Patterns for sofa cushions. We sew cool pillows: step by step master classes

Engineering systems 17.06.2019
Engineering systems

In the era of new technologies, when our life flies at an incredible speed, it is very important to be able to find time for self-care. You can visit various beauty salons that will give you moments of relaxation, improve your well-being and cheer you up and your own self-esteem. And if there is not enough time or money for elite salons, you can do your own appearance at home, using improvised means. Any girl will agree that the image cannot be complete without a beautiful manicure, and to create it, you will need various devices, including a manicure roller.

What is a manicure roller for?

You can make a beautiful manicure both with the help of professional assistants and at home. Of course, making it at home is much more difficult, but for this, various tools have been created that help us with the creation of nail design. This article will provide information about things that are absolutely necessary for both home manicure and salon manicure. This item is a manicure roller.

Why is he needed? This item is widely used to create nail design for anyone. It is a long soft surface that is placed under the hands of a client using a manicure service. Thus, the client's hands take a position that is convenient for both him and the master, the work becomes easier and does not require high costs time.

Building with the use of this pad is quick and painless, as the master can position the client's hands in a way that is convenient for him, without causing him any discomfort.

What are manicure rollers

The shape of this object is most often the same, only the length of the roller changes. Its height is about 5 cm, so that the client's hand does not become numb and is not in an uncomfortable position for him.

The material from which it is created may be different. The main factor of choice is hypoallergenicity, otherwise the contact of the roller with the skin can cause irritation on the hand. More often given subject to create a manicure, it is made of leatherette or leather.

Its design can be varied. There are rollers with or without a pattern, bright or pastel colors. This item will be the perfect addition to your office or room, and will fit perfectly into any decor.

For the most convenient use of the roller, a removable cover is attached to it. This greatly facilitates the cleaning of this item. The cover can be washed or wiped with water without worrying about its safety. If your roller does not come with a cover, it should be cleaned with a damp cloth, but never washing machine and not at high temperatures, otherwise the coating may peel off, and then the pad will definitely not serve you for a long time.

In order to disinfect the roller after the client has been served, you need to wipe it with a special solution or antiseptic, which can be purchased at any pharmacy for a small amount of money.

As for the cost of the roller, it depends on the material from which the item is made. In any case, this pillow will not cost much, its price varies from 150 to 1000 rubles. Of course, genuine leather rollers are more expensive, but with cheaper analogues, this is not so scary.

How to make a roller with your own hands

A manicure roller can be made at home with your own hands. To do this, you will need to purchase a pillow filler (in principle, it can be absolutely anything), a fabric that will be used for the cover, and a needle and thread. Sewing this thing is not difficult, patterns can be found on the Internet or created independently.

First you need to cut and sew the pillow itself and fill it with filler so that it becomes elastic. After that, using the pattern, you should create a cover without sewing it on one side. At the end, it is worth sewing a button on it in order to make it convenient to wash the roller.

Not a single master class can do without the use of a manicure roller, because in order to explain in detail and show how this or that manicure is performed, it is necessary to be able to conveniently turn the client’s hand without causing him discomfort. Each photo that teaches manicure is more convenient to take on this particular pad, so that it is possible to consider every action of the master and every nail of the client.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that not a single girl and not a single prestigious salon can do without a manicure roller. The importance of this thing cannot be overestimated. And given its low cost, such a pillow is available for purchase to everyone, which is really pleasing.

Video on the topic of the article

As promised, I am returning to the “pillow” theme with master classes that I prepared for a special issue of the magazine “I cross-stitch. My house". There are a lot of ways to sew a pillow, I tried to highlight six of the simplest, in my opinion, solutions. You are already familiar with two of them (the stud pillow and the drawstring pillow), so I will only show four here. A lot of people have asked me about sewing in a zipper, so let's start with a zippered pillow.

Pillow with zipper

There are several options for sewing in a zipper, we will consider one of them. The zipper is sewn into the back of the pillow.

Cutting features:

For the backdrop, cut out two pieces, the width of which is equal to the part for the front side of the pillow, and the height in total is equal to the height of the part of the front side of the pillow, plus about 2 cm.

Fold the back pieces right sides together and chop. Put marks, noting the location of the lightning. Stitch the details as follows: stitch to the first mark with a regular stitch, perform a bartack, change the stitch length to the maximum (5mm) and sew to the second mark, change the stitch length to a regular stitch and, having completed the bartack, sew further with a regular stitch. The resulting stitch should look like this: regular stitch - backtack - basting stitch - backtack - regular stitch:

Iron the seam allowance. On the wrong side, put a zipper along the seam, pin and tack (on a typewriter or manually):

Take out the pins. Sew a zipper on the front side using a special foot for sewing machine designed for sewing in zippers:

Cut out the basting line. Fold the heel with the right side of the pillowcase, right sides together, chop around the perimeter and stitch from the wrong side. Cut the corners diagonally and overcast the allowances with a zig-zag seam.

Pillowcase with "pocket" - ideal for beginners

This is the simplest pillowcase, it is sewn very simply and quickly from a single piece of fabric with a minimum number of seams.

Cutting features:

Cut out a rectangle whose width is equal to the width of the pillow plus two centimeters for seam allowances (1 cm on each side), and the length is equal to twice the height of the pillow plus about 15 cm for the inner lapel (“pocket”) plus about 6 cm for the hem of two cuts (3 cm each) for each cut).

Hem both short cuts. To do this, tuck the fabric to the wrong side at a distance of 1 cm. Iron. Twist 2 cm again, iron and stitch:

Lay out the rectangle right side up. On the left side, wrap the fabric up to a distance equal to the height of the pillow. Then, on the right side, wrap the remaining fabric up, equal to the size of the “pocket”. Chop the parts with pins along the side cuts:

Sew the pillowcase on both sides. Cut the corners diagonally and overcast the allowances with a zig-zag seam:

Round pillow - ideal for beginners

Very simple pillow, tightened on a lace, sewn according to the "yo-yo" principle.

Cutting features:

Cut out a circle with a diameter about twice as large as the future pillow and obliquely (i.e. at an angle of 45 degrees to the equity thread) a strip of fabric 5-7 cm wide, equal to the circumference of the round part.

Grind the strip into a ring and pin along the entire circumference with the right side to the front side. Sew in a circle, trim the seam allowance with zigzag scissors:

Turn the unprocessed edge of the strip to the wrong side at a distance of about 1 cm and iron. Fold the strip in half and stitch on the wrong side of the circle, leaving a small hole for threading the cord:

Insert a string or ribbon into the drawstring, tighten and tie in a bow.

Pillow - cushion

A pillow - a roller can be made very simply by sewing a long "pipe" and tying both ends with ribbons like a candy. More difficult option- a roller with a zipper and round bases, the sewing of which requires some skill.

Cutting features:

Sew a zipper into the main piece as shown above for the zipper cushion. On both sides, pin the base (round parts) to the resulting cylinder, folding the parts with their front sides and following uniform distribution fabrics:

Run in a circle. Cut the seam allowances with zigzag scissors close to the stitching to further seams lay well and did not bulge:

Perhaps we all need to learn from the Japanese how to get great sleep. They doze on their backs, on a hard specialized mattress, and put a log in a pillowcase under their heads. According to their point of view, only such a position of the body during sleep gives relaxation and proper rest to the whole body. Our mentality is completely different from the Eastern vision of the world, but no one bothers to adopt a little bit of their recreational options: you can take a nap on a larger hard bed, and instead of a beam, a pillow-roller can be used entirely.

It has long been proven that napping on very large and big pillows harmful. And the rollers, on the contrary, are one hundred percent suitable for this purpose. They are low, fairly rigid and are placed under the neck, therefore, allowing the spine to stay in a level position.

What can be pillows-rollers

Before we start listing all the advantages of such pillows, let's see what types of rollers are available:

pillow-roller for a bed, which is determined both for sleeping and for decorative decoration;

sofa decorative cushions under the back;

decorative rollers can be used for the armrest and also for the footrest.

Decorative pillows-rollers photo

Pillow cushion for bed

Sofa cushions-rollers are excellent for several reasons: Firstly, they are convenient in order to put them under the head, under the back, under the arm, under the legs, and secondly, they fit perfectly into any design, will become a bright accent in the room and perfectly combined with square throw pillows on the same sofa.

Roller cushions on the Biedermeier sofa bed, Morelato manufactory

sofa cushion cushions photo

In terms of size, the decorative pillow-roller can be straight, exactly repeating the shape of a cylinder, or it can be with a gathered edge; in this assembly option, either a beautiful button, or a “tail” made of fabric, or a decorative brush, as in the version with a roller, is crowned style - East. by the way, pillows-rollers came to us from the East itself, therefore, made of “oriental” fabrics, for example, from multi-colored taffeta and embellished with tassels, such pillows look just fine and are considered an invariable accessory of oriental interiors.

Decorative pillow-roller photo

Candy cushion

Decorative pillow-roller in oriental design

Now, by the way, let's move on to describing the advantages of pillows-rollers. Why are they so pleasant that they are not at all inferior to classic rectangle-shaped pillows, and sometimes even exceed them?

Benefits of pillows

First, let's look at the structure human body and the fact that a person receives a simple rest only when his spine is relaxed. What is required for this? Absolutely not enough: so that at the time of sleep both the neck and the head lie on the pillow.

Only when the back is fixed at one point and deflections are removed does the spine allow itself to rest. Therefore, the back, neck relaxes, leaves nervous tension It also relieves pain in the spine and back. Those who suffer from back pain need to fully reconsider their attitude to sleep, take a look at what pillows you sleep on, are they comfortable, are they tall or, on the contrary, are they low?

Pillow-roller for sleep owns side by side therapeutic actions. Much depends on the correct position of the body during sleep. For example, as we said above, headaches and pain in the spine go away, blood circulation and heart function improve, pressure improves, eyes relax and intraocular pressure decreases.

Also, a pillow-roller has been demonstrated for sleeping for those who sleep restlessly at night and suffer from chronic fatigue.

by the way, such pillows are classified as orthopedic, in particular if they are stuffed not with feathers and traditional fluff, but, for example, with hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly buckwheat husk, which, moreover, has a massage effect. And in addition, orthopedic cushions for rest and sleep are filled with healing herbs in order to replenish the therapeutic result with aromatherapy. Of the most common aromatic fillers, juniper, lavender, and cedar should be noted. such rollers not only promote sound sleep, but also relieve stress, relax the nervous structure, and relieve insomnia.

Features of the production of do-it-yourself decorative pillows-rollers

For needlewomen, it will be interesting that the pillow-roller is quite easy to make at home. Moreover, it is very easy to sew to such a degree that even a novice seamstress can join the manufacture of the roller. The roller style looks beautiful - patchwork, when a decorative pillowcase is made from multi-colored patches of fabric. Also on the pillow-roller there will be suitable lace and hand embroidery. On decorative pillowcases, they mainly make a fastener from an unfastening zipper - this is done for the comfort of using the roller, so that if required, the pillowcase can be removed and washed very easily. And you can fill such a pillow with feathers and traditional down, or synthetic materials, for example, foam rubber or holofiber.

Decorative pillow roller do-it-yourself

As you can see, the cylindrical shape of the pillow has a very beneficial effect on general state organism. So, if for example you are unwell, then buy at least one roller and try it in action. Who knows, perhaps the actual pillow-roller will give you the opportunity to completely rest and enjoy life without pain in the cervical and back. Well, decorative varieties of such pillows will become good decision to decorate your home.

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Beautiful decorative pillows able to revive even the most restrained interior. They bring a cozy atmosphere home warmth and let you relax. To decorate your home with them, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money, because you can create these cute decor elements yourself.

We have selected themed workshops for you, from which you will learn how to sew the pillow of your dreams. With step by step photos and detailed description even a beginner can handle it.

Volumetric heart of roses

A handmade pillow can be a wonderful gift. Armed with fantasy and a thread with a needle, it can even be turned into a unique Valentine. We offer you a step-by-step manufacturing master class unusual pillow with big heart.

For work you will need:

  • finished pillow of the desired size;
  • fabric for roses, which does not require overcasting;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.
Cut out circles with a diameter of about 8 cm from the fabric, they may be slightly crooked and slightly different in size. This will only add volume and realism to the flowers.

Take a circle of fabric by the middle, gather it up, forming folds as in the photo. Fix the workpiece in the desired position with a couple of stitches.

Sew another circle of fabric on the bottom, forming a voluminous bud.

Continue sewing circles on the rosette until you get a flower right size.

Prepare the rest of the roses in the same way. Their number depends on the size of the flower heart.

Sew the flowers to the pillow starting from the outline of the heart.

Arrange the blanks close to each other so that there are no gaps between them. A magnificent heart is ready to conquer and win hearts.

Such a designer pillow will decorate the room of a capricious fashionista or will become a highlight of your living room. And she will cheer you up just by looking at her.

fluffy pillow

The original pillow with a fringe will successfully fit into any interior. Pleasant to the touch fleece will make it a favorite thing not only in the children's room.

For work you will need:

  • fleece for the base of the pillow and fringe;
  • filler;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • sewing machine.
From the fleece, cut two squares 40 by 40 cm.

For fringe, it is better to choose a fabric several colors of the same range- get a stylish transition between them. In our case, 10 strips of 37 * 10 cm in three shades of brown are used.

Fold each strip in half and cut the fringe.

Sew the first strip to the base of the pillow, stepping back 1 cm from the edges. This is the result you should get.

Next, fold the fringe to one side.

Sew next to the second strip at a distance of about 1.5 cm from the first.

Continue sewing on the fringe in the same way. Alternate dark stripes with light stripes in several rows, achieving a beautiful and smooth transition of colors.

Put a second square on top of the fringed blank and pin it around the edges with pins. Sew the pillow around the perimeter, leaving a small opening for stuffing.

Turn pillow inside out and stuff with filling. It is better to use a synthetic winterizer or holofiber. natural materials, such as cotton wool and fluff, can clump over time and the product will lose its neat appearance.

Sew up the opening with a blind stitch.

It turns out a very beautiful sofa cushion, which will create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home.

Pillow "Butterfly Wings"

We present to you detailed photo lesson on decorating an interior pillow. Even if sewing is not your forte, you can easily master it: you will need a ready-made pillow for work. Guided step by step instructions, you will turn an ordinary pillowcase into a masterpiece of art design.

Pillow-toy "Owl"

A funny and bright owl is a win-win gift option for both an adult and a child. When such a cute bird settles in your baby's bedroom, he will be happy to not only sleep with her, but also play with her.

For work you will need:

  • cotton in two colors;
  • felt for eyes and beak;
  • black buttons or beads for pupils;
  • bow ribbon;
  • crayon;
  • threads;
  • needle and pins for sewing;
  • scissors;
  • lace;
  • filler.
Transfer the owl pattern to paper in the desired size.

Attach the template to the fabric and cut out the necessary details, make an allowance of 1 centimeter for the body and wings.

To decorate the toy, lace, bows and a wooden flower button are used. If you are using a full-size pattern, then cut out an 8 * 16 cm rectangle and a 4.5 cm square for the bow, or change the size of these parts in proportion to the owl.

Sew on the beak and lace with a zigzag stitch. Lace is placed in the center of the body, between the wings.

Sew wings and eyes with the same seam. Attach the black pupil buttons by hand.

Fold the body parts of the owl right side inward, secure with pins and sew. Leave a hole at the bottom between the wings for further manipulations.

Turn the toy inside out, iron it and stuff it with stuffing. If you used ordinary scissors to cut out the details, before turning out, make neat notches near the ears and in all convex places so that the fabric does not shrink.

Sew up the opening with a blind stitch.

You can do decor. Fold the square for the bow into a strip and iron it.

Fold the rectangle in half right side inward and sew, leaving a 1 cm allowance.

Turn it inside out, gather in the middle and sew on the prepared strip, forming a bow. Sew it on the owl's ear.

Tie a bow from a small piece of ribbon, sew it and a wooden button to the body of the toy.

Such a cute owl will reliably guard your sleep.

Another idea for implementation is to sew a solid owl according to this pattern. It is enough just to show imagination and choose the appropriate toy color scheme and decoration.

Pillow with application "Cat in love"

An elegant pillow with a cool application is a wonderful gift for any occasion. With its help, you can confess your feelings or just cheer up your loved one.

For work you will need:

  • thick white pillowcase 35*35cm;
  • shreds of cotton 4 colors;
  • white interlining;
  • iron;
  • 3 green beads for the eyes;
  • threads to match the fabric;
  • decorative braid.

Cut out two rectangles 17*13 cm- clouds around the cat and the fish. In our case, they are white with orange polka dots. You can choose the color of your choice.

The cat's body is a rectangle 16*12 cm, orange with small white polka dots.

Cut a rectangle out of white fabric 20*11 cm. It will make the eyes and thoughts of a cat.

Cut out the rectangle 10*5 cm from green fabric for the body of the fish.

Fold the interlining adhesive side with the wrong side of the rectangles and iron them so that they stick together. This will make it easier to cut small parts and they won't crumble.

Cut out blanks for the appliqué. You can use cardboard templates or immediately cut out the details from the fabric.

Arrange the elements on the pillowcase and achieve the desired picture. Mark the ground line with decorative tape. Choose the expression of the cat's loving eyes.

When you decide on the location of all the elements of the application, you can proceed to the last step. It remains to sew them to the pillowcase.

Sew with a small white zigzag the outline of a white cloud to a polka dot cloud.

Sew the contour of the fish to the prepared two-layer cloud with a green zigzag. Embroider the fish's fins and outline of the head. Attach an eye bead.

Sew the details of the cat with a small zigzag thread to match the fabric. Lastly, attach the eyes and embroider his mustache.

Embroidered paws will give the animal even more charm. You can add small flowers to the application to make the composition more expressive.

The finished pillow will definitely take the crown place on the sofa in the living room and will become the star of your interior.

Pillow-spyushka "Sleeping Kitten"

Want even more cats? We are offering to you interesting idea for creativity: sew a charming kitten, which, with its very appearance, evokes drowsiness and peace.

For work you will need:

  • cotton fabric 3 colors;
  • fleece;
  • interlining;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • filler;
  • chalk or a special marker for fabric;
  • floss threads;
  • 2 buttons;
  • pins;
  • pattern.
First of all, print on paper or manually redraw the kitten pattern. Cut out all elements.

Attach the patterns of the torso to the fabric, circle and cut it with an allowance of 1 cm. Place the part with the wrong side on the adhesive side of the interlining, secure with pins and cut it out. Prepare the second part of the fleece body in the same way.

Cut out the paws, ears and tail of the kitten.

Remove the pins and iron the two-layer parts of the body with an iron so that the cotton sticks to the interlining.

Fold the parts of the ears, paws and tail in pairs right side in and sew them on the machine, leaving holes for eversion. Cut the stitched blanks with curly scissors or make the notches normal.

Turn the parts inside out and iron them, stuff with filler. Sew the holes in a zigzag pattern. Attach the resulting parts with pins to the front side of the front of the cat. Sew them to the body of the kitten in a zigzag.

Draw the cat's face with chalk.

Put the fleece part (back) on top and fix it with pins. Sew the blanks, leaving a small opening at the bottom for eversion. Trim the seam allowances with curly scissors or cut the notches normally.

Turn the piece right side out and iron it. Stuff the toy with filler and sew up the opening left earlier with a blind seam.

Sew upper legs and buttons to the body for decoration.

Embroider the nose and closed eyes with floss threads.

The soft splyushka cat is looking for its loving owner. Everyone will be happy with such a pet. He will be happy to settle both in the baby's crib and in the cozy living room.

Do you feel the strength and desire to create, but still consider yourself a beginner? We bring to your attention an informative video from which you will learn how to sew a funny cat pillow from a regular pillowcase. An original pattern, a minimum of action, a little decor and imagination - and you will get an elegant cat or a mischievous cat.

By the same principle, a cheerful hare will turn out, it is enough just to make the ears longer.

Download even more funny cat patterns to make your wildest ones come true. creative ideas. Such cute little animals will be a wonderful decor for your home or cottage, as well as an original present for your dear people.


Do you think that animals do not belong in the house? And here you are wrong. You can always get yourself an adorable pillow dog. A cheerful dachshund will gladly take his place on the sofa and will not cause you any trouble.

A detailed description is presented in our step-by-step master class.

According to this scheme, you will get both a small toy puppy and a solid adult dog. It all depends on the amount of materials at hand and your desire.

And if you have a lot of unclaimed pieces and shreds of fabric left, then you can sew a bright dog pillow out of them. This patchwork toy with a cute face, made in the technique of patchwork, will become a favorite character in the children's room.

This toy can be made together with children and have a fun and useful time. And your child will receive the first lessons of cutting and sewing.

Piggy bank of master classes on pillows + interesting ideas

Heart valentine pillow:

Original circles:

Checkered dog:

Romantic option:

In the form of a star:

A few more original pillows for inspiration:

Pillows for children: cats, bunnies, owls, dogs, bears:

Decorate pillowcases with plant prints

An original way to decorate a pillowcase floral ornament- is to transfer the prints of living fresh grass and leaves onto it. A product with such a design will be unique and one of a kind. It will also warm you on winter evenings with thoughts of a warm summer.

For work you will need:

  • natural light fabric;
  • freshly picked plants;
  • hammer;
  • scissors;
  • parchment, preferably siliconized for baking.

Fern, plantain, clover are perfect for prints. Tear off the plant you need, spread it on the fabric and cover with parchment. Beat it very hard with a hammer so that the juice stands out from the leaves, which is absorbed into the fabric and forms an imprint. Remember: you need to beat off the plants on a hard, flat surface.

Experiment with different leaves, stems and their arrangement to get the desired result.

Find absolutely healthy person difficult these days. One regularly has a backache, another has a headache, a third suffers from insomnia, and a fourth has poor eyesight. Of course, these symptoms can indicate a variety of diseases, but often it is enough to get the right bedding to get rid of them. One of the most comfortable sleep accessories is a cushion pillow. How to choose this accessory and is it possible to sew it with your own hands?

Why is a roller pillow better than a classic one?

Quality rest during the night sleep is very important for the human body. This is the time for rest of all organs and systems of our body. How often do you manage to wake up in the morning fully recovered and alert? If this is a rarity, it makes sense to think about purchasing orthopedic bedding. One of modern solutions for a comfortable sleep - a pillow-roller. This product cylindrical shape, with an elastic or fairly rigid filler. The classic pillow assumes the location of the entire head of the sleeping person on its surface. The roller is placed under the neck of a lying person and allows the spine to take correct position. For greater comfort, you can use two of these pillows, placing one of them under the lower back.

and application today

It is believed that originally cylindrical sleep accessories were invented in ancient China and Japan. A popular version of their creation, according to which women dressed in national fashion and wore beautiful hairstyles with bouffant and an abundance of jewelry for more than one day slept on such products. Accordingly, the pillow cushion made it possible not to spoil the styling during sleep. In addition, proper support helped to maintain a healthy and beautiful neck, even with regular heavy loads in the form of the weight of voluminous hairstyles. Today, rollers are used not only for sleeping, but also in decor. Such pillows are very popular for decorating sofas and armchairs in living rooms and other rest rooms.

How to sew with your own hands: a simple scheme

It is not difficult to make such a pillow on your own, without even having any special skills. All you need is a large rectangle of fabric and two decorative ornaments. It can be tassels or large beads. For ease of use, you should separately sew the lower cover for the filler of the product and the outer one, providing it with fasteners. A simple scheme for making this accessory involves stitching a rectangle along the long side, leaving allowances on the sides. Attention: the fastener is also more convenient to make with a zipper or buttons along the length of the product. Once you cope with this task, you can proceed to the assembly of the side parts. Finish the edge of the fabric and carefully pull the ends towards the center. In this case, neat assemblies should be obtained. That's all, you got a pillow-roller. With your own hands, you were able to make a useful accessory for sleeping and an original piece of decor. It remains to place the selected filler in the lower case and put the upper one on it. Decorative tassels or other decorations can be sewn on the sides of the pillowcase.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller: we sew an option with sidewalls

A more complex pattern of a cylindrical sleep accessory involves cutting two additional elements. In addition to a large rectangle, cut out two circles that are suitable in size. This will be the side pieces. Sew the pillow according to the previous instructions. First, connect the long sides of the rectangle to each other, and then sew the circles into the holes on the sides. Such a pillow cushion can be made of a fabric that repeats other textiles in the room, such as curtains or a bedspread. original version decor - sew the long part of the accessory from several separate strips of different fabrics. You can also additionally decorate the product with braid or some bright elements.

in the shop?

The selection of accessories for sleep should be carried out individually, taking into account the structural features of your body. You can measure the distance from the lower jaw to the shoulder in advance, or look for a pillow by trying it on in a store. The second option is considered the most reliable, since in addition to the size of the product great importance have the characteristics of its filler. Try to lie down on a few different pillows and choose the one that seems most convenient. The same way you should also choose accessories for the back. Be prepared for the fact that the pillow cushion at the first use is unlikely to seem more comfortable than a traditional down pillow. However, over time, your vertebrae will take the right position.

Fillers and cases

Roller pillows filled with buckwheat husks are very popular. It is an inexpensive and completely natural filler. Another eco-friendly option for bedding is herbs. Such pillows are not only pleasant to the touch and create the effect of micromassage, but also fill the air with a pleasant aroma that has a beneficial effect on the body of the sleeping person. Synthetic fillers are also popular, in particular polyurethane foam and latex. If the neck pillow will be used mainly in the bedroom, you will need a practical pillowcase made of natural fabric, pleasant to the touch. For decorative accessories, covers can be made from any material, but it is desirable that they are also easily removed if necessary.

Attention: if you have serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it makes sense to ask for assistance in choosing a pillow from the observing doctor. Right choice sleep accessories can have a significant therapeutic effect in many pathologies and accelerate the improvement of the patient's condition. A worthy example of medical products - this product is able to adapt to the individual parameters of the body of its owner and provide high-quality support for his spine. You can use this accessory without special medical indications.

It turns out that there are several ways to sew a pillow-roller with your own hands. Here they are in no particular order.

You will need

  • The fabric from which you will make the cover.
  • Pillow that looks like a roller.
  • Decorative cord for edging.
  • Zip, buttons, and loops or snaps that you sew onto the cover so it can be removed and washed.
  • Sewing accessories.
  • Compass.

What you need to do before sewing a pillow-roller with your own hands

Measure the place where the roller will lie. This is necessary in order to calculate the dimensions of the product - after all, it should not hang from the sofa or be too small.

The pillow, which will be closed with a cover, should be slightly more sizes locations finished product. The material from which the cover will be sewn, on the contrary, must be exactly the right size. If you comply with these conditions, then the pillow-roller will turn out to be the right size, shape, and at the same time it will be elastic.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller - option number 1

  1. Transfer the measurements to the wrong side of the material from which you will sew the cover. In this case, it is necessary to add 2 cm on all sides for allowances.
    Keep in mind - the top and bottom sides of the fabric should be equal to the diameter of the end of the pillow, and the sides - the length of the pillow.
  2. Make a cutout.
  3. Fold the fabric in half, bringing the sides together. In this case, the front part should be inside. After step back from the raw edges 2 cm, and from the ends - 15 cm.
  4. Sew along the side that is longest.
  5. Sew on a zipper (loop button or buttons).
  6. Draw two circles on another piece of fabric, the diameter of which is 2 cm larger than the diameter of the ends of the pillow. The extra centimeters are an allowance. Then cut them out.
  7. Cut the allowances of the ends of the cover so that when stitching the end does not turn out to be wrinkled.
  8. Sew a edging cord to them around the circumference, as shown in the photo above.
  9. Cut the end edges of the cover. There should be a distance of 1.5 cm between the cuts. The depth of the cut should also be 1.5 cm.
  10. Chip off the face of the ends with a border and sew.
  11. Check the appearance of the seams by turning the cover inside out. If everything is in order, put on a pillow.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller - option number 2

  1. Cut out a fabric whose side edges are 3 cm longer than the pillow, and the top and bottom sides are 3 cm longer than the circumference of the end of the pillow.
  2. Peel and stitch the cut fabric along the long side. This must be done from the wrong side.
  3. Tuck the sides of the end so that the bend is 1.5 cm, and sew.
  4. Sew tails for the cover. The dimensions are determined depending on the place where the pillow-roller will be located.
  5. Put the cover on the roller and tie the ends.

Do-it-yourself pillow-roller - option number 3

  1. Mark out, cut out and sew the cover in the same way as in the first version.
  2. Make edging at both ends. At the same time, cut the cord so that there is one joint at the ends.
  3. Cut out two strips of fabric, the length of which is equal to the circumference of the end of the pillow, and the width is equal to the radius of the circle. On the sides of the cut, add 1.5 cm for the allowance.
  4. Cut off and sew the short ends of the workpiece.
  5. Attach any of the long sides to the end in the length of the edging.
  6. Bend the remaining long side and hem.
  7. After step 6, a backstage is formed. Thread a string or ribbon through it.
  8. You do the same with the second end of the cover, which will be the end of the roller.
  9. Put the cover on the pillow, tie the cord and stitch this case to make it stronger.
  10. Cut off excess cords.
  11. If desired, close the hole at the ends with a button, which you first sheathe with material, a rosette or a brush.

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