Nigella onion: growing from seed, when to harvest. How to grow onions from seeds When to remove from the garden

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

Beginning vegetable growers do not know that onion seeds of the required variety can be grown on their site. A healthy and unpretentious vegetable does not require much attention and effort. It is grown in both biennial and annual crops. Using a number of simple agricultural techniques, it is possible to grow not only seedlings for planting in 1 season - black onion is able to give a full harvest by the end of summer.

Growing onions from seeds in 1 season is becoming increasingly popular. This is a fast and cost effective way. Variety Strigunovsky, which is distinguished by a rounded shape and yellow scales, depending on the method of growing from seeds, can be used to obtain a full-fledged onion crop, as well as for growing sets.

There are many varieties of annual onions:

  • acute: Chalcedony, Mayak, Globe, Lugansk;
  • peninsular: Rossa de Ferencze, Amphora;
  • sweet salad: Russian size, Exhibition and others.

You can get seeds for planting yourself by planting uterine bulbs in your area.

Garden preparation

Beds for sowing black onion in open ground should be prepared in the fall. The earth is dug up, carefully removing the roots of weeds. If this is not done, then in the spring weed grass will drown out fragile shoots. It is difficult to weed the beds at the beginning of the growing season, as it can be removed along with the weeds. most seedlings.

Onions prefer loose fertile soils, therefore, during digging, it is necessary to bring humus or peat into the ground at the rate of half a bucket per 1 m². It is impossible to use fresh manure instead of humus, as young shoots will get burned, get sick or die immediately. On dense, heavy soils, it is desirable to add sand.

On the prepared site, tape-ridges should be marked. It is most convenient to make them 1 m wide. Carefully level the soil with a rake, breaking up lumps. Cut shallow furrows with row spacings of at least 20 cm. To please the burning vegetable high yield, you need to grow it, observing a number of rules.


Sow nigella in early spring when there is still enough moisture in the soil. Seeds have time to hatch and grow before the start of the dry period. It is advisable to start sowing in the February and March thaws so that the onion heads have time to form. A bulb grown in an annual crop from seeds weighs approximately 80-120 g.

Before sowing, you can mix nigella with crushed chalk - this technique facilitates work and reduces consumption. planting material. To facilitate the care of seedlings, every 10-15 cm you need to throw a seed of a beacon crop (for example, radish, lettuce) into the furrow. They will rise much earlier than the bow and mark the rows.

After planting, the furrows are covered with a small layer wet soil(1.5-2 cm), compact and mulch. The question of when to plant nigella, vegetable growers decide in different ways. Many successfully use winter crops. Nigella seeds are not afraid of the cold, and with the advent of the first warmth, they grow together.

Black onion: cultivation

Growing onions from seed during the summer without seedlings is not difficult. Correct selection regionalized annual varieties and competent agricultural technology will allow by autumn to get big harvest useful vegetable.

The specificity of cultivation lies in winter or early spring sowing and the use of seedlings in the northern regions.

In order for the one-year-old onion to be well stored, it is necessary to dig it out only after lodging and yellowing of the feather, making sure that the neck of the vegetable is completely dry. After harvesting, dry the onion thoroughly in the sun.

Growing annual varieties of black onion

Beginning vegetable growers are not always able to grow good harvest black onion for 1 season. The main mistake is the wrong choice of variety. Only annual varieties and hybrids are suitable, such as Lugansky, Annual Siberian, Karatalsky, Albion F1, Daytona F1 and others.

Using special agricultural techniques, it is possible to obtain a full-fledged head of onion from a grain in just 1 season, which is much more profitable than growing onions in a two-year-old culture. Annual varieties are suitable not only for autumn-summer use, as they are well stored in winter. When the nigella is removed from the garden, they carefully watch so that the neck of the plant is completely dry. Only in this case can the onion be considered suitable for winter storage.

Black onion seedling

In the northern regions, the nigella does not have time to go through all the stages of development in a short summer period. Even proven annual varieties do not always show excellent maturation in adverse conditions. In such cases, resort to growing through seedlings.

Seeds can be sown from mid-February. Boxes (12 cm high) are filled with a mixture sod land and humus or use ready mix for seedlings.

Before sowing, the containers with the mixture are disinfected. You can pour them with boiling water from a watering can or take them out in the cold for 2-3 days. Even if you collected onion seeds yourself, you need to disinfect them in a solution of manganese or ash. After treatment, the seeds can be soaked in warm water until sprouts appear, or immediately planted in moist soil.

Close up the nigella by 1-1.5 cm. The soil is slightly compacted and mulched. For quick germination, containers are covered with a film, which is removed when shoots appear. From mid-April, seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. Before planting, the roots and stems must be shortened so that the finished seedlings are no longer than 15-20 cm. The distance between plants in a row should be 7-10 cm. Planting and care in the open field are carried out according to the usual pattern.

Seedless growing method

If you know how to properly grow onions, then you can grow a full-fledged crop in 130 days (vegetation period of annual varieties). It is necessary to sow seeds in open ground during the February and March thaws. Even more reliable and easy way- this is winter sowing.

The beds are prepared in October, furrows are cut and waiting for the first frosts. Nigella seeds are sown in frozen soil and sprinkled with soil or humus. Vegetation begins at the end of March. In moist soil, onions will give quick and friendly shoots. Care consists in regular weeding, thinning and watering plants. If the plantings are allowed to thicken, then you can get a small set instead of a full-fledged head.

Black onion: getting seeds from your own material

You can grow high-quality seed material yourself. To do this, in the spring, large beautiful bulbs of the variety you like are selected, disinfected in a solution of manganese and soaked for a day in warm water. Then they are laid for germination at a temperature of +10 ... +15 ° С.

The uterine bulbs are planted in the garden in the same way as onions on a feather, only the distance between the heads should be at least 15 cm. The neck of the bulb is located above ground level. The bulb pushes out a powerful stem, at the top of which a large cap is formed with seed pods. By the end of summer, the seeds ripen, and the film on the boxes begins to crack.

To prevent seeds from spilling onto the ground, it is necessary to cut the stems with heads and lay them for ripening in a dry, ventilated room. When the heads are dry, they must be thoroughly kneaded in your hands to remove the ripened seeds. Store nigella in a dark, dry and cool place.

Care of uterine bulbs consists in timely watering and the fight against diseases and pests. For preventive purposes, disease-resistant varieties should be selected, and onions should not be grown for more than 2 years in one place. Next to the onion, it is necessary to plant dill, carrots, marigolds, which repel the onion fly and other pests with their smell.

When to remove from the garden?

Harvesting begins in mid or late August. The signal to start harvesting is the lodging and yellowing of the tops. Before harvesting, you need to make sure that the neck of the plant is well dried. It is advisable to harvest on a clear sunny day so that you can dry the bulbs in the sun.

Farmers involved in the cultivation of various crops use exactly onion sets to get a crop of large turnips. This technique is a guarantee of growing bulbs of large size and leads to a more economical distribution of planting material. Due to the small size of the sevka, it is very convenient to plant it in the garden, observing the required distance. Onion seeds are not a guarantee of a good harvest, and the reason for failure lies in the wrong variety selection.

When and how are onion seeds harvested?

Black onion will give excellent harvest, if you choose the right variety or hybrid. Reduced purchase costs seed, which is associated with a higher price for sevok. To get high-quality seed material, it is important to know about the start time of collection. Harvesting begins as soon as cracked boxes begin to appear on the umbrellas, in which there are ripe black seeds. This procedure has several stages, which is associated with uneven maturation of umbrellas.

Note to the farmer! In case of severe drought, black onion seeds are harvested in the last days of July, and if there was sufficient natural precipitation, work can be delayed until mid-August.

If the seeds for seedlings are not yet ripe, and frost is expected, it is necessary to pull out the bulb and put it in the ripening room.

For the convenience of cutting umbrellas, it is better to take scissors. Breaking off by hand does not always lead to the desired result, in addition, the seed material crumbles to the ground. Some owners of summer cottages leave a small part of the arrow along with the top. This method is convenient for storage: several umbrellas are tied into a bundle and hung to dry over a sheet of newspaper or other improvised material.

Getting seeds is not that hard. Dried umbrellas are peeled by hand, separating the black seeds. Another method uses water: particles of the husk will remain on the surface, and the seeds will settle. The disadvantage of the option is throwing out a large part seed material along with waste.

How to grow onion seeds

Before moving on to planting issues, it is necessary to determine the timing and methods of cultivation. There are the following methods:

  • sowing in the ground with the onset of early spring;
  • sowing before winter;
  • pre-growing seedlings.

Onions from seeds can be sown as soon as the soil thaws, and it is possible to get a good harvest within one season. The preparation of seedlings begins at the end of February, so that in mid-April it is possible to plant a vegetable cult in the ground. If the option with planting before winter is chosen, the owner needs to wait until the soil freezes a little, this will ensure that the seed material does not germinate in the fall.

It doesn’t matter which method is chosen, the main thing to remember is that onion seedlings require soil preparation in advance.

Planting material preparation

The first step is to check the seed material for germination. Place a few grains in a damp cloth and leave in a warm place. After a short time, sprouts should appear, which means good quality selected seeds.

When growing onions per head, you need to take care of additional processing if the seeds are grown on your own. suburban area. The material purchased in the store, in most cases, is already disinfected.

Fungicidal preparations or a manganese non-concentrated solution are used. Onion seeds for planting are prepared as follows. A solution is made in a separate container, where the seeds are placed for 24 hours. Can apply hot water at a temperature of 50 degrees, the seeds should lie in it for half an hour, or leave them in aloe juice for the same time.

It will not be possible to grow onion sets from seeds quickly, since the material has the property of slow germination. There are tricks to speed up the process. The easiest way is to soak the seeds in water at room temperature a few days before the intended planting.

Place the seed material in a cloth bag, filling it by ½, tie it up and leave it in water for 30 hours. The main thing is not to forget about changing the water several times during this time. When the seeds swell, they need to be scattered on wet tissue, cover with another wet cloth and put in a warm place.

After two days, the seeds will begin to hatch, which means it's time to start sowing.

Soil preparation

Before planting onions with seeds, you need to take care of the place on the site. It is recommended to choose the sunny part. It’s good if there were cucumbers, cabbage or potatoes in this place before. All of these crops enrich the soil with a useful element - nitrogen. For loamy soil, it is enough to apply organic and mineral fertilizers to make it suitable.

How to make a garden bed:

  • in width it is not made more than 0.8 meters, and in height - more than 15 cm;
  • at the time of digging the soil, compost is added up to 4 kg or peat up to 3 kg at the rate of such an amount per 1 sq. meter;
  • additionally enrich the soil with nitrophoska and superphosphates (1 tablespoon for the same area) or wood ash;
  • any fertilizer must be properly mixed with the soil and, after application, compact the earth a little;
  • after the bed is ready for growing onions, it is necessary to shed it with copper sulfate at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water;
  • cover with polyethylene and leave for two days before sowing.


In order to avoid difficulties with planting onions with seeds, you need to mark up. Having retreated 10 cm from the beginning of the bed, several grooves are made with a depth of not more than 2 cm, the distance between the grooves is maintained at 5 cm. Now you can lay the seed so that the seeds do not lie tightly. Upon completion of work, the soil is slightly compacted and accurate watering is carried out.

To speed up seedlings in open ground, it is recommended to cover the bed with polyethylene, fixing it above the ground at a distance of up to 30 cm. This method serves to maintain humidity and create an ideal microclimate.

After sowing onions, cotyledons, similar to small loops, are the first to appear above the ground. Plants are thinned out after up to 90% of the seeds have germinated, leaving a distance of up to 2 cm between them.

Onion care

Growing onions for seeds requires some care, in which there is nothing complicated. It includes the following steps:

  • watering up to two times a week;
  • periodic weeding;
  • preventive measures against various diseases.

About loosening the soil certain rules no. From some farmers you can hear that they dig up the ground after each watering, taking care of the black onion planted in the open ground. Others are of the opinion that such measures harm the plants, moreover, partial loosening occurs when weeding is underway.


This is an important part of the care of any plants, including onions grown in one season from seeds. During dry summers, watering is carried out up to two times a week. Up to 10 liters of water is added to the soil per meter of the bed.

From July, irrigation stops so that the water does not interfere with the ripening of the bulbs. But during drought, you can water the soil a little, preventing the bulbs from wilting.

top dressing

Growing onions from seeds involves the mandatory application of dressings. It is important to know not only about fertilizers that can be beneficial, but also about the timing of application. You can find the required data in the following table:

Name of fertilizersHow to cookApplication time
A mixture of superphosphate, saltpeter, potassium chlorideSuperphosphate - 40 g, saltpeter 30 g, potassium chloride - 20 g. Diluted in water - 10 litersAfter shoots appear
manure solutionSlurry in the amount of one glass is diluted in 10 liters of waterAfter emergence
Superphosphate, sodium chloride saltpeterSuperphosphate - 60 g, saltpeter - 30 g, sodium chloride. Dilute with 10 liters of waterOn the 30th day after disembarkation and 2 weeks after the first feeding
herbal slurryWeeds are poured with water and oppressed for 3 days. The resulting top dressing is diluted in a bucket of water - 1 cup of the mixtureOne month after planting and 2 weeks after the first feeding
Potassium chloride, superphosphateSuperphosphate - 60 g, potassium chloride - 30 grams. The mixture is dissolved in water - 10 litersIt is applied when the bulbs reach 4 cm in diameter
Ash solutionAsh - 250 g, boiling water 10 liters. The resulting mixture is infused for 5 days.When the bulbs reach 4 cm in diameter

The use of such supplements makes it possible to achieve high yield.

Protection against diseases and pests

For a warning various diseases can be used as chemicals, and folk. A tincture of the following content has a good reputation:

  • sagebrush;
  • dandelion foliage;
  • stepsons of tomatoes;
  • pea pepper.

The number of components is arbitrary and remains at the discretion of the farmer.

All components are placed in a suitable container, 5 peppercorns are added and poured with boiling water. The solution must be infused for 24 hours, then it must be filtered, mixed with 2 liters with 8 liters of water and used to irrigate the land.

The remaining mixture should be stored in a cool place.

Nigella on greens

Growing black onions for greens is very simple. Sowing begins with the onset of a warm period after the soil layer has warmed up. For early greens, it is best to use seedlings, not seeds.

In order for the site to have a rich harvest of green onions, and all season long, various top dressings of organic origin are used. The rest of the care involves the fulfillment of the requirements described above.

Hello readers! Back in April, we successfully planted a black onion turnip, we practically didn’t think about it all summer, with the exception of rare irrigation, but now the most important thing is not to miss the time to collect the seeds, otherwise they will successfully fall to the ground.

When are onion seeds harvested?

Harvesting of seed plants begins when single cracked boxes with ripe black seeds appear in umbrellas. This procedure is most often carried out in several stages, since umbrellas do not ripen evenly. In dry years, blackberries begin to harvest at the end of July, and with enough moisture - closer to mid-August.

If the seeds are not ripe, and frosts are expected, then the bulb is pulled out along with the arrows and put into the room until it ripens.

How to collect blackberry

It is most convenient to cut umbrellas with scissors. It is not always possible to break off with your hands, some of the seeds with such a collection can simply crumble to the ground. We remove umbrellas "on legs", i.e. with a small piece of arrow. You can leave long arrows. They are conveniently tied into bundles and hung to dry over paper or cloth.

Cut umbrellas are dried, or rather they are forgotten about them again, until autumn, sometimes very deep. The main thing is that the layer of umbrellas is not very thick - they can prop it up. Dry umbrellas in our area peel with their hands, trying to separate the black seeds as much as possible. Often they resort to the help of water - the seeds settle to the bottom, and the husk floats up. Such a nigella turns out to be very clean, but a significant part of the seeds is thrown out with a wet husk. It is possible, and they did it before, planting and weed nigella (with husks), only more storage space will be needed.

Store dry nigella in bags or glass jars under plastic covers.


Nigella is remarkably eaten by mice. But do not panic and do not throw away even a decently gnawed seed crop - plant more often, there will definitely be seedlings. Good luck to all of you!


Onion is the plant that we eat every day. It is even hard to imagine soup, borscht, salads and other dishes without it. It not only nourishes, improves taste qualities dishes, but also treats. It enriches our body useful substances(phytoncides) that kill pathogens most dangerous diseases person. Onion bulbs contain a lot of vitamin C, mineral salts, essential oil, organic acids. It helps to increase appetite, improves digestion, strengthens the immune system, it is used for many diseases. No wonder there was a saying in Russia: "Garlic and onions from seven ailments."

And, probably, there will not be such a site where this plant would not be grown, the varieties and species of which are many.

The most common is onion, he got this name because it looks like a turnip in shape.

Turnip is grown mainly in two ways: in one year, directly from seeds and in a two-year culture, i.e. first, onion sets are grown from seeds, and then onions are obtained in the second year.

With the second method of cultivation, onions are obtained, which can be stored for a long time, it does not need irrigation and requires little labor. Onion seeds can be purchased at the seed store, but the price is high, the same can be said for onion sets.

Seeds, and then onion sets, can be successfully grown on your site - there is nothing difficult in this, but the money savings will be real.

To grow seeds (nigella) the most important thing is to have onion bulbs. For this purpose, you need to select the best, beautiful bulbs, well ripened, without damage, not germinated, without signs of disease. A month before planting, seed onions are brought from a cool room, where they were stored in a warm room with a temperature of +18 - +20 degrees C, where they are kept until planting. Before planting, cut off the neck to speed up the germination of the bulb.

Before planting, the bulbs should be soaked in water for 3-5 hours, then treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and planted in prepared soil.

The site for growing onion seeds should be protected from the winds, well lit by the sun, as in dark places the seeds will be of poor quality.

The soil is best prepared in the fall, for digging we bring in organic (manure, compost) - 8 kg / sq. m. and mineral fertilizers. Of the mineral fertilizers, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium chloride, 40 g / sq. M.) are best suited, which contribute to better seed ripening.

We plant seed onions as early as possible, with the first exit to the garden. The width and length of the beds are arbitrary, but you need to plant the onion so that it is convenient to take care of it. The two-row method is best suited, that is, two rows, the distance between which is 60 cm, and between the bulbs - 15-20 cm.

Landing is carried out with a shovel to a depth of 5-6 cm.

Seed onion care consists of loosening, weeding, in the absence of rain - watering (1-2 times a week).

To avoid false powdery mildew during the shooting period, plants are recommended to be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid. If the disease nevertheless manifests itself, the diseased leaves are cut off and destroyed, and the plantings are treated every week before flowering with the same solution.

To protect against pests, the heads are sprayed with Decis.

You should also take care of the support for the bulbs, as the arrows can break off by the wind or under their own weight.

In the future, the seeds are poured into umbrellas, they dry up. When cracked boxes with black seeds appear in the upper part of the umbrella, the inflorescences are cut off and sent for ripening and drying. If this is not done in time, the seeds will simply spill out onto the ground.

You can only cut umbrellas or arrows together with umbrellas (length 30 cm), which are tied in bunches and hung under awnings, or in well-ventilated rooms, spreading a film on the ground, as the seeds will fall out as they ripen. Cut inflorescences without arrows are placed in gauze bags, or laid out in attics on burlap.

Seeds in boxes reach two weeks.

The entire period of obtaining onion seeds averages 4-5 months. From one umbrella you can get up to 10g of seeds.

Ripe seeds are threshed or ground by hand, winnowed from weeds with the help of satiety and wind. To do this, you can also use water, in which the seeds are placed for 10 minutes, good full-weight seeds sink to the bottom, and garbage and feeble ones remain at the top. Water, together with weeds and low-quality seeds, is drained, full-fledged seeds are collected, placed on burlap and dried at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. C. Then they are placed in bags of natural material and stored at a temperature of 10 - 15 degrees. C at 60% relative humidity. Under these conditions, seed germination persists for 2-3 years. But since it is difficult to constantly maintain such conditions, it should be remembered that it is best to use fresh (previous year) seeds for sowing, as they quickly lose their germination.

Onions for seeds can be planted before winter- early to mid-October. The bulbs have time to take root, but they do not have time to form a green mass.

It is worth planting to a depth of 10-12 cm (on a shovel bayonet), in regions with a colder climate, small piles of earth should be made above each bulb, then covered with leaves, and on top with branches. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the shelters should be removed, the ground should be leveled.

In early spring, loosening with a rake is carried out in the garden so that a crust does not form. Further care same? as well as when planting in the spring. At autumn planting the seeds are larger, more full-bodied.

And you did not depend on seed suppliers, you yourself need to be able to grow onions for seed. In fact, it is not so difficult, the only thing worth remembering is that different varieties of onions are well cross-pollinated, and therefore you should not try to grow onions on seeds of several varieties at once.

To grow onions for seed after harvesting turnips, select the largest, best and healthiest bulb specimens . The diameter of the bulbs should be at least 4 cm, but not more than 8 cm. Large bulbs give more arrows, and therefore the seed yield will also be greater. In addition, the growth of plants from large bulbs will occur faster.

First of all, they need to be dried well, and then sent to storage. In winter, the bulbs left on the seeds should be stored in a room with a temperature of 0-3 degrees and a humidity of 75-80%.

Preparing bulbs for planting

With small volumes of the uterine onion, the neck is cut off, while capturing 1-1.5 cm of the juicy part from above. Onions must develop long enough to produce seeds. The vegetation period of this stage of plant development is 110-130 days, and therefore it is advisable to grow the plant a little before planting. Per month before planting, the temperature is raised to 18-20 degrees to warm the bulbs. This accelerates the development of plants in the future.

Then about in 2 weeks before planting, the bulbs are planted in the ground in separate containers, only first the neck is cut off the bulbs, capturing about 1-1.5 cm of the juicy part. Pruning speeds up the germination of seed feathers, and also allows you to cull diseased bulbs - bulb diseases are often not visible from the outside.

Can be used for disembarkation disposable cups. By the time of planting, the roots and leaves will already begin to form on the onion. The temperature is maintained all this time also at the level of 18-20 degrees.

Planting onions for seeds

Plant the bulbs outdoors fairly early, once the threat of frost has passed. Before boarding the land is prepared - well fertilized with rotted manure or humus. Then planted bulbs at a distance of 25 cm from each other to such a depth that the bulbs are covered with earth with a layer of 4-5 cm.

In the south, onions are planted for seeds, mainly before winter, autumn. Onions are planted in late September - early October, and in 8-10 days it forms root system, which by the beginning of winter deepens into the ground by 25–30 cm. The depth of planting bulbs during winter planting is 8–10 cm. Plants have time to sprout in a couple of months, and by winter some plants even have leaves. Rooted plants tolerate winter well, and give a larger yield than spring planting.

When planting for the winter, the area with plants is additionally covered with a layer of humus 5-7 cm, and in the spring this mulch is removed. If the soil is dry during planting, watering is done, if it is too wet, planting is transferred to spring.

Caring for onions grown for seed

Growing onions for seed is basically the same as growing onions for the table, with the exception, of course, of some nuances.

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