The bow of the naval of winter Siberian annual. Onions of the Sevil Grade for Siberia, Urals, Moscow region Description and photos

Arrangement of the site 29.08.2019
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Bow variety photos

Arzamasian local

Bessonovsky local

Mster local

Timiryazevsky Block

Onions Stuttgarter Rizen

Onions Danilovsky 301.

Vishish local

Mechchkovsky 300.


Caba (Yellow)

Krasnodar Mr.

Sweet grade of the bunk


Description of varieties


Selecting planting material

Shalot bow - landing scheme

LandingPlanting scheme:

Growing good Rust:Salot varietiesEarrings -

Vitamin basket

Sira 7.

Lukovka weighing 25 - 30 g Emerald

Sophia Gusevaluk.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9.

Bessonovsky local

4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.


Bulbs are dense, rounded, weighing 67-100 grams. Dry scales bright yellow with anthocian, juicy - white. Yield up to 12 tons per ha. Before cleaning, the coherence is about 63%, and after dosing weight - 89.2%.

Dates of planting winter onions in Siberia

Stored good.


3, 9, 10 .


Ball 300.

2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9.

Red Baron

3, 4, 5, 6, 9.

Siberian annual

– 4, 9, 10.

Strigunovsky local

in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Black Prince

3, 4, 9, 10.


Over the summer, they ripen beautiful, dense oval bulbs up to 800 g. The top scales of straw color, inside white. Amazing juicy sweet grade. It is resistant to disease. It comes to growing in all regions of the Russian Federation.


Danilovsky 301.

2, 3, 4


. 3, 6, 8.

Carmen MS.

3, 5, 7, 8 .

Rostov local

1, 2, 3, 10.


2, 3, 4, 10 .


6, 8.

Stuttgarter Rizen

3, 4, 7, 11.


After cleaning, relatives to the greenhouse and lay out between tomatoes. There he devies well during the week.

How to choose the bow of the navigation? What is the best Luke?

After that, I cut a pen, which I leave there, among tomatoes. Also I do with winter garlic. The phytoncides, secreted by these plants, to some extent restrain the development of phytoophulas.

IG Glazdovskaya.

Home »Onions» Bow Grade Photo

Bow variety photos

Varieties and photos of the bunch of onions. Acute and other varieties

Arzamasian local

Mid-line, midstare, bulb rounded-cube with amber-ocher-oxidic dry scales, weighing 30-78 g. Recommended for cultivation in middle lane countries.

Bessonovsky local

Early, midstare, bulb round-flat or rounded-flat with running up with yellow Okraskaya Dry scales, the mass of the bulbs of 35-46. 78 is recommended for the cultivation in the middle strip of the country.

Mster local

Early, lowland, bulb round-flat with yellow painting dry scales.

Leek Pubics Local Superior

Puberry Luke grade is early, medium - and middle-nest, bulb flat or rounded-flat with running up and down, dry scales yellow different shades, bulb mass 29-50 g.

Onions Rostov Local

Early, medium - and middle-nest, bulb flat or rounded-flat, sometimes rounded-flat with running up, dry scales yellow, mass of the bulbs of the Rostov grade of Luke 30-57

Spassky Local Local

Mid-flying Spassky onion, medium - and middle-speed, bulb flat or rounded-flat, dry scales yellow with brown tint, bulb weighing 40-52

Timiryazevsky Block

Early, lowland, bulb round-flat with a little run up, dry scales light brown, sometimes golden yellow, in the neck with a gray tint, mass of the bulbs 49-70

Onions Stuttgarter Rizen

German variety, early, low-nest. Gardeners respond about Luke Stuttgarter Rizen Good.

Peninsula on Luke

Onions Danilovsky 301.

Middle, lowland, bulb flat or rounded-flat, dry scales dark red with purple tint and purple, mass of Danilovsky Luke 80 - 155

Vishish local

Sort of folk selection from the Nizhny Novgorod region. According to the description, he is like a variety of Danilovsky 301, but the painting of its dry scales is lighter - pink-red with a dark purple tint. The bulbs are larger, the variety is low-nest.

Mechchkovsky 300.

Middle, low-coast, bulb flat or rounded-flat, dry scales yellow, mass of bulbs 40 - 120 g.


Middle, small, bulb flat and rounded-flat, painting dry scales golden-yellow, mass of bulbs 55-80 g.

Caba (Yellow)

Lovely, lowland, bulb rounded and rounded-flat with running down (cast iron), weighing 80 - 140 g, dry scales yellow. Iris. Early, lowland, bulbs round shape, scales are yellowish brown and straw yellow, the mass of the bulbs is 35-86.

Krasnodar Mr.

The low-coast, bulb rounded or rounded-oval, painting dry scales yellow, sometimes with a pink tint. Mass of the bulbs 115

Sweet grade of the bunk

The sweet grades of the onion of the sponsor are grown in one-year culture in the southern regions of the country (the Southern Regions of the Volga region, North Caucasus). In the middle lane, they can be grown only through the seedlings. Andphan 313, orange, Polish variety - Kutnovsk. Dutch hybrids are noteworthy:

Green onions is a storehouse of vitamins that we need so much in the spring. As soon as the sun prigerates, I immediately wakes up an appetite for all green: dill, parsley, the left, very love the feather of garlic - the taste is excellent, fragrant, fragrant, but not so bitter. I did not have such a long time for myself shallot.

Previously, it was only the seed-to-feather familiar to us. But, now we always grow this vegetable, I liked it so much. The benefit from Shalot is just a huge:

  • Onions on ascorbic acid, it is much more contained than in the rep. 70% of vitamin C is contained in green leaves (sticks).
  • The shallot contains flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties, are good prevention of cancer.
  • Onions are rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, RR, sugars and carotenoids.
  • In the shallot contain minerals: Nickel, Vanadium, Cobalt, Chrome, Molybdenum.
  • The bulbs contain potassium, which is so necessary to our heart.

Lucky chalot gentle and juicy taste. The bulbs are small compared to the replied, but it has a high-quality green pen, which is well stored even in the conditions of the apartment. Description of varietiesShalot belongs to the bowl.

By the way, the onions are considered one of the most ancient cultures, the ancient Greeks endowed the onions by magical properties. Shalot Many titles: Kushchevka, Sorovakovka, Family. Lukovitsa small in size, in the first year, roasting. Color from white to purple.

The leaves are thick, hollow, 20 - 45 cm highs. Bulk predecessors: Pumpkin, legumes, Siderats, green. The early grades in the growing season is 50 - 60 days! Onions green chalot whitewally than the ones, but also benefit from it more.

Seeds are sulking in spring when it only fills the snow. After 20 - 25 days a green fragrant feather will appear, which can be cut off. And the crop of Luke is removed after 2, 5 - 3 months. (Depending on the variety) after landing.

Do not be afraid, the chalot is very cold, tolerates a decrease in temperature to -10…-15 Degree! Even extinct bulb will germinate and give a harvest. Luke grade grows quite quickly, and root system He has a little.

Therefore, for the cultivation of the shalot, it is better to choose solar places with light, loose and fertile soil. Heavy and overwhelmed land does not suit him. Selecting planting materialAs the "size matters".

For cultivation and planting, choose only healthy shalot bulbs with tightly adjacent dry scales without cracks from the Donets. A small bowl weighs about 40 grams. Of major copies, more magnificent greens grow up, and more children are formed in the nest.

Such bulbs have more good health, less likely to get a viral disease. Meliky Shaloty bulbs about 10 - 15 grams, increase fewer bulbs in the nest (about 3 - 5), but they more places Develop and will be larger. When landing onions do not need to trim the upper part, as we do with the separation of the rep. Trimming "On the shoulders" accelerates the growth of green feather. But for this particular variety, it is more important for the growth of the roots to the growth of the leaves, and this is better without trimming.

Shalot bow - landing scheme

LandingOnions can be planted as soon as the snow came down and until the beginning of May, it won't make sense later, the plant would not have time to develop normally. Planting scheme:Small lows of Shalot (10-15 g): Sizza every 8 - 10 cm, the average (15 - 25 g) - after 15 - 18 cm, large (30 - 40 g.) - After 20 - 30 cm with a distance Between the rows of 30 - 40 cm. If you can highlight the land under the landing of the bow can be grown by a square-nesting method - 20 x 20, 30 x 30 or 40 x 40 cm. Bloods before planting well.

The bulbs deepen on 5 - 6 cm. If planted too small - can write out of the ground, and deeply will slow down the appearance of germs that we need. (I remind you of the root system should be ahead of the growth of the greenery). The root system in the shalot is weak, so looping and weeding are required.

Loves onions abundant watering especially during the growing of greenery and drought. The presentation period has a small one, so they feed in May - June. You can make an organic matter: Cow's infusion 1:10 or avian litter 1:15.

Comprehensive mineral fertilizer can be made (30 - 40 g. 10 liters per 1 l.) July feeders are not so effective compared to May bowls. Nitrogen fertilizers now can not be made - they worsen the aging and preservation of bulbs.

Growing good Rust:In order for the Rust of Shalot to grow larger at the beginning or mid-July form a nest - for this, it is neatly unwinding the land from Luke, so that there is a luthfully and remove small together with the pen, leave only 4 - 5 of the strongest. If the plant lashes their arrows, their It is not more than 10 cm at a height, otherwise they will still continue to grow. Salot varietiesEarrings - Early Sort Safety-resistant.

In the nest is formed from 4 to 10 bulbs. The onion of the medium size, sharp taste. Vitamin basket - Early variety. The bow for taste sharp, lows 30 g., Feather - juicy, well kept up to 10 months.

From shoots to cutting on a green feather - from 19 to 22 days, before cleaning the bulbs 65 - 70 days. Sira 7. - Surprise grade. From shoots to cuttings 32 - 34 days, before cleaning the bulbs 60 - 70 days.

Lukovka weighing 25 - 30 g Emerald - Early Luke grade with round bulbs weighing 18 - 22 g, in the nest of 3 -4 pcs. The taste of the peninsula! It is stored until 10 months.

Luke Luke Luke for Urals

Sophia Gusevaluk.

I want to tell about the grade of the bouquet for the Urals. These varieties are listed in the Russian State Register and verified, tested specifically for our climatic and light zone. Because different regions Get different amounts of light and heat.

The Ural region includes Kurgan, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg region and Bashkiria. The description will indicate all regions for which these Luke varieties are suitable. In order not to list them every time, I denote numbers, as in the registry:

  1. North - Murmansk, Arkhangelsk region. Komi Republic, Karelia.Sero-West - Kaliningrad, Vologda, Kostromskaya, Novgorod, Leningrad, Pskov, Yaroslavskaya, Tverskaya Oblast. Central - Vladimirskaya, Bryanskaya, Kaluga, Ivanovskaya, Ryazanskaya, Moscow, Tula, Smolensk region. Water - Vyatsky - Kirovskaya , Sverdlovsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Republic of Mary El, Chuvash, Udmurtskaya, Perm Krai.central-chernozem - Voronezh, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Kurskaya, Tambov, Oryol region.Sero-Caucasian - Krasnodar, Stavropol region, Rostov region, Republic of Adygea, Karchaevo-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkarian .Srednevian - Samara, Penza, Ulyanovsk region. Republic of Mordovia, Tatarstan.Nizhnevolzhsky - Volgograd, Saratovskaya, Astrakhan region. Republic of Kalmykia. Uralsky - Orenburg, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk Region, Republic of Bashkortostan. Focus-Siberian - Republic of Altai. Novosibirskaya, Kemerovo, Omsk, Tyumen, Tomsk Region, Altai Territory, KhMAO. West-Siberian Region - Chita, Irkutsk Region, Krasnoyarsk region. Republic of Sakha, Tyva, Buryatia, Khakassia. Divneast-Kamchatka, Amur, Sakhalin, Magadan region. Khabarovsky, Primorsky Krai.

The grade of the bite for the Urals with the photo and description


This is an old, known, time-tested variety of folk selection for cultivation in a two-year culture, through the north. Bulb from an extender-rounded round to a cubic round. The dimensions are medium, mass from 40 to 80 grams.

The variety is zoned in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) in 1943. The average ripening period is from 100 to 110 days. Middle gain, minor.

It is possible to grow to a major bulb in one year. The coloring of the scales is dark yellow, even with a brown tinge, inside white scales, juicy, dense. Strikes before cleaning to 96%. It is well kept in winter. Rising growing - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9.

Bessonovsky local

Early multi-pointed acute variety. It can be grown in annual, and two-year-old culture. The rounded-flat bulb, dense, outside the scales yellow, inside white.

The bulbs grow up weighing 36-55 grams. From the germination of the first feathers, 60-80 days passes from their seats. Lyuzness is good, it can be stored almost until spring - 8-9 months. Feels for the regions - 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.


Lateuriety. The bulb grows a one-core, three-shit. Designed for growing a two-year-old cycle. Universal grade, with sharp soon.

Bulbs are dense, rounded, weighing 67-100 grams. Dry scales bright yellow with anthocian, juicy - white. Yield up to 12 tons per ha. Before cleaning, the coherence is about 63%, and after dosing weight - 89.2%. Stored good.

May be hurting empty. Harvests gives stable with large smooth bulbs, with good effortlessness, resistant to bacterial diseases. This variety I did not find in the state market for 2015. Apparently, it is already excluded, but he continues to live, as a local grade, spreading with local gardeners.Inted by Central, Middle Autonomous, Ural Regions.


Midhranny variety. It is grown in one year from Chernushka and in a two-year culture. Large flat-rounded bulb, weighing 60-80 grams. Outside the scales yellow, inside - white. Acute taste.

Before cleaning, the variety matches 85%, after ripening by 97%. Suitable for winter storage. Rising growing - 3, 9, 10 .


The average degree of selection of Transnistrian Nisch for growing in one season. When landing, the Svikov goes to the second year goes to the arrow. Ripens 105-110 days. Flat-rounded or rounded bulb, weighing from 70 to 130 grams, under good conditions up to 200 gr and more.

Outside the scales of pink-brown with a white-purple tint, and inside - pale purple. Two-four-chapted. Universal appointment, acute taste. The average yield is 25-38 tons with ha.

Ball 300.

Early grade from the full shoots from Sevka to the season is taking place with only 80-90 days. Medium density, flat or bulb, weighing up to 110 gr. Top of scales yellow, and inside - white. Grand minor, universal destination, peninsula taste.

Well kept in winter. Suitable for growing seeds in one year. The recommended for growing in the regions - 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9.

Red Baron

The grade is suitable for cultivation, both seeds in one season and seeds in two years. The bulbs are dark purple completely, and on top, and inside. The period from the first green troughs to their loneways is 95 days. Round-flat bulb weighing up to 120 grams, peninsula taste.

Yield is usually 1.5 kg / m. Luca's flakes are dense, strong, recommended for long-term storage. It comes to growing in the regions - 3, 4, 5, 6, 9.

Siberian annual

Supermanny variety. When landing from Sevka, she cares for 60-70 days! If you grow from seeds, then 90-100 day! Very much greens, a feather blue-green color. Flat or flat-core bulb, yellow color.

Pointed taste. The weight of the bulb grown from Sevka reaches 200 grams, from seeds with annual culture up to 100 grams. The Siberian Annual Grade is well kept, it is resistant to the shorting. It means for growing by region – 4, 9, 10.

Strigunovsky local

Early sharp grade. Suitable for growing for the year and on a biennium from Sevka. The dense bulb is rounded, four-sample, weighing 45-80. Outside, scales yellow with a grayish or pink tint, inside white. The variety is valued for good preservation in winter.

Through the sevop, the variety sleeps for 80-90 days, from seeds when crops in early spring Or under the winter - for 110-130 day. It comes to growing in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Black Prince

The mid-length variety (100-105 days) was created. Suitable for sowing under the winter and early spring (one-year) and growing through the bow of the navigation (two-year). Rounded, dense bulbs, weighing 60-100 g. Purpose universal. Scalys Dark purple.

Two-three-tier, minor grade, peninsula taste. Yield up to 50 tons / ha. Lyuzness is good. The recommended for the regions - 3, 4, 9, 10.


Medium-bed variety. Very frozen, cold-resistant grade designed to obtain full-fledged bowls in one-year culture. Valued for high yields in different climatic conditions.

Over the summer, they ripen beautiful, dense oval bulbs up to 800 g. The top scales of straw color, inside white.

Bow Radar: Description of the variety, photos, reviews

Surprisingly juicy, sweet grade. It is resistant to disease. It comes to growing in all regions of the Russian Federation.


The old grade, which is no longer in the state market, but in the gods he lives. Zoned in 1968. Hader, minor, minor priest. Designed for growing from sevka in a two-year culture.

Plane-rounded bulbs, dense, acute taste, weighing 50-70 grams. Outside, scales are light brown, sometimes yellow, inside white. Covenancy depends on the weather from 65% to 100%.

Lyuzness is good up to 95%. It comes to growing in the regions of the Nechuro earth: Ural, East and West Siberian, Volga Vyatsky.These are all the varieties that I found in the state stake for growing in the Urals. There are more hybrids there, but I don't plant them myself and I will not recommend my readers.

Best Luca varieties "Not for the Ural"

There are still popular varieties, which, in spite of the registers and recommendations of academics, the gardeners of the Urals are grown in their sites. They apply to themselves due to their popularity.

Danilovsky 301.

"Agroofirma Aelita" and Vnizzok. Mid-freed variety, minor, low-speed. From mass appearance green leaves Sevka until the season passes 90-100 days.

The bulb is flat-rounded and flat, weighing from 80 to 160 grams, acute taste. Outside, the scales are dark red with a purple tint or purple, and inside - light purple.

The yield of grade from sevka from 12 to 33 tons / ha. Appreciated for growing in the regions - 2, 3, 4 . Grade popular B. nordic regions With a short summer.


Selection of Kazakh agriculture research. Early grade, keeps up for 109 days. Recommended for growing as annual. The bulb is usually rounded, sometimes flat, dense, weighing 120 grams.

Small bow. The yield is an average of 4.4 kg on m. Outside the scales are golden-yellow, and inside - white. The variety of a pleasant peninsula taste is designed to eat fresh and for processing. Lyuzness is satisfactory - on a troechka.

Stable variety, yield, with large white bulbs . Onions are designed for growing in one year from seeds. The recommended for the regions - 3, 6, 8. It did not exclude it, as he received distribution not only in the recommended regions, but also in the Urals.

With early sowing for temporary shelter gives good yields in the Ural region. The variety is basically a salad, pleasant peninsula taste. In the second year, it should not be seated with the Sporth, he will go to the arrow.

Carmen MS.

The variety of medium-beds, from the emergence of mass sediments from seeds to the seasoning of feathers takes 120-140 days. Designed to get a crop in one season from seeds in open soil or seedy. Bulbs round-flat, leveling, weighing from 90 to 100 grams.

Dry scales purple color, juicy - white with a purple tint. Refers to the salad bowls - the peninsula, almost sweet. Obtaining very large bulbs is possible when growing across seedlings. Medium yield 3-4 kg / m.

The variety agrees perfectly, is suitable for storage, but the main purpose is in the fresh form and for processing. Growing Regions - 3, 5, 7, 8 .

Rostov local

Early local old graderReleased B. Yaroslavl region. Best Luc For the Spirit of Russia. It is grown from sevka in a two-year culture.

A sharp rapid grade - Sports after 73-93 days after the first green feather. Plane-rounded bulb, golden-yellow, weighing 30-60 grams. Stored all year old, to a new crop. The recommended for cultivation - 1, 2, 3, 10.


Mid-line variety (105-120 days). Small, three-tailed. Suitable for growing for the year and in a two-year-old culture.

Flat and flat-circular bulbs, dense, weighing 60-80 grams, peninsula taste. Top scales golden-yellow, inside white. Good in the fresh form and for storage, it has a good effect.

Universal destination. It is valued by the preservation of repka and onions Sevka in winter without loss of quality. Suitable for pastures on the feather. The recommended in the regions - 2, 3, 4, 10 .

Bonilla, Spirit, Alonso, Francisco, Torosko and season preparation.


Medium-bed variety (up to 114 days). Bulb round, sharp taste, dry bronze color scales. Very well maturing and stored all winter.

Both repka and seeds. Appointment universal. Relief growing - 6, 8.

Stuttgarter Rizen

German early acute variety for a two-year period of cultivation. Assignment universal. The bulb is flat, dense, weighing 50-90 grams.

Outside the scales are golden brown, inside white. Ripening grade to the beginning of cleaning is 55%, after ripening 96%. Well stored.

Yield from 10 to 35 tons / ha. Sorts susceptible to cervical rotting diseases, and can also be strongly affected by false mildew dew.Regions for growing - 3, 4, 7, 11. This variety is amazingly popular.

Another five years ago we had another on the market. Apparently, its popularity is based on earlyness. But he gives good crops only on rich, very fertile land and in favorable conditions.

If it rains all summer, (and we have this weather, despite the hot years and universal warming), then you can lose the whole harvest, it just rotates and will not be stored, even after drying. Ten back and only this Variety and I stayed without a bow for the winter. All July lied rain and accomplished in such weather. As later I did not dried it, I also rotted it. Therefore, the choice of varieties should be approached responsibly, our crop depends on this. There are such grants of the onions of the branch for the Urals and other regions today in the article. Take other interesting articles:

Onion Stardast F1 is hybridderived by dutch breeders. The onion will begin to grow onions in one-year culture. The special feature of the Savka Stardast is to intensive formation of leaves. Gardeners prefer to grow navigas, because he is unpretentious in leaving and gives an abundant harvest. The taste of this onion is a gentle, pleasant, mead of juicy.

This vegetable is suitable for making any food. Many cook-level chefs use it for the preparation of exclusive dishes.

Description of varieties

The onions of the Stardast has a beautiful white color, round, medium bulbs, a thick neck, a reprehensive pen, a thin scaly. Sevkov Stardast is considered early and middle a variety of onions. This is desirable to plant in early May. Vintage can be collected 2 months after landing. 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof white bulbs are obtained from one m2. With proper care and compliance with the rules of agrotechnology, the crop may be greater.

Gardeners choose white grade for excellent germination and abundant harvest. Stardast has immunity from different pests, and he needs minimal care. Weighs one bulb on average 40-60 g. Store white onion It is recommended only in a well-ventilated room at a temperature not higher than 20 degrees. It is possible to look at Luk-Sevork in more detail in the photo.

Pluses of the grade of the Sevkov Stardast

  • abundant harvest;
  • gentle and juicy taste;
  • resistance to pests.

Preparation of seeds for landing

Before planting seeds in open ground, they need to grow in room conditions. Before boarding, seeds should be checked for fitness and select the strongest and complete. Seeds that have been tested quality checks must be wrapped in a napkin made of thin tissue and pour with warm water, and then leaving in a napkin for 3-4 hours. After that, they need to be disinfected so that the landings are not subjected to fungal infection.

Note, for disinfection, you can use a manganese solution: 1 g of mangartee on 1 liters of warm water.

In the resulting solution, it is necessary to lower the seeds for 20 minutes. After disinfection, they should be rinsed with extruded water and, already clean, put into a wet napkin, cover them with a plastic film and put in a warm place. In order not to get confused in the grade of onions, the film can be glued with a piece of paper with the name of the variety and the seed selection date. Daily polyethylene film It is necessary to open for 15 minutes. After all seeds begin to open, they can be resettled into the ground.

How to grow onion north to grow

Sevov Stardast unstable to frosts, he does not tolerate cold, so before planting in open ground it should be prepared and harden. A week before the alleged landing, shoots take out to open air every day for 5-10 minutes. It is necessary to plant shooters into open soil if the air and soil temperature warked up more than 10 degrees. Before sowing, the soil is prepared and cleaned from weeds: the soil loose, so that the moisture is delayed in the ground, fertilizers add.

The advantages of the onion will begin, when trapped on the feather, - practical

Garden Firm "Victoria" Guarantee of Quality

You can plant onion on those beds, where potatoes, tomatoes or legume crops have grown. It is best to plant such a variety with a distance between landings 10-15 cm, while it is important to leave at least 30 cm between the beds, otherwise the shoots will grow closely. After planting the navigas, it is important to regularly water and process against insects. Special attention We need to be given to weeds: pour them as they appear. If this is not done, there will be many insects around, which can attack all landings.

If you observe all the following measures to care and grow, the Sevka will begin, you can get a rich and tasty harvest.


Onions of the Sevkov Stardust (Stardast) 0.5kg

Yield: steadily high

Disease Resistance: High

Fetal weight: 40-60 g

Ripening time: Early

Plant height: up to 30 cm

The feature of the grade of Luka Sevka Stardust (Stardast) in the intensive formation of leaves.

35 best grades for growing onion

For an outstanding taste, this variety is favorite with hostesses.

In the duration of storage, it is not inferior to any variety of his associates. Early Luke grade Sevka Stardast is recommended to plant in early May. And after 50-70 days you will collect a crop on the envy of others. After all, a juicy greens you get 3-5 kg \u200b\u200b/ m2, and beautiful white bulbs and more. The mass of one bulb is 40-60 gr. The neck is thick, the stem is a reprehension, the shape of the bulb rounded, scales of a thin snow-white shade.

Stardust sharp taste, juicy flesh. The cooking is in great demand among most professional chefs throughout Russia.

The bow of the north is planted at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other, the depth of planting into the soil is 3-5 cm, the recommended distance between the rows of 30 cm. Store LukStardust After assembling in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 15-20 gr heat.

Delivery is carried out by Russian Post, transport companies ZheldExpedition, business lines or the one that is convenient for you.

Order and buy onions of the navigationStardust You can press the button to the basket.

see more of these products:

Attention. We inform you about the start of the sale of irises, Allyums, Hionodoxs, devices, tulips and other products that are collected with a special section called "Sale".

As promised in the past letter, we have prepared 10-ku most useful and necessary fruit-berry crops, indispensable at any garden plot.



For several years now I am growing on a row-repka from seeds (Chernushki). During this time, there was trying several different varieties, a little changed the landing tactics and came to the conclusion that the production of onions in one-year culture even in our complex climatic conditions is very profitable. I will make a reservation immediately, I never reached the forecast in the form of a kilogram bulb, although I think, and 750 g is not bad. In addition to the variety, the globo experienced Isles Greig, Sterling, Candy, Summit, Exhibited. These varieties and hybrids of Dutch production are large and sufficiently impertuous. When cultivated across seedlings were given decent commercial bulbs, but only a global and excisisured were pleased with very large sizes (the latter in Russian means "exhibition").

Onions of the Sevkov - the best varieties for Siberia

And on the taste of the qualities, it is these two varieties to me and my households liked the most.

Some of my acquaintances sow seeds in early spring immediately in open ground and get good results. But if you want to small square Get the maximum harvest, and so that it is worthy of his exhibition name, you can not do without seedlings. Many, after reading these lines, immediately with sadness will remember their window sills, tired by the seedlings of tomatoes and peppers. And then there is a bow! But I want to calm you in advance. Of 0.4 g, or 100 seeds, I raised more than 11 kg of bow. For their sowing, the seedlings used 1-liter boxes from under the juice. They occupy a little space, compactly become on the windowsill, and seedlings are easily removed from them without injury to the roots.

It is better to sow in mid-March. Some vegetables recommend this to do this in February, of course, if you can adjust the temperature and light modes (cooling at night, highlighting in the morning and in the evening). Such deadlines are justified, as they will provide a higher-quality seedlings. But in conditions ordinary apartment With the early landing, the seedlings will strongly stretch and pozy. In my opinion, if the sowing time is given a good result, then there is nothing to create unnecessary difficulties.

Seying the Luke Seeds of Dutch Selection is a pleasure, as they are processed by fungicides and painted in bright colors, which allows you to control the density of sowing. It is enough of the package to pour the seeds on the prepared moistened soil and distribute them evenly throughout the area at a distance of about 0.5 cm. However, the seeds of the variety globo are not processed. In order not to thicken their landing, put the soil layer on the soil. On a white background, Chernushka is well noticeable. By the way, this method is very convenient when sowing very small dark seeds, for example, petunia, lion zea, celery and other cultures. When melting snow, the seeds in the soil are pressed gradually and evenly ensured moisture, which contributes to more friendly germination.

Luke Seeds I cover the soil layer for no more than 1 cm, I put the box in the plastic bag and put it under the battery. A few days later the first green "peels" appear. This is a signal to the fact that it is time to exhibit a capacity of light. I water seedlings moderately, as the soil drying. The need for feeding determines based on the quality of the substrate. I try not to use the soil from the store, as it happened that due to excessive fertilizer or their uneven distribution died healthy seedlings. I use sinking through a metal mesh (0.5 cm cell) well-overwhelmed manure or compost with the addition of ash and sand. A sufficient amount of nitrogen, potassium and microelements, based on it allows me to do almost without feeding. Some lack of phosphorus compensate for a one-time irrigation solution of ammophos. In order to prevent the capture of seedlings, if possible, spray it with a solution of epine (this is greater extent to tomatoes).

Initially, I landed on a bow in the ground in about mid-April. And although the ridge shelled the spunbond, many plants died, since they fell into stressful conditions due to constantly changing weather. Last year we did otherwise: as soon as the weather conditions allowed, covered the greenhouse film, in which the cucumbers grown. By the way, using Masha and Hermann partrenkarpic hybrids, we fully provide a family of 4 people with Zelentsy, we make solid blanks for the winter, and you will take several tens of kilograms of cucumbers to the market.

After waiting for a couple of days while the soil is warm in the greenhouse, we dug small pits (in size of the boxes) and landed onions with a lug of soil, squeezing it with a slight press on the side walls of the package. In two weeks, conducted in conditions with excellent lighting during the day and low temperature, the bow literally transformed. By the time of transplanting to open ground, each plant had a dark green durable feather and a well-developed root system. The survival rate was almost 100%.

Many daches when disembarking seedlings allow for a rough mistake, strongly crimping the land around planted plants. At the same time, rampant stalks and faster roots are often traumatized, and the oxygen access to them is overlapped. I make a small hoe of deepening, I put the seedlings, gently pushing the earth to the roots and watering. At the same time, the soil itself is evenly compacted around the seedlings.

Despite the fact that the feather at Luka will grow powerful and thick, often cut it for consumption. After all, it is at the expense of him that the bulbs are growing, and the starting conditions of Chernushki and Sevka are incommensurable. Yes, and in the minimum time it is necessary to achieve maximum results. On the green pen, I grow a long-term bow and the annual bow of the parade, which gives leaves to late autumn. Onions of seeds "tickling" only occasionally, he has a juicy, sweetish.

During the vegetation, all the plants of the bow are useful to sprinkle ashes a couple of times. In addition to potash nutrition and a complete complex of trace elements, it will somehow salt landing from mushroom diseases. The rest of the feeders spend on conventional scheme, familiar to every gardener. The main thing, when planting seedlings, to withstand the optimal distance between the plants (5-6 cm) in the row, although, looking at thin borsk, and I want to plant. But this is not necessary to do, because a rapidly growing bulb needs a large power area.

With any method of growing onions during the aging period, when the feather remains green, it is necessary to create conditions to as much as possible nutrients It turned into a bulb, and at the same time prevent the formation of new roots and re-growth, which will continue to negatively affect the safety. So that this does not happen, in rainy weather, we should cover the landing with slices of the old film, and then do not need to trim the roots or "trample" the pen, as amateur vegetables advise.

Foreign onions add on plywood boxes from under fruit, I put them on each other in the basement. They take up little space and due to their design provide good air exchange. The temperature varies from -1 to + 8 ° C. Its onion we have enough almost to the new crop.

I hope that my experience will push many vegetables to master the cultivation of onions in one-year culture. After all, the advantage of this method is obvious. The cost of packing even the most expensive seeds is incommensurable with the price of a kilogram of Sevka. Your bow under no circumstances will "go to the arrow", and you will get the opportunity to grow exactly the grade you like it. After all, the assortment of Chernushka is much wider than Sevka. For example, I have never seen Sevka Sweet Sorts. And this is exactly what our family like most.

In short, I want to stop at such a culture like a leek. For some reason, it is weakly distributed, although in many countries one of the main vegetable crops is considered. And it is no coincidence. After all, according to its taste (especially when cooking first and second dishes), he surpasses. It's just a discovery for those who, for health, cannot use the onions due to its sharp taste.

When I first saw in the Polish leek in the diameter of more than 4 cm with a bleached part of about 30 cm, I decided that it was unrealistic to grow it. But I was wrong. Last year, the Dutch variety Columbus was planted on the seedlings for the same scheme as Chernushka. By the fall, he pleased me with an excellent harvest. The only feature of the agrotechnology - it is necessary to constantly extort the stem, in order to bleach the most valuable tender part and began as long as possible. To do this, I plant the seedlings in the deep grooves and as they grow up to the foundation of the Earth. Rows I stand across a garden and for all other crops (this greatly facilitates the ass). Next, we cut the weeds with a flat cut, and at the same way and docking the plants. Leek is good and the fact that proper agrotechnology From the area of \u200b\u200bSquare, we get a good output of products. After all, its commercial part grows up. And from three to four bulbs you can make a whole pan of the exquisite garnish. This bow is comfortable and the fact that part of the crop can be left for the winter in the ground and with not very harsh weather in the spring of taking fresh products directly from the bed. Therefore, I recommend it to everyone to grow this not such a capricious culture on my site. Well, so that the "first pancake was not a room," you need to stock high-quality seeds and try to stick to agrotechnology.

IG Glazdovskaya.


For several years now I am growing on a row-repka from seeds (Chernushki). During this time, there was trying several different varieties, a little changed the landing tactics and came to the conclusion that the production of onions in one-year culture even in our complex climatic conditions is very profitable. I will make a reservation immediately, I never reached the forecast in the form of a kilogram bulb, although I think, and 750 g is not bad. In addition to the variety, the globo experienced Isles Greig, Sterling, Candy, Summit, Exhibited. These varieties and hybrids of Dutch production are large and sufficiently impertuous. When cultivated across seedlings were given decent commercial bulbs, but only a global and excisisured were pleased with very large sizes (the latter in Russian means "exhibition"). And on the taste of the qualities, it is these two varieties to me and my households liked the most.

Some of my acquaintances sow seeds in early spring immediately in open ground and get good results. But if you want to get the maximum harvest on a small area, so that he is worthy of his name exhibition, you cannot do without seedlings. Many, after reading these lines, immediately with sadness will remember their window sills, tired by the seedlings of tomatoes and peppers. And then there is a bow! But I want to calm you in advance. Of 0.4 g, or 100 seeds, I raised more than 11 kg of bow. For their sowing, the seedlings used 1-liter boxes from under the juice. They occupy a little space, compactly become on the windowsill, and seedlings are easily removed from them without injury to the roots.

It is better to sow in mid-March. Some vegetables recommend this to do this in February, of course, if you can adjust the temperature and light modes (cooling at night, highlighting in the morning and in the evening). Such deadlines are justified, as they will provide a higher-quality seedlings. But in the conditions of the ordinary apartment, at the early landing, the seedlings will strongly stretch and pozy. In my opinion, if the sowing time is given a good result, then there is nothing to create unnecessary difficulties.

Seying the Luke Seeds of Dutch Selection is a pleasure, as they are processed by fungicides and painted in bright colors, which allows you to control the density of sowing. It is enough of the package to pour the seeds on the prepared moistened soil and distribute them evenly throughout the area at a distance of about 0.5 cm. However, the seeds of the variety globo are not processed. In order not to thicken their landing, put the soil layer on the soil. On a white background, Chernushka is well noticeable. By the way, this method is very convenient when sowing very small dark seeds, for example, petunia, lion zea, celery and other cultures. When melting snow, the seeds in the soil are pressed gradually and evenly ensured moisture, which contributes to more friendly germination.

Luke Seeds I cover the soil layer for no more than 1 cm, I put the box in the plastic bag and put it under the battery. A few days later the first green "peels" appear. This is a signal to the fact that it is time to exhibit a capacity of light. I water seedlings moderately, as the soil drying. The need for feeding determines based on the quality of the substrate. I try not to use the soil from the store, as it happened that because of the excess fertilizer or uneven distribution, healthy seedlings died. I use sinking through a metal mesh (0.5 cm cell) well-overwhelmed manure or compost with the addition of ash and sand. A sufficient amount of nitrogen, potassium and microelements, based on it allows me to do almost without feeding. Some lack of phosphorus compensate for a one-time irrigation solution of ammophos. In order to prevent the capture of seedlings, if possible, spray it with a solution of epine (this is greater extent to tomatoes).

Initially, I landed on a bow in the ground in about mid-April. And although the ridge shelled the spunbond, many plants died, since they fell into stressful conditions due to constantly changing weather. Last year we did otherwise: as soon as the weather conditions allowed, covered the greenhouse film, in which the cucumbers grown. By the way, using Masha and Hermann partrenkarpic hybrids, we fully provide a family of 4 people with Zelentsy, we make solid blanks for the winter, and you will take several tens of kilograms of cucumbers to the market.

After waiting for a couple of days while the soil is warm in the greenhouse, we dug small pits (in size of the boxes) and landed onions with a lug of soil, squeezing it with a slight press on the side walls of the package. In two weeks, conducted in conditions with excellent lighting during the day and low temperature, the bow literally transformed. By the time of transplanting to open ground, each plant had a dark green durable feather and a well-developed root system. The survival rate was almost 100%.

Many daches when disembarking seedlings allow for a rough mistake, strongly crimping the land around planted plants. At the same time, rampant stalks and faster roots are often traumatized, and the oxygen access to them is overlapped. I make a small hoe of deepening, I put the seedlings, gently pushing the earth to the roots and watering. At the same time, the soil itself is evenly compacted around the seedlings.

Despite the fact that the feather at Luka will grow powerful and thick, often cut it for consumption. After all, it is at the expense of him that the bulbs are growing, and the starting conditions of Chernushki and Sevka are incommensurable. Yes, and in the minimum time it is necessary to achieve maximum results. On the green pen, I grow a long-term bow and the annual bow of the parade, which gives leaves to late autumn. Onions of seeds "tickling" only occasionally, he has a juicy, sweetish.

During the vegetation, all the plants of the bow are useful to sprinkle ashes a couple of times. In addition to potash nutrition and a complete complex of trace elements, it will somehow salt landing from mushroom diseases. The rest of the feeders spend on the usual scheme, familiar to every gardener. The main thing, when planting seedlings, to withstand the optimal distance between the plants (5-6 cm) in the row, although, looking at thin borsk, and I want to plant. But this is not necessary to do, because a rapidly growing bulb needs a large power area.

With any method of growing onion during the aging period, when the feather remains green, it is necessary to create conditions so that the nutrient as possible has passed into the bulb, and at the same time prevent the formation of new roots and re-growth, which will continue to negatively affect the safety. So that this does not happen, in rainy weather, we should cover the landing with slices of the old film, and then do not need to trim the roots or "trample" the pen, as amateur vegetables advise.

After cleaning, relatives to the greenhouse and lay out between tomatoes. There he devies well during the week. After that, I cut a pen, which I leave there, among tomatoes. Also I do with winter garlic. The phytoncides, secreted by these plants, to some extent restrain the development of phytoophulas.

Foreign onions add on plywood boxes from under fruit, I put them on each other in the basement. They take up little space and due to their design provide good air exchange. The temperature varies from -1 to + 8 ° C. Its onion we have enough almost to the new crop.

I hope that my experience will push many vegetables to master the cultivation of onions in one-year culture. After all, the advantage of this method is obvious. The cost of packing even the most expensive seeds is incommensurable with the price of a kilogram of Sevka. Your bow under no circumstances will "go to the arrow", and you will get the opportunity to grow exactly the grade you like it. After all, the assortment of Chernushka is much wider than Sevka. For example, I have never seen Sevka Sweet Sorts. And this is exactly what our family like most.

In short, I want to stop at such a culture like a leek.

For some reason, it is weakly distributed, although in many countries one of the main vegetable crops is considered. And it is no coincidence. After all, according to its taste (especially when cooking first and second dishes), he surpasses. It's just a discovery for those who, for health, cannot use the onions due to its sharp taste.

When I first saw in the Polish leek in the diameter of more than 4 cm with a bleached part of about 30 cm, I decided that it was unrealistic to grow it. But I was wrong. Last year, the Dutch variety Columbus was planted on the seedlings for the same scheme as Chernushka. By the fall, he pleased me with an excellent harvest. The only feature of the agrotechnology - it is necessary to constantly extort the stem, in order to bleach the most valuable tender part and began as long as possible. To do this, I plant the seedlings in the deep grooves and as they grow up to the foundation of the Earth. Rows I stand across a garden and for all other crops (this greatly facilitates the ass). Next, we cut the weeds with a flat cut, and at the same way and docking the plants. Leek is good and the fact that with the right agricultural engineering from the area of \u200b\u200bthe square we get a good yield of products. After all, its commercial part grows up. And from three to four bulbs you can make a whole pan of the exquisite garnish. This bow is comfortable and the fact that part of the crop can be left for the winter in the ground and with not very harsh weather in the spring of taking fresh products directly from the bed. Therefore, I recommend it to everyone to grow this not such a capricious culture on my site. Well, so that the "first pancake was not a room," you need to stock high-quality seeds and try to stick to agrotechnology.

Sevov buy to grow onions on a green pen on their plot or on repka. Small or too large planting material It is better to select for the beds for greens, and the average size of the north is planted to obtain a replied onion for storage and use. Culture growth begins with right choice The time of disembarkation, seeds and their quality - bulWhi should be touch tight, with a dry skin, "rattle" when specking.

In Siberia can grow excellent yields on Luka.

Siberia Luke Sort

The grade of Luke is divided by the duration of the growing season, in size, and in the number of bulbies in the nest. From the north of a long form, you can grow round onions. Flat layer grade recognize round bulbs.

Selecting varieties, preparation Sevka, timely landing in the ground and competent care and timely cleaning will allow to prepare for the winter such a crop that will become proud of any owner.

High-quality segue for landing

Do not forget that for Siberia is not all the grades of the onion onions are suitable. It is necessary to carefully choose the sevok to get a decent harvest. If the seller does not know exactly the grade of the onion sold, or you yourself are not sure of the truthfulness, it is best to buy the seeds of Chernushki and grow segue yourself.

Bow Grade Slot

Suitable variety for this region:

  • Azeros;
  • Arzaman;
  • Ermak;
  • Slot;
  • Siberian annual;
  • Siberia;
  • Black Prince;
  • JCONT.

Green Leek Pen

Greenhouse varieties are suitable only for growing onions on the feather. Big Rust of it will not work.

There are also winter arrangements onions suitable for sowing in Siberia. It is necessary to sow them in October. 4-5 real leaves should be formed before frosts, and the cervix thickness to reach 5 cm.

Old-desired variety suitable for landing in autumn

Regardless of the variety, some farmers advise to sow fine seaws to 1 cm in a diameter. There is a risk that winter he does not lie, and in the spring will be able to give good shoots.

When to plant?

Landing Sevka is produced in spring when upper layer Earth (8-10 cm) will warm up to 8-10 degrees above zero. In Siberia, this is the end of May, about the 10th day. You can focus on the flowering of crocuses and cherry. However, these deadlines can be shifted if you organize high warm beds. Due to the design and filling, the temperature of the soil in them is higher than 7-9 degrees than on ordinary ridges. So you can sow onions a week earlier than your neighbors. Accordingly, the harvest timing is also shifted.

Original way to make a bow hole in the prepared ground

If planting the north is not breathing the soil, you can get an increased swing. Landing at a later date due to reduced humidity reduces the crop.

How to plant?

Plant onion is needed according to the 8x20 scheme. That is, in a row of bulwing should be at a distance of 8-10 cm, and aisle - 18-22 cm, depending on the size of Sevka and grade, it will facilitate the care of the garden and increase the yield of culture. The depth of planting is 4-5 cm, that is, closed sevok should be 2 cm of the Earth. If you break the bulb, the park will not grow, everything will go into the arrow. The bottom of the furrow should be loose, otherwise the roots will develop slowly, and the repka will not have time to grow.

Luke seedling landing will allow to get an earlier harvest

Preparation of Sevka to Sow

You can prepare the planting material in three ways.

Onions - a light-loving culture, and therefore the garden must be broken in a well-illuminated and ventilated place. The site is prepared from autumn: dripped on the bayonet shovel, fertilize with a compost. It is important to know that the introduction organic fertilizers, manure or chicken litter immediately before landing will lead to the development of an overhead part of the onion and rest underground. In the spring, only mineral fertilizers are brought to bed: on 1 square meter It is necessary 15 g of ammonium nitrate, 30 g of double superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulphate. Instead of potassium, you can use wood ashes.

The bow is poorly developed on acidic soil, therefore it is littered with wood ashes or lime in the calculation of 0.5 liters per 1 meter square.

Soil preparation under bow with ash

Important! Adhere to the rules of Sevosmen. Onions do not sit in one place for two years in a row. You can plant after tomatoes, beans, cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers. It is possible to sow at your previous place in 3-4 years.


Any onions, despite the variety, loves wet, but not wet, loose soil, therefore, constant care is required - regular weeding to a depth of 4-5 cm and watering landing during intensive growth.

Proper cultivation is necessarily accompanied by the timely introduction of nutrients under the landing.

The first time fertilizer is made after 3-4 real leaves are formed. Liquid mineral fertilizer (on the water bucket 25 g nitroammofoski or the above-described drugs) contribute to rows with onions. The second feeder can be organized in a month. In this case, 20 grams of dual superphosphate and potash salt or other complex fertilizer with phosphate and potassium are divorced in the water bucket of water. Such feeders Sevka stimulate the resistance to shaky rot.

Onions do not like surplus fertilizers

Excess fertilizers leads to the death of a bow, while the disadvantage does not give proper effect.

If a humid and mineral water is made from autumn in the future bed, then during the second feeding, all nitrogen fertilizers should be excluded.


Lucco care includes competent watering. Onions requires a different amount of moisture during periods of growth and maturation. In the spring, throughout the first month after landing for soil moisture, it is necessary to monitor especially carefully. At this time, shoots appear, the leaves and the root system are developing intensively. Watering requires frequent but moderate. After the formation of bulbs (a month before harvesting), water access should be discontinued, since excess moisture slows down the development of repka and worsened behavior. In principle, the main care for it ends.

Watering the salt solution will save onions from diseases

If the arrows appeared, the bulb is pulled out entirely or cut off the pen at the base when a seal appears on the tip.

If you do it before, the arrow is formed again. If a little late, the bulb will begin to be installed.


If you properly prepare Sevkov, there is a chance to reduce the risk of harvest. However, in the event of the appearance of diseases, the ridge is sprayed with a bordoscience with an interval of 12-15 days. Consume onions can be 7 days after the last spraying.

With onion fly, you can deal with 100 crash salt 10 l kinds. Rows are shed with solution only when the plants reach a height of 7-10 cm. Repeat the procedure after 4 days.

Onion one-year variety Siberian

To prevent some diseases, the onions are recommended to plant with other cultures - for example, alternate rows with carrots or beets.


The cultivation of Luke is completed when the growth of new feathers has already stopped, and the old leaves begin to push and step on the ground. Harvesting occurs in dry weather. The bulbs are kept in the sun, and after 2 weeks they suck on a ventilated attic. Suitable for storing onions with a thin dry neck.

Luke cleaning is made. When Pen Polaseet

The best bulbs grow out of that Sevka, from which the feather did not cut in the summer. Therefore, it is recommended to break another bed for the greenery.

The cultivation of a healthy and big onion business is not a simple, but justifies himself.

Without the addition of Luke it is impossible to present some dishes. He is met in every salad, his rings are decorated with herring. Taking into account the main characteristics of the vegetable, onions, as well as everything else, divided into varieties. But experienced hostesses prefer to choose onions in the taste features - sweets, sharpness and so on. We present you the bow of the Sevop of Siberia for Siberia, the Urals, the Moscow region description and photos.

Suitable varieties for Siberia, Urals, Moscow region with description and photo

1. Arzamassky - the variety is known for a long time, tested by time. Grown through the north. Middle-sized bulbs, from forty to eighty gram. Ripening occurs in three and a half months. Perfectly persists in winter.

2. Buran - Late Veterior Sort. It is grown by a two-year cycle. The variety is universal, isolate to taste, the bulbs are dense. The variety is kept well. Mindness is subject to media. It is characterized by stability of crops. Lukovitsy large, smooth.

3. Bottizus - middle-edged onion grade. Grows in one year. The bulbs are large, flat - rounded, weighing up to eighty gram. Taste sharp. Scales inside white. Recommended grade.

4. Myachkovsky 300 - one of the representatives of the early grades, ripen in three months. Bulbs are flat, medium density. The variety of the peninsula, universal. Grown seed fashion In one year, it is perfectly stored.

5. Siberian annual - ripeness occurs after two and a half months after planting sudden. For time you need a little more - up to one hundred days. Bulbs are flat or slightly rounded, yellow shade. Gives onions weighing up to two hundred grams! The variety is resistant to the formation of the arrows, is well stored.

6. Black Prince is a midverter. Sit down in winter, and. Bulbs are flat, rounded, post up to hundreds of grams. It is distinguished by universal appointment, scales of a dark purple shade. It is up to fifty tons with hectares.

7. Exbios - medium-bed onion variety, large up to 1 kg., Harvest and cold-resistant. Able to give a good harvest in various climatic conditions. The taste is very juicy and sweetish, resistant to diseases.

8. Timiryazevsky is one of the old grades, but continues to be in demand. Sound, grown by Svitz. White scales. Weather conditions affect the agingness.

9. Bessonovsky local - early grade, sharp taste. Mediterranean 4- 5 bulbs in the nest. The period from the germination of the pen before its complete room is up to two and a half months. Created to be kept up to nine months. Mass of bulbs 50 gr. Great to growing on greens.

10. Moldavian - Representative of the middle-timing group. Ripening occurs in three and a half months. Separate bulbs hang up to two hundred grams. Scales are painted in purple shade.

11. Carmen MS is one of the new grades of Luke, whose scales are painted in purple color. The taste is weak sharp. Middle Density Bulbs, Flat - Rounded, Mass 100 - 120 gr. Sevcom is grown in a two-year-old culture. Bulbs in a nest 2 - 3.

12. Sturon - Dutch variety, medieval, yield. It is distinguished by sharpness and long storage ,. Recommended for breeding in the northern regions for consumption and commercial purposes. One - nest large bulbs weighing 120 - 180 gr.

13. Hercules F 1 - another representative from Holland, medium, is distinguished by a high harvest. Scales dry and dense, yellow-brown shade. The weight of the bulbs is from one hundred to one hundred thirty grams. Onions are distinguished by a strong root system, perfectly transfers the dry period.

Good day!

I want to tell about the grade of the bouquet for the Urals. These varieties are listed in the Russian State Register and verified, tested specifically for our climatic and light zone. Because different regions receive a different amount of light and heat. The Ural region includes Kurgan, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg region and Bashkiria. The description will indicate all regions for which these Luke varieties are suitable. In order not to list them every time, I denote numbers, as in the registry:

  1. Northern - Murmansk, Arkhangelsk region. Republic of Komi, Karelia.
  2. Northwestern - Kaliningrad, Vologda, Kostromskaya, Novgorod, Leningrad, Pskov, Yaroslavl, Tver region.
  3. Central - Vladimirskaya, Bryanskaya, Kaluga, Ivanovskaya, Ryazanskaya, Moscow, Tula, Smolensk region.
  4. Volgo - Vyatsky - Kirov, Sverdlovsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Republic of Mari El, Chuvash, Udmurt, Perm region.
  5. Central black earth - Voronezh, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Kurskaya, Tambov, Oryol region.
  6. North Caucasian- Krasnodar, Stavropol Territory, Rostov Region, Republic of Adygea, Kchachayevo-Circassian, Kabardino-Balkarian.
  7. Meshnevilian - Samara, Penza, Ulyanovsk region. Republic of Mordovia, Tatarstan.
  8. Nizhnevolzhsky - Volgograd, Saratov, Astrakhan region. Republic of Kalmykia.
  9. Uralsky - Orenburg, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk Region, Republic of Bashkortostan.
  10. West Siberian - Altai Republic. Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Omsk, Tyumen, Tomsk Region, Altai Territory, KhMAO.
  11. East Siberian region - Chita, Irkutsk Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Republic of Sakha, Tyva, Buryatia, Khakassia.
  12. Far Eastern - Kamchatka, Amur, Sakhalin, Magadan region. Khabarovsky, Primorsky Krai.

The grade of the bite for the Urals with the photo and description


This is an old, known, time-tested variety of folk selection for cultivation in a two-year culture, through the north. Bulb from an extender-rounded round to a cubic round. The dimensions are medium, mass from 40 to 80 grams. The variety is zoned in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) in 1943. The average ripening period is from 100 to 110 days. Middle gain, minor.

It is possible to grow to a major bulb in one year. The coloring of the scales is dark yellow, even with a brown tinge, inside white scales, juicy, dense. Strikes before cleaning to 96%. Well kept in winter.

Growing regions - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9.

Variety "Arzamas"

Bessonovsky local

Early multi-pointed acute variety. It can be grown in annual, and two-year-old culture. The rounded-flat bulb, dense, outside the scales yellow, inside white. The bulbs grow up weighing 36-55 grams.

From the germination of the first feathers, 60-80 days passes from their seats. Lyuzness is good, it can be stored almost until spring - 8-9 months.

Suitable for regions - 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

Variety "Bessonovsky Local"


Lateuriety. The bulb grows a one-core, three-shit. Designed for growing a two-year-old cycle. Universal grade, with sharp soon. Bulbs are dense, rounded, weighing 67-100 grams. Dry scales bright yellow with anthocian, juicy - white. Yield up to 12 tons per ha.

Before cleaning, the coherence is about 63%, and after dosing weight - 89.2%. Stored good. May be hurting empty. Harvests gives stable with large smooth bulbs, with good efforts, resistant to bacterial diseases.

I did not find this variety in the state market for 2015. Apparently, it was already excluded, but he continues to live like a local grade, spreading with local gardeners.

Zoned by Central, Middle Autonomous, Ural Regions.


Midhranny variety. It is grown in one year from Chernushka and in a two-year culture. Large flat-rounded bulb, weighing 60-80 grams. Outside the scales yellow, inside - white. Acute taste. Before cleaning, the variety matches 85%, after ripening by 97%. Suitable for winter storage.

Growing regions - 3, 9, 10 .

Grade "Bottizus"


The average degree of selection of Transnistrian Nisch for growing in one season. When landing, the Svikov goes to the second year goes to the arrow. Ripens 105-110 days. Flat-rounded or rounded bulb, weighing from 70 to 130 grams, under good conditions up to 200 gr and more.

Outside the scales of pink-brown with a white-purple tint, and inside - pale purple. Two-four-chapted. Universal appointment, acute taste. The average yield is 25-38 tons with ha. When stored, the maintenance of the bow is 90-95%.

Moldavian variety

Ball 300.

Early grade from the full shoots from Sevka to the season is taking place with only 80-90 days. Medium density, flat or bulb, weighing up to 110 gr. Top of scales yellow, and inside - white. Grand minor, universal destination, peninsula taste. Well kept in winter. Suitable for growing seeds in one year.

Grade "Ball 300"

Red Baron

The grade is suitable for cultivation, both seeds in one season and seeds in two years. The bulbs are dark purple completely, and on top, and inside. The period from the first green troughs to their loneways is 95 days. Round-flat bulb weighing up to 120 grams, peninsula taste. Yield is usually 1.5 kg / m. Scales at the bow tight, strong, recommended for long-term storage.

Suitable for growing in the regions - 3, 4, 5, 6, 9.

Red Baron grade

Siberian annual

Supermanny variety. When landing from Sevka, she cares for 60-70 days! If you grow from seeds, then 90-100 day! Very much greens, a feather blue-green color. Flat or flat-foam bulb, yellow color. Pointed taste. The weight of the bulb grown from Sevka reaches 200 grams, from seeds with annual culture up to 100 grams. The Siberian Annual Grade is well kept, has stability to short.

Suitable for growing by region 4, 9, 10 .

Sorce "Siberian One-Year"

Strigunovsky local

Early sharp grade. Suitable for growing for the year and on a biennium from Sevka. The dense bulb is rounded, four-sample, weighing 45-80. Outside, scales yellow with a grayish or pink tint, inside white. The variety is valued for good preservation in winter. Through the sevstock, the variety is sleeping for 80-90 days, from seeds when cropping in early spring or under winter - for 110-130 days.

Suitable for growing in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Sort "Strigunovsky Local"

Black Prince

The mid-length variety (100-105 days) was created. Suitable for sowing under the winter and early spring (one-year) and growing through the bow of the navigation (two-year). Rounded, dense bulbs, weighing 60-100 g. Purpose universal. Scalys Dark purple. Two-three-tier, minor grade, peninsula taste. Yield up to 50 tons / ha. Lyuzness is good.

Sort "Black Prince"


Medium-bed variety. Very frozen, cold-resistant grade designed to obtain full-fledged bowls in one-year culture. It is valued for high yields in different climatic conditions. Over the summer, they ripen beautiful, dense oval bulbs up to 800 g. The top scales of straw color, inside white. Surprisingly juicy, sweet grade. It has resistant to disease.

Suitable for growing in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Sort "Exhibition"


The old grade, which is no longer in the state market, but in the gods he lives. Zoned in 1968. Hader, minor, minor priest. Designed for growing from sevka in a two-year culture. Plane-rounded bulbs, dense, acute taste, weighing 50-70 grams. Outside, scales are light brown, sometimes yellow, inside white. Covenancy depends on the weather from 65% to 100%. Lyuzness is good up to 95%.

Suitable for growing in the regions of nonhernozem: Ural, East and West Siberian, Volga Vyatsky.

Grade "Timiryazevsky"

These are all the varieties that I found in the state stake for growing in the Urals. There are more hybrids there, but I don't plant them myself and I will not recommend my readers.

Best Luca varieties "Not for the Ural"

There are still popular varieties, which, in spite of the registers and recommendations of academics, the gardeners of the Urals are grown in their sites. They apply to themselves due to their popularity.

Danilovsky 301.

"Agroofirma Aelita" and Vnizzok. Mid-freed variety, minor, low-speed. From the mass appearance of green leaves, Sevka passes 90-100 days. The bulb is flat-rounded and flat, weighing from 80 to 160 grams, acute taste. Outside, the scales are dark red with a purple tint or purple, and inside - light purple. The yield of grade from sevka from 12 to 33 tons / ha.

Grade "Danilovsky 301"


Selection of Kazakh agriculture research. Early grade, keeps up for 109 days. Recommended for growing as annual. The bulb is usually rounded, sometimes flat, dense, weighing 120 grams. Small bow. The yield is an average of 4.4 kg on m. Outside the scales are golden-yellow, and inside - white. The variety of a pleasant peninsula taste is designed to eat fresh and for processing. Lyuzness is satisfactory - on a troechka. Stable variety, yield, with large white bulbs . Onions are designed for growing in one year from seeds.

Sort "Karatsky"

It did not exclude it, as he received distribution not only in the recommended regions, but also in the Urals. In case of early sowing, good harvests gives good crops in the Ural region. The variety is basically a salad, pleasant peninsula taste. In the second year, it should not be seated with the Sporth, he will go to the arrow.

Carmen MS.

The variety of medium-beds, from the emergence of mass sediments from seeds to the seasoning of feathers takes 120-140 days. Designed to obtain a harvest in one season of seeds in the open ground or seedl. Bulbs round-flat, leveling, weighing from 90 to 100 grams. Dry purple scales, juicy - white with purple tint. Refers to the salad bowls - the peninsula, almost sweet. Obtaining very large bulbs is possible when growing across seedlings. Medium yield 3-4 kg / m. The variety agrees perfectly, suitable for storage, but the main purpose is fresh and for processing.

Growing regions - 3, 5, 7, 8 .

Grade "Carmen MS"

Rostov local

Early local old grade derived in the Yaroslavl region. Best onions for the Svorny regions of Russia. It is grown from sevka in a two-year culture. A sharp rapid grade - Sports after 73-93 days after the first green feather. Plane-rounded bulb, golden-yellow, weighing 30-60 grams. Stored all year old, to a new crop.

Grade "Rostov local"


Mid-line variety (105-120 days). Small, three-tailed. Suitable for growing for the year and in a two-year-old culture. Flat and flat-circular bulbs, dense, weighing 60-80 grams, peninsula taste. Top scales golden-yellow, inside white. Good in the fresh form and for storage, it has a good effect. Universal destination. It is valued by the preservation of repka and onions Sevka in winter without loss of quality. Suitable for pastures on the feather.

Grade "Ecommerce"


Medium-bed variety (up to 114 days). Bulb round, sharp taste, dry bronze color scales. Very well maturing and stored all winter. Both repka and seeds. Assignment universal.

Growing regions - 6, 8.

Grade "Halcedon"

Stuttgarter Rizen

German early acute variety for a two-year period of cultivation. Assignment universal. The bulb is flat, dense, weighing 50-90 grams. Outside the scales are golden brown, inside white. Ripening grade to the beginning of cleaning is 55%, after ripening 96%. Well stored. Yield from 10 to 35 tons / ha. A variety is susceptible to the diseases of cervical rot, and can also be very affected by false torment.

Regions for growing - 3, 4, 7, 11.

This variety is amazingly popular. Another five years ago we had another on the market. Apparently, its popularity is based on earlyness. But it gives good yields only on rich, very fertile land and in favorable conditions. If it rains all summer, (and we have such weather, despite the hot years and universal warming), then you can lose the entire harvest, it just rotates and will not be stored, even after drying.

Kira Tsekolova

Growing vegetables by own plot Guarantees the presence of fresh and safe products. How to put onion north in Siberia? The climate features require other approaches to cultivation and selection of varieties. In the review, we will analyze the most proven and effective moments in the breeding of a popular spice.

Choose a plot

Growing vegetables in harsh weather conditions requires a maximum of attention from the gardener. One error will lead to the complete destruction of the crop, even the most resistant varieties will help. To avoid unnecessary trouble, the first thing is better to find a suitable place for vegetables.

Before you get the onion of the north to Siberia, one should know one characteristic feature: Culture prefers well-lit sections - the beds need to be broken in the sunny and ventilated sector of the garden. The plant does not tolerate acid soils, so they are laminated in advance wood ash or lime.

Place for vegetables is prepared from autumn. Professionals are leaving the territory with the subsequent introduction of organic fertilizers. In the spring before starting work in the soil, minerals are added (in grams per 1 sq. M. m):

  • potassium sulfate - 30;
  • ammonia Selitra - 20;
  • superphosphate - 40.

To avoid common diseases, it is worth remembering the rules of crop rotation. Garders do not advise onions to plant a few years in a row in one place, as well as after carrots and garlic. Recommended predecessors are:

  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • zucchini.

Before starting work, remove remnants weed herbs and cultural plants. Such attentiveness will protect against problems in the future. If the vegetable area was sick, then we advise you to eat soil from the fall.


Seeds grow very large ripes in the conditions of a harsh cold climate will not work. Greenhouse varieties are suitable only for cultivation on the feather. Professionals recommend using small north.

Siberia onion varieties are strong plants that quickly form beautiful heads. Breeders tried and presented many interesting vegetables. Most popular species:

  • Yukt;
  • Siberian annual;
  • Black Prince;
  • Siberia.
  • Sterling F1;
  • Diteon F1;
  • Candy F1.

Before buying, you should pay attention to the shape and size of the heads. Too large most often gives a lot of arrows, so it is recommended to get small and medium sevoves. The oblong bulbs will delight round robes, and the perfect oval boasts flat varieties. It is important to carefully inspect the material and read the description, and not choose products exclusively by photo.

Preparation for sowing

The cultivation of vegetables requires the right preliminary events. When growing Luke-Sevka in Siberia, the planting material should be treated. In this way, plants from common diseases can be protected.

In 5 liters of water, add 2 tbsp. l. Stone salt. In this liquid, repoves are soaked for 24 hours, then they are shifted into a weak mortar for 15 minutes, after which it is immediately planted.

Fungal infections are the main beaches of the bow, therefore use another method. Sevops warm in water 10 hours at a temperature not higher than 40 ° C, then disinfect 15 minutes in a weak solution of copper sulphate. Before sowing, the material is sprayed with growth stimulants.

If there is no desire to warm the bulbs for a long time, they can be lowered by a quarter of a watch in a water temperature of 55 ° C, then at the same time - in the cold. In the end you need to be treated with a solution of manganese.

Spring work

When to plant bow-north in Siberia? In the conditions of harsh climate, several proven schemes are used, but a friendly full-fledged harvest can only be obtained for spring work. Small sowing material does not give arrows, so it is most often used to grow purulent.

May is the best month for agrarian work. Dates fluctuate depending on the heating of the soil. The land temperature during landing should not be less than 8 ° C.

Seed beds are broken by next scheme (in centimeters):

  • width - 100;
  • distance between rows - 15;
  • distance between Reli - 10;
  • depth - 2.

Before planting in the spring, the land moisturizes, loose and purified from weeding herbs. For disinfection, they are advised to pour holes with boiling water, and work to postpone the day. After the events are completed, the place is thoroughly melted.

When growing seeds, the deepening grains should not exceed 2 cm, while the distance is reduced to 1.5. Works are held at the same time. In difficult climatic conditions in one year, it will not be possible to grow full-fledged heads. All seedlings are used on the feather.

Winter Luc

When is the bow in Siberia? Some gardeners are experimenting with frost resistant and sow vegetables in autumn. For this, the material is selected, the diameter of which does not exceed 3 cm.

The first decade of October is the best way for works. In these times, the possibility of late germination is excluded. The bulbs bury deeper, not forgetting after events about mulching sawdust and straw.

The Siberian climate complicates the growing onions in the fall. To preserve the winter landing from early cold, you can get a bed with seeds to cover with a thick layer of coniferous paws. The higher the strengthening, the more reliable the repka is hidden. Such caution will protect the future harvest from freezing in unlock seasons. Perennial species Excellent adapt to winter, and already in the spring, gardeners are happy with a young greens.

Exhibited in Siberia. Exbishes is ready for landing in the ground .....

Leeks winter without shelter in Siberia!

Onions, cultivation. Excisive in Siberia, heating seeds .....


Before the appearance of the first leaves, work on the beds is limited by irrigating as the soil drying. After three flip flops get out at the site of the seed, you can begin more serious procedures. Often at this stage, inexperienced gardeners make mistakes.

Putting fertilizers is the main element in care onions. Depending on what is planned to grow, these or other drugs are used. The organic is used for growing per pen, and mineral substances will become indispensable for the production of large heads.

The first dressing consists of phosphate and ammonia-haired water dissolved in warm water. Agrariy recommend applying ready-made specialized mixtures that are intended for this culture. The second introduction is carried out in a month.

Excess nutrients are also harmful, as well as a deficit, so it is impossible to regularly "order" the onions. In front of the procedure, the soil is loosened, irrigated, and only then use fertilizers. If applied chemicals On dry ground, then you can burn gentle roots.


How to water the onions? In the conditions of the Siberian climate in the first month, procedures are carried out once a week, then the duration of moisturizing increase half. In the arid summer allowed a little add the number of events.

The intensity of moisture is most followed in the spring. During this period, the root system is forming and building greens. Excess fluid will lead to rotting and diseases, and disadvantage - to starvation. Negative oscillation will necessarily affect the taste of the onion bows.

Swimming is an important element of care. Culture does not tolerate the deficiency of oxygen, so it is important to plant vegetables on soil, which are well passed air. Regular weeding will make rid of weeds. The best way to relieve work is to mulch the bed.

Diseases and pests

Ignoring the rules of care becomes the reason that infections appear. Excess moisture in the soil and high temperature provoke the occurrence of fusariosis of the Donets. He is striking the annual bow, as a result of which the repkah storage becomes soft and disappear.

Wet bacterial rot appears by the end of the vegetative period. You can only see signs when cutting the head. Within a few weeks, vegetables do not show symptoms of the disease, but then massively lose its commodity look.

Rusty "mosaic" stains on feathers are spores fungus. As the infection develops, the formation of terrestrial and underground parts is terminated. The causative agent winters B. plant residues And it is capable of withstanding the most creamy frost. Regular destruction of weeds and straw will allow to protect the beds.

At the end of May, the Lukovaya Fly is putting eggs under dry seed scales or in the soil next to the crops. After a week, hungry larvae penetrate the inside of repka and gradually eat vegetable. During the summer, no less than 2 generations of pests come out.

To get rid of the insect, perform spraying "metaphos". The prevention measures are recommended to plant carrots nearby. Specific fragrance scares the fly.


You need to dig out the bow when the new greens stops forming. During this period, feathers dry and lie on Earth. A few weeks before the completion of the procedures cease. Such cunning slows down the accumulation of moisture that provokes rotting during storage.

The best raw variety for Siberia has time to grow completely and shape protective scales. Before harvesting, it is recommended to dull one rep. The presence of a thick neck and a bright husk says that culture is not yet ready for storage.

Cleaning is carried out in dry windy weather. You need to dig carefully, trying not to damage the bulbs. Injuries and cuts negatively affect the burning of products. It is impossible to knock on the heads about the surface. The entire harvest is laid out for drying on fresh air. To speed up the process, for 2 weeks, the vegetables are manually turned over.

Landing onion seeds in Siberia is an important and responsible procedure. Our recommendations will help to determine the choice of an early grade and teach how to properly plant segues in harsh climatic conditions.

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