How nuts are done. Nuts with condensed milk: Recipes of beloved delicacy from childhood

Decor elements 21.10.2019
Decor elements

"Nuts" with condensed milk - one of the most favorite delicacies of children and adults. In Soviet times, they were almost the only sweetness that turned even the usual tea party in a real holiday. Possessing an unsurpassed taste, this cookie has no analogues, and in the store such a delicacy is very different from homemade baking. How to prepare real classic "nuts" with condensed milk?

How to cook dough on classic "nuts" with condensed milk

The following ingredients will be needed to prepare the test:

  • butter or margarine - 250 grams;
  • flour - 3 glasses;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • soda - ¼ teaspoon;
  • lemon juice or vinegar - for soda harvesting;
  • salt is a pinch.
  1. Clear butter or margarine in a saucepan. You can also simply soften them, leaving for some time at room temperature, or grate on a large grater.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar, you can use any suitable household appliances for this.
  3. Soda is repayed by vinegar or lemon juice.
  4. Mix butter or margarine, egg with sugar and soda, salt the mixture and mix the whole mass to gaining homogeneous consistency.
  5. Gradually introduce flour into the dough, constantly stirring the mixture.
  6. To knead and knead the dough, it should be soft, bold and elastic.

How to cook filling on classic "nuts" with condensed milk

For cooking, the following ingredients will need:

  • bank of condensed milk - 1 piece;
  • walnuts - 200 grams;
  • creamy oil - 50 - 100 grams.

Prepare cookie dough is necessary as follows:

  1. With the banks of condensed milk, we remove the label by holding under hot water, put it in a saucepan. Pour water such a quantity so that it completely covers the bank and put on fire. When water boils, the fire should be reduced and cover the pan with a lid so that the water does not evaporate. Boiling on low heat condensed milk for two hours, constantly monitoring the water boils slightly and completely covered the bank.
  2. Creamy oil calm on slow heat and add to boiled condensed milk, you can simply put it in hot condensed milk.
  3. Walnuts are grinding in a coffee grinder to a powder condition and add to boiled condensed milk with oil, mix well, best with a mixer.

How to cook classic "nuts" with condensed milk

Prepare cookies are necessary as follows:

  1. Range from the test balls of the required size - this in order to optimally approached the form you used for baking. In Soviet times, we used the usual, the most simple "nuts", for them the optimal size was the dough balls with a diameter of 2 centimeters.
  2. "Oresters" to put on fire, open the lid and lubricate every recess, as well as every bulge at the top - it will provide you with the perfect backlog of cookies from the form.
  3. Insert the ball from the dough into each recess and close the shape cover. For some time, it hold it tightly for the handles so that the dough is evenly distributed in the form and took the desired view of the halves of the "Oreshk". If the "Orester" of the fundament is good, be sure to push a few seconds, release air out of it and squeeze the handles again. Keep them should be about a minute, then you can leave them baked yourself. On the preheated "Oreschnice", the biscuits are stirred very quickly - no more than a few minutes.
  4. When on the one hand, the cookies are drunk, "Oresters" should be turned over to the other side and bake a couple of minutes.
  5. Remove the shape from the fire, with a plug, remove cookies and download a new batch.
  6. When all the halves of the "nuts" are ready, it is necessary to put a filling in each half and glue them with each other, pre-custodizing the edge of each half for better adhesion.

Some nuances in the preparation of classic "nuts" with condensed milk

  1. In the classic recipe, it was originally used by Margarine, he gave a special taste with a liver. But most likely his presence in the composition of this delicacy in Soviet times was due only to a banal deficit. On the shelves of stores it was difficult to find butter, but today it is still used to use it.
  2. Although before walnuts and attended the recipe for "nuts", but they were rarely used. Usually limited to one condensed milk. Today the stuffing is much more diverse: peanuts, raisins, prunes, cucatages, chocolate, liquor, cognac, cocoa add to condensed milk.
  3. Today, ordinary "Oresters" - worships, which were used in Soviet times already apply much less frequently. They came to replace a more modern option - the electric waffleery "nuts", which quickly and easily allow you to prepare your favorite cookie.

Cooking surprisingly delicious delicacy and enjoy the whole family, or invite guests - everyone will be very glad to such a treat.

This cookie comes from childhood. It does not need any advertising and presentation - we remember cookies with a delicious sandy dough and boiled condensed milk. They were baked in a special frying pan on the usual gas stove. Later began to produce more advanced devices in the form of electric furnaces, such as wafelnitz. They were adapted for baking two types of cookies - hollow for further sketching with cream or other filling, as well as full-scale. Of course, the best options were cookies with stuffing.

Immediately start with the test. The dough for cookies nuts is made sandy or semiating. A recipe was always attached to the panning pan - this yellowed margine-instruction store and numerous stains are stained by many to this day, because there are tested guest proportions there.

This is how one looks like, most often used today. Prepare:

  • a pair of glass of wheat, good quality flour;
  • pack of cream margarine;
  • a couple of medium eggs;
  • polovakana sugar;
  • salts pinch;
  • soda a little, literally a quantity of a small spoon;
  • vanillin.


  1. Melt margarine.
  2. Stir salt, sugar, vanillin and rub with eggs.
  3. Add the egg mixture into a melted margarine and to introduce the soda rejected in the teaspoon.
  4. In the mixture, add a small portion of a sifted flour and knead the dough.

Important! This dough is called sandy, but it differs from the classic formulation in that a melted margarine is introduced into its composition.

If you mix ingredients with any margarine, then flour will leave less, the products will be less durable and crumbly. Since the nuts are subject to exposure, they are done more dense, therefore margarine is used pre-melted.

The form should be applied the dough by a third, well pressing the sinks of the frying pan when baking. It is to save cookies in the form, and the excess can be removed with a knife.

Ready halves of nuts take out, cool and start the jam, boiled condensed milk or any cream.

Classic recipe

But what the classic recipe for famous nuts with condensed milk looks like.

  • From the given set of products, there are 60 products, or 120 halves of future nuts. We take:
  • flour - 400 g;
  • butter cream (or margarine) - 260 g;
  • package of vanilla sugar;
  • sugara sand - 100 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • bustyer - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • for cream jar boiled condensed milk and a good handful of outflake nuts.


  1. Separate yolks from proteins.
  2. In the container with yolks add sugar, mix well.
  3. Mix the flour with sugar and vaniline, add a baking powder, mix again and put the dough, adding a nailed soft oil.
  4. In tanks with proteins, beat the foam.
  5. In the dough add whipped yolks with sugar. Mix.
  6. Lastly, the dough is introduced protein to the dough so that in the end it turned out a little linded and unknown dough.
  7. By this time, the electric kettle or the one, which is preparing on the stove, should be good warmth. The molds need to be lubricated a little vegetable oil, after which it can be baked. Washing hands in the water, tear off the dough pieces, roll with balls and lay out in the mold.
  8. Close and tightly press parts of the form. The heating time of each side to determine the experimental way. Usually three minutes to bake the workpiece.
  9. Turning out the product, lay out on the board and crop over the edges. These pieces do not throw away, but to grind and add to condensed milk. There also add a handful of walnuts or any other nuts.
  10. Stuffing Fill nuts, combine halves - your biscuit nuts with condensed milk!

We were talking about how to prepare a delicacy in Oresters. It can be electric, but even more proliferation was baking in shape on gas. And what if there is no finished form at hand?

In the oven

Nuts in Oresters are preparing hollow, which is convenient for stuffing. But if there is no form, then quite delicious cookies can be baked in the ordinary oven. For this, the dough is simply rolled into small, size from walnut, balls. They are laid out on a bench strand and baked. Then the balls get, cut on the halves, carefully take part of the middle and start.

In the oven you can furnace nuts and in special oval molds. They require special dough:

  • 1 pack of oil;
  • hawk cup of sugar sand;
  • 3 cups of wheat flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • h. Spoon of a baking powder;
  • condensed milk.

Sugar and egg are good to beat the mixer, add a mixture of flour with a baking powder. To knead the soft dough from which to pinch the pieces and neatly, but tightly, put it with hands on the molds. The middle should not be filled. The nuts of the nuts are needed at a temperature of 180 degrees for about ten minutes. Next, the blanks are enacted with cream and connect.

Gas nuts cookies

Another recipe for cooking on a gas stove. This is the same delicacy, but the dough in it turns out to be latter and not too dense - for those who love a lot of stuffing and a little dough in the product.


  • pair of eggs;
  • 350 g of butter cream, including 100 g, will go to cream;
  • sugar sand - 200 g;
  • half h. Spoons of soda;
  • pinch salts;
  • flour - 3 glasses;
  • half a part of the table vinegar;
  • the bank of the finished boiled condensed milk for cream and 150 g of nuts.


  1. Melt oil (250 g).
  2. Pour sugar into it.
  3. How little cool, add salts and eggs. Mix.
  4. In several techniques to throw flour. Between the case, our spread soda in vinegar and also add along with flour.
  5. The dough is not very cool and will not completely stick to the hands.
  6. Next bake, as written above.
  7. For a blender cream Grinding nuts, add-trimming residues from nuts, butter creamy and condensed milk.
  8. Fill the halves with cream and connect. Sprinkle some sugar powder.

Gentle nuts with condensed milk

Gently and crumbly obtained, if you take the following dough:

  • fullack of sugar;
  • 200 g of butter;
  • three yolks;
  • a quarters of a teaspoon of soda (it is extinguished in a spoon of divorced vinegar);
  • 3 cups of flour (well, if you take a tablespoon of flour from the norm and replace it with the same potato starch).

Soften in warm oil, but do not quit! Add sugar and trusheys to it, add yolks. Then go the soda and flour. Bending the dough, put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, and after it will only remain rolling it into the layer and cut the mug glass. They decompose them in forms and cut off an excess knife. Oven in the oven in the molds. Next, start with any cream or condensed milk.

Several options test

The dough can be prepared at all without eggs - nuts from it will be solid and well crispy. On 3 tbsp. Flour takes a pack of margarine (250 g), half a cup of sugar, 100 g sour cream and half a small spoonful of soda. Melted margarine is connected with sugar, soda and sour cream. Further small portions are made of flour - the dough is ready for baking in the Orester.

The dough on mayonnaise is the original version that many mistresses love. On the half a cup of mayonnaise you need:

  • a couple of eggs
  • quarter cup sugar,
  • 3 cups of flour,
  • 1 tsp of soda,
  • 100 g of butter and a jar of condensed milk for cream.

The mixer whipped sugar and eggs, add melted and slightly chilled oil. Then mayonnaise and soda, hated by vinegar. Flour Adjust the density of the dough - it should not get tight. Bake in forms, smearing the first time with oil. Skipping can be taken classic with boiled condensed milk or make tender creamy.

The Soviet recipe for nuts with a condensed milk is used to this day. This cookie can be bought in the store, but homemade pastries are tastier. Use different fillings to fill nuts. Jams and jams, jams and confitures, custard and cream cream fit.

The most popular and beloved since childhood stuffing is boiled condensed milk.

Classic thugs with condensed milk

At home, nuts bake in Oresters - electrical or simple. The preparation method does not affect the result. You can bake in molds that imitate halves of nuts made for treating.

If you do not have special devices, you can safely do without them. Ride the dough with balls, size from walnut, and bake on the contrary. Ready balls cut on halves. Delete a tea spoon with a middle and, filling with a stuffing, connect.

We need:

  • flour - 400 grams;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • creamy oil - 250 gr;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • soda is a pinch, redeemed by vinegar;
  • bank condensed milk.


  1. Melt oil. Mix your hands before smoothness with flour.
  2. Separately mixer to sweat yolks with sugar. Then cooled proteins and haired soda. Pour in turn to the test and stir.
  3. The bank of condensed milk drop into a saucepan, filled with water, and cook for 3 hours.
  4. From the test, form the balls, with a diameter of about 1 cm.
  5. Oresters Lick on both sides with oil and warm up.
  6. Put the balls, close and fry on low heat for 2 minutes on both sides.
  7. Remove the cookies and fill the parts with boiled condensed milk. Crerate halves and apply to tea.

Recipe with crushed nuts

In a classic recipe in nuts, boiled condensed milk. You can diversify the recipe and add others, the same tasty components, for example, nuts.

In the prescription below, crushed nuts are used, but when assembling baked halves, you can add a whole nut to the stuffing.

For dough:

  • flour - 2.5-3 cups;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • margarine creamy - 250 gr;
  • sugar is half a glass;
  • soda with vinegar;
  • salt.

We need:

  • top grade flour - 250 gr;
  • sugar - 250 gr;
  • butter creamy - 200 grams;
  • eggs - 5 pieces;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • vanillin;
  • salt.


  1. Check the dough from flour, salt, vanillin and sugar, shot down with soft oil.
  2. Attach the egg whipped eggs to the dough, explode. The resulting dough will be liquid, as for the preparation of pancakes.
  3. Lubricate the shape for oil nuts. In each cell pour the dough - 0.5 teaspoon, close and put it. Stop the minute for each side. Fire is weak.
  4. Fill nuts with stuffing.

Recipe with sour cream

To the nuts come out gentle and soft, sour cream or mayonnaise is added to the test. The dough will be soft and elastic - it is easy to work with him and pleasantly.

Tasty cookies - Simple recipes with photos

An incredibly simple recipe for the preparation of delicious nuts with a condensed milk, which will wake up your children's memories and give nostalging notes.

55 pcs.

1 C.

270 kcal

5/5 (3)

If you ask: "What is your favorite childhood cookie?" I am sure that almost everyone will answer that this is a cookie nuts. In any case, I have so.

After the collapse of the USSR, my parents, like most families in the nineties, barely enough money for food, what to talk about sweets. That is why when there was extra money, we bought a thickened and the whole family themselves prepared these delicious cookies. A similar event has always been a holiday for me and imprinted in the head in full detail.

Now, being an adult, I remembered the nuts of the nuts and decided to cook it, to configure about childhood and just enjoy your favorite sweets. I suggest you join me and bake this wonderful delicacy.

Kitchen appliances: Orester, stove.


For dough:

For filling:

  • creamy oil - 100 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • walnuts - 1 cup;

If you have a dough from butter, margarine, sour cream or mayonnaise there is something one, then you can only use it, but the portion needs to be increased to 200 g. It is best if the dough for nuts is fat, so we choose the products with a high percentage fatness.

The most important thing in this recipe is a moldIn which our "nuts" will be stakes - Oresters. It happens different: for hollow and full-fledged liver, ordinary and electric, which to use - choose to you.

I have an ordinary old Soviet Orester, which I got from my grandmother, so the technology of the manufacturers of nuts has not changed from Soviet times. With it, shells are made of halves, and it must be heated on the burner. It is for her that the recipe is prepixed below, but you can remake it under your nutrition.

Step-by-step cookie cookie

  1. Ingredients:
    - butter (or margarine) - 100 g.
    Oil calm in a saucepan on medium fire, after which we retain it so that it cooled, so in the future our eggs will not curl.
  2. Ingredients:
    - Eggs - 2 pcs;
    - Sugar - ½ cup.
    Sugar is prettier whipped with eggs before dissolving it. This can be done for a fork or a wedge, but the best mixer.
  3. Ingredients:

    - sour cream (or mayonnaise) - 100 g;
    - Wheat flour - 3 glasses;
    - soda - ½ ch. L;

    - Vinegar - 1 tsp;
    - Salt - ¼ Ch.L.

    Gasim soda with vinegar and connect all the elements for our test: first liquid, and then gradually add flour. The dough should go dense, because we have to make the basis for nuts. Therefore, if the dough came out slightly liquid, add some flour.

  4. At this stage, we share the dough into small balls, which should be the size of 1/3 of the latch of the nut. In general, you never guess with the size, sometimes too little, the other is too much, and the filling gets out, so experiment.

  5. After placing our balls on notes, close the nuts and bake about 2 minutes on the burner, not forgetting to turn over every half a minute. Finished shells gently scrape out of the form and give cool. Excess around the edges cut.

    So that the shells are easily pulled out, lubricate all the recesses and planes of the nuts with sunflower oil.

  6. Ingredients:
    - boiled condensed milk - 1 bank;
    - butter - 100 g;
    - Walnuts - 1 cup.
    In a separate bowl, we mix the boiled condensed milk, making the oil and chopped walnuts. You can also add cropped surplus from shells.

  7. Finally fill our shells with stuffing and connect them in pairs. Delicious delicacy from childhood is ready!

  8. Now this cookie can be eaten both with tea, and in itself, the main thing is not to overdo it.
    You can optionally change the filling on the oil cream, custard, jam or any other. You can fill and simply boiled condensed milk without the addition of oil and nuts.

Video ceiling cookie video

In this video you can personally see how to do this cookie. Here you can also see another filler and another device for making shells - an electric nutrition.

Such a delicacy, like nuts with condensed milk, is known to quite many, and is in demand not only among children, but also adults. You can buy this delicacy in any confectionery store. But, as a rule, do not everyone know how to do nuts with condensed milk at home.

The cooking technology is pretty simple. The main requirement is the presence of a house of a special form to bake this type of cookies, they call it still a nutrition. Without such a device, baked nuts you will not work. But, if you still have it, then it remains very small: make the dough itself and filling for him. About this in more detail.

Standard Recipe Nogshkov

Start the preparation of this confectionery product is required from the test. For its preparation, the following ingredients should be prepared:

  • 250 gr. butter
  • 480 gr. flour
  • 2 pcs. Chicken egg
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • fourth of a teaspoon of food soda
  • lemon juice

To make the dough, you need to adhere to the following steps:

  1. First to do to melt oil. It can be left in the room for a while so that it melted itself. And you can cut into pieces or grate onto the grater and put on the steam bath
  2. An egg and sugar should be added to the mixture and all ingredients to beat the mixer. If the latter is not, then you can use a wedge or fork
  3. A quarter of a teaspoon of soda needs to be pouring lemon juice to quench her and add a mixture into a whip. Do not forget to pour into it and pinch salt
  4. Mix everything thoroughly
  5. The flour immediately does not fall out, but is added gradually. The dough is mixed with his hands, and flour is added to it as needed.
  6. If the dough has become soft and fat, in a form similar to the sour cream mixture, then it can be considered ready

How to cook condensed milk for nuts with your own hands?

A homemade filling for this baking consists of such components:

  • condensed milk - 1 bank
  • butter creamy - 100 gr.
  • walnuts - 150 gr.

Further work sequence looks like this:

  1. Lower the jar with a condensed milk into a saucepan with water and boil it over two hours. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the packaging is constantly in the water
  2. Creamy oil required to melt and add to the already welded cold condensed milk
  3. Walnuts need to be cleaned and grind. They also need to add to the resulting mixture and mix everything. The walnut component will add your filling of a pleasant taste. If you have allergies to nuts, they must be excluded immediately from

Condensed can be boiled in a slow cooker. In general, the recipe does not differ from the previous one. Just instead of the pans, lower the jar of solid condensed milk into a multicooker bowl filled with water. Put the "quenching" mode and wait 3-4 hours.

Baking cookie in the form of nuts

When the dough and stuffing are ready, you can start the last step in the preparation of this delicacy - baking and its filling.

To do this, you need to adhere to such a sequence:

  1. At the beginning, as a rule, a baking shape lubricate with vegetable oil, as well as heat on fire on both sides. Note, if you do not lubricate the shape, then the dough can burn
  2. Next, the finished dough is cut into small parts, roll the circles from them.
  3. Educated mugs put in a lubricated shape and close it with a lid
  4. Put on the oven and hold 1 minute
  5. When you see that the product is twisted, the form should be turned over to the other side and hold the same time on fire.
  6. Upon expiration of this time, the form must be removed from the furnace and with a plug to extract barking
  7. The rest of the dough is baked in the same sequence.

When all nuts are ready, you can start filling them. To do this, enter the cooked stuffing and connect two halves into a whole nut.

Leave ready-made nuts in a cool place for a while for their better thickening.
Important. If you have a baking electrical form, then it must be heated according to the instructions. And the cooking time will be slightly different from baking in a simple form on the furnace.

Recipe Nuts in the oven

There are cases that a special form for baking is not every mistress. But it is not worth upset. In this case, the ovens will help you. The cooking technology is the same as described above, the difference consists only in the process of baking.

It looks like this:

  1. Ship the baking sheet with parchment paper or lubricate vegetable oil
  2. Form the balls with a diameter of 1 cm and put on the tray
  3. Send it to the oven. Bakeup temperature should be equal to 180º-200ºС
  4. When the halves are shoved, they can be taken. The cooled balls are formed in nuts

In order for the home pastries always as a result, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with such recommendations in the preparation of nuts and try to stick to:

  • Creamy oil is better than Margarine. In the dough instead of margarine, it is better to put butter. This is due to the fact that Margarine can spoil the taste of this baking. Melt the oil is needed on a steam bath, having previously cutting the necessary part to pieces, for faster casting
  • Baking cookies without eggs. There is also a vegetarian cooking technology with condensed milk. It lies in the fact that the eggs are not put in the dough, and all other ingredients remain in the same composition and quantity
  • Replacing the filling. The standard version of the filling for such baking is boiled condensed milk, which can be purchased in the store or make it yourself at home. But no one has canceled the fact that the stuffing can be changed at its discretion and try to experiment with something else. Here the choice remains yours.

Sometimes the hostess is added to the filling of mayonnaise or sour cream. The taste is then it turns out quite delicate, so choose a stuffing in your preferences.

Conclusion on the topic

As can be seen, make nuts with condensed milk just just. It is enough to adhere to the above recommendations, and most importantly, to be preparing them. As a result, you will get delicious homemade baking. Bon Appetit!

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