Lesson on social studies Political activity. What is political activities? Are determined by the resources that power uses

Garden technique 30.06.2020
Garden technique

Gaganov Alexander Andreevich - Expert of the Center Sulakshina, K.Yu.n.

Will the concept of political activities of NGO-foreign agents changed? What does the Ministry of Justice offer?

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has developed a bill in which the concept of political activity is specified. The draft law provides for amendments to the relevant provisions of the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations", clause 6 of Article 2 is changing, in which we are talking about foreign agents. The first paragraph of paragraph 6 remains unchanged, that is, the concept of a non-profit organization that performs the functions of a foreign agent remains the same.

Background bill

The order to clarify the concept of political activities by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin was given by the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on October 1, 2015.

At the SPC meeting, the President of the Russian Federation in particular emphasized that "the state will continue to pay special attention to the development of human rights institutions and civil society institutions." According to him, in 2015 the size of grants such organizations amounted to 4.2 billion rubles. Vladimir Putin noted the increase in the interest of citizens to charitable, socially significant projects. To encourage the development of such projects, it was decided to establish an annual state award in the amount of 2.5 million rubles, which will be awarded for outstanding achievements in charitable activities. A similar prize is also provided for human rights defenders for outstanding achievements in human rights activities.

It's funny that after the story about the state award for human rights defenders, Passage Mikhail Fedotova followed, the Chairman of the HF, that "prosecutors ... are engaged in human rights activities." Fedotov is perplexed: "Then why (prosecutors - approximate aventor) with such persistence write down human rights organizations in the so-called foreign agents? After all, if human rights activities recognize political, then prosecutors should be dismissed, because they are prohibited by the law to engage in politics. " Fedotov also said that "For real human rights defenders, foreign grants are not the reason, but only a means of fulfilling their mission. There will be domestic grants - thanks, work will continue for Russian money; There will be no money at all - it will continue on the volunteer principle. "


Legislation really prohibits prosecutors and judges to be "members of public associations pursuing political goals, and to participate in their activities," "belong to political parties, materially maintain these parties and participate in their political actions and other political activities," "lead political Propaganda or campaigning, participate in campaigns for elections to state authorities and local government bodies, attend congresses and conferences of political parties and movements, to engage in other political activities. " Political activities are prohibited and for the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation.

In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, political activities are mentioned in the context of Article 277 - encroachment on the life of a state or public figure committed to terminate its state or other political activities or from revenge for such activities. It turns out that in the Criminal Code, the concept of political activities is wider than the concept of state activities, and includes the last one.

Who then state and public figures that can be engaged in political activities? The commentary on the Criminal Code prompts that government figures are deputies of all levels, members of the Russian government, deputy ministers and other high-ranking officials. And public figures are the functions of political parties and public associations. In this sense, the Commissioner for Human Rights will be a statesman.

Thus, the concept of "political activity" is not uniformly used in legislation. And the new definition of political activities proposed by the Ministry of Justice only exacerbates this situation.

Political activities are now in the future

According to the Law on NGOs, political activities are the participation of NGOs (including by funding) in organizing and conducting political shares in order to influence the adoption by state authorities decisions aimed at changing the state policy, as well as in the formation of public opinion within these purposes. The list of exceptions in practice is absolutely not important, since NGOs operating in the specified areas are unhindered. The Ministry of Justice in his bill complements the list of reservation that this activity should not be carried out for political purposes. This deprives the list of "exceptions" of any meaning.

The NEW in the initiative of the Ministry of Justice was the indication of the activities of the activities in which a foreign agent is working: from the foundations of the constitutional system, the federal device and to the legislative regulation of rights and freedoms. It is asked how the Ministry of Justice is a NPO activity, for example, in the field of state security? Questions arise and when comparing a list of "non-political" activities and areas of political activity.

For example, science does not apply to political activities. It is logical to assume that science in the field of the foundations of the constitutional system is also not political activities. However, if such science is engaged in NGOs with foreign financing, then this activity suddenly becomes political. Sociological studies - the usual research method for a number of scientific areas - is invited to relate to political activities. A strange thing: science is not a policy, but its methods - politics.

In any case, the purpose of this list is also incomprehensible, because the bill does not provide for proving the fact of the NGO work in these areas to recognize it by a foreign agent.

The Ministry of Justice in his bill names the form of political activities, among which, for example, such forms are indicated as "public appeals to government agencies, local governments, their officials, as well as other actions that influence their activities, including directed For adoption, change, abolition of laws or other legal acts, "" distribution, including using modern information technologies, evaluations of decision-made decisions and policies, "participation in the organization and conduct of public events in the form of meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions or picketing either in various combinations of these forms, in organizing and conducting public discussions, performances. "

What does this mean? Any public event, any appeal to the authorities with requests to accept or cancel the law or other act, any treatment of the NGOs to the court with a statement about challenging the action or decision of the official, placement on the Internet, the publication of the article with the criticism of the government is all political activities. For example, the direction to the authorities or articulation in the media suggestions to adopt the law on the Constitutional Assembly, which is so obliged to take into force part 2 of Article 135 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, these are political activities. Even challenges the decision of the Ministry of Justice on the inclusion of NGOs into the registry is also political activities.

Yes, this activity is not prohibited. But if it is engaged in NPOs, which has foreign sources of financing, welcome to the register of foreign agents. And "Find" foreign funding is not as difficult for NPO, which showed the practice.

The law is not proposed to change in part indication of the goal of activities - to influence the state. But the Ministry of Justice offers another formulation of the goal: "The provision of influence on the development and implementation of state policy, on the formation of state bodies, local governments, on their decisions and actions." This is a more streamlined wording. Identify an attempt to influence the decisions and actions of state bodies is much easier than to prove "impact on decision-making aimed at changing public policy." Moreover, the concept of changing state policy is very vague.

Of course, the state is important to protect against real "foreign agents", which the unnoticed activities of the disparate NPOs can undermine the foundations of the Russian state. No one argues that it is necessary to deal with such organizations funded by our geopolitical opponents. But the struggle methods should be adequate and logical. By the logic of the Ministry of Justice in foreign agents, you can simply include all NGOs financed from abroad. For this, it is not necessary to invent a new concept of political activities.


1. The Ministry of Justice in his bill described almost all types of NPO activities, for which they were in the register of foreign agents after the introduction of the relevant norm in 2012. Political became almost any NPO public activity.

2. If the LTS requested to specify and narrow the concept of "political activities", then the Ministry of Justice, which carried out the appropriate instruction of the head of state, on the contrary, actually expanded this concept.

3. The new concept of political activity will even give up this concept from unification within the system of law: this concept is not universally and applies only to NPOs.

4. The concept of political activity is not associated with the activities of political parties: it does not apply to political parties.

5. The Ministry of Justice of Ministerist has a high chance of adoption, because it will be included in the State Duma by the Government of the Russian Federation, on average, 74% of the initiatives of which.

Even on the topic

Political activity is a form of public life of politics. The policy in the proper sense of the word is the field of activities related to the implementation of the needs and interests of various groups of people whose core is conquering, retention and use of state power.

Each sphere of life of society: economic, social, spiritual, and others - are characterized by a set of forms and activities and social relations inherent in it. A special place is occupied by political activities that make up the main content of politics, political life. Determine the content of political activities - means to give a detailed definition of policies. And begin, apparently, this follows from the definition of the concept of "activity". In the scientific literature, activities in the broad sense of the word is understood as a specific form of active attitudes towards the world around the world, the content of which is its appropriate change and transformation in the interests of people. Human activity or group of people appears as an ordered process consisting of a number of interconnected elements: an object and subject, the goal of activities, activities, the result of activity. The above provisions may be entirely attributed to policies, which is one of the most common types of human activity.

Political activity, therefore, can be defined as a systematic conscious intervention of individual individuals and groups of people in a system of political relations in order to adapt it to their interests. In turn, political activities appear as a continuous number of specific political actions that certain actions can be called, shares of intention or spontaneously undertaken by an individual or a group of people in order to cause certain political results, consequences.

The essence of political activity is disclosed when the structural elements is characteristic:

Direct entities of political activities are direct participants in political actions - social groups and their organizations;

The objects of political activity are an existing social and political device, which is striving to change, transform political actors. The political structure is the unity of the socio-class structure of society, the entire combination of social relations and the constitutional mechanism of politics, that is, a political system;

The purpose of political activities in the broad sense of the word is either in strengthening the existing type of political relations, or in partial transformation, or in their destruction and creation of another socio-political system. Diffuses of the goals of various social subjects gives rise to the severity of their political confrontation. The definition of political objectives is a complex scientific task and at the same time art. Absolutely and relatively irritable goals are called political utopias. However, in politics, it is often possible only due to the fact that its participants sought to stand it impossible. The French poet and publicist Lamartin called the utopia "prematurely expressed truths."

The motive of political activity is what encourages people to act, then, for which they begin to act (from FR. Motif - move). Of paramount importance in a number of motifs belongs to the interests of society as a whole: ensuring security, public order. Then the interests of the class and those social groups are closed by the interests of small social groups and individual individuals. In order for the political action to take place, it is important to aware of the social entity of its needs and interests. Theoretically pronounced awareness of interests are called ideology.

Means of political actions in dictionaries are defined as methods, methods, items, devices used to achieve goals. As for the methods, in politics as funds (methods), any shares, actions committed individually or collectively and aimed at preserving or changing the existing political reality can be considered. It is impossible to give a full full list of funds in politics, but some of them are as follows: rallies, demonstrations, manifestations, elections, referendums, political speeches, manifestos, meetings, negotiations, consultations, decisions, reforms, uprisings, negotiations, courses, revolutions, counter-revolutions, Terror, war.

The results of political action are expressed in those changes in the socio-political structure, which were a consequence of the activities taken, both in common and local scale. Specifically, they can be expressed depending on the type of existing political actions - the revolution, reform or coup - their results may be of varying degrees of change in the system of government: replacing the subject of the authorities (revolution); changes in power (reform); An increase in the volume of power, personal changes in power (coup).

Depending on the changes that cause political actions, three main types of actions can be distinguished:

Revolutions, uprisings, counter-revolution as political actions differ: in the sphere of relations of domination and submission - a change in the ruling social class; in the sphere of power - a change in the ruling group by violence by relations to the previous groups;

The reform and counterformation as political actions do not lead to the destruction of the foundations of the existing power of the dominant groups, but they record only concessions on their part, they are carried out "from above" using legal means;

Political coups - state or palace coup, coup, conspiracy as political actions lead to change only within the existing authority, primarily to personal changes in the center that makes political decisions.

All three of these types of political actions are important for the organization of political life, but the actions carried out by the ruling elite, the entire system of the social institutions controlled by it and, above all, the state and internal and foreign policy are also important.

It is possible to other structuring of political activities when such basic blocks are allocated as:

Professional political activity, in turn, implemented as political functioning (the activities of the political bureaucracy, officials, devices) and political leadership, the component of the core of social proceedings in society. However, to identify political leadership with any type of social management is wrongful. The main content of political leadership: development, adoption and implementation of decisions governing the activities of a political and civil society;

Political participation denotes a variety of individual and group non-professional activities related to policies. Forms of political participation may be the most diverse in the direction, value, performance. There are active, initiative, passive, supporting participation. The most significant types of political participation may be: activities in political organizations, movements, parties; visiting political assemblies; Electoral activity. The literature distinguish: direct and indirect participation; Autonomous and mobilized. The most important function of political participation is the formation of policies and control over its implementation, the formation and approval of political culture, control over the behavior of political elites.

The political activities of people are inextricably linked with their behavior. There is no clear understanding of the category "Political Behavior" in the literature, there are three points of view on this issue:

1. The behavior is an external manifestation of political action;

2. Political behavior and political action - identical concepts;

3. Political behavior is a specific form of political activities.

The specificity of political behavior is as follows:

This is primarily a subject-subject attitude, while political activities are primarily a subject-object attitude;

Political behavior is such a type of activity that is directed to the subject itself and expresses its state in the process of action.

G.P. Hispanic examines behavior as a type of activity aimed at changing the condition of the subject, and not to change what is outside the subject.

The said lets that the concept of "behavior" refers to any political actions characterizing the state of the subject during activity. Such a interpretation of this concept corresponds to its definition from a psychological point of view. The specificity of political behavior, in contrast to activities, is manifested in specific species of its subjects. Such are individuals, groups, masses, crowd. Accordingly, types of behavior are distinguished: individual, group, mass. In addition, behavior can be classified: based on - conscious, unconscious, arbitrary, spontaneous; on situational features - stable, unstable, crisis, unexpected; According to manifestation methods - Riot, protest, mass discontent; By duration - long, short-term; The direction is conscious, controlled, uncontrolled (impulsive, pathological).

Thus, despite the fact that political behavior is inseparable from political activities, its analysis does not duplicate the explanation of political activities, but allows to reveal the state of the subjects of various levels and modifications in various processes of this activity.


1. Melnik V.A. Political science: Textbook for universities. - MN, 1996. - Ch. 9. - § 1.

2. Mrinking D.L. Fundamentals of political science: course of lectures. - Rostov N / D., 1997. - P. 306-325.

3. Political science: lectures / ed. M.N. Marchenko. - M., 1999. - P. 301-316.

4. Demidov A.K. Political activity. - Saratov, 1987.

The main problem in determining political activities is its frequent substitution with a completely different concept - political behavior. Meanwhile, no behavior, but the activity is a form of behavior - the concept of psychology. The activity also implies a social, public or political context.

Before proceeding with the main term in the article, it is necessary to conduct an audit of the concept of "politics". If we consider policies from the point of view of activity, this is an integrated concept: and human management, and science, and building relationships - all for the sake of conquest, holding and realizing power.

One of the main signs of politics, as well as political activity, is rationality that determines the levels of political activities. Rationality is always an understanding and awareness, timing planning and means. Rationality is usually supported by a strong ideology: people and communities must understand well why and why they are engaged in one or another political activity. Strong ideology determines the vector and speed of actors in the political arena.

Basics of political activity

With this concept and so connected the countless number of definitions, theories and flows. Therefore, instead of another "author" formulation, it is better to present existing ones. The reader will have to suffer, here are three:

This is a systematic conscious intervention of individuals or groups into a system of public political relations in order to adapt it to its interests, ideals and values.

In the second version of the "cannibals" less:

This is the action of policies to achieve political goals characterized by a holistic unity of the components of its elements (goals, object, subject, funds).

And the most suitable wording in the context of this article:

Goals and means

With the objectives of political activity, it is easier to understand: they are always associated with either conservation, or with a change in social and political relations. The whole policy, as well as political activity, exists and aims to fulfill the goals. Goals, funds and results are the main and the only components in political activity.

Political activities include various resources and tools, political goals are achieved with their help. The variety of political funds is huge, they can be completely different nature and a different scale: elections, uprisings, finance, ideology, lies, legislative acts, human resources, bribery and blackmail - the list can be continued to infinity.

Today, new funds and social networks with the brightest results and examples of political activities have joined this list: the Arab Spring, the UK exit from the European Union or the referendum for the independence of Catalonia.

It is impossible not to remember the famous statement that "the goal justifies the funds." The sad story of this approval is related, first of all, with the Bolshevik terror. This approach is peculiar to totalitarian regimes, radical groups and other communities, inclined to extremism and violent methods of impact.

On the other hand, participants in political processes fall in a situation where it is necessary to make a decision on very hard measures to save, for example, security. It is difficult to determine where the absolute limit of morality is located in such cases. Therefore, policies are often called the art of compromises and exclusive solutions - each case should be considered separately, taking into account all external and internal factors of impact.

One exactly: the goals of political activities are not justified.

Objects and subjects in the political interior

This paragraph is the highest concentration of philosophical content, because objects and subjects are deeply favorite philosophical theme for a long time. It is not always easy to understand the labyrinths of high scientific reasoning, but you can do an attempt.

The object is part of the political reality, which the activities of political actors are directed. Objects in this case can be both social groups with various institutions and political relations. The object may be a personality - if only this personality was included in the political context.

The subject of political activity is a source of activity aimed at the facility (groups, institutions, relations, personality in a political context, etc.). Interestingly, subjects can be all the same persons: individuals, institutes, various groups of people and their relationship.

Objects and subjects of political activity are quite interchangeable and not only. They mutually influence each other. The object of political activity determines the space and methods of exposure to the subject, which, in turn, also changes the object.

Variants of political activity

A huge number of political activities is explained by the subjectivity of this concept. They can be combined into three major varieties:

  • Political alienation (escapism). Despite the exotic name, it is much more common than it can be assumed. Moreover, the escapism of different color can be found at the most opposite representatives of society - from Sergey Shnurov with his manifestations from the category "I put on your race" to the ruling parties that are in power for a long time.

"Pofigism in cord" is a comfortable and advantageous position: you are clean and free from choice and responsibility. In fact, such behavior can not be attributed to the positive moments of public life. The seasoning in the form of curaza is not political heroism, but even on the contrary, it is nothing more than a political alienation.

The alienation of the ruling party is manifested precisely in reducing the political component of its activities. Actions are reduced to servicing their own interests that are increasingly isolated from public political (often such an alienation occurs unnoticed for the ruling elites).

On the other hand, the alienation may occur on the other side - if these are civil groups, their alienation from political life can be very unpleasant and even a dangerous fact for power.

  • Political passivity (conformism) - consciously or unconsciously the subject is under the full influence of public stereotypes or opinions of others. No initiatives and hints for independent behavior. If we talk about the political aspect of conformism, then it is clean water adaptability: without principles and its own positions. One of the most interesting types of conformism is "subjective political culture": the authority of power is fully recognized, the participation in political life is zero.

The most fertile soil for political passivity has long been totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. Conformism and now I will not go anywhere. It includes political adaptors - party functionaries in a considerable quantity that move from the party to the party in search of the most profitable "place under the sun".

  • Political activity is, first of all, the implementation of political views. This is the optimal way of political activities, which need to be able to "pea". It is not about simple activity, but about the political, which implies targeted, conscious and extended actions in time.

"Agree, otherwise kill"

Violence is ancient political tool for the permission of many social conflicts. In the ancient world, the form was alone - direct physical abuse, the destruction of opponents and those who simply interfered to live. The second, the more progressive stage was the realization that the enemy is more profitable to make what is needed. "Agree, I will be killed" - this included not only slave labor, but also agreement with political conditions. The third, the most advanced stage was mutually beneficial economic motivation and social exchange: do it, and I will do it.

It would seem that the volume of violence as a whole should decline in parallel and in proportion to the change of social methods of solving conflicts. Unfortunately, the logic does not work here, political violence still remains the "method".

Political extremism is also political activities with achieving its goals. Just a lot of others - violence. Extremism facilities are either an existing state system, or existing parties or parts of an existing society.

If we talk about political terrorism, you first need to separate it from the concept of "terror". Terror is individual when disagreeable people involved in the political process are eliminated. The death of the victim in this case suggested the end of this process. The massive terror has always had a prophylactic nature - the suggestion of fear of the wide masses of the population using the execution of certain individual groups.

Modern political terrorism is a "mixture" of individual and mass terror. "The more, the better" - to destroy an incommary person and "hook" more people around. Over time, terrorism as political activities had an increasingly pronounced ideology.

One of the varieties is state terrorism, when power applies violence against civilians using a repressive apparatus.

Processes in politics

The political process is a combination of interactions of subjects on a political scene. These subjects implement their political interests and play their political roles. It seems that how many political scientists have been engaged in the theory of the political process, so many concepts remained after them. Some connect the process with the struggle of groupings for power, others - with the reaction of the political system to external challenges, third - with a change in the statuses of subjects. All interpretations are somehow based on changes.

But the most common and logical concept of the conflict is the source of the majority of the interaction options for political entities. In this case, the conflict should be considered as a competition of political parties for power, powers and resources.

The main actor of the political process is always the state. His visa is civil society. Secondary actors are parties, groups and individuals.

The factors determining the scale and speed of political processes are divided into:

  • Internal - objectives and intentions of actors, their personal characteristics, real distribution of resources, etc.
  • External - political events, games rules, etc.

Political changes

Political changes are always associated with new regulation of power in society. This new may appear as a result of gradual transformations, and maybe as a result of a complete change of one system to another. Such political changes are called the revolution - the most radical form.

The revolution should be distinguished from the state coup. The coup does not carry deep and fundamental changes in the political defendance of countries - this is just a violent change of power elite.

The most optimal and common form of changes are the gradual corrections of political influence or the introduction of constitutional amendments - everything that can be determined by two words - legitimacy and evolution.

Chief actor - state

The political activity of the state is internal and external - this is the classic of the political genre. It seems that these two hypostasis are clearly divided into purposes, and on functions that are performed by absolutely different government agencies. In fact, international relations of any state there is an accurate mirror reflection both internal policies and external. Internal political activities include:

  • Protection and support for law enforcement.
  • Taxation.
  • Social support for the population.
  • Economic activities.
  • Support culture.
  • Ecology protection.

The goals of external political activity are as follows:

  • Defense (security, sovereignty, territory integrity).
  • World order (regulation of international conflicts).
  • International cooperation (economic, cultural and other connections).

It will be a mistake to think that the political activities of the authorities and the state are fundamentally different from that by opposition political forces. Structure, goals, funds and desired results remain unchanged, such is the nature of political activity. Of course, we are talking about civilized states with democratic management principles.

Modern States have new functions within political activities:

  • All-time support for entrepreneurship, especially small and medium businesses.
  • Impact on economic processes using administrative means.
  • New social services, especially digital formats of such services.

Political leadership

Political leadership is one of the most important areas of political activities. It is carried out with the help of state or party activities and always consists of stages:

  • Determining goals from the point of view of a political subject.
  • The choice of methods, tactics and means of achieving scheduled goals.
  • Communication and managing people.

An important concept in modern political science is a political platform. This is an integral part of the political leadership, it contains the main ideological provisions, a political course, program, requirements, slogans, etc. Usually the political platform creates state and party bodies together. The political strategy contained in the platform outlines long-term tasks, ways to solve them and the expected results in time developed on the basis of analysis and political forecasts.

Strategies will differ in their areas: scientific, economic, foreign policy, cultural, etc. In turn, each of the profile strategies may also consist of subsections.

Political life in society

In this case, the name speaks for itself. Public associations of citizens of the most distinguished sense can act as political subjects and political objects. They are quite difficult to classify, so you can start with simple examples.

The most familiar forms of political activities are demonstrations, pickets, rallies and many other campaigns. Events of this format today are observed on the streets much more often than literally a few years ago. All this is socially political activities of parties and other organizations. The main goal is to attract attention to a specific social problem or the expression of a certain mood in public life by a particular occasion.

Public and political leadership is a very common variety of political activities. Such leadership involves the recognition by the large masses of citizens of one person or group of people, is a way of interaction between leaders and masses.

Another type of political activity is the election. Sometimes the elections resemble only a ritual and do not affect the public political life of society - such a situation is observed, unfortunately, in many states even today. If we talk about these elections with high competition between candidates, unpredictability and pronounced intrigue, then this kind of political activity may argue with popular TV shows and entertainment shows.

Elections are always accompanied by voting. The political role (significance) of elections depends on the method of voting in the country. If these are direct forms of democracy, the majority will win in the voting, and the significance of elections is relatively low.

The value of the elections as a type of human political activity is difficult to overestimate: it is often that universal elections are the only political event and the real participation of people in the political life of the country. The elections in any country are watching around the world - this is a sensitive indicator of social landscape in society.

The features of modern public political activities are as follows:

  • The growth of alternative political activity formats in the form of public movements instead of the usual party organizations with their rigid installations and behavioral codes.
  • The interaction of concepts "Political Activities and Society" is focused today is no longer on some kind of party, but around a certain problem. People with different ideology can be united. They are interested in other - possible common problems.
  • Extremely interesting social transformation among the younger population. This is an independent individual politicization, which has become the main format of the political awareness process. Citizens are active, but they strive to act independently, outside the framework of any political forces. Such an opportunity is given to them, above all, social networks.

What is the motivation of people stepping on a political path? It is believed that today's political phenomenon of civil activity has three reasons:

  1. The implementation of own interests is the instrumental model.
  2. High mission - a desire to help others, improving the quality of life around.
  3. Socialization and implementation of personal qualities - "educational" motive.

Most often meets mixed motivation, it is always rational and at the same time instrumental. Citizens are trying to influence both the adoption of public decisions and the search and selection of the best representatives of the authorities of all levels.

Each citizen has the right to participate in political activities. For this you need quite a bit: political awareness, rationality and ideological motivation. The most important factor is the situation in society and in the state itself. Only in the interaction of the subjects, possible effective political activities, which will lead to the modernization of processes and common benefits.

Concept "politics"it originated in ancient Greece, initially denoting various forms of public (state) rule. Treatise Aristotle "Politics" literallyso called - "What belongs to the state."Public and public affairs in it were called "politics".

Aristotle (Greek. Philosopher) first introduced this term. His treatise "Politics" is an essay of the state, government, the Board.

Machiavelli allocated policies to independent science.

Politics is the art of possible.

Politics - This is an art to manage the state.

Politics is activities related to relations between social groups, personality and state on the issue of conquesting, holding and use of state power.

O. Bismarck: "Politics is not science, but art."

P. Morua: "Politics is the ability to achieve equilibrium."

M. Weber: "Politics is the desire to participate in power and influence the distribution of power."

POLITICS- This is the activities of state bodies, political parties and public associations, aimed at ensuring class or other public interests in order to conquer political power or its deduction.

Politics is a historical phenomenon. It existed not always. The appearance of policies is associated with the allocation property, what was a fundamentally important point in the development of public life. The policy with the help of the state and its apparatus has become the mechanism with the help of the regulation of human relations and the state.

Policy functions diverse, however, are the most significant:

- united aimed at preserving the integrity and stability of the social system;

- mobilizingconsisted in the definition and achievement of consciously set goals of social development;

- regulatory,distributing political roles between participants in the political process;

- socialisor helping not only to include personality into the world of social relations, but also stimulate the person to strive to improve this world and its change.

Functions (roles) policies:

The expression of the interests of all groups and a layer of society;

Ensuring the social development of society and man, expanding the sphere of relations between nations, man and nature;

Management and management of public processes, ensuring the dialogue of citizens and the state;

Socialization of the personality, the transformation of a person in a social and active being;

Integration of the population layers, maintain stability and order in society.

* - who leads political activities on political scene? What are the "actors" act on it? Or by scientific, who can be a policy subject? (These policies are people).

The German scientist M. Weber considered three degrees of individual involvement in political activities.

The degree of involvement in politics, according to M. Weber (Sociologist)

Policies "On the occasion"

Politicians "part-time

Professional politicians

These are proxies, the Board of Party and Political Unions, members of parliament, "work on politics" only during the parliamentary session. All of them are engaged in politics if necessary, and she did not become the priority of life for them in the material, nor in perfect

These are professional political figures for which politics is the main occupation of their life and the main condition for their material well-being.

** - write down:Policy subjects are: people, people's masses, political organizations and associations, state, political elite.

We can remember the historical events in which active, and often a decisive role played mass peopleCombined common interest.

In order to influence politics, people create political organizations and associations (For example,political parties : In the UK, leiborists and conservatives; In the US, democrats and Republicans; or multi-party system of parties in Russia of the twentieth century, etc.)

The most active subject of politics is state. In history textbooks, we are constantly familiar with the internal and foreign policies of states, governments, political figures.

Small groups of people who affect political decisions are called political elite. Political elite - Part of society that directly implements the political leadership of the country. The political elite includes higher government figures, leaders of political parties, heads of parliament, persons who occupy key positions in the strengths of the state, media, etc.

The activities of policies are aimed at society, to preserve its integrity, as well as on the implementation of changes in it that meets the interests of a certain subject of politics or the entire society.

M. Weberit believed that "politics is the desire to participate in power and to influence the distribution of power, whether between states, whether within the state between the groups of people who conclude."

We must admit that some political figures follow the principle "end justifies the means", so they say that "Politics - dirty business".

To the question: * Are any means for achieving good goals? At different times were answered in different ways:

N. Makiavelli: "For the sake of maintaining the state, it is often forced to go against his word, against mercy, kindness and piety ... The sovereign should, if possible, cannot be removed from good, but if necessary, not to be sought and evil." Another point of view: The means of achieving the good goal should be good, otherwise the goal itself will be deformed and the result of the activity will not be so "light", as was originally proclaimed.

In fact, politics sometimes have to choose: either to prevent the danger to carry out cruel measures, or their inaction to allow the surrounding of society.

* - What do you think?

Similar information.

Social Studies, Grade 10 Profile

Lesson number 50-52

Political activity

D.Z.: § twenty, ?? (p.211),

tasks (p.211-213);

- Repeat § 17-20 by ?? (p.13-216)

© ed. Kolmakov A.I.

Objectives lesson

  • promote the formation of an understanding of the role of political activities in the development of man and society;
  • develop the learners of the ability to carry out a comprehensive search, to systematize political information on the topic, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problematic tasks;
  • carry out individual and group training studies on political issues;
  • promote the development of a competent motivated political position.


educational actions

  • Know: Characteristics of political activities, compare the concepts of "power" and "politics", analyze the typology of power relations.
  • Be able to: Participate in the discussion, work with documents, to publicly, formulate on the basis of acquired socio-humanitarian knowledge Own judgments and arguments on certain issues

Concepts, ideas

  • politics;
  • power;
  • political power;
  • legitimacy of power;
  • political actions;
  • rule;
  • charisma

Studying a new material

  • Power and politics.
  • Typology of power relations.
  • Legitimacy of power.

Remember. What is the policy of politics? What is the meaning of the concept of "power"?

Politics as activity

politicians as one of the four basic spheres of society

politicians as a special type of social relationship between individuals, small groups and great communities, that is, relations related to the authorities, the state, the management of the Company's affairs.

politicians as one of the activities, i.e., the activity of its subjects - participants in political life.

Politics as activity

POLITICS - this is the activities of state bodies , political parties, public movements in the field of relations between large social groups, primarily classes, nations and states aimed at integration of their efforts with the aim of strengthening political power or her conquest specific methods.

POLITICS - a type of activity related to participation social groups, parties , movements, individuals in the affairs of society and state, management of them or impact on this guide

Politics as activity

Policy features:

  • firstly, activity politicians;
  • secondly, special role in this activity large social groups , as well as parties and states ;
  • third, communication of their activities with conquest, retention and use of state power.

In political activities, its participants

reconnect into specific relationships. It may be cooperation, Union, mutual support, and confrontation, conflict, struggle.

Policy subjects

Forms of political relations:

  • cooperation;
  • union;
  • mutual support;
  • confrontation;
  • conflict;
  • fight

Policy objects

Domestic politics

Exterior politics

international relationships

global community





national relations

social sphere

society in own country

The policy affects the whole society, on all directions of his life. Political activity is of great importance in the development of society.

relationships with other countries

Goals and means of political activities

Types of political goals:

  • actual, (priority) / irrelevant;
  • real / unreal.

And what are the means of political activities ?

Read item 2 (p.132) and respond to the question. How much purpose in politics justifies funds ?

The moral limit that cannot be crossed today is reflected in the human rights instruments in international humanitarian law.

Political action

The actions of the subjects of policies can be rational and irrational .



these are actions conscious, planned, with a clear understanding of the goals and

required funds.

these actions, motivated mainly

emotional states of people, such as their irritation, hatred, feeling of fear, impressions of the events.

Political actions are aimed at "do something" (for example, to achieve the adoption of any law, etc.), or "prevent something", or "stop something" (for example, to stop interground conflict).

Political action

Political Methods:

  • conviction;
  • study of public opinion;
  • constructive dialogue of various political forces;
  • control over the observance of legal norms;
  • forecasting the consequences of certain political actions.

All this requires the policies of high political culture, moral self-control, political will.

Power and power

POWER - This is the ability and the ability to dispose of anyone or anything: to influence the behavior of people with a support on authority , right and if necessary, then subordinate to your will with forcing .

Read p.4 determine how the political power differs from other types of power?

"Obtaining is a subtle, artisticly composed process of communicating a more powerful will with a weaker will. This process creates an invisible and weightless atmosphere of peripherals to the center, many fragmented free to a single, organized, leading will. "

(I. A. Ilyin, russian philosopher )

Vlamitic activities - This is mainly the work on the development and adoption of power solutions and their implementation.

Important activity is essentially the government's policy, affecting all social community, on all areas of human life, to society as a whole.

Defined by the resources that power uses.

Increased components

Vlamit will

Pullard solution



Valine acts

(i.e. laws, decrees, decisions, orders of state bodies).

Key components of power activities:

  • authority;
  • authority;
  • authority;

Political figures of modern Russia

Legitimacy of power

Classical Typology of Miscellation Legitimacy (individuals)

/ Developed by German scientist M. Weber (1864-1920) /

  • Traditional type legitimacy exists due to the habit of obeying the authorities.
  • Charismatic type legitimacy is associated with the extraordinary, extraordinary personal qualities of the ruler (the word " charisma "Greek origin means" Divine Dar ").
  • Rational and legal type legitimacy means recognition of the authorities that arose according to the established rules and the relevant law.

The American political scientist D. Easton proposed an approach applied to various political modes:

  • Ideological legitimacy rely on the values \u200b\u200band principles proclaimed by the authorities, for their compliance with the expectations of people.
  • Structural legitimacy there is based on the affection of people to the structures and regimens.
  • Personal legitimacy based on the moral approval of persons performing power functions in the structure of the regime.

Missing - this is a type of political activity, and it is also inherent in all those features that characterize politics as activity

check yourself

1) What are the signs of politics as a special type of activity?

2) How are the goals and funds in politics related?

3) How can I classify political actions?

4) What is power?

5) What is the difference between political power from other types of power?

6) What power is recognized as legitimate?

7) What are the main types of legitimacy characterized?

8) What is the imperative activities?


  • What did you know?
  • How?
  • What did you learn?
  • What difficulties have experienced?
  • I wondered if there was a lesson?

Option I.

Option II.

1. What features should be supplemented with the necessary elements of determining the concept of "human activity"? 1) manifestation of activity; 2) ........................; 3) .........................

2. What is excess in the transfer of human activity? 1) Goaling; 2) motives; 3) enforcement adaptation; 4) Environmental conversion.

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

3. A characteristic manifestation of activity, expressed in the conversion of the outside world, is: 1) game; 2) behavior; 3) attitude; 4) Activities.

4. Activities that generates something new, never previously existed - this is: 1) knowledge; 2) study; 3) creativity; 4) Copying.

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

How do you understand this expression? Agregate your answer.

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

Make an analysis of one or more fairy tales that confirm the specified statement.

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

. Bring own example any activity and open this example common features any activity.

. Write three sentences containing the concept of "socio-humanitarian knowledge" and like any information about these knowledge .

Test. Political activity

Option I.

Option II.

Write an essay based on the following statement: "Ah, if it were for hard work to add education, but to education - hardworking."

  • Sources
  • Sorokina E.N. Poundwork on social science. Profile level: 10th grade. - M.: Vako, 2008.
  • Baranov PA Soclishment: Full Handbook for Preparations for EGE / P.A. Baranov, A.V. Vorontsov, S. V. Shevchenko; Ed. P.A. Baranova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009.

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