Developing learning system L.V. Zankova

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A bad teacher presents the truth, good - teaches it to find it. A. Dysterweg

Zankov Leonid Vladimirovich(1901-1977) - teacher and psychologist, academician of the USSR APU, follower of the school L. S. Vygotsky, put forward and experimentally confirmed his model of educational training.

System L.V. Zankova appeared and received distribution in the 50s. According to the scientist, the school did not reveal the reserves of the child's mental development. He analyzed the state of affairs in education and the path of its further development. In his laboratory for the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment as a leading criterion for the work of the school appeared.

Today, the federal scientific and methodological center named after L.V. Zankova under the Ministry of Education of Russia is opened on the basis of the former laboratory.

The system of educational training on L.V. Zankov can be called a system of early intensified comprehensive personal development.

Classification characteristic

By level of application:tagged. By the main factory of development:sociogenic + psychogenic. For the concept of assimilation:associative-reflex + developing. By orientation on personal structures: Court + SEN + ZON + Sum + SDP.

By the nature of the content:educational, secular, general education, humanistic.

By control type:system of small groups.

According to organizational forms:cool-grade, academic + club, group + individual.

By approach to the child:personally oriented.

By predominant method:developing.

In the direction of modernization:alternative.

Target orientations

High total personality development.

Creating a basis for comprehensive harmonic development (harmonization of content).

Hypothesis L. V. Zankova

The development of L.V. Zankov understands as the emergence of neoplasms in the psyche of the child who did not specify directly learning, but arising from the internal, deep integration processes.

The general development is the emergence of such neoplasms in all spheres of the psyche - the mind, will, the senses of the student, when each neoplasia becomes the fruit of the interaction of all these areas and promotes the identity as a whole.

Knowledge of themselves do not yet provide development, although they are a prerequisite.

Only general development creates the foundation of human harmonic development (Zun + Court + Sumy + SEN + SDP).

In the learning process, there is no knowledge, skills and skills, and their psychological equivalent - cognitive (cognitive) structures.

Cognitive structures are schemes, through which a person looks at the world, sees and understands it.

Cognitive structures - a substrate mental development. These are relatively stable, compact, generalized-semantic system ideas of knowledge, methods for their preparation and use stored in long-term memory.

Cognitive structures are the essence that develops with age and in the learning process. The results of this are expressed in the peculiarities of mental activity: in perception, thinking, speech, level of arbitrary behavior, memory, in the amount and definition of knowledge, skills.

Complex structures are created from simpler, diffuse, but they never develop from them, and every time new quality is born. This is the essence of development.

Conceptual didactic provisions

For the greatest effectiveness of the general development of schoolchildren, L.V. Zankov developed didactic principles of PO:

Targeted development based on a complex educational system;

Systemism and integrity of content;

The leading role of theoretical knowledge;

High difficulty learning;

Promotion in the study of the material by a rapid pace;

Awareness of the teaching process;

Inclusion in the learning process not only rational, but also the emotional sphere (the role of observation and practical work);

Problematization of content (collisions);

The variability of the learning process, an individual approach;

Work on the development of all (strengths and weak) children.

Features of content

The content of the initial learning step is enriched according to the goal of a comprehensive development and streamlined; It allocates the wealth of the general picture of the world on the basis of science, literature and other types of art. In the first grade, the beginning of natural science is presented, in the second geography, in the third - stories on history. Particular attention is paid to, music, reading genuinely artistic works, work in its ethical and aesthetic meaning.

Not only cool, but also the extracurricular life of the guys is taken into account.

The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge of L.V. Zankova

Training programs are constructed as the dismemberment of the whole on diverse forms and steps, the occurrence of differences in the process of motion of the content.

The central place takes work on a clear remultingdifferent signs of studied objects and phenomena. The distinction is carried out within the framework of the principle of systemism and integrity: each element is absorbed in connection with the other and within a certain integer. Zankovtsy do not deny the deductive approach to the formation of concepts, ways of thinking, activity, but still the dominant start in their system - inductive path.

Special place is given to the process comparisonsince, by means of well-organized comparison, it is established, in which things and phenomena are similar and what is different, differentiate their properties, side, relationship.

Main attention is paid to development analyzing observationabilities for the allocation of different sides and properties of phenomena, their clear speech expression.

Features Methodology

Main motivationcurriculum is informative.

The idea of \u200b\u200bharmonization requires a combination of rational and emotional, facts and generalizations, collective and individual, informational and problematic, explanatory and search methods.

Methodology L.V. Zankova involves engaging the student in various activities, to use didactic games, discussions, as well as teaching methods aimed at enriching imagination, thinking, memory, speech.

Lesson in the system of educational training

The lesson remains the main element of the educational process, but in the L.V. Zankov system of its function, the form of the organization can vary significantly. The main invariant qualities:

Objectives are subject not only to the report and inspection of Zun, as well as other groups of personality properties;

Polylog in a classroom based on self-mention of children;

Teacher's cooperation and student.

Methodical goal is to create conditions in the lesson for manifestation of the cognitive activity of students.

This goal is achieved in the following ways:

The teacher creates problematic situations, collisions;

Uses a variety of forms and methods of organizing educational activities, allowing to disclose the subject's subject experience;

Makes up and discusses the lesson plan together with students;

Creates an atmosphere of the interest of each student in class;

Stimulates students to statements, the use of various ways to perform tasks without fear of mistake, get the wrong answer, etc.;

Uses the didactic material during the lesson, allowing the student to beat the most significant appearance for it and the form of study content;

Not only the final result is evaluated (correctly - incorrectly), but also the process of activity of the student;

Encourages the desire of a student to find its way of work (solving the problem), analyze ways to work other students, choose and master the most rational.

Features lesson

The course of knowledge is "from students."

The transforming nature of the student activity: observed, compared, group, classified, draw conclusions, find out patterns. Hence the nature of the tasks: not easy to write off and paste the missed letters, solve the problem, but awaken to mental actions, their planning.

Intensive independent activity of students related to the emotional experience, which is accompanied by the effect of the surprise of the task, the inclusion of an approximately study reaction, the mechanism of creativity, help and promoting the teacher.

A collective search sent by a teacher who is ensured by issues that awaken the independent thought of students, preliminary homework.

The creation of pedagogical situations of communication in the lesson that allows each student to exercise the initiative, independence, selectivity in work methods; Creating a situation for the natural self-expression of the student.

Flexible structure. The allocated common goals and facilities of the organization's organization in developing learning technology are specified by the teacher, depending on the purpose of the lesson, its thematic content.

Development tracking

Incovering the student in educational activities, oriented on its potential opportunities, the teacher should know what kind of activity he mastered during the previous training, what are the psychological features of this process and the degree of understanding by students of their own activities.

To identify and track the level of overall development of the child, L.V. Zankov proposed the following indicators:

Observation - the initial basis for the development of many important mental functions;

Abstract thinking - analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization;

Practical actions - the ability to create a material object. The successful solution of difficult problems is completed with the powerful inclusion of positive reinforcement systems.


Theoretical workswhich serve as a scientific disclosure of the Education and Development Relationship: Development of students in the process of learning / ed. L.V. Zankova. - 1-P cl. - M.: Publishing House of APN RSFSR; Oky cl. - M.: Enlightenment, 1967; Zankov L.V. Didactics and life. - M.: Pedagogy, 1968; Training and development / ed. L.V. Zankova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1975; Individual options for the development of younger schoolchildren / Ed. L.V. Zankova and M.V. Zverver. - M.: Pedagogy, 1973; Mastering the knowledge and the development of younger students / Ed. L.V. Zankova. -M., 1965; Chuprikova N.I. Mental development and training. - M.: JSC "Century", 1995; Zankov l, c. Memory. - M., 1949; Zankov l, c. Visuality and activation of students in learning. - M.: Uchochegiz, 1960; Zankov L.V. On primary learning. - M., 1963; Zankov L.V. Commonwealth of scientist and teacher. - M., 1991; Kabanova-Meller E.N. Formation of methods of mental activity and mental development of students. - M., 1968.; Zvereva M.V. On the primary learning system, aimed at the general development of students // Psychological science and education. - 1996. - № 4.

Training programs, Methodological manuals, Tutorials for the teacher:Secondary school programs. Initial classes. - M.: Enlightenment, 1997; New primary learning system - I, II, III classes / ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1965, 1966, 1967; Experimental learning tasks / Ed. L.V. Zankova. - M.: NIIPA APN of the USSR, 1978; Studying the development of students in the teacher / Ed. M.V. Zverver. - M.: NIIPA APN of the USSR, 1984; Training and development / ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1975; The development of schoolchildren in the learning process (3-4th classes) / Ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1967; Berkman T.L., Grishchenko K.S. Music development of students in the process of teaching singing / under total. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1961; Zankov L.V. Conversations with teachers. -M., 1970, 1975; Commonwealth of scientist and teacher / Sost. M.V. Zvereva, N.K.indik. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991; The history of the formation of man. For teachers and students of the 2nd class. Educational and methodical manual. -Minsk: Belarusian House Press, 1996; The training program on the L.V. Zankov system, 1-3 classes. - M., 1996; Nechaeva N.V. Planning a literacy period (system I-III). -M.: FNMC, 1996; Nechaeva N.V. Studying the effective development of the speech activities of younger students. - M.: FNMC, 1996; Nechaeva N.V., Roganovaz. Experimental program and materials for the teaching of the Russian language in 5-bd classes. - M.: FNMC, 1996.

Textbooks, books for students:Romanovskaya Z.I., Romanovsky A.P. Live word: read book in I, II, IIIclass / under total. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1965, 1966, 1967; Polyakova A.V. Russian language: textbook for I, II, III class / under total. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1965, 1966, 1967; Zankov L.V. Mathematics textbook for I class. -M., 1965; ARGINSKAYA I.I. Mathematics textbook for II, III class / under total. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1966, 1967; Chutko N.Ya. Educational materials on history - III CL. -M.: Enlightenment, 1967; Zankov L.V., Arginskaya I.I. Mathematics, I CL. -M.: Enlightenment, 1979; Dmitrieva N.Ya. Book in natural science. I CL. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979; ABC / Ed. Nechaeva N.V. - M., 1996.

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Over the years, the modern school has needed indigenous qualitative changes regarding training and education. In recent years, there have been big changes in the life of the modern school: curriculums change; Developed and successfully introduced into training alternative programs and textbooks; There are private schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges; The experience of foreign schools is being studied.

The quality of students' knowledge with the traditional learning system has long causes universal alarm. The preservation of the traditional lesson, the traditional cool-time system leads to formalism in assessing the activities of students and teachers, in the impossibility of solving many vital learning and education tasks. Improving the lesson - the main form of the learning process - is intended to ensure the organic unity of education, education and development of students.

In this regard, in elementary school, the problem of exiting the situation has arisen.

Such an output was seen in developing learning, in which mental neoplasms in the child arise not only in the content side of the psyche, but also in the procedural side, that is, the methods of mental, in particular intellectual activity.

The results of psychological and pedagogical studies conducted under the leadership of L.V. are of particular importance for educational training. Zankova, V.V. Davydova, D.B. Elkonin. The main task of initial study of these studies is the overall development of students and its close relationship with learning.

Studies have shown that the introduction of younger students in the basics of sciences, the development of the system of theoretical concepts open the ability to restructure the entire nature of the development of the child, form the ability to theoretical generalization.

The purpose of the study is to theoretically examine the basics of educational training on the L.V. system Zankov and practically prove the effectiveness of this system.

Hypothesis - educational training on the system L.V. Zankova has a positive effect on the depth and strength of program knowledge, skills and skills of students, as well as on the level of general development

Object research: Developing training.

Subject of research: Features of educational training on the L.V. system Zankov.

1. To study theoretical material on this problem.

2. To identify the practical significance of educational methods.

3. Prove the need to apply developing techniques on the L.V. system Zankov in the learning and education process.

The following methods were used in the study: theoretical analysis of literary sources on the study under study; observation, conversation; Standing and forming experiment, statistical data processing.

1. Analysis of literature on the problem of educational training on the L.V. system Zankova

1.1 Basics of educational training

The overall characteristics of the concept of "educational training".

The organization of traditional learning is based on a class-grain principle. In this principle, a traditional school was built. The founders of the class-urgent system are considered to be Ya.A. Komensei and I.F. Herbart. The main thesis is "Training all everything." The main idea - knowledge is developing the personality of the student, training can not not develop. The traditional school in its classic version is distinguished by clear and hard frames, clearly outlined borders in the organization of the educational process, strict laws of interaction between teachers and students. The characteristic features of traditional learning are the predominance of reporting teaching (the teacher reports the knowledge of the student), regulativity (the standards of education are strictly asked, the assimilation of which is mandatory for each student), orientation on the "average" student. Accounting for individual abilities of schoolchildren is limited by the specified canons, the student is an object of learning, relations with the teacher are often built on authoritarian type.

The traditional school is aimed at solving two main tasks. First, it should arm students with strong knowledge, secondly, to prepare for life, forming the most important skills and skills. Thus, in the traditional course of study, development has long moved to the background. This problem was worried about both foreign and domestic teachers. The way out of this situation was found in developing training.

In recent years, the public attention is increasingly attracting the ideas of developing learning, which is associated with the possibility of fundamental changes in school. Moreover, one of the basic principles of school reform is proclaimed the principle of developing education.

Even in the early 1930s, an outstanding domestic psychologist-Humanist HP Vygotsky justified the possibility and feasibility of learning-oriented child development. According to his conviction, pedagogics should not focus on yesterday, but for tomorrow child development. Training is good only when it goes ahead of development.

In the formation of a system of educational training, three stages are quite clearly distinguished. The first of them, covering the end of the 50s-60s, is the period of creating a fundamentally new theoretical concept of the development of junior schoolchildren in school training. At the second stage (in the 70s), on the basis of this concept, a project of a system of developing primary training was developed on the basis of the Ministry of Education of the USSR. Finally, after some interruption, in the late 80s. The period of mastering the system of mass education school has begun.

In the late 1980s, the first schools appeared, which took the concept of educational training.

The school of educational training can be built according to the scheme:

c Purpose: Promotion of self-realization and self-affirmation of the individual, the formation of more perfect interpersonal and social relations; humanization of relationships;

ts View: Personal and public orientation;

c Principles: Scientific, objective;

c Character: Creative, productive;

ts Purpose: personality development, warning deadline of development;

c learning process: the predominance of individual-differentiated forms, creative approach;

c Technology: New, focused on the relief of student and pedagogical labor;

c control: student - subject of activity; The control object is a holistic pedagogical situation; support for personal initiatives of trainees;

c style: democratic, encouraging;

c Organization: knowledge-based and accounting patterns of living and developing personality;

c student: source of own development; Subject of activity;

c Teacher: friend of children, humanist. Open for students oriented;

c control: internal, holistic;

c consequences: Love for school, desire to learn, cooperate, develop, cohesion, mutual understanding, confidence;

c Results: Active, initiative, developed, liberated, trusting itself, confident in its own rightness, viable personality.

The scheme of developing learning appeared not from scratch. How much school exists in general, so much the best minds solve the problem - how to teach what to learn what to develop.

So, developing training is a holistic pedagogical system, an alternative to the traditional primary learning system.

This is the orientation of the educational process to the potential features of the child and their implementation

The purpose of developing learning is to bring up from each student of a subject of its own life, that is, a person who can independently put certain objectives in front of them and find optimal means and solutions.

Developing learning concepts.

Specific reflection The problem of the patterns and principles of education finds in the concepts of educational training developed by domestic psychologists and teachers. In the last decade, the theorists and the practice of domestic education gives this problem more and more attention devoting to her scientific works, creating methodological benefits and special programs.

Ideas hp Vygotsky received further development in the works of D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova and L.V. Zankov. In the 60s, the concepts of educational training were developed, on the basis of which experimental studies were conducted at school.

However, many scientists, teachers and methodologists still have troubled ideas about the essence of developing learning, about various types and forms, that in pedagogy there are a number of developing learning concepts that interpreting this issue in different ways. Consider some of these concepts.

Concept V.V. Davydova and D.B. Elkonina

In the 60s. XX century Scientific team under the leadership of psychologists V.V. Davydova and D.B. Elkonina tried to establish the role and importance of younger school age in the mental development of man. D.B. Elkonin, analyzing schoolchildren's learning activities, saw her originality and essence is not in the assimilation of certain knowledge and skills, but in self-implanting the child itself as a subska.

D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, V.V. Repanka believes that each age corresponds to a certain leading activity, which is mastered on the appropriate age-related stage and is assigned as an individual ability as mental neoplasm.

Based on this periodization for younger school age, the leading is educational activities, and the corresponding neoplasm is theoretical consciousness and thinking and the corresponding abilities - reflection, analysis, mental planning. All other pedagogical tasks at this age can be solved only on the basis of executing training activities and it is it that determines the development of imagination, and the formation of an emotional sphere and the like.

In a traditional school, all the content of training disciplines is based on empirical knowledge, empirical communication. The child is formally logical or with the help of external associations and the analogies classifies the world.

According to V.V. Davydov, to build an artificial pedagogical action, providing deep penetration of the student in the study content, it is necessary to help the child to make a meaningfully genetic generalization, when, analyzing a specific phenomenon, we extend its essence, "protruding as universal relationship", and then, analyzing mentally experimenting With this entity, we build new specific manifestations. This path is the interpretation of a special path of knowledge known as "climbing from the abstract to a specific".

The deployment of the substantive material is the unfolding of the system of theoretical concepts. The child as a result in specially built studies should learn its origin. Such an acquisition by the child of knowledge (concepts) as a universal method (principle) for a particular phenomenon is called V.V. Davydov procedure of meaningfully genetic generalization.

The lesson himself changes in the learning system. Didactic lesson rod is the activity of students.

Pupils are not just solved, discussed, and are observed, compared, classified, group, draw conclusions, find out patterns. Their actions with the educational material are transformed.

The organization of work in the lesson depends on the relationship between the activities of the teacher, the student, the class team. Cooperation, interaction with another person is the only way to master, assigning culture. But the culture of Multurovneva is heterogeneous. And just as heterogeneous form of cooperation, plunging into which, the child masters various layers of culture.

The most accurate attitudes of the cultural content and form of cooperation formulated hp Vygotsky: "A new type of generalization requires a new type of communication."

As a preschooler, the child was involved in the development of the form of cooperation (infant, children's, gaming). However, crossing the school threshold, he is invited to master another completely new form of cooperation - training cooperation.

Educational cooperation is aimed at common methods of thinking and action for all people, and not on the unique uniqueness of every person. Educational cooperation is aimed at the result, and the result is new ways of action, developed by the child.

Without specially organized cooperation, educational training is impossible. Educational cooperation is necessary in training aimed at raising a person who can learn, change itself.

Petrovsky V.A. and Vinogradova A.M. Allocate three forms of cooperation:

1. Educational cooperation with adults;

2. Educational cooperation with peers;

3. Meeting (many meetings) of a child with himself, changing during training.

Educational cooperation should be constructed as an agreement on cooperation and mutual assistance, in which both parties participate - both the teacher and children participate. The educational cooperation of the teacher with the student is a preifune of the future individual ability of the child to curriculum. Once in new conditions and finding out for myself the limitations of our own capabilities, a person has three options:

c create, invent a new way;

c found the missing way in books;

c to learn about the desired method of action in a person who owns them.

The first and second options are found from individual younger students, and in these cases we are talking about the gifting or about advanced development. The third way is the norm for the younger student who owns educational cooperation.

What should be the training cooperation of the teacher with a class preparing the child to the active position of the student, that is, a student of himself with the help of adult and peers?

D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov believes that "all forms of school relations must be general and regulate not only the relationship of the" child-adult ", but also the relationship of the child. In this case, the normos-like behavior is more efficiently developed as a whole class, but in small children's groups that are for the child simultaneously and emotional support groups.

Initially, younger students perform training together, support each other in accepting and solving the task, conduct a discussion of choosing the best search path. It is in these situations that the zones of the nearest development arise. In other words, in the first stages, training activities are carried out by a collective subject. Gradually, it begins to independently carry out each, which becomes its individual subject.

The concept of educational training V.V. Davydova and D.B. Elkonina is aimed primarily on the development of creativity as a basis of personality. It is this type of educational training that they oppose the traditional. Many provisions of this concept have received confirmation in the process of long experiments. Its development and approbation continues at present. However, this concept is still not fully implemented in mass educational practice.

Concept of phased formation of mental actions.

This concept is developed on the basis of the theory of P.Ya. Galperina and N.F. Talisina and can be represented as a number of stages.

The first stage implies the actualization of the corresponding student's motivation, preliminary familiarization with the goal of action, since only when the purpose of the task coincides with the motive, the actions can be considered.

The second stage is associated with the awareness of the approximate framework of the activity (actions). Students will preliminarily get acquainted with the nature of the activity, the conditions for its flow, the sequence of orientation, executive and control functions. The level of generalization of actions, and therefore, the possibilities of transferring them to other conditions depend on the completeness of the approximate framework of these actions. It is distinguished by three types of such a basis:

these are an incomplete orientation system in the finished form, according to the sample necessary for operational execution (for example, mastering the elements of reading techniques);

c is given a complete indicative basis of the action in the finished form;

c An indicative basis of the action is proposed in generalized.

The third stage - performing action in external form, material or materialized, i.e. With the help of any models, schemes, drawings, etc. These actions include not only orientational, but also executive and control functions. At this stage, verbal support (prolonging out loud) performed operations and their characteristics is required from students.

The fourth stage implies an external speech when the action is subjected to further generalization due to the speech (oral or written) design and separation from materialized funds.

The fifth stage is the stage of internal speech, on which the action acquires a mental form.

Finally, the sixth stage is associated with the performance of a mental plan (the interiorization of action).

The advantage of the concept of phased formation of mental actions is to create conditions for the work of the student in an individual pace and for motivated self-government to educational and cognitive activities.

In addition to those considered by us, there are still a number of concepts, such as: the concept of Z.I. Kalmykova, which considers that developing is such training, which forms productive, or creative, thinking; The concept of L.M. Friedman, from the point of view of which the most significant in the development of children is the nature of their activities in the educational process, the main purpose of which is to educate a comprehensive and socially mature personality; Concept N.N. Pospelova, focused on the formation of mental operations, which act as a condition and means of organizing educational training; E.N. Concept Kabanova Meller, also related to the formation of thinking operations, which it calls accepting academic work and defines them as a system of actions that serve to solve educational tasks. So, developing learning is a holistic pedagogical system, an alternative to the traditional system of primary training, orienting the educational process to the potential child's capabilities and their implementation. The purpose of developing learning is to bring up from each student of a subject of its own life, that is, a person who can independently put certain objectives in front of them and find optimal means and solutions.

1.2 Developing training on L.V. Zankova

General characteristics of the system L.V. Zankov.

With the substantiation of a new approach to primary learning L.V. Zankov in the 60s criticized the traditional methodology. In his opinion, the programs and methods of learning do not provide the highest possible overall development of students and at the same time give a low level of knowledge and skills. This is because the educational material is facilitated, primitive character with a low theoretical level; The teaching methodology is counting on the memory of students to the detriment of thought; The limitation of experienced knowledge leads to verbalism, the curiosity and individuality of children is ignored; A slow pace of learning is practiced.

In the development of a new learning system L.V. Zankov proceeded from the position of L.S. Vygotsky: Training should lead the development. And he showed how learning should be to lead to development.

The development of children in this system is understood not in a narrow sense, not as the development of individual parties - attention, memory, imagination, and the like, but as the general development of the personality. General Development L.V. Zankov considers as a holistic movement of the psyche. Each neoplasm in the psyche in the course of general development arises as a consequence of interaction and mind, and will, and the feelings of a child, as a result of their holistic unity.

The system is distinguished by faith in every child, in his power. It takes into account that the development of each child is unevenly slow, then jumps like - depending on its individual characteristics, from the features of the highest nervous system, its experience, etc. "The system takes the child as it is, seeing in every adult man with his own characteristics, the warehouse of mind and character."

So, the general development of younger students in the framework of experimental works L.V. Zankova was considered as the development of abilities, namely: observation, ability to perceive phenomena, facts (natural, speech, mathematical, aesthetic, etc.); abstract thinking, ability to analyze, synthesis, compared, generalization, etc.; Practical actions, the ability to create some material object, produce manual operations, developing at the same time perception and thinking.

Task learning. The chapter in the Snank System is put forward to the task of general mental development, which is understood as the development of the mind, will, the feelings of children and is considered as a reliable basis for learning knowledge, skills, skills.

The teacher must reoriented in the vision of the student, to perceive it not only as a capable or disposable to the absorption of the school program, but also as a person with all his experiences, desires, interests, a man who came to school is not only in order to gain knowledge, but also for In order to happily, to fully live these years.

S.A. Gusev in this regard notes: "By analyzing your work experience and asking yourself a question, why so good, just as I wanted to develop in my students of interest and pleasant to study, to my lessons, to me as a teacher, I give myself Such an answer. The reason lies in the fact that I managed to restore the views on the student, to understand and accept the task of the overall development of schoolchildren, and not only their learning. "

This provision can be considered as the principle of detention of education. In other words, theoretical, and empirical knowledge are included in the content of education. The world in paints, forms, sounds in consciousness, to the spiritual world of the child.

The wealth of education is achieved, firstly, due to the inclusion in the curriculum as separate items of natural science, geography; secondly, due to the enrichment of the content of the objects generally accepted in the elementary classes - Russian, reading, mathematics, labor learning, the objects of the aesthetic cycle; Thirdly, due to the change in the ratio of the significance of the so-called main and non-monogram items. From the point of view of general development there are no major and non-unmarked items. And no less important than the promotion of students in mastering spelling skills, the account, reading is mastered by visiting the art, admission to works of art, the development of skills to observe the world around; Fourth, due to an increase in the specific weight of the knowledge gained by children under the guidance of a teacher outside the school walls during a different kind of excursions; Fifth, by bringing into the course of the lesson of independent, personal, everyday observations of children; In sixth, an important element of the content of education in the "Zankovsky" classes, the child's own "I" of the child, aware of the child himself.

Such an approach to the selection of education content provides a variety of activities of children's learning process. Each is given the opportunity to survive success in one, so in another form of activity.

Training method. One of the properties of the methods of L.V. Zankova is its versatility: not only the intelligence of the schoolchildren, but also emotions, aspirations, volitional qualities and other parties are involved in the sphere of exercises.

Next L.V. Zankov distinguishes such a property as a procedural knowledge. The study of each segment of the training course is included as an element in the study of another segment, each element of knowledge enters into more and more broad links with other elements.

The following property is the focus of the methodology for the resolution of collisions, i.e. Meeting during the study of the material clashes of knowledge, their contradictions. Independent, of course, with the guiding role of the teacher, the permission of the children of collisions is the initiation of intensive training activities, and, consequently, the development of thinking.

Didactic principles of L.V. system Zankov.

During the experimental pedagogical study, the problems of learning and development L.V. Zankov, new didactic principles of the system were formulated:

c training at a high level of difficulty (in compliance with the difficulty);

c leading the role of theoretical knowledge;

c is the study of software with a rapid pace;

c. Awareness of schoolchildren of the teaching process;

c General development of all students, including the strongest and weaker.

New didactic principles, emphasized L.V. Zankov, do not replace, do not develop, do not complement the previously established principles. They arose in the logic of scientific research on the problem of study and development, have their relationship, their system, beyond which cannot exist.

New didactic principles are based on the basis for the selection of the detention of education in primary grades and the basis of its methodological organization.

Consider the didactic principles of the L.V. system Zankov Read more.

The principle of training at a high level of difficulty is characterized, according to L.V. Zankova, not so much so that it exceeds the "average norm" of difficulties, and above all, what reveals the spiritual forces of the child, gives them a space and direction. It also refers to the difficulty associated with the knowledge of the essence of studied phenomena, dependencies between them, with the true introduction of schoolchildren to the values \u200b\u200bof science and culture.

The most significant here is that the assimilation of certain knowledge becomes simultaneously and the ownership of a schoolboy, and the next step, providing him with the transition to a higher level of development. Training at a high level of difficulties is accompanied by compliance with the difficulty measures, which has a relative nature.

The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge in primary education is nominated by L.V. Zankov as a principle that is inextricably linked with the principle of learning at a high level of difficulty. He outlines the nature of difficulties, shows that "it means not any difficulty, but the difficulty consisting in the knowledge of the interdependence of phenomena, their internal substantial bond."

According to M.V. The beast, such aspiration on the disclosure of the inner relationship, such a nomination for the first plan of the educational part of the training was not. It is unlikely that it is possible to deny that it is the disclosure of internal ties between phenomena, facts, between the studies under study permeates experimental training. This is also reflected in programs and textbooks, and not only in mathematics, but also for all other educational subjects taught in experimental classes: natural science, geography, artistic work, music, Russian language, reading, history.

Aspiration on the disclosure of internal relationships is the main thing in principle the leading role of theoretical knowledge, and not that before or after some specific, private knowledge is reported to the general situation.

The principle of learning software is a rapid pace. Revealing the essence of this principle, L.V. Zankov emphasizes primarily his official role in relation to the principle of learning at a high level of difficulty. "Unlawful slowdown in the pace associated with multiple and monotonous repetition of the past, - writes L.V. Zankov, - Creates interference or even makes it impossible to study at a high level of difficulty, since the training activity of the student is predominantly at the rolled paths. "

At the same time, the materiality of his independent role is emphasized, since he focuses the teacher to the correct understanding of the laws of mental activity of the child. It requires continuous enrichment, updating the content of mental activity, which is a necessary condition for understanding the material being studied, the condition for the disclosure of various sides of the acquired knowledge.

It is very important that when the disclosure of this principle is indicated for the unlawfulness of mixing it with the requirement to rush, to give as much tasks as possible at the same lesson.

The effective means to go in a rapid pace and strong, and weak students, is the use of a differentiated technique, the specificity of which is that the same topics of the program are the various students pass with an unequal depth.

The principle of awareness of schoolchildren of the teaching process is one of the most important principles of the new didactic system. Revealing the essence of this principle, L.V. Zankov writes that this principle is close to the generally accepted principle of consciousness of learning of knowledge, and is different from it. "The principle of consciousness in its usual understanding and our principle of awareness of schoolchildren to the teachings process differ from each other by the object and by the nature of the awareness. If in the first awareness turned outwardly, having information information, skills and skills that need to be seized, then in the second it is drawn inwards, on the flow of training activities. "

What is the subject of awareness of students, what aspects of the learning process? These questions we find the following answers in the book "Training and Development": "How are the digestible knowledge of knowledge, what are the different parties to master the spelling or computational operations, what the mechanism of errors and their warnings are these and many other issues related to the process of mastering knowledge And skills, represent the right attention of schoolchildren. "

M.V. Zvereva notes that he did not find his full disclosure here, all that turns out to be the subject of the awareness of schoolchildren in the real learning process carried out in experimental classes. Such an disclosure was not a direct task of the author of the lined lines. Now, using the experience of teachers of Zankovsky classes, the experience of further developing a methodological training system, we have the opportunity to add the characteristics of the lines for which the awareness of the schoolchildren of the teaching process is. This should be attributed to the awareness of the Genesis schoolchildren, the origins of knowledge, both with the universal and personal, individual point of view. So, in the lessons of geography, the teacher invites children to think about questions: how did people find out about what is the Northern Arctic Ocean, what is nature there? How did people know about the part of the globe, which is located around the southern Pole of the Earth? And how do we learn about it? In the lessons of mathematics, the teacher sends children to think about how the numbers arose, as Zero appeared as a sign for the recording of numbers, who "suggested" to people, what to use zero? And how do we know about all this? In the lessons of history or when studying historical information in reading lessons, children are comprehended by how, from what sources they received this or other illusion on history.

To a certain extent, students of primary classes can be supplied and summarized to awareness of the types of knowledge with which they deal with when studying certain learning items.

Teachers make another step in the implementation of the principle under consideration. The speech here is no longer about the aware of the schoolchildren of the teaching process, but rather about the awareness of the schoolchildren themselves, about the awareness of their inner world. So, the teacher offers third-graders such a task: at home try to remember when some of them first heard fairy tales A.S. Pushkin, from whom he heard. Mobilize yourself on such self-analysis for most children is unusual and difficult. But such tasks are an impetus for self-analysis, awareness of their feelings.

The principle of the overall development of all students, including the strongest, and the weakest, according to L.V. Zankova clarifies the field of action of all preceding.

This principle occupies a special place in the system. L.V. Zankov explained this by the fact that the avalanche of training exercises was collapsed on weak students. According to the traditional method, this measure is necessary to overcome the failure of schoolchildren. Experience L.V. Zankova showed the opposite: the overload of the abusive training tasks does not contribute to the development of children, but increases their lag. No less, and more other students need a systematic work on their development. Experiments have shown that such work leads to shifts in the development of weak students and to the best results in the assimilation of knowledge and skills.

To sort out this principle, relate it to the principle of an individual approach, which appears in the generally accepted didactics. What is the similarity and distinction between them? The nomination of both principles is based on the recognition of individual differences between children who come to study in the same class. The school provides an opportunity for all children to study on a single program, to all master the achievements of universal culture. But at the same time, the school recognizes it is necessary to reckon with the individual characteristics of students. The teacher requires the study of schoolchildren, knowledge of their individual characteristics, accounting for them in the learning process.

However, almost under normal conditions of school work, an individual approach is reduced to the fact that the teacher studies gaps in the knowledge of children and seeks ways to eliminate them. By carrying out an individual approach in this way, the teacher seeks to be weak to pull up to the level of the average, average to the level of strong. However, it remains unknown, to the same level to pull up strong. Strong turns out to be the standard and actually turns out to be outside the principle of the principle of an individual approach.

Approaching the personality of a schoolboy from the point of view of general development, we see that there can be no reference to which others need to pull up. The weakly decisive problem in mathematics may have exceptional flavors to the artistic side of reality; A brilliantly spending in mathematics can be absolute outless in practical terms. It is asked who to tighten? The artist, weakly decisive tasks, - to mathematics? Or brilliant mathematics, absolutely not sensitive to the image, to the paints, to the sounds, - to the artist?

Naturally, when learning, aimed at general development, it cannot be spent on tightening one to the level of another. We can talk about the provision of an exporiousness of each individual.

The question is just how to identify the individuality of the schoolchild, how to find out that in each child strongly, which is weak, in which it is above the rest, what is lower. This is, of course, it is very difficult, especially if you remember that the identity of the child does not comply with two or three qualities, but is the most complicated "bundle of strings", and to learn them, you need to provide the opportunity to "sound" each of these strings.

In the "Zankovsky" classes, the opportunity to express themselves in different aspects is ensured by the wealth of the content of education, with whom the work of schoolchildren and wealth and a variety of teacher working methods based on the characterized principles. This wealth makes it possible to provide the diversity of species of students. In turn, this leads to the fact that the teacher has the opportunity to observe a child in different respects, and at the same time, as it were, it fits his way of the most vivid manifestation and development. Everyone is moving in development in accordance with its source data, and not only pulls up to some other than the specified level.

With this functioning of the principle that focuses on the identification and accounting of individual differences between children, a large variation of the data characterizing this or that side of the student's development or the assimilation of this or another training subject is obtained. In the same class, students standing in a wide variety of levels on a particular indicator turnover. At the same time, the same student turns out to be at various levels on the development of different sides of the psyche and on the assimilation of various learning items.

Thus, the principle of the overall development of all students, including the weakest, and strongest, means that the experimental didactic system provides the possibility of fruitful learning in the same class for all students, the optimal development of each. It eliminates the need to create special classes (the so-called alignment classes for weak students, i.e. For those who have discovered the low success of the school program from the very beginning of training, in this case, naturally, does not matter children with organic damage to the nervous system whose training is impossible in mass conditions, and special classes for strong students). And it is especially important to emphasize because it is often believed that strong disciples are losing in their development, while studying in one class with less successful schoolchildren. Orientation for general development makes it possible to identify both weak and strengths.

The considered principles were specified in programs and methods of learning grammar, reading, mathematics, history, natural science. A comparative study of the general mental development of younger students in experimental and conventional classes was carried out by individual examination using special techniques. We studied the features of observation (perception), thinking, practical actions for the manufacture of a given subject. Specially traced the features of the development of some children throughout primary learning (Longitudinal study). In particular, the interaction of thinking and emotions, observations and thinking was analyzed, the state of the general mental was examined, and not only mental development.

Proposed by L.V. Zankov didactic system turned out to be effective for all stages of the learning process. However, despite its productivity in the development of a schoolboy, it remains unrealized by the concept to date. In the 60-70s. Attempts to introduce into mass school practices did not give the expected results, because Teachers were unable to provide new programs with relevant learning technologies.

School orientation in the late 80s-early 90s. Personality learning led to the revival of this concept. But, as practice shows, proposed by L.V. Zankov didactic principles are not yet fully used.

2. Experimental study of the effectiveness of educational training on the L.V. Zankova

2.1 Research Organization

To identify the effectiveness of educational training on the L.V. system Zankova we conducted a study that was conducted in three stages. At the first stage of the experiment, we conducted a statement cut to determine the depth and strength of software knowledge, skills and skills of students, including the minimum content of primary general education, as well as the level of overall development of children.

The second stage of the experiment - the formative - concluded in conducting an experimental group of classes on the system L.V. Zankov.

At the third stage, the control - we defined the final level of depth and strength of software knowledge, skills and skills of students and analyzed the results obtained.

So, the purpose of the experiment: identifying the effectiveness of educational training on the L.V. system Zankov.

As an experimental group, 9 class students took part in the study and as a control group (9 people) - students of 3 class of the Lunin School of the Luninetsky District of the Brest region.

The study was conducted in February-April 2006.

2.2 Description of the stroke of the experiment and analysis of the results obtained

The result of the professional activity of the Zankovtsian teacher is determined primarily by the depth and strength of program knowledge, skills and skills of students, including the minimum content of primary general education, as well as the level of general development of children. A teacher when checking tests conducts a classification of errors and shortcomings on objectives, skills and skills, filling the proposed tables. Increasing the overall level of student development can be tracked on the basis of the allocation of some indicators of this development.

To carry out a stating cut, we conducted test work in the Russian language in experimental and control groups.

The results of the stating slice are listed in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1. Experimental group

Error classification

Maxim D.

Sergey P.

Work number 1.

Did not write out words with solid consonants

Work number 2.

Did not divide the words on the syllables

Work number 3.

Not all the orphograms stressed

Table 2. Control group

Error classification

Work number 1.

Work number 2.

Work number 3.

At the emerging stage, in the experimental group, we conducted classes on the system L.V. Zankova, in the control group, the training was carried out in a traditional way.

At the final - control station, we conducted a control cut to determine the depth and strength of software knowledge, skills and skills of students. For cutting, we again used verification work.

According to the results of verification works, tables 3 and 4 were compiled.

Table 3. Experimental group

Error classification

Maxim D.

Sergey P.

Work number 1.

Did not write out words with solid smogl. Sounds

Did not discharge words with soft consonants

Did not emphasize the letters denoting soft consonants

Work number 2.

Did not divide the words on the syllables

Did not emphasize words that can not be transferred

Did not emphasize the words that can be transferred

Work number 3.

Not all the orphograms stressed

Table 4. Control group

Error classification

Work number 1.

Determined only a questionnaire

We defined only a narrative range.

Work number 2.

Did not perform a grouping in the composition of the word

Did not emphasize words with zero ending

Work number 3.

Do not all words picked up verification words

So, by analyzing the data obtained on the results of the experiment, we can state that the level of depth and strength of software knowledge, skills and skills of students of the experimental group increased, whereas in the control group of special changes we were not fixed.

The dynamics of changes in the level of knowledge of students of the experimental group we presented in the diagram. The diagram reflects the number of errors made by students during verification work.

Thus, as a result of the studies, we concluded that the effectiveness of educational training on the L.V. Zankov.


educational Pedagogical Schoolboy

In the first chapter of the course work, it was emphasized that the school was aimed at the future development of society, it should ensure this future development.

The scientific and technical revolution in the twentieth century sharply complicated the nature of labor, it became predominantly intellectual, which required the adjustment to the system of mass education. Over the elementary school, the average and senior links were prescribed, with a fundamentally different, scientific content of knowledge. However, it turned out that the majority of students do not have the necessary abilities to assimilate them. This gave rise to an intractable contradiction between the massiness of secondary education and the intellectual potential of students, which was the basis for finding new forms and methods of training and education.

Specific reflection The problem of the patterns and principles of education finds in the concepts of educational training developed by domestic psychologists and teachers.

At the end of the 50s. XX century Scientific team under the direction of L.V. Zankova has taken a large-scale experimental study on the study of objective patterns and principles of training. The efforts of researchers were aimed at developing a didactic system for learning junior schoolchildren, which is aimed at their overall mental development. They set the task to build such an initial training system at which a much higher development of junior schoolchildren would be achieved than in training according to the canons of the traditional methodology.

The experimental system has influenced training not only in elementary school. Development learning studies are available from other Didakt: N.A. Menchinskaya, V.V. Davydova, D.V. Elkonina, N.F. Talisin et al. They showed the capabilities of the dildami of high school to build a learning process as a developing, using a number of methods and techniques in organizing training activities.

Based on the theoretical analysis of literature on the problem of educational training on the L.V. system Zankova, we have conducted an experimental study in order to identify the effectiveness of developing learning. The results and conclusions of the experimental study are given in the second chapter of this work. They definitely indicate that the introduction of the L.V. system in the educational process Zankova is not only justified, but also necessary.

The techniques used by us in practice are well proven even with short-term use (about 3 months). There is reason to believe that with constant use of them in the educational process, these techniques will have even greater efficiency.

Thus, the purpose of the study is to theoretically examine the basics of educational training on the L.V. system Zankov and practically prove the effectiveness of this system - achieved; Tasks are implemented. Hypothesis - educational training on the system L.V. Zankova has a positive effect on the depth and strength of program knowledge, skills and skills of students, as well as the level of general development - confirmed.


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2. Voronov V.V. Pedagogy school in two words. - M., 2003.

3. Vygotsky hp Collected Works: at 6 t. - T.4. - M., 1984.

4. Guseva S.A. Commonwealth of scientist and teacher. - M., 1991.

5. Davydov V.V. Types of generalization in training. - M., 1972.

6. Davydov V.V. Problems of educational training. - M., 1986.

7. Davydov V.V. Psychological theory of educational activities and initial learning methods based on informative generalization. - Tomsk, 1992.

8. Dniprov E.D. The fourth school reform in Russia. - M., 1994.

9. Zankov L.V. Didactics and life. - M., 1968.

10. Zankov L.V. On primary learning. - M., 1963.

11. Zvereva M.V. On didactic principles // Practice of education. - 2005. - № 3.

12. Kabanova-Meller E.N. Educational activities and educational education. - M., 1981.

13. Training and development / Editor L.V. Zankov. - M., 1975.

14. On the continuity between the initial general and basic general education on the L.V. Zankova // Primary School. - 1994. - № 7.

15. Pedagogy / Ed. P.I. Bidcisters. - M., 1996.

16. Petrovsky V.A., Vinogradova A.M. Learn to communicate with the child. - M., 1993.

17. Pyymov L.S., Slastinin V.A. Pedagogy. Innovative activity. - M., 1997.

18. Polyakova A.V. Check and test work in the Russian language // Practice of education. - 2002. - № 8.

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The System of Zankov was introduced in Russia's schools in 1995-1996 as a parallel primary learning system. It can be said that it corresponds to a fairly high degree set forth in the Law of the Russian Federation on the formation of principles. According to them, education should be humanitarian. In addition, it should ensure the development of the identity of each child.

The essence of the system of Zankov

Today, the Sankov system is one of those that are allowed for use, as well as other primary school programs. In short, we will tell about what is its essence. This system suggests that children must "get" knowledge. They should not be simply presenting to students, as Zankov considered. The system is aimed at the fact that the teacher sets a certain problem, and children must solve it on their own, naturally, under the guidance of the teacher. During classes, a discussion is going on in which many opinions appear. Gradually, knowledge is crystallized from them. Intelligent movement, thus, is in the opposite traditional order: not from simple to complex, but on the contrary.

To other features of the proposed zankov (the portrait of it is presented above) the program includes a high speed of learning, a variety of tasks for the development of material. This process is difficult. It should be as diverse and dynamic as possible. For example, schoolchildren are often visited by libraries, museums, exhibitions, a large extracurricular work is held. All this contributes to successful learning.

Now consider more deeply and in detail the methodology that Zankov offered. The system today is very popular. However, often its principles are understood. First, we briefly describe the ideas that suggested zankov. It will be considered by us in general terms. Then we will talk about what mistakes allow modern teachers to implement these principles in practice.

Purpose of the system of Zankov

So, Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov developed a popular methodology of primary education. The system pursued him the next goal - the high general development of children. What did you understand under this L. V. Zankov? Comprehensive child's identity development, which affects the "mind" (cognitive qualities that manage all activities ("will", as well as moral and ethical qualities ("feelings"), which are manifested in various activities. General development is the formation and high-quality transformation. Personality properties. These properties are the foundation of successful education in school years. After graduation, they become the basis of creative labor in various fields of activity. The development of imagination contributes to the effective solution of tasks in many areas. L. V. Zankov wrote that the process of teaching when using this system The least reminds the cold and measured perception of the material. It will penetrate the feeling appearing when a person admired his knowledge treasurer who discovered him.

In order to solve this task, it was impossible to simply improve the existing primary school programs. Therefore, in the 60-70 years of the 20th century, new training was created. The principles on which the entire educational process is built by the rod and a single base. Briefly tell about each of them.

High levels of difficulty

It was necessary to proceed from the fact that the school programs that existed at the time were not saturated with educational material. In addition, the teaching methods did not contribute to the manifestation of the creative activity of children. Therefore, the first principle was the principle of training schoolchildren at a high level of complexity. This is most important in the system of Zankov, as only an educational process that gives abundant food for the mind, can contribute to intensive and rapid development. Under difficulty implies the tension of both the intellectual forces of the schoolchildren and spiritual. When solving tasks, the intensive work of the thought and development of imagination should occur.

Conscious learning

Advanced learning is equally important. Under it implied an understanding of the content of the material. L. V. Zankova's system expands this interpretation. The process of teaching should be conscious. This is adjacent to another principle that Leonid suggested Zankov. Tell me about him.

Links between parts of the material

The objects of close attention should be bonds that exist between parts of the material, the patterns of computational, grammatical and other operations, as well as the mechanism of errors and their overcoming.

This principle can be disclosed as follows. In younger students there is an important feature of the study of the material, which is that the activity of its analytical reflection is reduced by a rapid pace, if the students have several lessons in a row to analyze the one or another unit of material, to carry out the same type (for example, using a change word to select it verification words). Mathematics Zankova is therefore much different from mathematics, taught with other systems. After all, it is precisely this item more often than others on the same type of tasks, against which Leonid Vladimirovich appears. It is known that at this age, children very quickly boring to do the same thing. As a result, the efficiency of their work is reduced, the development process slows down.

System L. V. Zankova solves this problem as follows. In order not to "stump in place", it is necessary to investigate the material units due to others. Each section must be compared with others. It is recommended to conduct a lesson on the SNAN system in such a way that schoolchildren can find similarities and differences between different parts of the educational material. They must be able to determine the measure of the dependence of the didactic unit from the rest. Material should be comprehended as a logical interacting system.

Another aspect of this principle consists in an increase in the tank capacity that disseminates training, an increase in the efficiency. This can be carried out, firstly, by integrated material development, and secondly, by lacking in the program of individual periods intended for the repetition of the previously studied, as in the traditional methodology.

Thematic blocks

The system of learning Zankova suggests that the material is composed by the teacher in thematic blocks. They include units that closely interact with each other and depend on each other. When studying them at the same time, the school time is saved. In addition, it is possible to explore units over the set of lessons. For example, with traditional planning to study each of two such units stand out for 4 hours. When combining them into the block, the teacher appears the opportunity to concern each of them within 8 hours. In addition, due to the location of bonds with similar units, a repetition of the material passed earlier is carried out.

Creating certain learning conditions

We have already talked about the fact that extracurricular work is played in this system. But not only she. Employees of Zankov's laboratory, as well as a scientist himself, were repelled from the fact that certain conditions for learning in the class favorably affect the development of all students of both weak and strengths. Development occurs individually. The tempo of it may be different, depending on the abilities and inconsistencies of each particular student.

The current state of the SNAN system

Over 40 years have passed after the development of all these principles. Nowadays, there is a need to understand these ideas from the point of view of modern pedagogy. By examining the current state of the Zankov system, scientists came to the opinion that the interpretation of some principles was distorted in pedagogical practice.

Distortion of the value of "rapid pace"

"Fast paced" began to be understood mainly as a reduction in time that is given to the development of the material. However, pedagogical agents and conditions that have used the zankovs were not carried out at the same way. But they precisely they did training schoolchildren more intense and easy.

Zankov offered to intensify the process of studying objects due to the fact that the didactic units were considered comprehensively. Each of them was presented in different aspects and functions. The material was constantly included earlier. With the help of these funds, it was possible to refuse "chewing" already known students, which was practiced traditionally. Zankov sought to avoid monotonous multiple repetitions, which lead to spiritual apathy and mental laziness, which means that the development of the child is inhibited. The words "fast temp" were introduced by them in opposition to this. Under them implies a qualitatively new organization of training.

Incorrect understanding of the value of theoretical knowledge

Another principle, according to which the leading role should be given to theoretical knowledge, is also often understood by teachers is becoming. The emergence of the need for this was also due to the nature of the techniques used in the middle of the 20th century. At that time, the elementary school was considered a special step of school education. She had the so-called propedevic character. In other words, she only prepared children for high school training. The traditional system, based on this, formed in a child - mainly reproductive pathways - the necessary skills of working with the material that can be applied in practice. Snakov acted against such a purely practical way to master the first knowledge schoolchildren. He noted an inherent cognitive passivity. Zankov pointed out the need for conscious mastering skills based on theoretical data on what is being studied.

Increase in intellectual load

In the modern implementation of this principle, as the analysis of the state of the system showed, there was a breakdown toward too early learned by schoolchildren of theoretical knowledge. In this case, it is not developed to understand them with sensual experience at the proper level. This leads to the fact that the intellectual load increases significantly and unreasonably. In classes where training on the SCAN system is taking place, began to select the most prepared for school. Thus, the conceptual foundations of the system were violated.

Today, English is especially popular for schoolchildren according to the method of Zankov. This is understandable, because this language today is very in demand, and the traditional ways of his teaching are arranged not all. However, it is necessary to understand that by choosing English for your child for schoolchildren on the system of Zankov, you may be disappointed. The fact is that this technique is not always used correctly. Modern teachers are often distorted by the SCAN system. Russian, mathematics, biology and other items are also taught on this technique. The effectiveness of its use is largely dependent on the teacher.

A bad teacher presents the truth, good - teaches it to find it.

A. Dysterweg

Zankov Leonid Vladimirovich(1901-1977) - teacher and psychologist, academician of the USSR APU, follower of the school L. S. Vygotsky, put forward and experimentally confirmed his model of educational training.

System L.V. Zankova appeared and received distribution in the 50s. According to the scientist, the school did not reveal the reserves of the child's mental development. He analyzed the state of affairs in education and the path of its further development. In his laboratory for the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment as a leading criterion for the work of the school appeared.

Today, the federal scientific and methodological center named after L.V. Zankova under the Ministry of Education of Russia is opened on the basis of the former laboratory.

The system of educational training on L.V. Zankov can be called a system of early intensified comprehensive personal development.

Classification characteristic

By level of application:tagged. By the main factory of development:sociogenic + psychogenic. For the concept of assimilation:associative-reflex + developing. By orientation on personal structures: Court + SEN + ZON + Sum + SDP.

By the nature of the content:educational, secular, general education, humanistic.

By control type:system of small groups.

According to organizational forms:cool-grade, academic + club, group + individual.

By approach to the child:personally oriented.

By predominant method:developing.

In the direction of modernization:alternative.

Target orientations

High total personality development.

Creating a basis for comprehensive harmonic development (harmonization of content).

Hypothesis L. V. Zankova

The development of L.V. Zankov understands as the emergence of neoplasms in the psyche of the child who did not specify directly learning, but arising from the internal, deep integration processes.

The general development is the emergence of such neoplasms in all spheres of the psyche - the mind, will, the senses of the student, when each neoplasia becomes the fruit of the interaction of all these areas and promotes the identity as a whole.

Knowledge of themselves do not yet provide development, although they are a prerequisite.

Only general development creates the foundation of human harmonic development (Zun + Court + Sumy + SEN + SDP).

In the learning process, there is no knowledge, skills and skills, and their psychological equivalent - cognitive (cognitive) structures.

Cognitive structures are schemes, through which a person looks at the world, sees and understands it.

Cognitive structures - a substrate mental development. These are relatively stable, compact, generalized-semantic system ideas of knowledge, methods for their preparation and use stored in long-term memory.

Cognitive structures are the essence that develops with age and in the learning process. The results of this are expressed in the peculiarities of mental activity: in perception, thinking, speech, level of arbitrary behavior, memory, in the amount and definition of knowledge, skills.

Complex structures are created from simpler, diffuse, but they never develop from them, and every time new quality is born. This is the essence of development.

Conceptual didactic provisions

For the greatest effectiveness of the general development of schoolchildren, L.V. Zankov developed didactic principles of PO:

Targeted development based on a complex educational system;

Systemism and integrity of content;

The leading role of theoretical knowledge;

High difficulty learning;

Promotion in the study of the material by a rapid pace;

Awareness of the teaching process;

Inclusion in the learning process not only rational, but also the emotional sphere (the role of observation and practical work);

Problematization of content (collisions);

The variability of the learning process, an individual approach;

Work on the development of all (strengths and weak) children.

Features of content

The content of the initial learning step is enriched according to the goal of a comprehensive development and streamlined; It allocates the wealth of the general picture of the world on the basis of science, literature and other types of art. In the first grade, the beginning of natural science is presented, in the second geography, in the third - stories on history. Particular attention is paid to, music, reading genuinely artistic works, work in its ethical and aesthetic meaning.

Not only cool, but also the extracurricular life of the guys is taken into account.

The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge of L.V. Zankova

Training programs are constructed as the dismemberment of the whole on diverse forms and steps, the occurrence of differences in the process of motion of the content.

The central place takes work on a clear remultingdifferent signs of studied objects and phenomena. The distinction is carried out within the framework of the principle of systemism and integrity: each element is absorbed in connection with the other and within a certain integer. Zankovtsy do not deny the deductive approach to the formation of concepts, ways of thinking, activity, but still the dominant start in their system - inductive path.

Special place is given to the process comparisonsince, by means of well-organized comparison, it is established, in which things and phenomena are similar and what is different, differentiate their properties, side, relationship.

Main attention is paid to development analyzing observationabilities for the allocation of different sides and properties of phenomena, their clear speech expression.

Features Methodology

Main motivationcurriculum is informative.

The idea of \u200b\u200bharmonization requires a combination of rational and emotional, facts and generalizations, collective and individual, informational and problematic, explanatory and search methods.

Methodology L.V. Zankova involves engaging the student in various activities, to use didactic games, discussions, as well as teaching methods aimed at enriching imagination, thinking, memory, speech.

. Lesson in the system of educational training

The lesson remains the main element of the educational process, but in the L.V. Zankov system of its function, the form of the organization can vary significantly. The main invariant qualities:

Objectives are subject not only to the report and inspection of Zun, as well as other groups of personality properties;

Polylog in a classroom based on self-mention of children;

Teacher's cooperation and student.

Methodical goal is to create conditions in the lesson for manifestation of the cognitive activity of students.

This goal is achieved in the following ways:

The teacher creates problematic situations, collisions;

Uses a variety of forms and methods of organizing educational activities, allowing to disclose the subject's subject experience;

Makes up and discusses the lesson plan together with students;

Creates an atmosphere of the interest of each student in class;

Stimulates students to statements, the use of various ways to perform tasks without fear of mistake, get the wrong answer, etc.;

Uses the didactic material during the lesson, allowing the student to beat the most significant appearance for it and the form of study content;

Not only the final result is evaluated (correctly - incorrectly), but also the process of activity of the student;

Encourages the desire of a student to find its way of work (solving the problem), analyze ways to work other students, choose and master the most rational.

Features lesson

The course of knowledge is "from students."

The transforming nature of the student activity: observed, compared, group, classified, draw conclusions, find out patterns. Hence the nature of the tasks: not easy to write off and paste the missed letters, solve the problem, but awaken to mental actions, their planning.

Intensive independent activity of students related to the emotional experience, which is accompanied by the effect of the surprise of the task, the inclusion of an approximately study reaction, the mechanism of creativity, help and promoting the teacher.

A collective search sent by a teacher who is ensured by issues that awaken the independent thought of students, preliminary homework.

The creation of pedagogical situations of communication in the lesson that allows each student to exercise the initiative, independence, selectivity in work methods; Creating a situation for the natural self-expression of the student.

Flexible structure. The allocated common goals and facilities of the organization's organization in developing learning technology are specified by the teacher, depending on the purpose of the lesson, its thematic content.

. Development tracking

Incovering the student in educational activities, oriented on its potential opportunities, the teacher should know what kind of activity he mastered during the previous training, what are the psychological features of this process and the degree of understanding by students of their own activities.

To identify and track the level of overall development of the child, L.V. Zankov proposed the following indicators:

Observation - the initial basis for the development of many important mental functions;

Abstract thinking - analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization;

Practical actions - the ability to create a material object. The successful solution of difficult problems is completed with the powerful inclusion of positive reinforcement systems.


Theoretical workswhich serve as a scientific disclosure of the Education and Development Relationship: Development of students in the process of learning / ed. L.V. Zankova. - 1-P cl. - M.: Publishing House of APN RSFSR; Oky cl. - M.: Enlightenment, 1967; Zankov L.V. Didactics and life. - M.: Pedagogy, 1968; Training and development / ed. L.V. Zankova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1975; Individual options for the development of younger schoolchildren / Ed. L.V. Zankova and M.V. Zverver. - M.: Pedagogy, 1973; Mastering the knowledge and the development of younger students / Ed. L.V. Zankova. -M., 1965; Chuprikova N.I. Mental development and training. - M.: JSC "Century", 1995; Zankov l, c. Memory. - M., 1949; Zankov l, c. Visuality and activation of students in learning. - M.: Uchochegiz, 1960; Zankov L.V. On primary learning. - M., 1963; Zankov L.V. Commonwealth of scientist and teacher. - M., 1991; Kabanova-Meller E.N. Formation of methods of mental activity and mental development of students. - M., 1968.; Zvereva M.V. On the primary learning system, aimed at the general development of students // Psychological science and education. - 1996. - № 4.

Training programs, Methodological manuals, Tutorials for the teacher:Secondary school programs. Initial classes. - M.: Enlightenment, 1997; New primary learning system - I, II, III classes / ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1965, 1966, 1967; Experimental learning tasks / Ed. L.V. Zankova. - M.: NIIPA APN of the USSR, 1978; Studying the development of students in the teacher / Ed. M.V. Zverver. - M.: NIIPA APN of the USSR, 1984; Training and development / ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1975; The development of schoolchildren in the learning process (3-4th classes) / Ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1967; Berkman T.L., Grishchenko K.S. Music development of students in the process of teaching singing / under total. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1961; Zankov L.V. Conversations with teachers. -M., 1970, 1975; Commonwealth of scientist and teacher / Sost. M.V. Zvereva, N.K.indik. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991; The history of the formation of man. For teachers and students of the 2nd class. Educational and methodical manual. -Minsk: Belarusian House Press, 1996; The training program on the L.V. Zankov system, 1-3 classes. - M., 1996; Nechaeva N.V. Planning a literacy period (system I-III). -M.: FNMC, 1996; Nechaeva N.V. Studying the effective development of the speech activities of younger students. - M.: FNMC, 1996; Nechaeva N.V., Roganovaz. Experimental program and materials for the teaching of the Russian language in 5-bd classes. - M.: FNMC, 1996.

Textbooks, books for students:Romanovskaya Z.I., Romanovsky A.P. Live word: read book in I, II, IIIclass / under total. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1965, 1966, 1967; Polyakova A.V. Russian language: textbook for I, II, III class / under total. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1965, 1966, 1967; Zankov L.V. Mathematics textbook for I class. -M., 1965; ARGINSKAYA I.I. Mathematics textbook for II, III class / under total. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1966, 1967; Chutko N.Ya. Educational materials on history - III CL. -M.: Enlightenment, 1967; Zankov L.V., Arginskaya I.I. Mathematics, I CL. -M.: Enlightenment, 1979; Dmitrieva N.Ya. Book in natural science. I CL. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979; ABC / Ed. Nechaeva N.V. - M., 1996.

To date, the state systems of training in Russia are considered only three systems - this is a traditional system, the system L.V. Zankov and system Elkonina-Davydova.

Traditional learning system

The traditional learning system is known to all of us not at all. Created more than 400 years ago by the Czech teacher Jan Amos Komensky, it is still considered the main training system in many countries. It is me. Komensky first suggested introducing teaching on his native language to children and developed a cool-term learning system.

Thanks to the innovations of Komensky, children from ordinary working families could receive the formation and those basic skills, which in the consequence helped them perform their professional activities. In the schools of the Komenian student, learned to act in the algorithm, listen to the teachers and easily cope with monotonous classes, performing the task with the same method.

The traditional system so firmly entered the formation of Russians only because in the 20th century, almost the same requirements were presented to people. People had to grow submissive, patient, respect the authority of higher and be able to perform monotonous monotone actions.

At the same time, the jump in the development of science and technology, which occurred just at this time was taken into account. The amount of information that a person had to perceive has increased several times, and indeed the pace of life accelerated. Traditional training ceased to be so relevant, because it could not cope with the changed requirements of society.

That is why classical training that has successfully acted for several centuries now forced to move to the backgroundAfter all, in the new millennium, your child needs completely different skills and skills to find their place in life.

System L.V. Zankov. Basic principles

What personality characteristics are the most important for the successful formation of the individual and its further development? An important at this stage is the level of communicative culture, as well as the width of the horizon, independence, the ability to calculate and make all the decisions in their lives on their own. The conditions of modern life are such that a person cannot afford to be static - he must constantly be in motion, change, develop and learn a new one. The ability to quickly respond to changing conditions will help the child in the future when choosing friends, professions, goals in life, and so on.

Choosing a particular profession, a person also fails to stand still - it will have to constantly develop. Ability to analyze the situation, quickly make decisions and operatively act, can be purchased at school.

In principle, from what a child to learn in an educational institution largely depends on the further formation of his personality. It is very important to develop inquisitive in the child, attention, the desire for a new one.

Personal oriented

It was L. V. Zankov that was the teacher and a psychologist who saw the trend in the development of society and proposed a new training system that would meet all the requirements of modern society, would have developed those skills in the person who would come in the future.

Purpose of training in schools Zankov - Achieving the holistic development of each child thanks to the assimilation of those knowledge, skills and skills that the school can give him. Training in Zankov schools is aimed at developing the mind, will, feelings. At the same time, much attention is paid to the physical development and health of the child.

All components of the holistic development of the child are taught in equal amounts, none of them stand in the background. Actual knowledge, moral education and physical development - all these areas of training in equal shares are provided by teachers of schools Zankov. After all, all elements play the equally important role in the development of the child and in the absence of one of them, the formation of his personality will go on a completely different path.

One of the most important features of the SNAN training system is that all learning is noticeable not to the formation of knowledge as a class as a whole, but on the development of each student separately. Personal oriented Education in schools Zankova allows each child to feel individuality.

It is important to note that training on the SCAN system is not engaged in "pulling" a few lagging students to the level of more successful. In each child, teachers seek to reveal its individuality, the features of his personality. The rate is done on the development of the qualities of the student who were in it initially. That's why in Zankov schools there is no concept strong and weak. All children are different and everyone has their own strengths that develop even more thanks to the competent teaching of teachers.

School Zankova is open absolutely for all children of six years and older who can study in secondary schools in all indications. No special requirements for students in school are not extended.

Analyzing the system of learning Zankov and those requirements that now put forward the Government of the Russian Federation in relation to modern education, it becomes clear that there is some kind of miracle ahead of his time for 50 years and predicted that it was soon that his system will become incredibly relevant for society.

Thanks to the foresight of the teacher, the system is not only modern and relevant, but also proven years of experience. And, consequently, all teachers managed to become professionals of their case, and all learning methods will not cause unforeseen results.

The system of learning Zankov was developed for quite a long time and was checked, so now it can take into account all the individual characteristics of the child and is suitable for any student.

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