The ransom of the bride in the style of a court session. Scenario "trial over a cigarette" (theatrical game)

Encyclopedia of Plants 24.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Scenario of a business game in a civil case

about deprivation of parental rights


Judge - Oganisyan Inna

Plaintiff - Representative of the guardianship authority Selyukova Maria

The third person on the side of the plaintiff is Babushka-Naumova Lisa

Respondent - Fomenko

Lawyer - Sarkisov

Prosecutor - Shambetova

Secretary court session

Witness 1

Witness 2

When speaking in court, everyone, except the judge, stands up. The judge is addressed as "Your Honor".

Secretary: I ask everyone to stand up, the court is coming.

Judge enters.

Referee: I ask everyone to sit down. A civil case is being considered on the claim of the body of guardianship and guardianship of the industrial district of the city of Stavropol in the interests of a minor Kireev Artem Petrovich on the deprivation of parental rights of Kireev Petr Sergeevich.

Secretary, report on the appearance of persons at the hearing.

Secretary: At the hearing were: the plaintiff - a representative of the guardianship and guardianship of the industrial district of the city of Stavropol - Selyukova Maria _________________________, the defendant - Kireev Petr Sergeevich (Fomenko).

Referee: The identities of the participants in the process are established.

They take turns getting up and introducing themselves.

Representative of the guardianship and guardianship authority:.

Third party on the plaintiff's side- Grandmother Kireeva Lyubov Pavlovna - grandmother of a minor Kireev Artem Petrovich. -Naumova Lisa

Respondent: Kireev Petr Sergeevich (Fomenko)………………..


Referee: The civil case is being considered by the Industrial District Court of the city of Stavropol, composed of the presiding judge _____Oganisyan Inna Arturovna_________, with the secretary of the court session …………_________.

Does the plaintiff, defendant have challenges to the composition of the court?

(gets up): No, Your Honor. (Sits down).

defendant(gets up): No, there isn't. (Sits down).

Referee: The rights and obligations of the persons participating in the case are explained. The persons participating in the case have the right to get acquainted with the case materials, make extracts from them, make copies, challenge, present evidence and participate in their study, ask questions to other persons participating in the case, witnesses, experts and specialists; make petitions, including the request for evidence; give explanations to the court orally and in writing; present their arguments on all issues arising during the trial, object to the petitions and arguments of other persons participating in the case; appeal court decisions and use other procedural rights provided by the legislation on civil proceedings. Persons participating in the case must conscientiously use all procedural rights belonging to them.

Are the rights and obligations clear to all participants in the process?

Representative of the guardianship and guardianship authority(gets up): Understood, Your Honor. (Sits down).

defendant(gets up): Yes, I understand. (sits down)

Referee: Are there any petitions from the parties? (Silence). There are no requests. The preparatory part of the trial is over. The court proceeds to consider the case on the merits. Representative of the guardianship and guardianship body, submit your claims to the court.

Representative of the guardianship and guardianship authority(standing): ………….

Referee: Kireev, what can you explain about the requirements?


Referee: The court proceeds to the examination of witnesses. Secretary, invite ………

Witness 1 ________________________ comes out of the podium to testify.

Referee: Repent.

Witness 1………..


Witness 1:

Referee: Do you agree with the testimony of the witnesses, defendant?


Referee: Thank you, witness, you are free. Secretary, call the next witness -

Witness 2 ________________________ steps out of the podium to testify.

Referee: Repent.

Witness 2:………….

Referee: Be aware of liability under Art. Art. 307-308 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, provided for giving false testimony. Tell the court everything you know about the case.

Witness 2:………………………

Referee: Do you know if Kiireev is currently working?

Witness 2:…………..

Referee: There are no more questions for the witness, you can be free.

Referee: prosecutor, we are ready to hear your opinion.


Referee: I declare the consideration of the case on the merits completed. The court proceeds to judicial debate.

guardianship representative(standing): ……………….

Referee: Respondent, do you have anything to say to the court?


Referee: The court retires to the deliberation room to make a decision. The operative part of the decision will be made and announced in five minutes.

The judge goes into the deliberation room.

Announcement of the decision.

court clerk: I ask everyone to stand up, the court is coming.

Judge enters.

Referee: named Russian Federation decision is announced. __dated October 8_______2014

The Industrial District Court of the city of Stavropol, composed of the presiding judge __ Oganisyan Inna Arturovna __________, with the participation of the prosecutor __ Shambetova Elina __________, under the secretary ________________, considered a civil case on the deprivation of parental rights of Petr Sergeevich Kireev in relation to her minor son Artem Petrovich Kireev. and decided:

Deprive Petr Sergeevich Kireev of parental rights. , born in 1980, residing at the address Stavropol. st. Pirogov, house 2, apt. 1, in relation to the son of Kireev Artem Petrovich, born in 2009.

Collect from Petr Sergeevich Kireev alimony for the maintenance of Artem Petrovich Kireev's son in the amount of 1/4 of all types of earnings (income) monthly until the child comes of age.

Transfer Kireev Artem Petrovich to the care of the guardian - Kireeva Lyubov Pavlovna - the grandmother of a minor Kireev Artem Petrovich

To recover from Petr Sergeevich Kireev in the state revenue a state fee in the amount of 200 rubles.

The decision regarding the recovery of alimony is subject to immediate execution.

The decision can be appealed to the Stavropol Regional Court of the city of Stavropol within 10 days.

Referee: Oganisyan I.A.


Present: secretary of the court session, prosecutor, lawyer, plaintiff, defendant, two witnesses, citizens related to the case.
Secretary (standing): Judgment is coming, please stand up!
presiding: Please sit down. The court session of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Novosibirsk is declared open. The case is being heard on the claim of Vladimir Andreevich Roos to Margarita Nikolaevna Smirnova to declare the marriage invalid. Secretary, report to the court on the appearance of the persons called in this case.
Secretary: The plaintiff, the defendant, the witnesses requested by the parties, the prosecutor appeared at the hearing.

presiding: The court proceeds to establish the identity of those who appeared at the court session. Plaintiff, please stand up! What is your last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth?
^ Plaintiff: Roos Vladimir Andreevich, born in 1951
presiding: place of residence and place of work?
plaintiff: I live in Novosibirsk, st. Kuibyshev 48, apt. 25. I work in the house management №13 of the Oktyabrsky district housing department of Novosibirsk as a plumber.
presiding: Respondent, what is your last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth?
Respondent: Smirnova Margarita Nikolaevna, was born in December 1961.
presiding: Where do you live and work?
Respondent: I live in Novosibirsk, st. Kuibyshev 48 sq. 6. I work in I - city hospital as an intern.
presiding: Witnesses are asked to leave and wait for a call in the room for witnesses. The composition of the court is announced. Plaintiff and defendant, stand up. Your case is being heard in the following composition: the presiding judge - Judge Bakulina, the secretary of the court session - Ivanova, the assistant to the prosecutor of the Oktyabrsky district of Novska - Petrov, is taking part in the case. Parties, you have the right to challenge the composition of the court, the secretary of the court session and the prosecutor if you have evidence of their interest in the outcome of the case or doubts about their impartiality. Plaintiff, do you trust this court composition to consider the case?

^ Plaintiff: I trust.
presiding: Respondent, do you have a challenge to the court.
Respondent: no. I trust.

presiding: prosecutor, do you trust this composition of the court to hear the case?
Prosecutor: trust.

presiding: plaintiff and defendant, stand up! The court explains your procedural rights and obligations to you. You have the right to get acquainted with the materials of the case, present evidence, ask questions with the permission of the court to each other and witnesses, file petitions for the attachment of documents to the case, to call additional witnesses, etc., give oral and written explanations to the court, present your arguments and considerations on all issues arising during the trial, to have a representative in the case, with the right to appeal against court decisions. You, the plaintiff, have the right to withdraw the claim, and you, the defendant, may admit the claim. Your duty, the parties, is to be truthful before the court and exercise due process in good faith. Plaintiff, do you understand your rights and obligations?
^ Plaintiff: yes, understandable.
presiding: are you the defendant?
Respondent: understandable.

presiding: plaintiff, do you have any requests to the court?
^ Plaintiff: I ask to be allowed to participate in the case as my representative lawyer Kopylova.
presiding: defendant, do you object to the satisfaction of the plaintiff's request for admission to the process as a representative of the lawyer Kopylov?
Respondent: I don't mind.
presiding: prosecutor, your opinion on the petition filed by the plaintiff.
Prosecutor: I believe that there are no grounds for denying the plaintiff's application.
presiding:(after consulting with the people's assessors) Deliberating on the spot, the court decided: to satisfy the plaintiff's petition. Allow lawyer Kopylov to participate in the case to represent his interests. Counsel, your present your warrant to the court (counsel gives the representative warrant) Do you have any objections to the court?
^ The representative of the plaintiff (lawyer): no I do not have.
presiding: do you have requests?
Plaintiff's Representative: I have no requests.
presiding: Respondent, do you have any motions?
Respondent: I don't have any requests.
presiding: prosecutor, do you have any motions?
Prosecutor: I have not
presiding: the court proceeds to consider the case on the merits. The case is reported. The parties entered into marriage on May 28, 1983, registering it in the Oktyabrsky district registry office. Plaintiff Roos asks to recognize this marriage as invalid on the grounds that during its registration, the defendant pursued the goal not to create a family with him, but only to free herself from state distribution after graduating from the Novosibirsk Medical Institute. The defendant was assigned to work as a doctor in the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region Tyumen region, but after registering a marriage with Roos, she received a free distribution and got a job at I - the city hospital of Novosibirsk. After the registration of the marriage, Roos did not live together with the defendant and did not have marital relations with her.

In her objection to the claim, the defendant claims that when she married the plaintiff, she intended to start a family, but then refused to do so, because she found that the plaintiff was abusing alcohol. Registration of marriage with the plaintiff was not related to its distribution after graduation. Plaintiff, do you support your claims?
^ Plaintiff: yes, I support.
presiding: Respondent, do you acknowledge the claims?
Respondent: on the grounds that the plaintiff points out, I don’t recognize it, but I don’t want to live with him.
presiding: the court proceeds to hear the explanations of the parties. Plaintiff, state your request to the court.
Claimant: I live in the same house with Rita Smirnova. One day in early April 1983, she met me in the courtyard of the house and asked me to fix the tap in the bathroom of her apartment. Grabbing the tools, I immediately went to her and tightened the tap, which was leaking a little. After that, Rita invited me to the kitchen for lunch. She put down a bottle of port, which we drank together. During dinner, Rita showed all kinds of attention to me, flirted with me, said that I was a good guy and would probably be a good husband. I was wondering if I have a girlfriend. Then we met three more times at her house. The last time, about half a month after the first meeting, Rita declared that she was not indifferent and wanted to become my wife. I agreed with her proposal because I liked her too. Rita also said that marriage registration should be rushed, because after graduation she could be sent to work in the Tyumen region. The next day, we filed an application with the registry office, and a month later, on May 28, 1983, we registered the marriage. In order to leave Rita in Novsk, we submitted to the Medical Institute a certificate from my place of work and residence. After passing the exams at the institute and remaining out of distribution, she told me that I drink too much alcohol and therefore will not live with me. Then I met her several times with another guy in an embrace, she passed by and did not even greet me. I came to her house, but she kicked me out of the apartment. All this suggests that Rita was not going to live with me, and she registered the marriage only so as not to go to Far North. In this regard, I ask you to declare our marriage invalid.
presiding: tell me, plaintiff, did you have a marital relationship with the defendant?
Claimant: I had no close relationship with the defendant. After applying to the registry office and after registering the marriage, Rita said that she needed to prepare for state exams and asked her not to disturb her. In May and June we met very rarely.
presiding: Before April 1983, were you acquainted with the defendant?
^ Plaintiff: almost not. I only occasionally met her in the yard, but I did not even know her name.
presiding: defendant, do you have any questions for the plaintiff?
Respondent: yes, I have. Why do you say that the proposal to register the marriage was made by me? Did you object to this?
Claimant: I didn’t mind marrying you, but I thought it was too early to propose. You insisted on registering as soon as possible.
presiding: do you have any more questions?
Respondent: no more questions.
presiding: representative of the plaintiff, do you have any questions for the plaintiff?
Representative: yes, there are. What are your living conditions, plaintiff?
^ Plaintiff: I live alone in a service room of 18 sq.m. On the second floor.
Representative: did you offer the defendant to settle with you after the marriage was registered?
^ Plaintiff: offered, but she refused, referring to the fact that she needed to prepare for exams.
Representative: no more questions for the plaintiff.
presiding: prosecutor, do you have any questions for the plaintiff?
Prosecutor: there is one question. Tell me, plaintiff, how often do you drink alcohol?
Claimant: I drink alcohol very rarely, more on holidays, sometimes on weekends. I don’t drink vodka at all, but only red wine and a little. At work, I am known as a non-drinker, although in my position it was possible to drink every day. Calling me a drunkard, the defendant is simply looking for an excuse not to live with me.
presiding: the court proceeds to hear the defendant's explanations. Defendant, what do you want to explain to the court about the claim brought against you?
Respondent: Roos and I met not by chance. Until April 1983, I knew him as a building management plumber, met him several times in the yard, and he made a good impression on me. In April, we got to know each other better under the circumstances already mentioned by the plaintiff. The offer to register came from him, not from me. Plaintiff's explanations in this part are false. I did not live with him because after the registration of the marriage he got very drunk, behaved extremely freely, rudely pestered me and thereby disgusted himself. He always came to my house drunk, so I didn't let him in. I heard from the neighbors that he drinks every day. Talk about our marriage being fake is just gossip. I wanted to start a family with Ross, but his behavior ruined my dreams. If Ross had been a decent man, he would have ended his marriage with me in the usual way, and not be engaged in chicanery with the help of his lawyer.
presiding: plaintiff, do you have any questions for the defendant?
Claimant: shame on you, Rita, to say that I drink all the time!! Who could tell you that?
Respondent: the whole house is talking about it. In particular, I heard from the eldest on the porch.
presiding: Does the plaintiff's representative have any questions for the defendant?
Representative: yes, defendant, you do not deny that you received a free diploma and remained in N-sk only in connection with the registration of marriage with the plaintiff?
Respondent: no, I don't deny it. But this does not mean that I registered a marriage with Roos only for this purpose.
Representative: no more questions for the defendant.
presiding: prosecutor, do you have any questions for the defendant?
Prosecutor: no I do not have.
presiding: the court proceeds to examine other evidence. It remains for us to interrogate witnesses and familiarize ourselves with written evidence. Claimant, what is your opinion on the procedure for examining this evidence.
^ Plaintiff: I do not care.
presiding: representative of the plaintiff, what is your opinion?
Plaintiff's Representative: I consider further examination of the evidence to begin with the interrogation of witnesses.
presiding: defendant, what do you think?
Respondent: at your discretion.
presiding: Prosecutor, what is your opinion on the discussed issue?
Prosecutor: I agree with the order proposed by the representative of the plaintiff.
presiding(after a meeting with people's assessors): the court, conferring on the spot, decided: to begin further research with the questioning of witnesses. Please invite a witness ______________________________
The witness enters.
presiding: witness, come closer. What is your last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth?
presiding: place of residence and place of work?
Witness: I live in the city of N-sk, Kuibyshev st., 48 kv.10. I work as a doctor at the ambulance station.
presiding: the court warns you of criminal liability under Articles 181 and 182 of the RSFSR Criminal Code for refusing to testify and for giving false testimony. That the court has warned you, sign the protocol with the secretary of the court session.
The witness approaches the secretary and signs the protocol.
presiding: Witness, what is your relationship with Plaintiff Ross and Defendant Smirnova?
Witness: I only know them as housemates. I know Smirnova Rita better.

Presiding: tell the court everything you know about the case under consideration.
Witness: I live in the same entrance as Smirnova. She is closely acquainted with her aunt, Maria Shelnova, with whom Rita lives. Once, in May last year, I went to them and Rita told me that she was getting married to our plumber - Ross Vladimir. I was extremely surprised by this, because I thought that he was not a couple for her. Rita immediately clarified. She said that she needed to register her marriage in order to stay in N-sk and not go to the tundra for distribution. Indeed, after the registration of marriage, I never saw her Roos. I got the impression that Rita did not even think of living with her husband, they did not have any wedding.
presiding: How often did you see Roos drunk?
Witness: I never saw him drunk. There was a case when I wanted to treat him for fixing our heating battery, but Volodya refused alcohol.
presiding: Plaintiff, is there anything you wish to ask the witness?
^ Plaintiff: I have no questions.
presiding: Does the plaintiff's representative have any questions for the witness?
Representative: No I do not have.
presiding: Respondent, do you have any questions?
Respondent: There are no questions, but I want to say that Maria Petrovna misunderstood me.
presiding: Respondent, ask only questions. Does the prosecutor have any questions for the witness?
Prosecutor: I have no questions.
presiding: The court proceeds to hear the testimony of the witness. P invite ________________, enters the meeting room.
presiding: Witness, what is your last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth?
Witness: _______________________

presiding: Where do you live and work?
Witness: I work as an accountant of house management No. 1 , I live in Novosibirsk, st. K. Marx 75-17.
presiding: The court warns you about liability under Art. 181 and 182 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for refusing to testify for false testimony. That we have warned you, sign in the minutes of the court session.
The witness approaches the secretary and signs.
presiding: What is your relationship, witness, with the parties to the case?
Witness: I work together with Roos, but I hardly know his wife.
presiding: Tell the court everything you personally know about the case.
Witness: Roos Volodya works in our house management as a plumber and serves houses on the street. Kuibyshev. At the end of May or the beginning of June of the last reptile, he asked the house management for a certificate from the place of work for presentation to the medical institute, I asked why he needed this certificate. He said that his wife was studying there and that a certificate was needed so that after graduating from the institute she would be left in Novosibirsk. After some time, we learned that his marriage was unsuccessful. He told me that his wife refuses to live with him, considering him a drunkard. It seemed strange to me. I have known Roos for more than two years by working together and have never seen him drunk. This is the most sober worker in our house management. Of course, from among the men. By the way, the plumber has constant contact with the residents and, according to the established tradition, for repair work he is often offered to treat himself, but Volodya always avoids these temptations. It seems to me that the reason for the divorce is completely different.
presiding: plaintiff, do you have any questions for the witness?
^ Plaintiff: No questions.
presiding: Does the plaintiff's representative have any questions?
Representative: No I do not have.
presiding: do you have a defendant?
Respondent: I have no questions.
presiding: Does the prosecutor have any questions for the witness?
Prosecutor: No I do not have.
presiding: the court proceeds to the study of written evidence. The following written evidence is attached to the case file: a copy of the marriage certificate, from which it is seen that the plaintiff and the defendant 2 8 in May 1983 they registered the marriage in the Oktyabrsky district bureau of the registry office, the defendant retained the premarital surname Smirnova; certificate of the Novosibirsk Medical Institute dated January 10, 1984, indicating that as a result of the distribution of young specialists in November 1982, the defendant received a referral to work as a doctor in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of the Tyumen Region, but after submitting a marriage certificate with Roos, she was left out of distribution; certificate of the 1st City Clinical Hospital of Novosibirsk stating that Smirnova has been working in this medical institution as an intern doctor since August 1, 1983. Plaintiff, do you have any comments on the published written evidence?
^ Plaintiff: I don't have any comments.
presiding: Does the plaintiff's representative have any comments or questions?
Representative: There are no comments. The documents are correct.
presiding: defendant, do you have any comments?
Respondent: I have not.
presiding: Prosecutor, do you have any comments?
Prosecutor: I have no comments.
presiding: The word for the conclusion on the case is given to the prosecutor.
Prosecutor: Fellow Judges! I believe that Roos' claim against Smirnova is justified and should be satisfied on the following grounds ( full text the speeches of the prosecutor should be compiled by the student).

presiding: Parties, do you wish to add anything to the materials of the case?
^ Plaintiff: No, I don't.
Respondent: Me too.
presiding: The representative of the plaintiff, do you have any additions?
Representative: There are no additions to the case.
presiding: Does the prosecutor have any additions?
Prosecutor: I don't have any add-ons.
presiding: The investigation of the case is declared completed, the court proceeds to hearing the pleadings. Claimant, what do you want to say in the debate?
^ Plaintiff: I ask that my marriage to the defendant be declared invalid.
presiding: Plaintiff's representative, you have the floor.
Representative: Dear Court! The materials of the case and the testimonies of witnesses indisputably established that my principal was the victim of the unfair actions of the defendant Smirnova, who, wanting to evade state distribution, entered into a fictitious marriage with the plaintiff (the full text of the speech of the representative should be compiled by the student). Therefore, I ask the marriage concluded between the plaintiff and the defendant to be declared invalid.
presiding: Respondent, you are given the floor to speak in the debate.
Respondent: Please release me from this marriage.
presiding: Judicial debate is over, the parties can use the right of retort. Parties, do you wish to exercise this right?
^ Plaintiff: No, I don't want to.
Representative: I don't have anything to say in the response.
Respondent: T about the same.
presiding: the court retires to the deliberation room to make a decision.
the judge gets up and leaves
Secretary: please stand up!
The door opens and the judge appears
Secretary: Judgment is coming, please stand up!
Judge enters, everyone stands.
presiding: The decision is announced: In the name of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic on March 10, 1984, the Oktyabrsky District Court of Novosibirsk, consisting of the presiding people's judge Bakulina T., people's assessors under Secretary_Ivanova, with the participation of the prosecutor __________________

V. and the representative of the plaintiff Kopylova T.GN. , having examined in open court civil case No. 2-143 Search Roos Vladimir Andreevich to Margarita Nikolaevna Smirnova declaring the marriage invalid, established.

Secretary: I ask everyone to stand up, the Court is coming.
(The audience rises. The judge and two assessors pass through the entire hall, go up to the stage, take their places. The prosecutor and the defense also stand at their tables).
Referee: Please sit down. (All sit down). Today, Dear friends, we have the opportunity to speak on such a topical and always exciting topic as “What is a man?” We are interested in such questions as "The role of a man in a person's life", "Is it necessary to take care of a man or not?" etc.
Protection:- Can men speak?
Referee: As needed. So, the word is given to the public accuser. I ask you to.
Prosecutor: Comrades! Today I decided to tell the truth in person.
Firstly, the presence of a woman in itself adorns any society, there is nothing to prove here!
Secondly, it is women who create a variety of color scheme the multicolor of their outfits, shades of hair and, of course, smiles.
Women smile heartily, joyfully, like this (shows). And men are more restrained, skeptical, like this (shows).
If I want to list the professions mastered by us women, you will stop me and say: why list the well-known - a woman cosmonaut, academician, minister, world chess champion. Who doesn't know this?
The old-fashioned man believes that the era of patriarchy is still ongoing. But go to the ministries, research institutes, not to mention clinics, schools, shops. What's there? Patriarchy or matriarchy?
Therefore, I personally believe that women not only have a holiday on March 8, but also the Day of the Health Worker, the Day of the Teacher, the Day of the Worker light industry. These are also predominantly women's holidays! And since more and more professions are being conquered by women, why not celebrate Metallurgist's Day as a women's holiday in the future.
Yes, dear men, you owe us a lot: we feed you, water you, treat you, dress you, put shoes on, teach you to read and write and ... even love you!
Referee:- The floor is given to the prosecution witness.
(Concert number. A song or romance about love performed by a woman.)

Referee:(To the accuser) Is everything with you? The word is given to the defense. I ask you to.

Defender: In fact, if you notice, the men are now sharply activated. They write smart articles about intensification, self-financing... and are ready to take on all the difficulties. Judge for yourself:
Labor productivity has sharply increased due to the involvement of previously disabled elements. Many men now successfully go to the store, stand at the stove, buy and sell cosmetics. An amazing time has come when an intelligent man can be seen more often in line than at a symphony concert. And if earlier, according to polls of sociologists, every third man, now every second man is able to fry an egg and knows where sugar is sold and how much semolina costs.
Secondly, brigade contracting is widely used. For example, OH includes washing machine, and SHE washes, twists, dries, irons. HE threads the needle, and SHE sews, darns, patches. As you can see, narrow specialization prevails in marriage.
Thirdly, most families have switched to self-financing, and in some families, after the distribution of wage arrears, at current contract prices, there are funds left to buy a single travel card.
True, there is still a high turnover of staff, I mean divorces, but even here improvement is expected, as most men begin to understand that they still have nowhere to go.
And one can hope that soon men will take the reins of power into their own hands!
(To the judge) Please listen to my witnesses.
(concert number. For example, "Song about dad".)

Prosecutor: But I, as a woman, want to say firmly: without us, you will not succeed! The train will not move while the wheels are standing. Well, think for yourself, which of the men is a worker if his wife does not cook soup at home? Vigorous activity, after all, requires calories, and considerable ones! And no cafe, even a private one, will help here!
So, dear men, as they say, at least stop, at least suck, without us you are here - nowhere! Moreover, we already have some experience. After all, every woman in the family begins with what? That's right, with the re-education of her husband. And lately, advanced women have achieved successes that our economy is only striving for.
What about children? They, especially when they are small, do not understand this. They both dirty the diapers, and they dirty them, as they screamed at night, and continue to scream. You need an eye for them! Here is my evidence.
(Number with the participation of children.)

Prosecutor: And who, apart from a woman, can show a trick, having lived from an advance payment to a paycheck, and even save her husband on new braces! Or, by manipulating one cabbage, cook meat cabbage soup and fry amazingly delicious meatballs. Woman!
Comrades men, raise your hands, which of you is a gentleman to a woman? Well, bolder, bolder ... There are only three gentlemen for so many spectators? Not much.
There you are good example what D” Artanyanov and Don Quixote do not currently have. Died out! You will remember what luxurious balls were, touching serenades under the windows of lovers, duels over beautiful ladies' eyes and gentle hands!
(Number. romance or serenade).

Prosecutor: After all, it is not by chance that in Russian the words: BUREAUCRATE, bribe taker, NESUN, REVIEW, ORDER, PENALTY - male, and the words: SALARY, BUSINESS TRIP, PRIZE, LAND, HOMELAND, SPRING, BEAUTY, LOVE - feminine!
Defender: Indeed, a beloved woman is the embodiment of all the beauty of the world, all that is good and dear to the heart. But since ancient times, men have decided so! Who writes about beautiful women, who sings of their beauty and intelligence, talent and kindness? Men! Petrarch, Shakespeare, Byron, Pushkin!
And such wonderful minds of mankind as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Prosper Merimee, Exupery ...

Prosecutor: Ha ha ha! Yes, there are many more well-known female names. Remember Jeanne D "Arc! The girl was only 19 years old, and what commanders she smashed! Sofya Kovalevskaya is the first woman academician! I don’t want to say that the classics completely ignored the role of a man in public process. On the contrary, from the school bench we remember a wonderful gallery of male images: Rudin, Oblomov, Onegin, Pechorin. But pay attention, they were all some kind of "superfluous". And, mind you, there is not a single woman on this list! Only men!
If a man does not feel superfluous today, then only thanks to a woman!
Protection: And I want to speak in defense of the man. They say that the French are thin and gallant towards a woman. Our man is no better. And, in order not to be unfounded, I will give not one, not two, but four options for men.
A lyrical man, a philosophical man, a demonic man and a man like a man. I want to say that we must protect them, or, according to statistics, there are fewer of them than of us. We recently lost Bigfoot, so we must carefully handle the rest so that they do not run out with us (see the terrible example with Przewalski's horse). Otherwise, we will have no one to talk about!
(concert number about men, preferably in a sad tone.)

Prosecutor: And take, for example, works in which fantasy is present. Folklore and literature. Fairy tales. When you read fairy tales to children, it is pleasant to meet Elena the Wise, Vasilisa the Beautiful, the Red Maiden. And it’s not customary to talk about men somehow. The older one was still all right, the middle one was also wow, but the younger one was completely ... you know. And in literary works. If the king is still naked, if the knight is mean, the horseman is without a head at all! What about the women of our time? Lidia Ruslanova, Edita Piekha, Alla Pugacheva! That's what I understand - women! They kneel before such women, they give flowers!
Protection: Women! Think again! Well, your husband will kneel before you, and who will raise him? You know very well that they all have sciatica. And as for the flowers, you yourself tearfully asked them not to buy you flowers in the market. You yourself inspired them that there for every petal, stamen and pestle you have to pay a hundred! And only one rose has, at the very least, seven petals, five pistils and three stamens. Count! Three flowers and no quarterly bonus. So ladies, take your pick.
You are not saying that men have no virtues. Of course there is! Look, they are ready to do everything for you, just to do nothing around the house! And they give way, mainly at the machine. And let you go ahead so that you open the door for them. And if they cannot resist helping you, then we are sure that you do not need this help!
(Joke number. Preferably, couplets or ditties on a given topic.)

Protection: Indeed, the feminization of men has swept the world. The musculization of women has pushed the limits of the possibilities of the former weaker sex. Speaking in Russian, men are gradually occupying primordially female positions, and women are pushing men out of their territory ... But there is still an area where men dug in and came up with a whole philosophy in their defense. This is hockey played by real men!
Prosecutor: Leaving aside the very concept of a “real man” (does anyone remember today what it is?), I undertake to prove that hockey is a woman's game.
Judge for yourself, healthy, young men gather to drive a tiny puck across the ice and drive it into a small gate.
Protection: But look how they do it! As they prepare, they put on real knightly armor - helmets, masks, gloves ... They equip themselves as if in battle!

Prosecutor: For what? I am convinced that this is the same puck and collar for averting eyes. In fact, they go out on the ice to fight. Give the opponent a breath, press against the board, hit the club on the head! But all this is from under Tishka so that the judge does not notice. And they themselves pretend that they are chasing the puck. Haven't you ever seen how puck knights beat each other on one side, and this very puck, forgotten by everyone, is lying on the other side. So what's so masculine about all this? No, I stand my ground: hockey, like many other things, is a woman's occupation!
(Performance of the women's folklore group. Comic songs about men."My hubby is a hard worker" and "All husbands are young.")

W protection: Yes, women have led such an attack on men's professions that some men, out of fear, began to sell pies and ice cream. Having conceded to women without a fight the right to build houses, repair railways, carry bags. I even think that it will soon be like this: the director is a woman, and the secretary-typist is a man. Only it will be called differently. Secretary-driver! And what? There are also men - milkers!
Prosecutor: Yeah ... And if a woman is a laundress, then a man is a laundress or a laundress? What should a woman know? Welcoming guests, skillfully leading household and talk. Tell me, who can speak better and longer? Nobody but a woman! Their successes are well known in history.
Protection: Women, women! I look at you and my soul overflows with pride: beautifully dressed, fashionably combed, lively, moderately coquettish. And why? You can immediately see that the house is full of openwork, and my husband is in order, and the boss says compliments every day, and the children do not tear tights, this is the merit of men. You yourself, with great skill and tact, inspire your husband that he is the most beautiful, the most brilliant! And that all the children are the spitting image of his portrait. And all the troubles are scanty, like the quarterly bonus, which he was deprived of. Women! liberated my girlfriends! You deserve a monument in life in bronze and marble. In full growth! And a million roses at its foot. This monument is for you, my friends. And some men. After all, it was they who made a great contribution to the liberation of the better half of humanity!
(Number. Romance or song dedicated to women.)

Protection: But religion saw the beauty of a woman as a dangerous enemy, and crushing accusations were made against women. Christianity calls it "the fiend of hell", "the gates of hell", "the devil's vessel". Islam, on the other hand, legalized the inferiority of a woman and finally solved the problem of the undesirable influence of her beauty on a full-fledged half of humanity. A woman should cover her face from men! BUT modern woman, what is she?
Prosecutor: Are you asking "modern woman"? So this is about me! I can't stand yesterday! I'm over thirty. (Note, I don't hide my age, I take it with my intellect). Energetic, educated. And, between us, very ambitious. The world, I think, is unequally divided between women and these ... how are they there? Everyone walks with a smart look ... well, yes, by themselves, men! And I'm ready to fight this injustice!
Not married, never been, and don't really want to. Freedom, I say. Both in creativity and in relationships! I know very well what is possible and what is already ... not. And I don't cross the line.
I welcome everything new in life, I reject everything that was in use! Only new, modern, only the very best!
(Number. Modern dance.)

Prosecutor: Yes, a woman is the mother of the earth, the successor of the human race, the keeper of the family hearth and most of the entire working population of the planet. She raised high on a pedestal of exceptional dignity and honor the role of women in the life of society! That's all I wanted to say!
Referee: Does the defense have anything to say?
Protection: I have the last witness.
Referee: I'm asking for a witness for the defense.
(Number. Contemporary monologue.)

Protection: That's all I wanted to say.
Referee: The court retires for deliberation.
Secretary: I ask everyone to stand up.
(Everyone gets up, the judge and assessors leave the stage. A folklore ensemble comes out and sings ditties about men. "The case is in the evening, and the sun is shining hot." Court returns.)

Secretary: For the announcement of the verdict, I ask everyone to stand up.
Referee: Today, __ February ___, the case was heard on charges of men. On the basis of the accusations, the testimonies of witnesses, as well as public opinion, the court pronounced the verdict:
(Folklore ensemble repeats the last line of ditties:
“It’s more fun with men, okay, let them live!”)

Referee: Dear men! Of course, you understand that this is all a joke. We love you very much. After all, all our outfits and hairstyles are for you. Our poems and songs for you. After all, our life would be boring and unnecessary if it were not for your life.
Do not hold back your wonderful impulses, tell women how much you love them, how dear they are to you, needed, reliable and strong.
We do not use your frankness for evil. Let's not get excited. We will not humiliate you at the expense of our own perfections. After all, all the good that is in us belongs to you!
All: Happy holiday, dear men!

The theme is very original and easy to implement. The presenter takes on the role of a judge and for this she needs to find a robe, a court table with a chair and a gavel. The witness will be the lawyer, the groom will be the accused, and the witness will act as the prosecutor. All other guests present as jurors. And so, the judge stands in the middle, the lawyer with the accused on one side, and opposite their prosecutor.
(judge knocks gavel)

Everybody get up! Case No. 1256 is being heard on charges of (name of the groom) in voluptuous acts in relation to (name of the bride). Accused of kissing, in, courtship and compliments. And so, I am ready to listen to both sides, I ask you to start with the prosecution.

Madam Judge, gentlemen of the jury. Consider this case from the very beginning, the accused (name of the groom), since (date of the acquaintance of the young) does not leave the victim (name of the bride) alone. From that time to this day, he constantly gives her sweets, takes her to restaurants, gives flowers, and most importantly, which allows her great intimacy, which can only be realized after the wedding. On the basis of all this, I demand a suitable punishment for him, namely life imprisonment with the victim in the same apartment for living together and love. I have spoken, thank you Your Honor.

And so, we all heard the prosecution of the prosecutor, now I want to give the floor to defend the accused, I ask you.

Thanks Your Honor! I fully understand the arguments of the prosecutor, and partially I agree with everything. Yes, the defendant looked after (name of the bride), yes, he gave her flowers, but all this happened only out of the best of intentions, because of bright and pure love. And the degree of punishment is clear to me, but still, I would like to correct it, for this I need time, and I ask you to take a break of the hearing for 5 minutes.

Oh sure! (bangs gavel) The hearing is adjourned for five minutes.
(the lawyer approaches the judge with a large bag of wine and sweets, as well as with an envelope containing banknotes, as if a ransom, hands it all over to her, the prosecutor notices this and immediately demands that the hearing be continued)

I declare the meetings open, the floor is given to the prosecutor.
This is unthinkable, bribing a judge right within the walls of the court, I am reviewing my charge and demanding not a life sentence, but simply an eternal imprisonment of the defendant in the same apartment with (name). I have all your honor.

Both sides are clear to me. Now I ask you gentlemen of the jury to reach your verdict.
(the guests begin to gather together in a crowd, then the groom's mother announces that they are ready to announce the verdict)

Please announce your decision.
Head of Jury:
Was there a crime scene - yes it was.
Did the accused go crazy at night after the first acquaintance with (name) - yes he went!
Is she the only one in his heart - yes, the only one!
Does he want to share his life with her - yes, he does!
Is he guilty - yes, guilty of love!
(judge knocks gavel)

Based on the jury's verdict and the prosecution's prosecution, I declare that (last name, first name, patronymic of the groom) is guilty and sentenced to an endless, life, sweetest conclusion to embrace my bride! Hooray!
(here the bride comes out, the young people kiss, a musical pause, a small buffet and)

Scenarios for the ransom of the bride.

Presenter 1

- Hello, friends, comrades,
Teachers who let go of their pets
Graduates and their parents
As well as guests and just spectators.

Lead 2

- The director of our school
and administration members
Hello, we speak from the heart,
And not just for applause.

Presenter 1

- We open our joyful holiday,
We open the gala.
How many faces here are beautiful and different,
How glad we are to meet today.

Lead 2

- And let there be no place for sadness,
Let the music burst into this room.
We are inviting you to the evening
At graduation, a wonderful school ball.

Presenter 1

- Here in our school for many years
You crowned your work with success.
Parade of achieved victories
And meet the winners!

Lead 2– We invite 2009 graduates to the hall.

(Alumni take the stage)

Presenter 1“We are starting a lawsuit against 11th grade students. Case No. 774/14 is being heard. Get up! Judgment is coming!

(Judge enters)

Referee Good afternoon! Dear participants in the process, case 774/14 is being heard under the chairmanship of Judge I.V. Rakova. public prosecutor - prosecutor Mozalevskaya Oh.A. The defense is represented by a lawyer - Seliverstova I.S. Secretary of the court session - Babinina Alexandra Yurievna.
So, students of grade 11 are accused under article 20/06 of having systematically attended classes and extracurricular activities for 11 years, successfully passed the exam and demanded certificates, and some even special certificates. Word to the respected prosecutor.

Prosecutor- Pupils of the 11th grade are accused of systematically attending classes 5 days a week, but not attending classes on Saturdays, as many of them became pop and sports stars at the school, village and district levels. And this is unacceptable. They did not complete the course of the program for the basic school in the following subjects: literature - 12 hours, algebra - 18 hours, life safety - 9 hours, physical education - 55 hours. Therefore, there can be no talk of any documents.

Advocate- I object. My children, that is, the accused, raised the prestige of the school and the village to a very high level. They even started talking about us in the region. I have witnesses.

Secretary– Witness L.Ya. Surovtseva is invited to the courtroom.

(Surovtseva L.Ya. speaks)

Prosecutor- Okay, I agree with that. But what can you tell me about each specific accused. So, I'm starting. Zarubina Tatyana Gennadievna is accused of having been engaged only in studies since 1999 to the detriment of everything, she has withdrawn herself from work in the Regional School Parliament, and reads only educational literature in the evenings.

Advocate- I protest. It did her good. Tatyana is a participant in district and school competitions in biology and literature, where she won only prizes.
She was engaged in such a way that she deserves a special certificate. I have a witness.

Secretary- The witness for the defense Galaktionova L.V. is invited to the courtroom.

(Galaktionova L.V. speaks)

Referee(banging hammer)- The court decided and ruled. Zarubina Tatyana Gennadievna should be acquitted under article 20/06 due to her non-involvement in this case. Give her a certificate of a special sample, diplomas.

(Director and head teacher award.)

Prosecutor What do you think of the next accused? Chemel Marina Sergeevna is accused of having been constantly engaged in project activities for the last two years, but only in technology. But what about the rest of the items?

Advocate- I disagree with you again. Marina is smart, she is a finalist in regional technology competitions, she has many certificates and diplomas. Marina scored the highest score in mathematics when passing the exam. I have a witness.

Secretary- Witness Ye.A. Belyasova is invited to the courtroom.

(Belyasova E.A. speaks)

Referee- The court decided and decided to acquit Marina Sergeevna Chemel under Article 20/06. Give her a certificate of a special sample, diplomas.

Prosecutor- Good. But I have the next defendant, and what do you say in her defense. Roza Atomovna Vardanyan is accused of conquering not only the entire population of our village, but the entire region, as well as Vadim Vladimirovich Zuev, Vladimir Efimovich Baranov, and even Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov himself with her singing activity.

Advocate Again, I disagree with you. And who, if not Rosa, would participate in all sorts of spring and autumn droplets, festivals, reviews, competitions. She is our leader and sang in all events. I have a lot of witnesses.

Secretary– Witness Zuev V.V. is invited to the courtroom.

(Speech Zuev V.V.)

Referee– The court decided to acquit Roza Atomovna Vardanyan under Article 20/06 due to her non-involvement in this case and hand her a certificate and diplomas.

(Director and head teacher award)

Prosecutor“I see in our courtroom all the acquitted and innocent. What do you think of the next accused? Begovatov Ivan Alekseevich is accused under article 20/06 of systematically once a year disguised himself as Santa Claus, thereby misleading elementary school students.

Advocate“I object, your honor. Ivan not only perfectly played the role of Santa Claus at children's matinees, he is an excellent football player, shooter, volleyball player. Also hunter and fisherman. I have witnesses who have tasted his forest delicacies.

Secretary- A witness for the defense of Borodina Tamara Alexandrovna is invited to the courtroom and ... a little surprise.

(Borodina T.A. and Snegurochka speak)

Referee Court sentenced. Justify Ivan Alekseevich Begovatov under Article 20/06. Give Ivan a certificate of complete secondary education and diplomas.


Prosecutor- Good good. But you know that in our school for more than two years there has been a female group, codenamed "Fantasy". This group has done so many things at school, in the village, and even in the region.

Advocate- I understand what you're talking about. These are Batina Margarita, Selivanova Natalia and Kolbasova Natalia. These girls are our first dance stars, without which not a single event was complete, not only at school, but even in the district. Isn't that true, Marina Mihailovna?

Secretary– Witness Babinina Marina Mikhailovna is invited to the courtroom.

(Babinina M.M. speaks)

Referee- The court decided and decided to acquit Batina Margarita, Selivanova Natalya and Kolbasova Natalya. Give them certificates of complete secondary education and all thanks.


Prosecutor– Yes, what is it? Blame someone. Although I have in store one more, or rather one accused. Seliverstova Angela Igorevna is accused of indefatigable use of her energy, beauty and charm to the detriment of her studies. She is seen in gambling disputes even with teachers. And this is unacceptable.

Advocate- What are you, respected prosecutor. This is not true. Angela is a very sociable person with an active lifestyle. It was she who defended the honor of the village at the Miss District 2008 contest, Angela is the most charming and beautiful host at all events of the school and the village. I'm right, Natalya Nikolaevna.

Secretary– Witness Natalya Nikolaevna Fedotkina is invited to the courtroom.

(Fedotkina N.N. speaks)

Referee– Dear participants of the process. Seliverstova Angela Igorevna propose to justify and give her a certificate of complete secondary education and gratitude.


Prosecutor- No, you obviously want to ruin the whole thing. But there is another accused. Fedorov Mikhail Evgenievich is accused of violating the regimen of a schoolchild instead of studying history and literature, was intensively engaged in football, motor sports, which disturbed some teachers.

Advocate- Well, no, I'll stand up for Mishka. This is a hard worker in all cool things. You can say my right hand. You can rely on him. The witness will tell you.

Secretary- witness G.A. Frolov is invited to the courtroom.

(Frolov speaks)

Referee- The court decided to acquit Mikhail Evgenievich Fedorov due to his non-involvement in this case. Give him a certificate.


Prosecutor- Yes, good things. I have no choice but to name the next accused. Chemel Ivan Valerievich. He is accused of knowing the computer better than the teacher. He can go to any site and find something that does not need to be found at his age.

Advocate- I disagree with you again. Thanks to Ivan, the whole region found out about us, as he is a participant in intensive courses in computer science. Thanks to him, at school, in the club, cool discos were held, in which the 11th grade came off in full. There is a witness to all this.

Secretary– Witness V.I. Krasavtsev is invited to the courtroom.

(Krasavtsev V.I. speaks)

Referee- The court has pronounced a verdict. Chemel Ivan Valeryevich to justify and hand him a certificate of complete secondary education.


Prosecutor“I name the next accused. Rakhmanin Roman Alexandrovich. He is accused of being able to drive all types of transport, knows all kinds of fish, since his favorite place is the lakeshore.

Advocate- I protest. Roman is a real man, responsible, executive. You can rely on him in any business. Nothing is impossible for Roman. This is just a treasure for any girl. My words can be confirmed by a witness.

Secretary– Witness Savisko M.N. is invited to the courtroom.

(Savisko M.N. speaks)

Referee– Dear participants of the process. The court decided. Rakhmanin Roman Alexandrovich to justify and present him with a certificate and diplomas.


Prosecutor I suspect that you can't cook porridge with you. You ruin everything for me. Although, I still have a defendant. Peshkov Roman Andreevich. This young man is accused of excessive calmness, a sober attitude to life. He is independent beyond his years. Something is not right here...

Advocate- Well, dear prosecutor. Roman has been my support throughout the 8 years that I have known him. I have never met a more cultured and polite young man. It's just the pride of our class. And I will prove it to you.

Secretary– Witness I.S. Seliverstova is invited to the courtroom.

(Seliverstova I.S. speaks)

Referee The court decided. Peshkov Roman Andreevich to justify and give him a certificate of complete secondary education and diplomas.


Prosecutor- I do not lose heart, because there is another surname on the list. Sokolov Dmitry Sergeevich. Accused of excessive knowledge of all brands of cars, motorcycles. And all this is to the detriment of learning.

Advocate- I object. Dmitry has golden hands. He can build a time machine out of nothing and go to the school of the future on it. For example, in a physics lesson. I have a witness.

Secretary– Witness OA Chetvergova is invited to the courtroom.

(Chetvergova O.D. speaks)

Referee- Court sentenced. Sokolov Dmitry Sergeevich to be acquitted. Give him a certificate of complete secondary education.


Prosecutor- Well, for dessert, I prepared the last accused from this group - Lemberg Viktoria Evgenievna. She is accused of hiding her mind, talent, erudition for 2 years, which she revealed only when passing the exam.

Advocate“Of course I will object. Vika hid her talent for a long time. She already several years ago declared that we should free her from all extracurricular activities and classroom hours. She already then had to determine her fate. Is not it?

Secretary– Witness G.S. Mozalevsky is invited to the courtroom.

Referee- Dear participants in the process, the court decided to acquit Viktoria Evgenievna Lemberg and hand her a certificate of complete secondary education.


Prosecutor- Yes, business. You cleared all my suspects. Everyone was given certificates. But they alone could not do so many things, attend all the lessons, prepare for the exam, participate in all reviews and competitions. I think they had accomplices. These are older people, I think these are their parents.

Advocate- Dear Attorney. Yes, I agree, parents are accomplices in good and necessary deeds. They dedicated their entire lives to children. I have a parent protection witness.

Secretary- witness Zubova Z.A. is invited to the courtroom.

(Parents Award)

Secretary- The response word is given to the parents of graduates.

(Congratulate, give gifts)

Referee– Dear participants of the process. Case number 774/14 is considered closed. All the accused are acquitted.

(Judge, prosecutor congratulate)

Secretary– The graduates of 2009 speak with a response.

(Thank parents and sing a song)

Presenter 1

- Happy teachers and sad
Experience them in all students
You graduates stand tall
With a matriculation certificate in hand.

Lead 2

- Let the dances circle like the wind,
We invite you to a spacious hall.
Comes the first and the last
Graduation, a unique school ball.

Lead 2- We invite graduates and their parents to the last school waltz.

(Waltz of parents and graduates)

Presenter 1

- Big life ahead of you
Let luck await in everything
Dare, strive to achieve victories,
Accomplishments bright, happiness!

Presenter 1- And let these balloons, which in a few moments will ascend into the sky, become for you a symbol of the outgoing childhood and the fulfillment of your dream.

Lead 2“That concludes our solemn part. See you again in a year.

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