The area and population of the Perm region. Perm region. Iprant information about the Perm region

Reservoirs 22.09.2019


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Morozova Geography Teacher Marina Petrovna MBOU Oosh number 7, Chusovoy Perm Territory Relief of the Perm Territory

Purpose: to form an ideble idea of \u200b\u200bthe relief of the Perm Territory. Tasks: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relief of the Perm region; Form the ability to systematize geographic objects on different signs; Develop analytical thinking. Equipment: physical Card. Russia, physical map of the Perm region, Atlas, tutorial, presentation.

Lesson Plan: The structure of the relief of the Ural Kama. Hills and lowlands Kama region Hona and Plateau Mountain Territories of the Perm Territory

Repeat what basic forms of the earth's surface exist on land? What processes of the earth's crust contribute to the formation of a variety of relief forms?

Relief is a set of irregularities of the earth's surface. Mountain Relief Forms

Physical map of Perm region

The structure of the relief of the Ural Kama region The relief of the Ural Prikamye is due to the location of the region in the cross-border (Eastern) part of the Russian (Eastern European) plain - in the articulation zone of the Russian platform and the folded Urals. The plain part of the territory is about 80% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe region. Immersing in the eastern direction, the platform is gradually transformed into the edge of the prevention of deflection. The mining part of the Perm Prikamye includes the West Slope of the Urals, and in the extreme react-east and separate fragments of its central axial ridges.

Cool folds of rocks Pre-rally in the outcrops of p. Chusova

Highlights Place Position The highest mark, M General characteristics of the relief of the Northern Horses Verkhnekamskaya Tulvinskaya Ufa Plateau (Syllvensky Castry) Condass Residents Okhanskaya Usinskaya (Buuskaya Wavy Plain) Xenophonan Honor Characteristics of Hills

The elevation of the Kama region platform part of the region is represented in a raised hilly-walked plain with average heights of 200-400 m above sea level, which distinguishes several independent orographic formations - hills. - Verkhnekamskaya - Northern Hona - Ufa Plateau. Smaller shapes are less well known: Condass, Xenophonan, Uhanskaya, Usinforn and Tulvinskaya (Chernushinsky-Yagonsky Hona), exaltivity, except for elevations, the important place of the Perm Pre-Urals occupy - lowlands. The largest of them, with an area of \u200b\u200bup to several thousand square kilometers, are: Kamsko-Celtminskaya, Veslaskaya, Kosinskaya, Yazvins - Ko-Visher and Middlecamian-Kozvinskaya lowland.

Verkhnekamskaya elevation

Tulvin hill

Usin hill

Hona is the elusive elevation with a flat, slightly convex or wavy vertex and gentle slopes. The relative height of Us does not exceed 200 meters. Hona may form as a result of the dismemberment of the plain by parallel valleys. Sometimes the cause of the education of the Honoras are the gentle raising of the earth's crust.

Northern honors

Plateau plateau (FR. Plateau, from Plat - "flat") - sublime plain with a flat or wavy slightly dissected surface, limited by requaling ledges from neighboring plain spaces.

Ufa Plateau

The mountainous areas of the Perm region according to the features of the structure of the relief of the Perm Ural can be divided into several parts: 1. It is a row-hilly lowland of the Berezovsko-Meshnevisheh Urals, 2.U of the rolly-garden lowland of the Middle and Northern Urals and the Municipality of the Northern Urals.

Name of the region Location The highest mark (average height), M The overall nature of the relief of the Grocery-Harmitic lowland of the Berezovsko-Middle Affairs of the Urals of the Urals-Glochest Lowland of the Middle Urals of the Northern Urals The Characteristics of the Mountain Region of the Perm Territory

The Grocery-Harmitic lowland of the Berezovsko-Meshnevishersk Urals is located south of the Pechoro-Kolvinsky watershed, includes most of the R. Berezova basin, and in the south is limited to the Water-Building of Vishera and Yazvy rivers. The eastern frontiers of the area are determined by the emergence of Parms - flat-terrible wooded designers. The relief of the Grocery-Hilly lowland has an increased thickness of valley dismemberment. In addition, the river network here is more chaotic and less dependent on large, meridionally elongated geological structures. The most characteristic markers of the relief heights are 300-400 m, although certain vertices of the remainder type can reach 500-550 m and more (in particular, the highest peak of the Kolchimsky stone area reaches 780 m).

The Municipality of the Northern Urals occupies the extreme north-east of the Ural Kama. Here are the most high peaks Region. The height of many ridges- "stones" exceeds 1000 m Tulym stone - 1469 m, ant stone - 1351m, Ixerim - 1331m, Vogulsky stone - 1066 m and others. The characteristic feature of the medium-road relief is significant steepness and height of the slopes.

Tulian stone - 1469 m

Antician stone - 1351m

Ixerim - 1331m

Vogulsky stone - 1066 m

The large contrast of the relief and the absence on the slopes of any vegetation, starting from a height of approximately 800-900 m. Some of the ridges of the golts type have not sharp vertices, but flat, almost horizontal surfaces. All major forms of the earth's surface - hills, lowlands are reflected in the relief of the edge of the tectonic movements of the newest non-the-quaternary stage of development. Hills and mountains are usually confined to the areas of the newest raises, and their height is determined by which speed was this process. The lowlands are the consequence of the newest burning of the earth's crust. It should be emphasized that lowering the surface of the Earth relative to neighboring sites usually does not occur due to movements down, and due to the difference in the raising of the two (three, four) adjacent blocks of the platform or the folding zone.

Fastening What major form of relief stand out in the territory of the Ural Kama? What are the average and highest elevations of the relief within the plain and mountain parts of the region?

Homework Finish Failure Tables.

Characteristics of elevation elevations Place the position is the highest mark, M General characteristic of the relief of Northern Horses along the North (North-West) border of the region. Watershed river rivers of the Caspian Sea and the Northern Ocean Ocean 270 (220-240) High Sound Hills are low Verkhnekamskaya along the western border of the area. Top and middle kama watershed 337 (240-280) hills and honors of the middle steepness Turkey intercourse Kama, Sysa, Irena, Tulva 446 (300-350) High hills. Strong dismemberment with a river network Ufa Plateau (Salyvensky Castle) along the eastern (southeast) boundary of the region. Mezhdier Syll and Iren 403 (300-350) Semi-shaped surface, cool on the eastern outskirts of Condass Ranssrachier Kama and Spit 255 (200-220) Low Undeveloped Hills and Horses Okhansky Members Kama, Siva, Obu 314 (240-260) Hills and Honors of average height. The strong dismemberment of the Bulk Usinskaya (buoy wavy plain) southwest of the region. Miscellaneous Kama, Buy, Tulva 293 (220-290) Low gerbing Hills Xenophonan Honor Extreme North Area. Interflucery Pilves and Visherki 325 (280-300) Ureated average resistant

Characteristics of the mountainous regions of the Perm region Name of the region Location The highest marker (average height), M General nature of the relief of the Grocery-Hilly lowland of the Berezovsko-Mesh Horsky Urals of the Last North of the region. The territory to the south of Pechoro-Kolvinsky watershed to Yazvinsko-Vishero watershed 780 (300-400) intensively dismembered by hydraulic hills and low mountains of the dummy-girky lowland of the Middle Urals The axial part of the Middle Urals and the singeling of the North 994 (450-500), the ridges, low Mountains (remains) of the Northern Urals Municipality along the Eastern (Northeast) border of the region. The axial part of the Northern Urals 1469 (800-1000) ridges and individual vertices of the golts type

For the territory of the region, a meridional zonal structure is characterized. In geological respect, the Perm Territory is divided into the eastern part of the Eastern European platform, which is replaced in the direction from the west to the east first by the pre-rally regional deflection, and then the Ural folded area. There is a change of deposits also in the direction of the west to the east of the Jurassic to the ancient Verkhneproterozoic. For most of the edge (platform part and deflection), Perm deposits are widespread.

The loose Cenozoic sediments, presented mainly by a quaternary system, overlapping more ancient education are almost universally developed. The Eastern European Platform for most of the territory has the White Sea-Karelian Crystal Fundam, represented by Gneis, Genis Gneis and Amphibolites. A sedimentary platform case is composed of low-insulated sedimentary rocks. Starting from the Timan ridge and the Kolvin Saddle and further to the north the foundation is complicated by less modified upper-prototerozoic rocks: quartzitoid sandstones, clay shale, limestones and dolomites. The power of the cover is from 1.8 to 8 km (on the territory of the Belomorsko-Karelian foundation) and from 0 to 3 km (on the territory of the Upperproterozoic foundation).

In the foothill and partially mountainous part of the Urals, a strip of coal and Devonian deposits passes. Devon is composed of carbonate and terrge breeds, in varying degrees of clay. The coal system is also folded mainly by carbonates. In some sites are exposed sedimentary rocks Venndic Upper Proterozoy System. The outputs of the Perm system on the surface occupy most of the platform. 3 lower tiers (Asselle, Sakmar and Arthnsky) from the West of the region to the pre-ral deflection are represented by limestone and dolomites. To the east of the pre-Ural deflection, the ARTIN tier is replaced by chip rocks (argillites, sandstones, conglomerates). The general capacity of assessing-artistic deposits ranges from 100 to 1400 m. Kungursk tier Perm is manifested east of the POS line. Borodulino - the mouth of the river Veschalin; Complicated anhydritis, plaster and dolomithic. In the deflection, the power of the tier increases up to 1000 m and the potash and stone salts appear in it, reaching the greatest power in the area of \u200b\u200bBerezniki and Solikamsk. East of the deflection of sulfates and salts are substituted with sandstones, argillites and aleuroliths. Kungursk tier enters the surface at a significant part of the territory of the edge. The deposits of the Ufa tier of the upper perm are represented by sandstones, tile-tile limestones, marlamles, argillites and plaster; Their capacity varies from 100 to 450 m from the west to the east. The capacity of the Kazan tier is 100-200 m, and the Tatar tier is 350-450 m (represented by the mothers of white quartzite sandstones; there are packs of limestone).


The territory of the Perm Territory is characterized by a large variety of minerals. Regarding the combustible fossil, the region refers to the Volga-Ural oil and gas region, in relation to coal - to the Kizelian coal basin, with respect to metal fossils - to the Ural Metallinean Province. As of 2010, 1397 deposits of 49 mineral types were found in the territory of the region. In subsoil use there is 335 (24%) deposits, in the unallocated fund - 1062 deposits (76%).

Among the ore fossils there are deposits of chromium railway, iron and copper ores . Located in the province of the Saranian group of chromium ore deposits, is one of the main sources of chrome raw materials in Russia. The main gold deposits are located in the Krasnovishera and Gornozavodsky regions; They are relatively small and arranged away from the transport highways. In the territory of the region, construction of construction fossils, including limestone, dolomite, gypsum, clay, anhydrite, quartz sands and gravel, is mining. The state balance is taken into account 10 plaster deposits; From the developed, Sokolino-Sarkayevskoe, Ergachinskoye, Shubinsky and Chumkasskoe can be distinguished. The new-passer deposit of cement raw materials consists of sections of limestone and clay shale, located in mining area. Most sand-gravel materials deposits fall on the valley of the River Kama and its large tributaries.


The Perm region is located in the northeastern part of the Eastern European Plain (about 80%) and on the Western slopes of the Middle and Northern Urals (about 20%). Modern regional relief is the result of the interaction of exogenous and endogenous factors. The main characteristics of the relief in the plain part have a platform development mode and predetermined by tectonics. A significant role is played by accumulative and deanuding processes. Big effect on relief formation is rendered non-stocking movements. In the territory of the region, widespread development has a carbonate, sulfate and hydraulic rocks.

the East European Plain

The Western and central part of the region is a sobmlined plain, which smoothly rises in the east and southern directions. The flat part of the Perm Territory has a height mainly from 200 to 400 m above sea level. As part of the plain, individual hills are distinguished: Northern Horses (in the north-west of the region), Verkhnekamskaya hill (in the extreme West), Ohanskaya hill (in the central part), Tulvin hill (in the south) and Ufa Plateau (in the Far Southeast). The highest height reaches the Tulvin hill, the highest point of which, the White Mountain is 446 m above sea level. The height of the Mountain Head, also located within a given hill is 430 m. Southwest, in the Bay and Sayigat River basins, Tulvin hill goes into a buoy wavy plain. The most elevated part of the Ufa Plateau on the territory of the region is Syllvinsky ridge, whose height reaches 403 m. The ridge extends in the meridional direction of approximately 90 km; The eastern his slope breaks sharply to the valleys of the Rivers of the Syl and Ufa, and the Western - gently, smoothly goes into the plain area. Verkhnekamskaya hill extends along the border from the Kirov region and has an average height of 250-270 m within the edge of the edge of 250-270 m and the maximum height of 329 m. Compared to the North Honors less wetlands. Verkhnekamskaya elevation is a watershed between the tributaries of the upper part of the Kama in the Kirov region and the tributaries flowing into the kama in the territory of the region. The ohanskaya elevation with heights up to 327 m is the immediate continuation of the Verkhnekam's elevation, extending further to the east and southeast. A characteristic feature of the hill is strongly crossed relief. Northern Horses, located mainly in the territory of Kirov and Vologda regions, enter the territory of the Perm region only with its northeastern tip. Characterized by a wavy slightly column relief with heights of up to 270 m above sea level; Wetly wetrated. In the territory of the region, respects are a watershed between the pools of the Kama River and Viedes.

The most low-butted part of the edge are the valleys of the Kama River and its tributaries. In the north-west of the Perm Territory, the Vesla North Host and Verkhnekama is located with absolute heights of 150-170 m. The transition to the surrounding elevations is rather gradual. Narrowing to the east, the Veslaland lowland goes to the Kaman-Celtminal lowland, which, in turn, goes to the South-East to Yazvinsko-Vishero lowland, and that to the south - to the Middlecamian-Kozvin lowland with heights of 110-113 m. South of Kamco-Celthminskoy lowland, in the river basin, is the Kosin lowland with heights from 120 to 150 m. The easternmost border of the lowland is the elevation of Condass Horses, separating the river basin from the rivers, directly flowing into the kama. The minimum height mark is marked at the extreme south-west of the edge, in the edge of the Kama River, and is only 66 m above sea level.

Ural Mountains

The Ural Mountains stretch in the meridional direction along the eastern tip of the edge. The border between the Northern and Middle Urals is carried out at the foot of the Mount of Osh, 1119 m. The Northern Urals is a medieval area with prevailing heights from 800 to 1400 m and consists of several parallel mountain ranges with a total width of 50 to 60 km. The middle Ural is located between 59 ° 15 "s. Sh. And 55 ° 54" p. sh. It is a lowland region with heights of 600-800 m and is distinguished by a groovoy-dummy smoothed terrain. The highest point of the edge is a mountain Tulian stone, 1469 m above sea level. Other significant mountains include: Issherim (1331 m), Hu-Syc (1300 m), Prayer Stone (1240 m), Oslakha (1119 m), Nyatarukhtum-Chakhl (1110 m), White Stone (1080 m), Vogul Stone (1080 m) 1066 m) and a shoo-pendis (1050 m).

In the Northern Urals, in the southern part of the Vishera River basin, between the River Uls and the Rippers of the Yaya River, the Sprog of the Ural Mountains stretches - the Quarks Ridge, which is about 60 km long and 12-15 km in Width. Quarks is a plateau on which individual vertices are located, usually having a small relative excess. The highest point of the ridge is the mountain Vogulsky stone (1066 m above sea level). To the northeast of the Quarks, the mountain range of the Hose Topp is located, which is the watershed of the Kama and Obi rivers. Hose-Tump extends in the meridional direction and is 41 km long and only 6 km wide (in the widest part). Gradually narrows towards the south from north. Consists of three parts connected by gentle saddles; Also, as well as the Quarks, Hose Tump has also has a plate form. At the extreme north-east of the region, in the upper reaches of Vishera, there is a ridge of a belt stone, which continues to the north, along the border of the Komi Republic and the Sverdlovsk region. In the north of the Middle Urals, the Basiegi Ridge is located, which stretched from north to south by 32 km with a width of 5 km in the widest part. The highest point of the ridge is the Mountain Middle Baseg (994 m).


According to the provision of water and hydropower resources, the Perm region ranks first in the Urals. The territory of the region is characterized by a thick hydrological network, which is developed quite evenly. One square kilometer of the area in the south of the region, an average account for 0.4 km of the river network, and in the north of the edge - up to 0.8 km. The volume of the river runoff is about 57 km³ per year, while more than 80% of this value is formed within the edge, and the remaining part comes from the Kirov and Sverdlovsk regions. Water edges are widely used in different industries farms. About a third of the entire river and the lake fund has a fishing value.

River Chusovaya Municipal bridge over the Kama River in Perm Sylva River in the city of Kungur Votkin's reservoir in the Upper Biefe of Votkinskaya HPP


The features of the distribution of surface water area of \u200b\u200bthe region are determined by climatic conditions and relief, as well as a geological structure and vegetation cover. In the territory of the region, there are 545 rivers with a length of more than 10 km, the total length of which is about 29.8 thousand km. In total, the Perm region has over 29,000 large and small rivers, a total length of about 90 thousand km. Most of The rivers of the region belongs to the Kama River basin, which is the largest water artery of the edge and the seventh along the length of the river of Russia. Kama is not inferior by water the Volga river in the place of their merger. Only a very insignificant part of the rivers in the extreme north-west of the region (north of the Gayan region) belongs to the River River basin. Among the rivers, the edges are distinguished both mining and plain (Vishera, Merval, Yaiva, Chusovaya) and the plains (Annav, Obva, Tulva) of the river.

Nutrition rivers - mixed, with a predominance of snow (more than 60%). Depending on the specific river, from 15 to 30% of the flow is also formed by underground water (A particularly important role of underground nutrition plays in the areas of development of Karst). In view of predominantly snow nutrition, the rivers of the edge have a clearly expressed spring flood (its volume reaches 56-78% of the annual flow), the summer-autumn airway, disturbed by rain floods, and winter aircraft. The flow distribution depends mainly on the amount of precipitation precipitation and evaporation values, which in turn are caused by the climatic zonality and the effect of relief. Maximum flow modules have the river central part of the Northern Urals - 20-25 l / (with × km²), as well as the western slope of the Northern and Middle Urals - 10-20 l / (with × km²). In the pre-rally, flow modules are 8-10 l / (with × km²), and on the Eastern European Plain - 3-8 l / (with × km²).

The largest rivers of Perm Territory:

Name of the river Length (km) Area
Pool (km²)
Water consumption
(m³ / s)
slope (m / km)
Kama 1805 507 000 3500 0,1 Volga
Chusovaya 592 23 000 222 0,4 Kama
Sylava 493 19 700 139 0,3 Chusovaya
Flavor 460 13 500 457 0,3 Vishera
Vishera 415 31 590 457 0,2 Kama
Yaiva 304 6250 88 1,0 Kama
Kosva 283 6300 90 1,0 Kama
Spit 267 10 300 40 0,2 Kama
Vesharna 266 7490 68 0,2 Kama
Yinva 257 5920 29 0,2 Kama
Obva 247 6720 41,7 0,5 Kama

Lakes and swamps

There are about 800 lakes of a different genesis of more than 120 km² in the territory of the Perm region. Lakes of karst and old origin prevail. In the basic of the upper kama there are 33% of all lakes of the region; In the vishera pool - 32%; In the catchment of Sylva - 22%. The rest of the lakes are timed to the swimming pools of the eggs, Inini, Chusovoy and Middle Kama.

The largest Lake of the Perm Territory is located in the north of the Cherdynsky district Chusovskoye Lake, the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror of which is 19.1 km². The lake is about 15 km long; its maximum depth - 8 m, and medium depth Total - 1.5-2 m. North of Chusovsky, in the floodplain of the Berezovka River, is Lake Berezovskoye with a mirror area of \u200b\u200b2.08 km². In both lakes, the lakes have probably played the leaching processes of salts and slow seeding the surface of the earth. In the Wetlands in the West of the Cherdynsky district, Lake Big Kumikush is located (17.8 km²), and 6 km to the east of him - Lake Novozhilovo (7.12 km²). In the south-west of Krasnovishery district, Lake Nyhti is located, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 5.4 km²; It is connected to the river Konull with a commander. In the south of the Geanese region, near the border with the Kirov region, Lake Adovo with an area of \u200b\u200b3.68 km² is located. The most profound lakes of the region are Rogalek (61 m) and white (46 m) located in the north of the Dobrryansky district, both have a karst origin. Lakes of this type are characteristic feature Regions of the development of sulfate and salt karst on the eastern outskirts of the platform and in the pre-rally edge of the deflection. Less often, they are also in areas of distribution of carbonate aster. Old-fashioned lakes of a delicate and horseshoe form are common in the floodplains and at low accumulative terraces in the valleys of the Kama, the lower flow of the visiers, flavors, visherki, eggs, Yazvy, Chusovoy, Sylv, etc.

The Perm Territory is common both low-spirited and horse marshes. On the territory of the region there is more than 1,000 swamps with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 25,000 km². The largest of them are located in the northern part of the region. Peat deposits of more than 800 swamps have an industrial value.

Reservoirs and ponds

There are 3 reservoirs on the territory of the Perm region, 2 of them on the Kame River: Kamskoe, the area of \u200b\u200bthe water mirror of which is 1915 km² and Votkinskoye - 1120 km². On the Kosov River there is a shirokovo reservoir with a mirror area of \u200b\u200b40.8 km². There are about 500 ponds in the edge. The largest of them: Nytvainsky (6.7 km²), Seminsky (5.2 km²) and Echchalsky (4.3 km²). The oldest ponds were created another 150-200 years ago during construction in the Urals of Medezlivilevyl and other factories.


For the entire territory of the Perm Territory, a temperate continental climate is characterized with warm or hot summer and a rather cold long winter. The most important climate-forming factor for this territory is the western transfer of air masses. Another important factor is the peculfier feature of the region, mainly the barrier effect of the Ural Mountains. From the northern regions to the southern and from Western to the East, the role of an anticyclonal weather type increases and is reduced - cycloneal. Anticyclones prelude in the cold half of the year, and in warm - cyclones. A certain role in climate formation is also played by such factors like snow cover, vegetation, water bodies and soil Pokrov . The coldest month is January, the average temperature of which varies from -14 ° C in the south-west of the edge to -18 ° C - in the northeast. The average temperature of the warmer month (July) is changing from + 18 ° C in the south-west to + 13 ° C - in the northeast of the edge. Absolute temperature minima range from -54 to -47 ° C, and absolute maxima - from +36 to + 38 ° C. The absolute minimum for Perm was recorded on December 31, 1978 and amounted to -47 ° C. The average annual temperature in the region varies from +0.7 to + 2.4 ° C, falling in the direction from the south-west to the north-east of the edge. For the city of Perm, this indicator is + 1.5 ° C.

The average annual precipitation varies from 410-450 mm in the south-west of the edge to 1000 mm in the extreme northeast. Most of the sediments fall on the warm half of the year. The maximum height of the snow cover is noted in the first half of March and averages from 50-60 cm in the south of the edge to 100 cm - in the northeast. Permanent snowproof is formed in the south of the region - in mid-November, and in the north - at the end of October and keeps an average of 170-190 days a year. Maximum per year, the average wind speeds are celebrated in April and May, the minimum wind speeds - in July.

For the region, a frequent repeatability of hazardous meteorological phenomena (fogs, thunderstorms, snowstorms, strong livne, early frost, ice, etc.). Fogs are observed throughout the year, but most often in the period from July to October. Thunderstorms are most often in the summer, but sometimes at the end of winter (very rare meteorological phenomenon). The greatest number of days with thunderstorms, as well as the greatest number of days with fogs, is celebrated in the northeast of the edge, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mountains of the stone. Inconstancy weather conditions In time heavily complicates the conduct of agriculture in the territory of the region.


The large length of the territory from the north to the south and the presence in the eastern part of the Ural Mountains causes a large variety of soil types. In the region, the soils of a podzolic type (about 64% of the total area) predominate, among which, in turn, the dend-podzolic (38.8% of the total area) are dominated, podzolic (22.8%) and peat-podzolic stale (2.4 %). In general, they are characterized by a low content of humus and an acidic reaction of the medium. In the southeastern part of the region, in Kungur and Sucunsky districts, gray forest soils are developed and the chernozemas (3.3% of the total area). The light gray soils of fertility are close to the turf-gallopy, and gray and apodoline black windows are more fertile. On steep slopes and beggars small sites There are ferrous-carbonate soils (2.2% of the total area). In the floodplains of rivers, alluvial chicken-acidic soils are common (5.1% of the total area); Different with relatively high fertility. Swamping soils make up 3.5% of the total area, and the mountain soils are 14.2%. In mountainous areas there is observed high-rise explanancy In the form of a gradual transition from mountain forest podzolic to mining and tundra.

Due to significant slopes and intense summer rains, a significant part of the soil of the edge is subject to erosion, including about 40% of all arable land. Most of the soils need to increase fertility by making organic and mineral fertilizers; About 89% of all arable land require lime.


The foundation of the edge of the edge is the forests that occupy about 71% of its total area. In the basins of the upper kama, the visits, flavors, braids, eggs, Yazvy and Chusovoy forestry above the average by 10-20%, and in the shells of Inviva, Obu, Tulva, Shakwa, Tanypa it is slightly lower than the average. More than 80% of forest areas are represented by coniferous rocks (fir - 65%, pine - more than 13%; fir - 2.5%). In deciduous forests, the most common birches (17%). In the north of the region, fir forests predominate with admixture of fir and cedar pine; To the south, the role of hardwood is noticeably increasing. The south of the latitude of the city of Berezniki to coniferous rocks is mixed with Lipa, and other largest breeds are placed south of the OSA, elm, sometimes oak. Under the wetlands of rivers and near peat swamps, the so-called warning forests are developed (spruce, spruce-olhovye, pine), for which the oppressed state of wood cover is characterized. By terraces large rivers There are pine bors; Fir-firing and birch forests are common in the mountainous areas, on the most sublime areas - mountain tundra. Meadow vegetation is characteristic of watersheds and river valleys. South of Kungur is a forest-steppe. The edge flora includes 1580 species of vascular plants from 105 families.

A significant part of the edge forests (more than 50%) makes ripe and overripes. Approximately 20% of forests falls on the share of young people, the rest is the average-age forest. In connection with the development industrial production Forest resources in the region were intensively exploited from the XVII century. Currently, intensive logging is also conducted on the territory of the Perm Territory; For the purpose of reforestation, constant forest receivers have been created.

68 species of mammals, 280 species of birds, 6 species of reptiles and 9 kinds of amphibians live in the region. From the predatory mammals are widespread the cunic, ermine, caress; In the southern regions - badger and the otter, in the northern - Wolverine. Wolves, bears and lynx are found throughout the territory. From the manflock often occurred. From birds in the region are the most widespread debris, tether, chests, several types of ties; of frame birds There are starches, frozards, gri, swallows. Birds are represented by owls, raven, forty, eagles.

On the territory of the Perm region there are 2 specially protected natural areas of the federal significance: Basega and Visher's reserves. There are 282 specially protected natural territories of regional importance, among them: 20 state natural reserves, 114 monuments of nature, 5 historical and natural complexes and objects, 46 natural reserves and 97 protected landscapes. In addition, there are 51 specially protected natural territory of local importance in the region.


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  15. Ridge Quarks. Beauty of the Vishero region. Archived from the original source October 7, 2012. Checked July 6, 2012.
  16. Hose-Tump, the ridge is archived from the primary source on October 7, 2012. Checked July 6, 2012.
  17. Basegi, the ridge is archived from the original source on October 7, 2012. Checked July 6, 2012.
  18. , from. 7.
  19. Water resources of the Perm region. Ministry of Natural Resources of the Perm Territory. Archived from the original source October 7, 2012. Checked July 6, 2012.
  20. Water resources . Perm regional server. Archived from the original source October 7, 2012. Checked July 7, 2012.
  21. , from. 23.
  22. , from. fifty
  23. Kama, river, left-bank inflow R. Volga. Perm region. Encyclopedia. Archived
  24. Chusovaya, River, Left-Bank Influx R. Kama. Perm region. Encyclopedia. Archived from the primary source October 28, 2012. Checked October 20, 2012.
  25. Sylva, River, Left-Bank Influx R. Chusovaya. Perm region. Encyclopedia. Archived from the primary source October 28, 2012. Checked October 20, 2012.
  26. Kolva, river, right-bank inflow R. Visher. Perm region. Encyclopedia. Archived from the primary source October 28, 2012. Checked October 20, 2012.
  27. Vishera, River, Left-Bank Influx R. Kama. Perm region. Encyclopedia. Archived from the primary source October 28, 2012. Checked October 20, 2012.
  28. Yaiva, River, Left-Bank Flow of the Kamsky Reservoir. Perm region. Encyclopedia. Archived from the primary source October 28, 2012. Checked October 20, 2012.
  29. Kosv, River, Left-Bank Flow of the Kamsky Reservoir. Perm region. Encyclopedia. Archived from the primary source October 28, 2012. Checked October 20, 2012.
  30. Spit, river, right-bank inflow R. Kama. Perm region. Encyclopedia. Archived from the primary source October 28, 2012. Checked October 20, 2012.
  31. Vesling, River, Left Bank R. Kama. Perm region. Encyclopedia. Archived from the primary source October 28, 2012. Checked October 20, 2012.

The surface of the Perm Territory is heterogeneous.

In the west and in the central part there is a hilly Russian plain: it is cut off with ravines, crossed the valleys of rivers. In the northeast and east are ancient Ural Mountains.

The highest mountain - Tulian stone, whose height is 1469 m above sea level.

Stones in the Urals are called rocks, sharply towering over the rest of the terrain.

Mountain Urals are destroyed enough. The tops are rounded, domed, height is insignificant.

There is a lowland plain between the Russian plain and the Ural Mountains. It is composed mainly of plaster and limestone. These breeds are easily blurred and dissolved underground and river waters. As a result of their devastating joint action, caves, underground rivers, lakes, dips, underground emptiness were formed here. So, southeast of Perm is a lot of caves.

The largest of them - Kungur Ice Cave, well-known not only in our region, but far beyond. The length of the Kungur Ice Cave more than five kilometers.

This is the underground palace! It does not penetrate here sun raysTherefore, even in the summer there is a minus temperature. Drops of water, leaking through the cracks, form icicles, which grow from top to bottom (they are called stalactites) and from the bottom up (they are called stalagmites). In the rays of colored lanterns, it all sparkles, creating an amazing bright picture.

The cave consists of a variety of grottoes and transitions. Cave grots have different names: "Polar" (here the kingdom of ice). "Meteor", "Coral", "Ether".

The most beautiful of them - " Diamond grotto", Ice crystals, which shine and sparkle and with light lights.

Found in the cave and dark places such as the grotto Dante"- In his depth, as if a stone monster was attached.

And in the grotto " friendship of Peoples"There is a large underground lake, it is at a depth of about 1300 m and three meters deep, which is possible to consider, as water is crystal clear, and has a natural greenish tint, but very cold.

Every year, inquisitive tourists come here to see this amazing underground palace, even meet New Year With a live Christmas tree. Amazing fact - in the grotto " Giant"The New Year Christmas tree can stand without shook without water, round year And more.

Here is such an amazing cave in the Perm region. For a long time, its fabulous beauty remains in memory.

100 km south-east of the city of Perm Ordinskaya cave.

What is its feature?

This is the longest underwater cave of Russia, the second in length in Eurasia and the longest underwater cave in the world in plaster.

The Order of the Cave is a unique underwater city. Here great amount Underground galleries that can be considered due to transparent water.

Researchers, geologists, geographers, biologists, studyingkarst The phenomena of the Urals, conduct constant observations in the caves and their surroundings.

According to the calculations of scientists, the four fifth territories of our region are constituted hilly plainsand one fifth - the mountains.

The flat surface is more convenient for agriculture and forestry, construction industrial enterprises, roads and residential complexes. Difficulties B. economic activity Human create mountains, ravines, karst formations. They interfere with the construction of roads and industrial facilities, agriculture and mining. However, many of them are surprisingly beautiful and majestic objects, such as, for example, Chuval Stone.

Ridge Chudal Stone

Piloted ledger on the western slope

Kuryxar Range complies with Mansiysk

The title is the "rooster comb".

Mount Municipal Tump

Volcanities of Chuvala Sweets often book

Relief and give verses Characteristic illustration

Ruin cities.


The Perm region covers an area of \u200b\u200b127.7 thousand square meters. KM on the eastern outskirts of the Russian plain and the western slope of the Middle and Northern Urals, at the junction of two parts of light - Europe and Asia and is part of the Volga Federal District. The territory of the region is almost completely located in the Kama River Basin - the largest tributary of the Volga River.
The maximum length of the edge from north to south is 645 km, from west to east - 417.5 km. The northernmost point of the Kama region - Mount Pura-Munit (1094 m) at the Water-Owl Ural Range in the upper reaches of the rivers Khozya, Vishera and Purma - has coordinates of 61O 39 "S.Sh. Extreme Southern Point - near the former village Elnik Biivashsky Rural Council of the Oktyabrsky district (56O06 "S.Sh.). The boundaries are very winding, the length of them is more than 2.2 thousand km. The Perm region borders with two regions and three republics of the Russian Federation: in the north with the Komi Republic, in the West - with the region and Udmurtia, in the south with Bashkiria, in the east - with the Sverdlovsk region.
Water Foundation Perm region The: more than 29 thousand rivers with a total length of over 90 thousand kilometers and about 800 lakes with a total area of \u200b\u200bover 120 square kilometers.


The climate throughout the territory of the Perm region is moderately continental.
Winter is usually snowy, long. The average January temperature in the north-east of the region -18.5 degrees Celsius, and in south-west -15. The absolute minimum temperature in the north of the edge reaches -53 degrees Celsius.
Summer moderately warm. The warmer month is July. The average temperature of July in the north-east of the region +15, and in the south-west - +18.5 degrees Celsius. The absolute maximum temperature reaches +38 degrees Celsius.
The annual rate of precipitation increases from 410-450 mm in the south-west to 1000 mm in the extreme northeast, in the most high mountain part of the Kama.

Administrative and territorial device

The area is divided into 35 districts (Bardymsky, Berezovsky, Majseginsky, Vereshchaginnn, Gornozavodsky, Dobryansky, Elovsky, Ilinsky, Karagai, Kisnovsky, Krasnovishevsky, Kudensky, Kungursky, Lytvensky, Nytnyansky, Oktyabrsky, Ordinsky, Osinsky, Okhhansky district, Obligo, Perm, Sivinsky , Solikamsky, Suksunsky, Winsky, Usolsky, Tchaikovsky, Partinian, Cherdysky, Chernushinsky, Chusovskaya), 25 cities, 45 urban-type settlements. Administrative center - Perm, other major cities: Berezniki, Solikamsk, Tchaikovsky, Lysva, Chusovoy, Krasnokamsk.


The number of permanent population of the Perm region according to the current reporting was 2956.5 thousand. Of the total population, almost 75% live in cities and towns of urban type. The number of male population is 47.4% and 52.6% - female.
National composition The population of the Perm region is the following percentage: Russians - 87.57%; Tatars - 5.05%; Bashkirs - 1.52%; Udmurts - 0.97%; Ukrainians - 0.94%; Comi-Perm - 0.86%; Other nationalities - 0.56%; Belarusians - 0.38%; Germans - 0.37%; Chuvashi - 0.26%; Azerbaijanis - 0.21%; Markets - 0.20%; Armenians - 0.18%; Jews - 0.10%.

Flora and fauna

The main type of vegetation on the territory of the Perm region is forests occupying 71% of the territory. The main breeds of trees are dark: spruce and fir.
Under the wetlands of rivers and near peat swamps, the so-called warm forests are developed (spruce, spruce-olhovye, pine). For them, the oppressed state of wood cover is characterized by: suchurance, malvoyousness, curvature of the trunks. Fanging moss predominate in the impark cover.
Since intensive logging is underway on the territory of the Perm region, then permanent forest nurseries are created for the organization of forest-based work, where the planting material grows.
Meadow vegetation is distributed both on interfluries (sudochese meadows) and in river valleys (filled meadows with the highest natural performance). Under the meadows and pastures in the region are employed about 10% of the territory. 5% of the territory presents swamp vegetation.
In total, there are about 60 species of mammals in the Perm region, over 200 species of birds, almost 40 species of fish, 6 species of reptiles and 9 species of amphibians. More than 30 mammalian species have a commercial value.
The Perm region in terms of the number of cunits is one of the first places in the country. Throughout the territory, besides the south, there are bears and lynxes, though the number is small. Everywhere there is also a wolf.
Most of the predatory and man-fate animals have an important commercial value. Hunting on some of them (sable, wizard, cunits, elk) is possible only for special permissions (licenses). The roar and the northern deer are protected, the hunt for them is prohibited. Wolve, Wolverine and Lynx shall apply a considerable damage to livestock and therefore the hunt for them is encouraged.
Of 200 species of birds in the region are the most common Musthary, Tetherov, Ryabchiki, Klezles, several types of ties, from the migratory birds there are scubs, frozards, rugs, swallows. Of the predatory birds, the eagles, owls, raven and forty can most often meet. From the birds, the greatest commercial importance is the deaf, the aunt and the row.
Vishero reserve, in the northeastern part of the Perm region, in the Northern Urals. Founded in 1991, an area of \u200b\u200b241.2 thousand hectares. Main River - Vishera. Plots of cedar (from cedar Siberian pine) forests. Unique geological Education. Reindeer, sable, european mink; Sapsan, Orlan-Belochvost; Harius, Tymen.


The structure of the industry of the Perm region:
Industry - 37.3%
Other industries - 27.4%
Trade - 11.3%
Transport - 10.4%
Construction - 8.0%
Agriculture - 5.6%
Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Forest, Woodworking and cellulosic and paper industry. Developed black I. non-ferrous metallurgy, Production of building materials, Easy and food industries. Oil, stone coal, diamonds, gold. The largest enterprises of the region - LUKOIL-Permnefteorgsintez JSC, Kizelugol, Metallurgical factories in the cities of Lysva, Nhtva and Chusovoy, Avisma JSC (city of Berezniki) and magnesium factory (city Solikamsk), Perm JSC "Perm Motors" and JSC Motovilikhinsky plants, Turbobur NGOs (city of Kungur), JSC "Drive" (city of Lysva), Uralkali JSC, Sylvinit JSC (Solikamsk city). Votkinskaya HPP, Kamskaya HPP, Perm and Yavinskaya GRES. Livestock meat pot direction. Ust-pitch and keys resorts.


Perm region is rich in minerals: oil and gas, mineral salts and coal, gold and diamonds, chromite ores and brown iron, peat, limestone, precious, ornamental and facing stones, building materials.
Currently, more than 160 hydrocarbon fields are opened on the territory of the region, 89 are developed petroleum fields, 3 Gas deposits, 18 gas-chaffers. The deposit is mostly not large. Mostly mining is carried out in the central and southern regions of the region. Northern deposits in the area of \u200b\u200bSolikamsk and Bereznikov, in spite of their prospects, weakly are being developed. This is due to the fact that oil here lies at a great depth under salt layers. The most mastered fields of oil and gas are Polaznenskoye, Krasnokamsk, Koulis, Osinsky and Chernushenskoye.
Coal in the Kama region is mined for more than 200 years. The Kizelian coal pool contains stone, coking, energy coal, which for a long time was the basis of the fuel and energy balance of the region.
On the territory of the Perm region there is a unique one of the world's largest Verkhnekamsky field of potash salts (more precisely sodium chloride, potassium and magnesium salts). 1800 square meter field. km, and the thickness of the solebed layers reaches 514 m. Together with potash salts, it is mined here rock salt.
Among the reserves of ore minerals should be noted the major deposits of the chromium Zheleznyak in the main Saranovsky field, which is the only field of chromite-exploited in Russia. The development of iron and copper ores is also underway, whose deposits are known since the beginning of the 18th century. Gold found on the Middle Urals (Gornozavodsky district, the Chusovoy River pool) and in the Northern Urals (Krasnovishera district, River Pools and Uls). Currently, deposits are not developed.
Diamonds were discovered in the Chusovaya River basin in 1829. Now the mining of diamonds is conducted in the north of the region in Krasnovishere district. The quality of the mined diamonds is very high, their significant amount is used in the jewelry industry. The territory of the region is known for the quartz field, citrine, selenite, marble, respect.
Widely applied in industry and construction mined in the region Limestone, dolomite, gypsum, clay, anhydrite, quartz sands, gravel.

Perm region - the subject of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Volga Federal District. The Perm region was formed on December 1, 2005 as a result of the unification of the Perm region and the Komi-Permytsky Autonomous Okrug. The Perm region is divided into 48 municipal formations of the first level - 42 municipal areas and 6 urban districts.

Perm region covers an area of \u200b\u200b160236.5 square meters. km on the eastern outskirts of the Russian plain and the western slope of the Middle and Northern Urals, at the junction of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. 99.8% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region is located in Europe, 0.2% - in Asia. It covers approximately 1/5 of the territory of the Ural Economic Area. The territory of the region is almost completely located in the Kama River Basin - the largest tributary of the Volga River. In the Perm region, more than 29 thousand rivers total over 90 thousand km. The maximum length of the edge from north to south is 645 km, from west to east - 417.5 km.

Perm region borders with 5 subjects of the Russian Federation: the Republic of Komi, Kirov region, the Republic of Udmurtia, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ekaterinburg region.

The number of permanent population of the Perm Territory is two percent of all residents of Russia. In addition to the millionth city of Perm, in two cities of the region, the population is exceeded by a 100,000th front: Berezniki - 179.9 thousand and Solikamsk - 104.1 thousand people. In five cities of the region, the population is over 50 thousand people: Krasnokamsk (60.5 thousand), Kungur (73.7 thousand), Lysva (74.1 thousand), Tchaikovsky (89 , 3 thousand), Chusova (52.5 thousand people).

The climate of the Perm region is moderately continental. Winter long, snowy. The average temperature of January in the north-east of the edge -18.5 ° C, in the south-west -15 ° C. The minimum temperature (in the north of the edge) was -53 ° C.

The Perm region is rich in various minerals. It produces: oil, gas, stone coal, mineral salts, gold, diamonds, chromite ores and brownie zone, peat, limestone, precious, ornamental and facing stones, building materials. Production is mainly carried out in the central and southern regions. The edge is rich in various minerals used in dyes. Also in the region is mined: limestone, dolomite, gypsum and anhydrite, clay clay, sands, sand-gravel mixtures.

The prevailing type of vegetation in the Perm region - forests. They cover 71% of the territory of the edge. Prevailing species of trees - spruce and fir.

According to January 1, 2009, the population of the Perm Territory was 2,708,419 people. In total, people of 125 nationalities live in the Perm region: Russians (85.2%), Komi-Permyaky (5.67%), Tatars (4.85%), Bashkirs (1.45%), Ukrainians (0.91%) , Udmurts (0.91%), Belarusians (0.45%), Germans (0.4%), Chuvashi, Azerbaijanis, Mari, Armenians, Jews, Mordva, Moldovans, Uzbeks.

Perm region is one of the economically developed regions of Russia. The basis of the edge economy is a highly developed industrial complex. Key industries: oil, chemical and petrochemical, black and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, timber-critical complex.

About 10 million tons of oil are produced annually in the Perm Territory. The leading mining company - LUKOIL - Perm LLC. Oil production is concentrated in the south (Kyudsky, Kungursky, Ordinsky, Osinsky, Partician and Chernushinsky municipal regions) and the north of the region (Krasnovishersky, Solikamsky and Usolsky municipal regions).

In Perm, large oil processing enterprises are located (LUKOIL-Permnefteorgsintez LLC (POS)) and gas.

The leading industry in the chemical industry is the production of mineral fertilizers, the region's share accounts for 100% of the production of potash fertilizers in Russia. In the Perm region, the world's largest Verkhnekamskoye deposit of potash salts is located. The mining of ore and the production of potash fertilizers is carried out in Berezniki (OJSC Uralkali) and Solikamsk (Sylvinit OJSC). Uralkali and Silvinit are one of the world's largest manufacturers and exporters of potash fertilizers.

The production of nitrogen fertilizers is located in Perm (Mineral Fertilizers OJSC) and Berezniki (Azot OJSC).

The oil and gas industry enterprises are carried out mainly primary processing of raw materials. The largest enterprises of the industry: CJSC SIBUR-HIMPROM (Perm), OAO Metaphrax (Gubakh), OJSC Uralorgsintez (Tchaikovsky).

In addition, in Perm are enterprises for the production of activated carbon (OJSC "Sorbent"), washing powder (Henkel-Pemos), halogen-containing chemical products (OJSC Halogen), Flothy Anhydride (Kateks-Himprom OJSC). In Gubach is a coke-chemical plant (OJSC "Gubakhinsk Coke").

Black metallurgy is represented by a full cycle plant (OJSC "Chusovskaya Metallurgical Plant") and administrative metallurgy enterprises (the largest - OJSC Lsyvensky Metallurgical Plant).

Color metallurgy is based on the processing of ore of the Verkhnekamsky field of potash salts containing magnesium and rare metals. Plants are located in Berezniki (Titano-magnesium combine of the Corporation "VSMPO-AVISMA") and Solikamsk (OJSC Solikamsky magnesium factory).

In engineering, the production of military products plays an important role. The largest center of mechanical engineering - Perm; Aviation and rocket engines, oil-producing and mining equipment, petrol saws, communication equipment, ships, cable and other products are produced. The largest enterprises are Motovilikhinsky factories and the Perm Motor-Building Complex.

Separate engineering enterprises are also located in the cities of Lyswe (production of turbogenerators), Kungurea (production of oilfield equipment), grave (production of drilling equipment) and Alexandrovsk (production of mining equipment). The manufacturer of equipment for mining industries and railway transport is most successfully developed.

Forest facilities are located mainly in the north of the edge. In the Perm region there are three pulp and paper mills: Krasnokamsk, Perm and Solikamusk (OJSC "Solikamskbumbrom"). On the territory of the region is one of the largest enterprises of the country producing Faneru - CJSC Perm Plywood Combine (the village of Uralsky, Nytnyansky district of the Perm Territory).

The largest center of the edge industry edge - Perm. The meat processing plant (Perm Meat Processing Plant OJSC), Perm's Milk Plant (Yunimilk Branch), Margarine, Mukomolny, Liquor-Vodka (Permalko OJSC), Wine-Departments (Urallko OJSC), two pastry shops Factory ("Perm" and owned by NESTLI "KAMSKA"), Cold processing plant (OJSC "Perm Core" Constellation "), brewing and bakery production. The other major food centers include Kungur (meat and milk processing), Krasnokamsk (meat processing and pasta production), as well as Tchaikovsky, Lysva, Kudymkar, Vereshchagino.

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