Watermelon Astrakhan description. Watermelon Astrakhan - how is the old variety so different from many new ones ?! When to pick watermelons

Encyclopedia of Plants 16.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Surprisingly, it is with watermelons that many fears and speculations are associated with buyers. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" tried to dispel most of the myths.

Myth one: Astrakhan and Volgograd watermelons are very different

If earlier selection was done a lot and productively, now this area is going through difficult times. So farmers in Volgograd and Astrakhan region plant the same early varieties - hybrids purchased in Europe. They can differ only in the conditions in which they grew. This year, the weather for neighbors in Astrakhan, which we have, was very unfavorable for watermelons. First cold, then hot over 50, now it's raining. So the harvest of melons (as well as vegetables) is poor and an order of magnitude lower than last year. Less sun also affected the quality of the product - the taste is not so rich and bright.

Myth two: early varieties are dangerous to health

This is not true.

Early varieties- All hybrids. They are grown under drip irrigation. Their maturation rate is faster than that of pure varieties. But this does not affect the safety of products. Moreover, the majority of melon growers receive certificates of conformity for their products. Samples are handed over to the laboratory for research on several parameters, including nitrates, - told KP-Volgograd melon grower Yevgeny Morozov from the Bykovsky district. - So the certificate gives a guarantee. Also, with a check, they can come from Rospotrebnadzor and Rosselkhoznadzor.

Myth three: watermelons are easy to get poisoned

No more than other products. The danger is not even the pulp. The fact is that many do not wash the watermelon before cutting it. And this is a must. Watermelons are treated with pesticides every week. Therefore, a dangerous composition may be in your plate. So wash the "minke whale" thoroughly before serving.

Myth four: Bykovsky watermelons are the sweetest

Unfortunately, Bykovsky watermelons have not been in nature for a long time, farmer Evgeny Morozov upsets us. - There are, of course, watermelons grown on Bykovo land. But even the famous "Chill" is no longer "Chill". After all, in order to maintain the purity of the variety, you need breeding work. And it hasn't been given much attention in the last couple of decades.

Myth five: the price depends on the crop

The price depends on the resellers. When the harvest is poor, it is they who raise the price.

In mid-July, I gave watermelons for 4 rubles per kilogram, now I rent for six, - says farmer Stanislav Khan. In stores and markets, they are three to five times more expensive. So this year we will not beat off even the cost price. Although the demand for products is good, I have a queue of customers. But they still won't raise the price.

Watermelon, sweet berry - favorite treat at the end of summer. A Russian person has a well-aimed language: what someone said “not watermelons begin, but summer ends”, is the best way to characterize when you need to be saturated with the southern fruit. Why Astrakhan watermelons are considered the best? There are many reasons and they are connected with the properties of the berry. How to get a sweet fruit far from Astrakhan, in the Moscow region or in Siberia? Is it possible to subordinate a southern vegetable to a Siberian, and we'll talk about this.

The history of the appearance of watermelon in Russia

The first mention in fairy tales of a giant berry delivered to the table of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich appeared in 1560. But watermelons grew in Astrakhan long before that moment. The great reformer Peter I ordered melons to be planted near Moscow. However, neither the seeds, nor the soil, nor the craftsmen of Astrakhan could grow them in the Moscow region.

In the middle of the 19th century, watermelons from Astrakhan began to be floated for sale along the Volga. Peasants from Tsaritsyn to Kamyshin also brought melons. Today, Astrakhan watermelons are sought and awaited all over the country. The fact is that in this area watermelons are grown without chemicals, ecological. To protect your product from counterfeiting, a special stamp has been developed that is glued to each watermelon.

Astrakhan, the watermelon capital, holds the “Day of Astrakhan watermelon". This is fun party harvest with a theatrical performance. Each participant of the holiday can taste the moon watermelon and take a piece of summer with them.

How does a watermelon grow?

What does a watermelon need to grow big and sweet? Land when sowing watermelon seeds should be warmed up not less than 14. In the future, the roots develop well and drive nutrition into the berry at a temperature of 30-32. The air temperature is 24-30. When the fruitlets are tied, the average daily temperature does not fall below 18.

Total energy mass solar activity for fruit ripening should be 2000-3000, depending on the early maturity of the variety. And this means that for the cultivation of watermelons you need a lot of hot days and very warm nights.

In addition, during the development of 5-6 leaves, the illumination should reach 10,000 lux with a light day of less than 12 hours. If the day is longer, the fruits are poorly tied, and if the illumination is about 8 hours, the plant freezes. Bad weather and low temperatures will provoke the development of diseases, low filling, bad taste of fruits. Therefore, growing watermelon is not easy.

Where is it possible to create such conditions? in the Astrakhan region. Watermelons are traditionally sweet and the most delicious. At the same time, Astrakhan watermelon is a brand under which a group of varieties is cultivated:

  • Astrakhan;
  • yarilo;
  • squiry;
  • chill.

Lunar watermelon, a yellow miracle, is also grown here. In other places, these watermelons taste like a pumpkin, and in Astrakhan they are a favorite delicacy of the villagers. This is a very delicate fruit with a thin crust, unsuitable for storage and transportation. Therefore, the moon watermelon in Moscow cannot be found during the day with fire.

Astrakhan watermelon is distinguished by the contrast between dark and light stripes closer to the tail. The spot that is left from touching the ground should be small and orange. The tail is dry but not dry. When do Astrakhan watermelons ripen? In Moscow, they can appear only in August.

Which watermelon should not be bought?

It doesn’t matter which watermelon you bring home - Astrakhan, Uzbek or from Kazakhstan, you can’t buy watermelon in the following cases:

  • on the side of busy highways, as watermelons absorb gases, become polluted;
  • a large white or light spot indicates a lack of heat for ripening;
  • damage to the peel - a puncture says that the watermelon was pumped with saltpeter for quick ripening, a rotten crust - about internal rot;
  • watermelon should not be damaged;
  • no tail - wait for the catch;
  • you need to choose an average specimen weighing 5-7 kg.

The main danger awaits impatient lovers of early watermelons, which are grown using shock doses of fertilizers. Therefore, it is a good idea to get a device for measuring nitrates in greens.

How to grow watermelon at home?

You can grow a delicious watermelon by observing the mode of heat and light. In addition, it is important to comply with all requirements:

  • choice of landing site;
  • sowing or planting seedlings in warm ground;
  • timely and top dressing;
  • disease and pest control;
  • whip formation.

Depending on the region, methods have been developed on how to grow watermelons at home. You can cultivate open ground, in greenhouses or in greenhouses. Usually at home in central Russia, watermelons are grown through seedlings. The seedling period is responsible in development, especially during the formation of the fifth - sixth sheets. It is necessary during the growing period on the windowsill.

The choice of landing site is very important. The plant must be in the light for at least 10 hours. Likes virgin watermelon or sod land. In country conditions, it can grow after onions, cabbage, root vegetables, beans or peas. He likes sandy soil. Watermelon grows well in a manure bed with biological heating. Since at the beginning of summer in the middle lane the earth warms up late, growing watermelons in greenhouses and on warm ridges is better. The distance between plants is 70 cm, between rows in open ground is 1.4 meters.

In protected ground, the whips are carried out with a vertical garter and hanging the pouring fruits so that they do not break the bush with their weight. Usually no more than three watermelons are left on the plant. The more ovaries, the more time it will take to fill and ripen. But in the middle lane and the northern regions there is no such time.

Watermelons are responsive to watering and top dressing, but it should be noted that nitrogen components accumulate in fruits and spoil their taste. It is generally accepted that saltpeter can be fed only in the first half of summer, later, under the influence of solar energy, this nitrogen will have time to turn into useful material. Abundant watering of the plant should be reduced as the fruits are poured. During ripening, watermelons are not watered. Often, fruits at home grow smaller, but tastier than those brought from warm lands.

Video about growing watermelons

A huge round fruit with a flat surface was brought out by the breeder Konstantin Dyutin. Astrakhan watermelons, unlike other varieties of this gourds, unpretentious in care, for which they are planted in farms, grown in summer cottages. Sweet berry not only has a pleasant taste, but also eliminates thirst, supplies vitamins and trace elements to the human body, cleanses it of toxins, and relieves swelling.

Now there is no need to go to Astrakhan for watermelons, the hot and dry climate of which is ideal for growing melons. You can buy an amazing berry anywhere, it is cultivated in different regions Russia. Astrakhan watermelons are different:

  • dense and smooth crust;
  • oblong shape;
  • dark green color;
  • light stripes on the surface.

The pulp in the fruits pleases with a sweet taste, a subtle aroma of the fields. With prolonged drought, voids sometimes form in the berry, but Astrakhan watermelon does not lose juiciness from this. It ripens 75-80 days after germination. The melon culture loves heat, direct rays of the sun, does not like cloudy and cool weather, high humidity. Astrakhan watermelons are extremely rarely affected:

  • fusarium
  • gray rot;
  • mosaic disease;
  • anthracnose.

The characteristics and description of the variety interested farmers, because from one hectare, under favorable conditions, it is possible to collect 120 tons of watermelons, each of which weighs more than 8 kilograms. Summer residents who plant this gourd on their plots claim that the sweetest and juiciest fruit has a contrasting color - a very dark peel and very light stripes. A ripe berry makes a barely audible crack when pressed.

Ways to grow Astrakhan watermelon

The variety is suitable for cultivation not only in the southern regions, but also in the middle lane. Where spring lingers, seedlings are first harvested; if heat comes in April, disinfected seeds are sown directly on the garden bed or on the chestnut tree. The first method is suitable for the Moscow region, the Black Earth region. The second option for the cultivation of watermelons, in addition to the Astrakhan region, is resorted to in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, in the North Caucasus.

Sprouting seeds

Both gardeners and farmers dream of the sweet berry ripening faster. Some want to please the family with fruits, others want to earn income.

Sprouting seeds helps speed up the harvesting process. First they need to be decomposed and larger grains selected. To make the sprouts hatch faster, the seed is poured hot water and leave for half an hour, after which they are soaked for a day in a solution of potassium permanganate. Experienced gardeners add aloe juice to it.

When sprouts appear, the seeds must be moved to peat pots or in plastic containers filled with humus. It is important to choose the right time for germination seed and transplanting bushes to a site illuminated by the sun.

Astrakhan watermelons love light and loose soil. Fertilizers containing phosphorus and nitrogen should be applied to the soil prepared in autumn. AT open ground seedlings are moved at the end of May. Usually at this time there are no more frosts, and the soil warms up well. Watermelons have time to ripen before the beginning of autumn.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

In the middle latitudes, summer residents prefer to sow the Astrakhan variety not in open ground, but under a film. They do this from the end of March to the beginning of April, many are guided by moon calendar. To make the skin softer, the seeds are dipped in hot water for a quarter of an hour.

For hardening, some gardeners wrap watermelon grains in wet gauze and send them to a cold place for a week or put them on ice 8 hours before planting.

After treatment with a growth stimulator, 3-4 seeds are laid out in cups filled with fertilized soil, deepening by 4 centimeters. The containers are wrapped in foil and left in the greenhouse, where it should be at least 25 °. When sprouts appear, the polyethylene is removed, the seedlings are thinned out. When four leaves are formed, and this happens after 30-35 days, Astrakhan watermelons are moved to the field or to the garden.

Seedlings in the open field

By the end of May, the earth warms up well, and frosts rarely return. When the soil temperature reaches 14 °, they dig holes, put humus in each, plant several watermelon seeds, cover with soil, the layer of which should be at least 10 centimeters. Between the rows leave a distance of up to one and a half meters. The melon is insulated with agrofibre.

Cultivated Astrakhan watermelon develops well after:

  • beans;
  • corn;
  • nightshade crops.

Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, protected from drafts, when during the day it is not less than 18 °, every half a meter, 90 centimeters are left between rows. Fertilizer is placed in the dug holes, which is prepared by dissolving 40 grams of superphosphate, 20 grams of potassium salt and 30 grams of ammonium sulphate in 2 liters of water. Many summer residents prefer chicken manure and mullein.

Covering fertilizer with earth, pour ash, pour warm water. Having cut the glass, they take out the seedlings of the Astrakhan watermelon and place it in the ground so that the soil reaches the leaves. Moisture will evaporate less if the bed under the melon crop is mulched with humus or sand.

We create optimal conditions for good growth and yield

Growing Astrakhan watermelons and caring for them almost do not differ from the cultivation of other varieties. Develop rapidly, give high yield plants on fertile lands, especially on black soil.

Temperature and lighting

Watermelons adore the sun, even if they sprout in the shade, the fruits will not be tied. When long time cloudy weather persists, the berry does not pick up sweetness. When growing melons in a greenhouse, it is necessary to install additional lamps.

Astrakhan watermelons develop well at high temperatures, the yield increases significantly if during the growing season it is from 30 to 40 ° during the day and at least 18 at night; at 15, growth stops; at lower values, the culture may die.

Watermelons are worse tied when the sun's rays fall on them for longer than 12 hours, but even with a daylight equal to 8 hours, the culture does not develop.

Humidity and watering

Astrakhan watermelons have powerful roots that go to great depths and grow in width. They do not suffer during a drought, they endure a long absence of rain. However, the berry will not be juicy and sweet if the culture is not watered. During development, watermelons are moistened daily with warm water. When they massively begin to ripen, the number of irrigations is reduced.

soil fertilization

Gourds are very demanding on soil fertility. Feeding Astrakhan watermelons, even if they grow on black soil, is necessary once every 14-15 days. You can use solutions from rotted manure, chicken manure, and it is even better to combine organic matter with mineral fertilizers.

Diseases and pests of the Astrakhan watermelon

Rains and cold weather have a negative impact on the state of melons and gourds. The set fruits have no taste, no juice is collected. Although Astrakhan watermelons are resistant to fusarium and some other diseases, but, with adverse conditions, are affected by peronosporosis caused by a pathogenic fungus. To cope with it, the leaves of the culture are treated with Bordeaux liquid 3 times per season.

Prolonged cold spell high humidity contribute to the appearance of root rot when underground part plants thicken and crack, leaves wither. For spraying, a solution of Fundazol is used, ash is poured onto the soil.

  1. The plant is covered with bloom.
  2. Holes appear on the leaves.
  3. The stems wither.
  4. The fruit becomes soft.

How to determine the ripeness of a berry

There is more than one way, using which you can make sure that the Astrakhan watermelon is ripe. First of all, you need to pay attention to its crust. If it is hard, does not pierce with a fingernail, then the berry does not feed on moisture from the stems. Breaking away from the plant, the fruits ripen quickly. In a ripe berry, against the background of a dark peel, light stripes clearly appear.

The watermelon lies on the ground on one side, a spot forms at the point of contact with the ground. In a ripe berry, it has a yellow or orange color. The fruit can be cut if a ringing sound is heard from a hand blow, and a crackling sound when pressed.

Ripe watermelon does not sink in water. The pulp of the berry of the Astrakhan variety is bright red, the seeds are black. In "girls", which are considered tastier than "boys", the lower part is flat, not narrow, a wide circle stands out on it.

When to harvest and how to store

Astrakhan watermelons begin to ripen closer to autumn. Late varieties have a thick rind that prevents damage to the juicy pulp. Store fruits with own site need a few days before they ripen.

For harvesting, you need to choose watermelons on which there are no cracks, dents, scratches, and the surface shines in the sun. Highly large berry do not leave in the refrigerator or lay in the cellar or basement. Varieties of early ripening are not suitable for storage. So that Astrakhan watermelons do not spoil for a long time, do not lose their taste and juiciness, the temperature in a ventilated room should be in the range from 2 to 4 °, humidity should not exceed 85.

The whole fruits of this variety lie perfectly for 3 months, at room temperature - 5 weeks, the cut berry is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Common Growing Mistakes

Novice gardeners sometimes believe that since Astrakhan watermelons come from the southern regions, where it is hot and dry, it is not necessary to water the plants. Other site owners stop moistening 10 days before fruit picking, which leads to:

  • to a deterioration in taste;
  • low sugar content;
  • unsatisfactory keeping quality.

A gross mistake of gardeners planting watermelons is the lack of proper feeding. Gourds need both mineral fertilizers and organics, but in moderation.

Some gardeners manage to save space in the greenhouse by placing tomatoes and watermelons nearby. Plants require different nutrition, some are watered every day, others - once a week. Long stems of gourds quickly drown out tomatoes.

It is not easy to buy seeds of Astrakhan watermelons on the market, not everyone knows how to distinguish that this is not a fake. You have to rely only on the conscience of sellers or buy sowing seeds not at the bazaar, but in specialized stores.

- a variety grown throughout Russia, the main advantages of which are unpretentious care and high yield. You can also note the long shelf life of the fruit and its good resistance to transportation even over long distances.

All this makes the southern delicacy one of the most beloved among the population of our country. At proper cultivation and care, Astrakhan watermelon will not only be an excellent decoration for any table, but will also quench your thirst and saturate the body with useful substances.

Most farmers and gardeners prefer to grow this variety. This is due to the fact that Astrakhan watermelon is resistant to the development of pathologies inherent in gourds, its fruits have excellent taste and are stored for more than 2 months, without losing their merits.

The ripe fruit has a round or slightly oblong shape, its peel is smooth and even. The color of the surface is dark green with light stripes that have spike-like edges. According to experts, the more obvious the difference between dark and light stripes, the brighter the taste of the fruit will be.

The flesh of a ripe watermelon is bright red. It is very sweet, juicy and aromatic. Seeds are usually dark brown or black in color. The main difference between the Astrakhan variety is the presence of a thick crust.

Astrakhan watermelon is considered medium-early in terms of ripening - the time from seed germination to full maturity is about 80 days. The size of a ripe berry ranges from 8 to 10 kg. He is very thermophilic, he needs a sufficient amount of sunlight. favorable conditions during cultivation, they will provide the fruits with juiciness, sweet taste, pleasant color and aroma.

During the period of drought, voids may appear inside the watermelon, which in no way affect the quality of this melon crop. In this case, when squeezing, a slight crackle will be heard, indicating the maturity of the watermelon.

Thanks to the adaptation of varieties to different climatic conditions, as well as the breeding of hybrids, became possible cultivation Astrakhan watermelon in any regions of Russia.

Growing a striped berry is carried out in two main ways:

  • reckless;
  • seedlings.

The first landing option is typical for the southern regions, the second is practiced by farmers middle lane and Moscow region.

At reckless way seeds are sown in open ground, pre-soaking them in potassium permanganate. Dry seeds immediately begin to sow in the soil. Sprouted ones must be placed in a pocket made of cloth or gauze and poured with warm water. Every day the water should be changed until small sprouts appear. Then you can start sowing.

The seedling method consists in the preliminary germination of seeds. To do this, you need to decompose the seeds treated with potassium permanganate on damp cloth or toilet paper and place them in the tray. In this state, the seeds are kept at a temperature of 25 to 30 ° C.

After the appearance of sprouts, you need to take suitable containers (for example, disposable cups), fill them with humus, sand and turf, or ready-made peat soil. The sowing depth should not exceed 4 cm. Then the seeds are covered with a film and placed in a well-lit and warm place. After the first leaves appear, you can plant seedlings in the ground.

The soil for planting the Astrakhan variety of watermelons should be light and loose. It must be prepared in the fall. This will require humus and other fertilizers suitable for feeding the crop (potassium-phosphorus mixtures, nitrogen, etc.).

If the site previously grew pumpkin, melon, cabbage or cucumber, there is a risk that the crop will not be as rich as expected, and the fruits may change their taste qualities. It is advisable to plant watermelons in the soil on which peas, potatoes, corn and beans were grown.

The depth of the hole for planting seedlings should be no more than 6-8 cm. Watermelons are planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other. In order for the fruits to be large and to be fully formed, these rules must be observed.

You can buy Astrakhan watermelon seeds at any store in your city, as well as order via the Internet. Due to the great demand for the Astrakhan variety among the inhabitants of our country, the seeds are available to anyone who wants to plant this large, sweet berry on their site.

You can buy seeds in advance - in winter or early spring. Under appropriate conditions, they are stored for a long time. It is important to prevent moisture from getting on the bags with seeds, and also to avoid their strong overheating.

Before planting dry seeds, they must be soaked in a solution of manganese. To do this, pour warm water and add potassium permanganate to it so that it turns out enough bright color. Seeds can be wrapped in cheesecloth and placed in ready solution for 30-40 minutes. Then they are planted in the ground.

Germination of seeds does not require much effort. We place them in a cloth or gauze moistened with water and put them in a specially prepared container. We change the water once a day or as the fabric dries. At this stage, it is important to observe the thermal regime: 30 ° C during the day and not lower than 20 ° C at night. As soon as the first shoots appear, you can start planting.

Today you can buy seedlings of the Astrakhan variety of watermelons on the market or in specialized stores. The main thing is to correctly calculate the timing of seed germination and the time of planting seedlings in open ground. The ideal time for planting is the end of May, when the earth has warmed up enough sunbeams and there are no frosts at night. Harvesting takes place in August and September.

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