What water to water cyclamen after transplanting. Top dressing and proper care of cyclamen - before and during flowering

Decor elements 23.06.2020
Decor elements

Despite the fact that cyclamen is a lover of humid air, it is absolutely not necessary to fill it with water and grow it in a swamp. It is impossible to say clearly how often it is impossible to water the cyclamen, but a fairly reliable way to check this is to simply try the soil with your fingers, or rather stick your finger into the ground. If the soil has not yet dried up to the length of one finger, there is no need to water the flowerpot. If the finger is completely dry, then you can safely water it. Specifically, there is no way to say how often to water the cyclamen, or how many times to water the cyclamen per week, you just need to observe the plant and check the condition of the soil.

How to water a cyclamen flower

It will not be superfluous to figure out in general how to properly water cyclamen, as well as how to water a cyclamen flower without putting it at risk of disease formation. The plant itself, leaves, stems, tubers should never be watered. In such cases, gray rot disease or other fungal diseases can develop, which most often cause the death of the plant.

How to water a cyclamen in a pot

Considering that in most cases cyclamen grows in pots at home, it is advisable to tell how to water cyclamen in a pot so as not to harm the plant and not cause unnecessary trouble for yourself. To do this, the pot must be placed in a large container of water for 15 minutes. After that, take out, allow excess water to drain and put back in the planter. This is how water is guaranteed not to fall on the plant itself, and the earth will be saturated with moisture in sufficient quantities.

If watering is carried out in the standard way, then it is worth pouring water under the walls of the pot.

How to water cyclamen during flowering

It is very important to water the plant correctly during the period when it is covered with flowers, during the flowering period. So that it lasts as long as possible, and the flowers do not fall, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the soil, do not let it dry out and do not remain too moist. In order to prevent water from getting on the leaves and flowers, it is recommended to use a small funnel, the spout of which must be attached to the wall and simply run it along the entire length of the pot wall, slowly pouring water. Drain excess water from the pan in an hour - this is how much time the plant and soil need to get enough water.

How to water persian cyclamen

There are no specific recommendations on how to water. It is also important to check the condition of the soil and water only when the top layer dries up. Excessive moisture in the soil can lead to rotting of leaves and tubers, and too dry soil increases the risk of mite infestation. Water for irrigation should be chosen at room temperature.

How to water cyclamen in winter

Recommendations on how to water cyclamen in winter are the same as for watering it during the flowering period, because winter is the flowering period for it. It is important to pay attention to the water temperature - too cold and at not too high air temperature, it can lead to deformation of flowers and plant disease.

About how often to water cyclamen in winter, you just have to focus on the state of the topsoil.

How often to water cyclamen in summer

Many people believe that in summer cyclamen does not need to be watered in principle, since it is in a dormant period, does not grow and does not seem to require moisture. The statement is completely wrong. Watering is necessary, it is only important to know how often to water the cyclamen in the summer. To prevent the tubers from cracking and, moreover, not to die, you need to water the plant no more than 1 time every 2 weeks. Water for irrigation is selected warm, it can be enriched with phytohormones.

The Greeks called the flower that sleeps in summer "cyclamen". Caring for it requires knowledge of the flower itself. It is a beautiful corm that forms an almost perfect round shape.

It is in the cyclamen tuber that the entire life of the plant is concentrated. After all, as many as 8 - 9 months. in the year the cyclamen plant sleeps, completely getting rid of leaves and flowers.

In winter, when there are so few bright colors around, and most of the plants usually do not bloom, it is cyclamen that will delight connoisseurs of beauty. The popularity of this wonderful indoor plant only increases every year. Many people compare cyclamen flowers to the wonderful exotic butterflies that flutter over the heart-shaped dark green leaves.

The flowers of the plant are curved back, pointed. There is a huge variety of their colors: white, various shades of red and pink, purple, there are also hybrids with beautiful double petals. The leaves are arranged on slender long petioles and bear a decorative silvery pattern.

Indoor blooms for a long time. It also depends on the variety and quality indoor conditions: the flowering of the plant can begin in the second half of October and last right up to the end of the month of March.

How to choose a cyclamen

When buying, be sure to pay attention not only to the leaves of the plant, but also to the tuber itself. The leaves should not have any damage, be of any degree sluggish and at least slightly dry at the edges. A round tuber must necessarily be free of any signs of rotting, and in no case should it be somehow wrinkled. for which in the summer it is not interesting to new owners, it is best to acquire it in the fall, at the beginning of its flowering. At the same time, it is desirable that the flower has a huge number of buds.

Cyclamen: care

Many people think that it will be quite difficult to care for the cyclamen. But this is not at all the case. The main thing is to know how often to water the cyclamen. Subject to the simple rules of care, it will delight you with its lovely flowering for more than 20 years.

The most common mistake made by florists is completely burying the round tuber of the plant. This cyclamen does not like. It feels great when 1/3 of the tuber is freely above the main surface of the soil. They do not like cyclamens and large pots. They bloom in them badly, and sometimes they rot.

Cyclamen: care during the flowering period

The main condition for care during the flowering period is the optimal, cool temperature - up to 12 - 15 ° С, but not lower than 10 ° С and in no case above 20 ° С. Despite the fact that cyclamen needs a lot of light, protect the plant from direct sunlight.

For excellent health, this plant needs regular abundant watering, in which it is necessary to ensure that water does not in any way fall on the sprouting zone of the corms, flowers and leaves.

Leaving after the end of periodic flowering

From late spring, cyclamens usually have a long dormant period. Flowers and leaves wither. The leaves that have not yet fallen are removed in the usual mechanical way - they are twisted neatly or lightly cut with scissors, trying not to touch the tuber itself. During this period, it is necessary to significantly reduce the watering of the plant. And it is enough just to prevent the earthen coma from drying out in the pot. It is also recommended to move the plant to a cool, shaded area. Remember, cyclamens really dislike dry air and high temperatures. The appearance of new leaves is a sure sign that the plant has already woken up and has suffered a "hibernation" safely.

The transplant of this plant is done at the end of the "sleepy" period and before the beginning of flowering. With the next transplant, the entire earthen lump is completely replaced. Remove unnecessary rotten roots from a tired plant. 4 weeks after this procedure, you can start actively feeding the soil.

Cyclamen is a very beautiful indoor room with very beautiful flowers. It gives the home a cozy and well-groomed look also by the fact that it blooms in winter and autumn (October-March), when there is so little greenery. It is for this reason that many people prefer to choose this flower. In the article we will tell you how to water cyclamen at home, how often and with what.

Cyclamen is an indoor flower that propagates in tubers. Florists very often breed two varieties - Persian and European. Persian is slightly larger than its European counterpart. Moreover, even more common in homes is the Persian cyclamen. Its flowers have all shades of red and pink, and there are also purple and variegated varieties.

Cyclamen is a fairly common houseplant, as it blooms very beautifully and does it all winter and late autumn. Just when there is so little greenery around.

Watering methods for home and garden plants - compare the differences

Garden plants can be watered in a variety of ways. For indoor plants, there are only three watering options. To water your houseplant, you can use the three most common options: using a small watering can, using a drip tray, and immersion watering.

The first method is the most common. Take a watering can with a rather thin spout or a watering can with a special small hose. It is released along the edge of the pot where the flower is planted, I water the flower in a circular motion. If you do not put the nozzle on the watering can, the water will splash in different directions and the soil will remain on the lower streamers of the flower. Brown spots are subsequently formed on these leaves. So experienced flower growers recommend watering geranium, balsam, fuchsia, anthurium, azalea, jasmine and indoor maple.

Watering through a pallet is the most optimal option for cyclamen

The third way is immersion. The pots in which the flowers are planted are taken and lowered into a bucket or other container with a large diameter. In this case, the water should not reach the upper edge by about 3-2 centimeters. Flowers stand until the substrate in the plants is moistened. The most important condition is to fix the substrate before watering the plant. Before immersing the plant in the container, you must put on a circle of fine mesh on it. It is cut in advance with a diameter equal to the diameter of the pot. A hole is also made in the nets for the plant itself and fixed using an elastic band. You can use this watering for fern, orchid, azalea, camellia and other plants.

For watering garden plants, watering is used with a watering can, a garden hose, a special irrigation system. Irrigation methods are also varied - you can use plain water, or rainwater.

How to properly water the various varieties of Tsialamen

Neutral water is the best choice for watering your plant. Water collected after rain and snow, as well as river water, have this characteristic. The pH level in it is about 7. The most inappropriate water on this list will be water from standing sources - a lake or a well.

For home flowers, neutral water is the best option. Most often it is water collected after rain or snow, water from the river.

It is possible to mix boiling water and cold water for watering a flower if the running water has previously been cleared of chlorine. It is recommended to boil water taken from = -under the edge (it has a high hardness) and stand for at least 24 hours. Thus, the water is saturated with oxygen and potassium and magnesium salts precipitate as a sediment to the bottom of the tank. Before watering, water is carefully poured into another container, and the sediment is left in the used container. Cold drinking water must also be allowed to stand for two days to be free of chlorine.

If the water is too alkaline, it can be made with a neutral pH in these ways. First: add 0.1 gram of citric acid to 1 liter of water; second: ascorbic acid in the amount of 1/3 of the tablet is dissolved in 1 liter of water; third: with drops, carefully add vinegar essence to the water, without ceasing to check with litmus paper.

Features of watering Cyclamen after transplantation and during flowering

Watering the flowers, we immerse their pots in a container of a larger diameter. It is important that the water is at the level of the plant pot and does not reach 3-2 centimeters.

The flower is transplanted immediately after the end of flowering, this is about March. A few weeks before this, the amount of water that is fed to the plant is reduced. All dried leaves are removed and transplanted. After transplanting, around the beginning of summer, the amount of water is increased. During the day, it is recommended to make 2-3 sprays of the flower.

In early September, that is, a month before the beginning of the flowering period, if the root system has completely occupied the pot in which the plant is planted, it is again transplanted into a pot with a larger diameter. The most important thing with this transplant is to deepen the root system. If a transplant is not required in the autumn, the flower is simply rearranged in a bright and cool place in the dwelling. Prior to this, the upper part of the root system is pre-cleaned.

During the flowering period, Persian cyclamen is watered abundantly, but it is not necessary to overmoisten the soil. During the period when the plant does not bloom, it is recommended to significantly reduce watering and simply prevent the soil from drying out in the flower. Watering the flower should be very careful and try to prevent water from getting on the top of the tuber and on the shoots. The plant can start to rot if this happens. Water is used soft, settled.

Tip # 1. You can advise to pour water for irrigation first into the pan, and then pour it on the flower.

Adding liquid fertilizers: analysis of brands, their advantages and disadvantages, how and when to water

All mineral fertilizers are divided into nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and complex fertilizers. Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are the main nutrients for indoor plants. Nitrogen fertilizers are used during the period of active plant growth for good growth and development of flowers and shoots. Potash fertilizers are needed for plant growth. Complex fertilizers are universal for all decorative colors.

When preparing formulations, you need to know that simple and double superphosphates are poorly soluble, and nitrogen fertilizers are subdivided into amide, ammonium and nitrate fertilizers according to the quality of nitrogen. Houseplants are able to assimilate only the ammonium form and all other species are conducted to it with the help of biochemical reactions.

Persian cyclamen is usually watered with liquid fertilizer about once every two weeks. Fertilizers promote proper flower development and beautiful flowering. Most often, a complex mineral fertilizer or fertilizer for flowering plants is used. You cannot fertilize the flower during the dormant period.

If the leaves turn light green or yellow, then it is recommended to water the plant with iron chelate or spray the leaves. Liquid fertilizers for indoor plants are produced by Agricola , "Pokon", "Garden of Wonders" and Green World ".

Watering with various infusions: folk remedies, analysis of methods and recipes

Watering home flowers using various folk recipes has been used for a long time. Read also the article: → "". Among them, the most common ways are to feed the flower with a solution of yeast, banana peel, sugar, succinic acid, wood ash and eggshells. Let's analyze the most common ones.

Preparation and application of the yeast solution

Yeast is a home-made fertilizer that is quite popular among flower growers. This product is familiar to all of us, there are a lot of hormones, as well as cytokinins, which help accelerate cell division. Yeast also contains auxins, thiamine and B vitamins. Due to this, when yeast tincture is added, the flowers grow faster and develop fully.

Experts have proven that their yeast tincture makes the process of mineralization of organic matter in flowers faster, reproduces nitrogen and phosphorus and increases the activity of microorganisms in the soil. Such feeding can partially replace fertilizing with mineral fertilizers for some time. The best option for this subcortex is about three times a year (immediately after transplanting, at the beginning of summer and autumn).

Tip # 2. For the greatest effect from this procedure, we recommend adding to the yeast a little shell of eggs, crushed into powder and wood ash.

Here's one way to make a nutritious yeast mixture:

  • Take 10 g of dry yeast, 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  • All this is diluted in 10 liters of warm water. If you need a smaller volume, then 1 g of dry yeast, 1 tsp. sugar and 1 liter of water.

Wood ash for feeding

Wood ash for feeding indoor flowers is also a common option. The ash contains phosphorus, iron, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium. Moreover, potassium and phosphorus are readily available in it.

The recipe for liquid feeding is as follows:

  • Take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ash (about 25 g) and dissolves in 1 liter of warm water.
  • The composition must be left for a week, it is recommended to water the flowers once every two weeks. Ash will benefit fuchsia, geranium, begonias and cyclamen.

Tincture for cyclamen from sugar

Sugar is an irreplaceable source of glucose for both plants and animals. In cyclamen, it performs the same function and contributes to the production of energy in flowers in order to grow. Ideal material to stimulate the formation of organic molecules. But it is necessary to feed with sugar if there is a sufficient concentration of carbon dioxide. Effective microorganisms (EM, Baikal EM - 1, Vostok EM - 1) can provide such a concentration. If this is not done, then rot and mold will start in the roots of the flower.

Nutsoyka can be done in this way:

  • Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar in 1 liter of water.
  • It is recommended to water the solution once every 30 days.

Dried banana peels as fertilizer

The peel from these fruits is a fairly well-known top dressing for cyclamen and other home flowers. Most of all it contains calcium. The recipe is as follows:

  • We take fresh skin, rinse well with cold water. Dry.
  • When the skin is completely dry, it is tucked into a coffee grinder and a powder is made.
  • It is poured into the soil and poured with water about 1 time per month. It can also be mixed with soil when replanting in a 1:10 ratio.

Adding water-retaining material to the soil: advantages and disadvantages

Faced with a high moisture content in the soil, a person who grows indoor plants will probably think about which water-retaining material to add and how to do it. There are two main types of additives - mineral substrates and organic substrates. Mineral substrates provide good soil moisture and prevent crust formation on it. The main substrates of this group are vermiculite and agroperlite.

Vermiculite- a mineral from the group of hydromica, having a layered structure with additional molecular interlayer water. This is expanded mica. Adding it to the soil mixture improves its structure, improves water-physical properties

The main advantages of vermiculite:

  • Plants are more resistant to cold temperatures and lack of water. The flower is less susceptible to various diseases.
  • Very good as a loosening agent. The soil does not crack, it is more dense and less crusts are formed on it. Seeds germinate faster as it stimulates plant growth.
  • Seedlings after the application of vermiculite grows faster and outpaces the same shoots by about 2.5-3 weeks. Vegetables ripen much faster. Fruits contain more, about 40-45 percent of protein, carotene and other substances necessary for the human body.
  • It helps to keep the soil from drying out and keep the plant warm in winter.

Perlite- mountain glass of volcanic origin. The substance arose as a result of a volcanic eruption, namely at the edge of the collision of a volcanic mass and the earth. It crumbles into small balls and has a pearl shine. Therefore, it has such a name. Perlite is a very effective additive to soil for its loosening, it also helps to improve soil air circulation and moisture exchange. Organic substrates are mainly used for plants such as eggplants, peppers and tomatoes, which require a lot of moisture.

What can excess moisture lead to, how by appearance you can determine the need for watering

Florists who do not have sufficient experience try to water the flowers as often as possible. They do this every day and pour out a fairly large amount of water. Excess moisture in the soil prevents oxygen from reaching the root system. The soil turns sour, the leaves turn yellow, the roots rot. In this case, emergency measures are taken to the plant. They knock it out of the pot, put it in a container for a couple of hours to dry out the soil and plant it again in a pot with good drainage.

If there is little water in the soil, then the leaves of the plant begin to wither and dry out without even turning yellow. Then it is recommended to water the plant in several steps, a little at a time, or place the container with the plant in water. It is necessary to wait until the bubbles disappear on the surface of the water.

  • Remember the flower will be better if you water rarely, but more than often, but little by little.
  • The water in the sump must not stagnate
  • It is best to check the moisture content of the soil by hand.
  • Abundant watering of the flower is required during the period of active growth.
  • Plants preferring warm and bright rooms require more moisture.

Automatic irrigation systems: brand analysis, advantages and disadvantages

One of the most common atomic irrigation systems for indoor plants on the market is the Rain Smart. The advantages of this system include the fact that it can easily service automatically from 1 to 8 plants, it can be irrigated through a pallet, is compatible with any container, does not require additional maintenance, and is resistant to power outages. The disadvantages of this system include the fact that it is designed just the same up to 8 colors, if you have more, then you will have to install two or more devices and a tank up to 10 liters, so it will take a long time to calculate how long you will be absent and when to fill the container device.

One of the most common automatic watering systems for indoor plants while on vacation - the volume of the container is approximately 10 liters.
Ash Content of basic elements in%
Phosphorus Potassium Calcium
Hardwood 3,5 10,0 30,0
Conifers 2,5 6,0 35,0
Peat 1,2 1,0 20,0
Kizyaka 4,8 11,3 8,5
Cereal straw 4,0-8,0 10,0-20,0 4,0-8,0
Buckwheat straw 2,5 30,0-35,0 18,5
Sunflower stalks 2,5 36,0-40,0 18,0-19,0
Shale 1,5-1,5 1,0-1,5 65-80

Is a perennial plant of the primrose family. It is a small bush with foliage of different shades of green. Above the foliage, bright flowers of a wide variety of colors bloom.

The birthplace of the origin of cyclamen is not exactly known. Perhaps the first flowers appeared in the Mediterranean, Iran, Greece. It is known that there are references to cyclamen in ancient sources.

The name itself means "goodbye". So it would be appropriate to give a cyclamen flower to a colleague who plans to change jobs.

Features of growing and care at home

It is important for cyclamen lovers to know that the life of a flower is divided into two periods: the flowering period and the dormant period.

IMPORTANT! Cyclamen is very sensitive to various. Therefore, when planting, you need to sterilize not only the soil, but also the pot.

For details on what are the optimal conditions and time for planting cyclamen, as well as how to plant a flower, read in

All manipulations should also be performed with sterile scissors or a knife.

How to water properly? As for any other plant, watering is one of the important components of the life of a cyclamen. When, if watering is carried out incorrectly, the plant may die, since its root is prone to decay.

The main mistakes made when watering:

  • Excessive or insufficient watering.
  • Water is too cold or warm.
  • Incorrectly selected fertilizers, fertilization on leaves and stems.
  • Water ingress on the top of the root.


Pour the cyclamen with softened water. He really does not like cold water, so it should be at room temperature, or 2-3 degrees lower. Water needs to be defended. Some people advise using chilled boiled water to keep bacteria away from the plant, as it is very susceptible to various pests.

How much and when?

Watering must be done with care. The plant does not tolerate excessive moisture... In order to determine the watering time, it is better to focus on the soil (you can find out about what the soil should be for cyclamen and how to prepare it yourself). It should be slightly moisturized. Drying is not necessary.

How often?

During flowering, cyclamen is watered more often. as it is active at this time, it needs more nutrients. Watering frequency is 1 time in 7 - 10 days. Focus on the degree of soil moisture.

Some advise paying attention to the condition of the leaves in order to avoid flooding the plant. But this should not be done for three reasons.

  1. Cyclamen leaves lose tremor if the plant is depleted by a lack of moisture.
  2. This process also occurs due to excessive moisture in the root.
  3. Another reason for a change in the state of foliage is a plant disease.

If watering is done through the top of the pot, it is best to use a narrow-nosed watering can. The water should be distributed over the edge of the pot without getting on the root socket.

Better to water the plant through the pallet... Then it will decide for itself how much moisture it needs. Excess water must be drained off about an hour after watering. Otherwise, the soil will get wet and the root may begin to rot. Then the cyclamen will die.

As already mentioned, the water should be settled and not very cold. The best option is water at room temperature.

During the dormant period, the watering procedure is no different from the flowering period procedure. Only you need to water much less often.

IMPORTANT... Avoid over-watering the plant. To make the cyclamen comfortable, you can spray it with a spray bottle. This should be done no more than three times a day, being careful: water should not accumulate on the root outlet.

Top dressing and fertilizers

Cyclamen needs various fertilizers. It is better to use a liquid version of potassium-containing fertilizers. They need to be applied during or after watering.

Using dry fertilizers can burn the plant.... When using liquid fertilizers, care must be taken so that they do not fall on the stems and leaves, otherwise a burn is inevitable.

We talked in detail about how and what to feed cyclamen in.



It happens that due to inexperience or ignorance of the owner, the flower turns out to be flooded, that is, they watered it more often than necessary. It is not difficult to determine this: the leaves of the plant wither, sometimes it completely loses all the foliage.

In this case, there is no need to despair, if you take the necessary actions, the flower can still be saved.

First of all, the root must be extracted from the soil.... Try to gently wash off the rest of the earth into it. Cyclamen roots are very thin and fragile, so it is not difficult to damage them.

Next, you should treat the root with some kind of fungicide. After processing, it is slightly dried for two to three hours. Then you can plant the root in a new pot in sterilized soil (you can find out how to properly transplant).

Not the most picky plant and you shouldn't be afraid to start it. With knowledge of its features, attention and adherence to certain rules, the flower will delight you with its flowering for a long time.

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Many beginners start a cyclamen at home, because it is unpretentious in care. It is abundantly watered, fed, cared for and cherished. And after a while he still fades. In fact, it is true that it is not difficult to care for a plant, the main thing is to observe some features. One of these features is cyclamen watering.

The most common mistake newbies make is to water the flower as often and as much as possible. It is not right. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the tuber. Water the cyclamen sparingly. It is important to pay attention to the pot. For a flower, it is better to choose a container with a drainage system. So that all excess moisture drains off and does not injure the roots.

How to water cyclamen

There are at least two optimal watering options.

  1. With a watering can.
  2. By placing the flower pot in the water.

The first method is that the flower is carefully watered from a watering can, while not touching the plant itself. That is, pouring water should be closer to the edges of the pot. This should be done infrequently, when the soil of the cyclamen is already dry.

For the second method, it is necessary to collect a large amount of water in a basin, bucket or any other volumetric container. Then you should let this liquid settle for at least 10 hours. After that, the pot with cyclamen is placed in this container, leaving the edges on the surface. They keep the plant in this form for a very short time, as soon as the ground starts to shine from above with moisture, which means it's time to get it. It remains only to let the excess water drain through the drainage holes.

It is difficult to choose the best among these two options. Both cases have been verified multiple times. And both cases are equally well suited for cyclamen. Therefore, you can choose any method that is convenient for you. The main thing is settled and soft water.


This is the peculiarity of care - watering the cyclamen should be moderate and not too frequent. During flowering, the watering procedure is performed as the soil becomes dry. It is important to know that it is better to underfill cyclamen than to overfill. After all, we have already found out that excessive moisture injures the tuber.

Video "Cyclamen - the subtleties of growing"

Optimal watering frequency

With the very process of watering cyclamen it is already clear, but the question remains - how often to water the plant? In order to answer this, it is important to understand another feature of cyclamen. The flowering and dormant periods are not typical for ordinary plants. The fact is that in the summer, at a time when most types of flowers bloom, cyclamen, on the contrary, retires. But in winter, he begins to delight his owners with bright colors and a pleasant aroma.

So, back to watering. The plant needs to be given water in moderation, not very often, as the soil becomes arid. If the flower begins to gradually, one by one, the leaves must be removed to turn yellow. First, because it is ugly. Second, they are of no use. Leaves begin to fall off as the plant prepares for a dormant period. At this time, watering should be reduced.

But if you notice that many leaves and flowers of the plant wither and dry out at once, then you should reconsider the watering regime. Chances are, you are giving the plant too much water. And this is very dangerous - it leads to death. Ideally, water cyclamen should be in equal portions at regular intervals.

In the summer, when the dormant regime begins, watering must be changed, greatly reducing it. However, you cannot leave completely without water! It is also not recommended to start abruptly with abundant watering - the tuber will crack. The best watering option is once every 2 weeks.

After the cyclamen flower begins to sprout the first shoots after "hibernation", watering should be increased. At this time, you can add a few drops of "Fitosporin" to the water so that the roots of the plant do not start to rot.

That is, a home cyclamen requires different care at different times of the year. In summer, when the flower regains its strength after flowering, it does not need a lot of water, as well as light. Therefore, it should be placed in a dark, dry place for several months, periodically, once every 2 weeks, taken out for watering.

During flowering, cyclamen is watered as the soil dries up. The flower itself is placed in a place where there is a lot of diffused light. The main thing is that direct sunlight does not fall on the flower, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate. The more light and heat in the room in which the flower is located, the more moisture it will need.

And also watering depends on the age of the plant. Young people need constant, abundant watering. On the contrary, for adults. Rare but more abundant.

Correct feeding

Any florist wants to grow lush and vibrant flowers. Therefore, the question often arises - how to water cyclamens so that they bloom? The most important thing is clean and settled water. And you can also add a few drops of "Fitosporin" so that the roots do not rot. And to obtain beautiful and lush flowers, solutions of mineral fertilizers are added to the soil. For example, such as "Peace", "Ideal" and so on.

Do not overdo it with fertilizers, they are added a little, otherwise, instead of flowers, the plant will grow a lush hair of green leaves. Top dressing of cyclamen is carried out before flowering, in autumn, closer to winter. But after the cyclamen has faded, it is not necessary to add mineral fertilizers. In general, the size of a flower and its flowering does not depend on the amount of fertilizer poured into it, but on the size of the bulb. The larger the tuber, the larger the plants will grow.

Potted cyclamen is a great option for home. In winter, this flower pleases its owners with a beautiful bright flowering and a pleasant aroma. If you figure it out, caring for him is not hard work. The main thing is to take into account all its features. Proper watering is the most important part of all plant maintenance. Because excess moisture will quickly destroy the plant, and when watering, you should not allow water to get on the plant itself and on its tuber.

Pay attention to the yellow falling leaves. They can warn of improper care or signal the beginning of the resting stage of cyclamen. During dormancy, the plants are less watering. And as soon as the flower "wakes up" it is resumed. Fertilizers will be useful. With the help of them, the cyclamen is gaining energy for a brighter and more lush flowering.

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