Sample magazine on the implementation of production control. We compose a sample of filling out the production control journal opo

The buildings 21.09.2019
The buildings

Magazines belonging to medical topics, a lot. They are determined for each type of establishment in which are underway. For example, for a restaurant, one of these documents is the "Journal of Meeting Fryer Fat". Of course, for the pool, where there is no one's kitchen, such a magazine is not needed.

This article will be considered four main types Journals:

  1. Accounting inspections of the room.
  2. Accounting of medical records of employees.
  3. Accounting for sanitary days.
  4. Instructions for sanitary and epidemiological regime.

Accounting checks of the room

Such a sanitary journal (form 308 / y) is called " Book for recording the sanitary condition of the room».

Sanitary state of the premises on the title page Specifies the name of the organization and its specific division in which the magazine is being conducted.

for example, Some firm "Aquagroup" built pool. To reflect the sanitary condition of the room, where the pool bowl is located, such a form of the basin sanitary magazine is being conducted. In him reflected dates of inspections of sanitation Specialists, comments, if any. Also, the sample of the basin sanitary magazine must be decorated in form 308 / y.

Also, in the third column, an employee of the SES writes recommendations to eliminate shortcomings, and in the fourth dateto which all the shortcomings should be eliminated.

After that, in the next graph the doctor puts his signature. Last column remains blank. In it, the doctor puts the date when he came again and the result of the second check.

Such sanitary magazine (Sample fill is available below) must be conducted for each room: pools, locker rooms, shower, children's pools and others. There must also be a form of magazine honey employee of the basin sanitary condition.

When if the "Aquagroup" built a whole complexwhich includes not only the pool, but also a restaurant and office room, then they must be a journal of the sanitary condition of the food processor.

And with regard to the restaurant, there should be several types of such magazines:

  • accounting disinfection in form number 6;
  • accounting and spending disinfectants and disinfection work on the facility;
  • generation;
  • visual control of the sanitary and technical condition of the room (form C);
  • and a few more magazines relating directly to the foodstock.

Accounting of medical books

Journal of Sanitarybook Accounting (Sample Available) reflects information about all employees' bearings In the enterprise where they are necessary. In addition, information about the passage of certification by these employees is reflected here.

Main section journal it has The following content is 8 graph:

Medical book is document established by the state formwhich is required when a device for work in a number of industries.

When if the employee has no such books (but by the nature of activity it is needed), then he threatens punishmentprovided for in Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In the ruling of the Government of Moscow dated December 28, 1999 is given full list Professions where such a book is needed. You can see and download it.

If you take a generalized list, it looks like this:

Accounting for sanitary days

As such, there is no magazine with such a name.

There are several other documents in which the log is being conducted. sanitary processing Premises and other measures that include the concept of " sanitary day».

Journal of Sanitary Days specifies the following information:

  1. On the title page name of the organization and / or a particular room or workshop in which cleaning is carried out.
  2. Date of cleaninginstalled on schedule.
  3. Actual date hold.
  4. Name of solutionwith which cleaning was carried out and its concentration.
  5. FULL NAMES and FULL NAME, which controlled the process.

If you need a magazine accounting log, the sample can be viewed at the end of the * .pdf format.

In addition to such a document, must be compiled schedule general cleaning Rooms or premises and chart of sanitary days.

Most often during sanitary treatment, enterprise closes to visit. Such sanitary days are arranged with periodicity once a month (Recommended) by day set by the management of the company.

Instructions for sanitary-epidemiological regime

Such magazines - indispensable attribute anyone medical institution. Everything employees are obliged to get instruction According to the rules of work in sanitary and epidemiological mode.

Everything intelligence about the passage of such briefing workers entered the magazine Instructions for sanitary and epidemiological regime. It reflects information about the date, name of the employee who has passed the instruction, the FIO of the employee who has conducted the instructions and their signatures.

Important! The impaired sanitary and sanitary and anti-epidemic rules is evidenced by the Journal of the sanitary condition of the institution ().

Filling rules

Filling a sanitary journal it looks like that:

  • journal of the Company's Sanitary State must be stored at the head Organizations or his deputy;
  • must be stitched, Pages are numbered. On the last sheet, the number of pages is indicated, the organization of the organization and the signature of the head is put. The ends of the thread, which was stitched by the journal of control of the sanitary condition, glued with pieces of paper square or rectangular shape to his cover on the inside;
  • everything entries must be written with ballpoints with dark ink (black, blue);
  • corrections in journals extremely undesirable. If an error is made, absolutely forbidden Use corrective fluids, pull out sheets, or corrections by writing over incorrect information.

    If the error was allowed to be neat cross the entire line and write with a new. At the same time, in the fields you need to put the inscription " Corrected to believe"And put the organization of the organization.

    In some companies, under the assurances of corrections, the head of the organization or division is set.

reference! Lead the magazine sanitary processing equipment and others - necessary thing For some industries. Competent maintenance of these documents will avoid many problems with sanitary and epidemiological services and quietly work in your field.

Now there are many firms on the market offering and fill out any sanitary logs. for money. For firms, honestly lead their affairs, such services are not needed and even dangerous. Therefore, it is better to know how to correctly fill in a sanitary journal yourself.

In case of detection of the facts of fake documents, organizations threaten large finesAnd their managers can "shine" real terms.

In all cases best observe all sanitary standardsdefined for specific areas of activity. From this, enterprises and consumers will benefit.

In production facilities, as well as in institutions with massacrement of people, labor control (PC) is provided for labor legislation. This whole series of events, information on the execution of which should be made to a special magazine. In this material we will tell how to fill the magazine production control, Whole fill sample can also be found in the article.

Production control magazine is a document that is required to lead all organizations. He speaks of the performance of production control programs. Employers have the existence of such a program. Federal Law from 21.07.1997 N 116-FZ "ABOUT industrial safety Dangerous production facilities "and the Federal Law of 30.03.1999 N 52-FZ" On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population ".

Hazardous Objects and Sanitary Norms

All organizations and institutions in the development of such a program are obliged to be guided by the sanitary rules (SP) of 1.1.1058-01 "Organization and conduct of industrial control over the observance of sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary-anti-epidemic (preventive) events." They contain a mandatory list of events, without which it is impossible to hold special assessment Working conditions. In addition, special requirements for the program are provided for the so-called hazardous production facilities (OPO). These include enterprises whose activities are related to the emergence of potentially dangerous emergencies:

  • work with toxic, explosive, easily flammable substances;
  • use of lifting mechanisms;
  • mining or pressure under pressure;
  • works related to melting and metal transportation, etc.

For such organizations, in addition to sanitary standards, the requirements of Law No. 116-FZ should also be taken into account. In particular:

  • develop and publish the rules and methods of control;
  • regularly carry out laboratory tests and tests;
  • control the availability of documentation necessary under the law;
  • keep records and reporting established by applicable law;
  • in promptly inform workers about all possible hazards and threats.

What is provided by the magazine and why it is needed

The production control log opo is required in the organization to fix the results of the program. In this document, the employer must reflect all the compliance or non-compliance of the state of the OPO on all points of the requirements. To records it is necessary to make laboratory and instrumental control data. In addition, information from the journal is necessary to fulfill the requirements of Article 11 of the Federal Law of 21.07.1997 N 116-ФЗ on the annual direction of the report on the organization of control over compliance with industrial safety requirements into federal executive authorities in the field of industrial safety until April 1 of the next calendar year.

The logging is mandatory in accordance with this law, but there is no identified and approved forms of this document. It is important only one thing - it must have a detailed list of measures performed, supplemented by information about checks. But to develop a sample of production control magazine on the OPO each enterprise can independently.

Sample Filling Magazine Production Control OPO: Blank

Like all such documents, such a controlling diary is a book of A4 format. All document sheets must be stitched and numbered. On the title page, the name of the organization and the date of commencement of the document should be indicated. It can look like this:

Inside there must be the following columns for filling:

  • Sequence number of the event;
  • Name of the checked hazard or device;
  • Object check date;
  • A list of disorders;
  • Actions that need to be taken to eliminate violations;
  • Dates during which discouraged discoulations should be eliminated.
  • FULL NAME, Position and signature of an employee responsible for their elimination.
  • Remedy.

To pull out sheets, even if they are spoiled, it is strictly prohibited from the document. A sample of filling out a production control log form may look something like this:

All graphs are filled from hand with a ball or gel handle (not a pencil) authorized person. After filling last sheet Forms need to record the expiration date and hand over it. The shelf life of such a document is at least 5 years.

The document is a detailed list of measures performed provided, supplemented by information information. Below you can download a free Magazine Production Control.

The magazine reflect the following information:

  • results of performing measures for audits;
  • compliance / inconsistency of the state of the facility for all criteria;
  • these instrumental and laboratory checks.

According to the statistics of Rospotrebnadzor, one of the common violations of enterprises is the lack of programs and, accordingly, inspection logs. However, these documents are mandatory not only for budget organizations, but even for offices. Everyone is obliged to conduct this procedure (Article 11.32 of the Federal Law No. 52 of 03/30/1999 No. 52). The director of the company is responsible for organizing and implementing this type of control. And in the structural divisions of the organization - their chiefs.

If it is established that such inspections are not conducted in the budget organization, Rospotrebnadzor will record a violation of legislation in this area. In this case, the organization may face a fine and other sanctions (Art. 6.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation): a fine up to 20,000 rubles or suspension of activities for the period up to 90 days.

Form of the magazine

Sample Production Control Journal on Opa

Why need a magazine

It is necessary for fixing and execution of the results of checks. the main objective procedures - to protect people and environment from harmful influence Check objects. This is achieved through due execution of sanitary rules and events.

The log includes results and information about:

  • laboratory research and testing;
  • professional hygienic training and certification of employees;
  • documents confirming the quality and safety of raw materials, finished products, technologies, storage, transportation, implementation and disposal;
  • control methods used in storage, movement and disposal of products;
  • the degree of safety of the work process and the provision of services;
  • accounting and reporting on control.

In addition, the document serves as a source of information for the timely informing of the population, local governments and Rospotrebnadzor on situations that create a threat to the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. The document records the execution of verification functions for compliance with sanitary rules, take measures to eliminate violations of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures.

Reflected information refers to such objects:

When filled

The document is filled in when performing any operation provided for by the plan (program) of production inspections. The plan makes up without restrictions on the period of action.

If there are changes in the activities of the enterprise, add-ons contribute to the plan. Usually they relate to the staff structure, production technologies, other significant changes that influence the sanitary and epidemiological situation. Accordingly, the frequency of filling is changing. Other employees responsible for its maintenance can also be appointed.

What information are indicated

The document contains the following columns to fill:

  • the sequence number of the inspection measures;
  • object or device that was checked;
  • the date of the;
  • list of identified disorders;
  • the name of the activities, the purpose of which is to eliminate violations, indicating the name and position of the inspection person;
  • the period that is assigned to the elimination of the disorders;
  • Name, position and painting of the employee who is responsible for their elimination;
  • date when the violation was eliminated.

It is strictly forbidden to make corrections to the document and pull out sheets, even if they are spoiled.

Sample fill in the shape of the production control magazine opo

Disassemble how to fill out a production control log, a filling sample that is presented below will help. An example is given for a radiation test document of scrap.

There is nothing complicated in the filling procedure. It comes down to filling out all field fields.

Step 1. Fill title page, specifying information about the organization.

Step 2. Enter the entry to the table. All fields are required.

What accounting documentation Need to issue according to the results of production control?

An important direction of improving production control is to increase its objectivity. One of the means of increasing the objectivity of control is the introduction accounting documentation systemsproviding reliable and objective registration of control results.

Accounting documentation is conducted by persons who, in accordance with the production control program, are responsible for its conduct on each specific object (indicator) of industrial control. Forms of documents for registration and accounting of control results should be transferred and lead in the Program of Industrial Control of the Object.

Some forms of accounting documentation on the results of industrial control are established state standards , sanitary rules, other regulatory documents ( technical regulations), as well as methodical recommendations and methodological instructions published by the authorities carrying out state sanitary-epidemiological supervision. But in most cases, the choice of the form of the document is dictated only by considerations of convenience and subordinate to the internal goals of the organization and the preferences of its administration.

The following forms of accounting and registration of production control results are most common: magazine (log entry); formalized card; Duplicate invoice ( input control ); Protocol ( laboratory and Instrumental Studies); graph (for example, thermogram); reference; Act (with commission control), etc. At the discretion head of the educational institution (hereinafter - OU).

Forms of documents vary depending on control methods. So, to register the results of laboratory and instrumental control conducted by the Organization itself, relevant magazines are usually conducted. Laboratory studies conducted by an independent laboratory are issued as a protocol of the established form.

The results of visual production control are also often issued in the relevant journals. To register and taking into account the results of visual production control (as an alternative to journals), it is also recommended to use specially developed formalized forms (cards) containing algorithm for control procedures. A person conducting visual control remains only to put down the conditional marks in the corresponding form fields or supplement the text of the form actually the results of control.

Notice to objectify the evaluation of the results of visual production control and their subsequent analysis, it is recommended to use estimated coefficients (Palval scales) developed separately for each object, taking into account the specifics and volumes of its activities, features technological processes, states, as well as planning, equipment, equipment, etc.

The assessment is made separately in various parameters characterizing the sanitary and epidemiological state of the object. It is recommended to provide estimated scales in the production control program as criteria for assessing the result of control. For formalized registration of production control results using evaluation scales, special forms (formalized control cards) can be used.

Documentary production control carried out by assessing availability necessary documentsprovided for in legislation or contracts (contracts) of their authenticity, the correctness of the design, compliance of documents of products, goods, services to which they are decorated. As a rule, the details of the verified documents are recorded in the duplicates of the invoices, the corresponding statements, magazines, warehouse accounting cards or other databases.
It should be noted that the results of production control should be required in the form that best meets its goals.

  1. Visual control magazine, which registers the results of visual control, the assessment of their compliance with the requirements regulatory documentsThe proposed events are recorded.
  2. The journal of controlling the presence of mandatory documents, which includes the details of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions and certificates (declarations) of compliance with the acquired construction and decoration Materials, educational furniture, equipment and tutorials, other products and services.
  3. Linear measurement magazine of intra-school (inside garden) objects in which the results of measurements of educational furniture, distances between furniture objects, equipment are recorded, the regulated areas of premises are calculated, and so on, and compliance (inconsistency) of measurement results of the measurement requirements and records Proposals for eliminating violations identified.
  4. The microclimate parameter control log, in which the results of temperature measurement, relative humidity, the temperature of the heating instruments are recorded, and compliance (inconsistency) of measurement results of the measurement requirements and proposals are recorded to eliminate disorders.
  5. The log of the results of laboratory and instrumental control conducted by third-party organizations, which registers all the results of laboratory and instrumental research, tests, measurements conducted by accredited laboratories, and also state compliance (inconsistency) of their results with the requirements of regulatory documents and proposals are recorded to eliminate the identified disorders.
  6. The log of emergency registration, which registers all situations that pose a threat to the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, and all the measures taken to eliminate them (eliminate their consequences).
  7. The report (for the training quarter, academic year) on the results of production control, which analyzes the results of all forms of production control over the reporting period and provide proposals to eliminate the identified violations, disadvantages and improvement of the sanitary and epidemiological state of the facility.

Official source.Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions. SanPine, approved. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 (ed. from 06/29/2011)
Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations. Sanpine, approved. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2010 No. 91 (ed. from 12/20/2010)
Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of food educational institutions in general education institutions, institutions of primary and medium vocational education. Sanpin, "approved. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2008 No. 45

How should the status of the report on the results of production control look like?

The obligatory condition for production control is the reporting on the results of industrial control. Reporting documentation is prepared on the basis of accounting documents.

The main forms of reporting documentation on the results of production control is a report for one or another calendar (reporting) period. Typically, the reporting periods are month and year, often a quarter (for educational institutions - half a year and a training quarter). As reporting documentation, a report on the results of a comprehensive internal check of the facility can also be considered.

Reports can be drawn up throughout the object and / or separately for each structural division. For domestic and external users, reporting documentation is provided for domestic and content. The main reporting user is the highest leader. Accounting can also be intended for linear managers of any level. The general report on the results of production control (on the organization as a whole) is prepared by the production control service and is submitted to the head of the Organization for review and approval.

According to the results of the analysis of the report for a calendar period, an integrated plan of sanitary and anti-epidemic and preventive measures is being developed (plan to ensure the quality and safety of products, services) for the coming period.
At the end, as well as in the event that, when conducting production control, serious violations were identified, at the enterprise it is advisable to hold a meeting of the sanitary commission with the participation of administration, heads of structural units, persons carrying out production control, medical workers. This Commission meets a report on the results of production control and approves the plan for the necessary security measures for the enterprise as a whole. Structure And the informational "saturation" of the report depend solely from the wishes of the head to which it is intended.

  • Section I. Organizational-Methodological work (work with controls that monitor the conclusion of contracts with laboratories, regulatory and methodological and metrological support, licensing, scientific and practical work).
  • Section II (main). The results of production control over the reporting period, including laboratory and instrumental control, in accordance with the sections of the manufacturing control program.
  • Section III. Constructive activities of the production control service (measures based on the results of control).
  • Section IV. Disciplinary measures applied to employees during the reporting period.
  • Section V. The state of the health of children and adolescents.
  • Section VI. Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the production control system.

Official source.Sanitary rules "Organization and conduct of industrial control over compliance with sanitary rules and implementation of sanitary-anti-epidemic (preventive) activities. SP 1.1.1058-01 ", approved. Chief State Sanitary Physician of the Russian Federation 10.07.2001

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