Simple fast tasty cutlets with pork mince. Beef and Pork Juicy Cutlets

Gardening 17.10.2019

How to cook pork stuffing cutlets and soft? Why are the cutlets get dry or fall apart with frying? Add an egg or not? Let's figure it out in order.

7 grandmother's secrets of preparation of juicy meat

  1. Prepare minced meat, from fresh meat. The store mince is poor quality, sometimes frozen - with defrosting from meat, all juices flow, which means that your cutlets will dry dry.
  2. Choose for minced meat a piece of pork "with a fat" or add a piece of bass with grinding so that the cutlets are not fresh.
  3. For greater jucia, you must pour a little water into the mince. I soak in ice water a couple of pieces of breadfall, which absorbs and keeps all moisture in himself.
  4. Pretty bulge minced. Of course, the hammer will not need. To do this, you need to collect mince in a lump and several times how to quit with force in a bowl. Due to such a simple meat procedure, the meat will be well held, that is, it will not fall apart during frying. And the main thing on the surface of the kitlet will not form cracks through which valuable meat juice can flow.
  5. Do not be afraid to add an egg to the cutlets. And although there are endless disputes among the cooks among the cooks, I always add a large chicken egg into mince from pork. And never happened such that the cutlets with the egg were hard or tasteless.
  6. Bare cutlets in flour - it needs to be quite a bit to "seal" inside meat juices.
  7. Fry on a strongly hot frying pan so that fat and juice did not flow. And then pass the cutlets under the lid, adding a little water in the pan - due to this, they will not only reach full readiness, but it will turn out more lush and soft.

Of course, each mistress has a couple of their secrets of the most delicious Kotlet in the world. Someone adds potatoes (mashed potatoes or crude), someone puts into the mince spoon of mayonnaise. And how do you cook?


  • pork 500 g
  • salo 100 g
  • water 100 ml
  • baton 2 slice
  • onions Luke 1 pc.
  • garlic 2 tooth.
  • black hammer pepper 2 chips.
  • salt 3/4 h. l.
  • large egg 1 pc.
  • panning flour 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook juicy pork minced meat

Pork cutlets, whose recipe we will look at, can be prepared in different ways. Some cooks are frying them in a pan, and someone prefers bake them in the oven. In addition, there are also such mistresses that consume exclusively steam cutlets. Today we will present you several ways to prepare such products. Which one to use is to solve only you.

Step-by-step recipe for tasty pork boiler

Surely there are no such people who would not love delicious fried cutlets. If you have not previously tried to prepare such products yourself, then it's time to do it.

So, the recipe for delicious pork boiler requires application:

  • luke of the spin - 2 heads;
  • pork without fat fresh - approximately 1.5 kg;
  • fresh-hearted pepper and sea salt - apply to taste;
  • white bread crumb - from two pieces;
  • fresh solid milk - ½ cup;
  • chicken raw eggs - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1 small tuber;
  • sunflower oils - for frying;
  • bread crumbs - at discretion.

Preparation of pork mince

How should I do pork cutlets? The recipe for these products requires the preparation of fragrant and homogeneous minced. For this, the fresh meat is cooled in cool water, and then cut it into large pieces and crushed in a meat grinder. Alternatively, both the large heads of the replied onion are also coming. After that, both components are connected, squeeze with pepper and salt. Also, grated raw potatoes are added to the finished minced meat, the white bread, painted in whole milk, and a raw chicken egg. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous minced is obtained.

Formation of products

How should I form pork cutlets? The recipe of this dish does not require the use of any special devices. For the formation of semi-finished products in hand take about 2 large spoons of freshly prepared minced meat and pose a cake from it. Then it is calcined in breadcrumbs. After that, they start forming all other semi-finished products.

The process of frying in a frying pan with oil

How to fry pork cutlets? The recipe for this dish requires the use of a thick-walled frying pan. About 40 ml of sunflower oil is poured into it and it is heated a bit. Then, in hot dishes lay out several semi-finished products and fry them from both sides for 13-15 minutes. During this time, the cutlets must fully prepare, become ruddy and juicy.

Serve a dish to the table

Fried stuffing cutlets (pork), whose recipe we looked above should be served to the table only hot. At the same time, they are recommended to use with any side dish (for example, crumpled potatoes or boiled pasta) and a piece of bread.

Baked in the oven cutlets: recipe

Beef, pork is an excellent raw material for the preparation of delicious and gentle boiler. As a rule, such products are roasted in a frying pan. However, in this section of the article we decided to tell you how they can be baked in the oven. For this we need:

  • the onion is sharp - 2 heads;
  • pork without fat fresh - approximately 600 g;
  • beef young - about 500 g;
  • fresh-hearted pepper and sea salt - apply to taste;
  • white bread crumb - from two pieces;
  • milk freshly solid - ½ cup;
  • egg chicken raw - 1 pc.;
  • perester and dill fresh - 1 small beam;
  • sunflower oil - for frying;
  • bread crushers - at discretion.

Making mixed minced

The recipe for a chopped pork and beef meat very much to those who prefer to use the most raw and delicious products baked in the oven. Before you cook such a dish, you should make a mixed fragrant mince. For this, pork and beef carefully, removing all the inedible elements from them. Then the meat product is finely chopped with a sharp knife. Large replied heads are also crushed exactly. Then they are laid out in a deep bowl together with the meat product, pepper and salted. Mixing the ingredients, a raw chicken egg is added to them, mealky bread, painted in milk, chopped parsley and dill. At the exit, very fragrant and homogeneous minced is obtained.

Formation of Cotlet

According to the method of forming a rendered recipe for a chopped pork and beef, it is practically no different from the above-described. To do this, take the required amount of stuffing in your hands and form a ball from it. Flying the product, it is calcined in breadcrumbs, and then proceed to the manufacture of another semi-finished product.

Thermal processing process

Mainfast cutlets (pork), whose recipe we are considering, you should not only bake in the oven, but also to pre-fry in a frying pan. For this, in the scenery, sunflower oil is greatly heated, and then lay off the semi-finished products. Fry them on both sides on fast heat before receiving a ruddy crust (within 2-3 minutes). After that, the product is laying on a baking sheet and sent to the oven. At a temperature of 190 degrees, they are prepared for 40 minutes. The specified time is enough to ensure that the products be protected well, become ruddy and juicy.

Feed to the table

Prepare delicious cakes in the oven, they are neatly removed and distributed over the plates along with the side disk. We use such a lunch with a piece of bread and a salad of fresh vegetables.

Making steam cutlets

How to make steam pork cutlets? Photo, the recipe for the preparation of these products we will be presenting right now. To do this, we need:

Cooking mince

Mince for such a dish is prepared by a classic way. Fresh pork without fat is thoroughly wash in cool water, and then cut into large pieces and crushed in a blender. Together with the meat product in the kitchen device in Cashitz, the heads of the reptile onion are converted. Then, spices, a raw egg and a mealky bread are added to the resulting minced meat.

Formation of products

After cooking pork minced it, it takes it in the hands of 2 large spoons and form a cutlet. Then the product is collapsed in wheat flour. By analogy, all other semi-finished products are made.

Cooking meat in a double boiler

Generating all pork cutlets, immediately proceed to their heat treatment. To do this, take a double boiler and lubricate its grid with any culinary fat or vegetable oil. Then all products are laid in the bowl. They are closed with a lid and prepare for a couple for 46 minutes. During this time, pork mince must fully prepare and become soft.

Correctly submit to dinner

After swine cakes are treated with steam, they are neatly removed from the grid and distributed over the plates. Additionally, the products prepare a delicious and satisfying garnish. It is desirable to use such a dinner with a vegetable salad and a piece of gray bread.

Let's summarize

As you can see, in the preparation of pork and beef, the kitlet is nothing complicated. Moreover, you can do with different devices. If there is a desire, it is possible to prepare such products with the addition of mushrooms, various vegetables (for example, carrots or pumpkins), greens, podoli, and so on. For greater jucia for pork cutlets, it is recommended to separately make a tomato or creamy lulling.

One of the traditional dishes of Russian cuisine - cutlets. They are able to prepare almost every mistress. At the same time, the mince for the beef kitlet and the porks are made by the classic recipe. However, if you wish, you can enter a new product, which will be positively affected on the taste of the finished dish.

How the cutlets appeared

Before you know, from mince beef and pork - juicy and fragrant, it is worth plunge into history. How did such a dish appear? It is worth noting that the cutlets looked and prepared initially not as now. The dish first appeared in France. And not surprisingly. After all, this country is considered to be the birthplace of numerous culinary delights. Cutlets were pieces of meat, not separated from the ribs. Around them, several layers of pulpidat like cakes were turned around. The bone had to be necessarily. After all, it was convenient for her. Do not forget that in the past times, etiquette did not provide for the use of a fork and knife when eating meat dishes.

Today, the cutlet is made of mushrooms, vegetables and fish. After some time, recent dishes appeared, for example meatballs, steaks and so on.

How much need bread

Why do some owners of cutlets get tasty, juicy and fragrant, and other dish is rigid, dry? To get and pork juicy and soft, you should follow several non-hard tips. They will help achieve excellent results.

You should not add a lot of bread and other components to the mince for the beef kitlet and pork. Such additives are not used to save products, but to obtain an extraordinary structure of the finished dish.

Potatoes and bread allow you to make cutlets juicy and air. However, such components should not be in mince more than meat. Otherwise, not only taste will suffer. Such cutlets can fall apart or be too dry. By the way, many professional cooks are recommended for the preparation of such a dish using this will avoid stickiness.

Fragraf products

So that mince for the beef and pork boiler was good, it is worth choosing fresh and high-quality products. We should not forget that from the tasteless ingredients it is difficult to do something good and useful. Therefore, it is not worth buying in the store minced dubbing quality. It is best to cook it yourself.

Most often for the manufacture of minced meadows, hard parts of the carcass are used, where there are films and cartilage. In addition, the pulp with the blades, the fillet, neck and sternum will fit perfectly. If you want to connect a lented beef and fatty pork, then it is necessary to observe the proportions 2 to 1. The result is more juicy cutlets. If necessary, you can add a little sala. The mince of this component should be no more than the fourth part of the beef volume.

Before grinding, the meat should be cleaned from cartilars, veins and films. Thanks to this, the mass will become pleasant in texture and more homogeneous.

Add bow correctly

If you add a onion onions, then delicious stuffing mefax beef and pork are obtained. However, here are their features. Do not add large pieces of onions. It is worth skipping it through the meat grinder. In addition, the proportions should be taken into account. For 1 kilogram, minced is required about 200 grams of Luke.

Secrets of delicious Cotlet

If you are preparing an independent mince for a beef and pork boiler, then you should remember a few secrets of a delicious dish:

  1. In the finished mince it is worth adding several spoons of water, preferably cold. You can also use a piece of ice. As a result, ready-made cutlets will be more juicy, since water will evaporate in the cooking process, not juice.
  2. Cream made of cream will give airiness.
  3. With chicken eggs should be careful. This product allows not only to keep the products form, but also makes them more rigid. Do not put on 1 kilogram of meat 3 eggs. Replace them better on grated potatoes.
  4. It is possible to enrich the taste of the kitlet in a very simple way - adding a zucchini, potatoes into the mince, or carrots. These products will make the dish softer.
  5. So that the minced is "drig", you can beat it off about the surface of the table. This manipulation will allow you to saturate the product with air, which will make ready-made cutlets lush and gentle.
  6. Press the dish spicy flavor will allow various spices added to the mince for a beef and pork kitlet. Recipe with photos, alas, it is not able to convey the fragrance. Cooks recommend using parsley greens, sweet paprika, a mixture of various peppers, nuts nutmeg, mayoran, thyme, garlic, and so on.
  7. As fat for frying, it is recommended to use foam butter. If such a product is not affordable, then you can apply sled. But if necessary, you can fry the cutlets and in vegetable oil, but without smell.
  8. To get an appetizing crust, first it is recommended to fry products from minced meat on medium heat. They must be twisted. Until readiness, you should bring on a small fire. Under the end of cooking, the flame can be increased.

Knowing such secrets, you can proceed to the preparation of minced meat. There are a lot of recipes like this dish. This requires the preparation of different minced mela.

Classic cutlets

How to make classic homemade stuffing cutlets? Pork, beef and other ingredients must be high quality. For cooking required:

  • 1 kg of mixed minced meat (beef and swamp).
  • Bread or Baton, preferably worn and dry - 200 g.
  • Raw egg - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Room temperature water - 1.5 glasses.
  • Pepper and salt.


To begin with, you should cook mince for a beef and pork kitlet. The recipe is step by step involves the following actions. First of all, it is worth laying out bread into a deep bowl and pour it with water. Also for these purposes you can use milk. When the bread softens, the liquid must be merged.

Onions need to be cleaned and skipped through the meat grinder or choking finely. If you wish, you can fry it, but only on creamy oil. In a container with softened bread, you must lay out mince and chopped onion, drive the egg. Do not forget about spices and salt. When all components are in a bowl, mix them well. That's all, mince for the kitlet is ready. It remains only to shape the cutlets and fry them. After the dish is ready, you can pour some water in the pan and disappear all for 10 minutes.

Cutlets with greens

To prepare stuffing beef and pork stuffing with greens, you will need:

  • Mixed minced meat - 600 g
  • Onions - 1 head.
  • White bread - 3 pieces.
  • Fresh milk - ½ tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Parsley and dill - 1 bundle.
  • Garlic - no more than 2 teeth.
  • Ground pepper, salt, flour for breading.

Cooking process

To begin with, it is necessary to cook mince, chopping beef and pork with the help of a meat grinder. But if desired, you can take a ready-made mass in the store. The main thing is that the purchased mince is fresh. Milk costs a little bit, and then pour them pieces of bread. They must soften.

The greens of dill and parsley are recommended to chop. From bread should merge liquid, and then add to the container with minced meat. This is also necessary to add greens, onions, egg, salt and spices. Mixing mince for the kitlet should be hand. That's all. Mass is ready. It remains only to make billets of oval shape, cutting them into flour and fry.

Cutlets made of minced beef and pork "juicy"

To prepare such cutlets, you will need:

  • 1 kg of minced beef and pork.
  • 100 g of cheese solid.
  • 2 bulbs.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 4 Slice of Baton or Sugari.
  • Pepper and salt.
  • 100 g cream oil.
  • 1 pack of bread and breadcrumbs.
  • Flour for breading.
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of dill.

Stages of preparation

These cutlets are prepared with filling. To do this, grate cheese on a shallow grater. Creamy oil should soften. After that, it must be confused by a fork, mix with chopped dill and cheese. From the resulting mass you need to roll small oval balls. Stuffing is ready.

Now you can cook mince for beef and pork kitlet. Without eggs do not do it. Sugari bread should be cut into pieces, and then pour them with cold water. When they become soft, it is necessary to drain the liquid. Onions should be cleaned and then crushed. It can be finely cut or grate onto the grater. Pork and beef is worth twisted on the meat grinder. In the deep container, put minced meat, crackers, eggs, spices and salt. Components need to mix well.

Now the mince is divided into portions and fill in it. Billets should be cut into flour, omitted in a whipped egg, and then rewind in breadcrumbs again. After that, you need to fry the cutlets on medium heat.

Cutlets "Hercules"

In this case, the eggs do not add eggs. They are replaced by oat flakes. To get juicy stuffing meal beef with pork, you will need:

  • 1 kg of mixed minced meat.
  • 300 ml of milk.
  • 140 g of oat flakes.
  • 2 bulbs.
  • Pepper, salt.
  • 100 g of flour or breadcrumbs.
  • Bunch of greenery.

How to cook

Beef and pork should be separated from bones, cartilage, vein and films. After that, the meat must be crushed. You can do it with the help of a meat grinder. In the finished mince, milk should be pouring, preheated to room temperature. The onion should be cleaned and grate into a small grater or chopped finely. The resulting cleaner is worth shifting into a container with minced meat. Here you need to add salt, greens, pepper, oat flakes. The last component is recommended to grind with a coffee grinder.

Machine for the kitlet should be mixed, and then put for an hour in the refrigerator, having previously closed with a plastic film tank. After the specified time, you can form the cutlets and fry them. Finally, it is recommended to swipe them.

Recipe with rice

Mince for the kitlet can be prepared with rice. This will require:

  • 1 kg of meat minced meat.
  • 200 g rice, preferably round.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 2 bulbs.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Flour.

How to make cutlets

To begin with, rinse rice in cold water. Now he needs to pour it into a pan and pour boiling water. At the same time, 2 part of the rice requires 2 glasses of water. Onions and garlic should be cleaned, and then skip together with minced meat grinder. You need to add rice, salt, spices to add the mixture, and then mix well. From the mixture it is worth shaping the cutlets and fry them on vegetable oil.

Fast Cottlets

If you wish, you can cook stuffing beef, pork and chicken. In this case, the dish is obtained with an extraordinary structure. However, only pork and beef is most often used. To quickly cook the cutlets, you will need:

  1. 600 g of mixed minced meat.
  2. 4 eggs.
  3. 2 raw potatoes.
  4. Green bow bundle.
  5. 50 g mayonnaise.
  6. 3 tbsp. Spoons of flour.
  7. Spice.

Cooking method

Green onions should be finely chopped. Potatoes should be cleaned and then grate on the grater. After that you need to cook mixed mince. In the resulting mass you should add pepper, potatoes, salt and green onions. All ingredients need to mix well. After that, add to the mixture of flour and mayonnaise. After stirring from the mass, it is necessary to form workpieces, and then fry them on the oil.

In conclusion

Cooking the right mince for a beef and pork boiler is only half of the case. It is important to make it easy, air and gentle. To do this, it is recommended to make a ready-made mince to be placed in a fridge for about half an hour. Stir the components is recommended by hand. This will allow to determine the consistency of the mixture, as well as remove all lumps. When forming, the kitlet is often stuffing sticks to the hands, so that this does not occur, you can moisten them in cold water.

Cutlets are considered a universal meat snack, because it is possible to make them absolutely from any kind of meat, and the cutlets are served to the table not only during dinner or lunch, but also please such a dish of guests at a great celebration. It is worth trying to cook pork cutlets on the most delicious recipe to treat home and get a superb meat dish for a large feast. There are several dozen recipes, as easy and quickly create delicious cakes, but we will consider in this article the most popular and delicious options for creating such a dish.

Rules and secrets

I would like to note that the most juicy and fatty cakes go out if they are prepared from two types of meat, that is, beef and pork, but since we are talking about a pork dish, then the cutlets will be less fatty and calorie, which allows you to get Useful dish, well, it is even better to make pork cutlets on the most delicious recipe in the oven without excess fat, then the dish will be even more useful and less calorie.

It is important to pick up the right meat for the kitlet, ideally the pork should have a very gentle pink color, the meat should not have unnecessary blood lectures or a gray unpleasant plaque.

Also, it is important to pick up the right part of pork carcass to get not too dry cakes, the cervical one is taken, in which there are no bones, it is in this part there is a little fat and a lot of meat, so the finished meat dish is quite juicy and tasty.

If you want to make mince more juicy and soft, cooks recommend adding vegetables there, thus it turns out a more loose, juicy and tasty meat product.

One kilogram of the minced is allowed to add about two bulbs not a large size, you can also add a pair of potatoes not large size there, if the houses did not find potatoes, then it is replaced with a small zucchyt.

Well, besides, fresh chicken eggs must be formed onto the cutlet minced meat, there will be about two things on a kilogram, well, and an additional compatibility of the cake can be obtained if you add one piece of bread to grind meat, which was previously painted in milk.

See also:

Traditional version of the creation of pork minced meat

This cooking option is quite simple, all products used to prepare such a simple minced meat are usually present at the hostess in the kitchen, so make the cutlets to the arrival of guests or simply to the family feast will not be difficult.


  • minced meat home made of pork meat - three hundred grams;
  • fat sour cream - one large spoon;
  • onions - about one middle head;
  • the required amount of stone crushed salts;
  • pepper Right black - about ten grams;
  • sugari home made of white baton - a pair of slices;
  • sunflower seed oil - for frying.

The process of creating a cutlet snack:

I would like to immediately say that this meat snack can prepare not only in an ordinary pan, because it can also be baked in the horizontal cabinet if the hostess do not want to use too much vegetable oil for frying. For a given number, the pork boiler on the most tasty recipe (step by step with a photo) can be used for baking a special form, but if the hostess decides to increase the amount of minced meat, then it is better to take a large baking tray, so you can bake all the cutlets at a time.

It is worth saying that this recipe has its advantages over the rest, for example, if you cook the dish in the roast cabinet, then the appetizer of meat is less fat, because the baking sheet is enough just to lubricate a little butter, but in the pan you have to add quite a lot of vegetable oil. Also, per dish in the pan will have to constantly monitor, and besides that, turning over, but it does not have to do this in the oven, since the dish will be baked gradually and evenly. And in general, the baked cakes are more useful for the body and the stomach than the roasted dish.

Now you can start the process of preparing minced meat for a pork boiler, according to the most tasty recipe. For this, the finished mince of pork meat is taken, if it is not, then you can simply twist a piece of pork through the meat grinder, if a piece was selected more lean, then a small number of ordinary bass should be added to it. After that, you can postpone the finished mince and take up the production of onions, for this, the vegetable is cleaned of husks and cut very finely with a sharp knife, if desired, it can be added to the smell of garlic, but it is not necessary. Some hostesses may prefer not to cut onions, but to skip it through the meat grinder, then the mass will turn out more homogeneous.

Already, you can proceed to the preparation of crackers from a white baton, already dried bread are placed in boiled water and soaked there for some time, and as soon as the crackers become softer, you can add them to mince, pre-sprinkled. A little stone salt and grinding black pepper are spooking up into the finished cutlet mass, everything is thoroughly mixed, and in order to give a juicy to the finish minced, it is worth putting there only one spoon of high fatty sour cream. As soon as all the products are laid in the meat mass, you can start squeezing the product, ideally make it simple with your hands, as the spoon mix the cutlet mass will be extremely difficult.

It's not bad to beat off the mince, for this mass just take in your hand and throw back into a cup, after this method, the ready meat mixture will perfectly keep your shape, as well as products will be able to mix more evenly. As soon as the preparation process is completed, you can make ready-made cakes, many will prefer to put an egg to the meat mass, but in this case there is no need to do, since the cutlets from this product will become more rigid and less tasty. Finished cakes can be shifted into a skillet or send to a baking sheet that is necessarily lubricated with vegetable oil. In twenty minutes, the pork cutlets on the most tasty recipe (video) will be ready, to serve them better in hot, the spoon is stacked, the spoon is stacked, and the finished meat dish is worth sprinkling with a cutting greens.

A simple version of the creation of pork clipping pork cutlets with potatoes

For those owners who would like to please the guests with a delicious and simple dinner, a simple version of the creation of a pork boiler will be presented on the most tasty recipe with potatoes, also there is an egg and milk, so the finished dish is incredibly soft and very juicy.


  • pork clipping - about one kilogram;
  • flour - about three large spoons;
  • garlic for fragrance - pair of teeth;
  • egg chicken Fresh - one thing;
  • small potato-sized potato - one thing;
  • sunflower seed oil - five large spoons;
  • milk Cow's whole - about half of the glass;
  • a little stone crushed salt;
  • the big head of the white bow is sharp - one thing;
  • pepper ground black.

The process of creating a fragrant meat dish:

To begin with, it is necessary to prepare meat for cutlets, the pork is the most delicious prescription without bread, for this cutting is thoroughly washed in running water, and then it is necessary to dry a slice with a towel or a napkin. Next, the cutting is cut into fibers and twisted on the meat grinder to the state of the minced meat. It is necessary to take all the vegetables, the onions and potatoes are cleaned, and then washed several times, vegetables are not large-size with pieces, and then also twisted through the meat grinder and added to meat mass.

When mince stuffing from pork and all the necessary vegetables will be laid in the bowl, you can break the chicken egg and add it to the meat mixture, then, if necessary, lay a loaf, operated in milk, and then the residues of milk are also poured into the mass. The finished mixture is stirred with clean hands, it is very important to spend cheerfully so that all components are well mixed with each other, then the finished meat dish really get very juicy and gentle. Many cooks are recommended to conduct a meat chopping procedure, for this, the entire cutlet product is shifted into a dense package and begin to beat the table with force. Just five blows enough so extra air to be left out of the mass, and the excess fat retired, it will allow the cutlets to get the most juicy and very soft.

When the mass is prepared, you can shift it back to a bowl and start the formation of the cutlets, it is better for this hand to moisten in water or just to dip in vegetable oil. The finished semi-finished products are shifted on a frying pan with preheated oil and fry from two sides to a few minutes until full readiness. It is worth saying that you can not use the egg, then the cutlets are preparing, the pork is the most delicious prescription with the semolia, this product will make a cutlet mass more sticky, but the dish itself will succeed in gentle and soft.

Cutlet with the addition of panic eggs and cream

Since the options for creating a cutlet meat snack today is a mass, it is worth considering another fairly simple option for the preparation of a delicious dish, which will have to taste guests and home.


  • pork neck cutting - about one and a half kilograms;
  • pepper in a grinding shape black - ten grams;
  • stone grinding salt - as needed for taste;
  • onions white sharp - three hundred grams;
  • no fat cream - about four hundred milliliters;
  • boiled potatoes - a pair of large pieces;
  • quail egg - 4-6 pieces;
  • wheat flour loaf - four slicks.

The process of creating meat snacks:

To begin with, it is necessary to harvest a piece of meat, it is cut into small pieces and grinding with meat grinders, it is also worth cleaning all the available vegetables, and potatoes must be boiled in advance directly in the peel. Onions and potatoes are skipped through the meat grinder, and then added to the harvested meat minced meat. It is worth collecting bread, it is soaked for one minute in milk, and then immediately pressed and also passed through the meat grinder to add to the mince.

Now the mass must be connected, for this you can mix the cutlet mixture with the help of hands, as a spoon will not achieve homogeneity. As soon as the minced is completely harvested, it is possible to shift it into a tight bag of polyethylene to repel a little, it helps to eliminate excess fat and air from the finished meat mixture. At the same time, before chopping, it is recommended to add quail eggs to mince, all the necessary spices and salt. Fry meat blanks in a pan, in which the vegetable oil was preheated in advance. It is, according to such a recipe, you can make other cutlets that are created from one part of the pork and one part of the veal, the finished dish will be no less tasty and gentle. Such pork cutlets over the most delicious recipe with photos are always very gentle.

Pork cutlets - a casual dish, usual from childhood. Recipes Cutlet Many and every hostess has a note on his favorite recipe for this delicacy. This dish is the most delicious with the use of pork minced meat, because pork is pretty fat and due to this, the cutlets are very juicy and satisfying. You can fry the cake on a regular pan, cook in deep grilled or bake in the oven - someone like it.

Classic cutlets

This recipe is the baselet is basic, as it can be taken as a basis, fantasizing and coming up with new recipes for this dish.

  • grease pork - 700 g
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • black pepper - 1/2 C.L.
  • bread crushers - 100 g
  • bread - 50 g (2 pieces)
  • milk - 100 ml.
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • salt to taste
  1. Pretty wash the meat and clean the pork from unnecessary films.
  2. Skip pieces of pork through a meat grinder or grinding in a blender.
  3. Finely chopping bulb.
  4. Pour two pieces of baton with milk and leave to rose.
  5. Combine pork mince, sliced \u200b\u200bonions, bread with milk, drive the egg and bring the meat mass to taste.
  6. To form meat balls with wet hands, peeling breading and fry to rosy.
  7. Serve hot potato puree cakes or any favorite side dish.

Spicy chopped cutlets

These cakes are not only fast cooking, but also very tasty. Prepare such a delicacy easily and such a recipe is useful in case you need to quickly prepare a dish with a minimum of components.

  • pork - 750 g
  • onions - 1 pc
  • starch - 3 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise - 55 g
  • pepper - 5 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • salt to taste
  • muscat nut - 1/2 C.L.
  1. Meat is pretty flushed and squeeze with small pieces with a sharp knife.
  2. Add to the meat of nutmeg, salt, starch, mayonnaise and eggs and deliver black pepper.
  3. To disturb the shallow cube onions and add to meat, mix well.
  4. Send meat mass to the fridge for a couple of hours.
  5. Put a spoon with a chopped meat into a frying pan and fry until readiness. Serve hot to the table.

Cutlets with tender filling

These cakes will become an excellent addition to any garnish. You can add greens or garlic to cheese - the filling will turn out even more fragrant.

  • pork - 600 g
  • solid cheese - 100 g
  • baton - 2 Slice
  • bread crushers - 100 g
  • salt to taste
  • water - 75 ml.
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • black pepper - 5 g
  • onions - 1 pc.
  1. The washed meat is crushed with a meat grinder or in a blender.
  2. Cut the bread crusts and soak bread in water until the sickness of the ball.
  3. Chopping finely bulb.
  4. Add to minced me onions, softened bread, drive the egg and bring the mince to taste. Also, you can add to the mince passed through the press clove of garlic.
  5. To form meat cake, settling in the middle of each strip of cheese, and shape a cake, leaving cheese in the middle.
  6. Dip cutlets in cruck and fry. Serve hot to the table so that the filling is beautifully flowing.

Cutlets in the aromatic sauce in the oven

Juicy cutlets with savory sauce will become an excellent option for dinner. The fragrant sauce will give the cutlets not only taste, but also a pleasant sick.

  • carrot - 2 pcs.
  • tomato juice or paste - 70 ml.
  • pork - 500 g
  • garlic - 1 teeth
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • black pepper - 5 g
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • creamy oil - 50 g
  • milk - 50 ml.
  • baton - 2 pieces
  • salt to taste
  1. Scroll through the meat grinder.
  2. Soak in the milk bread, removing the crust with a knife.
  3. In the minced meat, add chopped half a bulb, softened bread with milk, knock the egg, bring to taste with pepper and salt.
  4. To blind round cutlets and prepare on oil to ruddy color.
  5. Chopping the remaining onions and grate carrots on a large grater. Pass vegetables on butter until half-ready, then pour tomato paste or juice and leave on fire for a couple more minutes.
  6. Share roasted cutlets in a heat-resistant shape, lay out on top of the cutlets gravy.
  7. Bake the dish about ten minutes at 180 degrees.
  8. Serve cutlets with gravy to the table.

Cutlets under the fur coat

Delicious version of the kitlet under the fragrant coat of mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese.

  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 50 ml.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 40 g
  • Solid or Mozzarella cheese - 100 g
  • Pork - 550 g
  • White bread - 2 pieces
  • Black pepper - 5 g
  • Salt to taste
  • flour - 50 g
  • Champignons - 200 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  1. To disturb the slices of champignons and a small cube one bulb.
  2. Fry champignons in a casserole with butter until readiness.
  3. Make pork minced meat grinder.
  4. Cut bread crusts and soak the crumb in cold water.
  5. Mix all the ingredients of meat minced meat.
  6. Shape and fry the cutlets.
  7. Grate the cheese or cut into plates, cut into thin slides of tomatoes.
  8. Share the cutlets in a heat-resistant shape, lay the mushroom layer over the kitlet, then the slots of tomato and sprinkle with solid dump or lay out pieces of mozzarella. Cove the dish with a mesh mayonnaise and send half an hour at 180-200 degrees.
  9. Serve hot cakes under fragrant coat to the table.

Rustic Cottlets

This recipe kitlet is not only very lightweight in preparation, but also extremely nutritious and satisfying. Such cutlets can easily freeze the future and fry when you need to quickly submit food to the table.

  • Garlic - 1 teeth
  • pepper - 5 g
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • salt to taste
  • pork - 500 g
  • flour - 75 g
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  1. Scroll the washed pork through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  2. In shallow grater, grate the potatoes or grind in the puree with the help of a blender.
  3. Mix potatoes and meat minced meat, drive one egg into the ground, we have a pepper, squeeze the garlic into the mince and add a spoon of sour cream. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Give the cutlets shape, rolling in flour and fry to a beautiful crust.
  5. Serve cutlets with a favorite garnish.

Cutlets are a rather ordinary dish, but they can be prepared differently and very tasty, surprising households with completely different cakes. Experiment and make sure what kind of these recipes is the most delicious.

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