What the social policy of the state is sent to. Social policy of state

Decor elements 26.09.2019
Decor elements
  • Property in the Economic System
  • Classification of economic systems
  • Topic 4. Market management system Market, its structure and functioning mechanism
  • Subjects of the mixed economy and the relationship between them. Circulation of benefits, resources and income
  • The role of the state in a market economy
  • Basic concepts
  • Demand and its factors. Demand function
  • Offer and its factors. Offer function
  • Interaction of supply and demand: Market balance
  • Causes and mechanisms of market balance shifts
  • The impact of the state on the market balance
  • Elasticity of demand for the price: concept, measurement, species, factors
  • Elasticity of proposals: concept, measurement, factors. Three periods of elasticity of time supply
  • Topic 5. Consumer behavior on the market Basic concepts
  • Usefulness of good and consumer choice (Cardinal approach)
  • Curves indifference and budget constraints (Ordinalist approach)
  • Optimum consumer
  • Basic concepts
  • Effect of income and replacement effect
  • Curve "Income-Consumption" and Engel Curves
  • Curve "price-consumption"
  • Construction of an individual and market demand curve
  • Assessment of consumer welfare
  • Topic 6. Firm as a market subject Basic concepts
  • Production feature and its properties. Isokvante. Maximum norm of technological substitution
  • Production with one variable factor and the law of decreasing return. Relationship of the limit and medium product
  • Production with two variable factors. Scope effect
  • Maskost. Equilibrium manufacturer
  • Basic concepts
  • Cost concept. Explicit and imputed costs. Accounting, Economic and Normal Profit
  • Production costs in the short term. Permanent, variables and general
  • Cost function in the long term
  • General, medium and limit income
  • Topic 7. Market structures
  • The concept of a market structure. Signs of perfect competition. The demand for competitive firm products
  • Properties of market structures
  • Maximization of profit firm in the short term
  • Production costs in the long term. Paradox profit
  • Clean Monopoly Market Model
  • The curve of the utmost income of the pure monopolist
  • Maximization of profits with a pure monopolist in the short-term period. Long-term monopoly equilibrium
  • Monopoly power and its public costs (surplus buyer and surplus seller)
  • Price discrimination. The concept, conditions of occurrence, types and consequences
  • State regulation of the market of pure monopoly
  • Signs of monopolistic competition in comparison with the market of perfect competition and monopoly
  • Differentiation of the product. Price and insensitive competition
  • The firm's demand curve in monopolistic competition. Equilibrium in short and long-term periods at price competition
  • The main features of the market of oligopoly. Oligopoly behavior. Loars of demand curve. Pricing in the market of oligopoly
  • The role of non-price competition and economic efficiency
  • Theme 8. The market of factors of production and distribution of income Basic concepts
  • Competitive resource markets. Demand and offer for resources from the company and industry
  • Pricing in the labor market
  • Pricing in the capital market
  • Pricing in the earth market
  • Topic 9. Agricultural Economy
  • Forms of agricultural enterprises.
  • Differential and monopoly land rent. Absolute rent.
  • APK, its structure and functions.
  • Topic 10. National Economics: goals and results of the goal of the National Economy
  • Structure of the National Economy, its types
  • Macroeconomic model of circuit income and expenses
  • Macroeconomic proportions system and their types
  • GNP and methods for its calculation
  • 1) the production method - as the sum of the added value of all enterprises;
  • SNA and cost circuit costs and income
  • 2. Model of a circuit with the participation of the state.
  • 3. Model of a circuit with abroad. Nominal and real GNP
  • Topic 11. Cumulative demand and cumulative offer. Macroeconomic equilibrium Cumulative demand
  • Cumulative offer
  • Cumulative offer in short and long term periods
  • Macroeconomic Equilibrium (AD-AS)
  • Income, consumption and savings in Keynesian theory
  • Investments and their instability. Investment demand factors
  • Macroeconomic equilibrium analysis methods
  • Changes to equilibrium production volume. Multiplier
  • Paradox of leaning
  • Topic 12. Macroeconomic instability and form of its manifestation of the economic cycle and its main characteristics
  • Unemployment and its types. Economic costs unemployment
  • Inflation: concept, causes and consequences
  • Phillips curve and stagnation problem
  • Topic 13. Financial system and fiscal policy of the state function and principles of taxation
  • Types of taxes
  • Fiscal (budget-tax) policy
  • Budget deficit and public debt. Management of public debt
  • Topic 14. Cash market. Monetary policy
  • Money offer and its structure
  • 1) Cash (paper and metal), which are in circulation and are state obligations;
  • Demand for money and its views. Equilibrium money market
  • 1) Demand due to the use of money in various business transactions;
  • 2) The demand for money as a means of preserving wealth.
  • Banking system as an organizational form of money market
  • Credit and monetary policy and its tools
  • 1) operations on the open market;
  • 2) change the backup rate;
  • 3) Changing the account.
  • Topic 15. Macroeconomic equilibrium in the commodity and money markets The relationship of commodity and money markets
  • Consequences of changes in equilibrium conditions in the market of goods and money
  • The impact of changes in monetary and fiscal policy on the interaction of commodity and money markets
  • Topic 16. Social policy of the state Essence and main directions of social policy
  • Income population, their forms in a market economy
  • System and mechanism of social protection of the population
  • Social guarantees
  • Income distribution and social justice
  • Standards of living
  • Topic 17. Economic growth Economic growth and its factors
  • 1) The main problem of this theory is to find ways to increase the volume of GNP in full-time employment, etc. E. Overcoming the boundaries of its production capabilities;
  • 2) It is based on a dynamic, long-term approach to the economy.
  • Economic Growth Theory and State Regulation
  • 2) emphasize the long-term sustainability of economic growth;
  • 3) propose to stimulate and regulate economic growth through tax reducing as a means of increasing savings and investments, labor and entrepreneurial activity;
  • Model of economic growth r. SOLOU.
  • Topic 18. World Economy The concept of world economy and economic prerequisites for its occurrence
  • Structure of world economy
  • Integration processes in the global economy
  • Internationalization of economic life and its form
  • Globalization as a new stage of internationalization of world economy
  • Social politics- A system of measures aimed at raising the level and quality of life of the population. It is determined by both the activities of the state in managing the development of the social sphere of society, aimed at meeting the interests and needs of citizens.

    The main tasks of social policy are:

    Improving well-being;

    Improving the working conditions and life of people;

    The implementation of the principle of social justice.

    Social policy should take into account not only the material, but also the political and spiritual interests of members of society.

    Allocate the following tasks of social policyproviding the normal development of society:

    1) Social protection of man and its main socio-economic rights;

    2) providing conditions for increasing the welfare of each person and society as a whole;

    3) maintaining a certain status of various social groups and relations between them, the formation and reproduction of the optimal social structure of society;

    4) development of social infrastructure (housing and communal services, transport and communications, education, health care, information);

    5) the formation of economic incentives for participation in public production;

    6) the creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of a person, satisfying its needs and the possibility of realizing in free labor.

    In social policy, the final goals and the results of economic growth are expressed. The purpose of social policy is to encourage all forms of business activity, primarily labor and entrepreneurial. As for the results of economic growth, as the acceleration is accelerated, favorable social conditions are being created for citizens, their welfare is growing, incentives are created for effective economic activity. At the same time, the higher the economic development stage achieved, the higher the requirements for people providing economic growth to their knowledge, culture, physical and moral development. Social policy performance indicatorsare the level and quality of life of the population.

    Social policy is carried out at different levels of economic activity:

    1) the social policy of the company (corporation) in relation to their staff;

    2) Regional Social Policy in relation to regions;

    3) state social policy;

    4) Interstate social policy related to the solution of global environmental problems, overcoming the socio-economic backwardness of groups of countries.

    The possibility of solving social policy problems is determined by the amount of resources that the state can send to their implementation. In turn, the resource base depends on the overall level of economic development of the country. The global economy has entered the innovative stage of development. Its distinctive features: high scientificness of production, a continuous innovative process that requires a new level of human resource professionalism.

    Success or failure in solving social policy problems depends on the sustainability or instability of the society of society.

    Social stabilitysuggests:

    Stable price level for basic consumption and services;

    Preventing unreasonable income differentiation;

    Formation of a reliable system of social protection and social guarantees of members of society.

    The social policy of the state in the economy transition to the market has featuresexpressed in:

    Support of various layers of the population;

    Social support for poor citizens;

    Creating conditions for the development of entrepreneurship;

    Financing in sufficient education and health care;

    Care about the protection of ecology, the environment;

    Regulating the scope of labor relations.

    Social policy in the transition period is implemented in three main areas. This is an income policy, employment policy and social partnership policy.

    Revenue policyimplies measures to mitigate their inequality; employment policyit is to ensure the conditions for the effectiveness of work; social partnership policyaims to regulate the relationship between employers and workfields.

    The role of the market itself is great in solving many socio-economic issues. It rightly distributes revenues by end results; Improving the efficiency of the economy, creates a material database for the growth of the welfare of the population. The market makes manufacturers work for the maximum satisfaction of the diverse requests of people, but at the same time cannot provide social guarantees for all members of society.

    Measures to implement social policies are funded by the state. Currently, there is a transition from government funding for social partnership. This means that a number of social programs for creating housing market, the use of opportunities for insurance medicine, the transition of a number of social services on a paid basis is carried out at the expense of not only the budget, but also enterprises.

    The main directions of social policy:

    1) providing all able-bodied favorable opportunities and incentives for entrepreneurship and labor, to earn the highest income in any legitimate activities;

    2) Ensuring certain social guarantees for disabled, poor and unemployed.

    The first direction includesa complex of such state measures as:

    Liberalization of the business is the liberation of it from bureaucratic obstacles, providing people with freedom of entrepreneurship within the framework of law and responsibility;

    High employment maintenance is an increase in jobs, promoting vocational training, retraining, employment;

    Regulation of labor relations is the minimum wage, the duration of the working day, vacations, labor protection, etc.

    Second directionit provides for measures aimed at redistributing income, providing pensions and benefits of disabled, low-income and unemployed, increasing educational level and strengthening medical care to all needy.

    Social partnership- coordination of the actions of the government, entrepreneurs and employees on the dynamics of wages and social transfers. The policy of social partnership is aimed at implementing the principles of equality and social justice in the labor market. She suggests:

    Creation of normal conditions in the labor market (the duration of the working week, vacations, labor protection, labor payment, the rights and obligations of the employee);

    Ensuring the conditions of entrepreneurship (property integrity, freedom of entrepreneurship and disposal of income).

  • If the statement is true that the policy is a concentrated expression of the economy, the interpretation of social policy as a specific concentration (focus) of all types of policies aimed at managing the existence, the functioning and development of the social sphere may be equally correct. The latter is a kind of system in which three large blocks (element) are distinguished, each of which is relatively independent subsystem. First, this is the social structure of society as differentiation of people in public and social groups and relations between them. In this subsystem, the degree of development of the social structure in general is essential, as well as the presence of so-called poorly protected layers. Secondly, this is a social infrastructure as a set of industries serving a person and contributing to the reproduction of the normal life activity of people. Third, an important component of the social sphere as the degree of development of all other spheres and society as a whole is the working conditions of man, his life, leisure, health, the possibility of choosing a profession, place of residence, access to values, ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual.

    It is the concentration in these directions should be the basis of the social policy of the state.

    1. Accounting and effective implementation of the main areas (species) of social work: social diagnostics; social prophylaxis; social supervision; social correlation; social therapy; social adaptation; social rehabilitation;

    social security; social insurance; social custody; social assistance; social consulting; social expertise; social guardianship; social innovations; social mediation and mobility.

    2. The focus on the basic social facilities in need of social protection, social assistance and support, such as disabled; unemployed; Participants of the Great Patriotic War Inrew to them; Tar workers during

    Great Patriotic War; lonely older people and families consisting of some pensioners (by age, disability and other grounds); Widow and Mother of military personnel who killed I Great Patriotic War, in other wars and peacetime;! Former juvenile prisoners of fascism; persons exposed-;

    political repression and subsequently rehabilitated ^ refugees, forced migrants; persons who were subjected to radia-symbol due to the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear nuclear power plant and nuclear tests; Persons who returned from the "Conclusions, deprivation of freedom, special educational institutions; persons without a certain place of residence; families having in parties abusing alcohol who use drugs; families with disabled children; families who have orphans and children left without care:

    parents; low-income families; large families;! families of minor parents; Young families (including student); Mothers who are on child care vacation; Pregnant women and nursing mothers; self-residing graduates of orphanages and boarding schools (before the achievement of material independence and social maturity);

    orphaned or restless children without care; Needle-minded children and teenagers; Children and teenagers of deviant behavior; Children experiencing cruel and violence, which are in conditions that threaten health and development;

    bred families; families with unfavorable psychological microclimate, conflict relationships, families where parents are pedagogically untenable; Persons having psychological difficulties experiencing psychological stresses slightly to suicidal actions.

    The orientation of the social policy of the state on these two lines should be natural. They are closely related to each other in theory, and (especially) in practice, in the process of training social workers and in their future professional activities.

    It is here about such a content of social policy, which implements social service of people in a broad plan. And this means that the state carries out (directly and indirectly) activities on socio-economic support, the provision of social and domestic, medical and social, psychological and pedagogical

    , legal services, on social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens and families in a difficult life situation.

    The social policy of the state may have different dimensions: economic, organizational, legal, actually social, cultural, environmental, personal. Therefore, a quantitative and qualitative characteristic of social policy by the state is possible. Among these characteristics, the objective criteria are the most important: the practical implementation of social justice in society; accounting for the social interests of various groups and segments of the population from the point of view of the actual satisfaction of their rational (healthy) needs; And, of course, social security, as already noted, low-income layers, children, retirees, unemployed, refugees, seriously ill, etc.

    Let us dwell on one of the most important characteristics of social policy - social justice. Social justice is a dialectical concept that means, on the one hand, the degree of reasonable equality, and on the other - the continuing inequality, which is due to the level of development of society as a whole, its productive forces, which is its specific expression in ensuring socially acquitted minimum needs of people depending on the family Provisions, health status, etc. This manifests itself, in particular, in any civilized society, the authorities are trying to control the implementation of the "consumer basket", the need to ensure each family, to each person of minimal income, which gives the possibility of physiological existence and allowing to satisfy the most important material and spiritual needs of people. The impossibility of their implementation can lead to social cataclysms that are expressed in exceeding mortality over the birth rate, reduce population. If this is the result not only objectively acting conditions, but also conscious (or inept) social policy of ruling circles, then this process gets the name of the genocide in relation to its own or someone else's people (nations).

    On the issue of social inequalities in society between "groups of people, two extreme approaches can be noted. One of them is to reduce the policies of inequality and its justification.

    good Russian philosopher N.A. Berdyaev so expressed his attitude to this issue: "The inequality is a powerful weapon of once-1 producing producing. Equation in poverty, poverty would make it impossible to develop productive forces. Inequality;

    there is a condition of every creative process, any social initiative, all selection of elements, more suitable for production "*. ]

    Another approach (is presented in the main Marxist concept of 1st in philosophy and sociology) is reduced to the denial of any consolidation inequality, in any case in the distant future. In each house there is a good approach, of course, his positive moments, which | can not be denied. Therefore, it is not by chance that the truth of the NakhO-1 is found in the middle. From this point of view, speaking about the position of N.A. Ber-1 Dyayev, you need to emphasize: everything is good in moderation. |

    After all, the extreme degree of inequality is able to lead to nonsta-1 bilities in society, social explosions, the destruction of the production of capacity (and labor tools), the death of people. Therefore, in the CIWI-1 listed societies, political structures seek to soften | Social inequality, create conditions for satisfaction Although | There would be minimal material and spiritual needs of people, J what is achieved by tax policies, expansion and deepening social work on the protection of the most disadvantaged segments of the population.

    In the conditions of the crisis state of Russian society, neither theoretically, nor the more practically it is impossible to set the task of eliminating inequality (this is an illusion). It should be about preventing its extremes, i.e. On the prevention of the global polarization of social groups, layers and classes to avoid social explosion-:

    va and instability in society. ;

    It is impossible to recognize the normal situation in the current Russia, "when marginal layers (unemployed, refugees, poor) are dominated in the social structure, not related to production. Also;

    it is impossible to recognize the normal situation when the edge is dominated | Group in material relation: Ultra-walled and superb ", type, and in relation (in terms of income) 1: 20-50 and more (according to different sources). Although in developed countries it is Coot- | Wearing is 1: 5-10. "

    * Berdyaev N.A. Philosophy of inequality. Letters of essays on social philosophy. - 2nd ed., Act. - Paris, 1970, - p. 204.

    Politicians (ruling circles) understand the explosion hazard of such a situation. Certain steps are being taken to prevent it. But these steps are often inconsistent, and the measures taken are far from complete and, most importantly, are poorly implemented.

    There is no doubt that a comparative analysis of the content of social policy of various states, the debate on the general, special and one in the organization of social protection of the population in different countries will significantly enrich the theory and practice of this activity. At the same time, when mastering foreign experience in the sphere of social support of the population, the historical conditions and national characteristics of Russia must be fully taken into account. It should be borne in mind the system of social security of the population (as well as, naturally, the peculiarities of culture, mentality, the lifestyle of the Russian society), which is reasonably complementary by its innovations, based on the new socio-political situation, is reasonable. For the upcoming foreseeable period, it is advisable to preserve mainly state assistance (maintenance) in the field of health, distribution of housing, etc. First of all, for the poor and low-income segments of the population.

    It is known that various countries have developed a different system for the provision of social assistance to the "weak" segments of the population. If, for example, the United States is focused on the private sector, charitable, public organizations, then in most European countries the state plays the main role in solving these problems.

    As for Russia, it should be given a preference to the state not only because the private sector, commercial and other non-governmental structures have been weak until recently and undeveloped (now they cannot be said about them), but also therefore (and possibly, and above all) that they are in a significant part of their part are not enough civilized, criminal (take at least concealing of the income, ignoring the tax system).

    Now in Russia during the crisis of the economy, the lack of funds is very important to organize targeted assistance to the most needy groups of the population (elderly, disabled, lonely, large families). In this regard, it is necessary to develop a base indicator of poverty. Today, this problem is known to solve the ideological attachment of certain groups of developers ^

    Accusative attention must be paid to the possible "effects of mass unemployment, fraught with a social explosion particularly dangerous in Russia today. Of course, it requires opt;

    an approach to the problem of privatization, the strength of the denationalization, the optimal combination of various forms of ownership. This is also spoken and written not only in the steel position, but also in the walls of state, official structures of the Masters of Full-sighted and "unmanaged" specialists.

    As the foreign (and now domestic) experience shows, one of the most promising directions in solving a problem of social protection in the current conditions of Russia is a balance sheet combination of monetary and non-monetary types of assistance. This is pre-treated (including today) today's state of the country's financial system as a consequence of the universal, systemic crisis.

    Usually, social work is considered as an activity aimed at providing assistance, support, etc. Eocial< уязвимым группам населения. Однако социальную работу можн< (и нужно) рассматривать и как деятельность по предупреждения негативных последствий в поведении, в жизнедеятельности отдель ных личностей, групп, слоев, т.е. профилактическая работа должн) занять в социальной работе в целом значительно большее место, че» это наблюдается сейчас. На это должна быть нацелена социальна! политика. Надо не только лечить «социальные болезни», но и пре дотвращать их. Лучше и для общества в целом, и для людей не оказывать помощь, к примеру, безработным, а делать все возможно» для предотвращения безработицы, обучения людей, развития про изводства, создания новых рабочих мест, перепрофилирования тез или иных цехов, предприятий, учреждений и т.д. Именно в 3TON можно видеть сущность социальной политики как концентрированного выражения всех иных видов политики. Именно в этом проявляется действительная забота о людях, об удовлетворении их насущных потребностей и интересов. Таким образом, социальная работаД должна носить опережающий, упреждающий характер.

    Social policy and social work are closely interconnected by each other. Both are characterized by two interconnected parties: scientific and educational and practical organization Noah. Social work is a peculiar form, SPOS (Social Policy Implementation, and Social Policy - Sure ;;

    zhen, a landmark of social work. This consists of their unity

    difference. The latter manifests itself, in particular, the fact that social policy is a broader concept determining the party sorrowoalthy work. Social policy is a landmark not only for social work, but also for the development of the social sphere as a whole. Unlike social work, it is more stable, stable. Social work is more dynamic, movable, rich in its content in comparison with social policy. At the same time, "their unity is not wretched. What is social policy, such and social work. Implementation of the content, forms and methods of the last entirely determined by social policy. At the same time, social work - social protection activities, support and help of socially vulnerable layers and Groups, individual citizens, the population as a whole cannot but affect (ultimately) on the landmarks of social policy, its directions, goals and objectives.

    Training and practical tasks

    1. What is social policy?

    2. Describe the state as a major subject of social policy.

    3. What do you see the peculiarities of the modern Russian state as the Social Institute of Society?

    4. Name the main directions of the social policy of the state.

    5. Expand the content of social justice as the most important characteristics of social policy.

    6. What are the main tasks of social policy at the present stage of the development of Russian society?

    7. What is the unity and distinction between social policies and social work?

    1. Actual Problems of social policy in restructuring. - M.: Policy, 1989.

    2. Anthology Social work: in 5 t. - T. 3: Social policy and legislation in social work / Sost. M.V. Fathers. - M.: Weld - NVF SPT, 1995.

    3. Davidovich V.E. Social justice: ideal and principles of activity. - M.: Policy, 1989.

    4. Digid. Social Policy in Transforming Eco | Nomiki // Problems of the Theory and Management Practices. - 1992. - No. B |

    5. Kozlov A.E. Social policy: constitutional legal foundations. - M.: Politicize, 1980. I

    6. Constitution (Basic law) of the Russian Federation. - M. | 1992.

    7. Social and socio-political situation in Russia: Ana- | Liz and forecast (first half of 1995) / RAS. In-t Socially political research. - M.: Academia, 1995.;

    8. Social Transitional / public policy! Science and modernity. - 1994. - № 6.

    9. Social position in the world (comparative analysis of the developments of the CIS countries). -M.: RAS, 1992.!

    10. Social Landmarks of a changing society: Sat. Articles of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - M., 1993. 1

    11. Theory and social work technique / Ed. P.D. Pav- | Lenka. - M.: Gasuba, 1993. - Issue. 1995. - Vol. 2. J.

    12. Theory and methodical social work / ed. IG Table - | Sheva. - M.: MGSU, 1994. - Ch. 1.

    13. Encyclopedia Social work: in 3 tons / lane. from English - M.: | Center of Universal Values, 1993-1994.

    The practice of conducting social policy in developed countries has developed several directions in its implementation. These include: employment regulation, state policy in the formation of income, health policy, social protection of citizens, housing strategy.

    The most important of these should include the policies of employment.

    Employment Policy is one of the areas of social policy through which the degree of acute problems of employment, unemployment, retraining is solved or decreases. Employment policy is considered in the context of measures to stimulate economic growth and pursues goals:

    · The creation of opportunities for worm members of society is the most fully realized its potential;

    · Caring for the unemployed and their families, employment and resettlement of the unemployed;

    · Further use of partially occupied labor;

    · Creating opportunities for productive and well-paid employment;

    · Investing in human capital in order to increase productivity, its conservation and accumulation;

    · Development of adaptation mechanisms to market requirements (primarily promoting the development of production and social infrastructures).

    By implementing employment policies, the state most of the funds spends on measures of passive nature - the payment of unemployment benefits, while in a number of countries, the linkage of receipt of benefits with professional training, retraining or receiving additional education, as well as the use of forced vacations for retraining and receiving additional Education.

    At the same time, the trend has recently been clearly visible to strengthen the role of active measures that are aimed at regulating demand for labor and require significant financial costs. We are talking, in particular, about the payment of enterprises providing the work of certain contingents of labor force, temporary subsidies covering part of the fees earned by the fees. As a rule, a similar measure is used to stimulate the hiring for a long unemployed, youth and usually does not lead to the creation of additional jobs, but promotes the employment of those contingents, the prospects for which are the least favorable.

    Expensive, but promising measure are direct state investments in the creation of new jobs. Certificate advantage - address character. Such programs are most efficiently used in financing infrastructure projects, including in rural areas, which provides people with work and gives impetus to the development of economic activities of the region.

    Among the active measures, the rational use of flexible forms of employment and partial employment based on flexible graphs can be distinguished. This allows you to preserve the qualified workforce, and the workers get the opportunity to freely maneuver their time, choosing the most convenient work for themselves.

    The most important direction of employment policies is to support and form a small business structure. In most countries, the bulk of new jobs is created today not on large, but in small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Another component of social policy is a state policy in the formation of income.

    Under income, they understand the total amount of monetary revenues of the subject from all sources during a specific period of time. Revenues can take different forms. The main modern forms of income are considered: wages, profit, rent, percentage (on capital), government (transfers) payments.

    Despite the differences in these forms of income, each of which has its own essence, they can all be provided in the form: nominal, disposed and real.

    At the same time, income rated in monetary terms is rated income, and the real is the amount of goods and services that are purchased for money income. The rated income from taxes is considered.

    Sources of modern income can be: economic activities carried out in a particular sector of the economy within the income existing in this country, and the shadow, which does not fit into existing laws, but bringing income to the subject.

    The state tools for regulating income in order to reduce the inequality of their distribution are transfer payments, taxes, price regulation and other tools.

    The state, conducting social policies, tracks the health of the population. Since human health is the highest socio-economic value of society, its protection and strengthening the state is considering as one of the priorities of state social policy.

    The state health policy is aimed at ensuring all social groups of the population with high-quality accessible medical care, an increase in the level of sanitary culture, the introduction and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. To achieve such health policies such as a decrease in morbidity, mortality and life expectancy, the state focuses on areas of activity that give the greatest medical, social and economic effect. These include: primary health care, immunoprophylaxis, the allocation of risk groups and regulation on this basis of a system of prophylactic examinations and dispensary observation in order to prevent and early detection of diseases, improving the health promotion and infrastructure.

    Social protection of employees, as the most important direction of the social policy of the state, is extremely important, because Most of the population in all countries make up working, the only (or basic) income of which is wages, and this means that they are economically vulnerable and not to rely on, except for government. In addition, any state has a significant amount of disabled persons and persons with low-capacity, requiring special attention of the state. To all this this can be added that the policy of the state in the field of social protection of employees is based on the inequality of the parties in the labor market. The hired worker is weak compared to the employer side, because it does not have property to the means of production and is forced to sell its labor. The state's actions in this area should be aimed at financial support for employees in the event of damage to the health of the latter or in other cases. To this end, the state develops certain legal norms that ensure the creation of a system of contracts that conclude employees and entrepreneurs. The state, conducting such measures, proceeds from the fact that in social relationships between employees and employers it should be not just about the purchase of goods, but about the social status of the person.

    The structure of social policy includes a social protection policy. This is a system of principles, standards and measures used by the state to create and regulate conditions ensuring the protection of citizens in social risk situations.

    Social risk is a risk of the risk of circumstances in the society that cause significant damage to citizens on objective, non-affected reasons (unemployment, inflation, interethnic conflicts, disability, age consequences, crimes against personality safety, etc.).

    To implement social protection policies, a social protection system is created, which is a combination of specific forms and measures to maintain the vital activity of those groups of the population of those citizens who are in social risk situations for circumstances independent of them.

    The main principles of social protection policies are: Humanity, the targeting of protection, universality, combined with a differentiated approach to different socio-demographic segments of the population, the integration of various parts of the system into a single whole, system flexibility, the reliability of resource provision of measures carried out through this system .

    Methods of social protection, meaning specific ways of its implementation, in practice are very diverse. This is due to a variety of social risks and those specific situations, volumes, forms in which they show themselves.

    The main methods used for social protection are:

    · Social assistance carried out on gratuitous or preferential conditions with a difficult material situation in social risk (disabled people, losses affected by Chernobyl, etc.);

    · Social insurance as a system for providing financial assistance through the contributions of the mandatory or voluntary order and, depending on their size;

    Social support is first of all the way to protect those whose income was below the subsistence minimum, etc.

    Housing is one of the primary needs of the population.

    The degree of accomplishing the need for housing is largely predetermined by the social and economic behavior of people, the psychological state and human health, its production activities, spiritual and material well-being and the development of the entire nation. One of the priorities of the country's socio-economic development and reducing the development of housing problems is recognized by the development of housing construction. However, in a market economy, the volume of housing construction is determined by the demand for it, which depends on the financial capabilities of families, as well as the cost of acquiring, maintaining and servicing housing.

    With a significant differentiation of income, some of the population is not able to independently solve the housing problem, so the state holds housing policies - part of social policy aimed at improving the housing conditions of citizens.

    When implementing this policy, the state as tools uses:

    · Construction benefits, purchase and rental of housing;

    · The tax discount system (for real estate tax);

    · Social housing payment regulation system;

    · State loans for the construction of residential buildings;

    · Subsidation of interest on loans and the issuance of direct loans for the construction and purchase of housing;

    · Housing benefits for pensioners and low-income families;

    · Subsidies for repairs, reconstruction and improvement of housing, etc.

    Housing policy is also held in the form of special housing programs.

    Thus, the role of social policy is manifested in promoting the development of relations of equality and justice in society, creating conditions for the growth of welfare and the standard of living of all members of society. Nevertheless, its use is limited both by the budget framework and the need to preserve the market principles of stimulating labor and receiving income.

    Social Policy Models

    A model of a successful solution to the problem of finding equilibrium between social justice and economic efficiency was the Social Democratic, or Scandinavian, social policy model, most fully implemented in Sweden. It is based on the right of all citizens on social security and receiving a wide range of social services. The high quality of the contractual relationship between the associations of employers and employees in constant control by the state provides through the taxation system the redistribution of national income in favor of low-income groups. Real social protection, increasing the standard of living of low-income citizens, contributes to an increase in their consumer demand for goods and services, stimulating economic growth. Pensions in such a model are differentiated as folk, paid to each resident of the country from the budget to achieve the retirement, and labor, depending on the success of the work. This results in the implementation of the two types of justice - equalizing and distribution.

    As a result of the implementation of a number of social programs in the Scandinavian countries, relatively equal starting capabilities have been created for all groups of the population, and the Swedish development model is called "functional socialism". At the same time, some imperfection of this model in ensuring economic efficiency should be recognized.

    The conservative model of social policy is often called institutional or continental European. It is based on the principle of compulsory labor participation and dependence of the degree of social security from the efficiency and duration of human labor. The most fully model is implemented in Germany, where in 1880. For the first time in the world, medical insurance was introduced, and then a package of laws was adopted, according to which the amount of insurance premiums associated with earnings, and the amount of expenses for contributions was equally between the employers and employees. The state took part in the financing of pensions. And although the parameters of this model were constantly improved, the principles embedded in it initially persist today.

    In a conservative model of social policy, a distribution type of social justice is being implemented: the redistribution trends are defined here, and the main emphasis is on the employment of employees in public production.

    The liberal social policy model operates in high-speed and USA. Here, the state ensures the well-being of vulnerable segments of the population and maximize the creation of non-state forms of social insurance and social support. In addition, citizens receive assistance from the state in the form of transfers at the expense of budgets of various levels. The main condition for obtaining public benefits is low-cost. In the United States, for example, about 8 thousand social assistance programs are operating, which are implemented at the federal, staff and municipal levels, and the criteria for their issuing vary from state to state. There is a real possibility of obtaining social assistance simultaneously in several programs. The magnitude of these benefits is insignificant, but in the aggregate they allow a person in a difficult situation to improve their welfare.

    Nored three models in the world are not found in its pure form, representing the "ideal types" of the social state, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. In practice, it is usually possible to observe a combination of elements of liberal, conservative and social democratic models with a clear predominance of the features of one of them.

    Social policy is formed taking into account the specific historical conditions of the country. The material foundations of public life have a great influence on social policy. For example, different countries have a different demographic structure of the population, which determines the load coefficient. At the same time, the load on the able-bodied population may increase both from the children and from the elderly. Due to these factors, spending on social programs will have a different structure. The economic and political environment (for example, war, blockade, embargo) has a significant impact on social programs. To form a social policy, it is necessary to clearly submit both the social stratification of society and the goals of socio-economic transformations.

    Along with this, the characteristic of the subject factor is important. Since the behavior of people with certain interests, opportunities, social activity, mobility, type of culture, forms a social sphere, therefore, for social management, the selection of a social policy model needs to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bincentives, preferences of various social groups, the traditions of the country's population.

    Encompasses fundamentally main directions in the development of society. At the same time, concrete tasks are solved in front of various sectors. In this regard, there is defense and environmental, internal and external, cultural and national, economic and social policy of the state. Allocate the scope associated with the issues of the political system. Specialists often apply fractional division, especially considering technical, agricultural, demographic and other political industries.

    Due to the fact that all parties and areas of life of society are closely interrelated, the above directions interact. This frequent interpenetration and weave causes a fairly conditional distinction.

    However, there is a sphere that is the most close to the whole population of the interests and needs of a person. This area is facing the social life of the population - the social policy of the state.

    Under this definition, it is necessary to understand the activities of the Public Apparatus, charitable foundations, public organizations aimed at meeting the interests and needs of citizens.

    • Baranova Irina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor
    • Donskaya State Agrarian University
    • Protection of the population

    This article discusses the role and directions of social policy in Russia. Attention is paid to the directions of public policy in the field of an effective system of social protection and the standard of living of the population.

    • The activities of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region on the organization of social protection of the population

    Social policy is one of the most important areas of state regulation of the economy. Since the ultimate goal of the state's activities is the achievement of a high level of well-being of society and the creation of conditions for its further development, social policy has the most direct attitude towards solving this task. The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of social support of citizens is formed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    The role of social bay policy. First, as economic growth, the accumulation of national wealth and the creation of favorable social conditions for citizens becomes the main goal of economic activity. From this point of view, the goals of economic growth are concentrated in social policy, and all other aspects of economic development begin to be considered as a means of implementing social policies.

    Secondly, social policy is a factor in economic growth. If economic growth is not accompanied by an increase in welfare, then people lose incentives for effective economic activity. At the same time, the higher the level of economic development, the higher the requirements for people providing economic growth, their knowledge, culture, physical and moral development. In turn, it requires further development of the social sphere (Fig.)

    The main tasks of social policy:

    • the implementation of social protection of a person and the implementation of its main socio-economic rights;
    • providing conditions for improving the welfare of each person;
    • maintaining a certain status of various social groups;
    • development of social infrastructure (housing and communal services, transport and communications, education, health care, informatization);
    • the formation of economic incentives to participate in the social production;
    • creating conditions for the comprehensive human development.

    Figure - Social Policy Directions of Russia

    Federal and regional legislation allocates certain categories of population protected by those or other legal acts, since they will be in difficult life situation, such as:

    • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War and the families of the dead servicemen;
    • citizens affected by the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP and radioactive emissions in other places;
    • unemployed;
    • forced refugees and migrants;
    • children are orphans, children who are left without parental and families in which they live;
    • low-income families;
    • large families;
    • lonely mothers;
    • citizens infected with HIV or AIDS patients;
    • persons without a certain place of residence.

    For these categories social protection It is considered as a system of permanent or long-term measures guaranteed by the state, providing conditions for overcoming a difficult life situation. These measures are aimed at creating protected categories of the population of equals with other citizens participation opportunities in society. They include social assistance and social support.

    Social help - Periodic or regular events that contribute to the elimination or decrease in a difficult life situation.

    Directions of social policy in the field of efficient social protection system (table):

    Table. Directions of social policy in the field of efficient social protection system

    An indicator of the performance of social policy is the level and quality of life of the population

    The standard of living of the population is the level of consumption of material goods (public security by industrial consumer goods, food, housing, etc.)

    The "real picture" of the standard of living is a "consumer basket", including a set of products and services, providing a certain level of consumption.

    In this regard, the "minimum level of consumption" and "rational consumption" is allocated. Under the first one is understood by such a consumer set, the decrease in which the consumer puts on the line of ensuring the normal conditions of its existence. It is here that the so-called "poverty line" passes. At the same time, it should not be confused by the "minimum level of consumption" with the "physiological minimum consumption", below which a person simply cannot exist physically. The share of the population in the "feature of poverty" is one of the most important indicators characterizing the standard of living in a given country.

    The "rational level of consumption" reflects the amount and structure of consumption, most favorable for the individual. The statistic approach to such consumption has the appropriate importance for estimating the standard of living.

    The situation in the social sphere in the Russian Federation actualizes the problem of choosing the optimal model of social policy. In modern conditions, the confrontation of two alternative options is increasing - the policies of the social and subsidiary state. At the same time, in recent times, the implementation of the doctrine of the social state is intensified in practice, as evidenced by the national projects nominated by the President of the Russian Federation, which affect the main spheres of socio-economic development: education, health care, housing construction, agriculture.

    In particular, it is envisaged to increase the wages of educational and health workers in order to promote the improvement of the quality of educational and medical services, the development of mortgage lending to solve housing issues, activities to support domestic agricultural producers. The implementation of these projects will be important to raise the level and quality of life of the inhabitants of our country.


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