Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Development of a management solution

Encyclopedia of Plants 26.09.2019

Development of management decisions

Teacher Glazyrina S.V.

Exam questions

1. The concept of management decisions in the management system.

In scientific works, two definitions of the theory of managerial decision-making are considered: narrow and extended.

- In a narrow definition, management decision making is considered as a choice from a variety of alternative options for the best "rational" decision.

- In extended plan, management decision making is understood as the entire management process.

Enterprise management solution is a creative act of the subject of management (individual or group person), which determines the program of the collective's activities to effectively resolve an urgent problem based on knowledge of the objective laws of functioning of the controlled system and analysis of information about its state.

A managerial decision in everyday practice is a product of managerial labor, a person's mental activity.

Management decisions act as a way of constant influence of the control subsystem on the controlled one (the subject on the control object), which ultimately leads to the achievement of the set goals. This is a permanent link between the two subsystems, without which the enterprise as a system cannot function. This circumstance emphasizes the defining place of management decisions in the management process.

The concept of a management decision and its scope

Decision making is the most important point of management theory and an important component of management activity. In management practice solution is called selection of one of the alternative options for the final result of management.

Wherein solution development Is a sequence of actions from identifying a problem to its practical solution, and solution implementation is the practical decision itself, followed by monitoring, comparing the results with the intended goals and (if necessary) adjusting the decision towards the intended goal.

The areas of development of management decisions (SD) are quite large.

They find widespread use in management, management, administration, leadership. The main content of these concepts is shown in the table:


In a broad sense

In a narrow sense

Control The whole system of classes, relations and management phenomena in nature and society Technological organization of the control object.
Management The general principle of social management; influence and the art of managing people. Manufacturing control. Activities to organize and achieve the set goals.
Administration Administrative - state management; social and political management. Developing and setting goals, defining the policy of the organization.
Management Hierarchical system of institutions of power. Direct management of people.

2. Decision making process

Management decision-making levels

The top priority for managers is problem solving. The manager must be able to: carry out the analysis economic activity; lead a difficult meeting; convince the buyer to change his order; advise a subordinate on changes in his career; resolve the conflict; cope with personal stresses, etc. The problems that a manager faces are manifold. There are differences in the types of decisions managers make and the relative difficulty of the problems that need to be addressed. M. Woodcock and D. Francis there are four levels of decision making, each of which requires certain management skills.

Level 1 - routine. Decisions made at this level are part of the routine. The manager behaves in accordance with the available program like a computer, recognizing situations and "acting" in a predictable way. The manager's function is to “sense” and identify situations and then take responsibility for initiating certain actions.

Level 2 - selective. At this level, a certain amount of initiative and freedom of action is required, however, within certain limits. The leader evaluates the merits of a range of possible solutions and seeks to select from a number of well-developed alternative courses of action those that best suit the given problem. Effectiveness depends on the leader's ability to choose a course of action with the greatest likelihood and on whether it is acceptable, cost-effective and effective.

Level 3 - adaptive. At this level, additional difficulties are encountered, since here the leader must work out a creative solution, which in a certain sense may be completely new. Usually there is a set of proven features and some new ideas. The success of a leader depends on his personal initiative and ability to make a breakthrough into the unknown. Such solutions provide an answer that could have existed before, but in a different form. The manager is looking for a new solution to a known problem.

Level 4 - innovative. Problems at this level are the most difficult and require the most managerial attention. In order to achieve a satisfactory result, a completely new approach must be taken to them. Often, a problem can be something that was poorly understood before, and its solution requires completely new ideas and methods. The leader must be able to understand completely unexpected problems, the solution of which requires the development manager in himself to think in relation to changing conditions. It is not excluded that the solution of modern complex problems may require the creation of a new branch of science or technology.

Stages of making management decisions

At any level, the manager must deal with a whole stream of decisions. Some decisions are similar to those previously made, others are completely new, yet so important that they require careful thought. Decisions must sometimes be made on their own, and in some cases by interacting with other people. Moreover, all solutions must meet the relevant requirements for their quality.

Simon distinguishes between two types of decisions: planned and spontaneous. In the case when the problem that has arisen is already known, there is a program for solving it, the "smart file". Such problems can be dealt with, despite their number. For new problem there is no solution program - it requires deliberation. In doing so, it is helpful to use a rational approach that includes three sequential steps:

1) thinking about the problem;

2) the project;

Let's consider these stages in more detail.

Reflection. Includes a clear analysis of the problem. At this stage, look for similar problems, make sure that the problem you are trying to tackle is really a problem, and not just a symptom of something more serious. Search for information related to its resolution. Find precise definition criteria that the answer must satisfy. Some of these criteria may be important, others desirable but not essential.

Project. It consists in a systematic search for possible solutions.

At this stage, be prepared to include in the list of possible answers along with the usual and innovative, unusual. If you are a team leader, encourage these responses and think about ways you can improve your own ability and the ability of your team members to find similar responses (eg, brainstorming).

Choice . Test the answers against the previously selected criterion. Choose the solution that works best when tested. By the time you reach

the last step, perhaps you will perceive the problem from a different angle and be ready to start over. As you follow this systematic path, you may change your mind, either about the problem or about the criteria that a solution to the problem might satisfy. Then you need to go around the circle again.

Scheme for the development and implementation of management decisions:

Decision-making. When solving major problems, when groups of specialists are engaged in the development of options, they also present recommendations to the head, justified by appropriate calculations. The decision is made by the one who is directly responsible for it. Often, the manager first listens to the opinion of specialists who are familiar with the problem. For this, discussions can be organized at production meetings, work meetings.

The leader is obliged to take into account the influence of qualitative factors not covered by the mathematical model (prestige of the leader and the organization, the perception of decisions by subordinates, time).

In this technological model, attention is not focused on the stages of organizing and monitoring the implementation of the solution, as a matter of course and does not require deep scientific studies.

3. Management decision in management technology (three stages)

Management technology considers a management decision as a process consisting of three stages: decision preparation: decision making; implementation of the solution.

The solution belongs to the number of creative operations in the technology of management works. On the one hand, in terms of content, it is a logical-thinking activity carried out mainly by management personnel. On the other hand, a decision is an emotional and psychological act. Like no other type of managerial work, the decision is due to the psychophysiological personality traits of the leader. Finally, the decision acts as a management procedure, therefore, it must be carefully organized, regulated by legal norms.

Thus, a decision in the management process is a logical-mental, emotional-psychological, organizational-legal act unfolded in time, carried out by the head within his powers alone or with the involvement of other persons (collegial decisions). The decision acts as a kind of formula for the control action on the controlled object and determines all further procedures in organizing the execution of the decisions made. A decision is the result of a choice from a variety of options, alternatives and is a guide to action based on a developed project or work plan.

The effectiveness of management depends on the complex application of many factors, and not least on the procedure for making decisions and their practical implementation. But in order for a management decision to be effective and efficient, certain methodological foundations.

In order to make a managerial decision, each manager must be well versed not only in the conceptual apparatus, but also sufficiently qualified to apply in practice:

management decision methodology;

methods of developing management decisions;

organization of the development of management decisions;

assessment of the quality of management decisions.

Let's try to briefly consider the tools and conceptual apparatus of the manager.

The management decision methodology is a logical organization of activities for the development of management decisions, including the formulation of management goals, the choice of methods for developing solutions, criteria for evaluating options, drawing up logical schemes for performing operations.

Methods for the development of management decisions include methods and techniques for performing operations required in the development of management decisions. These include ways of analyzing, processing information, choosing options for action, etc.

The organization of the development of management decisions involves the streamlining of activities individual units and individual workers in the process of developing a solution. The organization is carried out through regulations, standards, organizational requirements, instructions, responsibility.

The technology for developing a management solution is a variant of the sequence of operations for developing a solution, selected according to the criteria of the rationality of their implementation, use special equipment, personnel qualifications, specific conditions for performing work.

The quality of a managerial decision is a set of properties that a managerial decision possesses that meet, to one degree or another, the needs of a successful problem resolution. For example, timeliness, targeting, specificity.

The object of making a managerial decision is the multifaceted activity of an enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership. In particular, the following activities are the subject of decision-making:

  • - technical development;
  • - organization of main and auxiliary production;
  • - marketing activities;
  • - economic and financial development;
  • - organization of wages and bonuses;
  • - social development;
  • - management;
  • - accounting activities;
  • - staffing;
  • - other types of activities.

The correctness and effectiveness of the decision made is largely determined by the quality of economic, organizational, social and other types of information. Conventionally, all types of information that are used when making a decision can be subdivided:

  • - to incoming and outgoing;
  • - processed and unprocessed;
  • - text and graphic;
  • - constant and variable;
  • - normative, analytical, statistical;
  • - primary and secondary;
  • - directive, distribution, reporting.

The value of the information received depends on the accuracy of the task, since a correctly formulated task predetermines the need for specific information for making a decision.

Decision-making is inherent in any type of activity, and the performance of one person, a group of people or the entire people of a particular state may depend on it. From an economic and managerial point of view, decision making should be considered as a factor in increasing production efficiency. Production efficiency, naturally, in each specific case depends on the quality of the decision made by the manager.

All decisions made in any field of activity can be conditionally classified and subdivided into decisions: according to the strategy of the enterprise; arrived; sales; issues affecting the formation of profits.

Fulfilling their functional responsibilities, each manager chooses the most optimal solutions that contribute to the implementation of the task.

Making a decision, as a rule, involves choosing a direction of action, and if a decision is made easily, without a special study of alternatives, then it is difficult to make a good decision. Good decision imposes a great social burden on the manager and depends on the psychological preparedness of the manager, his experience, personal qualities.

Several stages precede making a decision:

  • - the emergence of problems on which it is necessary to make a decision;
  • - selection of criteria by which a decision will be made;
  • - development and formulation of alternatives;
  • - selection of the optimal alternative from their sets;
  • - approval (adoption) of the decision;
  • - organization of work on the implementation of the solution - feedback.

Criteria for assessing opportunities organizational structure management.

Determination of the degree of ability of the applied organizational structure of management to ensure the receipt of the rate of return.

The degree of ability of the existing management structure to create conditions for increasing the rate of return through scientific and technical progress.

The degree of ability to respond quickly to changes in demand and take action accordingly.

The degree of ability of the organizational structure of management to ensure the growth of labor productivity due to the detailed specialization of social labor and production.

System efficiency production control given the organizational structure of management.

The object for the emergence of problems can serve as the final indicators of the enterprise (organization). In particular, as a result of the activities of the enterprise, the indicators of the final results of work began to deteriorate sharply (an increase in the cost of production, a decrease in the growth of labor productivity and its quality, profit and profitability); and also there were conflict situations, high staff turnover.

Making a decision is always associated with a certain moral responsibility, depending on the level at which the decision is made. The higher the level of management, the higher the moral responsibility for the decision.

A managerial decision establishes the transition from what is to what needs to be done in a given period. In the process of preparing a solution, problems are identified, goals are clarified, a variant study of solutions is carried out, the best option is selected and its approval is completed.

Management decisions can be: individual, collegial, collective, strategic (promising), tactical (immediate), operational.

Organizational decisions are made at all levels of management and are one of the functions of a manager's work; they are aimed at achieving a set goal or task. They can be programmed or unprogrammed.

A programmed decision is the result of the implementation of a certain sequence of steps or actions and is made on the basis of a limited number of alternatives.

To find the right ways to solve the problem, the manager should not strive to immediately resolve it, and this is practically impossible, but should take appropriate measures to study the causes of the problem based on the available internal and external information.

To identify opportunities for improving the quality of decisions made, it is of great importance to study the relationship between the methods by which they were justified and the forms of decision-making. This allows the most objective assessment of the degree of implementation of the requirements for solutions. This analysis it is advisable to carry out in relation to the entire set of decisions made by any functional unit at a certain level of management, and for individual groups of decisions. For this, special observations and examinations are used.

In the practice of the management apparatus, the following methods of substantiating decisions are used:

  • 1.program-target;
  • 2. optimization;
  • 3. calculation and analytical;
  • 4. systematized;
  • 5. Experienced.


Profit, being one of the main economic categories of the market economy, characterizes the final financial results activities of the organization. The profit indicator reflects the efficiency of production, the volume and quality of products, the state of labor productivity, the level of cost. Therefore, management decisions regarding the profit of the enterprise always have a high degree of importance and responsibility.

Profit management is the process of developing and making management decisions on all the main aspects of its formation, distribution and use in the enterprise.

Competent, effective management of the formation of profit provides for the construction at the enterprise of the appropriate organizational and methodological systems for ensuring this management, knowledge of the main mechanisms for the formation of profit, the use of modern methods of its analysis and planning.

The relevance of the research topic is explained by the importance of timely adoption of a constructive management decision in order to avoid financial risks in a volatile market environment.

The financial position of enterprises, the level of satisfaction of personal and social needs of workers depends on it. As a result of the above, management decisions as a factor in profit management are becoming extremely relevant today. Profit management allows you to identify the main factors of its growth and the potential of the enterprise.

Having studied the sources of profit, you can develop a scientific approach to solving many problems, for example, to increase the efficiency and responsibility of the work collective, to achieve final results at the lowest cost.

At the same time, the strengthening of commercial accounting in all links of production of each individual enterprise to a decisive extent depends on the management of profits and the identification of specific reserves for the growth of profits of each individual economic entity.

Object this study is a system of profit management from the export of products of the enterprise "Real".

The subject of the research is the technology of development of management decisions on the growth of profits from the export of products of the "Real" enterprise.

The purpose of the course work is to develop a management solution for the growth of profits from the export of products of the enterprise "Real".

Research objectives:

to determine the content, forms, principles of management decisions;

identify the features of management decisions at modern Russian enterprises;

to study methods of making managerial decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk;

to identify the problematic situation at the Rial enterprise;

determine the target orientation of the solution;

to develop alternative solutions for the growth of profits from the export of products of the "Real" enterprise;

make a choice of a solution and conduct an analysis of its sensitivity;

to form a system of organization and control over the implementation of the adopted decision.

The theoretical basis of the study was the works of foreign and domestic managers, economists and practitioners in the development of management decisions, materials from periodicals and the Internet.

Research information base - data financial statements enterprises "Real", internal calculations of the enterprise, own supervision of the work of enterprise managers.

The subject of defense is a management decision to optimize the conclusion of export contracts of the Rial enterprise in order to increase the enterprise's profit from export.

Structurally, the work consists of an introduction, two chapters of the main part, a conclusion, a list of used literature and sources and a glossary. The first chapter of the work contains the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of management decisions at the enterprise. The second chapter is devoted to the development of a management solution for the growth of profit from export for the company "Real".


The development of management decisions is an important process that links the main management functions: planning, organization, motivation, control.

It is the decisions made by the leaders of any organization that determine not only the effectiveness of its activities, but also the possibility of sustainable development, survival in a rapidly changing world.

Management decision making is the most important activity carried out by managers. Given the great importance of this type of activity, one might assume that in the existing literature on this issue there should be complete agreement as to the definition of the characteristics and parameters of management decisions. However, this is not the case.

Most of the papers on various aspects of management decision were written outside of business organizations or concerned individuals who were not practical management decision makers. This disorganized approach leads to a general misunderstanding of the essence of management decisions. More specifically, we can say that there is no generally accepted understanding of what are management decisions, who makes them, and where they are implemented.

Several authors agree with Herbert A. Simon, who, in his classic work on the science of management decision-making, defines management decision as a process synonymous with the leadership process itself.

The practical need of society for scientific foundations decision making emerged with the development of science and technology only in the 18th century.

The founder of decision-making theory is considered Joseph Louis Lagrange, who solved the problem: how much land an excavator should take on a shovel in order for his shift performance to be the greatest. The theory of rational decision-making establishes exactly what the sequential procedures must be in order for the decision to meet the criteria of rationality.

General questions of the theory of managerial decision-making were solved by: Edwards 1961, Morris 1963, Wagner 1975, Emelyanov, Nappelbauman 1977, Hoffman, Keeney, Rife, Berezovsky 1981, Podinovsky, Noginov, Orlovsky 1982, Stein 1983, Volsky, 1988 Various aspects of multipurpose decision making were developed by: David Bell, Howard Rife, Ralph Keeney, Amos Tversky, and many other authoritative authors.

Mathematical and probabilistic aspects of decision making were analyzed in the works of: John Pratt, Rife Tversky, Robert Schleifer, Kachneman, etc.

Simon proposed the concepts of classical (normative) and administrative (descriptive) decision-making models (1960), and also introduced the concept of "bounded rationality", which assumes that the manager stops at the first rational decision option. Various aspects of the administrative decision-making model were developed by: James Frederickson, James Dean and Mark Sherfman.

Thus, in the middle of the 20th century, a school of management was formed, the ideas of which were associated with the identification and assessment of factors affecting economic and management processes.

The variety of factors of the external and internal environment, the multidirectional interests of business entities in the management process led to the use of different options actions (decisions).

The management process began to be considered as a certain sequence of actions of the manager and the management apparatus for the development, adoption and implementation of management decisions.

The choice of solution options, their comparison became possible as a result of the use of modeling, expert forecasting, economic-mathematical and network methods.

The managerial decision is due to the versatility of management relations inherent in the socio-economic system.

Therefore, its essence is also multifaceted and interconnected with such categories as the management system, management functions (associated with management methodology and technology), management process, impact and interaction processes (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Decision making as a product of managerial labor

In this case, the managerial decision acts as a link between the groups of functions that reflect the processes of influence: the controlling and controlled parts of the socio-economic system (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Place of management decisions in the management process

The essence of the impact process is expressed in the activation joint activities people to achieve a common goal as a result of the implementation of the basic functions of management. External relations and the realization of the external capabilities of the organization are essential.

There are various definitions of the concept of "management decision".

Fatkhutdinov R.A. (1998) gave the following definition: “a management decision is the result of analysis, forecasting, optimization, business case and choosing an alternative from a variety of options to achieve a specific goal of the management system ”.

Porshnev A.G. (1999) believe that "a management decision is a concentrated expression of the management process at its final stage."

Table 1 - Definitions of the concept of "management decision" by different authors

No. p / p Author Content of management decision 1. Pletnev D.A. Creative, volitional influence of the subject of management based on knowledge of the objective laws of functioning of the controlled system and analysis of management information about its state, aimed at organizing the activities of the team to resolve an urgent problem 2. Herbert A. Simonprocess, synonymous with the very process of leadership 3. Mescon M.Kh., Albert M., Khedouri F. the choice of an alternative 4. Maksimtsov M.M. the choice of an alternative carried out by the head within the framework of his official powers and competence and aimed at achieving the goals of the organization 5. Fatkhutdinov R.A. the result of analysis, forecasting, optimization, economic justification and the choice of an alternative from a variety of options for achieving a specific goal of the management system 6. Porshnev A.G. Concentrated expression of the management process at its final stage

Choice and practical use a particular classification is determined by the specific conditions of decision-making. In a generalized form, the classification of management decisions is presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Classification of management decisions

Classification attributeTypes of management decisionsObject of managementMarketing Manufacturing Financial StaffingCharacter of the processIntuitive Judgment-based Rational decision makingNumber of alternativesStandard Binary Multi-alternative InnovativeTerms of actionPermanent (safety) Long-term ( job description) Periodic (quarterly) Short-term (dispatching); One-time (about bonuses) Decision-making frequency Simultaneous Cyclic Frequent Form Written Oral Classification attributeTypes of management decisions ContentProduction Socio-political Economic Organizational TechnicalAbility to process Programmable (associated with a large amount of information) short term, automation - within the framework of particular tasks) Accepted on the basis of only logical justification Unexplored (based on intuition and work experience) Time of onset of consequences for the object of management Strategic Perspective Current Operational Stabilizing Nature and specificity of methods of influencing the object of management Political Economic Technical Number of subjects influencing decision-making Determining Competitive Adaptive solution development Organizational (programmed, unprogrammed) Tradeoffs Predicted efficiency Ordinary (ineffective, rational, optimal) Synergetic Asynergetic The degree of importance of taking into account time constraints on the development, adoption and execution of decisions Real-time decisions Decisions made during one of the stages Decisions that do not have explicit time constraints decision composition and complexity Simple Process (algorithmized, fuzzy) The nature of accounting for changes conditions of solution implementation Flexible Rigid

According to the degree of rationality, intuitive, judgmental and rational decisions can be distinguished.

Intuitive decisions are based on the manager's inner conviction of the consistency of the decision being made. Decisions based on judgments - when previous experience and similar situations that have developed in the past are the most important.

Rational decisions are associated, as a rule, with difficult situations within the enterprise, when a thorough analysis is required, tactical and strategic decisions are developed.

The classification of decisions according to the degree of rationality is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Classification of decisions according to the degree of rationality

The classification of decisions by the level of decision making is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Classification of decisions by the level of decision making

Routine solutions are well-known ways of doing things to resolve a problem. They represent only a standard reaction to a typical situation and, in essence, are not solutions.

In contrast, selective decisions involve the selection of one alternative from a certain set of courses of action. In this case, it is assumed that the set of alternatives is given and is well known to the decision-maker. All he needs to do is choose one of them.

Adaptive decisions are made when the situation changes and therefore some modification is required. known options taking into account the specifics of the new situation.

The most difficult are innovative solutions that are made in conditions when the problem cannot be solved using known methods of action or their modifications and requires the development of fundamentally new solutions that have not been used before.

The classification of solutions according to the degree of optimality is shown in Figure 5. Optimal solutions are usually understood as the best of several possible ways to achieve the goal. When we talk about a super-optimal solution, we mean a solution that simultaneously and in the best way ensures the achievement of two separate groups of goals. The options for action that lead to the achievement of the goal of managing the organization should be recognized as satisfactory solutions.

Figure 5 - Classification of solutions according to the degree of optimality

The classification of decisions by the degree (level) of certainty is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Classification of decisions by the degree (level) of certainty

The decision is made in conditions of certainty, when the manager knows exactly the result of each of their alternative choices. Decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty when it is impossible to assess the likelihood of potential results. Uncertainty is characteristic of some decisions that have to be made in a rapidly changing environment. Decisions made in the face of risk are those whose outcomes are not definite, but the probability of each outcome is known.

The classification of decisions by the number of goals and criteria is shown in Figure 7.

By the number of goals, single-purpose and multi-purpose solutions are distinguished. Real economic and management solutions for production management, commercial activities are usually multipurpose. When making these decisions, the problem of reconciling conflicting goals arises, which greatly complicates the decision-making process.

If the choice of the best alternative is made according to only one criterion, then the decision made will be simple, one-criterion. Conversely, when the chosen alternative must satisfy several criteria at the same time, the decision will be complex, multi-criteria.

In management practice, the overwhelming majority of decisions are multi-criteria, since they must simultaneously meet such criteria as: profit volume, profitability, quality level, market share, employment level, implementation period, etc.

Figure 7 - Classification of decisions by the number of goals and criteria

The classification of solutions by functional focus is shown in Figure 8.

Coordinating decisions are necessary to reconcile the changing conditions of the external and internal environment to ensure possible harmonization in the company's activities. Control decisions are aimed at ensuring the timely implementation of production plans and the planned development milestones. Informative solutions are aimed at streamlining the information field for company employees and providing them with the necessary information.

Planning solutions are developed for the implementation of planned activities. They define the necessary parameters for strategic, tactical and operational planning.

Organizational solutions are aimed at solving organizational problems in a managed system. For effective management of employees, solutions are developed to motivate and revitalize employees.

Figure 8 - Classification of solutions by functional focus

Classification of solutions according to M. Mescon, M. Albert and F. Hedoury:

programmed - those in which the number of possible alternatives is limited, and the choice must be made within the directions given by the organization;

unprogrammed - solutions that require, to a certain extent, new situations, they are not internally structured or are associated with unknown factors.

1.2 Features of management decisions at modern Russian enterprises

The process of making managerial decisions largely depends on the specifics of the economic entity and its size.

Management decisions have a number of features that distinguish them from other types of decisions made in an organization (for example, technical, organizational, purely professional, etc.), first of all:

psychological specifics;

financial implications;

economic aspects.

The features of solutions include a variety of ways to implement them (constant, episodic, forceful, soft, radical, consistent, direct, mediated, etc.).

The difference between management decisions and production decisions lies in the object (the developer makes decisions about mechanisms, parts, the manager makes decisions about the organization of production of these parts).

A special role is assigned to the manager not only during the development of a decision and its adoption, but also in the implementation and control of execution, since at this stage feedback is carried out, and the manager can provide corrective control actions, while improving his professional level.

In Russia, personal or informal-friendly relations prevail over professional ones. This does not allow building a system of regular management that ensures work without rush jobs and unproductive waste of resources. "Avral" solution style critical issues well described by R.D. Lewis, interferes with the implementation of changes and the achievement of planned results.

The activities of Russian organizations are currently based on the leader: he knows everything and can, through authoritarian pressure on the team, achieve the desired results. In Russia, a company is run by a specific person.

At present, Russia is characterized by a model of company management headed by an authoritarian leader who is its owner and manager in one person. The leader reacts flexibly to the external environment, transfers the principles of life prevailing there (uncertainty, lack of perspective, poor standards of state behavior, etc.) inside the company, makes decisions based on short-term subjective goals. With such a model, the leader assesses the current situation well and works successfully with a small scale of business.

In Russia, management decisions have their own characteristics, depending on the industry or field of activity of the organization in which they are made.

Features of decisions made at the state level:

breadth of coverage (the circle of those involved in the execution of the decision or affected by this decision);

the breadth of problems to be solved;

responsibility to society: financial; socio-political; moral and ethical; ecological.

Features of industrial production from the standpoint of making management decisions:

high importance of technical and technological equipment of production;

high requirements for the timeliness of production, taking into account the characteristics of demand and delivery obligations to consumers;

the use of automated production control systems;

the importance of the decision on the location of production;

the need to select the type of production planning (linear, flow, fixed positional);

the need for a socio-technical approach;

production efficiency is defined as the quotient of dividing the market value of the output produced by the sum of all inputs (resources) spent by the organization.

The process of making managerial decisions in the field of science and high-tech production in Russia should be carried out taking into account the specifics of this area National economy, as well as the influence of internal and external factors and restrictions. This will improve the quality and validity of decisions at all levels of government.

Features of high technology production influencing management decisions:

high uncertainty in the implementation of scientific and production processes and the final result with specified or expected characteristics, which leads to the need to make decisions under risk conditions;

simultaneous implementation of innovative processes for creating a product, technology and organization, their interconnection in the release of new high-tech products (especially in the electronics industry);

the presence of planned technological losses in the production of high-tech products;

high requirements for the qualifications and experience of employees involved in R&D;

difficulties in controlling the creative process;

the need to use special methods of motivation and incentives for developers;

the need to develop special tools and methods for assessing the contribution of specialists to the development and production of high technology products;

high rates of annual production growth;

continuous growth of the nomenclature, new products;

high intensity of product renewal;

variety of types of technological equipment, its specificity.

It differs in a certain specificity and Russian market services. This area now it is actively developing, consumers are beginning to play an increasingly noticeable role, therefore domestic enterprises in the service sector are becoming more and more customer-oriented.

Thus, the features of the service sector from the standpoint of decision-making can be summarized as follows:

participation of the consumer in the production process (for example, in a hairdressing salon, the client expresses his wishes in the process of providing services);

a high degree of individualization of the product in accordance with the requirements of the consumer;

high labor intensity of work in the service sector;

the dynamism of innovation processes in the context of the constant development of the sphere;

high requirements for the social and psychological skills of employees involved in the provision of services;

calculation of production capacity not according to the average level of demand, but according to the peak demand from the buyers;

high profitability of operations in the service sector;

intersection of marketing and production functions.

The size of the enterprise also strongly influences the decision-making process.

Taking into account that the result depends on the quality of management decisions taken economic activity enterprises, this problem is becoming one of the foundations of the successful development of small business in Russia.

It is possible to highlight the features of small business structures that determine the factors affecting the mechanism for making managerial decisions:

specificity of product promotion,

high dependence on the consumer,

specifics of ways to increase income,

specificity of management,

limited resources, high degree of risk,

credit problems,

even distribution of resources,

specificity of personnel,

lack of awareness.

The process of making managerial decisions also depends on the level of management at which it is carried out.

Features of decisions made at various levels of management of a modern commercial organization:

technical level: operational, specific, clearly formalized, controlled;

medium level: tactical, current, with a high expert level and a level of argumentation;

the highest level: strategic, highly responsible.

Table 3 - Features of management decisions at modern Russian enterprises

# N / pFormulation of the specifics of management decisionsExplanation - how the feature affects the decision-making process 1. Sensitivity to the field of activity of the enterprise skewed towards economics, politics or science as opposed to social or ethical aspects; for the enterprise, either profit is a priority, or the human factor comes first, and so on. Depending on the field of activity, decisions are directed towards economic problems, either innovative, or social, etc. 2. Dependence on the specific circumstances in which the managerial decision is made, factors of the external and internal environment of the organization affect the development, assessment, selection and implementation of alternatives. Enterprises of different fields of activity and different sizes, respectively, have different factors of the external and internal environment. Domestic enterprises are characterized by a great dependence on industry affiliation, while decisions are standard for the field of activity in which the company operates. the economy has a lot of crisis phenomena, there is no stability in the economic, political and social spheres. Taking many of these factors into account affects the quality of decision-making. 4. Low predictability of consequences in Russia, the size and industry of an enterprise affect the complexity of decisions due to poor predictability of the consequences of decision-making. If an organization is large and influential, the decisions of its leaders can seriously affect the socio-economic situation of entire regions. For example, the decision to close an unprofitable business in an organization can significantly increase the unemployment rate. In key and socially significant industries, decisions can also have multidirectional consequences, so decisions should be approached very carefully. This increases the complexity of decision-making and often decreases their effectiveness.

1.3 Methods of making management decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk

Management decision-making methods are specific ways in which a problem can be solved.

A significant part of management decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty. Uncertainty is a situation when the number of factors influencing the process is large and the connections between them are so complex that it is almost impossible to obtain any reliable information about these connections. Making decisions in the face of uncertainty requires managers to be innovative.

All methods of making managerial decisions can be grouped into three groups:

informal (heuristic);



Informal (based on the analytical skills and experience of the leader) - a set of logical techniques and methods for choosing optimal decisions by the leader through a theoretical (mental) comparison of alternatives, taking into account accumulated experience, based on intuition. The advantage is that decisions are usually made quickly. The disadvantage is that this method is based, as a rule, on intuition, and hence - a rather high probability of errors.

Collective - the method of "brainstorming", "brainstorming" - is used, as a rule, when it is necessary to make an emergency, complex, multifaceted decision associated with an extreme situation. This requires managers to have firm thinking, the ability to present a proposal constructively, communicatively, and competently.

In the course of the brainstorming, various alternatives are proposed, even those that go beyond the usual techniques and ways of implementing such situations in ordinary conditions.

The Delphi method (after the name of the ancient Greek city of Delphi, known for the sages who lived there - predictors of the future) is a multilevel questionnaire. The manager announces the problem and gives subordinates the opportunity to formulate alternatives. The first stage of formulating alternatives takes place without argumentation, i.e. each participant is offered a set of solutions. After the assessment, the experts invite subordinates to consider the given set of alternatives.

At the second stage, employees must argue their proposals, solutions. After the estimates have stabilized, the survey is terminated and the most optimal solution proposed by the experts or corrected is adopted.

The "kingise" method is a Japanese circular decision-making system, the essence of which is that a draft innovation is being prepared for consideration. It is handed over for discussion to persons according to the list drawn up by the leader. Everyone should consider the proposed draft and give their comments in writing, after which a meeting is held, to which employees are invited whose opinion is not entirely clear or goes beyond the usual decision.

Decisions are made by the manager based on expert judgment using one of the following principles:

the dictator principle - the opinion of one person in the group is taken as a basis;

Cournot principle - each expert offers its own solution; the choice should not infringe upon the interests of each individual;

the Pareto principle - experts form a single whole, one coalition;

Edgeworth's principle - the experts were divided into several groups, each of which is unprofitable to cancel its decision. Knowing the preferences of the coalitions, you can make the best decision without harming each other.

Quantitative - they are based on a scientific and practical approach, involving the choice of optimal solutions by processing large amounts of information.

Depending on the type of mathematical functions underlying the models, there are:

linear modeling (linear dependencies are used);

dynamic programming (allows you to enter additional variables in the process of solving problems);

probabilistic and statistical models (implemented in the methods of queuing theory);

game theory (modeling such situations in which decision-making should take into account the discrepancy between the interests of various departments);

simulation models (allow you to experimentally check the implementation of solutions, change the initial prerequisites).

Figure 9 - Methods for developing a management decision

Effectively, the development of a management solution can be carried out in the following stages (Figure 10).

One of the tasks of management is to align the goals of the personnel with the goals of the enterprise, and, if possible, align the goals of the enterprise with the goals of competitors. Practice shows that quite often what is perceived as a threat, under certain circumstances, can become an opportunity, it is only necessary to create such circumstances using the strengths of the enterprise.

Figure 10 - Stages of development of a management solution

Consequently, the decision-making processes should take place in the conditions of the greatest possible certainty of both the external and internal environment. And if the internal environment lends itself to diagnosis, then with the analysis of the external environment, the situation is worse. It is no coincidence that companies with special subdivisions that monitor the external environment are doing well on the market.

In this case, the goals are the antipodes of problems (the goal is not an existing, but desirable state of the system, and the problem is a gap or the inevitability of its appearance between the existing and desired states).

Thus, it is necessary to get rid of problems (solve them) and the goal will be achieved.

Building a "tree of goals" (Figure 11) is one of the methods for justifying management decisions, taking into account uncertainty and risk.

Figure 11 - Goal tree

The method for determining the comparative significance of goals includes the target orientation of the solution, which consists of:

Building a tree of goals (for a multipurpose solution).

Statement of the goal and system of constraints (for single-purpose solutions).

Definition of performance indicators for each goal.

Determining the comparative importance of goals and indicators.

As a result, a table is drawn up. Its shape is shown in Table 4.

uncertainty risk profit export

Table 4 - Methods for determining the comparative significance of goals and indicators

No. Goal, indicatorThe result of calculating the weight according to the MPSWeight of the corresponding targetComparative significance of the indicator (3 x 4 x 100%) 123451.C1-2.P1.13.… 4.C2-5.P2.16.… 7.C3-8. A3.19. ... Total - 100%

Comparison method of alternatives in different environments allows you to determine a set of feasible solutions, that is, to check alternatives for meeting the requirements: feasibility (K1), acceptability (K2), vulnerability (K3).

That is, criterion 1 - the feasibility of the alternative - the minimization of additional attracted resources. Criterion 2 - acceptability - maximum return on the expected alternative. Criterion 3 - vulnerability to minimize the risks of implementing an alternative.

These parameters are evaluated according to the following criteria:

Does not match;

Insufficiently satisfying;


Quite satisfying;


The results are presented in Table 5.

Table 5 - Determination of the set of feasible solutions

Alternative Feasibility Acceptability Vulnerability Amount Alternative 1 ………… Alternative 2 ………… Alternative ……………

Based on the analysis of alternatives, table 6 is constructed.

Table 6 - Method for comparing alternatives

Alternatives Indicator Bijqi12… n Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Weight of indicator (qi)

Thus, the solution development algorithm is as follows:


.Target orientation of the solution.

.Development of alternatives.



When describing the first stage (identification of a problem situation), the following questions should be answered:

Problem definition:

The type of problem being solved.

Symptoms of the problem.

Causes of the problem (tree of causes).

Controllable factors (based on the problem root tree).

Definition of the external environment of the problem:

Environmental factors influencing the solution (based on the problem root tree).

The type of the external environment of the decision (conditions of certainty, uncertainty, risk).

The nature, sources of occurrence and the range of possible values ​​of uncertainty factors.

When describing the second stage (target orientation of the solution), the following structure should be adhered to:

Decision goal setting:

Formulation of a goal that solves the problem (overcoming a problem situation).

Building a tree of goals.

Determination of criteria and indicators for evaluating a decision:

Determination of quantitative and qualitative indicators of decision assessment (within each goal) and their depiction on the goal tree.

Determination of the comparative importance of goals and indicators.

At the third stage (development of alternatives), the following sequence of actions should be followed:

Definition of alternatives:

Formulation of the original set of alternatives.

Determination of the set of feasible solutions.

Determination of the values ​​of the indicators selected for the assessment of each alternative.

Assessment of alternatives:

Selection of effective alternatives.

Using the theory of expected utility, analyze the alternatives, calculating the integral indicators for each alternative on the basis of summation, taking into account their weights.

Modeling the consequences of choosing each alternative.

At the fourth stage (decision making), the following questions should be answered:

Choosing an alternative:

Calculation and comparison of the values ​​of the selected criteria for each alternative, taking into account different significance.

Justification for choosing the best alternative.

Analysis of the sensitivity of choice to changes in factors.

At the fifth stage (organization and control of the implementation of the decision), the following logic of presentation should be adhered to:

Organization of implementation of the decision:

Approval of the decision by the management and coordination of the decision with the executors and heads of other services and departments.

Development of a solution implementation plan (network planning (structural, scheduling and resource)).

Formulation of tasks for executors, distribution of powers and responsibilities (matrix of responsibility distribution).

Motivation of performers.

Monitoring the implementation of the decision:

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the solution (method "cost-profit").


2.1 Identification of a problem situation

The company has a production base equipped with modern equipment and highly qualified personnel, which ensures the high quality of its products. The company's specialists are ready to provide qualified technical advice.

Stable and promising relations with manufacturing plants have been established and a stable circle of consumers has emerged.

The goal is to increase the volume of supplies, to ensure the necessary range, quantity and quality of products for the fullest satisfaction of customers' needs, to expand the customer network; warranty service, sale of spare parts and components.

The main types of products manufactured by the enterprise:

Construction scaffolding rent-sale;

Towers tours;

Construction change houses;

Booths, security posts;

Turnkey mobile saunas;

Garden houses;

Tire changers.

In the plans future activities companies - increase in production by replacing outdated technologies, technical re-equipment of production.

Foreign economic activity of "Real" is represented by the export of wood products, including building materials to Latvia, Bulgaria and Ukraine. Data on the foreign economic activity of the enterprise are presented in table 7.

Table 7 - Data on foreign economic activity of Rial LLC

Indicator Period200720082009201020112012Average contract price, thousand rubles / ton , thousand rubles 3859.24074.24592.34294.53972.43725.5 Number of importing countries 333333

Thus, in the dynamics there is a decrease in all indicators over the past three years, until 2010 there was an increase in indicators, but this growth was slow.

These trends indicate the need to improve the efficiency of the enterprise in the field of export, in order to solve the problem of reducing profits from exporting products to Latvia, Bulgaria and Ukraine.

Thus, the analysis revealed some negative trends in the work of the enterprise.

The problem under consideration (for a number of years there has been a decrease in the profit of the enterprise from the export of products) is related by the type to the problem of functioning. The solution to the problem is a potential opportunity to improve the work of the enterprise, and now the desired does not correspond to the reality. Such decisions are made by the director of the company, who, together with the chief accountant, plans and controls all the financial indicators of the company.

Symptoms of the problem:

There is a decrease in the average price of export contracts.

There is a drop in demand for products for export, which is characterized by a decrease in the number of sold building materials.

The presence of the problem is evidenced by the decrease in proceeds from the export of products.

The causes of the problem can be identified:

Reasons for the first level:

.Decrease in the number of export contracts.

.Decrease in the average price of export contracts.

Second level reasons:

1 Lack of demand for Real products.

2 Ineffective management of the export strategy of the enterprise.

3 Wrong choice of partner countries for the export of goods.

4 Poor pricing policy "Real".

1 Decrease in prices of all export contracts.

2 Growth of inflation, crisis phenomena in the country's economy and industry.

Figure 12 - Causes of the problem

Controlled factors:

Sales structure - the company decides for itself what it sells and what assortment policy it pursues, while the sale of goods that are in low demand will not lead to an increase in profits.

The price of exported products - by varying the price of exported products, the company can affect the profits, but you need to understand that customers will not buy products at an overpriced price.

Sales volume - an enterprise can reduce or increase the volume of exported products, which will undoubtedly affect its profits.

Pricing and export strategies - with an effective pricing and overall export strategy, a company is able to improve its export performance.

Environmental factors influencing the decision:

the impact of the global financial crisis and the possibility of its recurrence;


Type of external environment - risk conditions. The situation is typical, there are few uncontrollable factors acting, so that the outcome of the development of events can be predicted.

The external environment can be attributed to the conditions of uncertainty and risk. There are few uncontrollable factors, but they cannot be neglected.

Sources of uncertainty:

Factors of behavioral uncertainty:

world financial crisis;

market demand for the company's products;


Factors of natural uncertainty: none.

The nature of uncertainty:

random factors: the global financial crisis;

non-random factors: market demand for the company's products; inflation.

Possible values ​​of indicators: the distinguishing feature of any uncertain variables is that the decision maker cannot reliably indicate what values ​​they take.

We can only assume that in the coming year there will be no economic crisis, the demand will be about 100 - 105 tons of building materials, inflation will not exceed 7.2% in 2013. This is an optimistic forecast.

With a pessimistic forecast, a second wave of the crisis may occur, which will reduce demand to 95 - 90 tons of building materials, inflation will be more than 8%.

2.2 Target orientation of the solution

Let's build a “tree of goals” (Figure 13).

Goal 1 To maximize profits Goal 2 To maximize the prices of export contracts Goal 3 To maximize the number of export contracts Figure 13 - Goal tree

Let's define the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the solution assessment (table 8).

Table 8 - Determination of performance indicators for each goal

Goal 1 Maximize profits Indicator 1.1 Profit from exports Indicator 1.2 Revenue from exports Goal 2 Maximize the prices of export contracts Indicator 2.1 Average contract price Goal 3 Maximize the number of export contracts Indicator 3.1 Number of partner countries Indicator 3.2 Number of export contracts

Let's define the comparative significance of goals and indicators.

The result of a qualitative pairwise comparison Quantitative assessment is undoubtedly more significant 9/2 significantly more significant 7/2 more significant 5/2 slightly more significant 3/2 equal 1 slightly less significant 2/3 less significant 2/5 significantly less significant 2/7 undoubtedly less significant 2/9

Goal 2 is more significant than Goal 1.

Goal 3 is significantly more important than Goal 1.

Goal 3 is more significant than Goal 2.

Goals Goal Estimates Standardized Estimates Amount Weight Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 112/52 / 70,140,100,170,410.14 Goal 25/212 / 50,360,260,230,850,28 Goal 37/25 / 210,50,640,591,730.5 Amount 73,91,7,001,001,001,003

Objectives Target estimates Normalized estimates Sum Gross weight 1.1P 1.2P 1.1P 1.2P 1.115 / 20,70,71,40,7P 1.22 / 510,30,30,60,3 Amount 1,43,51121

Score 1.1: 70%

Score 1.2: 30%

P 1 is more significant than P 2

P 2 is less significant than P 1

Goal 2: Maximize export contract prices Indicator 2.1: Average contract price

Because there is only one indicator, its significance is 100%. Objective 3 is evaluated by two equivalent indicators, therefore their significance in assessing the entire decision will be distributed as follows: P 3.1: 50%, P 3.2: 50%.

Table 9 - Determination of the comparative significance of goals and indicators

No. Indicator The result of calculating the weight according to the MPS The result of calculating the corresponding goal Comparative significance of the indicator (3 x 4 x 100%) 1.P 1.10,70,149,82.P 1.20,30,144,23.P 2.110,28284.P 3.10,50,58295.P 3.20,50,5829 Total 31,72100

Goal 1 Profit maximization (14%) P 1.1 - 9.8 P 1.2 - 4.2 Goal 2 (28%) P 2.1 - 28 Goal 3 (58%) P 3.1 - 29 P 3.2 - 29

2.3 Development of alternatives to action

At the next stage of the development of a management solution, it is necessary to develop alternative options to achieve the goal and solve the identified problem.

Alternative is one of the mutually exclusive options.

First, we formulate the initial set of alternatives:



.Optimize sales markets.


That is, criterion 1 - the feasibility of the alternative - the minimization of additional attracted resources.

Criterion 2 - acceptability - maximum return on the expected alternative.

Criterion 3 - vulnerability - minimizing the risks of implementing an alternative.

Let's evaluate these parameters according to the following criteria:

Criteria values:

Does not match;

Insufficiently satisfying;


Quite satisfying;


The results are shown in Table 10.

Table 10 - Determination of the set of feasible solutions

Alternative Feasibility Acceptability Vulnerability Sum Alternative 12327 Alternative 23328 Alternative 34329 Alternative 42125

In our case, the following alternatives most satisfy the necessary requirements:

.Sell ​​for export products that are in great demand on the foreign market.

.Optimize sales markets.

Thus, the most effective alternative for solving the identified problem is to optimize sales markets.

The definition of the values ​​of the indicators selected for the assessment of each alternative is presented in Table 11.

Table 11 - Determination of the values ​​of the indicators selected for the assessment of each alternative

Indicator Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Profit from export P 1.13591.53870 Revenue from export P 1.23821.84195.5 Average contract price P 2.136,636.4 Number of partner countries P 3.133 Number of export contracts P 3.21215

The predicted key indicators show that Alternative 2 is the most effective in terms of achieving the goal of a management decision.

With this alternative, three out of five indicators are higher than alternative 1.

Thus, in order to achieve the goal of a managerial decision, an increase in indicators is required:

Export profit P 1.1

Average contract price P 2.1

Number of export contracts P 3.2

Effective variety of alternatives:

.Sell ​​for export products that are in great demand on the foreign market (A).

.Optimize sales markets (B).

Let's consider the alternatives in more detail.

It is necessary to sell for export products that are in great demand on the foreign market.

To do this, it is necessary to analyze the products by assortment.

For this, the sales department conducts an analysis of the profitability of products, identifies the most profitable goods for export. Responsible for the implementation of the event (analysis of products by assortment) - the head of the sales department.

Different positions of the assortment bring different profits to the company. When implementing this alternative, it is proposed to sell goods with higher profitability.

It is possible that products that are in great demand are not included in the assortment list of the enterprise, therefore it is necessary to develop new types of products, make changes in production, technology, enterprise structure, and these are high costs and risks.

It is necessary to optimize the product markets.

In the conditions of the modern market, which is characterized by tougher competition, any enterprise sooner or later faces the problem of choosing the most effective sales channels for products, and the process of their optimization. More and more attention is paid to this issue, since the stable activity of the enterprise depends on the successful sale of products.

Ultimately, optimally formed distribution and sales channels increase the competitive stability of the enterprise, help attract new consumers and expand its influence on the market. Therefore, the choice of a distribution network can be attributed to the area of ​​strategic decisions. The enterprise is offered enough effective method formation and optimization of sales channels.

Using the theory of expected utility, we will analyze the alternatives, calculating the integral indicators for each alternative on the basis of summation taking into account their weights.

Table 12 - Expected values ​​of the estimated indicators

Indicator Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Profit from export P 1.13591.53870 Average contract price P 2.136.636.4 Number of export contracts P 3.21215

Alternative 1 - the risks associated with the implementation of the alternative are quite high - the loss of customers, sales markets, employee resistance to changes.

Alternative 2 - risks associated with the implementation of the alternative - lack of adequate demand for the product.

2.4 Solution selection and sensitivity analysis

As part of the stage for choosing a solution, we will calculate and compare the values ​​of the selected criteria for each alternative, taking into account different significance.

The results are presented in tabular form.

Average contract price growth

The range of change in the indicator 1 (from "worst" to "best") Qualitative score Score 35 or less poor 2 From 35.1 to 36 satisfactory 4 From 36.1 to 36.6 good 6 From 36.7 to 37 very good 837.1 or more excellent 10

Growth in profits from the export of goods

Range of change of indicator 1 (from "worst" to "best") Qualitative score Scoring 3300 or less poor 2 From 3310 to 3400 satisfactory 4 From 3410 to 3500 good 6 From 3510 to 3800 very good 83810 or more excellent10

Growth in the number of export contracts

The range of change in indicator 1 (from "worst" to "best") Qualitative grade Score 8 or less poor 2 From 9 to 10 Satisfactory 4 From 11 to 12 good 6 From 13 to 14 very good 815 or more excellent 10

Based on the analysis of alternatives, table 13 is constructed.

Table 13 - Rationale for choosing the best alternative

Alternatives Indicator Bijqi123A36.63591.5122556.7B36.43870152752.9 Weight of indicator qi1007050

Table 14 - Comparison of alternatives and selection of the best

Alternatives Indicator Bijqi123A6864.2B610105.6 Weight of indicator qi289.829

Alternative B is recognized as the best, since it has the maximum score.

Let's analyze the sensitivity of the choice to changes in factors.

Environmental factors can have a strong impact on the implementation of the solution:

financial crisis;

market demand for the company's products;

2.5 Organization and control of the implementation of the decision

In order to organize the implementation of the adopted decision, it is necessary to secure it with an administrative document.

The form of approval of the decision by the management is the order of the director to optimize export operations.

Subjects with whom it is necessary to agree on a solution:

head of the sales department.

head of the planning and economic department.

the head of the enterprise.

Let's compile a table of the responsible executors of the decision made (table 15).

Table 15 - Performers

Event Responsible Signing an order to optimize export operations Head of the enterprise Analysis of products by assortment and pricing policy, as well as the external environment of the enterprise and sales markets Head of sales department Preparation of a sales plan for newly formed sales markets Head of PEO Implementation of the developed measures Head of sales department

In order to increase the efficiency of the implementation of the solution and facilitate its implementation, we will draw up a plan for the implementation of the solution (using network planning (structural, calendar and resource)).

Thus, the developed plan for the implementation of the solution reflects the deadlines for the implementation of each activity, the responsible persons and the necessary resources.

Table 16 - Action plan

No.EventDate of executionResponsibleResponsible resources RUB 3. Preparation of a sales plan for newly formed sales markets April 2013-May 2013 Head of PEON human resources are required (PEO employees) 4. Implementation of the developed activities June 2013 Head of sales department Human and administrative resources are required

In order to formulate tasks for performers, allocate powers and responsibilities, we will draw up a matrix for allocating responsibility.

The RACI Responsibility Allocation Matrix is ​​presented in Table 17.

Table 17 - RACI Responsibility Allocation Matrix

Procedure / Role Head of Department Assistant Manager Process Manager Director 1. Entering a new process CRRRACI2. Provision of information CRAI3. Elimination of discrepancies CRRAI4. Information update CRAI5. Audit RRRACI6. Improving the C-RARI process - Responsible; - Accountable; - Consult before doing; - Inform after doing (notified after execution).

Most important to implement the solution motivational factor is material incentives for employees. At the same time, it is necessary to encourage: timely implementation of activities, innovative ideas. Moral incentives can also be used, such as certificates of honor for innovative ideas.

Table 18 - Motivation of performers

No. Characteristic of the motivational mechanism Approximate amount of costs, thousand rubles 1. Prize for timely completion of the event 202. Prize for innovation 253. Certificate of honor for innovation 0.2

In order to organize control over the execution of the decision, it is necessary to carry out:

Measuring the results of the implementation of the decision (to determine the controlled indicators and the frequency of control over the implementation of the decision).

Comparison of the actual and expected results of the solution implementation (to determine the ranges of controlled indicators, going beyond which leads to the need for a new management impact).

Measurement of the results of the solution implementation is presented in Table 19.

Table 19 - Measurement of solution implementation results

No. Name of the indicator (indicator) Minimum allowable value Optimal value Maximum allowable value Control frequency 1. Average contract price, thousand rubles / ton 36.438.2 -Quarterly 2. Profit from export, thousand rubles 38704147-Once a month 3. Quantity export contracts1519-Once a month

The need for a new management impact can arise only when the indicators decrease to the following levels (Table 20).

Table 20 - Comparison of actual and expected results of the solution implementation

No. Name of the indicator (indicator) Minimum permissible value Control frequency 1. Average contract price, thousand rubles / ton 32.0 Once a quarter 2. Profit from export, thousand rubles 3270 Once a month 3. Number of export contracts 9 Once a month

One of the most frequently used methods for evaluating the effectiveness of a solution is the cost-benefit method.

Economic efficiency = profit / cost.

Minimum costs of implementing the solution: research 40 tr. + motivation 20 tr. + 25 tr. + 0.2 tr. = 85.2 thousand rubles.

E = P / Z = 3870 / 85.2 = 45.4 tr.


In the theoretical part of the course work, the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of management decisions at the enterprise are considered. In particular, the content, forms, principles of managerial decisions have been determined, the features of managerial decisions at modern Russian enterprises have been identified, methods of making managerial decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk have been studied.

Thus, a managerial decision is a creative act of purposeful influence of the subject of management on an object, based on knowledge of objective laws and experience and leading to practical results.

Classification of solutions allows you to study their features and choose the most effective in the conditions specific task... However, due to the complexity of the conditions (influencing factors), the goals of decision-making, the requirements and the structure of the decision, it seems problematic to create a simple and clear classification of them. Therefore, they can and do exist different classifications management decisions.

Management decisions have a number of features that distinguish them from other types of decisions made in an organization - first of all:

scale (cover a wider range of people);

psychological specifics;

financial implications;

economic aspects.

The solution development algorithm is as follows:

.Identification of the problem situation.

.Target orientation of the solution.

.Development of alternatives.


.Organization and control of the implementation of the decision.

In the practical part of the course work, a specific management solution was developed for the growth of profits from the export of the company's products.

In particular, the problematic situation at the Rial enterprise has been identified, the target orientation of the solution has been determined, alternative solutions have been developed to increase the profit from the export of the Rial enterprise, a decision has been made and its sensitivity has been analyzed, and a system for organizing and monitoring the implementation of the decision has been formed.

The company "Real" (Chelyabinsk) is a successfully developing company in the field of sales of scaffolding, scaffolding-tour, rolled metal products, OSB / OSB, plywood, formwork for monolithic housing construction, manufacturing of metal structures.

Nevertheless, during the last 3 years of its activity, the company has suffered losses due to the accumulation of significant debts to creditors, including suppliers and contractors, in taxes and fees, as well as due to high production costs that are not covered by the company's income.

Foreign economic activity of "Real" is represented by the export of wood products, including building materials to Latvia, Bulgaria and Ukraine.

In dynamics, there is a decrease in all financial indicators of the company over the past three years. These trends indicate the need to improve the efficiency of the enterprise in the field of export, in order to solve the problem of reducing profits from exporting products to Latvia, Bulgaria and Ukraine.

In 2010-2012. The decline in export profits is due to both a decrease in the average export price and an increase in the enterprise's costs for exporting goods.

The performed analysis showed that there is also a decrease in the amount of exported goods, which also affects the decrease in profits and revenue.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that it is necessary to develop a management solution to optimize the conclusion of export contracts in order to increase the company's profits from exports.

The problem under consideration is of the type of a functioning problem.

The purpose of the solution is to improve the efficiency of the export operations of the enterprise, as a result of which the financial effect is maximized (profit from export will begin to grow).

The original set of alternatives:

.To increase the volume of export sales.

.Sell ​​for export products that are in great demand on the foreign market.

.Optimize sales markets.

.Change partners (countries for exporting goods).

Based on the analysis results, the most effective alternative for solving the identified problem is to optimize sales markets. The company is offered a rather effective way of forming and optimizing sales channels.

To do this, it is necessary to analyze products by assortment and prices for all exported products.

You should also study all possible sales markets for the company's products and note the most promising markets for work. In addition, markets will be identified that are not profitable, and therefore should not be developed by the firm's specialists.

When implementing this alternative, it is proposed to sell goods that are in demand by a specific consumer in a specific country, i.e. provide the supply with the necessary demand. To do this, the sales department analyzes products and prices, identifies goods for export that are of interest to the identified promising sales markets.

Responsible for the implementation of the event - the head of the sales department. Further, the planning and economic department prepares a sales plan for the newly formed sales markets. Responsible for the development of the program - the head of the IEE.

Using the theory of expected utility, the analysis of alternatives was carried out, integral indicators were calculated for each alternative on the basis of summation, taking into account their weights. Environmental factors can have a strong impact on the implementation of the solution:

financial crisis;

market demand for the company's products;

The inflation factor has a weak degree of influence.

Factors can have a very strong influence on the implementation of the decision:

the correctness of the assessment and selection of sales markets;

the quality of the research carried out on products in terms of the range and prices for all exported products, as well as the external environment of the enterprise;

decency of new partners in new sales markets.

The minimum cost of implementing the solution = 85.2 thousand rubles.

Forecasted profit - 3870 thousand rubles.

Efficiency of the solution = 45.4 tr.

Thus, in the course work, a managerial decision was developed to optimize the conclusion of export contracts of the enterprise "Real" in order to increase the profit of the enterprise from exports.


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2.Vertakova Yu.V., Kozieva I.A., Kuzbozhev E.N. Management decisions: development and selection. - M .: KNORUS, 2009 .-- 425 p.

.E.P. Golubkov Management decision making technology. - M .: Publishing house "Delo and Service", 2011. - 334 p.

.Kolpakov V.M. Theory and practice of making managerial decisions: Textbook. allowance. - K .: MAUP, 2008 .-- 504 p.

.Litvak B.G. Development of management solutions: Textbook - M .: Delo Publishing House, 2010. - 447 p.

.Lukicheva L.I., Egorychev D.N. Management decisions. - M .: Publishing house "Omega-L", 2009. - 382 p.

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.Sidelnikov M.V., Mirskaya S.Yu. On the effectiveness of measures to reform the management system // Economic Bulletin of Rostov State University. - 2007. - No. 1. - S. 12-16.

.Fatkhutdinov R.A. Management decisions: Textbook. - M .: INFRA-M, 2007 .-- 465 p.

.Yukaeva V.S. Management decisions: a tutorial. - M .: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and K", 2012. - 366 p.


An alternative is one of two or more possible solutions.

An alternative solution is one of several solutions that meets the established selection criteria within one alternative.

Analysis of the alternatives against the desired criteria - determining the degree to which each alternative meets the minimum requirements.

Constraint Criteria Analysis of Alternatives - Determining the degree to which each alternative meets the hard constraints.

Analysis of the tree of alternatives for managerial decisions is a schematic representation of the decision-making process for any task.

A point system for evaluating criteria is the use of desirable criteria in the form of absolute measures of the value of alternatives.

Implementation of the decision - the practical implementation of the decision by the executors.

Developing a scientific approach to decision making - applying decision theory.

Problem identification - analysis of the situation in order to identify the problem and justify the need for its solution.

Decomposition - a method of analysis, decomposition into components difficult tasks, procedures, systems, subsystems, etc.

Decision tree is a graphical display of visual comparison and selection of alternatives, the results of which can have a significant impact on subsequent actions.

Sufficiency of information - the minimum complete amount of information that allows you to make informed management decisions.

Reliability of information - the percentage of real information from the total amount of information.

The quality of information for the development of a management decision is the degree to which a set of information about the internal and external state of a managed object meets the requirements necessary for assessing the situation and developing management decisions.

The quality of the solution is the degree of effectiveness of the achievement of the goal by the control object.

The quality of a managerial decision is a set of decision parameters that satisfy the needs of specific consumers and ensure its implementation.

Control is the function of management to ensure the implementation of a management decision.

Optimality criterion is an indicator that expresses the marginal measure of the economic effect of a managerial decision taken for a comparative assessment of possible alternatives and the choice of the best one.

The decision-maker is the main link in the decision-making process, the subject of management, endowed with the right to make decisions.

Mathematical theory of decision-making is a section of mathematics devoted to methods and rules for processing and analyzing data, making decisions under conditions of uncertainty.

The method of economic substantiation of management decisions is a method of calculating the economic effect based on unified principles.

Uncertainty in the decision-making process - lack of information, randomness and opposition of factors of the internal and external environment.

Uncertainty of information - incomplete or unreliable information about the conditions for implementing the decision.

Normative decision-making theory is a science that develops methods for the formation of standard managerial decision-making processes.

The generalized model of the decision-making procedure is a logical diagram of the stages of development and making informed decisions.

Restrictions are the range of valid values.

A limiting criterion is a predetermined parameter (economic, technical, social) that limits the choice of methods of action.

Determination of risk - methods for calculating risk indicators.

Decision optimization is the process of choosing the ratio of many factors that determine the most effective result.

The main factors influencing the quality of management decisions are necessary and sufficient factors for comparing alternative options for management decisions.

Quality parameters of management decisions - a set of characteristics that satisfy the consumer of the solution, which include: the entropy indicator, the degree of investment risk, the probability of implementing the solution, the degree of adequacy of the chosen model.

Parameters of quality assurance of management decisions - characteristics of the composition of quality indicators of management decisions.

Behavioral decision-making theory is a study of the motivation for the behavior and actions of a decision-maker in the decision-making process.

Searching for a solution to a problem is the choice of a specific solution model and decision rule.

Problem statement is a form of presentation of the problem of the control object.

Problem statement - the formulation of a problem, taking into account the specific situation in which it arises and must be solved.

Techniques for analyzing management decisions are a combination of mathematical, graphic and heuristic methods that allow you to choose the optimal solution.

Signs of a management decision - a set characteristic features management decision, considered from the point of view of a fixed management act.

Decision making is the process of analyzing, forecasting and assessing the situation, choosing and agreeing on the best alternative to achieve the goal.

Decision Making Based on Optimization Criteria Method - Combination Process best features known alternatives in order to select the most effective solution.

The problem is a significant difference between the actual and the desired state of the control object.

Problem situation - a situation that interferes with the normal functioning and development of an organization.

Forecasting and evaluating the feasibility of alternatives is a scientifically grounded judgment on the practical feasibility of implementing a solution.

Prediction and assessment of the consequences of the implementation of alternatives - a scientifically grounded judgment about the usefulness of a solution to achieve the set goals.

Decision-making procedure - the established procedure (regulations) and the choice of a decision option.

Decision making is the process of choosing the most effective option from a variety of alternatives.

The solution is to determine the organizational impact on the management object.

There is no alternative solution - a solution that is made in standard situations that have only one way out.

Binary solution - a solution characterized by a high degree of associated uncertainty, in which two diametrically opposite alternatives are presented.

Decision in the face of uncertainty - choosing an alternative when it is impossible to assess the likelihood of potential results.

Decision in conditions of certainty - the choice of an alternative in conditions when the exact results of each of the options are known.

Risk decision - choosing an alternative when the results are uncertain, but the probability of each outcome is known.

The sole decision is a decision on tactical issues that is made by the manager.

A collegial decision is a decision on promising issues, in the development of which an advisory body participates: the board, the board of directors, etc.

An impulsive decision is an insufficiently substantiated and reliable decision that is made spontaneously.

Investment decision - a decision on long-term investment in order to preserve and increase capital.

Individual decision - a one-man decision, determined by individual leadership and management style.

The decision is inert - the result of a careful search with a predominance of control and clarifying actions.

The solution is innovative (innovative) - provides for some innovation associated with the formation and implementation of a previously unknown alternative.

The decision is intuitive - a decision under time constraints (in operational management), based on the conviction of the person making the decision that his choice is correct.

A collective solution is a solution for a long period, developed with the broad participation of the organization's (department) team.

A multi-alternative decision - a decision made on the basis of limitation criteria and desirable characteristics, ranked according to the degree of their relative value.

Non-programmable solution - a solution for which it is difficult to determine the optimality criterion (objective function) explicitly.

Optimal solution - the best solution from the point of view of a given optimality criterion and certain constraints.

Organizational decision - the choice of alternatives to organizational impact aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

Judgment decision is a decision made using knowledge, past experience and common sense, as amended to date.

A cautious decision is the result of a manager's overcritical assessment of all alternative solutions.

The political decision is the choice of methods, means, forms of public activity, with the help of which political goals can be achieved in the best way.

Programmable solution - a solution using well-known methods and models of optimal control of objects.

Rational decision - a decision based on analytical methods of justification and optimization.

Social decision - strategy decision social development society (team) and environmental protection.

Standard solution - the most common type of solution, the end result of which is an unambiguous choice.

A balanced decision - a decision of a manager who is attentive and critical of his actions, hypotheses and their testing.

A situational approach to the development of a management solution is a conceptual approach to finding an optimal solution as a function of environmental factors in the organization itself (internal variables) and in environment(external variables).

Comparability of alternative options for management decisions necessary condition the process of developing a management decision, bringing the initial information on uniform methods of obtaining it and the level of risk to one volume, to one time, level of quality, conditions of use.

Standard decision making is the process of comparing performance and choosing a solution from a fixed set of alternatives.

The degree of risk is the likelihood of a loss event, as well as the amount of possible damage.

Structuring a problem - decomposing a problem into components according to hierarchy levels, establishing relationships between them and building a goal tree.

Decision making theory is a set of scientific disciplines dealing with the problem of making optimal decisions in relation to control objects of different nature and in different conditions of existence.

Decision making technology is a set of scientific methods, models and techniques for the development and adoption of managerial decisions.

Ranking risky alternatives - ranking alternatives according to the degree and cost of risk.

Management process - a set of operations and procedures for the impact of the management subsystem on the managed one, carried out within the organizational structure of the company.

Management accounting is a management function that provides collection, registration and generalization of all information necessary for the management of an organization to make management decisions.

Management decision - creative, volitional influence of the subject of management on the basis of knowledge of the objective laws of functioning of the controlled system and analysis of management information about its state, aimed at organizing the activities of the team to resolve an urgent problem.

Decision-making level - the status of the decision maker in the hierarchy of the organization.

Management goals are the desired, possible or necessary state of the controlled system that must be achieved.

Heuristic decision-making methods are special (inductive) methods for solving problems aimed at reducing the number of decision-making alternatives in the context of non-standard problem situations.

Economic and mathematical methods - the choice of the best, optimal options that determine management decisions in the current or planned economic conditions.

The expert method is an intuitive and logical analysis of the problem by experts with a quantitative assessment of judgments and formal processing of the results.

The effectiveness of a management decision is the level of achievement of the planned result per unit of cost through the implementation of a management decision.

The development of management decisions is one of the most important management processes. The success of the business, and sometimes the very existence of the company, largely depends on the effectiveness of management decisions. Therefore, it is very important to make competent, economically sound management decisions.

The successful functioning of enterprises in an economic environment subject to transformation can only be ensured by the manager who promptly monitors changes using up-to-date and complete information, owns the methodology for developing optimal management decisions and knows how to bring them to implementation. This determines the importance of mastering the theoretical knowledge and skills of developing management decisions by future leaders.

The activities of any organization can be represented as a continuous cycle for the development, adoption and implementation of decisions. The development, adoption and implementation of management decisions (SD) are based on the theoretical and methodological provisions of domestic and foreign scientists, as well as the accumulated and systematized practical experience.

The process of developing and making management decisions begins with the definition of goals. The goals should be real, clearly formulated, measurable and linked to all other goals of the enterprise. The collection and analysis of information necessary for making an effective management decision is of great importance. This is especially important now, when managers have to make decisions in the face of ever-increasing uncertainty caused by the aggravation of competition, dynamic, accelerated changes in socio-economic conditions, and an avalanche-like increase in the volume of information, taking into account which decisions have to be made.

The development of solutions for managers is included in their functional responsibilities, within which they have a set of rights and responsibilities. Recently, much attention has been paid to the social and environmental responsibility of the head for the results of the managerial decision he has made to his subordinates and society as a whole. The managerial decision must support the global strategy of sustainable development of society. In addition, decisions must take into account constant changes in the parameters of the external environment and therefore requires constant regulation of the organization's activities by the head. It is achieved through the development and implementation of a variety of solutions, the quality and efficiency of which depends on the effectiveness of the organization.

The purpose of studying the discipline "Management decisions" is the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the development, adoption and organization of the implementation of management decisions.

The objectives of studying the discipline are:

  • * study of methods for ensuring the quality of the adopted management decision in conditions of uncertainty of the external and internal environment, taking into account the factors of uncertainty of the situation;
  • * study of factors affecting the effectiveness of management decisions as the main condition for achieving its competitiveness;
  • * study of technology for the development, adoption, implementation and motivation of high-quality management decisions;
  • * study of methods of analysis, forecasting, optimization and economic justification of management decisions within the management system;
  • * obtaining practical skills in the application of methodological issues in the development of management decisions by playing specific situations and analyzing specific examples.

As a result of studying the discipline "Management decisions", the student must:

  • * know the content of the basic concepts used in this discipline; classification of management decisions; structure and technology of the decision-making process; the main factors of the quality and effectiveness of decisions made;
  • * be able to independently analyze and apply various decision-making algorithms in relation to specific problems of the organization; take into account the real conditions in which the decision is made, and, above all, the risk factor; use risk management methods when making decisions;
  • * have an idea of ​​the practice of organizing the processes of making and implementing decisions in the most successful companies; about the possibilities of modern information technologies in the development of management decisions.

Communication with the external and internal environment is the subject of management decisions, the purpose of which is the formation of communication channels between the organization and the external environment. Such SDs are aimed at establishing relationships with the supplier and consumers, customers, the community in general, authorities state power, local authorities and other subjects of the social order.

In the process of economic and financial activities of organizations, situations constantly arise when there is a need to choose one of several possible options for action. As a result of such a choice, a definite solution appears.

In order to correctly determine the effectiveness of management decisions, it is necessary to carry out separate accounting of income and expenses. trade organization in the context of individual product groups. However, in practice, maintaining such records is very difficult. As a result, it is advisable to use in the analysis the so-called specific quality indicators, namely, profit per 1 million rubles of turnover, as well as distribution costs per 1 million rubles. commodity stocks.

The effectiveness of managerial decisions in a trade organization is manifested in a generalized way in quantitative form as an increase in the volume of goods turnover, an acceleration in the turnover of goods, a decrease in the amount of inventories.

The final financial and economic result of the execution of managerial decisions is manifested in an increase in the income of a trade organization and in a decrease in its expenses.

Economic efficiency

Determination of the economic efficiency of management decisions, as a result of the execution of which has increased, and, therefore, increased, can be carried out according to the following formula:

Eph = P * T = P * (Tf - Tpl),

  • Ef- economic efficiency (in thousand rubles);
  • NS- profit per 1 million rubles of turnover (in thousand rubles);
  • T- an increase in the value of trade turnover (in million rubles);
  • TF- the actual turnover that takes place after the implementation of this management solution;
  • TPL- planned turnover (or turnover for a comparable period before the implementation of this management decision).

In the example under consideration, the economic efficiency of making and executing a managerial decision is expressed in a decrease in the amount (selling expenses, or commercial expenses) attributable to the remainder of the goods. This leads to an increase in the amount of profit received. This efficiency can be determined using the following formula:

Eph = IO * Z = IO * (Z 2 - Z 1),

  • Ef- the economic efficiency of this management measure (in thousand rubles);
  • AND ABOUT- the amount of distribution costs per 1 million rubles of inventory (in thousand rubles);
  • 3 - the size of the change (decrease) in inventories (million, rubles);
  • 3 1 - the amount of inventory before the implementation of the management decision (event) (million rubles);
  • 3 2 - the amount of stocks of goods after the implementation of this management decision.

In addition, the economic efficiency of the implemented management decision affected the acceleration of turnover. This influence can be determined using the following formula:

Ef = Io * About = Io (About f - About pl),

  • Ef- economic efficiency of management decisions (thousand rubles);
  • And about- the simultaneous amount of distribution costs (thousand rubles);
  • About- acceleration of the turnover of goods (in days);
  • About pl- the turnover of goods before the implementation of the management solution (in days).
  • About f- the turnover of goods after the implementation of the management solution (in days).

Methods for analysis of management decisions

Consider the procedure for applying the main methods and techniques of analysis when assessing the effectiveness of making and executing managerial decisions.

Comparison method makes it possible to assess the activities of the organization, to identify deviations of the actual values ​​of indicators from the baseline values, to establish the reasons for these deviations and to find reserves for further improvement of the organization's activities.

Index method it is used in the analysis of complex phenomena, the individual elements of which cannot be measured. As relative indicators, they are needed to assess the degree of fulfillment of planned targets, as well as to determine various phenomena and processes.

This method makes it possible to carry out the decomposition of the generalizing indicator by the factors of deviations.

Balance method consists in comparing the interrelated indicators of the organization's performance to identify the influence of individual factors, as well as to search for reserves for improving the organization's performance. In this case, the relationship between individual indicators is expressed in the form of equality of the results obtained as a result of certain comparisons.

Elimination method, which is a generalization of the methods of index, balance and chain substitutions, makes it possible to single out the influence of a single factor on the generalizing indicator of the organization's performance, based on the assumption that other factors acted with other things being equal, i.e. as planned.

Graphical method is a way to visually illustrate the activities of an organization, as well as a way to determine a number of indicators and a way to formulate the results of the analysis.

Functional cost analysis(FSA) is a systemic research method used in accordance with the purpose of the object under study (processes, products) in order to increase the beneficial effect, that is, the return per unit of total costs for life cycle object.

The most important feature of the functional-cost analysis is to establish the appropriateness of the list of functions that the designed object should perform in certain specific conditions, or to check the need for the functions of an existing object.

Economic and mathematical methods of analysis are used to select the optimal options that determine management decisions in the existing or planned economic conditions.

With the help of economic and mathematical methods of analysis, the following tasks can be solved:
  • evaluation of the plan for the production of products, developed using economic and mathematical methods;
  • optimization of the production program, its distribution between workshops and certain types of equipment;
  • optimization of the distribution of available production resources, cutting materials, as well as optimization of the norms and standards of stocks and the consumption of these resources;
  • optimization of the level of unification of individual constituent parts of the product, as well as means of technological equipment;
  • definition optimal sizes the organization as a whole, as well as individual workshops and production sites;
  • establishment of the optimal range of products;
  • determination of the most rational routes for in-plant transport;
  • determination of the most rational terms of equipment operation and its repair;
  • comparative analysis of the economic efficiency of using a unit of a type of resource from the point of view the best option management decision;
  • determination of possible intra-production losses in connection with the adoption and implementation of the optimal decision.

Let's summarize this chapter. The effectiveness of the organization's functioning depends to a very large extent on the quality of management decisions. This determines the importance of mastering by all responsible employees of the management apparatus, and above all by the leaders of organizations, theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the development and implementation of optimal management decisions.

Development and adoption of management decisions Is, as a rule, a choice of one of several alternative options. The need to make managerial decisions is due to the conscious and purposeful nature of human activity. This need arises at all stages of the management process and forms part of any management function.

The nature of the management decisions taken is very much influenced by the completeness and reliability of the information available on this situation. Based on this, management decisions can be made both under conditions of certainty (deterministic decisions) and under conditions of risk or uncertainty (probabilistic decisions).

Management decision making process Is a cyclical sequence of actions of the subject of management aimed at resolving the problems of a given organization and consisting in analyzing the situation, generating alternative options and choosing the best option from them, and then implementing the selected management decision.

The practice of preparing and executing management decisions gives numerous examples of errors at all levels of economic management. This is a consequence of the action of many reasons, since the development of the economy consists of a large number various situations that require their resolution.

The most important place among the reasons for the adoption and implementation of ineffective management decisions is the lack of knowledge or non-compliance with the technology of their development and organization of their implementation.

An important role is played by the cybernetic approach to the development of management decisions, which has gained fame as a theory of decision making. It is based on the widespread use of mathematical apparatus and modern computing technology.

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