How to confirm an account in the Public Services in the application via a phone or computer? Where you can verify your identity for public services.

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  • What is the difference between the accounts on the portal and how to make a verified account?

    Why is it better to use a verified account on the public services portal?

    To protect the personal data of users, an account is used in public services - this is your personal access point to public services. You will be recognized by the government service account.

    There are three types of accounts:

    1. Simplified opens access only to reference information: extracts from registers, obtaining financial statements of a legal entity, obtaining copies of some documents, checking traffic police fines according to a vehicle registration certificate and a car number (on the beta version of the portal). A simplified account only needs an email or phone number. But you won't have access to most government services, like making appointments with a doctor. So it's best to get a standard account right away. It takes 5 minutes.
    2. Standard expands the list of available services: checking traffic fines based on a vehicle registration certificate, car number and driver's license, making an appointment with a doctor, registering a trademark. For this record, the user fills in passport data and SNILS. But in order to fully use the portal, you need the following type of account.
    3. Confirmed opens access to all public services: a passport, enrollment of a child in a kindergarten, registration at the place of residence, etc.
    4. Why are the accounts separated?

      The more legally relevant a service is, the higher the account tier requirements. For example, in order to accept an application for a passport, we must know that you are you. To do this, please verify your identity.

      How to make a verified account

      1. Register on the portal: to do this, you must enter your first name, last name, mobile phone number or email address. You will receive a simplified account.
      2. Enter passport data, insurance number of an individual personal account and wait for an online data check (up to 5 days). This gives you a standard account.
      3. Verify your identity: personally come to the service center, receive a letter with a code by mail or use an electronic signature.
      4. If you have completed all the steps correctly, congratulations - all the services that are on the portal are available to you.

    Creating an account on the portal of government services allows you to gain access to services that are most often associated with a long time spent in various government agencies. And if, thanks to the prompts of the system, it goes smoothly enough, then the verification of the profile raises questions. We will study all the options for how to confirm an account on State Services and what this will give in the end.

    Account types

    1. Simplified - to create this type of record, you need to fill out a form by entering your full name, email and mobile phone number. After filling in, the citizen will be sent an SMS code on his mobile phone, by entering which the user will be registered on the portal. Obtaining a register of this type provides a citizen with reference information: fines from the traffic police for state numbers and STS, extracts from registers and the opportunity to receive duplicates of some documents.
    2. Standard - the creation of an account (hereinafter referred to as UZ) of this type provides for the indication in the data profile of an identity document and the insurance number of an individual personal account. The information is checked in the databases of the Pension Fund of Russia and the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after which the data will be confirmed or rejected (the process takes from a quarter of an hour to several days). The entry opens access to services such as checking fines by state number, STS and VU, registering in a medical. institutions, etc.
    3. Verified - allows you to use all the functions of the site.

    There are four ways to verify an account:

    • service center visit;
    • receiving an identity verification code in an envelope by mail;
    • electronic digital signature;
    • using the Post Bank Online online service or Tinkoff Internet bank (the user must be a client of one of these banks).

    Now let's take a closer look at each option.

    Option one: a personal visit to the service center

    These can be PFR, MFC, Rostelecom and bank branches. The main thing is to know that not every office of these organizations will help; be sure to find out the current addresses before visiting. To do this, follow the link, in the filter, check the box next to "Account confirmation", specify the city in the search bar. A map of your city will appear on the page with labels of service cents. By clicking on the tag, you will receive information about the address, opening hours.

    Required documents: SNILS and passport.

    Second option: code delivery by Russian Post

    You need to enter the code where the letter was ordered. The citizen will receive a notification in the mailbox, then you should visit the post office with a passport and a notification. Delivery takes an average of 14 days, you can track the shipment through the website of the Russian Post. After entering the code, the UZ will become confirmed and access to all services will open. The disadvantage of this method is long.

    Third option: electronic digital signature

    Using an EDS is a quick and easy way to confirm the ultrasound. But a digital signature is useful not only for this, the portal has services that cannot be obtained without it. We install a special plug-in (download link), connect the media to the usb-connector and configure the software. Select the method "Electronic signature or UEC" and click "Finish".

    If you decide to make yourself an EDS, then follow the link, select a city and click "Apply". In the list of organizations, select the nearest one and visit. Take your passport and SNILS with you. After completing the application, an employee of the company will prepare a physical removable medium, where the citizen's signature, key and certificate will be recorded. The registration procedure takes one day and costs RUB 700 (media fee).

    The fourth option: confirmation of identity on State services using an online bank

    Another convenient way that allows you not to leave your home, but has one drawback - only customers of the banks Post Bank and Tinkoff can use it.

    Tinkoff bank clients go to the page, indicate their login and then follow the website prompts. The main thing is that the data indicated on the portal coincide with the information in the personal account of the bank.

    Citizens using the Post Bank services can use the special Post Bank Online service. We press "Confirm", then enter the login and password of the bank's office, indicate the profile of the portal, provide access and complete the confirmation procedure.

    Is it possible to confirm an account on Public Services in the application on the phone

    It is not possible to confirm the UZ using the mobile application. This feature is not available on iPhone, Android or Windows Mobile smartphones. Use one of the options above. After the end of the procedure, the application will have the same functionality as the browser version.

    There are many options, so each user will be able to choose the appropriate way to identify their identity.

    The "Gosuslugi" portal allows you to pay debts, submit applications and draw up documents remotely. The answer to the question of how to confirm an account on State Services through Sberbank Online implies the presence of profiles on both resources. The identity verification procedure takes place through the built-in functionality of the sites.

    The resource allows you to take advantage of the following features:

    1. Receiving a discount when paying a state fee. It is enough to submit an application and wait for the account to be issued in your personal account. You can pay state fees using bank cards, electronic money and a mobile phone. The list of available services includes the payment of taxes for replacing a driver's license, obtaining a passport, issuing a divorce certificate, etc. The full list can be seen on the website.
    2. Debt repayment. Through the State Services, you can find out about the presence of fines or debts and pay the required amount. Additionally, you can receive information instantly after installing the mobile application.
    3. Direction of requests. After identification of the person, a person gets the opportunity to remotely register the birth of children, apply for creating a family, ask to replace documents, etc.
    4. Receiving the information. After registering with the State Services and confirming the identity, you can familiarize yourself with the preliminary results of the exam, the list of medical services provided and their cost, information from the library fund, etc.

    This is not a complete list of possible services. To search for the required option, you can use the catalog, open a separate page of the required department, or enter the name into the search bar.

    However, most of the services are not available to those users who have not verified their personal data.

    Registration with Sberbank Online

    There are several ways to register in the service, but the general sequence of actions is almost the same:

    1. Obtaining data for registering a profile. You can skip this step if the "" service is already connected. This option should be distinguished from the application of the same name. For information, you can contact employees, send a message or use an ATM. In the latter case, insert the card and sequentially select the "Internet service" and "Print ID and password" items. You can send a message via the phone to number 900 with the text "Password" and the last 4 digits of the card.
    2. Go to the Sberbank website. It is important to check the link beforehand for authenticity. Attackers can copy the design and change 1 letter in the address. If you enter data on such a site, fraudsters will receive the data and can use it to hack. In the upper right corner there is a button "Register". You should click on it.
    3. Entering the required information. Register using the information received. If the Mobile Banking service is connected to the phone, it is enough to indicate the number and enter the code specified in the message. Otherwise, you will need information that can be obtained using an ATM or operator.
    4. Input of permanent data. Primary information is temporary and allows you to enter the resource only for the first time. In the future, the user will be prompted to generate a permanent password to log into the account. It is recommended to enter a complex combination that contains characters of different cases and numbers. Otherwise, attackers will be able to guess the password.

    After completing the manipulations, the client will have access to the services of Sberbank. In the future, one-time passwords will be required for re-entry. They can be received using a phone that is linked to a bank card.

    Otherwise, you need to print out the control codes in advance through the ATM.

    Registration on State Services through Sberbank Online

    The answer to the question of how to verify the identity of "State Services" through Sberbank Online, implies the presence of accounts on both resources. If you have a profile on the first site, just log in. Otherwise, the order of the procedure is as follows:

    1. Go to the website "Gosuslugi". Click on the "Register" button and enter your last name, first name, phone number and email. Valid data must be used. If the name and surname do not correspond to the actual one, the resource may refuse to provide services. Additionally, it will not be possible to verify the identity on the State Services portal through Sberbank. Providing an arbitrary email address will make it easier for attackers to hack your profile.
    2. Enter in the special box the code that came through messages on your mobile phone. If the number has not been specified, the robot will send an email with a link by email. It is recommended to specify both types of data to make it easier to recover information if access is lost.
    3. Come up with a permanent password. The combination will be used in the future to access the account. The password must be entered twice. This helps to avoid typos. After the initial registration, the user gets access to the simplified version. At this level, you can perform basic operations. For example, get advice and view information.

    For other transactions, you need to increase the level of access and verify your identity. To increase the level of access, you need to go to the "My data and contacts" tab. It is located next to the user's photo. In the window that opens, you need to enter the last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date and place of birth, citizenship, passport number and SNILS data. After confirmation, verification of information will begin.

    The specified information is verified with that which is in the base of the PF and FMS. The procedure takes 10-30 minutes, depending on the workload of the site. After confirmation, the user receives a message via his mobile phone about the receipt of the standard access level. In the future, to perform more advanced operations, you need to use the Sberbank Online service or another identification method.

    Identification methods

    You can verify your identity in the following ways:

    1. Personal appeal. A list of service centers can be found on the website. You need to visit any branch with SNILS and a passport. As a last resort, instead of the last document, you can provide any evidence that confirms the identity. For example, a driver's license. The method allows access relatively quickly, but a person will have to wait for their turn.
    2. Through the Russian Post. After authorization, you need to go to the page with identification data. When proposing to change the access level, select the "Certified letter" option. You must enter the address in the field that opens and confirm the request. The letter will be accompanied by a code to gain access. The disadvantages of this method include large time costs.
    3. Using an electronic signature. For confirmation, it is allowed to use KEP or UEC (universal electronic cards). The issuance of the latter has now been discontinued, however, you can go through identification using the current UEC. To obtain a qualified electronic signature, you need to contact an accredited certification center. You need to take your insurance certificate and passport with you. Legal entities should additionally have an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and tax documentation with them. The service is paid.
    4. Using the online bank. Clients of Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank and Post Bank can verify their identity. In the first case, you need to have an account on the site.

    You will not be able to verify your identity using the Sberbank Online mobile application. In some cases, a bank client may be denied identity verification. For example, if the data of the cardholder does not match the information specified on the "Gosuslug" portal.

    Sometimes identification errors are associated with the fact that a person uses an unnamed card. Account confirmation through Sberbank Online The answer to the question of how to confirm "State services" through, implies performing manipulations on the last resource through a computer.

    First you need to go to the Sberbank website and log in. After entering, on the right, you should find the "Other" tab and in the window that opens, select the "Registration for State Services" item. To confirm the account, you must additionally enter the SNILS number and the passport subdivision code.

    You should check the data indicated in the upper part of the window in advance. They must match the information that was entered on the "Gosuslug" portal. If part of the data needs to be changed, this must be done in advance on both sites. After confirming the operation, the infobase will be checked. After a while, the user will receive a notification that the account has been found. A letter will be sent to the e-mail specified during registration. It will indicate that the data has been verified.

    Anyone who decides to use the State Service portal will have to face one, but very unpleasant problem - account confirmation. If this is not done, then the range of available public services will be limited. One of our employees needed access to the personal account of the taxpayer of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, which is just integrated into the State Service portal and is available only to users with a verified account. Accordingly, our friendly team tried to solve the problem of obtaining full access to the State Service portal. That's what came out of it.

    Let's start in order. To start working with the Gosuslugi portal, you need to register. To do this, follow the link To register and issue a standard account, we will need to enter the full name, mobile phone number, information from a civil passport and SNILS number. After checking the data of the information, which according to the information of the system can last up to 5 working days, we receive a standard account on the State Service portal. Our check took no more than 15 minutes. It is worth noting that in order to receive most public services - making an appointment with a doctor or checking traffic fines, it is enough to have a standard account. All other services that require processing and access to personal data of a citizen, for example, the aforementioned personal account of a taxpayer, submitting documents to replace a passport or obtaining a license are available to users with a verified account on the State Service portal.

    We confirm the account on the State Services

    Having carried out a quick monitoring of the "Frequently Asked Questions" section on the State Service portal at the link, it became clear that there are three ways to confirm an account:

    • in person at service centers;
    • via a code received by mail;
    • with the help of an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

    If you do not have an electronic signature, and you urgently need extended access to the State Service portal and there is no time to wait until a special code arrives by registered mail, out of the three above-mentioned methods, the most accessible is a personal visit to one of the service centers. And so we did. The list of service centers can be viewed at the link As you can see, there are a lot of them. It should be noted that the big name "Service Center" means an institution that has the right to confirm an account or make changes to it. What kind of institutions are these - banks, offices of the Russian Post, the Pension Fund and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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