The main components of the pedagogical process: description, principles and functions. Technological component of professional and pedagogical culture

reservoirs 21.09.2019

One of the essential characteristics of the pedagogical process is its technologization - compliance with the content and sequence of educational stages requires special attention to the use, development and inspiration of the improvement of pedagogical technologies.

Pedagogical technology (Greek techne - skill and logos - word, teaching) - a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special approach and composition of forms, methods, methods, reception of chalk, means (diagrams, drawings, diagrams, maps) in the educational process .

UNESCO interprets pedagogical technology as a systematic method of creating, applying the process of teaching and mastering knowledge, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction in order to optimize the forms of education.

The concept of "pedagogical technology" is somewhat broader than the concept of "educational technology", since it also covers educational technologies. In the pedagogical literature, the concepts of "technology of learning I" and "educational technology" are used as identical concepts. to teach well, that is, highly effective, and the concept of "educational technology" is less focused and allows us to consider various learning technologies ogiya "less goal-directed and giving an opportunity to see different learning technologies.

Pedagogical technology must meet the following methodological requirements:

Conceptuality (each pedagogical technology should be based on a certain scientific concept, which provides a philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals)

Consistency (pedagogical technology must have all the features of a system: the logic of the process, the interconnection of all its parts, integrity);

Manageability, which provides for diagnostic planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results;

Efficiency (pedagogical technologies exist in specific conditions and must be effective results and optimal costs, guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of education);

Reproducibility, which makes it possible to use (repetition, reproduction) of pedagogical technology in other educational institutions of the same type by other subjects

Each pedagogical technology can be effective if it is psychologically justified and has a practical orientation. The development and application of any pedagogical technology requires the creative activity of teachers and students, involving them in creative participation in the development of technological tools: compilation technological schemes, maps, organization of technological forms of education and training. The activity of the teacher turns out to be in deep knowledge psychological characteristics students making adjustments to the deployment technological process, organization of mutual consultations, mutual checks and mutual assessments.

The result of pedagogical technology depends on the level of skill of the teacher, his general development, the general psychological climate in the team, the material and technical equipment, the mood of the students, etc.

In general, pedagogical technology brings pedagogy closer to the exact sciences, and makes pedagogical practice an organized, controlled process with expected positive results.

. Questions. Task

1. Expand the essence of the pedagogical process, describe its structure. Why does the teacher play the leading role among the components of the pedagogical process?

2. Describe the main patterns of a holistic pedagogical process

3. Can the basic principles of the pedagogical process be divided into important and unimportant ones?

4. Justify the need for a holistic approach to the practical application of various pedagogical technologies

. Literature

Dialogue of cultures and spiritual development person:. Materials. All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference -. K, 1995. Likhachev. B. T. Pedagogy -. M, 1996

Educational technologies:. Tutorial/. Ed 0. M infantry -. K, 2002

Selevko. G.K. Modern educational technologies:. Tutorial -. M:. Public education, 1998

The pedagogical process is the developing interaction of educators and educators, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of educators. Ensuring the unity of education, upbringing and development on the basis of integrity and community is the main essence of the pedagogical process.

The components of the system in which the pedagogical process takes place are teachers, educators, and the conditions of education. The target component of the process includes all the variety of goals and objectives pedagogical activity: from the general goal - the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality - to the specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities or their elements. The content component reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task, and activity - the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. This component in the literature is also called organizational, or organizational and managerial. The effective component of the process reflects the effectiveness of its wrangling, characterizes the progress made in accordance with the goal.

Stages of the pedagogical process

Pedagogical processes are cyclical. The same stages can be found in the development of all pedagogical processes. The main stages can be called: preparatory, main, final. At the “preparation of the pedagogical process” (preparatory) stage, appropriate conditions are created for the process to proceed in a given direction and at a given speed. At this stage, the following important tasks are solved:

1) goal setting;

2) diagnosis of conditions;

3) forecasting achievements;

4) design and development process planning.

The main stage - the implementation of the pedagogical process - can be considered as a relatively separate system, which includes important interrelated elements:

1) setting and explaining the goals and objectives of the upcoming activities;

2) interaction between teachers and students;

3) the use of the intended methods, means and forms of the pedagogical process;

4) creation favorable conditions;

5) implementation of various measures to stimulate the activities of schoolchildren;

6) ensuring the connection of the pedagogical process with other processes.

Stage of analysis of achieved results (final). This stage is necessary in order not to repeat the mistakes that inevitably arise in any process, even very well organized, in the future, in order to take into account the inefficient moments of the previous one in the next cycle. Analyzing - learning. The teacher who benefits from the mistakes made is growing.

Components pedagogical system

The pedagogical system is a combination of components (parts) that remains stable during changes. If changes (innovations) exceed a certain allowable limit (margin of safety), the system collapses, in its place new system with other properties. Professor V.P. Bespalko represents the following interrelated set of variant elements:

1) students;

2) the goals of education (general and partial);

1. Mastering the system of knowledge, skills, experience, cognitive and practical activities, value orientations and relationships.

2. The process of specially organized pedagogical interaction, which ensures the formation of the necessary social ideas, moral and volitional qualities, and behavioral experience.

3. Independent transformation of oneself, one's knowledge, skills and abilities.

4. Assimilation by a person of values, norms of attitudes inherent in given time society social community, group and reproduction by them social connections and social experience.

o education (1); about socialization (4); o upbringing (2); about self-education (3).

Establish correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

1. System essential requirements and provisions that ensure the effective functioning of the educational process.

2. The system of knowledge, skills and abilities, the mastery of which lays the foundation for the development and formation of personality.

3. A purposeful process and result of a person's mastery of a system of scientific knowledge, cognitive skills and abilities and the formation of a person's worldview on this basis.

4. The process of purposeful formation of personality in a specially organized educational system.

o teaching principles (1); o upbringing (4).

o purposeful transfer of experience of older generations to younger ones (1);

o formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students (3);

o spontaneous assimilation of the norms and values ​​of society (4);

o biosocial process of quantitative and qualitative personality changes (2).

Match the pedagogical category with its definition.

1. Organization of the pedagogical process in accordance with a specific pedagogical concept.

2. The formulation by the teacher of a contradiction that has arisen in a specific pedagogical situation, the solution of which requires additional knowledge, skills or experience.

3. Pedagogical phenomenon acting as a driving force, source or mechanism for the development of another pedagogical phenomenon.

4. Specially organized, developing in time and within a certain educational system, the interaction of educators and pupils, aimed at achieving a pedagogical goal.

o pedagogical problem (2); about pedagogical technology (1);

o pedagogical process (4); o pedagogical factor (3).

110. A SECTION OF PEDAGOGY that studies the laws and principles of organizing the learning process is called ...

o didactics; about the theory of education;

o pedagogical technology; on the management of educational systems.

111. Special pedagogical science that develops the foundations, principles, methods, forms, means of teaching and educating children with hearing impairments is called ...

o deaf pedagogy; about typhlopedagogy;

o correctional pedagogy; about suggestopedagogy.

112. Pedagogy is closely connected with physiology, since the teacher needs knowledge ...

o laws of objective determinism of pedagogical phenomena;

o biological factors child development;

o the basics of family education;

o the level of upbringing of schoolchildren.

113. The science of sociology allows pedagogy ...

o take into account factors influencing human development;

o take into account the conditions conducive to the development of relationships between participants in the pedagogical process;

o determine the main scientific directions of development;

o take into account the social conditions that contribute to the upbringing of a person to a greater or lesser extent.

114. Religious values ​​were decisive for the content of education in ...

o the Renaissance; about ancient world; about middle Ages; about primitive society.

The age from 0 to 2 years in the concept of J. Piaget corresponds to the _________ stage of intellectual development.

o formally operational; o preoperative;

o sensorimotor; about the specific operating room.

116. driving forces OF THE PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS are its…

o contradictions; o methods; o form; about the regularity.

The attitude of the teacher to the pupil as a responsible and independent subject of his own development implements in practice the principle of ___________ of the pedagogical process.

o visibility; about humanistic orientation;

o scientific; about succession.

118. Emphasis in pedagogical processes and phenomena common features is the essence of METHOD...

o modeling; about abstraction; about concretization; about generalizations.

119. To empirical (practical) methods pedagogical research applies...

o conversation, classification, synthesis, scaling;

o observation, analysis, experiment, interviewing;

o observation, conversation, questioning, experiment.

Ways of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific information about them in order to establish regular connections, relationships and build scientific theories are ___________ research.

o actions; o result; about methods; about tricks.

121. Identification of cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogical processes and phenomena is realized through ...

o scaling; o punishment; about experiment; about the survey.

122. The technological component of the pedagogical process does NOT include ...

o the purpose of education; about educational technologies;

o methods of education; about the form of organization of training.

123. Correspondence of the content, forms and methods of the pedagogical process with the modern level of development scientific knowledge implements the principle...

o visibility; about scientific; about the humanistic orientation; about succession.


  • goal;
  • content;
  • forms;
  • the activity of the teacher, which is realized through pedagogical tasks, methods and means;
  • the activity of the student, which is determined by his personal goals, motives and means;
  • result joint activities teacher and student.

Pedagogical influence and interaction must have a purpose. Only then does it become an organized and controlled process.

The pedagogical process is not possible without the mutual activity of the teacher and the student. The activity of the teacher is determined by the goals and objectives that are formed on the basis of the social order educational system. These goals and objectives are transformed in the professional consciousness of the teacher. Pedagogically appropriate, correct and adequate should be the methods and means used by the teacher.

The activities of a student or children's team are also characterized by conscious and unconscious goals and motives, with the only difference being that they are the personal goals of each child and do not always correlate with the goals of the team or teacher. The student uses in the process of his activity the methods and means offered to him in the process of education and socialization. But the lower the level of experience and knowledge, the lower their expediency and adequacy to the problems being solved. That is why in the pedagogical process the greatest responsibility lies with the more mature and competent. This approach is not a complete removal of responsibility from the pupil. The child is responsible for his actions in proportion to his age, individual and gender characteristics, the level of education and upbringing, the level of formation of the ability to set goals.

Naturally, the activities of the two subjects of the pedagogical process do not always coincide. AT various types Pedagogy deals with this problem in different ways. In the authoritarian pedagogy of influence, the specificity of the student's activity is not a focus for constant study and understanding; accordingly, the discrepancies between the activities of the teacher and the student are often significant. In humanistic pedagogy, which is based on the interaction and cooperation of the subjects of the process, the implementation of pedagogical activities takes place in contact with children, stable attention to the psycho-physical state of pupils, their problems and motives of behavior. For a positive result, the pedagogical process should be organized as a process of interaction with the manifestation of information, communication, and organizational and activity links between the subjects of interaction.

The result of the interaction of a holistic pedagogical process is a system of relationships and values ​​of life in unity with activity. The essence of a person is manifested precisely in his activity. In the process of practical activity, relationships are born, a value system is manifested. The system of such attitudes and values ​​of the student will determine his attitude towards himself, towards people around him, towards the world as a whole and makes him comprehensively developed, educated, educated, if this system has a positive direction.

Procedural structure and components

If we consider the procedural structure of the pedagogical process, we can distinguish the following components:

  • emotional and motivational,
  • content-target,
  • organizational and activity,
  • control and evaluation.

The emotional and motivational component of a holistic pedagogical process is endowed with emotional relationships between its subjects and the motives of their activities. Motives for action include:

  • students' motives,
  • motives of educators.

The motives of the pupils must be formed in the right direction. Socially valuable and personally significant motives determine the effectiveness of the pedagogical process. An important role in the pedagogical process is also played by the motives of educators, in particular the nature of the emotional relationship between them.

The content-target component of a holistic pedagogical process connects the general, individual and private goals of education, with the content of educational work. The goals of education are filled with the specific content of knowledge, skills and attitudes to reality. This content acquires a specific meaning in relation to the individual and individual groups, is determined by the age of the subjects of interaction and the specifics of pedagogical conditions.

The organizational and activity component of the pedagogical process is the management of the educational process by teachers. In fact, this is the organization of the pedagogical environment for the formation and development of the child's personality, the organization of the interaction of the subjects of the pedagogical process. In such interaction, the organizational role of professional teachers is manifested, who have knowledge of the principles of educational work and professional methods of using the means of education that ensure the achievement of the goals of education. Means and methods add up to various forms joint activities of teachers and students.

The control and evaluation component of the pedagogical process is the control and evaluation by teachers of the activities of students.

It can be expressed in summing up the results of a certain stage of interaction and in determining the level of development of trainees in order to develop a further program of activities. Through evaluation, a social impact on the activity of the individual is possible. It is for children that control and evaluation are important. Relationships between children and adults are full of evaluative moments. Self-assessment by students of their successes and shortcomings is also important here. The development of the ability to objectively evaluate one's own activity is an important task and part of the structure of the pedagogical process. Actual for the pedagogical process is the control and evaluation by the state and society. Here, self-control and self-assessment by the teacher of his professional activity, the ability to track its results and reflection are important.

Technological component of professional and pedagogical culture.

The concepts of "pedagogical culture" and "pedagogical activity" are not identical, but united. Pedagogical culture, being a personal characteristic of a teacher, appears as a way to implement professional activities in the unity of goals, means and results. Diverse types of pedagogical activity, forming the functional structure of culture, have a common objectivity as its resulting form in the form of specific tasks. Solving problems involves the implementation of individual and collective capabilities, and the process of solving pedagogical problems is a technology of pedagogical activity that characterizes the mode of existence and functioning of the teacher's professional and pedagogical culture.

An analysis of the concept of "technology" indicates that if at first it was associated mainly with the production sphere of human activity, then recently it has become the subject of many psychological and pedagogical studies. The increased interest in pedagogical technology can be explained by the following reasons:

‣‣‣ The diverse challenges facing educational institutions, involve the development of not only theoretical research, but also the development of issues of technological support for the educational process. Theoretical research reveals the logic of cognition from the study of objective reality to the formulation of laws, the construction of theories and concepts, while applied research analyzes pedagogical practice that accumulates scientific results;

‣‣‣ Classical pedagogy, with its established laws, principles, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing, does not always quickly respond to the scientific substantiation of many scientific ideas, approaches, methods; lags behind, and often hinders the introduction of new methods and methods of pedagogical activity;

‣‣‣ widespread introduction into the educational process information technologies and computer technology required a significant change traditional ways training and education;

‣‣‣ General pedagogy remains very theoretical, teaching and upbringing methods are very practical, and in this regard, an intermediate link is required to actually connect theory and practice.

Considering pedagogical technology in the context of professional and pedagogical culture, it is legitimate to single out in its structure such an element as the technology of pedagogical activity, which fixes a set of techniques and methods holistic implementation pedagogical process. The introduction of the concept of "technology of pedagogical activity" into scientific circulation involves the construction of such a model that would be based on the ideas of a systematic, holistic approach, considering pedagogical activity as a process of solving diverse pedagogical problems, which are inherently tasks social management. The technology of pedagogical activity is considered through the prism of solving a set of pedagogical tasks for pedagogical analysis, goal-setting and planning, organization, evaluation and correction. The technology of pedagogical activity, therefore, is the implementation of techniques and methods for managing the educational process at school.

The pedagogical task, expressing the unity of the goal of the subject of activity and the conditions in which it is solved, must meet a number of requirements, for the implementation of which pedagogical actions are implemented as ways of solving pedagogical problems.

Methods for solving the problem are algorithmic or quasi-algorithmic. The algorithmic method is applied in the event that the procedure for solving the problem consists of efficient operations and does not contain ambiguously determined branches. The quasi-algorithmic way of solving the problem contains ambiguously deterministic ramifications determined by the conditions of the actually posed problem. AT teaching practice quasi-algorithmic ways of solving problems prevail. High level solving problems in the activities of a teacher is due to the presence of various models, solution designs, fixed in the memory of the individual. Often an adequate solution is not found, not because there are no adequate solutions in the "repositories" of memory, but because the teacher (often a beginner) does not see and does not accept the situation itself that requires a solution.

Based on the characteristics of the pedagogical activity of the teacher, the logical conditionality and sequence of his actions, operations for its implementation, the following binary groups of pedagogical tasks can be distinguished:

Analytical-reflexive - tasks of analysis and reflection of the integral pedagogical process and its elements, subject-subject relations, arising difficulties, etc.;

Constructive and prognostic - the tasks of building a holistic pedagogical process in accordance with the general goal of professional and pedagogical activity, developing and making a pedagogical decision, predicting the results and consequences of pedagogical decisions;

Organizational and activity - implementation tasks best options pedagogical process, a combination of diverse types of pedagogical activity;

Estimated and informational - the tasks of collecting, processing and storing information about the state and prospects for the development of the pedagogical system, its objective assessment;

Correction-regulating - the tasks of correcting the course, content and methods of the pedagogical process, establishing the necessary communication links, their regulation and support, etc.

These tasks are considered as independent systems, which are a sequence of actions, operations that characterize specific types of technologies of the teacher's pedagogical activity. An analysis of the structure of pedagogical activity makes it possible to single out a system of actions, since the concept of pedagogical action expresses the general that is inherent in all specific types of pedagogical activity, but is not limited to any of them. At the same time, pedagogical action is that special, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ expresses both the general and all the wealth of the individual. This allows you to climb from the abstract to the concrete and recreate the object of pedagogical activity in cognition in its entirety.

The selected groups of pedagogical tasks are typical for a teacher as a subject of professional activity, however, they imply their creative individual-personal solution in a specific pedagogical reality.

Technological component of professional and pedagogical culture. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Technological component of professional and pedagogical culture." 2017, 2018.

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