Do-it-yourself plumbing in the country from HDPE pipes. Irrigation system in the country from plastic pipes Piping in the country with hands

garden equipment 17.06.2019
garden equipment

Leaving for a country house outside the city, few people are ready to completely abandon the benefits of civilization, especially when it comes to plumbing. Agree, the importance of water supply to a summer cottage is difficult to overestimate.

Water is needed to water the garden and garden beds as well as solving household problems. What to say about the use household appliances requiring connection to the water supply network. For the arrangement of water supply, you can attract specialists or manage on your own.

To make plumbing in the country with your own hands, you first need to decide on the source of water, pick up necessary equipment and materials, study the sequence of work. These are the questions we will help you solve.

For a better understanding of the water supply process, we have illustrated the material visual diagrams and photographs, supplemented the information with video clips.

The device of any water supply begins with the choice of a source of water supply. Although the choice is usually not great. It can be a centralized water supply system,.

From where the water will come from, not only its quality depends, but also the methods of constructing the entire plumbing system, its technical complexity and cost.

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Option 1. Plumbing from a well

The simplest "grandfather" method is. Its depth depends on the occurrence of the aquifer - up to 10 - 20 meters, as a rule. Of course, you can use such water only if filters are installed. Well water is often contaminated with nitrates and heavy metals.

Summer water supply will be quite enough for basic household and agricultural needs on the scale of one summer cottage. But if you are used to comfort, use the dacha as a place to relax and want to use water in the same way as at home, within the city, then it is better to do it in the country.

Winter plumbing is a much more complex system. Everything must be taken into account - from the natural slope of the terrain to the depth of soil freezing. Be sure to have a pump to provide water pressure. In a word, a winter-type summer water supply system is no different from a water supply system for residential private houses.

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The device of a typical plumbing system

Plumbing at their summer cottage consists of several elements:

  • pump equipment;
  • pipes and fittings;
  • pressure switch and pressure gauge;
  • draining device.

In addition to the above, the system may include other elements, such as storage tank, filters or heaters. Some components can be combined in one complex, for example, a pumping station.

Raise water from a well - pump selection

Water is supplied from a well or well by means of a pump. The choice of a pump is one of the most important tasks when planning the water supply of a summer cottage.

The choice of pump depends on:

  • depth of a well or well;
  • volume of consumption;
  • productivity of the well itself (debit);
  • well diameter;
  • water pressure;
  • financial component.

Some of these parameters cannot be calculated exactly, an approximate estimate is made. For this, it is best to consult an experienced craftsman so as not to make mistakes.

There are two types of pumps:

  • submersible;
  • surface.

The surface version is used only for pumping water from the well. It can be placed on the surface or inside the well, but stay afloat. Maximum depth for which it will fit surface pump- 8 m.

If your well is deeper or it is a well, then this type of pump is not considered.

The pumping station combines several elements: a hydraulic accumulator, a pressure gauge, a pressure switch and the pump itself

Drain valve for system conservation

There are situations when the water supply system has to be preserved, for example, during a long departure or repair. In such cases, all water must be drained from the system. To do this, immediately after the pump, that is, at the lowest point of the system, a drain valve is installed.

If you turn off the pump and open the valve, the water will begin to move into reverse direction through the pipeline due to the slope. Sometimes they do it differently and set check valve and a bypass pipeline. This scheme is used when using water from deep wells and wells.

How to organize sewerage for water disposal?

Since there is practically no central sewerage in summer cottages, you need to take care of an individual solution for draining Wastewater and liquid household waste. The old fashioned way you can dig cesspool, but it does not comply with sanitary and household standards. Yes, and you will have to clean such a hole often.

The design of the septic tank is based on the principle of wastewater treatment in several stages. In order for the septic tank to work correctly, all chambers, except for the last one, must be completely sealed.

Modern solution -. The easiest and most common way is a septic tank of 2-3 concrete rings. Although there are more advanced technologies, such as the eurocube, for example.

The task of the septic tank is to separate the solid component of the effluent, and to drain the relatively clean liquid component back into the ground. Thanks to such a system, you can get by with one call of the sewer in several years.

Step by step installation guide

In order to independently build a water pipe in the country, you need to make preparatory work: make a plan, prepare tools and materials. Only after careful preparation can you start laying the pipeline, connecting and installing internal wiring.

Step 1. Drawing up an action plan

You need to start work by compiling detailed plan. If the scheme is planned to be complex, you cannot do without the help of a professional, because plumbing is a responsible matter.

If you decide to do it on your own, prepare all the information:

  • the depth of soil freezing in your area;
  • depth ground water;
  • relief slope;
  • a plan of existing communications indicating water intake points;
  • site plan with all buildings;
  • the number of points of consumption (water supply at home, baths, watering the garden, filling the pool, etc.).

Draw first detailed diagram on a scale. In addition to the usual site plan, draw a profile image of the pipeline and an isometric plan. So you can take into account the slope when laying the water supply in the country.

It is necessary to describe in detail all the connecting elements and fittings that will be used. So you not only do not forget to buy anything, but also do not make mistakes during installation (+)

The depth of freezing is one of the most important characteristics. It depends on how deep the pipes will have to be laid. Please note that the pipe laying depth must be at least 20 cm greater than the freezing depth of the soil at the lowest point of the site.

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Country life can be improved by building a water supply system with automatic pumping of water. A well can serve as an autonomous source for organizing a country water supply, but most often a well is chosen. It does not need to be pumped regularly and you can simply raise the water with a bucket if the lights are turned off. natural source she needs cleaning. It will be carried out by carbon and membrane filters

Step #2. Preparing the necessary tools

When the scheme is ready, the materials are calculated, you need to take care of necessary tools. Suppose that you already have a well or well, so you can skip the stage of their device.

Mounting tools winter plumbing in the country:

  • shovel;
  • wrench;
  • gas key;
  • welding machine for pipes - "iron" (when using polypropylene);
  • roulette;
  • pipe cutter;
  • hacksaw;
  • gun for silicone and sealant.

Such a set will be enough for excavation and plumbing work.

You can buy a ready-made plumbing kit, which includes all the basic tools for laying plumbing. But measuring tools still have to be purchased separately and it is better not to save on quality.

If and electric installation work you plan to do it yourself, then you need to expand the tool kit with a screwdriver, tester, wire cutters and other electrician tools.

Step #3 Water supply device

To properly organize the work, you need to know the correct order:

  1. Carry out earthworks. Armed with a shovel, make trenches along the entire length of the water supply according to the plan.
  2. Take care of pump power. It is necessary to dig a separate trench, lay an electrical cable and mount an outlet to connect the pump.
  3. Install the pump. Depending on its type, it can be located outside or immersed in the well;
  4. Connect equipment to the pump: pressure switch, pressure gauge and accumulator. Then securely attach the pipe leading to the points of consumption.
  5. Install a drain valve for the possible conservation of the system.
  6. Install the piping system along the bottom of the trench. Do not forget about pipe insulation at this stage.
  7. Display external draw points.
  8. Connect the system and check if it works. Special attention is given to pipe joints, as well as equipment connection points.
  9. Backfill the trench. This stage is passed if the system is stable and there are no leaks.
  10. Install internal plumbing. Plastic pipes do not rust, so they can be deepened into walls. Install all faucets, plumbing, filtration systems and water heaters.

Well water must be purified. This is best done with flow filters or reverse osmosis systems. The latter provide complete purification from all impurities on molecular level, but the cost of their installation and maintenance is an order of magnitude higher.

Step #4 Choosing a device for heating water

To heat water in the country, you can use water heaters flow type(gas or electric) and storage type (boiler).

Geysers- very convenient, water is heated in unlimited quantities, quickly and efficiently. Yes, you can save on electricity. But, firstly, the gas pipeline in the country is a rare phenomenon, and to gas cylinder it makes no sense to connect the column, and secondly, the installation of the column should be carried out only by a qualified gasman.

The volume of the boiler depends on the number of people who will use it. hot water. If you only wash your hands or dishes, a 50 l unit will be enough, but in order to take a shower, you need to install at least an 80 l tank

Electric heaters can be installed and dismantled at any time, this is their advantage. However, in terms of heating rate, they are inferior to gas flow columns.

Electric boiler - the best option for garden use. Hot water always available, it is inexpensive and any novice master can install it.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In order to understand how to lay plumbing in the country, watch these visual video tutorials. You will learn from them how to install plumbing from a well, a water well, and also how to make it in the country summer version water supply.

Are you trying to equip a country water supply on your own or do you have a successful experience in implementing water supply? Or maybe you do not agree with the material presented? We are waiting for your comments and questions. The contact form is located below.

There is no need to convince anyone that running water in the country is necessary. This is so obvious. And therefore, we will immediately dwell in more detail on how to make plumbing in the country with our own hands, taking into account its operation in different time of the year.

First of all, you need to choose a source of water. The cheapest and in a simple way providing fresh water to the cottage is the construction of a well. It may have different depths. It all depends on the depth of groundwater. Basically, it does not exceed fifteen meters, and therefore the construction of a well costs minimal cost. However, such a structure provides small volumes of water (up to 200 liters per hour), besides, it contains a variety of impurities (nitrates, heavy metals, bacteria).

Wells and wells: what you need to know

Well device diagram

A more acceptable option is the construction of a sand well, the depth of which, depending on the aquifer, can be from 15 to 30 meters.

Such a structure per hour can give approximately 1.5 cubic meters water, which is enough for a small house.

What is better a well or a well?

The drilling of a sand well is carried out by the auger method - the rock is extracted to the surface. This usually takes 3 to 5 days. However, the sandy aquifer contains a lot of clay and sand, and therefore, in this case, filtration equipment will be needed.

Acquiring the coveted country cottage area, a good owner will first begin to equip the water supply system and this will be true. Summer plumbing in the country with your own hands is not so difficult. Indeed, without life-giving moisture, you will not only not be able to grow a normal crop, but any construction will be very difficult.

Even if you bring quickly mounted country houses from a block of containers, they will need some kind of small foundation, for which water is needed. Renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will solve the problem of energy supply for some time, but without water there will be little joy from this.

Where to get water

There are several traditional sources of moisture intake, which one is preferable for your site should be decided on a purely individual basis. We, in turn, will tell you about the most common.

Advice: if possible, it is better to start drafting a project with a survey of the nearest neighbors. Taking advantage of their experience and taking into account their mistakes, significant costs can be avoided.

good old well

If in your area the depth of the aquifer with a quality drinking water is within 3 - 15m, then you should not reinvent the wheel. The well will be the most best solution For you.

The cost of arranging an average well will not be much higher than drilling a well for sand. If the site does not stand on rocks, then 2 - 3 people can dig a well in 1 - 2 weeks.

The most convenient way to do this is with the help of concrete rings, the first ring is installed in the pit and soil is selected from under it. As the structure deepens, it builds up.

Important: unlike a well, the service life of wells fluctuates around 50 years. Plus, in the event of a power outage, water from the well can be raised with a bucket.

well drilling

There are 2 types of wells, sand and artesian. The depth of the well on the sand, depending on the location, ranges from 10 to 50 m. The horizon can begin immediately behind the first layers of dense loam. The same loam acts as a natural filter, purifying groundwater and melt water.

The water supply depends on the thickness of the reservoir, but on average, up to 500 l can be obtained from such a well per day. A serious problem here can be clogging with sand or silt. submersible pumps and filtration systems.

Most often, such structures do not live long, from about 5 to 20 years. But if you get to a full-flowing underground river and equip the wellbore with high quality, then such a source can last longer.

Experts advise drilling such wells manually, and it is better to look for a place for drilling using old-fashioned methods. From experience, with this approach, the probability of finding a quality source increases significantly. With machine drilling, you can simply skip the desired horizon.

Water in artesian wells is extracted from the limestone horizon. It is of course more rigid, but it is distinguished by exceptional purity. The depth of occurrence here is not predictable.

In the rocks, you can stumble upon an underground lake already at 30 - 40 meters. But there is an option to drill more than 100 meters.

The arrangement of such wells is quite expensive and, as a rule, they are made together. In addition to serious financial investments, you will also need official permission from the authorities, because artesian water is the property of the state. But on the other hand, there is a high probability of providing ourselves with clean water over the next 50 years.

Alternative ways

simple and relatively reliable option, is to connect to an already finished trunk. Now it can be done directly under pressure. For this, an overhead tee with a ball valve is used.

The tee is bolted to the line, after which a hole is drilled in the pipe and the valve is quickly closed. Then you can mount the branch.

As an option, you can use water from natural reservoirs located nearby, but no one will give you a guarantee of purity. Therefore, such water is more suitable for irrigation. You can also collect rainwater in separate tanks, but of course we are not talking about any serious scale here.

Methods for arranging water supply

For irrigation and some household needs, you can mount a temporary or stationary system summer water supply.

Demountable design

The collapsible version of the system is mounted from flexible silicone or rubber hoses. They are connected by metal or plastic adapters and connectors. Such accessories are not expensive, plus it is easy to make it yourself.

Speaking about the merits, it should be noted that the price of such a design will not be high, plus you can assemble it in a couple of hours. Any damage here can be quickly found and repaired.

But such a system is very vulnerable. The pipes in it, as a rule, lie directly on the ground or are mounted above the ground on special suspensions, so they are easy to damage.

At the end of the season, it will need to be dismantled and hidden, as there is a possibility of theft. Experienced summer residents know that the most unpleasant thing here is that everything will cling to these hoses.

Tip: for the installation of a temporary structure, experienced summer residents lay a collapsible line of HDPE pipes. It runs in the center of the site and is equipped with several nodes for connecting flexible silicone hoses. Such a system is much simpler and more practical, plus flexible hose much less is needed.

Stationary summer system

Stationary water supply, of course, is more convenient than a collapsible one, since it is laid underground and will not interfere and spoil the landscape of the site. Do not be confused by the word stationary, the price of such a design will not be much higher than that of a temporary system. Of course, you will have to tinker with the arrangement, but believe me, it's worth it.

Another big plus is that a well-laid central line of the system can, if necessary, become the basis for arranging a winter water supply in the house.

  • As in any business, you should start with the creation of a project. Here, the more carefully and scrupulously you write down and draw each node and sector of the system, the easier it will be to select equipment, materials and carry out installation.
  • From experience, we can say that it is better to draw a sketch directly on the ground, that is, to independently go through every meter and turn of the highway. This will make it easier to calculate the number of connectors and determine how many connection points you need.

  • The central highway and branches by sectors can be made from polypropylene pipes or from polyethylene pipes low pressure HDPE. In terms of costs, these systems are approximately equal, the fact is that polypropylene pipes are more expensive than HDPE, but the price of couplings and connectors for HDPE equalizes the cost of the estimate.
  • Also note that polypropylene pipes are soldered, therefore, you will need a power source. The design of HDPE pipes can be assembled without soldering.

Important: to install a system of polypropylene pipes, you will need a special soldering iron. Now many shopping centers they rent a soldering iron if you buy material from them, this is very convenient, since the system can be assembled in 1 - 2 days and is not spent separately on a soldering iron.

  • If a total length system does not exceed 30 m, then pipes with a diameter of 20 mm are sufficient for its installation. But experts advise laying the central line with pipes with a diameter of 25 mm, and wiring in sectors can already be done with twenty-millimeter pipes. For a low pressure system, it is better to use 25 mm pipes completely.
  • Installation instructions standard. All pipes must be placed taking into account the fact that for the winter the water from the system must be drained. That is, the entire system must go downhill and a valve or valve must be installed at the lowest point to drain the system. The lower point is made in the water intake area.
  • If you mount the system for, then the depth of the bookmark is done in the region of 20 - 30 cm. For watering the beds, the pipe must be buried to a depth of about half a meter, so as not to damage it when digging with a shovel or cultivator.

  • For the installation of a structure made of HDPE pipes, you will need special couplings equipped with internal and external threads. Although they already have O-rings, it is advisable to wind the fum-tape onto the thread, it is wound clockwise without wrinkles, 6 - 8 turns. This will significantly increase the density and hence the durability of the connection.
  • The pipe is driven and pushed inside the coupling to a hard stop, this is about 50 mm. The coupling can be tightened by hand, but at the end it should be slightly tightened with a No. 2 gas wrench. In the same way, taps and tees for wiring are connected.
  • For cutting plastic pipes there are special scissors and roller cutters, thanks to which the cut is even and does not require additional processing. But if you do not want to spend money on such a specialized tool, then you can use an ordinary hacksaw, however, in this case, the burrs on the cut are removed with a round file.

Tip: when purchasing a coupling for connecting a water gun or other sprinkler, it is better to take the so-called aquastop coupling, a valve is built into it, thanks to which you do not need to turn off the water when replacing the device.

  • As a rule, the central highway is laid from the water intake to the house and conclusions are drawn from it to connect a flexible hose or wiring by sector. It makes sense to make it more thorough so that it is possible to supply water to the house if, for example, you decide to meet New Year in the country.
  • Many experts advise that the pipe does not freeze, lay it deeper than the freezing level of the soil. But in some areas of our country, the level of freezing reaches 1.5 m, and this is quite difficult to do. It is much easier to bury the pipe to a depth of 30 - 50 cm and insulate it.
  • For insulation, a bed of technical polyethylene is laid out at the bottom of the trench, you can take a cut plastic pipe of large diameter. As an insulating filler, you can use any porous non-hygroscopic material, such as foam chips, slag or expanded clay.
  • It is attached to the main pipe itself special wire . When connected to the mains, it will heat up and will not allow the line to freeze during operation, pipes with a built-in heating thread are produced, but they are expensive.
  • The pipe is laid on the insulation and covered with the same layer of insulation from above.. After that, the entire structure is closed with waterproofing and covered with soil.

Tip: it is better to take cast-iron, brass or bronze taps and valves for connecting in a house or greenhouse. Ball valves made of composite materials will not last long.

  • When choosing a pump, please note that the passport indicates from what depth it can lift water. So, to the real depth of your well or well, you need to add the length of the irrigation distribution system at the rate of 1m of vertical rise.

The video in this article shows some of the intricacies of installing a water pipe.

Excellent article 0

Plumbing in the country, even if it is a summer, temporary option, performs many important functions. This is watering the garden and the garden, street needs, Summer shower, bath water supply, even at home, if the design is made in the capital version. In order for the system to please and work smoothly, it is necessary to pay attention to all its components. Especially important right choice pipes - different materials serve different purposes. For example, the functions and creation of a water supply system in a country house made of HDPE is fundamentally different from the temporary version of rubber hoses.

Before taking care of country water supply, you need to decide on the option of plumbing. In a city apartment, everything is very clear: water is needed in the bathroom, bathroom, and kitchen. As for the option for giving, before choosing materials for work, you need to decide why you need it?

The simplest option is a summer collapsible design for irrigation, garden needs, and a shower outside. Its peculiarity is that the pipes are laid on the surface of the soil, and for the winter they are disassembled and cleaned in a warm place. Therefore, the materials for its creation can be almost any. The option of a stationary summer water supply also does not involve the use of particularly resistant materials. Pipes in this case are located in trenches underground, but for the winter the water is drained from them, which means that they cannot freeze and crack.

Ownership country house gives unlimited opportunities for the manifestation of creativity, imagination. Many choose...

It is a completely different matter - capital, permanent water supply. It is manufactured in accordance with all the rules, with laying pipes underground in frost-resistant insulation. Such a system is suitable for year-round operation. Therefore, especially strong pipes are used here, which are not afraid of frost, temperature changes, boiling water from the inside. In addition, they must be durable, because every two or three years, digging up the ground and changing the water supply is not the greatest pleasure, and it is also very expensive.

For the construction, it is very important to choose the right pipes and insulating materials for them, because the service life will depend on this. Each material has its pros and cons to consider.

Having decided on which system and for what purposes you need, you can choose pipes for plumbing in the country.

What pipes are

At the end of the last century there was no doubt about the choice water pipes. All because there was no choice: metal pipes- the only option on the market of the past. Now, mostly plastic pipes are used. But plastic is a very conditional concept. Options polymer materials many, and each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

However, metal pipes should not be written off, they are still used, albeit not as common as various plastic options. Generally speaking, you can create a water supply system in the country with your own hands from the following materials:

  • rubber hoses;
  • black steel;
  • Cink Steel;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • HDPE (low pressure polyethylene);
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride).

The choice of material depends on how the water supply is supposed to be used. Therefore, it is impossible to say which material is better and which is worse.

For the summer collapsible version, light, easy-to-install, well-understood tubes are suitable. For capital, those are required that are resistant to corrosion, withstand temperature extremes, pressure and other influences well.

Types of pipes

All materials have their own advantages and disadvantages. Next, let's take a closer look at how different pipes differ, how they better, and the worse their "competitors".


Rubber hoses are a variant of a country water supply, if it is a summer collapsible design. Rubber is a flexible material, so such tubes can easily be on the ground without interfering with any work and moving around the site. Irrigation plumbing, that is, one that is used exclusively for irrigation personal plot, just well made of rubber, due to its flexibility, maneuverability and ease of installation.

black steel

Black steel is a high strength material. However, at present it is not very popular due to the fact that it is difficult to install and prone to corrosion. The first problems with such pipes may appear in five years. But pipes made of black steel are not afraid of almost any mechanical impact. They are durable, impact resistant high pressure, as well as its differences and temperature differences.

Cink Steel

Unlike its predecessor, black steel, galvanized steel is resistant to corrosion, while also maintaining high mechanical strength. It would be an excellent material if it were not for the complicated installation. So, to work with metal, welding is required, as well as the creation of threads.


This option combines the advantages of metal and polymer materials. When creating such a structure, an aluminum pipe is placed between two polymer layers. Thus, it turns out that the metal is reliably protected from the inside and outside, which means that it is not subject to corrosion. And due to the metal base, the pipe is durable, resistant to any impact.

At the same time, metal-plastic pipes on the market are represented by a variety of options at an affordable price, and installation is quite simple.


Polypropylene is essentially a type of plastic. The design of the summer water supply in the country from polypropylene pipes is quite durable, while being easily mounted and dismantled. In addition, this material is also suitable for a capital year-round system, since it is presented in various options:

  • for sewerage;
  • for cold water supply;
  • for hot water supply;
  • for heating.

Polypropylene plumbing is resistant to hot and cold temperatures. Therefore, this material is used not only in private households, but also for industrial needs. Such pipes are connected by soldering.

HDPE (low pressure polyethylene)

It is currently one of the most popular materials. We can say that HDPE pipes for water supply to the country house - perfect option. Judge for yourself. So, this material allows you to assemble the system without using additional equipment, since all fittings are already threaded, and you can tighten them by hand without much effort.

The system of HDPE pipes is very durable, can last up to 50 years. This is because this material does not rust, does not corrode, is resistant to chemical and mechanical stress. In addition, it withstands high temperatures, and when water freezes, it does not burst, but stretches. Therefore, even if you forget to drain the liquid from the HDPE pipes of the summer water supply for the winter, nothing very terrible will happen.

Various variants of such pipes are suitable for low and high pressure.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride)

PVC is another popular modern version for the manufacture of pipes. Their cost is lower than that of polyethylene. However, some qualities are also lower. The structure is assembled using cold welding. At correct use the term of use is also 50 years.

However, such a pipeline is afraid of mechanical impact. In the presence of scratches, the strength of the entire structure suffers, so the option is completely unsuitable for summer surface plumbing. If you choose PVC for fixed structure, two points must be taken into account. First, they can only be laid in isolation. Secondly, they cannot withstand temperatures above +45 and below -15 degrees Celsius. This means that PVC plumbing is only suitable for summer stationary cold plumbing.

Fittings for plastic pipes

When creating a country water supply system from plastic pipes, it is important to choose the right not only a variation of this material, but also to select the necessary fittings for it. The most commonly used are:

  • couplings for the tightness of the joints of pipes of the same diameter;
  • adapters for connecting pipes of different diameters and connecting to the main line;
  • tee coupling for easy liquid drainage;
  • threaded coupling for combining a pipe with a long-standing plumbing system using threaded connections;
  • flange connection for connection to the water discharge manifold;
  • coupling-"saddle" for connecting a pipe of smaller diameter to the main line;
  • coupling-plug to create tightness of the end of the pipeline or to disconnect.

In addition, given the fact that HDPE pipes, for example, do not bend at a right angle, there are special connecting swivel fittings.

It is important that the strength of a water supply system made of polyethylene pipes largely depends on the correctly selected fittings and the correct installation.

There are other options for fittings. In any store, when choosing pipes, they will help you choose additional suitable elements.

Mounting Features

Having decided on the features of the water supply system, you can proceed to the preparation and installation of the selected structures.

  1. We make a plan. The scheme for arranging a country water supply should take into account all the features of the site. It is also necessary to make all the necessary measurements.
  2. We choose materials. You should choose and purchase materials only after deciding which pipes you will use and how many you need.
  3. We free the site. During installation, nothing should interfere with the process.
  4. Let's start earthworks. This item is relevant if a capital water supply is being built. If the system is shallow, trenches do not need to be dug.
  5. We install pipes. Pipes are laid in place, fastened together.
  6. We connect all systems. You can then connect the system to pumping station and check its operation.

If after installation everything works according to the best scheme, you can dig trenches, not forgetting about insulation, of course.

After pleasant, but tedious country chores, I really want to wash off all the fatigue of this day under warm jets of water ....


Currently, choosing pipes to create a water supply system in the country is not a problem. The variety of materials, shapes, sizes is huge. There are pipes for literally all occasions and for different situations: to create heating, for cold and hot, for sewerage. The diameter of the pipes, their resistance to temperature and pressure are also different.

Preference is given now different options pipes made of plastic, polyethylene. They are durable, resistant to corrosion and wear. Structures made of polymer variants do not rust and, with proper, careful operation, can last for many years.

How good is a HDPE pipe for a country water supply? How to organize a permanent water supply when water is supplied according to a schedule or from your own well? What does the installation of a summer water supply system look like in a country house with HDPE pipes? Let's try to answer these questions.

Physiochemical properties

Let's start by studying basic properties low pressure polyethylene (HDPE).

  • It is resistant to aggressive environments and any biological influences.

Hint: Alkalis and acids are supplied either in plastic containers or in glass containers with plastic stoppers.

  • The material is resilient and elastic. Not only that: elasticity is maintained at low temperatures.

  • Like all other polymers, polyethylene is an insulator.
  • Softening temperature - 80-120 degrees Celsius.
  • Adhesive properties - at an extremely low level. Simply put, other substances do not stick to polyethylene. Water doesn't wet it either.
  • The price of polyethylene is minimal among all plastics - both because of the manufacturability of production, and due to the cheapness of gaseous raw materials.

Depending on the polymerization conditions of the raw material - ethylene - there are three types of this plastic.

Note: obtaining HDPE and PSD requires a catalyst.
The presence of oxygen is sufficient to initiate the formation of VDP.

Of these materials, HDPE has the highest mechanical strength. It is he who, more often than his related polymers, is used for the production of pressure pipes.

Small diameters are also made from it, allowing you to combine segments into an arbitrarily complex pipeline without using a tool.


The study of the properties of the polymer allows us to formulate what, in fact, is so attractive for summer water supply in a country house made of HDPE pipes against the background of alternatives - steel, metal-plastic, copper or polypropylene water supply.

  1. It is much cheaper than any other material.
  2. Installation of HDPE pipes for water supply in the country does not require any tools, except for a miter knife.
  3. The elasticity of the pipes allows you to lay lashes with numerous bends.
  4. Due to the inertness to chemical and biological influences, the pipes can be laid directly into the ground - this will not affect their service life.

  1. Finally, the summer water supply from HDPE in the country does not need to be dismantled for the winter. The frost resistance of plastic and its elasticity, which remains at low temperatures, allows you not to be afraid of the formation of ice plugs. Even if the water remaining in the pipes freezes, the pipe will only stretch slightly, and after thawing it will return to its original size.

Water supply schemes

From the well

How to install a water supply system from HDPE pipes in a country house, if a well located on the site serves as a source of water for it?

The list of elements of the water supply system in this case will be as follows:

  1. Submersible pump (vortex or centrifugal). Vortex pumps are somewhat cheaper and more compact, but multistage centrifugal pumps are capable of transporting water from large quantity impurities, while creating a pressure of tens of meters.
  2. check valve that prevents water from draining back into the well after stopping the pump.
  3. Hydraulic accumulator, which accumulates water and creates overpressure with the pump off.
  4. Pressure sensor and relay, which turn the pump power on and off when the threshold values ​​are reached.

From the water supply of the garden partnership

An equally common scenario is when HDPE pipes for water supply in a country house are connected to a network that supplies water according to a schedule (from two times a day to once a week). It is clear that for permanent residence in the country, this schedule can hardly be called comfortable.

Is it difficult to ensure a constant supply of water in this case?

  1. The main element of the scheme is a polyethylene water tank with a volume of 200 to 2000 liters (the volume depends on the water supply schedule and on its consumption). The container is installed in the attic country house, on a welded base or on a natural elevation.
  2. A filler is used to fill the container. It is installed in a hole cut in the wall of the container and sealed with standard gaskets.
  3. The drain pipe at the bottom of the tank is used to connect the local water supply.
  4. When installed in the attic, the container can be equipped with an overflow for safety reasons. At a level just above the valve, a hole is inserted into the hole cut in its wall sewage pipe 50 mm in diameter. The outlet from the tank is made to the sewer or to the beds; the connection of the pipe and the wall is sealed with high-quality silicone sealant.


How to assemble a water pipe from HDPE in the country with your own hands?

There are a few subtleties here:

  • Ensure that the O-rings fit between the pipe and fitting. A jammed seal is a common cause of a leaky joint.
  • Do not forget to clean the surfaces to be joined from debris and dirt.
  • Do not use tightening tools. If a manually assembled fitting connection leaks, disassemble it, correct the seals and reassemble it.
  • Do not bend the pipe with a small radius. She won't crack; however, the walls will collapse, sharply reducing throughput pipeline.

Attention: if instead of a miter knife you use a hacksaw to cut the pipe, do not forget to chamfer the inner and outer surfaces of the pipe.
The burrs will prevent you from putting on the o-rings.

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