Growing tulips in the country. How and when to plant tulips in the country Beautiful planting of tulips in the country

Landscaping and planning 16.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

A garden full of colorful flowers is always a delight to the eye. Variegated tulips always look bright in a clearing or alpine slide, on curbs, lawn, or on. These spring flowers open ground They go well with violets and forget-me-nots, you can border with Pushkinia, creeping phlox or low perennials. Group plantings of tulips are best created from the same variety. If this is not possible, then adjust all the selected varieties of tulips and plant them based on growth, color and flowering time. The most attractive look blooming tulips at the same time, not in bunches at different times. This can be achieved by planting tulips, the bulbs of which are the same size.

Tulips bloom in open ground for a little over a month, starting in the second half of April. Plant late-flowering plants between rows so that beauty does not fade after the tulips have faded.

Place and soil for growing tulips for open ground

You can plant tulip bulbs in the area where any flower grew. vegetable crop, flowers. The exception is bulbous plants and nightshade.

Place for growing tulips in the open field, choose a well-lit, where the soil is drained. With insufficient lighting, the stems of tulips will stretch and all forces will be directed to this, and not to the development of the bulb, while the flower becomes smaller. For late varieties of tulips, choose partial shade to prolong flowering. If possible, the site should be protected from northeast winds.

Tulips do not like acidic soil, they prefer sandy, slightly alkaline. heavy clay soil must be mixed with river sand, and before planting on the bottom of the furrow, lay a layer of sand (2 cm). The surface must be even. fertile layer must be at least 30 cm.

Planting tulips outdoors

For central Russia, steppe zone planting of tulips falls from the end of September until October 15th. Earlier planting may encourage flower germination. In the meantime, a few months before planting tulips, you need to prepare the soil: apply rotted manure at the rate of 10-15 kg per 1 sq. m, superphosphate 40-60 g per 1 sq. m, potassium sulfate 30-40 g per 1 sq. m, dig to a depth of 25-30 cm. Dig again 15-20 days before planting to a depth of 20 cm, harrow. If there are areas of soil where water stagnates, then add earth there. For a week, stop all work on the site prepared for planting tulips in open ground. Apply nitrogen fertilizer during planting. It is impossible to bring in fresh manure before planting! The roots of tulips will begin to rot. Fresh manure is brought in 3 years before the proposed planting of tulips in large quantities (20-30 kg per 1 sq.m). The soil and the quality of the bulbs, as well as the development of the root system of plants, will be well affected by compost at the rate of 9-10 kg per 1 sq. m etched with formalin or bleach.

Tulip bulbs require a temperature of 5-7°C for rooting. High temperatures are harmful, low - will not give the opportunity to take root. Therefore, all plantings must take place before November, so that the root system of plants can successfully take root. Inspect the bulbs, select only healthy and strong ones. Treat tulips before planting by placing their bulbs in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours or in a 0.2% solution of foundationazole for 30 minutes to prevent the development of diseases.

For planting tulips in open ground, prepare furrows, the distance between which is 20 cm. It is better if the furrows are located in the direction from east to west. They are usually laid out by hand (unless, of course, this is a nursery) at a distance of 10-20 cm, depending on the size of the bulbs. If you plant small tulip bulbs, then the distance is arbitrary, just scatter them along the bottom of the furrow. The bottom of the bulbs should be directed down or sideways, then it will be easier for the sprouts to ascend.

The depth of planting tulip bulbs is regulated by the size of the bulbs, the larger, the deeper. Small bulbs are deepened by 6-8 cm, large ones up to 12-15 cm. Tulip bulbs in the open ground begin to take root two weeks after planting.

For better rooting of tulip bulbs before the onset of frost, mulch the soil with humus, peat or sawdust with a layer of 5-7 cm, so with cold weather the earth will freeze much longer, which means that the root system of tulips will develop better.

Cover early varieties of tulips with spruce branches.

The same humus in the spring for the soil will be an excellent fertilizer. After planting, level the furrows and pour water at the rate of 3-5 liters per 1 sq.m. Large bulbs root easily (2-5 cm in diameter), slightly worse in diameter 1-1.5 cm, and bulbs less than 1 cm are very bad (they may not even survive until spring).

Caring for tulips outdoors

Watering for tulips is especially important from the moment of budding. high humidity The soil provides an excellent opportunity for the development of diseases, so we recommend maintaining a moisture level of 80%. The soil needs to be watered, not flooded. Water tulips every 8-10 days at the rate of 6-10 liters of water per 1 sq.m.

Plants should be fed after watering or rain, when the soil is moist. In the spring, the mulch is not removed, and the spruce branches are removed (if grown early varieties tulips). When sprouts appear, apply the first dressing for tulips: 12-18 g of ammonium nitrate and 12-20 g of superphosphate per 1 sq.m. You can add nitrophoska per 1 sq.m. 20 g of the drug. Note! If in the fall, when planting, you applied superphosphate, then in the spring, apply only 25 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq. m or urea 0.15%, or nitrophoska or ammonium sulfate 0.2-0.25%. Apply dry fertilizer between rows to a depth of 8-10 cm or in furrows.

The second feeding of tulips should take place when laying buds: 35 g of superphosphate, 10-15 g of potassium salt, 9-12 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq. m.

The third feeding of tulips at the end of flowering: 15-20 g of superphosphate and potassium salt, 6-9 g of ammonium nitrate and 30-40 g of ash per 1 sq. m.

In spring, tulips can be fed with bird droppings, mullein or slurry 1 bucket of liquid fertilizer per 2 sq.m. wet soil. You can prepare the fertilizer as follows: put the fertilizer in a tank (container), dilute it with water for fermentation, and after 20 days, the resulting mass is diluted with water 10 times.

In the arid zone, the main thing is to retain moisture in the soil and carry out foliar top dressing of boron and zinc to increase the water-holding capacity of plants. Boric acid at the rate of 10 mg per 100 ml of water and zinc sulfate at the rate of 30 mg per 100 ml of water - this will be a microfertilizer for tulips in the arid zone. Consumption: 0.5 l of fertilizer per 10 sq. m (cook and spray each fertilizer separately). Fertilize during budding and flowering in the morning.

During the flowering period, care for tulips is also necessary. If tulips are not for cutting, then admire them until they fade. When the petals begin to wither, pinch off the entire bud, do not wait until they themselves fall, as diseases can develop in them, so the bulb will receive all the nutrients for its development.

cut tulips

There are also nuances in this matter: you need to cut tulips in the morning, at the stage of a colored bud, or in the evening those buds that were still green in the morning. If you cut tulips for a bouquet, then 2 leaves should remain on the stem so that the plant does not weaken. After cutting the plant, it is advisable to disinfect the instrument with soda or potassium permanganate. At lower temperatures, a bouquet of tulips in water will last longer.

Annual digging of tulips results in high quality bulbs. It is impossible to rush or, on the contrary, be late with digging tulips. Early digging of tulips will lead to underripe bulbs and, as a result, to a reduced quality of the decorative flower, late digging will lead to crop loss, as small children will remain in the ground (the nests will crumble). Tulips can be left in the soil for the winter, but then the flowers will become smaller, there will be fewer children.

Tulips are ready to be harvested when the leaves are completely yellow and the covering scales of the replacement bulb are light brown in early tulips, and in late tulips when the leaves are just starting to turn yellow. The top of the stem should be soft. Time for digging, approximately the end of May - June. For tulips, it is best to use this scheme: we plant in the fall, when the school year begins, and we dig out at the beginning of summer, when the school year ends.

The first varieties of tulips are dug up in dry sunny weather with a shovel, loosening the soil. The dug bulbs must be transferred immediately to the room, they must not be left in the sun, so as not to damage the scales. After drying the bulbs at a temperature of 25-30 ° C for a week, free from the earth, dry roots and dead integumentary scales. Inspect all the bulbs, leave only healthy ones for storage until the autumn planting, sort by size. Large and medium - 4-5 cm, 3-4 cm, 2-3 cm, then small.

You can also make it easier to dig up tulips by planting them in plastic containers, such as five-liter bottles. Punch the bottom with holes, lay a layer of sand and earth, then you can not wait for the leaves to turn yellow, but immediately pull out the container and rearrange it to a place that is more unsightly for everyone (take care of the tulips as if they were in the soil).

It is much easier to dig up tulip bulbs when they have been planted in baskets with a small cell, then it is enough to dig out the basket itself and all the bulbs will remain intact. It is possible that small children are able to pass through the cell and grow below the basket, so when digging it out, grab a little more land. When the digging of tulips has passed, the soil must be fertilized and plowed.

Storing tulip bulbs

In the first month of storage of tulip bulbs after digging, the temperature in the storage should be within 22-25 ° C, not lower, otherwise there will be a violation of the formation of flower primordia and the replacement bulb, air humidity 70-80%. Then store for a week at a temperature of 15-18 ° C, then until planting in open ground at 9-12 ° C, air humidity 60-70%. All this time, regularly inspect the bulbs, it is better to remove the oppressed ones. Ventilate the room, dampness should not be allowed, but drying out of the bulbs also entails the death of plants. Tulip bulbs are stored in 2-3 rows without mixing varieties. Learn more about storing bulbs.

Tulip forcing technology

Tulip is one of prominent representatives created for distillation. The best varieties Tulips for forcing are Diplomat, Parade, London, Prominence, Aristocrat, Triumph (cooling period is 16-19 weeks), Darwin hybrids (cooling period is 19-22 weeks). From fringed: Barbados, Canasta, Maya, Blue Heron, Burgundy, Leys and others.

For forcing tulips in February, red varieties are considered the most reliable:

  • Terry early Abba, Monte Carlo, Moncella
  • Triumph Leen van der Mark, Zorro, Dow Jones
  • Simple Early Christmas Marvel (cooling period is 13 weeks), Purple Prince
  • Darwin hybrids Pink Impression

Forcing tulips is carried out in a greenhouse, greenhouse or at home. For distillation, bulbs 4-5 cm in diameter are selected.

Distillation technology: tulip bulbs are planted in pots with soil mixture with a layer of at least 15 cm (1 part of humus, sod land and washed river sand), keeping the distance between them 1-1.5 cm, planting depth - the top of the bulb is flush with the soil surface. Water and move pots with tulips to root in a place where the temperature is 4-5 ° C for 40-45 days. Then transfer the containers to a room with a temperature of 12-15 ° C (if this is a window sill, then make a fence from thermal radiation). Cover the plants with a cap, shading them for 1.5-2 months, after about this time the plants will be 10-12 cm long. Remove the caps and create diffused light for 5-7 days so that the plants gradually get used to the light. Next, move the containers to a more lit place where the temperature is 20-22°C. When flowering begins, move the tulips overnight to a cold place (10-12 ° C), so you will extend their flowering period. Water the plants periodically, but make sure the soil is not waterlogged. After flowering, reduce watering, and after the leaves turn yellow, stop altogether. When the shoot dries up, dig up the tulip bulbs, clean them and store at room temperature. In the fall, plant the bulbs in the ground for growing. Tulip bulbs are not suitable for re-forcing.

What is the best way to feed tulips in spring?

Many mistakenly believe that tulips are unpretentious plants, because they often grow "savage" in front gardens. But in the process of growing, it turns out that they are very dependent on the quantity and quality of fertilizers applied. It is also important to use the "correct" trace elements so as not to harm the plant. Further on how to properly care for tulips in the country: how and with what to feed flowers in spring (with video and instructions).

Suitable trace elements for spring feeding of tulips

Even if the soil on the site is quite fertile, tulips will still need to be fed, albeit not so frequent and plentiful. This moment of caring for flowers is especially important if they are grown not only for home use.

As for the trace elements most suitable for a tulip in the spring, these are:

Attention! For tulips, it is undesirable to use fresh organic matter, since it contains too much a large number of nitrogen, which can adversely affect them: flowering of plants will begin a little later, and the likelihood of a decrease in their resistance to diseases is also high.

Fertilizers that are required quantity contain the above trace elements and are perfect for tulips:

  • Urea, ammonium nitrate (sources of nitrogen);
  • Superphosphate (source of phosphorus);
  • Ash, potassium sulfate, etc. (sources of potassium).
  • Complex fertilizers (nitrophoska, etc.).

Top dressing technique

Even before planting tulip bulbs in open ground, it is necessary to feed it with organic fertilizers (this should be done no later than 3-4 weeks before planting tulips). After strengthening young sprouts in the soil, it is important to use several types of dressings and carefully follow the scheme for their application.

The first time you can feed the tulips immediately after they appear on the surface of the soil ( in early spring). Fertilizers should stimulate plants to develop, which means that nitrogen-containing options are ideal. For example, you can add urea to the soil (about 1 tablespoon per 1 sq. M).

Advice. For the first feeding, a ready-made mineral complex is perfect, containing not only the three main trace elements for tulips, but also a number of others - boron, copper, zinc, etc. When buying a suitable complex, pay attention to the ratio of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus: it should be optimal for tulips.

The second time top dressing is made immediately after the appearance of the first buds. Since the plant no longer needs nitrogen so much, it is better to give preference to a complex containing phosphorus and potassium.

Well, and finally, for the third time, top dressing is applied to the soil for initial stage flowering tulips. Nitrogen must be completely eliminated. It is better to opt for potash fertilizers, which will help form high-quality bulbs.

That's all the nuances you need to know in order to provide tulips with a sufficient amount of nutrients. Good luck!

Spring dressing of tulips: video

They cannot grow alone, they are simply created to create colorful living masterpieces. For clearance garden plot or a town square you can try to copy someone else's interesting idea, but it's more fun to create your own unique element landscape design. To do this, it is enough just to take into account a few simple rules and important tips.

To get a beautifully flowering bulb, it is important to use only a healthy bulb, providing it with comfortable conditions. The bulb is recommended to be planted in autumn in loose soil. During spring flowering, the bulb gives up all its reserves nutrients to form a flower and die. At the same time, the process of forming a new bulb begins.

Experienced gardeners advise:

  • cut off plants that have begun to wither to allow the new bulb to quickly accumulate the necessary substances;
  • do not touch the leaves of the plant until they turn completely yellow, so as not to interfere with the process of accumulation of nutrients;
  • with the appearance of leaves in the spring, the plant needs to be fertilized with nitrogen-based mineral fertilizers, and the bulb ripening period - with potash. Organic fertilizers are applied only when planting.

Types of planting tulips

It's not enough to plan color palette future flower beds, you need to take into account 3 more important rules landscape design.


Planting tulips in pairs or in splendid isolation leads to the fact that they are simply lost against the general background of flower beds or other decorative ornaments garden.

Thin graceful flowers gain the necessary strength, confidence only in a group planting. That is why buying 2-3 bulbs of a new variety is considered a waste of money.

When planting tulips in groups, one of the popular options is used:

  • a flower bed can look like a bright spot of color, while all tulips of the same shade on it can be different types(simple, terry, fringed);
  • when using flowers of the same type, an unusual composition can be created based on color contrasts;
  • plants of the same species look interesting when creating between the edges of the flower bed a smooth transition from a light shade to a bright, saturated one.


Planting, taking into account the height of the peduncles, involves the arrangement of several different varieties of tulips on the same flower bed, so that not a single flower is obscured by others.

In a similar way, embankments, flower beds with steps are made out.

The tallest plants should be in the background. Or they are placed in the center of a round flower bed. Tulips are planted in front of them, the peduncles of which are smaller. The first row at the very edge of the flower bed is decorated with dwarf plants.

By flowering time

It's a shame when the flower garden is transformed only for a short time. So that he always pleases with a riot of colors, it is enough to decorate him with groups of flowers with different periods flowering.

This option is possible:

Landing features

When choosing a place to place flowers, you need to consider 2 important points:

  • lighting. Tulips do not do well in the shade and on slopes.
  • priming. Plants need light fertile soil.

    When faced with very dense, clayey or too wet soil, small planting containers are the solution.

    They are just filled the right soil and plant bulbs. Containers can be purchased at specialized stores or made independently, for example, by taking plastic cover from the cake and melting a few holes in it.

Containers help to solve the problem with the unaesthetic appearance of a plant with yellowed leaves. Thanks to them, flowers can be removed from the flower bed, sent for growing.

A good strong flower can appear exclusively from a strong large bulb.

If the flowers remained in one place for a long time, then the bulbs could grow strongly, this is also expressed in a decrease in flowering. In this case, it is necessary to separate them, seat them.

2 weeks before planting, you need to dig up the area intended for the flower bed well and fertilize the ground with mineral fertilizer. On the appointed day, a small hole is made with a garden shovel, into which organic fertilizer and an onion. Then the hole is covered with earth, it is not necessary to ram.

Combinations with other plants

The right neighborhood not only emphasizes the charm of flowers, but can also help create comfortable conditions for the ripening of the bulbs.

Among the most popular options for combining different types of flowers are the following:

  • Drought tolerant plants. The more often you have to water summer plants, the higher the probability of rotting the tulip. The bulb does not ripen well and may not be able to produce a strong flower in spring. In turn, plants that prefer dry soils draw excess moisture from the ground, protecting tulips. Representatives of this group are Kachim metelny and Burachok.
  • Hide behind the summer riot. Bright and cheerful daisies, wallflowers or forget-me-nots carefully set off the tulip bloom, remaining a rich background and keeping the flower bed attractive even after the tulip bloom period is over.
  • add showiness.
  • Landing under the trees. Flowers should create an illusion wild plants, for this you should choose only strong varieties. They will have to independently resist weeds, frost and even excess moisture.

    Such lawns can be organized only in well-lit areas, the lack of light will lead to the degeneration of flowers.

Tulips are grown in greenhouses, open ground and containers. Used as decorative elements for decorating flower beds, balconies, they make up bouquets. A country famous for growing these beautiful flowers– Holland.

History and features

These perennial bulbous plants, which belong to the lily family, were introduced from Central Asia back in the 14th century. They are unpretentious when breeding, love heat and light. Currently, about 110 species of these plants are known, and it is impossible to even count the varieties. Varieties differ in the shape of the flower and petals, in the color of the bud.

The stem of the plant can reach a meter in height, it is erect, cylindrical shape. The leaves are lanceolate-elongated, green with a bluish tinge, they have a waxy coating. Each plant has individual flower- with the exception of a few varieties, it is bisexual, perianth 6 free leaves, 6 stamens.

Most naturally occurring flowers come in 3 colors: yellow, red, white. Thanks to selection, even green tulips have been obtained.

The shape of the inflorescence can be:

  • stellate;
  • goblet;
  • fringed;
  • oval;
  • cupped;
  • terry.

Bulbs are oval, small ones can be flattened. They serve for vegetative propagation. If we consider the bulb, we can see that it is a bottom, which is an underground shoot of a plant, with fleshy leaves of a modified form.

The root system deepens into the soil up to half a meter, it is sufficiently developed. The fruit is a trihedral box, it contains many seeds.

You can grow tulips in the country for your own pleasure and for sale. This process is not expensive. special care breeding of these plants is not required.

Place for planting flowers

For planting tulips, you should choose a well-lit place on suburban area with drained soil. Just do not plant flowers where onions and nightshades used to be planted. For late varieties, there should be more shade, otherwise they will bloom early.

Be sure to protect the landing area from the north and east winds.

The culture prefers slightly alkaline, sandy loamy soil, therefore, in the presence of clay, river sand should be added to it. In addition, when constructing a bed, an additional 2 cm layer of sand is placed in it at the bottom of the furrow before planting the bulbs.

The fertile layer should be at least 30 cm.


How and when is it better to plant tulips in the country? It is preferable to do this in the fall. Bulbs are best planted in September, so that the air temperature is around 10-15ºC.

The depth of the hole is important - it should be about 3 bulb sizes in height.

Shallow planting - the plant may freeze until spring, very deep - the variety degenerates, the flowers are crushed.

Some flower growers, in order not to take risks, plant tulips in the spring.

Before planting the bulbs, it is advisable to treat them with a strong solution of manganese or foundationol. They need to be placed in manganese for 2 hours, in fundanazole - for 25 minutes.

Furrows should be separated from each other by a distance of 20 cm. Their direction is from west to east. Between the bulbs in the furrow, it is necessary to leave a gap of 10-20 cm, depending on the size. The bottom is directed down.

Before planting flowers in the soil, fertilizer is required.

  • bioton;
  • Kemira station wagon;
  • conevitis.

Manure and compost contribute to the enlargement of flowers, only the compost should be well rotted. Top dressing of culture is carried out only when wet soil, after rain or watering.

Caring for tulips planted in open ground

As soon as the budding of plants began, Special attention will have to be watered. You can not pour flowers, the root system will immediately begin to rot.

Watering is done once a week - 10 days, depending on natural weather conditions.

The mulch is not removed from the soil, only spruce branches are removed, and then if early varieties were planted in the fall.

The first feeding is done only after the appearance of sprouts. It depends on how the soil was fertilized when planting in the fall. For example, superphosphate was added in autumn. In the spring, it is no longer required to add it. At choice, the soil is fed with ammonium nitrate, urea 0.15%, nitrophoska or ammonium sulfate 0.2-0.25%.

The second top dressing is carried out taking into account the previous one during budding.

If tulips were planted in the spring, then it is better to feed them with slurry, bird droppings or mullein.

Dry soils require additional boron and zinc.

Caring for flowers during the flowering period. If it was not planned to cut them off, then it is not recommended to wait for the independent fall of the petals. The bud needs to be plucked as soon as the flower begins to fade, otherwise the pathogenic flora will infiltrate the fallen petals and the garden bed will be infected.


It is important to know not only how to grow tulips and care for them in the country, the “harvest” must also be harvested correctly.

Cut flowers in the stage of a colored bud either in the early morning or in the evening. Leaves must remain on the stem - at least 2. After cutting tulips, the tool is always treated with a solution of soda or manganese for disinfection.

If you dig up the bulbs every year, then the material for planting will be of high quality. It's very important to know exact time digging.

This is determined in the case of early varieties according to the following signs: the leaves turned yellow, the scales of the bulb became light brown. When working with late varieties: the top of the stem softens, the leaves are just beginning to turn yellow, the bulb turns brown.

First, the early varieties are dug, then the late ones. The bulbs are immediately brought into a closed place, cleaned of earth and scales. In the first 30-40 days after harvesting the bulbs, the storage temperature should not be above 25ºC and below 22ºC, then it is very important to keep them at a temperature of 15 to 18ºC for a week. The storage temperature is then reduced to 12ºC.

The nuances of working with culture

If you have to grow tulips in open ground, then in the country this can be done once every 2 years, but not less often, otherwise the variety will begin to degenerate. But the bulbs remaining in the ground must be sprinkled with spruce branches or multi, otherwise they will freeze over the winter.

The flowering of tulips marks the triumph of spring. If the site is decorated with tulips year after year, planting and care in the open field - key moment such success. Perennial bulbous plants native to Asia have long been a subject of admiration both in their homeland and in the Old World, where they came in the middle of the 16th century.

Thanks to the universal love for these flowers, a hundred years later, Holland began to be called the country of tulips, and today tens of thousands of varieties of these spectacular, but quite affordable plants are distributed throughout the world.

Terms of planting tulips in the ground

Tulips of cultivated varieties bloom in spring or in the first half of summer. Therefore, the optimal planting time is autumn. In 3–4 weeks, the bulbs acclimatize and form root system, but do not form the aerial part. This allows tulips to winter well, and with the advent of heat, give strong foliage and open large corollas.

When determining the date of planting tulips, it is important not to make a mistake! If the bulbs get into the ground too early, they may produce foliage. And the coming winter will take the plants by surprise. The aboveground part will freeze, the underground part will weaken and will not be able to guarantee spring bloom. Late planting threatens that tulips will not have time to take root, severe frosts will kill or spoil them.

How to choose the optimal time? When to plant tulips in the ground in different regions?

Experienced growers are advised to pay attention not to the calendar, but to the weather outside the window. The best start for plants is planting in soil that has cooled to a temperature of 10-12 ° C.

AT middle lane such conditions develop by mid-September. To the south, tulips are planted later, to the north, the dates are shifted to the end of August.

If for some reason the tulips did not fall into the flower beds in the fall, they can be planted in the spring. Unfortunately, in this case, the plants have less time to prepare for flowering and the accumulation of nutrients for the next year. To get the desired result and simplify the care of tulips in the open field, it is better to germinate the bulbs before planting in filled with loose nutrient substrate. Before planting, the bulbs are cooled for a day in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

Tulips are transferred to flower beds when it gets warmer and the soil warms up to +15 ° C. This method can be used in all regions, including areas where outdoor tulips do not survive the winter.

Planting tulips for outdoor cultivation

For bright flowering garden tulips require:

  • sun or transparent penumbra;
  • nutritious, necessarily loose soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction;
  • wind protection;
  • moderate .

A site suitable for growing tulips is dug up to a full bayonet, loosened, breaking clods, weeds are selected and nitrogen and, for example, humus and wood ash are introduced. Dense, heavy soil is mixed with sand, peat.

Under tulips, as well as under other bulb crops, you should not add fresh organic matter, which is often a source of bacterial rot and fungal diseases.

The depth of the furrows for growing tulips in the open field depends on the size of the bulbs. Therefore, they are pre-sorted, simultaneously separating diseased and damaged specimens. And healthy ones are immersed in a thick pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour and dried thoroughly.

Under adult large bulbs, furrows are made from 20 to 30 cm deep, pouring a 10-centimeter drainage cushion of coarse sand onto the bottom. Children are planted, slightly pressing, into holes with the same drainage, but twice as small, that is, to a depth of 7–10 cm. When the soil is leveled, the site.

Caring for tulips after planting in open ground

Tulips will react with mass disclosure only to constant and competent care. bright colors. Bulb crops, as a rule, are unpretentious, but still require attention from the appearance of the first leaves, until late autumn. Care for tulips after planting includes:

  • watering, especially plentiful during the set of buds, mass flowering and within 2 weeks after its completion;
  • removal of weeds around plantings;
  • careful, so as not to damage the root system and bulbs, loosening;
  • triple top dressing of flowers.

After watering, the soil under the plants should be moist at a depth of 30–40 cm, that is, per meter of area, depending on the type of soil, at least 10–40 liters of water must be consumed.

Fertilizers in liquid or granular form are part of the care of tulips after planting. They are entered three times:

  1. In the phase of the emergence of the first shoots, using a mixture of 2 parts, 2 parts of phosphorus salts, 1 part of potassium compounds;
  2. By the time the green buds appear, feeding the plants with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1:2:2;
  3. After flowering, using potassium-phosphorus compounds, completely abandoning nitrogen.

Speaking about the care of tulips, one should not forget about a simple but useful procedure. When the flowers fade, they are cut out along with the peduncles. This will allow the bulbs not to expend precious forces for the growth of the bulbs.

If boxes with seeds form and ripen on the stems, there is no need to wait for large bulbs, and the children will not be able to gain significant mass.

Before growing tulips, you need to know that a culture can be in one place for no more than 4 years. Then the risk of accumulation of dangerous bacteria, fungi and soil pests increases, the bulbs naturally age and require repotting. The bulbs remaining in the soil gradually go deeper, so the next year it is more difficult for the sprouts to break through to the surface. As a result, the flowers become smaller, the flower stalks become weaker and shorter.

Dig up when the leaves are completely withered and fall off. It is useful to shed the vacated area with a solution of phytosporin, potassium permanganate, or any available fungicide. Plants that remain in the soil for the winter are densely mulched with peat, sawdust or covered with spruce branches to avoid freezing.

Video about the correct planting of tulips

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