Pillow for people with cervical osteochondrosis. How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis and not to suffer from pain

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One of the most common problems is violations associated with the vertebral post. Well copes with an existing problem of a competently selected orthopedic pillow with cervical osteochondrosis, which is used quite wide. At night, it is necessary to provide high-quality rest and complete relaxation for the whole organism.

Qualitative normal rest and sleep is accompanied by the presence of certain factors, in particular, it is important to provide free oxygen access. This can be achieved only under the condition of the natural arrangement of the spinal column. In addition, an indispensable assistant is considered correctly selected pillow and mattress, as they allow you to take an anatomically natural position.

In the presence of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take care that the body can relax well, which will eliminate the muscle tension. The orthopedic pillow with cervical osteochondrosis should be selected so that the location of the head during night sleep or just relaxing was as comfortable as possible.

The back muscles support the vertebral post in an active state, protecting it from various kinds of oscillations and displacement of individual elements. At night, the muscles relax, and thus the vertebral pillar deprives its protection. If there is a predisposition to osteochondrosis, then a person can feel quite strong diseases and discomfort.

Important! In the presence of osteochondrosis, orthopedic products are not output, so if the first signs occur, it is necessary to contact the doctor for comprehensive treatment.

The vertebrae can sometimes move during sleep, which leads to the transmission of cervical artery and oxygen starvation, which can provoke sufficiently dangerous and unpleasant consequences. The cushion at osteochondrosis of the cervical department should be selected as correct as possible, as it will allow:

  • maintain all the bends of the spinal column;
  • provide vertebrae necessary support;
  • help the muscles relax.

The right cushion with cervical osteochondrosis will help a comfortable rest. It is necessary to pay attention to the choice of orthopedic products and completely healthy people, as this will prevent the occurrence of the diseases of the spinal column.

Types of orthopedic pillows

Orthopedic cushions with cervical osteochondrosis is simply a forced measure, as they have a certain shape, which allows the patient during sleep to occupy a natural position. To choose correctly the desired product, initially need to decide on its shape. In particular, they can be:

  • rectangular or square;
  • semicircular;
  • rollers and hemispheres;
  • round.

There are sleeping pads and just short-term recreation. Orthopedic pillows differ in size. There are even such models that have the ability to provide height adjustment due to the presence of removable elements.

Ralic-shaped models are not suitable for everyone, since its feature is that it is intended only for sleep on the back. Free ends are designed to pick up the neck, which can be seen in the photo.

Rectangular models are considered the most popular. There are two rollers on their territories, and in the center there is a depression for the head. A similar orthopedic product is selected purely individually for everyone, taking into account the available features of a person.

Materials manufacturing

The selection of the cushion at the cervical osteochondrosis should be thought-out and pre-consistently consult with the doctor. To choose correctly this product, you need to know what happens the filler. Many believe that it is best to choose models with a feather filler, however, it is completely wrong, because the fluff and pen are the main cause of the formation of complex allergic reactions and are poorly kept form.

Orthopedic cushions with osteochondrosis can be made with various fillers, in particular, such as:

  • buckwheat husk;
  • bamboo fiber;
  • latex;
  • cooling gel;
  • mini springs.

On the pillow with buckwheat husk, it is very nice to sleep, as she exactly repeats completely all the bends of the neck and head. Latex has good antibacterial qualities and it is completely hypoallergenic.

Bamboo fiber is characterized by an excellent deodorizing effect, it does not need additional care, dust will not accumulate in it. Models with bamboo fiber are just perfect for adults and children. In addition, they contribute to complete neck relaxation and are used as the prevention of osteochondrosis.

A good effect provides a pillow with mini springs, as it perfectly supports the vertebral post in the most proper natural position, instantly reacting to the change of posture and the rendered load. Comfortable for sleep in a completely any pose.

An interesting option is orthopedic products with filler in the form of a cooling gel. Due to the special function of the supporting fluid, the rendered load is quite evenly distributed. A similar product can be completely any form, however, for some time we will have to get used to this type of product.

Features of choice

Many wonder how to choose an orthopedic pillow so that it can be convenient to use it and prevent pathological conditions.

Before choosing a pillow, it is important to determine the optimal height. The neck and head in the daily rest and dream should certainly be on the pillow, and the shoulders are on the mattress. Choosing the height of the pillow, it is necessary to take into account the complex of the person. For a complete and high person, the pillow must be 50x70 or even more if necessary. A person of medium-sized physique will fit the pillow - 50x40 cm, and for a child it is no more than 20x30 cm.

If the cervical osteochondrosis is observed, then you need to regularly sleep on an orthopedic pillow. If in the morning time a person feels good enough, the muscles are not overvolt and there is no headache, it means that the orthopedic article is chosen correctly.

Why do you need an orthopedic pillow

Sleeping with cervical osteochondrosis is preferably on an orthopedic pillow, as it contributes to the fact that:

  • neck and head are located natural position;
  • the blood supply to the brain is improved;
  • muscle voltage decreases;
  • fatigue passes.

To ensure a full rest, you need to know how to choose the right pillow, and why it is needed. There are certain indications of the application of this product, in particular, such as:

  • pain in the neck;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • spinal diseases;
  • post-traumatic states.

To rest and sleep solely only benefit, it is necessary to know what should be the pillow and take into account the rules of healthy sleep. Sleeping on the back can be very dangerous, as in a similar position, blood vessels can be significantly remembered and the muscles are aligned. It is better if the surface is a tough or semi-rigid. In addition, it is desirable to supplement it with an orthopedic mattress, as it will help ensure a full comfortable sleep.

The correct selection of the pillow with a cervical osteochondrosis is an extremely important thing that can both positively affect the course of the disease. The use of an ordinary pillow is fraught with a deterioration in the situation, in particular the enhancement of pain in the neck and the appearance of dizziness.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, only orthopedic proofreaders are needed to choose, which do not just improve sleep, but also prevent the progression of the disease. Buy such products can be practically in any pharmacy.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine does not develop in the same place almost never, with the exception of congenital pathologies leading to degenerative and dystrophic changes in the spine.

In most cases, the cause of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle, as a result, a long-term static stress of the neck department and, of course, the incorrect position of the head during sleep.

Watch out that if not for finally cure, then at least for stopping or slowing the progression of the disease should first be learn to sleep correctly. Is it just that?

In fact, the greatest responsibility for a healthy dream lies on the pillow. The wrong selection of such a product threatens chronic lack of sleep, headache, and, accordingly, the development of the cervical osteochondrosis.

Under the "right pillows" implies orthopedic. The average man should not scare this definition of the product, as orthopedic - does not mean therapeutic and use it can be completely healthy people. For example, to prevent the development of the diseases of the spinal column.

With already existing disease without an orthopedic pillow, do not do at all. Even powerful therapy against the background of the wrong position of the head during sleep may not bring results, since in the afternoon - we treat and at night - kalechim (expressing metaphorically).

What should be the cushion at osteochondrosis?

Choose specifically an orthopedic pillow for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis - a task not from the lungs. In most cases, "template" are sold in pharmacies and rehabilitation centers, you can say "universal" products of this type.

They are suitable for others, they will be meaningless, and the third will harm at all. Moreover, the third item should be especially noted, since the patient can purchase an inappropriate orthopedic pillow and constantly use it.

The determination of the product (orthopedic!) In such patients, it causes a persistent feeling that everything works as needed. And this is a very serious problem, a person is confident that once the pillow orthopedic - treatment goes, but in fact because of the wrong choice, the disease only progresses.

How then how to choose an orthopedic pillow for treating the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine for itself? First of all, you need to turn to those products that:

  1. Save during sleep. Natural bends (lordoses, kyphosis) of the spine.
  2. When lying on which the head is on the same level with the vertebral post.
  3. When lying on which the vertebrae has a comfortable and moderately solid support.
  4. Muscles during sleep on such a pillow must be relaxed (patient with ease will feel this pleasant feeling).

When purchasing a product suitable under the criteria described above - use it within two weeks and carefully monitor changes. If you have become saturated, the head in the morning does not hurt, the neck muscles are not stolen - the choice is correct, if not - you should choose another product.

Cushion with cervical osteochondrosis (video)

How to choose a pillow with osteochondrosis?

If the first time you find an orthopedic pillow individually under myself failed, you will have to spend some time on the selection of "that very". Choose such products specifically for the treatment and prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, you need to three criteria:

  • the degree of rigidity (too hard or too soft items should be ignored, they are harmful even to healthy people);
  • form (despite non-obviousness - the most important criterion);
  • sizes (here is important not so much the width of the product as its height).

Select the product over stiffness should be based on exactly how you sleep: on the back or on my side. If on the back, then it is best to pick up a pillow with an average stiffness if the side is rigid, with a dream on the stomach, it is preferably softer.

You need to choose a pillow in shape, too, focusing on the pose during sleep. If you sleep on the back - it is best to choose a product in the form of a roller or crescent (the roller is also suitable for a dream on the side). When purchasing a rectangular pillow, make sure that there was a neck and head during her sleep, and the shoulders were somewhat lower.

It should get out like this: under your head there must be a pillow (a characteristic dent is formed), and under the neck - roller (to support the spine strictly in physiological bending).

With a choice of a specific product, consultants that are available in every store with similar goods can help you. Naturally, it is not necessary to hope for them, but we strongly recommend listening to their opinion.

How to choose a mattress when osteochondrosis?

With the choice of the mattress, about the same story as with pillows - it will take time to find a suitable product specifically.

The first thing you need to take into account is that it is not necessary to choose the mattress. It is advisable to choose a model with exceeding your growing length (there are 10 centimeters of the length of the length of the legs and heads).

With the width easier, there are classic models with a width of 80 centimeters and more (but not exceeding 90 centimeters). When choosing a double mattress, keep in mind that its width should be no less than 140 centimeters.

If we talk about the inner component of the mattress, the best products are best suited for springs. They are good for both single and double mattress. At the same time, we recommend choosing products with independent springs, they better support the body during sleep, preventing "failures".

Do not acquire soft models of orthopedic mattresses, they are good with lumbar osteochondrosis, but are not suitable for cervical. It is much better to buy a rigid model that is suitable not only at the cervical osteochondrosis, but also with the disease of the pelvic region of the spinal column.

Manufacturers, Models and Prices

There is literally with a thousand different models of orthopedic pillows and first faced with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine a person very hard to choose a quality product independently.

What orthopedic pillows are considered the best and at the same time not biting for the price? We recommend paying attention to the following models:

  1. Runo 310n. Size 50x70 centimeters, silicone filler, bleached biazi fabric (100% cotton). Price: 320 rubles.
  2. Bilerbeck Comfort. Size 40x60 centimeters, filler of 70% anti-allergenic fiber and 30% sheep wool (Chesna). Price: 1000 rubles.
  3. Mirson Deluxe Thinsulate + Ecosilk. Size 50x70 centimeters, filler - Ecosilk and Thinsulate. Price: 1100 rubles.
  4. Prof Mishle. Size: 70x (20 + 30) centimeters, made of the definition balls and cotton. Price: 1900 rubles.
  5. Soft Medical. Size: 40x60x12 centimeters, made of fluff, feather, low balls and cotton. Price: 1890 rubles.
  6. Royal Deluxe №1 (elastic). Size: 50x70 centimeters, made of Ecosilk and Thinsulate materials. Price: 1050 rubles.
  7. MEDI RELAX R Size: 60x43x11 / 10 centimeters. Made from polyester and Lurex. Price: 4100 rubles.

Where can I buy?

Buy orthopedic mattresses and cushions for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis can be in any large store of the respective goods. The problem is that in such stores sell products of general type, in fact, universal models.

We have already described their problems, but how to be? Doctors advise contact profile shops or pharmacies. For example, as soon as possible, the features of your body choose a mattress or a pillow in large stores of medical equipment or in rehabilitation centers.

Note that when you hike in profile stores, we should expect high prices for similar orthopedic goods. And it is quite obvious, since products from high-quality materials are sold at such vending points and specifically for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

But buy similar goods in transitions, on flea markets or with hands we do not recommend. And the matter is not even so much that the goods purchased in this way often poor-quality and have defects. And the fact is that in this way you can choose a product specifically for you with a very small share of the likelihood.

Is it worth spending your time, money and health (after all, while you select the desired model - illness progresses) on such classes? The question is rhetorical.

Osteochondrosis is a disease characterized by complex degenerative dystrophic processes in the articular cartilage. Most often it affects intervertebral discs. Depending on the region of localization of the disease, several types of its species are distinguished. Osteochondrosis is fairly common. The progression of this pathology is associated with dangerous consequences, since in this department of the spine through the holes placed in the transverse process of the vertebrae, the most important arteries responsible for the blood supply of the brain are held. Because of this, the pinching of the vertebrae is fraught with extremely negative phenomena.

This disease is characterized by manifestations that adversely affect the quality of life and ability to work. Patients turn to doctors with complaints of headaches, pain in the neck and other areas of the body. Moreover, the cervical osteochondrosis is dangerous and the fact that, figuratively speaking, "masked" under other aids, including the diseases of the cardiovascular system. Patients note nausea, dizziness, sharp changes in blood pressure, numbness of the tongue and even loss of consciousness.

It is extremely important in order to prevent the complications of this disease, has the right position of the neck and head for sleep. It is known that during the night rest muscles and bundles of the back, the shoulder belt and neck are relaxed, which is why their supporting effect on the spine is reduced. Moreover, the wrong post may continue for a long time. Doctors often register the symptoms of the cervical osteochondrosis caused by incorrect pose during sleep.

The right position of the head and neck during the night rest primarily depends on the element of the bedroom, like a pillow. It should be noted that such a device, like, in itself, the full range of problems will not be corrected. For the treatment of this disease, comprehensive treatment under the control of a qualified physician is therapeutic physical culture, medication and other measures. However, the exclusion of errors in the organization of the bedroom, and, in particular, the choice of a suitable pillow provides a very noticeable improvement in the patient's condition. The manifestations of the disease are gradually decreasing and subsequently manifest themselves again.

What pillow is better to buy at osteochondrosis of the cervical department?

Now many suppliers work on the production of such a device, as an orthopedic pillow with osteochondrosis of the cervical.

The most common products, the upper surface of which has a wave shape with one or a pair of rollers. This pillow design takes into account the natural anatomical outlines of the head and neck, so that they are in a physiologically correct position. This ensures the required relaxation of the muscular-ligament apparatus of the cervical, promotes normal blood flow in vertebral arteries. Some pillows also have a special recess for the shoulder, which provides additional convenience with a dream on the side.

Head and neck with a dream in such a posture are not in an anatomically right position. Proper relaxation of muscles and ligaments is not ensured, in addition, a negative effect on the bloodstream in the vertebral arteries is possible. All these circumstances are extremely unfavorable for people who have problems with the spine.

In some cases, people who are used to sleeping on ordinary pillows, such a form may not seem quite familiar. However, reviews for orthopedic pillows with cervical osteochondrosis indicate that possible discomfort quickly passes and then improves the quality of sleep and overall well-being.

These products can be made of different materials, both natural and artificial. Modern fillers give orthopedic pillows a number of advantages compared to traditional feathers and dying. These are hypoallergens materials, in addition, they do not create a favorable medium for breeding bed ticks.

One of the materials from which it can be performed is polyurethane foam ("Foam"). Also a fairly common filler is foamed latex. This is a natural material foamed by gevent juice (rubber tree). It is characterized by optimal elasticity, provides high-quality moisture and air exchange. Latex orthopedic pillow is resistant to pollution and is distinguished by a long service life.

Now you can, which possesses the "memory effect". The filler of such products under the influence of the heat of the human body temporarily changes the plastic characteristics, the surrounding areas of the material continue to remain elastic. Thanks to this, the pillow exactly repeats the bends of the body at the expense of their "memorization."

How to determine the size of an orthopedic pillow?

Before buying an orthopedic pillow with cervical osteochondrosis, it is required to determine the appropriate roller height.

There is a way that allows you to find out the correct roller size with a dream on the side. To do this, you need to measure the length of the adapter - the distance from the beginning of the shoulder to the bottom of the neck. This magnitude is required to add 2 cm - this is due to the fact that the mattress is required under the weight of the sleeping person. A small error of about 1 cm will not have a significant effect.

People with very broad shoulders often have to face difficulties in choosing an orthopedic pillow, since the model with a roller of a suitable height may not be available. However, there is a way to easily solve this problem. To do this, increase the height of the pillow, placing a terry towel under it.

Also, when choosing an orthopedic cushion at osteochondrosis of the cervical, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • For sleep on the back a lower cushion is suitable;
  • If you sleep on a soft mattress, which is very remembered, the optimal choice will be a cushion with a roller somewhat greater height;
  • If there is a desire to put the palm under the pillow, then the pillow roller is too small;
  • Pay attention to the dimensions of the pillow - it should not be wider than the mattress.

In conclusion, it is necessary to mention some other circumstances that are extremely important for healthy sleep. We should pay attention to possible bed defects. The base must be even, any deformations should not be present.

It should be responsibly referring to the selection of the mattress. Orthopedic mattresses are now available, which contribute to the correct position of the spine, comfortable and healthy sleep. If you pick up a mattress for a person with a spinal disease, consult with a medical specialist. As a rule, in this case, doctors consider the necessary high or medium rigidity.

The body of each person for full functioning requires a healthy vacation. Scientists have established that sleep quality depends on the position of the body. Today, for the right position of the body and muscle relaxation, special adaptations are developed, in particular, orthopedic pillows. With osteochondrosis of the cervical department, it is recommended to buy such a pillow, because such a disease causes a lot of unpleasant symptoms. To avoid them, the head and neck should be in the natural position in the process of sleep.

Purpose Pillow with cervical osteochondrosis

The orthopedic cushion at cervical osteochondrosis is extremely important because in a dream we all hold a significant part of our lives. At this time, all our body should relax, the muscles relax, the spine and the head in the smooth position. And although the acquisition of an orthopedic product will not help solve absolutely all problems relating to the spinal column, full holiday in the correct pose will allow preventing the progression of a disease.

Important! In the event of painful sensations in the field of back and neck, as well as other signs of osteochondrosis, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. With this disease, the doctor can recommend an orthopedic pillow as preventing the deformation of the spinal column. And for the treatment, special corsets are applied against the cervical osteochondrosis.

With cervical osteochondrosis, the orthopedic pillow will contribute:

  • normalization of muscle tone in the neck and back area
  • eliminate the feelings of discomfort;
  • improving sleep quality;
  • prevention of exacerbations and recurrence of the already developed illness;
  • preventing vertebrae deformations in the cervical spinal column;
  • improving blood flow in the neck and, as a result, the nutrition of the brain;
  • elimination of such pathological symptoms as dizziness and headache;
  • fast recovery after transferred traumatic damage or operational interventions.

All objectives described above makes it possible to achieve a special anatomical form of products. As a rule, such pillows have one or two rollers that support the cervical vertebrae. It is worth noting that their application is recommended and fully healthy peoplewho would like to fully rest and establish sleep mode.

Types of orthopedic pillows

You can buy orthopedic pillows with cervical osteochondrosis of various types. First, such products differ from each other in shape, secondly by manufacturing material and filler.

Attention! The correct cushion with orthopedic properties has rolic-shaped thickening, or several such thickens with a deck for the neck. During sleep, the head is located in the recess, the shoulders on the mattress. The product should not change the form.

With the damage to the cervical spine osteochondrosis, the crescent-shaped cushions are best suited for sleeping in the back position. They possess medium softness. If you are not used to sleep on your back, it is better to choose a universal rectangular pillow of the corresponding thickness.

Now let's talk about the orthopedic filler, the main property of which is the rapid recovery of the form. As a filler usually use:

  • latex is an excellent option for high pillows, as well as people who prefer sleep on the back. These models are characterized by good elasticity and high level of comfort. One of the varieties of latex filler are springs that support the vertebral pillar in a convenient and natural position;
  • independent mini-springs - similar models are perfectly able to restore their shape after pressing, they also provide the necessary support to the spine;
  • special cooling gel is an innovative technology that allows you to distribute the load evenly, providing a massage effect and cooling for unsurpassed comfort during a night rest. As practice shows, such products require some time addictive;
  • buckwheat husk - perfectly repeats the contours of the sleeping body, provides a micro massage of the cervical;
  • bamboo fiber is another type of filler, whose advantages relate to ease of care. Such a pillow will not accumulate dust and ensure good prevention of diseases of the spine.

Now you know which orthopedic pillows exist with cervical osteochondrosis. The price of them varies depending on the material of manufacture and manufacturer, in other matters as the cost of any orthopedic pillows.

How to choose an orthopedic pillow with cervical osteochondrosis

So, the first thing to pay attention to when choosing is a form and dimensions of the product. The pillow must have a small size and optimal thickness. Standard roller height is 8 or 14 centimeters. The height of the pillow itself can be calculated if measuring the distance from the neck to the edge of the shoulder and add two more centimeters to the result. Be sure to check the ability of the product to restore the form after pressing.

Note! Some people with spinal diseases prefer to sleep at all without a pillow, however, doctors strongly recommend this. In such a pose, the muscles do not have the opportunity to relax, in addition, there is circulatory disorders, which further aggravates the course of the disease.

There are some more important nuances that should pay attention to when choosing a suitable model. One of the key points is the posture in which you usually sleep:

  • on the back - we recommend to stop the choice on a fairly rigid rectangular model with a height of about 9 centimeters;
  • on the stomach - choose a soft product with low height;
  • on the side - pay attention to the model with rollers.

Understand that the pillow is not suitable for you in several signs. If during sleep you constantly want to put a hand under the pillow, it is worth replacing it to a higher. Also, the severity and pain in the neck will be correct evidence of the wrong choice. During the rest, you must feel that the body is absolutely relaxed, and the head and the cervical department of the spine are reliably held by the orthopedic product. At the same time, the head and body should be at the same level.

To make the acquired orthopedic pillow brought the maximum benefit, we advise you to take care of the purchase of a mattress with an elastic, but not an overly tight base. Despite the fairly high cost, orthopedic products will become a profitable attachment, because they will help significantly improve the well-being and quality of life.

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