Influence of social factors on human development and health. Factors affecting the social environment of the organization

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Human health depends on many factors: climatic conditions, states environment, provision of food products and their value, socio-economic conditions, as well as the state of medicine.

It has been proven that approximately 50% of a person's health is determined by lifestyle.

Lifestyle- The totality of material conditions, social and social attitudes (culture, customs, etc.) and natural factors that all together determine the behavior of the individual, as well as its inverse influence on these factors. The active participation of a person in the process of forming living conditions is an indispensable element of the concept of "way of life", since the way of life of a person is an adequate reaction to his environment as a whole.

The lifestyle has great importance for human health and consists of four categories:
1) economic (standard of living);
2) sociological (quality of life);
3) socio-psychological (lifestyle);
4) socio-economic (way of life).

So, the way of life of a person includes: active participation of a person in the process of shaping living conditions, its adequate response to changing environmental conditions, as well as work, life, satisfaction of material and spiritual needs in public life, norms and rules of behavior.

Its negative factors are bad habits, unbalanced, unhealthy diet, unfavourable conditions work, moral and mental stress, sedentary lifestyle, poor material conditions, disagreement in the family, loneliness, low educational and cultural level, etc.

The formation of health is also negatively affected by the unfavorable environmental situation, in particular air, water, soil pollution, as well as difficult natural and climatic conditions (the contribution of these factors is up to 20%).

The tendency to hereditary diseases is essential. This is about 20% more, which determine the current level of public health.

Directly to healthcare with its poor quality medical care, the inefficiency of medical preventive measures accounts for only 10% of the "contribution" to the level of public health that we have today.

The cause of a violation of the normal functioning of the body and the occurrence of a pathological process can be abiotic(properties inanimate nature) environmental factors. There is an obvious connection between the geographical distribution of a number of diseases associated with climatic and geographical zones, altitude, radiation intensity, air movement, atmospheric pressure, air humidity, and the like.

Human health is affected biotic(properties of living nature) a component of the environment in the form of metabolic products of plants and microorganisms, pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.), toxic substances, insects and animals dangerous to humans.

Human pathological conditions can be associated with anthropogenic environmental pollution factors: air, soil, water, industrial products. This also includes pathology associated with biological pollution from animal husbandry, the production of microbiological synthesis products (fodder yeast, amino acids, enzyme preparations, antibiotics and etc.).

Factors that have a significant impact on the health status of the population social environment: demographic and medical situation, spiritual and cultural level, financial situation, social relations, means mass media, urbanization, conflicts and the like.

In addition, a person as a social being acquires certain habits in the process of life.

habits is a form of human behavior that appears during training and repeated repetition in various life situations, the components of which are performed automatically. The psychophysiological basis of habits is a dynamic stereotype, that is, a program of action is well learned and fixed by temporary connections. With regard to human health and lifestyle, habits can be beneficial and harmful.

Useful, for example, is the habit of observing the daily routine. It promotes health, increased efficiency, and in the end - longevity. The earlier this habit was formed, the more organized the person, the stronger his health, and the easier it gets rid of troubles.

Harmful habits, on the contrary, disorganize a person, weaken his will, reduce efficiency, worsen health and shorten life expectancy. The earlier they form, the more destructive they are and the more difficult it is to get rid of. These habits bring a lot of trouble and suffering. The most common factors that negatively affect a person's health are such bad habits as alcohol, smoking, and drugs.

Alcohol- an insidious and very dangerous enemy that destroys health, destroys a person morally and physically. Due to the frequent use of alcohol, a disease arises - alcoholism.

Alcohol in its psychotropic properties belongs to narcotic substances, but is not a drug. According to the World Health Organization, about 6 million people die every year from alcoholism, which is more than die from such a terrible disease as cancer.

Most crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol has a negative effect on the central nervous system, affecting all organs, leading to the degradation of the individual. Alcohol abuse leads to mental disorder. The most common mental disorders such as delirium tremens, alcoholic hallucinosis, epilepsy.

Smoking is the cause of many severe diseases. The interest in smoking is rampant. This is a bad habit not only for men, but also for women.

Ukraine is ahead of most European countries in terms of the number of smokers. According to statistics, the number of smokers is 12 million people - this is 40% of the working-age population (of which 3,600,000 are women, 8,400,000 are men). Every 3-4 women of reproductive age (20-39 years) smoke. According to experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), this bad habit causes more than 100,000 deaths in Ukraine every year.

Public opinion, unfortunately, little or almost no condemnation of this addiction, which, in fact, is one of the forms of drug addiction. It was revealed that tobacco smoke contains about 8% carbon monoxide, nicotinic, hydrocyanic, formic, butyric, sulfuric acids, sulfuric lead, benzapyrene, arsenic trioxide, the radioactive element polonium, tobacco tar and other toxic substances. One of the most harmful to human health is nicotine. The smoke from 25 cigarettes contains about two drops of pure nicotine, which is enough poison to kill a dog. In the world, 2,500,000 people die every year from smoking, and, according to experts, this figure will reach 12 million by 2050. On average, each cigarette reduces the life of a regular smoker by 5.5 minutes.

Addiction- a real evil for all countries of the world. This is a disease caused by the systematic use of drugs, most of which are of plant origin (morphine, cocaine, heroin, pantopon, Indian hemp and their derivatives in the form of hashish, marijuana, marijuana, marijuana, etc.). Drug addiction turns out to be a syndrome of mixed reaction, mental and physical dependence, as well as some mental and social phenomena. Drug addiction also includes the abuse of sleeping pills. Social danger of drug addiction:

Drug addicts are poor workers, their efficiency (physical and mental) is reduced;
- drug addiction causes great material and moral damage, is the cause of accidents at work;
- drug addicts degrade physically and morally, are a burden on society;
- drug addicts are at risk of spreading AIDS;
- drug addiction in all its manifestations is socially dangerous, mental illness threatens the future of the nation, in this regard, the problem is of global importance.

AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is an infectious disease that affects the immune system, in particular suppresses cellular immunity. For the first time, mankind encountered this disease at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries. AT last years this socially dangerous disease in Ukraine has become rampant, especially among the youth.

The development of a child is influenced not only by heredity, but also by the environment. The concept of "environment" can be considered in a broad and narrow sense. Environment in a broad sense is climatic, natural conditions in which the child grows. This and social order state, and the conditions that it creates for the development of children, as well as culture and life, traditions, customs of the people. The environment in this sense affects the success and direction of socialization.

But there is also a narrow approach to understanding the environment and its influence on the formation of a person's personality. According to this approach, the environment is the immediate subject environment. In modern pedagogy, there is the concept of "developing environment" (built in a special way to most effectively influence the child). In pedagogy, when it comes to the environment as a factor in education, we also mean the human environment, the norms of relationships and activities adopted in it. Often, the negative influence of the environment (street) is highlighted, it is associated with its saturation with negative role models.

The environment as a factor in the development of personality is essential: it provides the child with the opportunity to see social phenomena with different parties. Its influence is, as a rule, spontaneous, hardly amenable to pedagogical guidance, which, of course, leads to many difficulties in the way of personality development. But it is impossible to isolate the child from the environment. The influence of the environment on the formation of personality is constant throughout a person's life. The difference is only in the degree of perception of this influence.


Socialization is the process of forming social qualities ( various knowledge, skills, values). This is the assimilation of social experience by an individual, during which a specific personality is created.

The need for socialization stems from the fact that social qualities are not inherited. They are assimilated, developed by an individual in the course of external influence on a passive object. Socialization requires the active participation of the individual himself and presupposes the existence of a sphere of activity.

Socialization is the process of assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, social norms and values ​​necessary for his successful functioning in society. Personality as an object social relations considered in sociology in the context of 2 interrelated processes - socialization and identification. Socialization covers all the processes of introducing a person to culture, training and education, with the help of which he acquires a social nature and the ability to participate in society.

D. Smelser - reduced socialization to three stages:

1) the stage of imitation and copying by children of the behavior of adults;

2) the game stage, when children are aware of behavior as the performance of a role;

3) the stage of playing games, in which children learn to understand what a whole group of people expects from them.

T. Parsons and S. Bales determined that socialization is a mechanism for the formation of a specific personality, imitation as a process by which specific elements of culture, special knowledge, skills, and rituals are assimilated.

In their opinion, imitation does not imply a long-term relationship with the model. "Identification" for them means "the internal development of values ​​by people, i.e. the process of" social learning ".

Consequently, the extent to which a person, having learned values ​​and norms of behavior in culture, will be able to realize his potential in society depends on the success of socialization. Will not become "outsiders" in society. Socialization ensures the self-renewability of society, public life. Malfunctions in socialization lead to conflict of generations, anomie, social deviation.

Z. Freud highlighted the psychological mechanisms of socialization: imitation, identification, shame and guilt. He believed that:

1) imitation is an awareness of the child's attempt to copy a model of behavior;

2) identification is a way of realizing belonging to a particular community. These are positive mechanisms of socialization. they are aimed at learning a certain type of behavior;

3) shame and guilt are negative mechanisms of socialization, because they suppress or prohibit certain patterns of behavior.

Outwardly, guilt does not have any special signs in expression, gestures and facial expressions, unless the person suffering from guilt says that he is guilty. Therefore, if we try to look from the inside at the feeling of guilt, we will see that it arises due to involuntary, habitual activity, the results of which can be described approximately as follows:

a) what I should be or how my behavior should be in accordance with the expectations of another. My mind automatically constructs a model of how I should be. There are no exact criteria here. In fact, I do not know the expectations of the other, I create them in accordance with general ideas about what the other expects from me. This model of expectations can be real, i.e. match at least key points the true expectations of the other, but it may not be at all the same as the expectations of the other;

b) perception of my own state or behavior here and now;

c) the act of comparing the model of expectation with one's own behavior, as a result of which a discrepancy is revealed, the torment of which is supported by the appearance of the emotion of resentment on the face, in the words and behavior of the other. The more offended he really is or in my imagination, the stronger my sense of guilt. This disintegration in me is painful, because nervous system sensitive to any mismatch in the system of the Self. This suffering is irrational and similar to the mystical Chaos, which even the gods feared. This gap between how I should be here and now and who I am is intensified and reinforced; the offended other defends himself from the insult by primitive and ancient means, becomes angry and aggressive, which is even more painful because it comes from the one who loves.

Not punishing, but only offended. In families based on love, children are controlled, causing occasional feelings of guilt. If you succeed in this, then there is a deep neurosis based on guilt. Defense mechanisms take on a bizarre character, creating such symptoms of neurosis as, for example, obsessive care, demonstrations of loving actions saturated with fear and even aggression, and sometimes masochism.

Feelings of guilt may arise in different situations and relationships. We can be guilty before parents, children, before a wife or husband, before friends to whom we feel affection and with whom we identify ourselves, considering their expectations regarding us to be significant. However, no matter how diverse the feeling of guilt may be, the emotion underlying it is one - it is the guilt generated by the mismatch of what I and my behavior, position and appearance, with what I should have been in accordance with the expectations of significant , beloved other or others.

The knowledge of our shame reveals the properties of our self-concept hidden in the unconscious, which we are not aware of. Here and now I felt ashamed. Why? This means that there is a discrepancy between what I am here and now, and what I should be according to my self-concept. If I am able to make my state the object of introspection, then it is not difficult to identify the signs with which I came into conflict, even if these signs, ideas about myself are hidden in the depths of the unconscious. For the knower, even shame turns into a prism through which he knows himself. If you suddenly felt ashamed, you experienced some kind of unpleasant feeling and became annoyed, remembering that you did not answer the letter of a school friend whom you had not seen for twenty years and were not going to communicate with him, then this indicates that you are a person, devoted old friends, and obligatory, moreover, although the questionnaire answered “no” to the question of loyalty to friends. A client who comes to a counselor because he considers himself weak sexually considers himself a strong man in his self-concept, as he complains of an oppressive sense of shame about failure in sex.

Our shame says a lot more about us than we think. Therefore, thinking about shame is one of the surest ways of self-knowledge, not of what I want to seem, but of what I am.

Shame also consists of three elements:

a) what I should be here and now according to the self-concept;

b) what am I here and now;

c) disagreement and its awareness.

As you can see, shame and guilt consist of the same elements, but it is not difficult to distinguish between them. If I am ashamed, regardless of the fact that someone evaluates my behavior or condition, so that someone sees or hears about a shameful act, then this is pure shame, absolute shame. But since the shameful acts in my life were punished by the deprivation of love, the bad attitude of adults, friends, disgust for me important people, then the energy of shame increases when the idea is aroused that someone evaluates me, disapproves of my act or condition. However, this is not a pure shame, but an individual one, caused by other people, because I am sensitive to their feelings. If these others are loved by me, then this kind of shame merges with guilt, with the feeling that I do not live up to their expectations. If these others are not loved, but significant, then under the guise of shame, social fear of being judged by others is realized.

The development of the emotion of shame is a necessary condition for the normal development of a person and the formation of individuality. But from the moment the personality has developed and the individuality has crystallized, it ceases to need this emotion as a stimulus for activity and behavior. Shame should only be a signal that here and now I do not correspond to my Self-concept - and nothing more. And my actions are determined by reason and consciousness of the good. Apparently, it was in this sense that Aristotle said that “we do not praise an adult if he is bashful” Orlov Yu. M. Ascent to individuality: Book. for the teacher. -- M.: Enlightenment, 1991. P. 65.

English factor, social; German Factor, sozialer. The driving force of the development of society, a phenomenon or process that determines certain social. changes.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition

The social factor

the driving force behind the development of society; a phenomenon or process that causes certain social changes. At the heart of F.'s allocation with. there is such a connection of social objects in which some of them (causes) under certain conditions necessarily give rise to other social objects or their properties (consequences). As F. with. First of all, it is the activity of people that ultimately determines the whole diversity of the social life of society. Besides, F.'s role with. perform various material and spiritual formations: production, social institutions, organizations, material environment, needs, interests, values, opinions, orientations, attitudes of people, etc. As F. s. there is also the interaction of spheres of social life, when one of them has a decisive influence on the others. For example, the economic sphere largely determines the development of the social, political and spiritual spheres, it is a factor for them, and these latter, in turn, acting on it, also act as its factors, although not determining ones. Therefore, in the aggregate F. s. one should distinguish between those that drive deep changes in society, determining its essential characteristics, direction and level of development, and those that cause only individual changes in society or in phenomena and processes. It is also necessary to recognize F. s., constantly acting and random, directly and indirectly influencing the object. So, to the general F. with. include socio-economic and other conditions for the functioning of the social life of society: for example, property relations, the level of social division of labor, social institutions and organizations, etc. They are also permanent causes. To specific F. with. one can attribute certain features of certain objects, on which the same characteristics of other objects depend. The action of direct F. s. can be directly fixed and subjected to control in the process of research, while the influence of indirect F. s. on the object under study is not subject to direct control. It must be specially installed. F.'s knowledge of s. in sociology is associated with the development meaningful theories to explain the changes taking place in society and its individual subsystems, from the standpoint of the action of certain causes. Sociological research is always based on certain methodological and methodological approaches to the study of the conditionality of some processes of social reality by others. The purpose of these studies is to determine and predict the consequences of the action of certain factors on the basis of a preliminary empirical analysis of the relationship between them (ie, the action of the factor and the effect). As is known, the manifestation of causal relationships in social processes is multifactorial and multidimensional. However, depending on the objectives of the study, the task may be reduced to identifying the influence of one or a combination of factors that cause corresponding changes in social facilities. Behind the combined action of various factors, including those of a random nature, research reveals something stable, necessary and repetitive. And yet, since social change is multifactorial, the forecasts and conclusions from the data obtained are probabilistic. The establishment of the measure of manifestation of causal relationships in sociology is carried out by means of methods of multivariate statistical analysis of correlation, regression, factorial, etc.

Factors affecting the social environment of the organization

Organization as social system, a stable form of association of people with common interests and goals, is characterized by the versatility of functioning. Its development is carried out in at least three directions - technical, economic, social. The first of them is mainly related to the improvement of means and production technologies, the availability of the necessary equipment and materials, the degree of mechanization and automation of labor processes. The second direction expresses the forms of ownership, the level of specialization and cooperation of production, the system of organization and remuneration of labor, the structure and methods of management. Social development includes the staff of the organization with its traditions, preferences, intellectual potential and professional qualifications, ways to meet the material and spiritual needs of employees, interpersonal and intergroup relations, moral and psychological atmosphere in the team.

Consequently, the social environment of an organization, which is closely interconnected with the technical and economic aspects of its functioning, is made up of those material, social, spiritual and moral conditions in which employees work, live with their families and in which distribution and consumption of goods take place, real connections are formed. between individuals, their moral and ethical values ​​find expression. This environment is formed by: the organization's staff itself with its differences in demographic and professional qualifications - gender, age, education, etc., as well as a variety of interpersonal and intergroup relationships; social infrastructure, including social facilities; the components of the quality of the working life of workers, one way or another determining the material and moral remuneration of labor, the atmosphere of solidarity, cooperation and mutual assistance, the degree of team cohesion, the prestige of joint work.

Always, but present stage social development especially, the successful activity of any organization depends on the high efficiency of the joint work of the employees employed in it, on their qualifications, vocational training and the level of education, on how much the working and living conditions are conducive to the humanization of labor, the satisfaction of the material, social and spiritual needs of people, the versatile manifestation of personality. The vector of social development of the organization should be aimed at diversifying and enriching the content of labor activity, making better use of the intellectual and creative potential of employees, increasing their discipline and responsibility, creating appropriate conditions for efficient work, good rest, and family affairs.

The development of the social environment is expressed both in the form of objective processes, i.e. in relations between people about their living conditions (work, life and leisure), and in a subjective, conscious form, i.e. in the phenomena of the psychological atmosphere, interpersonal relationships and moral assessments. The factors of such development include the conditions that characterize the content of changes in the social environment and the consequences adequate to these changes. They differ in the direction and forms of influence on the staff, both directly - in the course of joint work, and indirectly - where employees and their families live, raise children, communicate with friends, and relax.

Factor - the driving force of development. In relation to the social environment of the organization, this concept expresses the conditions that determine the nature and possible consequences of the changes taking place in it, which in turn affect the staff.

The main direct factors of the social environment of the organization include: the potential of the organization, its social infrastructure; conditions and labor protection; material remuneration for labor contribution; social protection of workers; socio-psychological climate of the team; out of hours and use of leisure.

Potential reflects the material, technical, organizational and economic capabilities of the organization, i.e. its size and geographical location, number and quality of personnel, nature of leading professions, industry affiliation and profile of the enterprise, volumes of products (goods and services), form of ownership, financial position, condition of fixed assets and technical level of production, content and organizational forms of the labor process , fame of the company, its traditions and image. These are, of course, the basic factors that have a versatile, inherently complex impact on the social environment as a concentration of the most important means and incentives that encourage and ensure the social development of the organization.

social infrastructure is a complex of facilities designed to provide life support for employees of the organization and their families, to meet social, cultural and intellectual needs. In the conditions of the Russian Federation, the list of such objects includes:

Socialized housing stock (houses, dormitories) and public utilities (hotels, baths, laundries, etc.) with networks of energy, gas, water and heat supply, sewerage, telephone communications, radio broadcasting, etc.;

Medical and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions (hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, pharmacies, sanatoriums, dispensaries, etc.);

Objects of education and culture (schools, preschool and out-of-school institutions, houses of culture, clubs, libraries, exhibition halls, etc.);

Objects of trade and public catering (shops, canteens, cafes, restaurants, farms for the supply of fresh products);

Objects of consumer services (combines, workshops, ateliers, salons, rental points);

Sports facilities (stadiums, swimming pools, sports grounds) and mass recreation facilities adapted for sports and recreation activities;

Collective dacha farms and horticultural associations.

An organization, depending on its scale, form of ownership, industry affiliation, location and other conditions, may have its own social infrastructure (Fig. 2.1) or have a set of only its individual elements or rely on cooperation with other organizations and on the municipal base social sphere.

But in any case, concern for the social services of workers and their families is the most important requirement for managing social development.

Conditions and labor protection include factors that in one way or another affect the well-being and useful output of workers, ensuring safe work, preventing injuries and occupational diseases.

Working conditions are a combination of psycho-physiological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic and socio-psychological factors of the working environment and the labor process that influenced the health and performance of a person. They include safe conditions work in which the impact on workers of harmful and hazardous production factors is minimized - the level of established standards or completely excluded; volume reduction heavy work requiring great physical effort; overcoming the monotony of work, rational use regulated breaks during the working day (shift) for rest and meals; the availability and convenience of social facilities (locker rooms, showers, toilets, a first-aid post, rest rooms, buffets, canteens, etc.).

Rice. 2.1. Social infrastructure of the organization

Occupational safety, designed to ensure the safety of life and health of workers, in particular, provides for: the establishment of unified regulatory requirements in the field of labor protection, the development of programs corresponding to them and the holding of events in organizations; state supervision and public control for the observance of the legal rights of employees to work that meets the requirements of safety and hygiene, the fulfillment of labor protection obligations by employers and the employees themselves; providing employees at the expense of the employer with special clothing and footwear, personal and collective protective equipment, therapeutic and preventive nutrition; prevention of accidents and accidents at work, implementation of a system of measures for the rehabilitation of persons who have received an industrial injury.

Material remuneration for labor contribution acts as a key point in the social development of the organization. It joins the main costs of labor, compensation for the labor costs of workers, their social status and, at the same time, family budgets, the satisfaction of people's urgent needs for life's blessings.

Remuneration for labor should be based on the social minimum - on what is necessary to maintain a decent standard of living and reproduce the working capacity of a person, to obtain a means of subsistence not only for himself, but also for his family. In the Russian Federation, the total cash income of the population includes wages, all types of pensions, scholarships for students and students are added to it. educational institutions, allowances for children and childcare, the cost of natural products of household farms used for personal consumption, as well as income from property, sales of farm products on the market and entrepreneurial activities, including dividends and interest from deposits in banks.

The expenditure part of the family, mainly consumer, budget consists of cash expenses for paying taxes and making various contributions (including interest on loans), for the purchase of short-term and durable goods - food, clothing, shoes, cultural and household items and household items. household, to pay for housing, communal, transport, medical and other services. The balance of the expenditure and revenue parts of the budget is also an indicator of the volume of benefits received by the family during a certain time (month, year) per person. The average per capita income and the corresponding expenses reflect the degree of prosperity of the family, the quality and standard of its life.

social protection employees of the organization are measures for social insurance, unconditional observance of civil rights and social guarantees established by the legislation in force in the country, the collective agreement, labor agreements and other legal acts. In the Russian Federation, these measures, in particular, provide for:

Ensuring the minimum wage and tariff rate (salary);

Normal hours of work (40 hours per week), compensation for weekend work and holidays, annual paid leave of at least 24 working days;

Compensation for harm to health in connection with the performance of labor duties;

Contributions to pension and other off-budget social insurance funds;

Payment of benefits for temporary disability, monthly allowances for mothers during their parental leave, stipends for employees during vocational training or advanced training.

These guarantees are implemented with the direct participation of the organization. Cash payments, as a rule, are made from the funds of the organization, their sizes are focused on the average salary or a share of the minimum wage. The social protection system should insure workers against the risk of being in a difficult financial situation due to illness, disability or unemployment, give them confidence in the reliable protection of their labor rights and privileges.

Socio-psychological climate- this is the total effect of the influence of many factors affecting the personnel of the organization. It manifests itself in work motivation, communication of workers, their interpersonal and group connections. Three main components interact in the structure of the socio-psychological climate of the team: moral and psychological compatibility of employees, their business spirit and social optimism. These components relate to the subtle strings of the human intellect, will and emotional properties of the personality, which largely determine its desire for useful activity, creative work, cooperation and solidarity with others. Expressing the attitude of workers to the joint work and to each other, the socio-psychological atmosphere brings to the fore such motives that are no less effective than material rewards and economic benefits, stimulate the employee, cause him to strain or lose energy, labor enthusiasm or apathy, interest in the case or indifference.

Out of business hours forms another group of factors in the social environment of the organization. Associated with them are the rest and recuperation of workers, the organization of their home life, their fulfillment of family and social duties, and the use of leisure. The time resource of a working person breaks up on a weekday into working time (length of the working day in different countries is not the same, it also differs by sectors of the economy and professions) and non-working time in a ratio of approximately 1: 2. In turn, time not directly related to labor activity, includes the cost of 9-9.5 hours to restore strength and satisfy the natural physiological needs of a person (sleep, personal hygiene, food intake, etc.). The rest of the day is occupied by commuting to and from work, housekeeping and housekeeping, childcare and activities, and leisure activities.

Equivalent to Leisure free time is of particular importance for the versatile development of the individual. It serves to restore the physical and intellectual strength of workers, is closely connected with the satisfaction of their socio-cultural needs, caused, among other things, by the acceleration of scientific, technological and social progress, the requirements of the humanization of labor. The size, structure, content and forms of using leisure significantly affect the way of life and worldview of a working person, his choice of moral guidelines and civic position.

Significant and often decisive influence on the social environment of the organization, the level of well-being and the quality of the working life of employees is also exerted by more general factors. Meaning, as shown in Fig. 2.2, the socio-economic situation of the country, the spiritual and moral state of society, the social policy of the state.

Socio-economic situation of the country is assessed primarily by whether it is currently on the rise, in the prime of life, or is experiencing a recession, crisis and is experiencing increased social tension. At the same time, the events taking place in any country are an integral part of the development of human civilization as a whole, an expression of trends common to the world.

The state of affairs in Russia has recently been characterized by a deep and all-encompassing crisis.. According to scientists and politicians, the country is stuck halfway in its progress from a super-centralized planned economy to the establishment of market relations and a socially organized state. The reforms that have been started have not yet brought tangible and acceptable results for the majority of Russians. Instead of improving life, they turned into a decline in production, a weakening of investment in the economy and the social sphere, a decrease in incomes and the impoverishment of a significant part of the population, and a deterioration in the financing of healthcare, education, science and culture institutions.

Rice. 2.2. General Factors Affecting the Social Environment of an Organization

It is becoming increasingly clear that the market itself cannot be a panacea for all problems. A significant correction is needed both in tactics and in the strategic line of socio-economic transformations. In this matter of paramount importance, it is necessary to establish order based on law, coherence of market mechanisms and state regulation in order to open not only declared, but actual scope for healthy rivalry. various forms ownership and types of management, effective application of technical, economic and social innovations aimed at achieving high living standards for all segments of the population.

The experience of Germany, Sweden, Japan and a number of other countries with a socially developed market economy shows that a fair solution of social problems is as much a priority as achieving economic growth and making a profit. The guidelines for such a market economy are: observance of fundamental human rights, providing everyone with equal opportunities to demonstrate their abilities, diligence, initiative and entrepreneurship; raising the level of well-being and social protection in proportion to the potential of the country, insuring people against the risk of losing a life worthy of a person; maintaining stability, civil harmony and social peace in society.

And in Russia, according to the general opinion, the implementation of urgent reforms should go in line with the interaction of economic and social efficiency. At the same time, preference should be given to social goals with indispensable consideration of the traditions and national characteristics of the country.

Spiritual and moral state of society no less than the economy, the material sphere, affects the way of life in the country, the level of well-being of the population. It is inextricably linked with the realization of human freedoms and rights, the assertion of individuality and collective principles, the originality of historical traditions, the stability of moral principles, in particular the requirements of the labor morality prevailing in a given society, the ethics of personal and public behavior, high criteria of civic virtue - everything that makes up the mentality of the people, the deep essence of its national and social character, worldview and ideals.

Of course, the mentioned components are mobile, changeable. They can both thin out, be lost, and build up, strengthen. Historical experience teaches that success and well-being accompany a society that constantly cares about the social sphere that reproduces social ties and relationships, is able to rely on the enthusiasm and creative spirit of its members, and provides associations of citizens and individuals with maximum opportunities for the realization of their generally significant goals. That is why it is so important to achieve harmony between the interests of the state and civil society, to merge the action of the objective laws of social development and consciously undertaken efforts.

Russian society is currently in a difficult position due to the stalling of ongoing reforms, the crisis situation in the economy and the social sphere, the destruction of the former, for many, already familiar way of life, the decline to a critical level of living standards, and a sharp reassessment of social and moral guidelines. In particular, there is a dangerous trend of its stratification by income, a conspicuous polarization of poverty and wealth, an increase in the number of disadvantaged families on the verge of poverty. There is a serious weakening of interest in productive labor - an allergy to work, an increase in selfishness, selfishness and money-grubbing, the spread of those negative manifestations of the market element, which are accompanied by speculative fraud, seizure of other people's property, quick but unjust enrichment, extortion, corruption, criminal lawlessness.

In some regions, social tension is growing, contradictions are aggravating, leading to acute social and labor conflicts, to clashes on ethnic and religious grounds. The moral foundations of society and citizens are undermined, which is fraught with the moral degradation of people, the growth of a sense of fear and hopelessness, the loss of confidence in the future.

Sociological studies also record the emotional state of Russians that is unfavorable for society. Thus, the results of a representative public survey conducted in early 1999 in all territorial and economic regions of the country showed that three-quarters of citizens regularly felt the injustice of what was happening around them, two-thirds of the population constantly felt shame for the state of affairs in their native country, and the same number did not could get rid of the feeling of the impossibility of continuing life in such conditions. Pessimistic moods also prevailed in the expectations of the respondents: 52% expressed fear for the future of their children, 48% - to be left without a livelihood, 37% - to fall ill and be without medicines and medical care, 32% - to lose their job, 30% - to become a possible victim crimes.

Spiritual and moral recovery Russian society, overcoming the crisis of his trust in the authorities require, first of all, a clearly expressed ideal that can unite Russians, inspire them with a spirit of constructive activity, strengthen the legal culture and the purity of moral aspirations.

Social policy of the state as a powerful force of social development designed to play a key role in solving social problems facing a particular country. Carried out by the government, all branches and authorities, based on economic structures and public support, such a policy should accumulate, focus, reflect the situation in the country and the situation in society, the needs and goals of social development, contribute to the creation optimal conditions for people's lives, improvement social connections, interactions and relationships between them, to carry out allotment of social justice.

The main object of social policy impact is the social sphere directly related to the distribution of material and spiritual wealth, the satisfaction of specific human needs, the quality and standard of his life, working conditions, life and leisure. This area covers a variety of relationships between individuals, social groups and strata in the form in which they develop at a particular historical moment, includes a number of industries National economy and the main elements of social infrastructure, including healthcare, educational, scientific and cultural institutions, a sanatorium and resort complex, the sports and tourism industry, housing stock and utilities. The social sphere incorporates a system of social services for the population, social protection and guarantees for citizens established by the laws of the state and based on the traditions and customs of the inhabitants of a given country.

Content and specific tasks social policy cover the stimulation of economic growth and the subordination of production to the interests of consumption, strengthening labor motivation and business entrepreneurship, ensuring a certain standard of living and social protection of the population, preserving cultural and natural heritage, national identity and identity. For the effective implementation of its social functions, the state has such effective levers as social legislation, the national budget, and the system of taxes and fees.

The practice of most countries confirms that, for all the objective dependence of the solution of social problems on the economic and political situation of the state, social policy also has independence, is able by its own means to help improve the standard of living of the population, to have a stimulating effect on the desire of citizens for social progress. AT modern conditions it should be a priority for the power structures of any state.

Following generally recognized principles, the Constitution of our country (Article 7) proclaims that the Russian Federation - welfare state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person. This implies the protection of labor and health of people, a guaranteed minimum wage, state support for the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, the disabled and the elderly, the development of social services, the establishment of state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection.

The priority of social policy, as well as the social sphere, means, first of all, the search for real ways to a higher level of consumption, an increase in life expectancy, the further development of education and culture, environmental well-being, the inadmissibility of any encroachments on curtailing social programs and diminishing guarantees. People in any country are not satisfied with a minimum of social improvements, but hope for a well-to-do, safe and civilized life. They want social policy to be promoted not by "humanism involuntarily", but by the high goal of bringing the "social minimum" to a level worthy of a person.

But this is not the case everywhere. In a number of countries, which include Russia, social policy is not yet a well-thought-out, conceptually verified instrument for regulating social relations and processes, a means of optimally linking the economy and the social sphere. In particular, there is a lack of understanding of the simple truth that low wages and incomes limit the demand for goods and services, deprive production of a capacious and solvent market. The social sphere is not a dependent at all, and social expenses are not sunk costs, not a simple deduction from economic resources. They are absolutely necessary as investments in human capital, which ultimately result in increased productivity and quality of labor, and increased consumption. Thus, a balanced social policy is very significant as a kind of investor, a stimulator of economic growth and the well-being of society.

In harsh market conditions, individual business units and business structures they cannot and are not able to fully engage in the social sphere. This important function is intended to be performed by the authorities. It is the state that, by its regulatory role, is obliged to compensate, eliminate the shortcomings that were originally characteristic of the market element, and establish the “rules of the game”. In particular, without interfering directly in the management of enterprises, pricing and the establishment of wages, it has the ability and must, in accordance with the laws of the country, exercise control over the fact that profit-making does not harm social goals. market economy so that wages stipulated by agreements between employers and trade unions increase in proportion to the growth of labor productivity, so that the market work force responded to unemployment and narrowed its scale so that social payments and other social protection measures were made in a timely manner.

Social policy is not limited to the proclamation by the state of social goals and the announcement of guarantees, but should be represented by a system of specific measures for their implementation, designed for the short-term (usually within a year), medium-term (three to five years) and long-term (ten or more years) perspective . The regulation of the social sphere involves the purposeful functioning of various social institutions - a system of values, patterns and norms of behavior, branches and institutions state power, local governments, trade unions, associations of entrepreneurs and other public organizations.

In the Russian Federation, the foundations of institutional regulation of the social sphere, established by the Constitution of the country, provide for the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of culture, science, education, healthcare, social security, and ecology. At the same time, most issues of social policy are the subject of joint jurisdiction of the Federation and its subjects.

At the federal level, the functions of conducting a unified policy in the social field should be performed by the government of the country. The ministries of health, culture, education, labor and social development and other links also participate in the management of the social sphere. government controlled designed to predict, plan, direct, coordinate the activities of relevant industries, enterprises and institutions. At the level of subjects of the Federation (republics, territories, regions, autonomous districts, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg), similar ministries, departments, departments or departments are being created. The administrative structures of cities and districts have their own subdivisions for social issues.

Integral part common system goals and objectives of the social policy of the state is the regional policy in the social sphere. It should ensure equal quality and standard of living for the population in all regions of Russia. These regions, as a rule, coincide with the territories of the subjects of the Federation, have a common natural, socio-economic, national-cultural and other conditions. The subjects of the Federation play a leading role in the development and implementation of regional social programs that take into account the level of socio-economic development of the territory, financial opportunities, demographic situation, natural and climatic conditions, national traditions and local characteristics of work, life, consumption of food, non-food products and services.

For the success of the social policy of the state, it is important that public agreement be reached on its main guidelines and priorities. The harmonization of the interests of citizens and the state as a whole, the socio-psychological perception by the majority of society of the goals and methods of state regulation of the economy and the social sphere, the interaction of participants in a social partnership, which allows in a civilized way to solve employment problems, improve conditions and pay, social protection for both workers and the entire population. This is the only way to achieve the trust of the people in the government, mass support for the social policy pursued by them.

For a number of reasons mentioned above, the social policy of the Russian Federation in recent years has not received the necessary support from citizens suffering from the excessive social costs of reforms undertaken in the country. Public opinion polls show that the majority of Russians, negatively assessing the current situation, show a low degree of trust in central and regional authorities, which, of course, cannot be a favorable background for the implementation of socio-economic transformations.

Currently, there is a trend towards a change in the mood of Russians. Polls in 2000 showed that 63% of the country's adult population (14% more than in 1999), recognizing the difficulties, noted signs of improvement in living conditions. But the restoration of trust in the government, the obligations of the state, the achievement of constructive agreement on the basis of a common goal - a real and sustainable growth in the well-being of people in accordance with the available opportunities, are still relevant. As specific tasks are put forward, aimed, in particular, at making the costs of wages and social benefits protected, i.e. not subject to any reduction, move step by step to the targeted principle of social protection, actively introduce insurance methods to replenish sources of coverage of social expenses, strictly control the activities of social departments and social development funds.

The implementation of a set of measures to further reform the economy and the social sphere seems to be the most important thing at all levels - national, sectoral, regional, local. It also applies to individual organizations. Of course, additional concretization of social guidelines is needed here.

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In the broad sense of the word, it is customary to call everything that is directly related to society, people, and their lives social. Since the economy is a life support system for people and society, then in their target orientation, all economic processes, to one degree or another, simultaneously have a social connotation. Therefore, along with the expressions "economic phenomena", " economic development” in the literature on economics, the phrases “socio-economic processes”, “socio-economic development”, “socio-economic problems” are widely used.

However, there is also a narrower area of ​​economics that is directly related to social phenomena and called the social sphere. It is customary to refer to the social sphere economic objects and processes, types economic activity directly related and related to the way of life of people, the consumption of material and spiritual goods, services, satisfaction of the final needs of a person, family, collectives, groups, society as a whole.

The social economy is closely connected with the forms and relations of property, at least in the part where the proprietary interests of people are manifested. Relations that arise between people in connection with the appropriation, formation of personal, family property, property redistribution, are social.

Since a person in his life is closely connected with nature, the ecological economy, which characterizes the impact of the environment on the viability and quality of life of people, should also be attributed to the social economy.

Almost all sectors of the economy are somehow related to the social sphere, serve and satisfy the social needs of people. Industry works for social needs - and not only food and light industries, but also mechanical engineering, instrument making, and energy. In many respects, agriculture and forestry, construction, transport, communications, trade, public catering are socially oriented.

Indeed, the light industry provides the population with clothing and footwear, the food industry - with food, mechanical engineering - with household appliances, woodworking - with furniture, energy - with heat and electricity. Agriculture- the main source of food. Construction provides housing for the population. Passenger transport carries out rail, road, air, water transportation of people and luggage. Telephone, telegraph, postal communication satisfies the needs of people in switching. Retail provides an opportunity to buy the necessary goods, and public catering - to feed people not only at home, but also at work on the road, during the holidays.

Undoubtedly, the branches of the social profile are housing and communal services, maintaining houses, elevators, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, energy supply, that is, housing infrastructure. Although official statistics do not classify housing construction as a branch of the social sphere, it seems that the construction of housing and social, cultural and household facilities can rightfully be considered social sectors of the national economy.

There are reasons to refer to the branches of the social sphere protection, restorationcleaning, environmental cleanup, at least in the part in which this activity ensures the maintenance of the conditions for the normal life of people, their rest.

The central place among the branches of the social sphere is occupied by culture, education, and health care. These industries are designed to satisfy the most sensitive and subtle needs of people, and therefore their social significance is exceptionally great.

branch of culture- these are cinema, theater, museums, libraries, exhibitions, concert halls, clubs, in a word, all centers of cultural values, centers of culture, distributors of cultural heritage and heritage. This branch is called upon to preserve historical, national cultural monuments, replenish the treasury of cultural achievements in the field of literature, art, artistic creativity, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, to introduce people to the creations of culture, to educate cultured person, to conduct research in the field of culture.

Branch of education- these are schools and preschool children's institutions, gymnasiums, colleges, schools, technical schools, higher educational institutions, research institutions in the field of pedagogy. The education industry is occupied with all forms of education in a wide variety of educational institutions. On the one hand, it is designed to satisfy people's need for knowledge, on the other hand, to carry out training and retraining for work, work, to promote the acquisition of a specialty, the mastery of a profession. It is of great importance for society educational function education.

The healthcare industry is called upon to take care of maintaining the health of people, to carry out the prevention and treatment of diseases, to provide medical care, to provide people with medicines, to restore lost health. These are polyclinics, hospitals, outpatient clinics, treatment centers, institutes, ambulances, dispensaries, maternity hospitals, health centers at enterprises, dispensaries.

Closely related to the healthcare industry Physical Culture and sport in the part in which they solve the problem of health promotion, healthy lifestyle people's lives.

Many economists attribute culture, education, and healthcare to the non-productive sphere, considering the product of these industries, the end result of their activities, as non-productive services. It would be more reasonable to consider cultural values, knowledge, health as a special, unique type of socio-economic product, and the corresponding industries as producers of this product.

Costs for social goals designed to mitigate the differentiation of financial situation social groups inevitably inherent in the market economy. However, facilitating the access of representatives of relatively less well-off strata to obtaining qualifications, decent medical care, a guaranteed minimum pension and decent housing not only plays a socially stabilizing role, but also provides the economy with the most important factor in the production of a qualified and healthy labor force, is reflected in the invisible national wealth of the country.

Along with the solution of social problems, these expenditures in the budget have a significant impact on the size and structure of demand.

First, recipients social benefits, assistance, scholarships provide part of the effective demand of the population for consumer goods, medicines, services. Secondly, social spending is partially directed to the construction of health facilities, education, and the purchase of goods and services.

State subsidies for housing construction have a special impact on the state of the economy. Housing development not only increases the demand for land, Construction Materials, but also serves as a capacious market for some sub-sectors of industry: the production of hoisting and transport, television, electrical equipment, pipes, plumbing, parquet. Residential construction is a generator of demand for furniture, kitchen equipment, durable appliances, especially refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers, microwave ovens, grills and vacuum cleaners, television, video and radio equipment.

Among social expenditures, subsidies to local budgets are highlighted. These are not goals, but channels of social spending, since a significant part of them goes through local budgets. Social spending is the most vulnerable in the state budget. When there is a deficit or an urgent need to raise funds for some emergency purposes, social spending is usually the first to be sacrificed. Moreover, off-budget social funds often serve as sources of borrowing to cover government spending.

Speaking about the social factor as a factor in the development of the national economy, one cannot fail to note the following circumstance.

As you know, social needs are an incentive to economic activity. At the same time, in modern conditions, the ever-growing desire of people for consumerism is different. The growing needs of individuals and society as a whole, the desire to satisfy them at a higher level causes a potential need to increase production volumes, increase the efficiency of using economic resources, improve the quality of products, etc.

Thus, one can speak of a significant stimulating role of the social factor in the development of the national economy.

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