Handsome to the point of disgrace. How to spell "not beautiful"

The buildings 03.07.2020

The correct spelling of the dictionary word "ugly", which is spelled together, with dubious letters:

not handsome

It should be remembered that the dictionary word "not beautiful" is written with the letters " not" and " a".

Words-images for memorization:

ugly - not beautiful
inconspicuous - not beautiful

In image words, the letter, which is doubtful in the dictionary word "ugly", is under stress. Therefore, in order to correctly write the dictionary word "not beautiful", it is necessary to remember the word-image "disgusting" and other similar word-images.

Phrases and sentences with other words:

Olya was in a bad mood, so the flowers seemed to her not beautiful, and the books were not interesting.
Misha was not polite with the teacher, he acted not nicely.

Combining a dictionary word into phrases and sentences with other dictionary words in which the same letter is doubtful allows you to remember the spelling of several words at once.

Phraseologisms and quotes with a dictionary word:

It is easier for ugly girls to lead a modest life. (Aphorism,

The beloved is neither gold, nor silver, nor copper, nor beautiful or ugly, nor young or old, but only beloved. (Aphorism,

Phraseologisms and quotes with the word "ugly" help to remember the spelling of a dictionary word in an interesting expression.

Poems with a dictionary word for memorization:

Ugly person. Like an ash tree
In youth, wasted by a thunderstorm:
Not tall, not thin, not beautiful,
Not broad-shouldered, not bright. Not a hero.

A.Kovyl's poem.

Reading poems using a spelling vocabulary word is a fun way to remember the spelling of a word.

See also in the spelling dictionary:

Ugly - how the word is spelled, stressing
spelling or how to write a word correctly, stressed and unstressed vowels in it, various forms of the word "Ugly"

See also in the explanatory dictionary:

Ugly - what does the word mean, its interpretation and meaning
definition and meaning, explanation of the meaning and what the word means
Ugly, th, th; -iv. 1. Deprived of beauty. Ugly...

Other vocabulary words on the topic "quality".

2. Non-adjectives are written together with the particle, which, in combination with this particle, acquire the opposite meaning (usually such a word can be replaced with a synonym without not): not big (cf. small), not married (cf. single), not real (cf. false, feigned).

Note. It is not always possible to choose such a synonym, but the affirmative shade of meaning contained in the adjective serves as the basis for the continuous spelling: Someone from outside sits on a stone in the chapel(J.); Gerwig had some non-male effeminacy (Hertz.); His youthful pranks ... were determined childish thoughtfulness (Leon.); It's one of those millions non-whites citizens" of the Republic of South Africa who angrily condemned slavery.

3. Non-adjectives are written separately with the particle, if there is or is implied opposition: the problem is not simple, but complex; relations not hostile; light not sharp; milk is not sour; the meat is not fresh; the look is not kind; the task is not urgent; Not many (implied: but separate) those present supported the speaker.

There is a difference between the opposition expressed by the union a, and the opposition expressed by the union but.

When using the union a, one of the two opposite signs is denied, and the other is affirmed: the river is not deep, but shallow - a separate spelling of a negative particle.

When using the union but, the connected concepts are not opposed to each other, since they are completely compatible, that is, two attributes are simultaneously attributed to the object without denying one of them: the river is shallow, but cold - a continuous spelling of a negative particle.

4. As a rule, the particle is not written separately with relative adjectives, expressing the negation of the feature they denote: the watch is not gold; honey is not lime; the sky is here not southern.

5. The particle is not written separately and with qualitative adjectives that denote color and, in combination with non-words with the opposite meaning, do not form: the paint is not blue; binding is not yellow; shade is not grey.

This takes into account the syntactic function of the adjective. The rule usually applies to adjectives that act as a predicate, since the proposed opposition gives the statement the character of a general negative judgment expressed by the particle not, but may not apply to adjectives that perform the function of a definition. Wed: these people are not from here - to shine from outside beauty; logics not female - girl talking to unfeminine logic; the shape is not round - count for non-round the amount of 119 rubles(figurative meaning of the word).

Note. In some cases, a double interpretation of the text is possible and, as a result, a double spelling:

this task is easy(asserts "lightness")

this task is not difficult(denied "difficulty")

before us unusual phenomenon (i.e. rare)

before us is not a common occurrence(the opposition is conceived: the phenomenon is not ordinary, but exceptional).

6. The presence of explanatory words, as a rule, does not affect the continuous spelling of a particle not with adjectives (cf. spelling not with participles): author unknown to us; facts unknown to science; inappropriate under these conditions comment; inconspicuous at first sight mistake; words incomprehensible to the student; unnecessary details for the case; wrong IN many respects findings; a case unlike any other; behavior that is unworthy decent person; site unsuitable for construction; a lake invisible behind the forest (everywhere a negative sign is affirmed, and a positive sign is not denied).

If the adverb of measure and degree acts as an explanatory word ( very, extremely, very, almost or adverbial expression to the highest degree etc.), then a particle not with an adjective is always written together: a very ugly act; extremely inappropriate attack; very bad performance almost unfamiliar text; to the highest degree illegible handwriting.

7. When using an adverb as an explanatory word, it is quite possible to write the particle together and separately not with adjectives, which is associated with different meanings in which the word is used at all. Compare: a completely unnecessary meeting (‘completely unnecessary, superfluous’) is not at all a random meeting (‘not at all random’). In some cases, two interpretations are possible and, as a result, two spellings are acceptable: very small achievements (‘small, modest’) - not great achievements at all (‘not great at all’).

The adverb even admits a double interpretation; cf .: Not at all convincing arguments were given (‘not at all’). — The authors of these works are less popular or completely unknown authors (‘absolutely, completely’ - in a colloquial style of speech).

8. Separate spelling of a particle not with an adjective that has explanatory words with it occurs:

1) with adjectives that have different meanings in full and short forms: an actor not ready to go; not inclined to a cold child;

2) if available as explanatory words far, not at all or negative pronouns and adverbs (beginning with neither): far from simple decision; not at all barren search; by no means a new plot; unknown address; innocent people; not at all understandable expression; not at all a harmful drink; in ways unknown to anyone (cf .: ways unknown to me). But: There is nothing in life impossible; What my neighbor is accused of is nothing illegal - the negative pronoun does not depend on the adjective, but is itself explained by it;

3) when setting an adjective with dependent words after the noun being defined (sometimes): undertakings not controlled by the trust(when isolated, the construction with an adjective approaches in meaning to the participial turnover); compare: The chess player played unusual him style. - These are traits not typical of our youth.

9. With short forms of adjectives, the particle is not written in the same way as with full ones:

1) together in the absence of opposition: the room is low; question incomprehensible; invalidtransaction in violation of the law; gulf shallow but convenient for sailing on a motorboat;

2) separately in the presence of opposition: the novel is not interesting, but boring.

Wed spelling not with a short form of an adjective in the presence of various explanatory words: Searches for material on a selected topic are easy for him; Too insecure there were people in the future; He completely unfamiliar with the latest achievements in the field of zootechnics; This river always restless; No control here no longer possible; They are nothing like Each other; This river never calm.

10. Depending on the meaning, a particle not with short forms of adjectives can be written either together or separately; cf .: our family is not rich (‘poor’) - our family is not rich (‘average income’); this girl is ugly (a negative attribute is affirmed) - this girl is not beautiful (a positive attribute is denied); the address is unknown (denied "famous"); The only problem is rain. - Not big it would seem that this distance is for stayers.

Remember: continuous spelling is less common: unnecessary, wrong, disagree, incapable.

11. Non-short forms of adjectives are written separately with a particle, which are not used in full form or have a different meaning in full form: not ready to leave; shouldn't do that; does not intend to be silent; not obligated to help; not happy to meet; not inclined to believe; unwilling to talk, etc.

12. Double spelling is also found in combinations of particles not with the form of the comparative degree of adjectives; compare:

This splash screen is uglier than that one (‘more ugly’)

This screen saver is not prettier than that one. (‘has no greater beauty’).

That night the patient's dream was more restless than in the past (‘was even more restless’).

That night the patient's dream was no calmer than in the past (‘was not calmer’).

Particle not with shapes bigger, smaller, better, worse written separately: with no less success; with not the best chances.

Remember: not lower, not higher, not better, not worse, not closer, not poorer etc.

13. The spelling of the particle is different not with verbal adjectives and participles in -my.

Adjectives ending in -my are usually formed from intransitive verbs ( independent, waterproof, fireproof etc.) or from perfective verbs ( incorrigible, unworkable, indestructible etc.). These words (including short forms) are subject to the general rules for writing not with adjectives, i.e. they are written together and in the presence of explanatory words: uninhabited island for a long time; water-insoluble crystals; indistinguishable figures of people in the dark, as well as: the island is uninhabited; the disease is incurable; these countries are economically independent.

However, the rule of separate writing of a particle not with adjectives remains in force, if constructions with the negation of neither, in particular pronouns and adverbs starting with neither, or words far, at all, or not at all: incomparable impression; independent of anyone countries; not at all solublecrystals; this phenomenon neither from life nor from art can be removed.

The exception is words that are not used without not: invinciblearmy; for nobody incomprehensible happening; no way unique experiment.

14. It should be remembered that words in -my, formed from transitive imperfective verbs, can be both passive present participles (the particle is not written separately with them), and adjectives (the particle is not written together with them).

They are participles if they use a creative actor as an explanatory word, less often a creative tool: not loved by the mother child; motion, not air retarded.

In the presence of other explanatory words, we are dealing with adjectives on -my (they lose the meaning of suffering and acquire a qualitative meaning): games unloved in childhood (the word unloved indicates a constant sign and means approximately the same as unpleasant, unwanted); reserves not visited by hunters; unreadable non-specialists magazines; side of the Moon invisible from the Earth; a number indivisible by three; unforgettable meetings for us; non-transferable in simple words feelings; impassable mud in the spring; intolerable behavior in society.

Adjectives of this type include:




















intolerant, etc.

15. The particle is written separately not with adjectives in an interrogative sentence, if the negation is logically emphasized: Not clear is this position without any evidence?; To whom not known the names of our astronauts?

But if the negation is not emphasized, then the particle is not written together with adjectives: Is this position dont clear ?; Is this a statement wrong? (possible replacement: Is this statement wrong?).

Don't be born smart or handsome, but be born happy.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what is "Don't be born smart or handsome, but be born happy." in other dictionaries:

    Do not be born smart or handsome (neither good nor handsome), but be born happy. Wed Do not need anything; just be happy. That's really the truth, then the Russian proverb says: do not be born smart, do not be born handsome, but be born happy. Ostrovsky. Whatever you go for, then ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    The century will stretch, everyone (everyone) will get it. Day after day does not come. Day after day does not fall, hour after hour does not fall. Everything happens in the world (and it happens that nothing happens). A mountain will not converge with a mountain, but a person with a person (or: a pot with ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    - (with part, share, share) cf. fate, fate, part and fate, share. Such is our happiness that on the bridge with a cup. To each his own happiness; you won't go into someone else's happiness. | An accident, a welcome surprise, talent, luck, success, a dispute in business, not according to calculation ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

New verses on the site

№ 62225

Far away, I know...

I'm going far, far...
I know for sure it won't be easy.
I know there are problems ahead
But I won't stay here anymore.

Where do my friends live now?
I know for sure that it's not where I am.
I know we won't see each other again
Until my blood runs cold.

In the distance there was a home,
I know I'm guilty of you.
I know that what was, can not be returned,
So I'm going on a long journey.

Where does my beloved live?
I know what to expect and what to expect.
I know that I cried my eyes
Pray, looking at the image.

Do not wait for me, my love
I know I don't deserve you.
I know we can't be together anymore
You just have to forget me.

Went far, far...
I know it's easy to fool yourself.
I know that fate cannot be deceived,
But I was able to pull myself together and take a risk.

09/11/19 Oleg Galaidin

№ 62223


People read poetry
Find "their" poets.
Here is Brodsky, he is for the soul,
And Blok, they say, is for aesthetes.

In one of the dusty centuries
Spoken my rhymes skillfully
Forgotten now Ogaryov
Whose glory, alas, has decayed.

When they go drunk
Yesenin is suddenly remembered.
With his tavern longing
And with a light gait, along the edge.

Hanging on the portraits at school
"Lieutenant" and "Our everything",
Whose genius no one will dispute
And it is unlikely to ever surpass.

Vysotsky is not in the portraits,
And not in school textbooks,
And let it be alien to aesthetes,
But this, Great Poet!

I searched in the shadows and in the light
And he also found his own.
Roald Mandelstam in the last century
And Red Boris in the noughties.

Poets with verses in response
For pain and happiness moment.
Poets on this planet
Only guests... from other worlds...

Date: 10/02/2020

№ 62222

Childhood memory

The glade burns with bright colors,
And there are many of them - there are just none!
And forget-me-nots of the color of the sky flicker there,
And the bells sing their sonnet to us.

In the distance, poppies blaze with the sea,
Daisies built their white pattern.
Oregano fills the air with aroma,
And strawberries delight the eye!

Bumblebees buzz and bees fly by,
Grasshoppers chirp in the thick grass.
And angry mosquitoes fly there,
Under the sun, a lizard basks on a stump.

We were so happy when we were kids
To lie in wait and admire the dragonfly.
And catch tadpoles on a shallow river,
Run after the butterflies with the whole crowd!

Date: 08/02/2020

№ 62221

I love Russia

I will say again - "I love Russia!"
Her greatness of the fields!
Her furious power!
And the wise spirit of heroes!

Her sunrises and sunsets!
In them - the whisper of tenderness of the forests!
She is rich in space!
And the wind of happiness is here from dreams!

I appreciate traditions and feelings,
As our grandfathers bequeathed to us!
A chic gesture of that art!
Words of thought are not poor!

Folklore song, with a grand dance.
We are hospitable and strong!
And let Alaska be given
Know that from the generosity of the soul!

To the fatherland - I will not hide my feelings!
Blessed with beauty!
And happiness here is simple for us!
We are destined - fate!

That's why I love my Russia
What a noble and honest!
The richness of the bowels of the earth is not imaginary!
And full of generosity!

I'm always proud! There is a victory in that!
Over the mind and over the soul!
She is like a song sung in me!
I live here! That is my choice!

Date: 08/02/2020

№ 62220


Winds, winds, and groans in the heart,
To the beat of their impulses, my sadness.
Wind-wind, horses of my days,
Rushed by, gray-haired me.

Oh my life, love and anger,
Falls, ups, laughter in tears.
You have all the feelings, the highest standard,
And daring, soul scope.

Winds, winds, they sang about a lot,
You are with me, for my life.
But in the past you barely
Now without you, I sing for days.

Oh my life, why do I need a share,
Not in size, God gave in it.
I feel cramped in it, but in vain I will,
Soul all my life, I was looking for on the way.

Wind-wind, the fire of candles will dance,
And reflected, a glare in the window.
Wind-wind, I will forgive you yours,
And you forgive me - my me ...

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    Synonym dictionary

  • Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 beautiful ...

    Synonym dictionary

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