Cornflower flower photo, description, application, varieties. Cornflower - plant care

Landscaping and planning 12.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Cornflower perennial - a herbaceous plant, distinguished by its longevity and beauty. The flower is often grown in flower beds. The plant has many varieties that have been obtained in the process of hybridization. Cornflower perennial not only pleases the eye in a flower bed, but also protects the earth from erosion. He is not whimsical to temperatures, climate. For this, gardeners love him.

In a cornflower, perennial inflorescences are basket-shaped, and flowers are different colors and types. The plant can reach one meter in height.

Botanists have been able to breed about 500 species of these flowers. The plant can be found throughout Europe.

The flowers themselves are not whimsical, take root in any habitat and in any soil. The main thing is that it warms up enough, then the cornflower will bloom and delight the eye for more than one year.

Types of perennial cornflower

Types and varieties of flowers differ among themselves not only in color, shape, but even in size. There are a lot of them. Some have not yet been studied by botanists; every year more and more new varieties of cornflower flowers are being developed. Each species is beautiful and unique in its own way.

Several of its varieties:

Cornflower perennial white

White. The flower reaches a height of about 30 centimeters. The color is white, and his baskets are small. This species is listed in the Red Book because of its uniqueness. It is almost impossible to meet growing on the street. Mostly white cornflowers are planted in botanical gardens or scientific botanical institutes.

Cornflower perennial mountain

Mountain. The plant is very common. This is one of the species that can be seen growing in the field. The stem grows long, can reach a height of one meter. Its rhizomes cover large area earth and because of this, the flower is very difficult to remove from the soil. Some European countries consider this species a weed and fight it in every possible way.

Cornflower pink Oriental cornflower Cornflower meadow

Pink. This type of cornflower grows in almost every gardener in the front garden or garden. Inflorescences are small, solitary. Blooms from mid-summer. The plant itself reaches a height of one meter. garden flower Pink colour.

Oriental. Most likely this variety cannot be seen in someone's front garden. Wild flower. It can grow up to a meter or more in height. Color - bright yellow.

Lugovoi. Very common in eastern Eurasia. The color is pink, sometimes close to purple. Often seen in fields or meadows.

Cornflower soft or blue

Soft. It has a very powerful and long rhizome. Grows fast. The stem is not high, does not reach even half a meter. Inflorescences solitary, baskets. Color - blue. It usually blooms in late spring or early summer.

Planting and growing cornflower garden

Cornflower perennial sun loving plant, so for planting you need to provide a sunny place. Gardeners recommend planting cornflowers in the spring. It is best to do this from mid-April, when the soil has finally warmed up and there will be no frost anymore, since the plant can simply freeze and not germinate. For cornflower, you do not need to carefully select the soil. He is absolutely not whimsical to her, any one, except clay, will do. The main condition is only that the soil should be enriched with minerals, humus.

Before planting flowers, loosen the soil. This required condition, which affects the quality of fit. Bushes and single plants should be planted at a distance from each other. This is due to the fact that the rhizomes of the perennial cornflower are developed and long. The bud of the plant should always be on the same level with the beginning of the earth.

After planting, it is recommended to monitor and care for the flowers. Some species require minimal maintenance. For example, water, remove weeds around the flowers. Sometimes you need to loosen upper layer earth. Withered flowers should be removed immediately.

Kinds of cornflower that are cut need additional, sometimes even laborious care. Such plants are fertilized, about once every two weeks. In a store specializing in botany, you can buy fertilizers with a complex of vitamins. Plants should be fed with these fertilizers. This promotes rapid growth, nutrition and good health. appearance. To accelerate flowering, spraying with ZIRCON is recommended.

Reproduction methods

Cornflower perennial reproduces vegetatively and through seeds. Each type of reproduction requires individual approach to the process.

Growing from seeds

If planting is done with the help of seeds, then at the end you need to thin out all the beds. The distance is maintained from 30 cm. Seeds can be bought at a specialized store. It should be borne in mind that some flowers may start self-seeding, which is not controlled by anything. Growing from seeds is the most promising way to propagate cornflower.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Transplantation of bushes is usually done from the end of summer, when the sun does not bake so much, the heat subsides. First, a bush for transplantation is dug out of the ground, thoroughly cleaned of it. Then the rhizomes descend into the water and stay there. After that, the shoots are slightly shortened, divided into several parts. Planting success requires the plant to have more than three buds. If there are fewer of them, then the process will not make sense, the flower simply will not take root.

After transplanting, the cornflower should be watered moderately, without flooding it. Watering should be done about a couple of times a week. Only after proper planting, complete acceptance of the plant by the soil, it begins to bloom. This can take a whole year, sometimes it takes even more time. Rooting is a rather lengthy process, therefore quick results not worth the wait. But after a year, the plant begins to bloom profusely.

Video "Caring for cornflowers"

Diseases and pests

A perennial cornflower is one flower that rarely gets sick. It is resistant not only to certain weather conditions, but also to diseases, infections, harmful insects. Only mites and fungi are often the cause of cornflower disease.

A common flower disease is Fusarium. It has a fungal character. The first sign is a sickly appearance of the foliage: the leaves may fall off or change their color greatly. To eliminate the disease, you should first cut off all the foliage and treat the cut points with a product that is sold in specialized stores. The agent penetrates the tissues of the plant and protects them from further infection.

On particularly hot days, the flower has a painful appearance due to an infection that comes from a spider mite. The first signs of this will be the fall of the leaves, their yellow color and black spots. After that, the leaves are cut and thrown away, and the bush is sprayed with soap and water. Every day, twice, you need to spray the bush with this solution until the plant comes into a healthy look and is cured. Only with proper treatment, perennial cornflower flowers will bloom for more than one year.

The use of cornflower in other areas of life

Cornflower perennial is not only a front garden decoration and a plant blooming in the field, but also an assistant in various fields life. Very often, cornflower flowers are used in. Moreover, not only in folk, but also traditional.

Cornflower inflorescence oil

In the latter, blue cornflower flowers are used in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Starting from liver disease, ending with a slight malaise. As part of many products, cornflower acts as an auxiliary component.

It is often added to antiseptics to help decontaminate wounds. V chemical composition flower contains various vitamins and beneficial acids that have a positive effect on human body. With conjunctivitis and eye fatigue, the bandage is dipped in a decoction of cornflowers and placed on the eyes.

People living in the mountains make delicious cornflower blue tea, which has the effect of cleansing the body. It acts as an antipyretic and sometimes even as an analgesic. Some doctors believe that a walk through a cornflower field relieves stress and relieves excessive irritability.

V traditional medicine there are many recipes in which the main component is the blue cornflower flower. Infusions are made from it, which are used as a diuretic. Some decoctions help with colds. It is generally accepted that adding cornflower to decoctions normalizes the menstrual cycle in women, but you should not get carried away with this. Before doing anything, you should consult with your doctor.

The plant is actively used in cosmetology. Decoctions made on the basis of a cornflower flower help the skin get rid of problems. After application, the skin acquires a natural color, the pores are cleansed.

Cornflower perennial is unusual flower. It pleases the eye from the end of spring to the end of summer. Thanks to its varieties, the front garden will always look beautiful.

Class Dicotyledons - Dycotiledones, Magnoliopsida

Centaurea orientalis L.
Family Asteraceae, Compositae - Asteraceae, Compositae

Status. Category 3. Status in adjacent regions. It is included in the Red Books of Kursk (category 3), Belgorod (3), Volgograd (2) regions.
Spreading. Southeast European-Caucasian species, the range of which covers the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula, southeast Central Europe, Ciscaucasia. V middle lane European Russia is known from Belgorod, Volgograd, Voronezh, Kursk, Saratov and Ulyanovsk regions. In the Voronezh region - near the northern border of the range: in the territory of the Central Russian and Kalach Uplands - sporadically, the Oka-Don Plain - rarely.
Description. Perennial short-rhizome herbaceous plant 40-90 cm tall. The base of the stem is surrounded by blackish hairy decay from last year's basal leaves. Leaves are pinnatipartite, long-petiolate. Inflorescence - basket, up to 3 cm in diameter. Leaves of the involucre at the top with a large lanceolate comb-ciliate appendage. The flowers are yellow. The fruit is an achene with a tuft of hairs, the tuft is barely shorter than the achene or almost equal in length to it. It differs from Russian cornflower (Centaurea ruthenicaLam.) by the presence of large comb-ciliate appendages on the leaflets of the basket wraps and a more intense color of the corolla.
Features of biology and ecology. Blooms from July to August. Propagated by seeds. Calciphilous-steppe type. Throughout its range it grows on steppes, rocky and sandy slopes, outcrops of chalk and limestone. In the Voronezh region found in steppes on chernozem and chernozem-calcareous soils, on slightly soddy and soddy chalk-marl outcrops.
Number and tendencies of its change. Populations of the species are not numerous, isolated, but in the places of growth the number is currently stable.
limiting factors. Intensive grazing, erosion of slopes, chalk mining, collection by the population for bouquets, spring fires.
Security measures taken. It is protected on the territory of the museum-reserve "Divnogorie" and most of the steppe natural monuments.
Recommendations for the conservation of the species in natural conditions. Monitoring the state of populations of the species, promoting the inadmissibility of collecting protected flowering plants.
Information about the preservation of the species in culture. Cultivated in the botanical gardens of Moscow (GBS RAS) and Donetsk. Vitality in culture is high, gives self-seeding.
Sources of information:. Eastern cornflower. 1. Komarov, 1931 b; 2. Kamyshev, 1976; 3. Kamyshev, 1978; 4. Khmelev, 1999; 5. Chernobylova, 2000; 6. Agafonov, 20066; 7. Grigorievskaya, 2006. Herbarium data - VORG, VU, VOR; essay writer's data. Compiled by: O. V. Prokhorova; photo: N. N. Popova.

Cornflower flower belongs to the genus herbaceous plants family Astrovye or else this family is called Compositae. The flower has a straight stem that can reach over a meter in height. Flowers are collected in baskets and can be of different colors: white, yellow, blue, pink, blue, purple, red or burgundy. The plant is annual, biennial or perennial. Flowers begin to bloom from June and can delight with their beauty until late autumn.

Cornflower can be found almost throughout Europe and throughout Russia. Most known species- this is blue cornflower, which is found in fields, in winter grains, in wastelands. The plant propagates by seeds.

The plant itself is unpretentious, drought-resistant and frost-resistant. He loves the sun very much. Can grow in one place up to 10 years and at the same time keep lush bloom. Virtually disease free. Due to its unpretentiousness and beautiful flowering, it is very common among gardeners.

Application of Cornflower:

Cornflower flower is used in cooking. Its leaves have a delicate aroma and are often used as a seasoning for dishes.

Not bypassed cornflowers and medicine. This flower has diuretic properties. Therefore, decoctions of cornflower are used for kidney diseases, edema, and so on. Also, decoctions of cornflower have choleretic properties. It is also used for liver diseases, including jaundice. Cornflower also has antipyretic, diaphoretic and bactericidal properties.

The flower is often used in cosmetics. Cornflower is in demand and how decorative flower. Cornflower is also mentioned as a dye for Easter eggs. But in our time, when food coloring is available, it is unlikely that people will run into the field for cornflowers.

Flower Cornflower video

Cornflower varieties:

Cornflower blue - the most famous variety. Is very beautiful turquoise color flowers, the length of the flower stem can reach a height of 80 cm. One- or two-year-old plant. You can meet in the fields, in wastelands, in meadows.

Cornflower mountain

Cornflower mountain - a perennial plant. Can grow on any soil. Very unpretentious plant- can survive in difficult conditions. Flowers can be blue, purple, burgundy. In height it can reach growth up to 1 meter.

Cornflower white

Cornflower white - a rare variety of flower, which is listed in the Red Book. Differs in white color of flowers and terry petals. At the same time, the growth of the flower is quite small - up to 30 cm in height.

Cornflower large-headed is a perennial plant. Distinguished by its large size. In height, the size of the flower can reach more than 1 meter. Flowers also differ in their size - they can be up to 7 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is light or bright yellow.

Meadow cornflower is a perennial plant, the size of which can reach up to 80 cm in height. The color of the flowers is lilac, pink, less often white. The plant is covered with cobwebs. Flowers are collected in baskets.

Cornflower yellow is a perennial plant, the size of which can reach up to 1 meter in height. The color of the flowers is bright yellow and the cornflower flower is about 5 cm in diameter. The stem is thick and straight.

Oriental cornflower

Cornflower orientalis is a large perennial plant that can reach a size of 120 cm in height. The flowers are quite large, collected in baskets.

Cornflower bleached - one of the most beautiful views cornflower. It can reach up to 60 cm in height. lower leaves may be white color, while the upper ones are green. The cornflower flower is beautiful in itself. Flower color is bright pink.

Cornflower pink - a perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Inflorescences are large and solitary pink. The stems of the flower are strong and swollen under the inflorescences.

Cornflower sprawling - a biennial plant up to 50 cm in height. The flowers are white or pink, collected in baskets. The plant itself is very splayed.

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Cornflower (Centaurea)

Family: Asteraceae, Compositae

Brief information about the garden plant

plant type: perennial, biennial or annual

Attitude towards light: light-loving

Relation to moisture: prefers moderate moisture, drought-resistant

Wintering: winter-hardy, does not hibernate in the middle lane

The soil: prefers garden soils

Flowering time: summer (July-August), end of summer - autumn (August-October)

Height: medium (50-100 cm), low (10-50 cm)

Value in culture: beautiful flowering

Centaurea, Cornflower. One-, two- and perennial rhizomatous plants. The stems are erect or recumbent, reaching 120 cm in height in some species. The leaves are arranged in the next order, both whole and pinnately dissected.

Like all Compositae, in cornflowers their “flower” is an inflorescence-basket, in which the marginal large funnel-shaped flowers with a jagged edge are sterile, and the middle ones, small tubular flowers, are bisexual and produce seeds. All flowers from below are covered with a wrapper of numerous leaves. Terry is considered a basket with an increased number of rows of funnel-shaped sterile flowers located along the edge, and a reduced number of median narrow-tubular flowers. Depending on the species, they bloom June to September, usually for a long time, 40-45 days.


The genus name comes from the Greek kentaurion- "centaur": in honor of the famous centaur Chiron, who was known healing properties herbs. Latin name centaurea(centaurea) translates as "one hundred yellow flowers." Although we are used to blue cornflowers, they are white, yellow, blue, blue, pink, purple.

V different areas In Russia, cornflowers are called a commotion, a ringing grass, a bean plant, hairs, a blue flower, etc.

Types and varieties of cornflower

The genus contains about 500 species distributed in Europe, Asia, North Africa, and America. About 10 species of annual and perennial plants are grown in the culture, used to create flower beds, mixborders, flowering lawns. In culture, several types of annual and perennial plants are grown. Annual cornflowers are quite popular in culture. Most often, blue and musky cornflowers are grown.

Blue cornflower (Сentaurea cyanus)

He is sometimes called field cornflower or cornflower blue, a plant native to the Mediterranean. An annual plant with a height of 20 to 70 cm. The leaves are entire, narrow (lanceolate), pointed, slightly pubescent. Baskets with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm, funnel-shaped marginal flowers, natural species- bright blue, varieties can be white, pink, red. Blooms from June until frost. Propagated by sowing in a permanent place in spring or before winter, gives self-seeding, is used to create Mauritanian lawns. English firms offer many varieties of this plant. Among them ' Black Ball' with a basket chocolate color, ‘Blue Diadem’ deep blue, ‘ Florence Pink' - a compact bush with a pale pink basket. The English call cornflowers cornflower.

Cornflower blue, pink-flowered variety

Musk cornflower (Сentaurea moschata)

More often it is called musky amberboa (Amberboa moschata). The cornflower received this name due to its subtle pleasant aroma. in Arabic ambar, ambra- aroma. This is a spectacular large cornflower, whose birthplace is Transcaucasia. This annual plant widely grown throughout the world, mainly as a cut flower. In culture since the 17th century. The stem is high (60-80 cm), strongly branched, erect. The leaves are bright green, pinnate, with a serrated edge. At the end of the stems are large (up to 8 cm in diameter) inflorescences-baskets.

Their color is varied - white, yellow, lilac, purple. Basket consists of wide funnel-shaped flowers with carved edges. Blossoms from June to October, abundantly fructifies, often forms self-sowing. It is not picky about soils, but prefers neutral, well-drained, rich soils. Drought tolerant. In England this plant is called Sweet Sultan or Dairy Maid and are most often grown for cutting. The variety looks especially good ‘ Bride' having white large flower, and a group of varieties " Morgan" with characteristic yellow baskets.

Mountain cornflower (Centaurea montana)

The most famous representative of perennial cornflowers. His homeland is the mountains of Western Europe. Perennial plant, forms a beautiful hemispherical bush about 60 cm high. Basal leaves are whole, lanceolate, whitish-pubescent, on short petioles, collected in a rosette, wintering. Inflorescence - basket deep of blue color, 6 cm in diameter. Blooms from June 2-2.5 months.

Varieties of mountain cornflower:

Parham' - with a purple-lavender basket,

Grandiflora' - with a large (up to 8 cm in diameter) blue flower,

Alba' - white flower,

Rosea' - pink flower,

Violetta' is a dark purple flower.

Soft cornflower (Centaurea mollis)

A shade-tolerant plant that can be found in the upper forest and subalpine belts of the Carpathians. Long-rhizome perennial with decumbent shoots 30-35 cm long. Forms a dense thicket of simple oval silvery leaves on short petioles. Baskets are bright blue, 3-4 cm in diameter. It blooms from June.

Cornflower Fisher (Centaurea fischeri)

Endemic to the Caucasus, grows in subalpine meadows. Root-spring perennial 30-50 cm high. Leaves are oval with a solid edge, silvery from pubescence. Inflorescences are large, up to 9 cm in diameter, fawn, light pink, lilac-pink. It blooms for a long time, from the end of June almost to the end of August. Unpretentious winter-hardy plant. Grows well on open places on any soil with moderate moisture.

Cornflower Fisher grows rapidly, forming a loose thicket. It is very decorative during the flowering period, but in August wilted inflorescences spoil its beauty. If you constantly cut off the flowering baskets of cornflower, this will not only keep it neat, but also prolong flowering.

Whitened cornflower (Centaurea dealbata or Psephellus dealbatus)

In nature, it is known in the mountains of the Caucasus and Northern Iran. In culture, it forms a rather dense, non-decaying bush up to 60 cm high. The leaves are dark green above and whitish below. Inflorescences are solitary, up to 4 cm in diameter with matte pink deep-fringed flowers.

This species has very beautiful varietyJohn Coutts' with large inflorescences, in which the marginal flowers are pink, fringed, and the middle ones are yellow. Blooms from late July to September.

Russian cornflower (Centaurea ruthenica)

It grows naturally in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia, East Kazakhstan, in Western Europe. The plant is tall, 100 cm or more in height, with a powerful tap root system. The stems are few, branched in the upper part. The leaves are bluish, pinnately divided, serrated along the edge. Baskets up to 6 cm in diameter. marginal flowers sandy yellow. Blooms from mid-July for 30-35 days.

In addition to these species, you can also grow Marshall's cornflower (Centaurea Marschalliana), and other types.

Wild types of cornflower

Cornflower oriental (Centaureaorientalis)

A perennial plant 50-100 cm high. The leaves of the involucre are leathery, comb-ciliated along the edge. Inflorescences-baskets are large, 3-4 cm in diameter. Blooms in June-August.

It grows mainly in the black earth zone (steppes on chalks).

Phrygian cornflower (Centaurea phrygia)

Perennial plant 30-130 cm high. Inflorescences-baskets are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, medium leaves of the involucre at the top with a constriction and black fringed-dissected appendages. Blooms June-September.

Cornflower false Phrygian (Centaurea preudophrygia)

A view very similar to v. Phrygian. Differs in brown (rather than black) color of the appendages and the absence of constriction on the leaves of the wrapper. Blooms June-September.

It grows throughout central Russia (meadows, edges, glades).

Meadow cornflower (Centaurea jacea)

Perennial plant 20-200 cm tall. Inflorescences-baskets up to 5 cm in diameter, involucre leaves at the top with membranous light brown appendages. Blooms in June-October.

It grows throughout central Russia (meadows, edges, glades).

Cornflower care

All cornflowers (with the exception of soft cornflower) are photophilous plants. In relation to moisture, cornflowers are divided into two groups. Meadow cornflower, Phrygian cornflower, soft cornflower, mountain cornflower and Fischer's cornflower are plants that prefer moderately moist soils, large-headed cornflower, Marshall's cornflower, whitened cornflower and Russian cornflower are drought-resistant species. All cornflowers are cold-resistant, they are practically not damaged by frost. Annual cornflowers grow all summer, until late autumn.

Cornflowers need fertile, humus-rich soils, preferably neutral. But musk, Marshall, Russian and mountain cornflowers prefer alkaline soils. To care undemanding. In the spring, the soil is loosened around the plant, after flowering, the stems are removed, leaving a rosette of basal leaves. Top dressing is used only when growing cornflowers for cutting.

Cornflower breeding

Cornflowers grow rapidly, reproduce well by dividing the rhizome (in spring or late summer) and seeds (sowing before winter or early spring).

Cornflower field common plant, possessing large quantity varieties often used in the design of flower beds not only in the front gardens, but also in the flower beds of cities, detailed description cultivars and species are listed below.

Among the many varieties, there are those that have been deserved for many years, are popular with our gardeners.


Very popular Cornflower. On a long stem of 80 cm, wonderful bright blue flowers bloom.. Green leaf blades are thin and long. This is a biennial plant and it is quite common in the meadows and fields of Russia.


Perennial grows up to 80 cm. On long stems are green leafy plates covered with milk fluff. Flowers are collected in baskets and have different colors.:

  • purple;
  • Pink;
  • White (rare color).

garden perennial

This variety Vasilka is perennial and grows in one place up to 11 years, while it is absolutely unpretentious. The height of the bush is 90 cm, leaf plates at the bottom of the bush are wide dissected upper narrow and long.

This species has high and not high grades, which, depending on the growth, are planted in the background or foreground of the flower bed. Flowers are collected in baskets and have pink and blue hues.

Blue (Centaurea cyanus)

It has gray-green leaf plates and a high stem up to 100 cm. Flowers are collected in baskets. The color of the outer petals is sky blue. Flowering begins in June and lasts until September.

Musk (Centaurea moshata)

This is a two-year variety of Cornflower, which has fragrant purple flowers. The height of the bush is 70 cm. After botanical experiments, varieties with yellow and white flowers appeared.

Mountain (Centaurea montana)

This perennial variety, growing on any soil, and survives in any conditions. The height of the plant is 100 cm and the flowers collected in elastic baskets have shades:

  • blue;
  • purple;
  • Burgundy.

Soft (Centaurea mollis)

This variety is able to grow in partial shade. The height of the bush is 35 cm. The variety forms dense thickets and blooms all summer. Flowers are bright blue.

Bleached (Centaurea dealbata or Psephellus dealbatus)

This cute flower has white leafy plates at the base of the plant. Leaf plates located on top of green. The height of an adult bush is 60 cm. Flowers are collected in baskets and have a bright pink color.

Russian (Centaurea ruthenica)

This cornflower grows in Russia and the Caucasus. The height of the bush can exceed the mark of 100 cm. Leaf plates are gray and dissected. Flower baskets are quite large up to 6 cm in diameter with sandy-colored marginal petals.

wild species

What types of Cornflower are common in the wild? Here are some of them:

  1. Oriental cornflower(Centaurea orientalis)
  2. Phrygian cornflower(Centaurea phrygia)
  3. Cornflower false Phrygian(Centaurea preudophrygia)
  4. Cornflower meadow(Centaurea jacea)

Oriental (Centaurea orientalis)

This perennial variety Cornflower has a height of 120 cm and big flowers yellow color located at the ends of powerful shoots.

The variety is very decorative and is often planted in flower beds.

Phrygian (Centaurea phrygia)

Perennial, bush height can be different from 30-130 cm. The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, the middle leaves of the involucre at the top with a constriction and black fringed-dissected appendages.

It grows throughout Russia.

False Phrygian (Centaurea preudophrygia)

This type reminiscent of Phrygian cornflower. The difference is that the color of the appendages is brown and there are no constrictions on the leaves of the wrapper. Flowering continues all summer and early autumn. Grows throughout central Russia.

When choosing various cornflower litters, be aware that the variety of the plant is not transmitted with the help of seeds.

plant cornflower

It can often be found in the flower beds of the city and in the front gardens of our flower lovers. Let's study the structure of a cornflower from the point of view of a flower master


It has a straight stem, which, depending on the variety, can reach a height of 100 cm. Flowers are collected in dense baskets of various shades.:

  • White;
  • Blue;
  • yellow;
  • Purple.

Plants can be:

  1. Annuals.
  2. Biennial.
  3. Perennial.

Flowering begins in early summer and, depending on the variety, until late autumn.

What group/family does it belong to?

Belongs to the Astrov family, also this family has the name Compositae.

Application in various fields

Since the petals of a flower have a delicate and pleasant aroma, it is used in various fields.:

  1. Used as seasoning to meat dishes.
  2. The petals are placed in fragrant teas.
  3. V medicine.

Medicinal properties

This plant can be used to treat various diseases.:

  1. Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  2. urinary system.
  3. Liver diseases.
  4. Gallbladder.
  5. Edema treatment.

Any treatment should be carried out after consultation with a doctor.

plant care requirements

In order for a plant to please with its flowering, you need to know how to cultivate it on your own site.

Planting a plant

The plant is planted in the spring, as soon as the soil warms up. Usually this time is from April to the onset of heat. The soil can be of any quality, the main thing is to dig it up before planting and get rid of weeds. Holes are dug at a distance of 50 cm apart and well watered. As soon as the water is absorbed, put the rhizome of the plant and sprinkle it with earth. Wherein root system it is necessary to straighten in such a way that individual roots lie in separate directions.

If a strong warming is expected, the planting site of the Cornflower rhizome should be mulched with hay.


A perennial plant can be propagated in various ways.:

  1. Root cuttings.
  2. The division of the bush.
  3. Seeds.

Root cuttings can be propagated throughout the warm season.. To do this, carefully dig out from mother bush the stalk so that it has its own root system and the vegetative part of the flower.

When digging up the cutting, do not damage the mother plant.

The division of the bush is done after flowering around the end of August. To do this, a 4-year-old cornflower bush is dug up and cut into parts with garden shears, in which there will be both roots and growing buds. Further parts are planted in the usual way.

Seeds are propagated in early March. Seeds are planted in containers filled with fertile and loose soil. Watering is done by immersion so as not to wash the seeds. When the seedlings have 2 true leaves, they pick them up.

Cornflower seedlings need a lot of light, if it is not available, seedlings are illuminated with special lamps.

Everything annual varieties reproduce only by seeds.

Growing in the garden

The place is chosen sunny, and since it grows well, it is planted in 50 cm increments. This will give a place for good development bush.

Weed the planting of seedlings in time so that the weeds do not drown out the flowers.

Care requirement

In relation to moisture, cornflowers are divided into two groups - species that prefer moderate, medium moisture, and plants that tolerate drought well. Water the flowers moderately, that is, if there is rain, then watering should not be carried out at all. Since excess moisture can provoke decay of the root mass.

The ideal air temperature for good plant growth is +26 degrees. But even with an increase, he does not die, he just begins to throw out fewer buds.

Fertilizers are applied periodically every two weeks and fertilized with complex fertilizers.

Apply fertilizer after watering on moist soil. This will protect the root system from burns.

Use in landscape design

With the help of this plant decorate different kind rockeries, tapeworms are created from large-headed varieties of Vasilka. Go well with these colors:

  • Delphinium;
  • Akkonites.

No matter how it is planted, it must be remembered that it does not grow in the shade.

plant application

Traditional medicine uses various infusions and teas to strengthen the human immune system. For treatment:

Official medicine uses this plant in the treatment of:

  • heart disease;
  • Eye diseases;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Gout.

Cosmetology makes decoctions and lotions for:

  • Reducing swelling of the eyelids;
  • Reduction of pores on the face;
  • Removes irritation on the skin.

It's beautiful the plant brings to the world not only beauty, but also great benefits helping to cure a person. Flowerbeds with various cornflowers planted on them attract loving glances.

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