Norms and requirements of service ethics. Professionally service ethics

Decor elements 26.09.2019
Decor elements

2 standards and requirements of service ethics

Service ethics is the widespread concept in the field of professional ethics. Under official ethics, they understand the totality of the most common norms, rules and principles of human behavior in its professional, industrial and official activity. These norms must comply with every person who has begun to work. The number of these norms is small. The overwhelming part of them is formulated in the maximum general form, in order to be detailed in relation to specific activities. Requirements of service ethics:

1. Discipline. Specification of this concept occurs depending on the specifics and content of labor. For example, in animal husbandry, the concept of discipline will be determined by the life cycles of those animals, followed by.

2. Saving material resources provided by the employee for the implementation of production activities. These resources can be the most different. The need to replenish lost resources with a heavy cargo falls on the profit and cost of products, hence the requirement to reduce losses to a minimum. This rate includes saving heat, buildings, techniques, materials, etc.

3. The correctness of interpersonal relationships. A person in his work should behave in such a way that there are interpersonal conflicts as far as possible, and that others can work comfortably next to it with direct and indirect interpersonal contact.

All these requirements are divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts horizontally (subordinate - subordinate, head-manager). The second subgroup: Includes requirements in interpersonal contacts by vertical (subordinate - head). The main requirement to subordinate is the recognition of the right of the head to give orders, which includes the functional responsibilities assumed by the person under an employment contract.

The subordinate must, based on these duties, appropriately build their behavior, and do not use various forms of evasion from execution of orders. Evasion may be vowels, public, with the statement of certain conditions to the head. It may be hidden, take the character of a secret (with the help of facial expressions, gestures, individual words) provoking the head for open actions against the subordinate. In these situations, the subordinate for the surroundings can often be affected by the suffering side, and the response to it of the head is inadequate. One of the reasons for such behavior of the subordinates may be the desire to maintain a certain social capital, look striking, acquire the status of an informal leader, to achieve any benefits for yourself, etc.

Ethics of the head is the need to combine the main management principles (purely professional) with universal moral requirements and involves the knowledge of the main norms of the relationship between people, between the person and the group, the team, between the collectives.

Official ethics emphasizes attention to such behaviors that directly relate to people's relationships in the process of implementing management functions.

She emphasizes the special significance of compliance with these norms. Thus, official ethics instructs the head to be objective and fair in relation to all subordinates equal to them, be principled in the case, demanding, and at the same time tolerant to people, tactful, to take care of creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

3 business card. Types of business cards

Business card, business, professional or personal, represents the owner or reports his immediate arrival. A very often unfamiliar man will first see a business card, and then only a person about which they say on it, so it is important that the business cards are turned into every detail and created the favorable image of your company and you themselves. It is impossible to create the best impression using the materials of the second grade.

Higher leadership, understanding this sense, adheres to such a rule for each employee of his company; Otherwise, the savings on them creates a bad opinion about the head, having elegant engraved cards for themselves and cheap, sloppyly printed, for their sales representatives.

The best way to check whether you have the cards are impeccable, - ask the Council from the experienced shopping trader, but not a bad printing house around the corner and not from any trader stationery on the main street, since for sale a lot of bad quality cards, although they may look like Elegant and attractive.

All business cards should be printed with a cliché on a good quality cardboard. This is a general requirement for business, professional and personal business cards. Otherwise, the differences between these three groups are insignificant.

In modern practice, two types of business cards are used: business and personal, each of which has its own varieties.

Business business cards are an integral attribute of modern official communication. There are certain standards for placing text on such cards.

Imagine a classic option: Upstairs in the center - the name of the company (organization, institutions), in which the owner of the business card works, below the center - last name, name and patronymic, even lower - the position, as well as the title and degree. In the lower left corner, the address of the institution is printed, in which the owner of the card works. The rest of the information is the service phone number, fax, email address, the address of the company's website - are placed in the lower right corner (usually each element in a separate line). In favor of placing the phone number in the right corner, in particular, the following consideration: When the number is set, you usually hold a business card with your left hand, and if the number is printed on the left, then the card becomes inconvenient. At the same time, part of the information on the surface of the visiting card is allowed to place the placement on the surface of the business card, also in the lower left corner.

Also for an important official, the company's president, the company's owner is allowed to indicate its name above all other information.

The state's coat of arms and the flag are applied to the business cards of government officials. The business card does not comply with the standards of etiquette without an official address (the exception is diplomats and higher government officials). In the event that the organization has several branches, the home address and telephone can be indicated on business business cards, if necessary, it is fitted by hand, it even creates some trust in communication. When changing the number is allowed by jumping out the old one, carefully to enter a new one, but it is not worth conducting such operations with an address or post.

There are two varieties of business cards: representative and company card. Representative indicate the name, surname, position and full name of the organization without any coordinates. Use them for special and executive purposes. By the way, business cards are at all without specifying the position: these are only awarded the ladies.

The company's card, on the contrary, includes full information about the name and location of the organization, as well as phone numbers and email address. They are used at presentations, exhibitions, while serving gifts, congratulations from the company, etc.

The second type of business cards is personal. They may contain the name and surname of the owner, as well as any additional information that a person wants to make there (address of the company, phone numbers, address of the personal site, email, title or degree). A kind of personal card is a family visiting card or a card of spouses. It is used when familiarizing, mailing congratulations to family friends or attached to gifts. It must be remembered that the name of the wife on such cards is placed in front of the husband's name, the address is indicated at will. Oddly enough, but children's business cards also exist. When they are decorated, it is possible to somewhat from the tough standards of the adult world and create something individual and interesting. Of course, this kind of business cards are not often claimed in business circles, but sometimes they may be quite by the way. For example, if a child got lost in the supermarket or went to the recreation camp, the mobile phone number of the parents entered into the card will always be with him, and if necessary, caregivers will be able to use it.

For scientific and creative workers, often working at home, a combined business card was created, in which household coordinates (in the lower right corner) are also indicated along with service (in the lower left corner). True, women are most often limited only to the service number of the phone. When carrying out large events - conferences, presentations, exhibitions, festivals, their organizers order large business cards - Badges indicating the name, patronymic, surnames, scholar title, positions, company names, educational institutions or the scientific center, which represents this participant. Bayji pins on the left side of the chest and are exclusively in the building where the event passes. Perhaps, the badge is the only business card, at which it is sometimes appropriate for the placement of a person's photo next to his name, one should not be placed on the other cards.

Modern person, in addition to business, it is necessary to have secular business cards. Firstly, it is considered a bad tone to use business business cards in secular life, and secondly, such a distinction will allow you without unnecessary emotional costs or emphasize the officialness of the relationship, or express their special friendship.

In secular business cards, it is permissible to indicate information about the profession, honorary and scholars. A secular business card can be sent as an invitation to an informal reception or as an accompaniment of a check doctor, notary. Special chic is the business cards on parchment paper ordered from the calligraph.

Such exclusive business cards should have every man who considers himself a gentleman in order to send them to ladies with flowers or a gift.

However, in Kodak and many other branches of foreign corporations, employees ordered business cards precisely with photos. Many consultants, managers to promote goods and services ordered such business cards, because they allow you to better recall their owners and invite to further communication. But if you want to declare your significance, it is best not only to make business cards with a photo portrait, but also not to use a lot of colors. Two colors (black + any other) - quite enough. Motion cards make only those workers who use them as advertising their salon, shop, club. Colored business cards with drawings are suitable for all designers - from the fashion designers to the creators of websites. The main thing is that the business goes confirms the presence of the owner of taste and creative abilities. Colored paper for business cards is justified if it is a detail of a corporate style. It comes out, and for the poor, and for the rich - the simpler, the better.

In the baby-business card, modern owners seek to squeeze as much information as possible: emblems and symbols, trademarks, photos, drawings of the coat of arms and flags! But among this confusion, there is a special class of professionally and artistically made, stylish business cards. Such business cards become works of art, "graphics of ultra-low forms", as well as subjects of exhibitions and various contests. Manufacturers are surprised and materials from which business cards are made: plastic, wood, fabric, leather, magnetized rubber, aluminum foil, tin, natural mica ... It is worth noting that the cards created by designers for themselves are most often valuable ( Or for your studio). Supozhnik - it can and without boot. But the true artist is simply obliged to have a business card "Self-portrait."

There are secular cards for special occasions. For example, it can be a bride's business card or a miniature business card of a newborn, attached by a ribbon to the mother's card, is a charming message to relatives and friends about the birth of a baby.

In the following ways: - photographic method; - print on the printer or copying device; - print on a digital printed machine; - stencil method; - Offset printing. Finishing business cards consists of three stages: 1. Thermography. 2. Hot stamping. 3. Cutting business cards. 2.2. Looking and inscriptions on business cards. To the marks and ...

But, in turn, congratulate the partner. To do this, write P.R.F.N.A. - "To thank and congratulate a Happy New Year." P.R. (Pour Remercier) - grateful expression; Condolence. Business card with letters P.C. (Pour Condoleance) - as a condolence should be sent in the event of the death of a business partner. Farewell to long-term departure. If a person, leaving ...

Federal Agency for Education

Branch of St. Petersburg State Engineering

University of Economics in Cherepovets


By discipline: "Professional ethics and etiquette"

Topic: "Service Ethics. Business card"

Lecturer Kudryavtseva I. A.

Student group FKS-09

Solomatin A.V.


1 Concept "Service Ethics"

2 standards and requirements of service ethics

3 business card. Types of business cards

5 Business card sharing rules

1 The concept of "service ethics"

Service ethics - a set of certain moral duties, principles and norms of behavior that are implemented in the relationship between employees in the process of work. She is designed to explain the morality, instilling moral principles and the rules of debt, honor, to moralize a person. Service ethics is a specific implementation of human moral norms about his behavior, relationships, activities. Its essence and content leakage and are based on Marxist-Lenin ethics. Therefore, official ethics of managers and specialists is a practical moral management personnel.

Service ethics of the heads of farms, brigadiers, specialists are predetermined by the Marxist-Leninist ethics, the knowledge of the peculiarities of the psychology of workers. Its foundation is conscientious work, multiplication of public domain, high consciousness of public debt, collectivism and friendly mutual assistance, humane attitude and mutual respect between people, honesty, publicity, democracy, moral purity, modesty, irremissivity to injustice, tune, bribery, bureaucracy, Volokut, careerism; Friendship and fraternity of all nations of the country.

In the process of management activities, managers and specialists should try to make a person happy. Happiness is a state of satisfaction as a result of the implementation of high socially significant goals and meaning of life.

Ethical relations should take into account the temperament of workers, their gender, age, qualifications, moral and psychological state.

The most important functions of the ethics service are ethical statement and protection of democratization, publicity, economic relations to the case, entrepreneurial, initiative, authority, daring, intellectual search, etc.

Managers and specialists should know that their moral code is a standard for subordinates that imitate them. Management workers, if they want to see certain moral qualities in subordinates, they must have these qualities themselves.

Form, manner and culture of disposal, organizational work, monitoring the implementation of tasks always include the moral aspects of the management of management frames. Accuracy, punctuality, unity of the word and the case, the responsible attitude towards the case is the alloy of business and ethical standards.

The head and specialists in moral terms should be higher than their subordinates and demanding more to themselves.

One of the elements of service ethics is subordination relationships. Workers and collective farmers are obliged to obey the head of the farm, the brigadier, which, in turn, is subject to the manager (head of the workshop), and the last - head of the economy. Therefore, when relationship, it is necessary to take into account that one or another employee is the boss and subordinate. This provision should not be contracted with morality, human morality. Relationships are needed, the rules and framework of decency must be observed. At the same time should not suffer the authority of the head to subordinate.

In the management process at the manager, how the boss should not dominate the senses of sympathy or antipathy, the power is exceeded, etc. It is unacceptable to the emergence of a sense of panibrate. In the process of employment should prevail the senses of social equality, mutual assistance and cooperation.

In practical activity, the service ethics is implemented using forms, methods, techniques, rules established procedures. All this, as well as psychological, aesthetic and professional security ethics form a service etiquette.

Service etiquette is the forms and methods of ethical and ethical and psychological relationships in the process of work. Service ethics is the content of relationships, and the service etiquette is their external implementation form. In the first case, the moral side of the activity is expressed, and in the second - aesthetic. Official ethics - "Soul" of the service etiquette.

In real life, management activities, they must be in harmony, providing highly moral relations in the process of collecting management. The high-level atmosphere in labor collectives working on renting and rental contracts is determined by the unity of the goals, the morality of labor aspirations, the high level of comfort of the socio-psychological climate, etc.

The level of ethical properties of management frames, effective use of it in handling subordinates contribute to the implementation of the human factor.

2 standards and requirements of service ethics

Service ethics is the widespread concept in the field of professional ethics. Under official ethics, they understand the totality of the most common norms, rules and principles of human behavior in its professional, industrial and official activity. These norms must comply with every person who has begun to work. The number of these norms is small. The overwhelming part of them is formulated in the maximum general form, in order to be detailed in relation to specific activities. Requirements of service ethics:

1. Discipline. Specification of this concept occurs depending on the specifics and content of labor. For example, in animal husbandry, the concept of discipline will be determined by the life cycles of those animals, followed by.

2. The savings of the material resources provided by the employee for the implementation of production activities. These resources can be the most different. The need to replenish lost resources with a heavy cargo falls on the profit and cost of products, hence the requirement to reduce losses to a minimum. This rate includes saving heat, buildings, techniques, materials, etc.

3. The correctness of interpersonal relationships. A person in his work should behave in such a way that there are interpersonal conflicts as far as possible, and that others can work comfortably next to it with direct and indirect interpersonal contact.

All these requirements are divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts horizontally (subordinate - subordinate, head-manager). The second subgroup: Includes requirements in interpersonal contacts by vertical (subordinate - head). The main requirement to subordinate is the recognition of the right of the head to give orders, which includes the functional responsibilities assumed by the person under an employment contract.

The subordinate must, based on these duties, appropriately build their behavior, and do not use various forms of evasion from execution of orders. Evasion may be vowels, public, with the statement of certain conditions to the head. It may be hidden, take the character of a secret (with the help of facial expressions, gestures, individual words) provoking the head for open actions against the subordinate. In these situations, the subordinate for the surroundings can often be affected by the suffering side, and the response to it of the head is inadequate. One of the reasons for such behavior of the subordinates may be the desire to maintain a certain social capital, look striking, acquire the status of an informal leader, to achieve any benefits for yourself, etc.

Ethics of the head is the need to combine the main management principles (purely professional) with universal moral requirements and involves the knowledge of the main norms of the relationship between people, between the person and the group, the team, between the collectives.

Official ethics emphasizes attention to such behaviors that directly relate to people's relationships in the process of implementing management functions.

She emphasizes the special significance of compliance with these norms. Thus, official ethics instructs the head to be objective and fair in relation to all subordinates equal to them, be principled in the case, demanding, and at the same time tolerant to people, tactful, to take care of creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

3 business card. Types of business cards

Business card, business, professional or personal, represents the owner or reports his immediate arrival. A very often unfamiliar man will first see a business card, and then only a person about which they say on it, so it is important that the business cards are turned into every detail and created the favorable image of your company and you themselves. It is impossible to create the best impression using the materials of the second grade.

Higher leadership, understanding this sense, adheres to such a rule for each employee of his company; Otherwise, the savings on them creates a bad opinion about the head, having elegant engraved cards for themselves and cheap, sloppyly printed, for their sales representatives.

The best way to check whether you have the cards are impeccable, - ask the Council from the experienced shopping trader, but not a bad printing house around the corner and not from any trader stationery on the main street, since for sale a lot of bad quality cards, although they may look like Elegant and attractive.

All business cards should be printed with a cliché on a good quality cardboard. This is a general requirement for business, professional and personal business cards. Otherwise, the differences between these three groups are insignificant.

In modern practice, two types of business cards are used: business and personal, each of which has its own varieties.

Business business cards are an integral attribute of modern official communication. There are certain standards for placing text on such cards.

Imagine a classic option: Upstairs in the center - the name of the company (organization, institutions), in which the owner of the business card works, below the center - last name, name and patronymic, even lower - the position, as well as the title and degree. In the lower left corner, the address of the institution is printed, in which the owner of the card works. The rest of the information is the service phone number, fax, email address, the address of the company's website - are placed in the lower right corner (usually each element in a separate line). In favor of placing the phone number in the right corner, in particular, the following consideration: When the number is set, you usually hold a business card with your left hand, and if the number is printed on the left, then the card becomes inconvenient. At the same time, part of the information on the surface of the visiting card is allowed to place the placement on the surface of the business card, also in the lower left corner.

Also for an important official, the company's president, the company's owner is allowed to indicate its name above all other information.

The state's coat of arms and the flag are applied to the business cards of government officials. The business card does not comply with the standards of etiquette without an official address (the exception is diplomats and higher government officials). In the event that the organization has several branches, the home address and telephone can be indicated on business business cards, if necessary, it is fitted by hand, it even creates some trust in communication. When changing the number is allowed by jumping out the old one, carefully to enter a new one, but it is not worth conducting such operations with an address or post.

There are two varieties of business cards: representative and company card. Representative indicate the name, surname, position and full name of the organization without any coordinates. Use them for special and executive purposes. By the way, business cards are at all without specifying the position: these are only awarded the ladies.

The company's card, on the contrary, includes full information about the name and location of the organization, as well as phone numbers and email address. They are used at presentations, exhibitions, while serving gifts, congratulations from the company, etc.

The second type of business cards is personal. They may contain the name and surname of the owner, as well as any additional information that a person wants to make there (address of the company, phone numbers, address of the personal site, email, title or degree). A kind of personal card is a family visiting card or a card of spouses. It is used when familiarizing, mailing congratulations to family friends or attached to gifts. It must be remembered that the name of the wife on such cards is placed in front of the husband's name, the address is indicated at will. Oddly enough, but children's business cards also exist. When they are decorated, it is possible to somewhat from the tough standards of the adult world and create something individual and interesting. Of course, this kind of business cards are not often claimed in business circles, but sometimes they may be quite by the way. For example, if a child got lost in the supermarket or went to the recreation camp, the mobile phone number of the parents entered into the card will always be with him, and if necessary, caregivers will be able to use it.

For scientific and creative workers, often working at home, a combined business card was created, in which household coordinates (in the lower right corner) are also indicated along with service (in the lower left corner). True, women are most often limited only to the service number of the phone. When carrying out large events - conferences, presentations, exhibitions, festivals, their organizers order large business cards - Badges indicating the name, patronymic, surnames, scholar title, positions, company names, educational institutions or the scientific center, which represents this participant. Bayji pins on the left side of the chest and are exclusively in the building where the event passes. Perhaps, the badge is the only business card, at which it is sometimes appropriate for the placement of a person's photo next to his name, one should not be placed on the other cards.

Modern person, in addition to business, it is necessary to have secular business cards. Firstly, it is considered a bad tone to use business business cards in secular life, and secondly, such a distinction will allow you without unnecessary emotional costs or emphasize the officialness of the relationship, or express their special friendship.

In secular business cards, it is permissible to indicate information about the profession, honorary and scholars. A secular business card can be sent as an invitation to an informal reception or as an accompaniment of a check doctor, notary. Special chic is the business cards on parchment paper ordered from the calligraph.

Such exclusive business cards should have every man who considers himself a gentleman in order to send them to ladies with flowers or a gift.

However, in Kodak and many other branches of foreign corporations, employees ordered business cards precisely with photos. Many consultants, managers to promote goods and services ordered such business cards, because they allow you to better recall their owners and invite to further communication. But if you want to declare your significance, it is best not only to make business cards with a photo portrait, but also not to use a lot of colors. Two colors (black + any other) - quite enough. Motion cards make only those workers who use them as advertising their salon, shop, club. Colored business cards with drawings are suitable for all designers - from the fashion designers to the creators of websites. The main thing is that the business goes confirms the presence of the owner of taste and creative abilities. Colored paper for business cards is justified if it is a detail of a corporate style. It comes out, and for the poor, and for the rich - the simpler, the better.

In the baby-business card, modern owners seek to squeeze as much information as possible: emblems and symbols, trademarks, photos, drawings of the coat of arms and flags! But among this confusion, there is a special class of professionally and artistically made, stylish business cards. Such business cards become works of art, "graphics of ultra-low forms", as well as subjects of exhibitions and various contests. Manufacturers are surprised and materials from which business cards are made: plastic, wood, fabric, leather, magnetized rubber, aluminum foil, tin, natural mica ... It is worth noting that the cards created by designers for themselves are most often valuable ( Or for your studio). Supozhnik - it can and without boot. But the true artist is simply obliged to have a business card "Self-portrait."

There are secular cards for special occasions. For example, it can be a bride's business card or a miniature business card of a newborn, attached by a ribbon to the mother's card, is a charming message to relatives and friends about the birth of a baby.

4 forms and content of business cards

The usual business card is a rectangle of not very dense cardboard in size 50x90 mm, and for women (spouses, not an official) -40x80 mm. Highlie managers can use cards with a size of 60x90 mm, the cards of their wives in this case should be in length and width of 10 mm less. In the UK, on \u200b\u200bthe contrary, the size of the business cards of wives is 10 mm more than their satellites of life (50 x 100 mm). A young girl's business card can be even less, as a rule, 70x35 mm. It should be remembered that your card has a standard size for your circle of communication, and it did not have to bend or trimmed.

It is desirable that the visiting card had dark text on a light background. The design style should be strict, without frames and curls. The norms of business etiquette are not recommended to be used as a material for making plastic or skin. It is better to focus on paper quality. It must be excellent quality, can be slightly tinted. On paper it is impossible to save. Cards that have a glossy surface are made of plastic or laminated paper, not acceptable, because They cannot be done on them. European business etiquette norms involve the use of pink, blue, white background and text of dark brown, blue and black colors

The font of business cards by the rules of business etiquette is strictly not regulated and depends on national characteristics. It just needs to be conveniently readable. It should be noted that when using decorative fonts, it is very easy to switch the border of good tone. The name and surname is made to highlight a little more readable bold font than the main content of the business card. In addition, there are already special scanners, which read information from the business card, which allows you to form an electronic database of necessary business cards.

A little about the psychology of perception. The results of numerous psychological experiments on the study of the peculiarities of the perception of printed information with a human eye are known. It is proved that our eyes starts studying a sheet of paper with printed signs, photographs or just with pictures from the top left corner, the diagonally goes down to the lower right corner, and then slides again upwards, lingering in the middle only if there are practicing details .

A similar property of human perception is invariably, and therefore it is still better to take it into account when choosing the location of printed elements on a business card.

The upper left corner is optimal for the location of the logo. The middle of the business card is a zone that the eye surrounds the fastest, so the information here should be somehow highlighted - either with a large font or color. The standard location of the address and phone numbers is at the bottom and in the middle is permissible, but this unit can be shifted into the lower right corner. Then the business card is obtained more balanced for perception.

In our country and some bilingual countries, the practice of printing bilateral cards with the text in a foreign language on the turnover has developed. But if you adhere to strict protocol norms, it is not entirely true, since the circulation side of the card is intended for additional records.

5 Business exchange rules

One of the main stages of acquaintance with potential partners or customers is the process of presenting and making business cards. From how it passes, the first impression will depend on the people of each other.

The presentation of the business card is made both personally at the first meeting, acquaintance or the beginning of business negotiations, and in absentia. When you meet the first business card, he owns the rank and position below. Then there is gradation by age. And if the age of the interlocutors coincides, then the activity can show a more polite or interested interlocutor. When business cards with foreign partners, the first business cards are handed to hosts. The visitor in the company, the institution may submit its business card to the secretary for a report on herself, especially in the case of an unequal visit.

To transfer the business card to the partner is relying standing by turning it so that he can immediately read the text printed on it. At the same time, it should be given out loud to their surname, so that the interlocutor can more or less learning the pronunciation of the name of the card holder.

It follows the right hand to get a business card, and then taking into both hands, as a sign of respect, carefully read it by saying aloud the name, surname and the post of Vizabi. In response to the outstretched business card, you must submit yours. If, due to any reasons, you can not do this, you need to apologize to explaining the reason, and promise to send it at the first opportunity.

During the negotiations, the received business cards preferably decompose in front of them to accidentally not forget, do not confuse, do not distort the name or position of the interlocutor. It is better to sorce them in the order of partners at the table during a business meeting. It is not recommended to mive other people's business cards, make a mark on them, twist them in front of the owner, as this can be perceived as a sign of disrespect. Business cards should never be signed and put on them.

If there is a need to transfer a business card through a third party or by mail, it must be investigated to a special envelope on which the name, surname and the post of addressee is written. If the cards addressed to several persons are sent to the company in one envelope, then in the upper left corner of each of them it is necessary to write the surname of the face to which it is addressed. In one envelope, the cards of different people may be sent to one person. If the business card is transmitted in the envelope, it is marked with special international characters. In the case when the business card is entitled to the addressee personally, one of the corners of the card is bent, depending on local practice. In our country, it is customized, and then straighten the right upper corner of the card or her right side along the whole width.

Undoubtedly, business cards play a big role in creating a circle of business communication, but when a lot is accumulated, the question arises, where and how to store them, so as not to "get lost" in a huge number of business cards obtained during the work. It is best to sort them on any sign. It can be a field of activity or company name, surname (in alphabetical order), any other system convenient for a particular person is possible. And so that the visitary database is not scattered through the table boxes, the pockets of the jacket and not confused, it is advisable to comply with the business identity.


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What is the service ethics? What it is? What are the foundations of the Typical Code of Ethics and the rules of etiquette for workers and a manager? How to behave with customers? What is fraught with incorrect behavior in the labor collective? All this will be discussed in our article.

What makes the concept?

Service ethics is a complex of foundations, rules of human behavior in its professional, manufacturing or service activities.

Under the service etiquette is understood as the norm of moral behavior of a person in the team.Knowledge of the etiquette is expressed in the acquisition of professional qualities and constant improvement of available skills. The key condition for the coordinated work of any organization, company or institution is the culture of behavior and relationship between management and employees, as well as between clients and partners.

In the working environment, the employee is constantly in relationship with everyone. The rules and requirements of the business etiquette are obliged and managers, and subordinates.

According to the rules of etiquette at a secular event, conversations should be kept without discussing personal life, to discuss better only current business issues and issues.

Compliance with official etiquette for all the rules is intended to create a healthy emotional work environment, improve the mood, which will help increase labor productivity and satisfy personal assertion.

The fundamental principles of etiquette in official activity have significant differences in companies, organizations, institutions of various industries. There are general rules mandatory for compliance with employees of companies and civil servants. Several of the basic principles can be distinguished: punctuality, compliance with the external type of employee of the company's installed dress code, the ability to maintain confidentiality, and the personal problems are left behind the walls of the working office.

Rules of etiquette of the head

Being the head implies a certain status in connection with the position and regulations. The authority of the head has the impact of the possession of a high culture of communication. The rules of service ethics that are mandatory for compliance with the manager are expressed as follows:

  • communication with subordinates, colleagues, partners and customers should be based on the principle of democratism;
  • attentiveness to the behavior of subordinate and accessibility in solving conflicts;
  • the ability to create a friendly and confidence atmosphere in the working team;
  • polite and correct attitude;
  • responsibility in business issues;
  • the ability to keep the word given to them;
  • have objectivity in relation to all subordinates;

  • express the principle and demands in the case;
  • create a favorable moral and psychological climate in a collective atmosphere;
  • speak with complaints to subordinates not in front of the eyes, but with a personal conversation;
  • it is necessary to periodically encourage employees for successes;
  • in case of incorrect assessment of the situation and the punishment of an innocent subordinate, be sure to recognize their mistakes;
  • to be fair when prescribing punishment to employees;
  • do not lead empty quarrels.

It will be right if the head of his actions and manner of behavior will strengthen the subordinate sense of dignity. The praise of subordinate in the form of oral and cash incentives should not be forgotten. However, the praise should be a measure, otherwise the subordinate will develop intolerance to criticism.

In the behavior of the manager, balance is always required. So, if the subordinate did not fulfill the order of the manual, it is necessary to specify that the failure to fulfill the instructions is the responsibility or punishment.

Rules of etiquette of workers

Each company is inherent in its own "Range" tabel. The document can be both typical and supplemented by the industry-specific principles. For example, some employees are also addressed by name, in relation to the other, the subordination in contact with the name and patronymic is clearly visible.

Newbies should carefully look closely towards manners and forms of communication in interpersonal relations in the team and take them for an example.

The main rules of etiquette are expressed as follows:

  • possession of a common culture;
  • decency in relationships with colleagues;
  • respect for honor and dignity of colleagues;
  • lack of hypocrisy and lies;
  • politeness;
  • ability to leave their problems and personal troubles behind the walls of the Cabinet;
  • goodwill, conscientiousness, respect, tact, delicacy;
  • ability to condole and express compassion.

Rules of etiquette with customers and partners

Etiquette of service relationships with customers and companions in enterprises and in government agencies shows that it is necessary to maintain the right behavioral qualities and comply with the following rules:

  • politeness;
  • punctuality (in meetings it is impossible to be late);
  • timeliness (on all incoming letters and calls coming from customers, you need to answer during, without delay);
  • responsibility for the tasks taken and the timing of their execution;
  • tidy and decent appearance.

Compliance with generally accepted ethics standards in the workflow will contribute to long-term and solid relations with clients and business partners, as well as the growth of the prestige and profit of the company.

Service etiquette in working with foreign clients or foreign companions involves the knowledge of the customs, the traditions of the representative of the representative, mentality and moral behavior. Ideally, relationships are built in respect and honesty.

Fundamentals of the standard ethical code

The code of ethics and official behavior should not contradict the constitutional basics, but take into account the principles of the ethics of the professional sphere and the rules of the behavior of the employee in the labor collective.

The fundamental norms are expressed related to professional debt and provide qualitative performance of official duties, contribute to career growth and high key performance indicators.

The regulation of ethical norms forms a collective relationship. The document is prescribed the basis for the conflict of interest in the company, responsibility for the exception of the authority, maintaining the confidentiality of personal data and secrets of the company, compliance with the principles of reasonable competition, the norms about personal integrity and other.


I. Office ethics

II. Specificity of the formation of ethics of civil service

1. Ethics of civil service as unity of professional and management systems

2. The role of law in the formation and development of public service ethics

3. Home concepts of professional ethics of civil service

III. Functions of etiquette in public service

1. Requirements for civil servants

2. Basic etiquette functions in public service

IV. The basic principles of the state employee




Indisputable is the fact that there is no personality outside communication. But the process of communication cannot be spontaneous, unpredictable character. In order for it normally, it is unconfluous, and led to the expected and significant results for both sides, it should obey certain rules of external behavior, the totality of which is denoted by the concept of "etiquette".

However, the unwritten rules themselves regulating the external manifestations of the relationship between people who raise the habit to coordinate their actions with the ideas about respectfulness, goodwill and trust, were developed much earlier. They are due to the needs of the survival and normal functioning of the social organism, the need to muffle the natural instincts laid in each individual and oppose them the rules of communication, based on mutual respect for the interests and on mutual support.

The point of view is enough according to which the etiquette, as an element of the external behavior of a person, is organically not associated with its morality: a person with exquisite manners, since childhood, the political sweep of the politex wisdom can remain arrogant, inherent, immoral. However, such a person is unlikely to be able to mislead the people around him for a long time to be called a human cultural, brought up. The external form of behavior, devoid of moral base, loses its meaning, acquiring only the type of disguised rudeness and disrespect for people, which sooner or later comes out. "Ice" or "Khamskaya" courtesy have nothing to do with genuine human culture. The rules of etiquette, observed only externally, allow a person depending on the circumstances and individual character traits with ease to retreat from them.

I. Service ethics

Service ethics is the widespread concept in the field of professional ethics. Under official ethics, they understand the totality of the most common norms, rules and principles of human behavior in its professional, industrial and official activity. These norms must comply with every person who has begun to work. The number of these norms is small. The overwhelming part of them is formulated in the maximum general form, in order to be detailed in relation to specific activities. Requirements of service ethics:

Discipline. Specification of this concept occurs depending on the specifics and content of labor. For example, in animal husbandry, the concept of discipline will be determined by the life cycles of those animals, followed by.

The savings of the material resources provided by the employee for the implementation of production activities. These resources can be the most different. The need to replenish lost resources with a heavy cargo falls on the profit and cost of products, hence the requirement to reduce losses to a minimum. This rate includes saving heat, buildings, techniques, materials, etc.

The correctness of interpersonal relationships. A person in his work should behave in such a way that there are interpersonal conflicts as far as possible, and that others can work comfortably next to it with direct and indirect interpersonal contact.

All these requirements are divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup: includes requirements in interpersonal contacts horizontally (subordinate - subordinate, head-manager). The second subgroup: Includes requirements in interpersonal contacts by vertical (subordinate - head). The main requirement to subordinate is the recognition of the right of the head to give orders, which includes the functional responsibilities assumed by the person under an employment contract.

The subordinate must, based on these duties, appropriately build their behavior, and do not use various forms of evasion from execution of orders. Evasion may be vowels, public, with the statement of certain conditions to the head. It may be hidden, take the character of a secret (with the help of facial expressions, gestures, individual words) provoking the head for open actions against the subordinate. In these situations, the subordinate for the surroundings can often be affected by the suffering side, and the response to it of the head is inadequate. One of the reasons for such behavior of the subordinates may be the desire to maintain a certain social capital, look striking, acquire the status of an informal leader, to achieve any benefits for yourself, etc.

II. . Specificity of the formation of ethics of civil service

1. Ethics of civil service as unity of professional and management systems

The public service is a specific type of activity related to the implementation of the state policy and implementation on behalf of the state of major economic, social and political programs among the population. The origins of the civil service are searching in the origins of the formation of the state, so in the twentieth century. Prior to N. E. In the ancient Sumer, there was a first uprising for social justice against the state apparatus, there were also the primitives of the two-challenging parliament and ethical rules of the civil service.

Ancient Greece and the Imperial Rome played a big role in the formation of ethics of civil service as a prototype of modern bourgeois states. The nature of the authorities was analyzed in them, the concept of "power", "interaction with society", "the role of law" began to be formed in philosophy.

The historical realities of the formation of civil service in a particular country had a significant role in the formation of ethics of civil service. They made ethical demands more specific, due to the historical realities of this country.

The public service assumes the presence of an existence of a working or another volume of power administrative powers, therefore ethics of the civil service includes all the basic elements of the ethics and culture of management (decision making, its preparation, implementation, foresight of the consequences of decisions taken, etc.). At different levels of civil service, the volume of powerful permissive powers is different. At the grassroots levels, the volume of these powers is small due to the rigid centralization of the activities of the civil service, ordinary employees perform performing functions, but, nevertheless, they have a certain set of powerful powers.

Ethics of civil service includes a number of elements of ethics of ideologized systems: the requirement of subordination of the main personal qualities of the specifics of the achieved (implemented) idea, the elimination of all those who are unable to apply those methods and methods that are necessary to achieve their goals. The civil service system has always existed official or informal ways to track the behavior of government officials for compliance with their standards imposed in this period to civil servants. There is a system of internal penalties of civil servants.

In the organization of the civil service and its functioning there are many specific points that act in contradiction with the moral qualities required from the civil servant. The morality of officials decomposes from the inside. Such features that negatively affect the moral of civil servants are:

Specific form of remuneration in the public service;

Its territorial device;

Vertical extension in the direction of activity;

A special nature of the flow of labor;

Special interest of individual strata of the population in the activities of the civil service.

Thus, the ethics of the civil service seems to be sufficiently unstable, wounded by a complex dependence on the circumstances. On the other hand, the state employee is the face of the state and the nation, the key to the successful functioning of the state. Therefore, there are a number of qualities that the civil servant must have to possess. In this regard, the right plays a decisive role in organizing civil service.

2. The role of law in the formation and development of public service ethics

Another profession, in whose activities the right would play such a big role, no. The right to ensure the morality of civil servants dominates, the structure of the civil service, coinlability, replaceability cycles, the system of punishment, offsets, etc. is prescribed.

Thus, in the public service the right is the main regulator of relations between people within the civil service system and with the outside world. Ethics of the civil servant occupies a support position.

The purpose of the right is to unify and standardize the behavior of civil servants so that neither a frequent changeability, nor the small volume of public relations with the official could affect the perception of the figure of the official as a state representative.

3. Basic concepts of professional ethics of civil service

Professional ethics of a civil servant helps to specify, implement moral values \u200b\u200bin conditions, sometimes very complex, unusual. Professional ethics does not form new principles and the concept of moral consciousness, it, as it were, "adapts" already known principles, concepts to specific areas of human life.

Professional ethics and professional moral consciousness for their functioning should have its own specific concepts. Briefly consider those of them that will be interested in us most. Perhaps the initial concept of professional ethics is the concept of "professional debt", in which the official duties are fixed. It was the awareness of his official debt that encourages representatives of a number of professions to relate to their work with the most responsibility, given the many specific nuances of the relationship of the individual and society, personality and team. Professional duty stimulates self-denial, it is in him a concrete expression of a person's debt.

Such concepts as "Professional Honor" and "Professional Dignity" should be allocated. In the concept of a professional honor, an assessment of the importance of a profession in the life of society is expressed. The awareness of this significance is very important for the civil servant and is the basis of professional dignity, self-esteem of its activities. It is important to note that the concepts of "honor" and "service" as social phenomena are closely related to each other. It is not by chance in the old days, a high title was understood in honor of the victim. Honor is a combination of higher moral - ethical principles in person. It consists in the moral dignity of a person, his valor, honesty, nobility of the soul, a pure conscience, the desire to follow the sublime ideal of truth, justice, good, serving to their Fatherland.

Honor not only moral, but also the historical category. It is derived from the conditions of the era in which people live, is part of their consciousness, is focused on a particular system of values, behavior norms, etc.

Honor at the same time, the category is active. She manifests itself in the actions of people, in their relationship with each other. Depending on the nature of the relations in which a person may be in relation to other people, several types of honor are distinguished. German philosopher XIX century A. Shopenhauer, emitted, for example, such types of honor as civil, service, military, knight, male, etc.

Of paramount importance for a person, whatever he dealt, has, naturally, a civil honor. According to the philosopher, no man can do without it. Its actions and value applies to all classes, not excluding the highest. Honor obliges all citizens to rides for the interests of their fatherland, multiplying his wealth, good name and glory, respectfully applies to the laws of the state, to maintain public order, cares about old men and children, helping the poorly protected layers of citizens. Indeed, in a legal, democratic, social state, each person has the right to a decent life.

Civilian honor has a significant impact on the honor of the service, at least in the part that is related to the high social significance of the service and official activity. In a modern sense, the service is the service to the state, the Fatherland, the people. Social meaning of service is especially pronounced in turning era in the life of the state, when the responsibility of people for the destinies of the country increases sharply.

The official honor, in addition to social sense, has another, no less important side associated with the implementation of their debt employees. In view of the publicity of the service, the activities of civil servants, their professional, personal qualities are under the closer attention to the public. As Schopenhauer notes, "the service honor is in the universal opinion of others that a person who occupies his position really has all the necessary for this quality and in all cases accurately performs his official duties.

Professional honor and professional dignity, mutually complementing each other, help maintain a certain, rather high level of morality. Professional honor and professional dignity of the civil servant will be expressed in the decisions and various actions.

Professional morality for a civil servant includes the concept of "professional justice." It's not so easy to be. A civil servant is required to spend a lot of effort to thoroughly explore this or that situation, objective circumstances. Assess the template, on the advice of the authorities - it is much easier. But it is professional justice, a professional conscience and encourages a civil servant to be fair, not to succumb to the pressure of "over", mafia groups, etc. Justice is certainly important in relations with colleagues. Double, triple standards in the estimates of "their" and "strangers", comfortable and not comfortable destroy the moral consciousness of the specialist himself, and the moral and psychological climate of the team. Since communication with a specific person is most of the working time of the main number of civil servants, it is possible to talk with full confidence about such a concept of professional morality as "professional tact".

It is especially worth allocating the basic principles of the professional ethics of a civil servant.

First of all, the principle of humanism is initial for professional ethics, i.e. respectful attitude to every human person, understanding its uniqueness, self-sufficient value. The principle of humanism is opposed to a purely utilitarian attitude to personality, its consideration, mainly, as the means of achieving some other, albeit quite important goals.

The principle of optimism (professional) intersects with the principle of humanism. Thus, the public servant is not easy to fulfill his duties without faith in the fact that his efforts, his work, both accepted and the decisions performed by him contribute to the development of the state, strengthen the principles of democracy, legality and law enforcement. This faith elevates and helps to develop a good start in man.

Any activity, especially the one, which is directly directed to a person must be autonated, spiritualized by a high idea. Therefore, professional ethics of a civil servant must include the principle of patriotism. Obviously, love for the Motherland cannot be combined with dismissive relationships to other countries, other peoples. If you remember the aristotle's arguments about the golden middle, then patriotism can be represented as a middle between two extremes: between national disgrace and governing, imprisonment in front of all foreign. True patriotism includes a constructive attitude towards achieving other peoples.

The basic concepts and principles of professional ethics of a civil servant form its framework, which is filled with "flesh and blood" in various everyday situations.

III . Functions of etiquette in public service

1. Requirements for civil servants

The moral requirements for civil servants can be divided into 4 groups: a group of requirements is associated with the presence of power and administrative powers among officials. Requirements for employees at the level of which decisions are made are transferred to ethics of management (determination, professionalism, ability to leadership, etc.);

Performing discipline. The basis of this requirement is the fact that the life of a person also depends on the civil servant, since the professional function of officials includes the design of documents per person since its birth. Discipline, attentiveness, dictuctance, punctuality, pedantry and law-ability - these qualities characterize the performing discipline;

Such qualities that are determined by the fact that today in the structure of professional activities of officials is increasing the volume of communication. It is important here that communication is not only increasing quantitatively, but also becomes more diverse, dirty. This communication includes new segments of the population, which vary in interest, social status, income level, etc. An official must be inherent in such qualities as communicativeness, openness, respect for someone else's point of view, the ability to listen and hear, restraint, tacty, pupil, spending a word, the ability to file yourself;

Qualities explained by the "Aquarium Effect". This is the special position of the civil servant in society: the acute attention of people (even to his personal life) is riveted. From this it follows that the public service is not only a profession, but also a lifestyle. Restraint, asceticism, the feeling of responsibility for the retreat from standards, personal behavior is the qualities of the official who are responsible for the opinion of the public about the state.

With the practical application of the concept and principles of professional ethics of civil service, they acquire the form of ethical requirements. Of these, the main, which should be placed in a public servant both when entering public service and in the performance of state-official authority:

Commitment to the highest moral principles, loyalty to the state; The state employee must put state interests above individual, private interests, goals and objectives of political parties, other public associations;

Compliance with the principles of civil service;

Permanent readiness to make the protection of the Constitution, federal laws and laws of the subjects of the Federation, never to violate the provisions of the adopted oath to the state and not abandon the legitimate requirements for the state position;

Honest service to the state;

The desire to find and use the most efficient and economical ways to perform government problems and functions;

The absence of a state employee elements of discrimination against some subjects, on the one hand, the provision of special benefits and privileges to other subjects, for a special remuneration or without it, on the other;

Never accept any benefits and benefits for yourself and members of your family, using their official authority;

Do not make any personal promises related to public service duties;

Never use any information obtained confidentially during the execution of their job duties as a means of obtaining personal gain;

Do not engage in entrepreneurial activities;

Expose corruption and constantly fight it in state bodies;

Observe the business regime and the correctness of communication with citizens and colleagues;

Strive to create a business image of a civil servant;

Not to express its personal opinion about the current political figures;

Avoid abuse of official position, mercenary or other personal interest;

In communicating with citizens, both in the performance of their powers and in the non-vigorous relations to comply with the generally accepted rules of conduct; behave with dignity; demonstrate a polite correct circulation, impartiality, principle, the desire to deeply understand the essence of the question, the ability to listen and understand another position; equal treatment to all citizens and legal entities; Weightedness of expressed judgments and received management decisions.

2. The main functions of the etiquette in the public service

The specificity of this kind of professional activity as the public service, the features of the socio-legal status of a civil servant and arising from it of relevant official situations, allow us to talk about the etiquette of civil servants as about the combination of specific rules governing the external manifestations of relationships between people in the process of their professional activities in everything Difood of forms of service communication.

In the public service, where relations are built on the basis of subordination, each type of communication (subordinate and chief, colleagues, officials and visitor) has sufficient specificity and subordinate to its practical policy of etiquette oriented and dignity as a higher value.

Etiquette in public service performs various functions. Allocate the information function, the function of standardization of individual and group behavior models, the function of social control and social influence, the function of creating psychological comfort. Etiquette norms inform about how to behave a civil servant in a particular service situation and what behavior should be expected from colleagues from the head or from subordinates. Standardizing the behavior of each member of the team, etiquette helps them, without thinking, sometimes almost unconsciously, choose a line of behavior in accordance with the real situation and expectations of others, without risking to get into an awkward or predicament or cause complications in relations with others. Following the adopted behavioral rules in each part of communication strengthens confidence in the correctness of its actions, gives rise to self-esteem, creates a sense of psychological comfort.

IV. . The basic principles of the state employee

The basis of the state employee's etiquette is the general principles of modern etiquette, complied with today all over the world: these are the principles of humanism, the feasibility of actions, aesthetic attractiveness of behavior and respect for the traditions of their country and countries, with representatives of which civil servants have to enter business contacts.

The principle of humanism enshrines the moral basis of the business etiquette. It is specified in the requirements addressed to the culture of relationships and including politeness in the entire variety of its shades: correctness, courtesy, courtesy, delicacy, tact, modesty, accuracy. The credo of the principle of humanism: good relations are the key to fruitful cooperation, acting by one of the most effective motivators of work activity, an inappropriate part of organizational culture.

In each specific situation, we choose the form of politeness corresponding to this situation, namely correct politeness, which allows, without disturbing etiquette, give to understand the person our attitude towards his act. Correctness allows parties to preserve self-esteem and not to humiliate the other.

Another form of courtesy is courtesy, respectful courtesy. In official relations, a respectful form of courtesy serves as a reliable way to protect both the dignity of the subordinate, and the authority of the head, observing the service hierarchy, to have respect to the head without the shadow of helpfulness and humiliation and to "honor" the attention of subordinate without arrogance and cv. Calizability has nothing to do with persistence and firmware in the rank medium.

The bright manifestation of the harmony of the inner and external culture of a person is a delicacy, the property of truly educated, intelligent people, the highest expression of goodwill, preventability and friendly.

Politeness in official relations is not an end in itself, but a means of creating and maintaining a healthy morality and psychological climate in a team, and each employee has a sense of psychological control and security. She helps to prevent emerging misunderstandings and make communication more pleasant.

Politeness always accompanies tactfulness - then a sense of a measure that allows a person to accurately catch the border between what is possible and what is impossible. It helps to warn the situation that causes awkwardness, and if it still arises - not to notice her. Tactical leader will not "fire" subordinate to the mistake committed by him in the presence of unauthorized persons. A tactful person will not become unceremonious to make comments to a new or more young employee, will not allow himself the desired statements, seeing the shadow of concern or chagrin on the face of the colleague, will not be indispensable about the causes of his condition. He will not give unandoned tips, interfere with personal affairs and disseminate personal information obtained in confidential order.

One of the requirements of the service etiquette is modesty. V. Dal defines a modest person, first of all, as moderate in its demands, unresponsive for himself, who does not put his personality, a decent, quiet in circulation, opposing these qualities of self-confidence, arrogance, self-sufficiency, arrogance, arrogance, increasingness. Unfortunately, this concept in the public consciousness has recently been largely devalued, losing its original meaning, and it became often to be associated with uncertainty, timidity, shyness and mediocrity, with which they believed, do not live.

Thus, the principle of humanism as the most important principle of modern etiquette specified in the requirements of courtesy, modesty, accuracy, has a deep moral basis. The specific rules of behavior arising from it are an external manifestation of respect for a person. Otherwise, no sophisticated manners, no refined speech, are not able to hide the absence of genuine culture, raising education. And disrespect for other people - a sign of the lack of self-esteem.

The principle of humanism is a fundamental, but not the only principle underlying the etiquette of a civil servant. Unandardar service and life situations constantly put a person before the problem of choosing a behavior model, relying only for common sense. The principle of feasibility of actions is that it determines the behavior of the civil servant in relations with others in the service situation.

The third principle on which the requirements of modern business etiquette are based - the principle of aesthetic attractiveness of behavior and appearance of the employee of the institution. Upcessly dressed, waving his hands and constantly grimaceous or sulphous, in the excitement of the dispute driving you into the corner or casually, without looking at you, stretching for a greeting, highly stretched out his hand down, talking loudly and noisy struggling with his runny nose man is unlikely to cause sympathy and Give pleasure from communicating with him. Untrequent, deprived of the grace and attractiveness, behavior offends the aesthetic feelings of others and is perceived as a manifestation of disrespect for them.

Each people have their own, developing, customs and traditions. Respect for these traditions and following them - another principle of modern business etiquette. Today, in connection with the active expansion of international relations at all levels, this principle becomes particularly relevant, becomes a guarantor of mutual understanding between representatives of different cultures. Following this principle eliminates serving from unpleasant minutes of awkwardness caused by the ignorance of the characteristics of the country's national etiquette that you have visited or with a representative of which you had to enter into business communication. Even the best motivations and the most gallant manners will not protect you from condemnation, if you, for example, in China, want to kiss the girl's hand, when you meet with a Japanese counterfeit, we will take a business card with your left hand from him, try to present a gift - from a pure heart - the American civil servant , or, chatting with a colleague from the Muslim region, will persistently look into his eyes.

One of the important and powerful principles of modern service etiquette, breaking stereotypes of generally accepted ideas about the rules of good tone is the principle of subordination, dictating the external drawing of the behavior of employees in many situations of business communication. The very nature of personnel management in the public service dictates the need and feasibility of strict subordination of labor relations: "top down" and "bottom-up" (between managers and subordinates) and "horizontal" (between employees of one official status).

Recently, in the practice of labor relations in the public service, the new staff management style is becoming more active (it is called a participative style), the distinctive features of which are openness, awareness, relationship trust, delegation of powers subordinate, etc. This style, facing the consciousness and internal motives of human behavior, is designed for the parity relations of the head and subordinate, on their mutual support and social relationships.

Together with the new style of management in ethics of business relations of civil servants, the principle of parity is approved, peacefully caring with the principle of subordination. It is known that the effectiveness of the discussion of business problems increases when, in the interests of the case, everyone feels equal in the statement of their position, views, arguments, regardless of their position, status, work experience, age, etc.

Knowledge of the basic principles of modern business etiquette allows a person to confidently navigate in any non-standard situation, not to fall aspass and not make mistakes that surrounds the surrounding in his pupils, which could cause serious damage to his image.

The intelligence of civil servants should be determined not only by the level of education, but also to the observance of the ethical principles of legality, justice, humanity, responsibility and impartiality. It should also be combined with the ability to clothe the moral principles that are written by them into the appropriate forms of external behavior, the basis of which is respect for human and its dignity, politeness, tact, modesty, accuracy, aesthetic attractiveness of actions in combination with expediency and common sense.


The traditional structure of the civil service, with a pyramidal and linear device, with administrative administration methods, was developed by centuries, and in a relatively unchanged form existed before the second half of the twentieth century. Problems arose with the entry into the civilization of the industrial society and the transition to post-industrial civilization. Western European countries and America reached the industrial stage of development by the 30th of the twentieth century, but during the Second World War were discarded in their development back. By the 50th. Most countries restored their potential, and the transition to the post-industrial society began. The processes occurring in the world are complicated. Transformations not just accelerated, but compressed. Significantly complicated the situation and manifestation of global problems of humanity (environmental crisis, the accumulation of weapons of weapons of mass lesion, etc.). The traditional ethics of the public service, formed for the previous history, has ceased to work in many respects, to fulfill its functions of the regulator of relations both within the civil service and in the relations of public service with the population. She stopped taking advantage of the rapidly changing situation.

In the change of ethics, the civil service was made several tendencies, which are subject to understanding, both scientists and practitioners dealing with the problems of the development of morality in the field of public administration.

The main directions for which there were changes in the traditional public service system:

Changes in the organizational side of the civil service:

The emergence of staff units (in the presidential administration there is a sociological center). The emergence of the Institute of Advisors.

The appearance beyond the traditional structure of the public administration of units organized by the matrix type to work on projects.

Redistribution of functions between control levels towards increasing the rights and opportunities at the territory level (decentralization of management). This trend began to appear from the 70s.

The growing global problems and the need to combine efforts to solve them led to the accelerated process of creating a variety of international organizations and structures coordinating the activities of states or other issues. The emergence of such organizations forced to think about the need to rapprocherate as legal norms of the functioning of state vehicles, and this in turn led to the emergence of basic educational centers prepare managers of higher links and the gradual approach of the ethical codes of civil services. It was a trend of time.

The gradual translation of the public service on the rails of moderate liberalization. In some countries, it happened sharply (United Kingdom - Margaret Thatcher), in other more smoothly (countries of Eastern Europe). Russia also proclaims the transition to moderate liberalization. States gradually exempt themselves from concerns about the needs of people and from the implementation of the social guarantees taken earlier. This is due to the growing crisis phenomena in the global economy with the constant rise in price of the entire process of functioning of the state.

Significant and very rapid transformation of technical equipment of the activities of the civil service (computerization of activities, the formation of uniform communicative systems, communication), a change in the entire system of stationery items, equipping. Such a transformation, on the one hand, work has simplified, and on the other, it delivered entirely new problems before large detachments, including rethinking the nature of responsibility, the need to acquire new skills in decision-making, in understanding their debt, etc.

Splicing of ethics of civil services and ethics (morals) politicians.

The main reasons for the listed changes are primarily civilizational changes, such as globalization of the economy and the loss of small and medium cities of developed countries of the taxable base when enterprises in countries with developing economies and cheap labor; processes of defederailization and decentralization of management in the system of civil service and municipal management and the formation of greater autonomy of the activities of the fields in the field; The separation of society continued in the transition to the post-industrial civilization is increasingly different in the number and substantially differing in the interests of the layers and groups of the population, etc.

List of used literature

1. Boykov V.E. Professional culture of civil service // Socis. 2005, №2.

2. Public service: Culture of behavior and business etiquette. Tutorial / under total. ed. E.V. Okhotsky. -M.: Publishing House Rags, 2006.

3. Ignatov V.G., Belolipetsky V.K. Professional culture and professional ethics of civil service: the context of history and modernity. Tutorial. -Rostov-on-Don: Publishing Center "Mart T", 2000.

4. Ethics of public service. // Public service. Problems of professional ethics. Foreign experience. Abstract bulletin. №2, 98. -M.: Publishing House Rags, 2005.

Ethics of public service. / Post public service. Problems of professional ethics. Foreign experience. Abstract bulletin. №2 (22), 98. -M.: Publishing House Rags, 2005. -s. 22.

Ethics of public service. / Post public service. Problems of professional ethics. Foreign experience. Abstract bulletin. №2 (22), 98. -M.: Publishing House Rags, 2005. -s. 31.

Nalbidyan w .. The role of the right in the formation of ethics of the civil service. -M.: Publishing House Rags, 2007. P. 3-5.

1 Obolonsky.V / public service. Tutorial. -M.: Case, 2005. P. 30.

Bytes G. N. / Ethics and service standards / C-PB / "Peter", 2003, p. nine

Bytes G. N. / Ethics and service standards / C-PB / "Peter", 2003, p. nineteen

Public Service: Theory and Organization. Lecture course. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2006 pp. 159.

As a result of the development of this chapter, the student must:


General, specific and specific moral qualities of the head;

Basic requirements for ethics of the head, ethics of orders and orders;

Be able to

Distinguish between the main (organic) and non-primary functions of the head to ensure the effectiveness of manual and management;

Put the task of determining the factors that cause the model of the relationship of the head and subordinate in a specific situation;


The skills of creating a favorable atmosphere of cooperation and mutual understanding;

Skills of effective leadership, compliance with the ethics of orders and instructions, organization of collective work.

Place and role of the head in the system of state and municipal management. The concept of "organic functions" of the head

The effectiveness of the work and moral sustainability of employees of the organization affects, as already noted, many factors both subjective and objective. This is the level of moral development of workers, moral education, and working conditions and life, and the level of material well-being, and much more. However, the nature of the relationship, which consists in the team, is still determining. Of particular importance here are the traditions of the organization, positive moral experience, the personality of the head.

Any organization is strong primarily by its head. Moreover, the specificity of management activities associated with the hierarchy and subordination of relations, deleasing the bureaucratic apparatus, give the role of the head a special importance. It is from the head to a decisive degree depends on the creation of a favorable moral climate in the team. On the other hand, the success of the leader himself entirely depends on his ability to create a morally healthy team.

In the scientific sense of the word guide as a special management case, Including the combination of the processes of interaction between the head and subordinates, represents activities aimed at prompting workers to achieve their goals through influence on individual and collective consciousness.

It's believed that good leader - This is the leader who:

1) knows how to build relationships with the team;

2) Knows typical mistakes of executives and trying to prevent them.

The following advice on the reorganization of relations in the team is given in the management literature:

The first task is a clear delimitation of duties (each employee should know the circle of its authority);

It is necessary to develop a scheme of relationships in the organization and circuit of information flows (no more than 30% of information on the state of affairs should be received on top of management);

Do not work for others (for this purpose, it is important from the very beginning to develop job descriptions for all employees);

Each employee must have one boss (the best way to be a fair boss is not to interfere in the affairs of the lower leader who himself can ask from his subordinates and respond to his actions);

You should not control the actions of your subordinates (only the results of their work must be monitored, for which it is recommended to have a schedule of intermediate results, cards of mutual tasks for themselves and subordinates);

Evaluate the circumstances, not people (in assessing the results of subordinates, should not be transferred to the person).

Studies indicate a number of typical mistakes of managers associated with their inadequate behavior that violate their normal relations with subordinates leading to intragroup conflicts. These include situations when:

For errors, one answers the other;

The decision is made without the participation of the employee;

Criticism and proceedings occur in the presence of third parties or in the absence of an employee;

The head is not able to recognize his mistakes and is trying to find guilty among subordinates;

From the employee hides an important information for him;

The head complains of his subordinates to the higher authorities;

An employee professionally suitable for a higher position is not progressing;

Different demands are presented to different members of the team (the manager has approximate and rejected);

Promotions for labor are provided unfairly (not in accordance with merit).

One of the defining factors in the work of the head is manual style. As a socio-behavioral category, it is not reduced only to the manner of exposure to the head for management relations. This is a wider, high-quality concept, involving a high level of culture of the personality of the head, the presence of the necessary moral qualities. The basis of the style of the guide lies the compliance of the goals and means, forms and content. Ultimately, this is the quality of thinking and actions, implying knowledge, the ability of the management subject to analyze the situation, use subjective and objective factors to interact with the object of management, choosing the methods of achieving goals, harmonizing the interaction of participants in management relations.

Various factors affect the style of the management. It can be a feature of a specific situation, and the nature of the tasks of the tasks, and the characteristics of the organization.

The features of the leader himself are defining on the style of the leadership. The practice of management knows the two most common type of head: 1) Head focused on work; 2) Head focused on man. The head of the first TINA uses mainly technocratic management methods. It devotes all his time that the production roles scrupulously distributes the work roles between subordinates, describes tasks, plans and amounts to work schedules, develops approaches to their implementation, constantly reports its concern about the task. For the head of the second type, other priorities are characterized: it is always involved in bilateral communication, ensures the participation of subordinates in decision-making, communicates with them in an approving and unwilling manner, will give people the opportunity to satisfy their needs related to work.

There are different points of view on the issue of optimal management style. German Management School The essence of the optimal style of the manual reduces to the formula: to bring employees to success and self-realization. From the point of view of German authors V. Sigert and L. Lang, the style of the leadership is formed depending on the interaction of three factors: 1) the character (structure) of the person's personality; 2) competence of employees; 3) the situations in which the head and staff are located.

American researchers R. Blake and J. Muton based on the use of two parameters (attention to person and attention to production) suggested the classification of guide styles known today in science ("Management lattice"), highlighting as the main five-styles of the manual (Fig. 10.1 ).

In the drawing along the axis h. Presented the degree of accounting for the interests of production, along the axis y - The degree of accounting of personal interests.

Fig. 10.1. Five styles of leadership R. Blake and J. Muton

1. (1.1) - manual style " nebidity " (Depleted control). For this style of leadership, a low level of care of the head of both the results of the team and people are characterized. The main goal of the head is to save a position.

2. (1.9) - manual style "Warm campaign" (Office in the spirit of the country club, "holiday homes"). Such a guide style is characterized by a high level of concern for people, attention to their interests, desire to establish friendly relations, a pleasant comfortable atmosphere, convenient work rates. The results of work are not attached to much importance.

3. (9.1) - manual style " a task" (Power - submission). With this guide style, the head is entirely focused on solving production tasks, uses predominantly forced management methods. The human factor is underestimated or ignored.

4. (5.5) - manual style "golden mean" ("Organization"), the head seeks to balance the interests of the personnel and production interests, without requiring too much from employees, but not engage in consignment.

5. (9.9) - manual style "team " (Group control). The best style of leadership based on the optimal combination of the interests of production and the team. Production success is due to the dedication of people of their work, confidence and respect is achieved through interdependence on a common goal.

The Polish scientist Stanislav Kovalevsky in Europe in a brilliantly written study "Head and Subordinate" considered very important for the head to put himself in the position of subordinates for a more effective manual.

One of the most difficult problems for the head (except known conflict between urgent and important) - Determine what he should do himself, and what can entrust his subordinates, delegating them some of their powers. By organizing the organization, the head not only need to know his main functions, but also be able to separate them from the secondary responsibilities in order to check whether anything in the manual is not lost and does not spend time on an outsider. Art. Kovalevsky called these functions "Organic", By emphasizing that their leader should not transmit anyone to anyone, should leave for themselves, to implement personally and constantly. According to a scientist, a list of organic functions not only allows the person who occupies one or another leadership position to reduce its load and focus on the main thing, but also determines this position. The absence of organic functions of a leadership position indicates the uselessness of this position and the need for its reorganization.

Art. Kovalevsky allocated the following typical organic functions of the head.

1. Caring for improving the qualifications of staff personnel, the creation of the necessary conditions for this and the corresponding atmosphere.

2. Coordination of interests in the team.

3. Ensuring the motivation of employees, including both the general motivation and the motivation in the field of exchange of experience and knowledge, informing subordinates on the results of their work.

4. Ensuring the stability of the organization.

5. Formation of values \u200b\u200bof the organization, corporate culture for the benefit of the entire team.

According to Kovalevsky, the head, entitled, must first of all determine the sequence of its actions.

First his step should be the preparation of a list of its organic functions; second - comparison of organic functions with an officially established circle of tasks and eliminating discrepancies, transmitting subordinates of those functions that go beyond organic functions; third - Determination of the importance of each function that allows you to avoid one-way attention to some one side of the managerial process; fourth - accurate distribution of tasks (who should perform these tasks).

An important component of the actions of the head - the search for a strategic or limiting factor (weak level in the work of the head), which prevents fully use and labor and material resources. Often the head itself puts himself in a situation where it is forced to postpone important things for the sake of solving momentary problems, taking off between urgent and important. However, the practice shows that if reacting only to the fact that at the moment it is necessary to easily lose control of its time.

In the literature on management formulated a few questions, answering which, the head can determine the quality of the leadership they carried out:

Do the people subordinate to me develop their abilities?

Does their ability grow to make decisions and take responsibility?

Are they studying to cooperate with their colleagues?

Are they involved in decision making?

Do they feel mine promotion and support?

Does my leadership help them better and work more productively?

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