kids like it.

Funny letters

With the help of such pillows, the child will quickly learn the letters. Often letters or numbers are sewn for the holidays. Letters can also serve as toys too.

Sleeping on them is sometimes not very comfortable, but they look great in the interior.

For the manufacture of large letters, it is better to use foam rubber, and fill only the edges with holofiber. In this way, you can stuff any large pillows.


Every mother of a baby knows the problem: how to protect the child from bumps while sleeping in a crib? The child has already been saved from falling from the crib, but what to do with these hard sides that the child constantly hits in his sleep?

For these purposes, you can also sew a pillow! Foam rubber is best for boards. It is dense and will not allow the child to feel the fences upon impact.

You can sheathe the foam rubber with any soft fabric that the child will not be allergic to. In order for the pillow to hold on, it is necessary to sew on fabric ties with which the pillow will stay in the crib.

Any pillow, regardless of its shape, size and design, will fit perfectly into any interior.

Easy to manufacture, not requiring special talent and skills, these products will make a boring and dull apartment, original and cozy place for relax.

DIY pillow photo

Today it is very difficult to find absolutely healthy person. Someone suffers from a headache, someone has a backache, and someone suffers from insomnia. Such problems may indicate the presence various diseases, however, very often a simple change of bedding can save.

According to the Japanese, you can have a good rest and sleep while lying on your back, on a hard mattress, and they put a log in a pillowcase under your head. It is they who should adopt the rules have a nice rest. However, it is not necessary to sleep with your head on a log, a pillow cushion can be a great alternative.

Moreover, such decorative pillow looks very stylish. It will perfectly fit into any interior. It is not necessary to purchase it, because it is easy to manufacture.


To understand the benefits of such pillows, it is necessary to remember the structure of the human body and the fact that you can really relax only when the spine is in a relaxed state. This can be done if during sleep the head and neck will be on the pillow.

The roller has a number of therapeutic properties. A lot depends on right position body: headaches and spinal pains stop, blood circulation and heart function improve, pressure normalizes. Also, an orthopedic pillow-roller will become good choice for those who suffer from insomnia and chronic fatigue.

Particularly useful are pillows filled not with ordinary down or feathers, but with buckwheat husks - this is an environmentally friendly product that has an excellent massage effect and does not cause an allergic reaction. In order for the pillow to have not only therapeutic properties, but also the effect of aromatherapy, it can be filled with medicinal herbs(most often use lavender, juniper or cedar). These pillows can relieve stress and relieve insomnia.

Varieties of pillows

Before understanding, it is necessary to determine their varieties:

  • decorative pillows for the sofa, they can be used under the back;
  • the cushion for the bed is suitable for decor and for sleeping;
  • cushions that can be used as armrests or footrests.

Sofa cushions have their advantages: they are convenient to put them under the head, back or arms, besides, they fit perfectly into any interior and will bright accent in room.

The cushion cushion can be absolutely any shape. It can be made by exactly repeating the shape of a cylinder, or by picking up the edges. In the second case, the assemblies can be decorated with buttons, fabric “tails” or decorative tassels, which are inherent in the oriental style.

It should be noted that roller pillows were originally used in the East, and therefore today they are made using multi-colored taffeta and decorations in the form of brushes. Such pillows are very often used as decorative element, they are an essential attribute of oriental-style rooms.

Manufacturing features

It will be interesting for needlewomen to know that a pillow-roller is made quite simply with your own hands, even a beginner needlewoman can join such work. The cushion looks beautiful, the pillowcase of which is decorated in the patchwork style, lace and hand embroidery will also be appropriate on it.

If you do not know how to sew a pillow-roller, then it is better to stop at the option where a zipper is used in the manufacture of pillowcases. So the pillow will be convenient to use: if necessary, the pillowcase can be easily removed, it can always be washed. In addition to down, feathers and other natural fillers, you can use synthetic materials- use foam rubber or holofiber.

candy roller

To get a pillowcase of this type, cut out the cloth right size and sew into a ring. Both round edges of the resulting pipe are tucked inside out, overcast and processed on a typewriter.

Putting a pillowcase on a pillow, the edges are tightly pulled together and decorated with fringe or lace.

Screed roller

To get such a pillowcase, you need to cut out a panel that matches the size of the roller and sew it into a “pipe”. The round edges of the product must be overcast, wrapped inside out and stitched at a distance of 1.5 cm. Next, the pipe must be pulled off by threading a rope inside the seam and hide the tip in the middle. The sides can be decorated with original buttons, pom-poms or flowers.

Roller with zipper

The pillow-roller, the pattern of which is presented below, is a tube with sewn-in side parts. In accordance with the dimensions of the roller, it is necessary to sew a pillowcase in the shape of a tube, leaving a hole for the zipper. Two round side parts that correspond to the diameter of the holes obtained in the tube must be cut out additionally. They should be swept into the pillowcase face to face and stitched at a distance of about 1 cm from the edge.

Next, you need to process the area into which the pillow will be threaded. The left hole must be sewn on a typewriter (the seam is “in the hem”). After that, the cover must be turned out and sewn in with a zipper. The fastener must be placed under the cut, pinned with pins and stitched on a typewriter as close to the teeth as possible.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller

Decorative roller adds style and elegance to the interior. Make it easy. First of all, you need to prepare:

  • a piece of fabric corresponding to the size of the pillow;
  • decorative cord;
  • pillow in the form of a roller.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller, the pattern of which is presented in this article, is quick and easy. First you need to lay out a piece of matter on the table and tuck the long edges from the front side inward, they are chopped off with pins and sewn on. Thus, drawstrings for the cord are obtained.

After that, it is necessary to fold the part face inward, fix the narrow edges with pins, grind them.

Next, you need to process the edges. You can use overlay for this. You can go the other way: the edges are folded to the wrong side by 1 cm and ironed, then folded again by 1.5-2 cm, fixed again with an iron and sewn on a typewriter.

The resulting part must be turned right side out and ironed well. You need to thread a cord into one of the drawstrings and tie it tightly with a bow. A roller is inserted inside the pillowcase, the second drawstring is tightened, and the pillow cushion is ready. If desired, the sides can be decorated with decorative tassels or other elements of your choice.

If you have problems with musculoskeletal system, then you should consult a doctor with a request to help choose the right pillow. The orthopedic roller is able to adapt to the individual characteristics of its owner and provide quality sleep, as well as excellent support for the spine.

Moreover, it has long been proven that large and high pillows have a negative effect on the body, it is undesirable to sleep on them, while a cushion cushion is ideal for this purpose. And decorative variations of such pillows can decorate any interior.

Each house has its own unique interior, each has its own little things and nuances that make it so. A rug at the entrance, embroidered napkins, non-standard panels - a popular "hand-made" that slowly floods our homes. Needlework usually requires specially prepared materials, they are not always right at hand. But if you decide that you should have a pillow-roller with your own hands, then maybe you already have everything you need for this.

Many people have sleep problems. And the solution to this problem can be the manufacture of an orthopedic pillow-roller on your own. In the countries of the East, pillows in the form of a roller are very common. This can be argued by the love, for example, of the Japanese, to sleep on a hard one, it could be either a specialized mattress or just a solid base, and for convenience a cushion was arranged under the head. Of course, not every person is ready to radically change their sleep habits and shift from a regular soft mattress to a hard one, but using a roller during sleep and rest under the neck will definitely benefit.

Everyone has heard at least once in their life that sleeping on soft, loose pillows is not at all good for health. This affects both the neck and the back. Of course, the negative consequences will not catch you immediately, but over time they will begin to appear. According to recent research by scientists, it has been recognized that the cylindrical roller has become the optimal object that is used for sleeping under the head.

Types of rollers

Roller pillows can be completely different, in order to understand which one you want to make for yourself, you should familiarize yourself with their varieties.

There are cushions that can be used on the bed just for rest and sleep. They can be put under the neck, under the head, under the arms, legs, and in general under any part of the body, they are almost universal in their purpose.

These pillows have great view, they will suit any interior, and depending on the chosen appearance and any style.

But in addition to pillows intended for the body, there are pillows just for decoration. They can simply decorate your sofa in the living room or serve as a side on the bed in the children's room.

by the most the best filler for a roller, buckwheat husk is considered. This is an environmentally friendly product, and it is in Japan that such a filler is most popular. If you notice, store-bought orthopedic pillows are also filled with recycled buckwheat. The use of such a pillow will provide, when placed under parts of the body, a slight deformation of the shape, but not its loss, and thereby increase comfort.

Pros of using

Roller pillows have become so popular precisely because of the benefits that are observed when using them. Even pregnant women use such pillows for comfortable placement on the bed, although for them, as seen in the photo above, a slightly larger size is required.

Having spent the night at least one night on such a pillow, relaxation and good health will immediately become noticeable, which will haunt you all day. The spine will not receive such a load, since it will not bend incorrectly, that is, the body will be in a more even position.

Cervical osteochondrosis will reduce its impact on your life as soon as you begin to systematically sleep with the right pillow.

Such rollers are sewn, crocheted and performed in various techniques. You don’t need a pattern for sewing, it’s very easy to understand how to make your own pillow cushion without it.

Easy option

To make a pillow-roller you will need:

  1. Fabric (there are no restrictions on the choice of fabric, but you should pay attention to natural materials so that in contact with the skin there are no unpleasant sensations, as well as irritations and allergies). The size of the fabric is calculated independently, depending on the size of the roller. In the master class, a size equal to 20 cm in diameter is used, the length is 61 cm;
  2. Lightning (for changing the filler or for washing it is convenient to be able to remove the cushion cover);
  3. Threads, needle, scissors, centimeter;
  4. Ribbon with pom-poms for decoration.

The first step will be cutting, according to the dimensions indicated above, without using any schemes, details are cut out: side circles. Allow for a 2cm seam allowance.

The finished pillowcase is stuffed with a filler of your choice: natural fillers, synthetic winterizer, etc.

Good advice would be not to be too lazy and sew a separate pillowcase for the filler, according to the same principle. Only for a pillowcase it is not necessary to sew in a separate zipper, it is enough to stuff it and carefully sew up the hole through which it was stuffed with a blind seam.

Video on the topic of the article

Many of us suffer from various violations sleep. One of the ways that helps to successfully resist this state of affairs is to make an orthopedic pillow-roller with your own hands.

By the way, very common this species pillows is in the culture of the Land of the Rising Sun. As many people probably know, the Japanese are very fond of sleeping on a hard surface, which is a special mattress, laying a very hard pillow under their heads, shaped like an elongated cylinder. Of course, not all of our compatriots are ready to make such radical changes and become like the descendants of samurai. But, at the same time, starting to sleep on a slightly firmer mattress and using a neck pillow is quite realistic, and, most importantly, good for your health.

Surely most of us have heard that sleeping on traditional and familiar large pillows, and even soft ones, is quite harmful, both for the neck and for the back. And if you don't feel any negative consequences, this does not mean at all that they will not appear over time. At the same time, pillows that have an elongated cylindrical configuration are quite suitable for every person and are very useful for sleeping.

Due to the fact that you put them under the neck, they allow the spine to remain in an extended position throughout the entire time of sleep. In other words, they have a considerable number of advantages, which, in turn, explain their growing popularity.


Pillows in the form (roller), under the head can have a different configuration. Let's look at each option in some detail.

For bed

Roller pillows that are used for the bed can be both decorative and used for their intended purpose, that is, for sleeping. They are very versatile because you can wear them under almost any part of the body:

  • Under the arm.
  • Under the back.
  • For the neck.
  • Under the head.
  • Under your feet.

In addition, they have excellent appearance, thanks to which such pillows are able to fit into the interior of any bedroom, which may belong to a particular style.

Decorative pillows

Long pillow is a great option

They can be used not only in the bedroom, but also in the living room, nursery, and in any other room in which. Decorative pillow-roller can have different configurations: from a straight cylinder to the so-called "bone", narrow in the middle and diverging at the edges.

By the way! Buckwheat husk pillows are considered optimal for orthopedic purposes. Buckwheat allows you to better keep the shape.

In addition, buckwheat is a 100% environmentally friendly raw material. By the way, since we are talking about Japan, it should be noted that it is there that buckwheat pillows are a mass phenomenon. It is not for nothing that many orthopedic buckwheat pillows, which are sold even in Russia and other CIS countries, are called "makura", which translates from Japanese language like "pillow". It is the countries of the East, by the way, that are the “homeland” of cushions, which from there migrated to us over time, becoming popular.

Their use includes not only laying under the head or back, but also as a footrest and even an armrest. In other words, the scope of their application is limited only by your imagination.

Main advantages

Well, now let's touch main advantages pillow-rollers, because it’s not just that they were so widespread, attracting the attention of many buyers and craftsmen who make them with their own hands at home. First of all, I would like to remind you that for real relaxation and good dream a person is capable only if his spine is provided with complete relaxation. To do this, several conditions must be observed at once, including the fact that the neck and head are on the shelf. Thus, it turns out to ensure an even position of the spine, since all kinds of bends are excluded: your spine simply does not bend or arch, but is in a more or less even position.

All this can be provided by high-quality pillows that have a special configuration. So, if you experience certain problems with sleep, and also feel tired in the neck, back or lower back, many experienced specialists give one piece of advice: reconsider your attitude to the conditions in which you sleep, on which mattresses and which pillows you use. .

By the way! Products like this are very useful for cervical osteochondrosis and other similar health problems.

In this plan cushion cushion is a fairly "advanced", as they say, product. If you are suffering from pain in problem areas that are associated with the spine, you should pay attention to this product. The fact is that a cushion cushion for a sofa is able to provide your body with an optimal position during sleep, and this, as you know, is the key not only to relaxation, but also to the absence of problems in some places: back, neck and lower back.

Manufacturing master class

As we can see, the most common are 2 large groups similar pillows: classic, designed primarily for sleeping, as well as decorative - for a sofa, which can be either large enough or long, or small. If you are interested in how to sew a pillow-roller with your own hands, want to know how a pattern is made, and also find out many other interesting points for yourself, we recommend that you study a short master class that describes how to make this product yourself at home.

There are several options for how to make a pillow-roller with your own hands. All of them are slightly different from each other, however, on initial stage you will need to prepare approximately the same materials and tools. Here is their list:

What do you need What is used for
accessories Buttons or zipper to close the filling or for a cover
Sewing kit Needles, scissors, etc., with which you will sew
Textile Useful for filling and for a cover, as well as pillowcases (you can use a ready-made one)
Filler Buckwheat, foam rubber, holofiber and so on, depending on what degree of rigidity and durability you want to get in the end
Compass Needed when sewing a pillow in the form of a cylinder
Various decorative accessories In case you come in to further decorate the case

We will not describe separately the process of sewing pillows different shapes, (round, cylindrical, classic rectangular, square, and so on), since the process itself, in fact, is no different. The difference is only in the shape of the pattern.

Remember! Foam pillows are softer, but at the same time, much less “healthy” in terms of comfort and usefulness for the neck and lower back.

In fact, if we are talking about a pillow with orthopedic properties, it is advisable to opt for a more or less rigid material for filling, with which one could make a pillow with the so-called memory effect. This means that such a product will take the shape of your neck, head or lower back and stay in that position for a long time, as if remembering the shape of your body. Foam rubber in this respect is not the best filler, although it is quite cheap.

So, in short, the sequence of actions when sewing a pillow with your own hands is as follows:

  • After preparing the materials and tools that were mentioned just above, you need to make a pattern for the embankment. Filling, if someone is not in the know, is the same fabric “bag”, which is then filled with artificial or natural filler.
  • Then you need to cut the blanks and sew them using sewing machine or an ordinary needle. The second, of course, is longer, but the seam is quite strong.
  • If the filler is bulk, then you can sew in a zipper, which, by the way, is a very convenient thing. If we explain using the example of buckwheat husk, then we can say that if a zipper is used in such a pillow, you can periodically (once a year or six months) unzip the zipper, pour out the filler, dry it, and then pour it again. With the complete “wear and tear” of such a filler (recall that it absorbs fat from the hair, sweat, and, according to some experts, and negative energy), you can just shake it out, put in a new one and use the updated pillow further.
  • Be that as it may, we will interfere with the filler inside the filling. We sew it tightly or use a zipper, as mentioned in the previous paragraph. As evidenced by numerous reviews, it is better, after all, to use a combination with lightning and bulk filler.
  • We make a cover. According to its technology, its production does not differ from the sewing of the embankment. To make it easier, you can use ready-made schemes making covers.
  • Actually, the pillow is ready. You just have to put on a pillowcase, if one is provided, or, if you wish, decorate the cover. To do this, you can make decorative crochet weaving, embroider, sew curly patches (patchwork technique) and so on.

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