What is the surface in the Perm region. Perm region. Reference information about the Perm region

landscaping 22.09.2019

Main Feature relief of the Perm Territory are the Ural Mountains. The western part of the Perm Territory (80% of the territory) is located on the outskirts of the East European Plain, where low-lying and flat relief prevails. In the east, the Ural Mountains are located, occupying 20% ​​of the territory of the region.

Sometime in antiquity (about 285 million years ago) on the site of modern Ural mountains splashed the ancient Perm Sea. From the bottom sediments of the sea, modern rocks and minerals were formed: limestone, anhydrite, gypsum, salt, oil, coal.

Since the Ural Mountains are very ancient, it is believed that the Ural Mountains have long been one of the highest mountains on the planet, but over the course of many millions of years they have been subjected to natural destruction, and now they are only the surviving foundations of the former mountains.

The highest mountains of the Perm Territory are Tulymsky stone (1496 m), Isherim (1331 m), Khu-Soik (1300 m), Prayer Stone (1240 m). Stones in the Urals are mountains that rise sharply above the rest of the area. In the past, all the Ural Mountains were called the Belt Stone. Currently, the Ural Mountains are the natural border between Europe and Asia.

Another distinctive feature relief are caves. Nature was generous to the Perm region and gave her such pearls as the Kungur Ice Cave, Orda Cave, Divya Cave, Badinskaya Cave and many others.

Some of the caves are equipped for excursions, some retain their natural originality. Each of them is unique in its own way.

For example, the Kungur ice cave is famous far beyond the borders of not only the Perm region, but also Russia for its ice grottoes. Ordinskaya cave is a real paradise for cave diving (scuba diving in caves).

Distinctive features. One of the balanced regions in terms of economic development/tourism. It is also an unofficial representation of aliens in Russia.

The history of the Perm Territory is rooted in ancient times, when Russia consisted of many large and not very principalities. It was then that the caravans of pioneers stretched to the banks of the Kama, the main purpose of which was fishing activities. Skins, fish, meat, etc. After the territory Perm region became part of the Russian state - the main part of the mining industry was safely shoved there. And steel, cast iron, and iron were smelted at an accelerated pace. This was the case until the end of the 19th century, and then pumping out came to the fore natural resources from Mother Russia.

The extraction of salt, coal, gold, diamonds, all this, coupled with mechanical engineering and chemical industry form the basis of the economy of the Perm Territory.

Despite the fact that more than 70% of the region is covered with forests, the environment here is terrible. Of course, this is also connected with the vital activity of large cities, but the main source of pollution is, of course, emissions from industrial facilities.

Stop spoiling our nature!! Leave beauty to your children! Nature of the Perm region. Photo by kluuss (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/kluuss/)

In fairness, it should be noted that the authorities are seriously fighting to improve the environment. For example, over the past 5 years, more than 11 billion rubles have been allocated for the implementation of programs to improve environment. The question, however, is how much of this money reached its destination, and how much ended up in the pockets of officials ...

Tourism is also quite developed, and the presence of the reliefs of the Ural Mountains annually attracts thousands of lovers of outdoor activities, snowboarding, skiing, and ski touring. More calm and balanced can devote their holidays or just free time, examining nature reserves, museums, art galleries, architectural monuments.

But a mammoth tusk or the life of a landowner in the pre-revolutionary era can be seen, perhaps, in any more or less populated point in Russia. But in the Perm Territory there is a place that is unique by definition. There is no other like it anywhere. This is the legendary Perm Triangle, a mecca for all researchers of anomalous phenomena. A place where UFOs fly in schools like birds, disappear into lakes, emerge from them, in general, frolic to the fullest. In addition to them, here you have a geomagnetic anomaly, and chronomirages, and "witch rings", and mysterious domed clouds. True, the mystique and sacredness of this place is slightly spoiled by the abundance of tourists who annually flock here like flies, hoping for close contacts of the third kind.

Geographic location. Both Europe and Asia. True, mostly Europe is still - 99.8% of the territory of the Perm Territory belongs to it, and everything else is already Asia. Almost the entire Perm Territory lies in the basin of the Kama River, through which free access to 5 seas is provided at once. Most of the territory of the Perm Territory is plains, but about 20% are mountains and uplands. highest mountain- Tulymsky stone (1496 meters).

The Perm Territory borders on the Republic of Komi, the Sverdlovsk Region, the Kirov Region, Udmurtia, and Bashkortostan.

Population Perm Territory - 2,635,862 people Russians are more than 80%, Tatars - about 5%. Well, the Russians did not completely oust indigenous people, generously leaving them 3%. The population of other nationalities of the Perm Territory is so small that it is exotic and curiosity. The Perm Territory is quite urbanized - most of The population is scattered throughout the major cities.


A white swan flies in a clear sky.
Above the cursed house near Solikamsk.
And the entire prisoner army remembers
Brilliant Vasya, Brilliant Vasya.

There is one place in the Perm Territory that terrifies the entire civilized world. It is here, among the salt resorts of Solikamsk, that there is a colony for life-sentenced "White Swan". A place where thieves in law are broken, where the most famous maniacs, murderers, terrorists, rapists and cannibals sit.

However, those living in Solikamsk have nothing to worry about - it is impossible to escape from such a colony, where life resembles hell. In general, the Perm Territory is the edge of the zones, and therefore, if it is unrealistic to escape from the Swan, then they run from other colonies with the regularity of charter flights. And also, criminals released from the zones often do not go to other regions, but settle in the Perm Territory. And not all of them are reformed and righteous. All this, plus the unsatisfactory work of the region's police, plus the standard Russian troubles like drug addiction, banditry and theft, give the Perm Territory a disappointing fifth place in Russia in the crime rating.

Unemployment rate. Registered unemployment in the Perm Territory is 1.64%. It is most difficult to find a job for people with disabilities, graduates educational institutions and persons released from places of deprivation of liberty. The average salary is quite high compared to other regions. It is about 21,000 rubles. But Putin vows to give everyone and everything a raise, and salaries are expected to rise to 24,165 rubles in the near future.

The property. The price range is very, very wide. In Perm one-room apartment you can buy both for 900,000 rubles and for 3,000,000, kopeck pieces go from 1,500,000 to 4,000,000. It’s quite possible to rent a one-room apartment for 16 thousand. And in the same Solikamsk, prices are much more fun compared to Perm - here and a four-room apartment can be bought for 1,700,000.

Climate. Winter in the Perm region lasts almost 200 days a year, from October to the end of March. Snowy. By March, the thickness of the snow cover can be 80-90 cm. The temperature in winter averages -16 degrees, but can drop to minus 50 and below. Spring is extremely unstable, the weather jumps like bunnies on the lawn. But May is already a really warm and sunny month. Smoothly turning into summer, when the average temperature is +15 degrees. Precipitation - 700-800 mm per year.

Cities of the Perm Territory

This is what Perm looks like today. Photo by Vladimir Ogleznev (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/trans338/)

Perm today is a modern metropolis, terribly reminiscent of New York in its latticed arrangement of streets. By the way, hippies in the 80s called one of the main avenues of Perm "Broadway", which, incidentally, was not associated with an abundance of musicals, but simply meant "to wander." In general, this is a city with humor. There is the famous river Styx, which is the border between the largest cemetery and the city itself. This, of course, is not the Greek Styx, and Charon does not scurry back and forth, but it's still funny.

The city has developed infrastructure, transport network, many industrial facilities, trade and small business are actively flourishing. The abundance of museums, cinemas, shopping centers, theaters, clubs is not inferior to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Well, yes, it's a little off. But all the same, there are endless opportunities in Perm - both for building a career-work-study, and for modern, active or intellectual recreation.

By the way, there is something to breathe here - the city is literally buried in squares and parks.

. The second largest city in the Perm Territory, which immediately yields almost 10 times in terms of population to the capital of the region - 152,996 people. The birthplace of Beni, by the way, is Govorukhin, and the wonderful actor Georgy Burkov. A city with giants of heavy industry, most of which are from the chemical industry. There are several hospitals, 25 schools, a university, for some reason two sanatoriums and an abyss of mutagenic, ugly ecology. In general, if you want to work for a huge, stable manufacturing titan like Uralkali, then welcome. But if you don’t want your children to grow tails or gills, and don’t mind living to a respectable old age and dying at 150, then our advice to you is to choose another city for life.

Cherdyn (Cherdyn) - an ancient city, located in the north of the Perm Territory. Cherdyn stands on the Kolva River, on its right bank.

Cherdyn is the main city of the Cherdynsky municipal district, as well as the oldest city in the Urals.

To date exact date the founding of the city is not known. Scientists suggest that the first people settled in the Cherdyn region in the 8th century. In those distant times, Cherdyn was the center of the Great Perm region. All trade routes with Iran, Veliky Novgorod, with the peoples of the north, etc. went through it. The main goods in those days were furs and Zakamsky silver.

More reliable information can be found in the Vychegodsk-Vym Chronicle, in which Cherdyn was first mentioned in 1451: “In the summer of 6959, the great prince Vasily Vasilyevich sent to the Perm land a governor from the family of the Veri princes Yermolai and after him Yermolai and after his son Vasily, to rule the Perm land of Vychegotskaya , and the elder son of Tovo Yermolai, Mikhail Yermolich, was released to Great Perm to Cherdynia. And administer the Vychegotsky volosts to them according to the charter of the mandate according to the charter.

According to one version, the name Cherdyn is translated from Komi-Permyak as follows: cher - “tributary”, melons - “mouth”. Literally, it can be translated as "a settlement that arose at the mouth of the river."

In the distant past, the city was called Great Perm, after the name of the historical region.

Today about 5400 people live in Cherdyn.

The basis of the city's economy is the timber industry.

Today Cherdyn, thanks to its very rich and ancient history has great tourism potential. Many objects of the city, such as: the buildings of the former Arsenal, Gostiny Dvor, the City Duma, the Theological Monastery, the Church of St. John the Theologian, the Resurrection Cathedral, the Epiphany, the Church of the Transfiguration, deserve special attention.

Dobryanka (Dobryanka) - a city located in the center of the Perm Territory. Dobryanka stands on the Kama River. It is the center of the Dobryansky district, and also has the status of an urban district.

Dobryanka can rightly be attributed to the oldest cities in the region. The first mention of the settlement has been known since 1623, from the book of the chronicler Mikhail Kaisarov. Dobryanka was then mentioned as a village on the Kama River, consisting of 11 households. The real development of the city began in 1725 with the arrival of the Stroganov industrialists on these lands. They began to build their factories here, first a copper smelter, then an ironworks. In 1956, the Dobryansk factories fell into the flood zone, all the equipment was taken out and the plant was closed. 1976 is the beginning of the construction of the Perm State District Power Plant in the Dobryanka area. Today it is the largest electricity supplier in the Urals.

Today Dobryanka has 35.8 thousand people.

The city's economy is based on the activities of such enterprises as: Perm State District Power Plant, Dobryansky Wood Processing Plant, as well as the activities of agricultural enterprises.

The level of social infrastructure in Dobryanka is assessed as quite high. The city has several secondary schools, a hospital, and the Ural Venice sanatorium. There are various sport sections and creative clubs.

The city has several printed publications: the newspaper "Kamskiye Zori", the newspaper "Kamskiye Zori Plus", the newspaper "Dobryansky Vestnik".

Chusovoy (Chusovoy) is a city located in the eastern part of the Perm Territory. Chusovoy is the administrative center of the Chusovsky district, has the status of an urban district. The city is the confluence of three rivers Vilva, Usva and Chusovaya.

Initially, instead of the city, there was a railway station Chusovskaya, Gornozavodskoy railway. It was founded in 1878, but already in 1879 a metallurgical plant was built and a settlement was formed near the station of the same name. Chusovoy became the city only in 1933. 1964 marked the beginning of the construction of a bridge across the Chusovaya River, this gave a further impetus to the development of the city - the left bank of the river began to be actively built up.

The population of modern Chusovoy is about 49.3 thousand people.

The economy of Chusovoy is based on ferrous metallurgy. In addition to it, mechanical engineering, production building materials, agricultural enterprises. The city also has enterprises Food Industry and furniture factory.

The level of social infrastructure in Chusovoy can be assessed as average.

The ecological situation in Chusovoy is not very favorable, this is due to the activities of a metallurgical plant, a stone quarry. The rivers are very heavily polluted, and the main polluter is the Khrompik enterprise located in Pervouralsk.

Chusovoi has a number of interesting sights - this is the Nativity of the Mother of God Church of the 18th century, two memorials to the participants of the Great Patriotic War, archeological monuments Foxy burrow and Velychy Brod II.

The regional newspaper "Chusovskoy Rabochiy" is published in Chusovoy

Barda (Barda) - a village, located in the Perm Territory, is the administrative center of the Bardymsky district. Barda is the largest village in the Perm Territory.

The date of foundation is considered to be 1932, although the first mention was made in 1740.

A little over 10 thousand people live in Barda. The basis of the ethnic composition is the Bashkirs and Tatars.

The basis of the economy with. Barda is made up of enterprises for the processing of agricultural raw materials.

In the village there is a district hospital, a sanatorium-dispensary "Kolos", a national gymnasium, a secondary school, a correctional school.

The village publishes the regional newspaper "Rassvet".

The main attractions of Barda include the house of the merchant Kurbangaliev built in the early 19th century, the house of a doctor of the same time. In addition, there are archaeological monuments Bardym settlements and Bardym settlements.

Kudymkar (Kudymkar) is a city in the western part of the Perm Territory. Kudymkar was the administrative center of the Komi-Permyatsky autonomous region, today, the center of Kudymkarsky district. It has the status of an urban district.

Kudymkar is one of the places where the Komi peoples were formed in the 9th-10th centuries. Kudymkar became part of the Russian state in 1472. During the 16th century, Russians begin to settle in Kudymkar. In 1647, then still "Kudymkor" - is a graveyard, that is, the center of the district. 18th century - the management of the Invensky estate of the Stroganov industrialists was located in the city. Since 1927, an iron-smelting plant has been launched. Further, a timber industry enterprise, a furniture factory, a flax mill, and a tannery are being created. The status of the city of Kudymkar was assigned in 1938.

Today, the population of the city of Kudymkar is just over 31 thousand people, more than half of the population are Komi-Permyaks.

The basis of the city's economy is formed by such enterprises as JSC "Moloko", a meat-packing plant. In general, the economic situation in Kudymkar is more favorable for non-residents near the lying countryside.

In Kudymkar there are monuments of antiquity, St. Nicholas Cathedral of the 18th century and the building of the former administration of the Stroganovs.

Kueda (Kueda) - an urban-type settlement, located in the Perm Territory. Kueda is the administrative center of the Kuedinsky municipal district.

The history of the settlement is connected with the construction of the railway line Kazan - Yekaterinburg. The village was near the railway station. It was named after the Kueda village of the same name, which was located nearby, on the Kueda River. During the war years, there was a hospital in the village, and an air force pilot school. In the middle of the 20th century, a brewery and a creamery were built. In 1931 the settlement became the center of the district.

The population of the village of Kueda today is about 10.5 thousand people.

In economic terms, several main enterprises can be distinguished, such as: LLC Kuedinsky Beer Cannery, LLC Koopstroitel, a dairy plant. In addition, there are enterprises associated with agricultural activities and the forestry industry.

In Kueda there is a district hospital, two secondary schools, vocational school No. 89. There is a sports school.

The district newspaper "Kudinsky Bulletin" is published in the village.

From interesting places it is possible to note the monument of archeology - the settlement of Kueda

Wasp (Osa) - the city is located in the south of the Perm Territory, is the administrative center of the Osinsky district. The wasp stands on the Kama River.

The city was founded in 1591, and was used as a stronghold of the Russian state, earlier it had the name Novo-Nikolskaya Sloboda. Already by 1621, the city slowly began to acquire settlements around it. In 1737 the city was given the name Osa, and from 1781 it became a county town of the Perm viceroy. The famous Siberian highway ran through the Osa. In 1774 the city was captured by the detachments of Yemelyan Pugachev.

Throughout history, agriculture has been practiced in the city. Over the years, tanneries, a soap factory, brick production and other small factories. At the beginning of the 20th century, bread was made in Osa, wood was cut, and a leather factory was operating. Oil production begins in 1963.

The population of the modern city of Osa is more than 22.4 thousand people.

The economy is based on the oil and timber industries.

Osa has an average level of development of the social sphere.

Kungur - (Kungur) is an ancient city located in the southeastern part of the Perm Territory. Kungur is the administrative center of the Kungur region. It was also given the status of an urban district. The most important transport interchanges of the Perm Territory pass through Kungur.

The total population is about 68.1 thousand people.

At the origins of the construction of the city are such people as Prokofy Elizarov, Pyotr Prozorovsky and Kondarev Semeon. They made their first attempts in 1622. The first prison was built only in 1647. In 1662, Kungur burned to the ground due to the uprising of the Bashkir feudal lords, and was rebuilt only in 1664, only in a new place. The main indicator in the restoration of the city was its ability to keep the defense in the future. New town erected on a high, rocky cape, not far from the confluence of the Ireni and Sylva rivers.

Thanks to his successful geographic location Kungur is developing very fast. Already in 1737, the city received the status of the center of the province, and then, in 1786, it became the center of the district of the Perm governorship.

Today, Kungur is a fairly large industrial and cultural center in the southeast of the Perm Territory.

The city's economy is based on the leather and footwear industry, agricultural processing enterprises, and the production of oilfield equipment. Enterprises producing consumer goods make a significant contribution to the economy.

Social sphere is at the middle level. The city has a hospital, a medical unit, several dispensaries, nine secondary schools, sports schools, a correctional school, several colleges and vocational schools.

Main printed edition is the Iskra newspaper, it has been published since 1921.

The city and its environs are rich in sights. Of these, we can note: the building of the Gostiny Dvor, the merchant's mansions of the 19th century, the voivode's house, St. Alekseevsky Church, the Assumption Church. There are archeological monuments: Kungur settlement, Kungur II and III settlement. In the vicinity there is a unique natural object Kungur Ice Cave, which is a natural monument.

Since 1970, Kungur has been included in the list of historical cities of Russia.

Solikamsk (Solikamsk) is a city in the northeast of the Perm Territory. Solikamsk is the administrative center of the Solikamsk municipal district, and is considered the third largest city in the Kama region, behind the cities of Perm and Berezniki. The city stands on the river Usolka.

The history of Solikamsk goes back to 1430, it was in this year that salt began to be actively mined here. Previously, the city was called Usolye on Kamsky, then it was called the city of Usolye Kamskoye, and since the 17th century the city was called Sol Kamskaya.

The first structures in the salt mines were: chests for storing brine, breweries, barns, brine-lifting pipes. Thanks to the salt reserves and favorable geographical position, the city developed rapidly. In the 16th century, a copper deposit was discovered near the city, which led to the construction of the Pyskor copper smelter. In the 17th century, Solikamsk was the main transit point on the road to Siberia. Meanwhile, by the end of the 17th century, salt mining in the Volga region came to the fore, and new road to Siberia, all these events led to the fact that Solikamsk became a county town. Today, the potash industry is very well developed in the city.

The city is inhabited by about 97.3 thousand people.

The economy of Solikamsk is based on large mining and chemical enterprises such as Silvinit OJSC, Solikamsk Magnesium Plant OJSC, which mine potash salts and produce mineral fertilizers.

Solikamsk has several hospitals, dispensaries, 15 secondary schools, sports sections, a branch of the modern humanitarian academy, technical schools and colleges.

The main newspapers of Solikamsk are "Solikamsk worker" and "Nash Solikamsk".

Due to its rich history, Solikamsk has many architectural monuments such as: the Exaltation of the Cross Winter Cathedral, the Church of the Epiphany, the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Church of John the Baptist, the Governor's House, etc.

Ilyinsky (Ilyinsky) is an urban-type settlement, the administrative center of the Ilyinsky municipal district in the Perm Territory. Ilyinsky is located at the confluence of the two rivers Chelva and Obva.

The history of the settlement goes back to the distant past. According to archaeological excavations, the first people lived here as early as the 4th century. In written sources, the village of Ilyinskoye in 1579. In the census book of Ivan Yakhontov, it is recorded “the graveyard of Obva on the Obva River, and in it is a church of a wooden building in the name of the holy prophet Elijah and 13 yards of arable peasants.” Further, in all sources there is a mention of the village with the current name of Ilyinsky. In 1700, by decree of Peter the Great, the lands of Ilyinsky were assigned to Grigory Dmitrievich Stroganov. Since then, the village has become the center of all the Stroganov estates in the Perm region. The villagers were engaged in trade. Thanks to the Stroganovs, the village developed until the advent of Soviet power in 1918.

Today, about 6,400 people live in the village of Ilyinsky.

The economy of the village is based on the food industry, oil production, logging and processing. Agriculture is also developed.

In Ilyinsky there are: a district hospital, two general education schools, a music school, an agronomic lyceum, and a center for extracurricular activities.

The main printed edition of the village is the newspaper Znamya, which has been published since 1931.

Due to its rich history, the village has tourism potential. Since the time of the Stroganovs, several architectural monuments have remained in Ilyinsky, such as: the House of the Stroganovs' Perm estates, the House with a mezzanine, the House of the Stroganovs' estate manager.

- subject Russian Federation, is part of the Volga Federal District.

Square- 160.2 thousand sq. km.
Length: from north to south - 645 km;
from west to east - 417.5 km.

Population- 2,701.6 thousand people (2010 data)
Population density - 16.8 people. per 1 sq. km.

Administrative center- the city of Perm.

Geographical position.
The Perm Territory is located in the east of the East European Plain and the western slope of the Middle and Northern Urals. 99.8% of the region's area is located in Europe, 0.2% - in Asia.

with the Republic of Komi, Kirov region, Udmurtia, Bashkortostan, Sverdlovsk region

The climate is temperate continental. Winter is long and snowy. average temperature January in the northeast of the region -18.5 °C, in the southwest -15 °C. Maximum temperature(in the north of the region) was -53 °C.

Relief features.
In the western part of the region (about 80% of its territory), located on the eastern outskirts of the Russian Plain, low-lying and flat relief prevails. In the eastern part of the region - the Ural Mountains.

Water resources.
There are more than 29 thousand rivers in the Perm Territory overall length over 90 thousand km. The largest are the Kama (1805 km) and its left tributary Chusovaya (592 km). Small rivers (less than 100 km long) make up the vast majority of the region's rivers. Some of them are of historical importance, for example, the Yegoshikha River, at the mouth of which the city of Perm was founded.

Vegetable world.
Forests cover 71% of the territory of the region. Spruce and fir dominate. According to the degree of landscape diversity, the Perm Territory can be classified as one of the most physically and geographically interesting regions of Russia.

Animal world.
In the Perm Territory there are about 60 species of mammals (more than 30 of them are of commercial importance), more than 270 species of birds, 39 fish, 6 species of reptiles and 9 species of amphibians.

Of the predatory mammals, the pine marten is widespread, and there are wolves. There is also an ermine and a weasel, in the southern regions - a badger and an otter, in the northern regions - a wolverine. There are very few left such animals as bears and lynxes. The largest animal of the region is the elk.

Of the birds in the forests, the following are common: black grouse, capercaillie, hazel grouse, crossbills, tits. From migratory birds there are starlings, blackbirds, rooks, swallows and others. Birds of great commercial importance: capercaillie, black grouse and hazel grouse.

The Perm Territory is rich in various minerals, which is explained by the complex relief of the mountainous and flat parts of the region. It produces: oil, gas, coal, mineral salts, gold, diamonds, chromite ores and brown iron ore, peat, limestone, precious, ornamental and facing stones, building materials.


Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery.
In 1891, on Mount Belaya, in memory of the miraculous deliverance of the heir Russian throne Tsarevich Nicholas from danger in Japan, a seven-foot cross (10 m 65 cm), nicknamed the Tsar's by the people, was installed. Then, here in 1897 the monastery was founded. It is located 85 kilometers from the city of Perm and 50 kilometers from the city of Kungur.

Cathedral of the Life-Giving Trinity (Sludskaya Church).
Temple of the middle of the 19th century. Located in the city of Perm.

Ethnographic park of the history of the Chusovaya river.
museum under open sky located at the foot of the Arinina Mountain, on the banks of the mountain river Arkhipovka, a few km from it is the city of Chusovoy (130 km from Perm). Created in 1954.
The main exposition is devoted to the peasant life of the 19th - early 20th centuries.
Peasant hut, smithy, fire tower, pottery workshop (where various clay utensils are still made), booth (museum-theater wooden toy), several chapels - all this is natural, you can touch it all with your hands and not only touch it, but also play the balalaika or work in the forge with real furs.

The village of Khokhlovka is an architectural and ethnographic museum.
It is located in a very beautiful place: on a high cape surrounded by the waters of the Kama reservoir. Here, housing and outbuildings of the 17th-20th centuries, brought here from the territory of the Perm Territory, are recreated. The museum complex is divided into sectors in accordance with the main ethnographic zones of the region: the North-Western Kama region (Komi-Permyak sector), the Northern Kama region, the Southern Kama region, where salt-industrial, agricultural complexes and the “Hunting camp” stand out. The area of ​​the territory is 40 hectares. The museum was founded in 1969.

Perm Territory - part of Russia

The expanses of Russia are great. Almost in the center of it is our small homeland, the place where we live - the Perm Territory.

It is part of the Volga Federal District.

Previously, the region was called the Perm region, which was formed on October 3, 1938.

On May 26, 1967, the Perm Region for labor in the field of economy and cultural construction was awarded the highest government award of that time - Order of Lenin.

Perm Territory was formed December 1, 2005 as a result of the unification of the region and the Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug in accordance with the results of the referendum held on December 7, 2003.

The regional center is the city of Perm.

Where did the word "Perm" come from?

Many scientists struggled with this riddle. But there is no definitive answer to this question to this day. The Permian land keeps its secrets tightly.

Often our region is called beautiful word"PARMA", which in translation from the Komi language means "HIGH TERRAIN COVERED WITH SPRUCE FOREST". Indeed, the land on which we live is famous for its forests. So, maybe the name "Perm" is a modified "Parma"? But even here there are contradictions. Indeed, in the ancient Russian chronicles, our area was called not Great Parma, but Great Perm.

Many scientists believe that the word "Perm" is a foreign language for our places, and it came to us from the language of the Veps, people who lived between the Onega and Ladoga lakes. For them, the territory of our region was "pera ma" - the back distant land. In the Baltic-Finnish languages, these lands were called "pera maa". The name was adopted by the Novgorodians, who were actively trading with the peoples of the northeastern European part of Russia. It was they who called the peoples of the "distant land" permins, the area - "perem", and later, since this was a very large territory, they gave it the name Great Perm.

The inhabitants of our region are called Permyaks (Permyak, Permyak).

The Perm Territory is located on the eastern outskirts of the Russian Plain (80% of its territory) and on the western slopes of the Middle and Northern Urals, at the junction of two parts of the world - Europe and Asia (approximately 99.8% of the area is located in Europe, 0.2% - in Asia ). Geographically, it belongs to the Western Urals.

The area of ​​our region is 160600 km 2, which is approximately 1% of the country's area, and in shape resembles a quadrangle, elongated from north to south for 645 km and from west to east for 417.5 km.

The area of ​​the Kama region is much larger than such states neighboring Russia, such as, for example, Latvia, Georgia, Armenia. Several states could freely accommodate on the territory of our region Western Europe such as Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

The borders of the Perm Territory are very tortuous and have a length of more than 2.2 thousand km. km.

The region borders on two regions and three republics: in the north - the Republic of Komi, in the east - with the Sverdlovsk region, in the south - with Bashkortostan, in the west - with Udmurtia and the Kirov region.

Our region is very conveniently located.

The abundant beauty of the Kama connects it with many regions of the country, through a system of canals providing access by water to five European seas - the Caspian, White, Black, Azov and Baltic.

The Perm region is often called the Kama region, or rather, the Perm Kama region. It means "the land lying at the Kame-river".

The main face of the region is governor. He is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation.

The creation of the laws of the Perm Territory is ensured Legislative Assembly. It consists of deputies who are elected for five years.

Responsible for the implementation of laws and the development of the region Government of the Perm Territory which is subordinate to the governor.

Each country, region, region, city has its own official symbols. Such symbols include the coat of arms, the flag and the anthem. There are also in the Perm Territory.

Coat of arms- a sign that is depicted on flags, coins, seals, documents. The very word "coat of arms" is very ancient. In some languages Slavic peoples it translates as "inheritance". Our coat of arms is very ancient. This is the true heritage of the ancestors.

The ancient inhabitants of the Perm land, our ancestors, were very close to the nature around them. They worshiped animals, respecting their intelligence and strength. One of the most revered animals was the bear, the owner of the forest. Hunters wore his fangs and claws as an amulet, and the paws nailed to the hut, according to the owners, protected from all troubles and hardships. In honor of the owner of the taiga, fairy tales and songs, legends and traditions were composed, special rituals were performed. Archaeologists still find many stone and bronze images of this animal during excavations.

In 1577 on Bolshoi state seal Ivan the Terrible, among the emblems of other lands that were part of the Muscovite state, the "Perm Seal" appears, and on it is the figure of a bear. The meaning of the figure of a bear on the coat of arms can be explained as follows: a silver bear is a symbol of the natural resources of the region, containing many metals, salts, brilliant diamonds, marbles and other stones, as well as forests with wild animals.

About a hundred years passed, and the "Seal of Perm" became the coat of arms of Perm the Great, only on the back of a walking bear they began to depict the Gospel - a book about Jesus Christ - with a cross on top. The historical description of the coat of arms reads: "The coat of arms of the Perm Territory is an image of a silver bear walking to the right, placed on a scarlet (red) heraldic shield; on its back is the Gospel in a gold frame with the image of an eight-pointed cross. The Gospel is crowned with a broadened silver cross concave at the ends. The shield is crowned with a princely crown."

Flag- a cloth of a certain color with distinctive signs of the state, region. It depicts the distinctive sign of the region - the coat of arms.

The flag of the Perm Territory is a rectangular panel divided by a white cross into four equal rectangles: red, azure (blue) in the upper part, azure (blue) and red in the lower part. B the white cross is the cross of St. George, the patron saint of Russia.

The same colors - white, blue, red - are on the flag of our country, Russia. Only they are located differently, from top to bottom.

Blue color since ancient times personified beauty, softness and human warmth. It reminds us of the full-flowing beauty-Kama, which flows through the entire region, numerous rivers and lakes of the region. The blue color on our flag also reflected history: under the blue banners, the warriors of Yermak's squad went to the development of Siberia.

The red color is a symbol of the strength and courage of our fellow countrymen, who are able to defend their Motherland with their breasts, who have proven their fearlessness in battles.

White is the color of purity of relationships, goodness and peace. In the flag, it reflects the peaceful life and purity of thoughts of the inhabitants of the region.

Hymn- solemn song. The anthem of the Perm Territory is the song "My Perm Territory" (unofficially).

The premiere of the song "My Perm Territory" took place during the youth marathon of the same name, organized by the Committee on Youth Policy of the Perm Region, the Palace of Youth of the Perm Region and its regional production center in late November - early December 2003 in eight cities of the Perm Region. The song everywhere was accompanied by a positive reaction from the audience and did not cause a single negative response.

My Perm region

Hundreds of years of sunshine

Warms with hope and warmth

Our native Perm region,

Years of history vol.

Cities evening lights

Reflection of the moon in Kama

Silence of centuries-old pines,

Bowels of the Kama land

Secrets will be revealed to us

My Perm region!

We have everything ahead of you

given by fate

We go hand in hand together.

Gray Ural!

You are with us young

became today.

My Perm Territory -

Where the dawn begins

My Perm region

My Perm region!

Up in the sky

We have found a guiding star.

Two lands, two destinies

They are united again!

So that the wealth of the Perm land

We were able to multiply together

And enter into a bright tomorrow,

Bridges will grow for centuries

And connect the shores.

My Perm region!

We have everything ahead of you

given by fate

We go hand in hand together.

Gray Ural!

You are with us young

became today.

My Perm Territory -

Where the dawn begins

My Perm region

May God keep you from troubles!

Today, tomorrow and always you prosper

My Perm region!

At present, the population of the Perm Territory is about 2.7 million people(2708419 people as of January 1, 2009). Almost 75% of the population lives in cities and urban-type settlements. The largest cities in terms of population are Perm, Berezniki, Solikamsk.

About 80 nationalities. The bulk of the inhabitants are Russians (about 85%). In addition to Russians, indigenous peoples live in the Perm Territory - Komi-Permyaks, who settled here in ancient times (5.7%); Tatars (4.85%); Bashkirs; Udmurts; as well as the Mari; Chuvash; Ukrainians and people of other nationalities. But they all live together and work together for the benefit of the great Perm Territory.

The majority of the population are workers, employees, and workers Agriculture- less than 5%. The Perm Territory is developing as an industrial region.

Our region is rich and amazing. It pleases with the beauty of the Ural nature, the generosity of the earth's interior, the scope of the river expanses, and the achievements of people. The inhabitants of the Kama region are rightfully proud of their homeland - Perm region!

In the native land

How good it is in your native land!

You are the happiest person in the world.

In the gardens the starlings sing to you,

The free wind is with you,

Sunny hare in spring

It breaks into your window.

And how many forest berries

You will collect in a basket in the summer!

Sweet honey in a fragrant hive

A bee has been saving up for you all summer.

Meet the New Year with you

Your forest guest is a Christmas tree!

They are waiting for you in your beloved land

Camping, games and science,

And every step you take

His caring hands!

E. Trutneva

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