Minutes of the general meeting How to hold a general meeting of snt members

reservoirs 13.10.2019

Article 20 federal law dated 15.04.1998 No. 66-FZ, it was established that the supreme body of a horticultural non-profit partnership is general meeting members of such a partnership. We will figure out how to organize and conduct it, as well as give a sample protocol of the general meeting of members of the SNT.

Questions of the general meeting

It solves the following questions:

  • any changes to the articles of association;
  • acceptance and exclusion;
  • election of the board, chairman (if established by the charter), audit and other commissions;
  • organization of funds, on joining associations;
  • approval of internal regulations;
  • issues of reorganization or liquidation;
  • formation and use of property;
  • setting the amount of penalties for late payment of contributions, changing the terms for making contributions by low-income participants;
  • approval of income and expenditure estimates;
  • consideration of complaints against decisions and actions of the board, chairman, commissions and funds;
  • approval of the reports of the board, commissions, funds;
  • encouragement of the board, commissions, funds;
  • acquisition of land belonging to the property common use, in the property;
  • approval of the lists of participants;
  • distribution of educated or formed land plots;
  • approval of the territory planning project and (or) the territory surveying project.

In what form can

It can be held both in the form of the joint presence of all members, and in the form of a meeting of authorized representatives.

For it to be eligible, it must be attended by at least 50% of the total number of SNT participants. This problem can be solved if each of those who cannot be present will issue a power of attorney to participate and vote on their behalf.

Such power of attorney must be certified by the chairman. It can be issued, including in the name of another participant, who in this case will take part and vote both on his own behalf and on behalf of the principal.

The situation is simpler if a meeting of delegates is held. Commissioners are elected from among the members of the SNT, while they cannot transfer their powers to other persons. Commissioners are elected if the charter of the CNT allows the meeting to be held in this way, and it establishes the following provisions:

  • the number of participants from which one representative is elected;
  • term of office of the authorized person;
  • the procedure for electing commissioners (by open voting or by secret ballot using ballots);
  • possibility of early re-election.

Such a meeting has the right to consider any issues of the activities of the SNT and make decisions on them.

Sample power of attorney

How to convene

The Board convenes a meeting as needed, but at least once a year. Extraordinary is held by the decision of the board, the request of the audit commission (auditor), as well as at the proposal of the local government or at least one fifth of the total number of participants.

The Board, having received a request or proposal to hold an extraordinary event, is obliged to consider it within seven days and decide: to hold or refuse. The refusal of the audit commission (auditor), participants of the SNT, local government can appeal in court.

If the question concerns the early termination of the powers of the chairman of the board or the early re-election of members of the board, then the meeting can be held without agreement. The main thing is that the order of notification of the event is observed.

How to vote

The Chairman is elected by a simple majority vote of those present.

Decisions taken by a two-thirds majority:

  • on amendments to the charter and additions to it or on the approval of a new version;
  • about the exception;
  • on the liquidation or reorganization of the SNT, the appointment of a liquidation commission and the approval of the interim and final liquidation balance sheets.

Other decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes.

Minutes of the general meeting of members of the SNT

The adopted decisions are documented in minutes and brought to the attention of all participants by the board within 7 days. You can download a sample minutes of the general meeting of the SNT below.

Horticultural non-profit partnership
"Veteran-3" - "Renaissance"


» 16 » __ May ___ 20 10 No. __ 1 __

Yemelyanovsky district Krasnoyarsk Territory, area pl. Ovine

General meeting of members of the partnership

Chairman of meeting _ Ivanov Ivan Petrovich, section 110 ___
Meeting Secretary_ Sidorov Viktor Dmitrievich, section 220 _
were present _ 60 members personally, 5 members through representatives
(power of attorney), in total there are 108 members in the partnership
Invited _ Petrov Anatoly Mikhailovich (Chairman___
Board of SNT "Birch")
1. _Usage Agreement pumping station SNT "Birch" __
2. _Admission of new members (Novikov, section 120; Prikhodko, section 130) ____
3. _ads ____

Listened: _ Sosnov Anatoly Ivanovich - about the draft agreement _____
on the joint use of the property of SNT "Birch" _________
(pump station)

Speakers: _ Kuznetsov V.I. – conditions for using the pump ____

Resolved: _ Conclude an agreement with SNT "Beryozka" on a joint
use of the pumping station (40 for, 5 against, ___________
20 – abstained)

Listened: _ Sosnov Anatoly Ivanovich - entered the board ___
applications for the admission of Novikov (section 120) and Prikhodko (section_
130), I ask you to support these candidates

Speakers: _ No speakers ______________________________

Resolved: _ Accept Novikov V.S. and Prikhodko M.E. as a member__
associations (60 - for, against - no, 5 - abstained)

Listened: _ Sosnov Anatoly Ivanovich — Received______________
an order from the fire inspectorate, everyone must remove ____
dry grass on your site and in the surrounding area

Speakers: _ No speakers ______________________________

Resolved: _ Voting has not taken place ____________________


1. ___Draft agreement on the use of a pumping station ______

___Power of attorney (5 pieces) ________________________________
3. ___Applications for joining the partnership (2 pieces) ________
4. ___List of registration of meeting participants on two sheets ___

Chairman of the meeting ____________________________ (signature)

Meeting Secretary ____________________________ (signature)

MINUTES No. 10 dated November 23, 2011

meetings of the Board of SNT "Korund"

17h30 min.

Present: 8 people

Chairman of the Board meeting: Serov A.V.

Secretary: Fomichev D.L.

The total number of members of the Board of SNT "KORUND" present is 8 people, which is more than 2/3 of the total number of 9 members of the Board of SNT "Korund", the meeting is competent, there is a quorum.

Board members present:

1. Kalabushkina N.S. 5. Pletnev N.A.

2. Patrin V.S. 6. Lepekhin I.Yu.

3. Fomichev D.L. 7. Panov V.T.

4.Serov A.V. 8. Orlov S.B.

Additionally agreed

1. Koroleva V.P. - member of the board


1. On the removal from the post of chairman of the SNT "Korund" Kulikov D.N. , registered with the IFTS as chairman of the SNT "Korund" on forged documents and his exclusion from the members of the SNT "Korund" in connection with the decision of 20.11.11.

Meetings of Authorized Members of SNT "Korund"

2. On the election of the Chairman of the Board from the members of the Board of SNT "Korund"

3. On the distribution and assignment of duties to the members of the Management Board.

4. Registration of fixed assets of gardening.

Serov A.V. speaks on the first question.

At the meeting of authorized members of the SNT "Korund" dated November 20, 2011. the decision was made: Approve the report of Serov A.V. recognize actions Kulikova D.GN. and other persons illegal. Remove D.N. Kulikov, the chairman of the SNT "Korund", registered with the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate as the chairman of the SNT "Korund" on forged documents.

To exclude from the members of SNT "Korund" Kulikov D.N. for deliberate, gross, systematic violations of the current legislation and the Charter of SNT "Korund". The basis of paragraph 5. 21 of the Charter of SNT "Korund"

The powers of the Board of the SNT "Korund" were confirmed, the right to independently choose the Chairman of the SNT from the members of the Board .

The minutes of the meeting are attached. Based on the foregoing, I ask you to consider candidates and resolve issues on the election of the Chairman of the Board of SNT "Korund".

Decided: consider a candidate for the position of Chairman of the Board of SNT "Korund" from among the members of the Board.

2. Serov A.V. spoke on the second question:

I propose to consider a candidate for the position of Chairman of the Board of SNT "Korund" Kalabushkina Nina Sergeevna. Member of the Management Board Kalabushkina N.S. has been a member of the SNT "Korund" since 1990, an engineer for the operation of the housing stock, has experience in the Office. 13.08.2011 Kalabushkina N.S. elected to the post of chairman of SNT "Korund". 09/01/2011 Kalabushkina N.S. registered with the IFTS for the Vyborgsky district. She coped with the position of Chairman of the Board. Based on the foregoing, I propose to vote for this candidate.

No other proposals were received.

Decided: elect Nina Sergeevna Kalabushkina, member of the Board, to the position of Chairman of the Board of SNT "Korund"

Serov A.V: Two items on the agenda have been considered, and now we move on to the third.

Kalabushkina N.S. speaks on the third question.

E.B. Nikolaeva was removed from the board. and Burkov A.V. for supporting the illegal actions of Kulikov D.N., as well as, on the basis of the Charter, persons working on employment contracts with SNT, do not have the right to be elected to the board: board members work on a pro bono basis.

We have by-elections for board members. The Board of Directors is fully formed. We need to clearly allocate the areas of responsibility of all members of the board. I suggest:

Kalabushkina N.S. - Chairman of the Board

  1. Conclusion of contracts based on the decision of the Board.
  2. Communication with external organizations.
  3. Recruitment, approval staffing, regulation on remuneration based on the decision of the Board.
  4. Control over the consideration of applications and complaints of citizens.
  5. Organization of the protection of the property of the SNT and its members.

Serov A.V. - member of the board

  1. Ensuring record keeping and archiving.
  2. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Board and meetings of authorized SNT.
  3. Control over compliance with the law, the Charter, decisions of the meetings of authorized persons and the board of the SNT.

Orlov S.B. - Member of the Board

  1. Consideration of applications, complaints of members of the SNT and preparation for their consideration by the Board for decision.
  2. Assistance to gardeners in the privatization of land.
  3. Monitoring compliance with contractual discipline.

Koroleva V.P. - member of the Board

  1. Control over the preparation of cost estimates.
  2. Overseeing the development of internal regulations, labor contracts and job descriptions for regular workers.
  3. Monitoring the timely payment of dues by SNT members.

Board members:Pletnev N.A., Lepekhin I.Yu.

  1. Work on the organization of control over the consumption of electricity by gardeners.
  2. Preparation of draft contracts with organizations of ownership.
  3. Organization of control over the timely payment of contributions by members of the SNT.

Members of the Management Board: Panov V.T., Lepekhin I.Yu., Fomichev D.L., Patrin V.S.

  1. Organization of construction and repair of public facilities, maintenance of public facilities and engineering networks in proper order (roads, waste disposal, plumbing, water tower).
  2. Monitoring the timely payment of dues by SNT members.
  3. Solving issues related to environmental pollution.

Decided: Distribute and consolidate responsibilities between the members of the Board of SNT "Korund"

Lepekhin I.Yu. speaks on the fourth question.

One of the main issues discussed at the meeting of SNT "Korund" is the accounting of fixed assets of gardening, these are roads, high-voltage and low-voltage power lines, a pump room, a water tower, and water supply.

The Commissioners unanimously adopted the proposal on accounting for fixed assets.

To resolve this issue, it is necessary to elect an inventory commission, which, based on the results of the work, draws up a record sheet.

The following members of horticulture are proposed to the inventory commission:

1. Pashkov 6. Dubina V.P.

2.Akimov 7.Lepekhin I.Yu.

3. Kasyanov A.L.

8. Fomichev D.L.

4. Deineko V.B. 9. Patrin V.S.

5. Pletnev N.A. 10. Chernov S.P.

Who is "for" - unanimously. Decision is made.

Fomichev D.L. proposed to elect Lepekhin I.Yu. commission chairman.

Kalabushkina N.S. speaks on the fourth question.

The issue of payment of debts for electricity is very acute. We have already paid 50 thousand. rubles. The funds raised by us will be transferred to Petroelectrosbyt as much as possible. However, all major cash D.N. Kulikov has already collected the accrued gardeners, the rest of the contributions are being brought to us. In order to at least slightly solve the problem with payments, it is necessary for all members of the board and authorized to call gardeners and ask them to pay off debts or make an advance payment of membership dues.

With the decision of the Board, the minutes of the Meeting of Commissioners dated 20.11.11. acquaint ch. accountant SNT "Korund" Tkachenko N.N. Responsible: members of the Management Board: Serov A.V., Fomichev D.L., Lepekhin I.Yu., Kalabushkina N.S., Koroleva V.P.

Serov A.V. This ended the board meeting.

The agenda is over.

The minutes are made in 3 three copies on 4 sheets, the sheets are numbered, stitched, fastened with a strip of paper signed by the chairman and secretary of the Board Meeting.

Board members:

1. Chairman of the Board Kalabushkina N.S. P/P.

2. Orlov S.B. P/P. 6. Pletnev N.A. P/P.

3. Patrin V.S. P/P. 7. Serov A.V. P/P.

4. Queen V.P. P/P. 8. Fomichev D.L. P/P.

5. Lepekhin I.Yu. P/P. 9. Panov V.T. P/P.

The meeting opened at 5:30 pm.

The meeting closed at 20:30.

Chairman of the meeting: P/P Serov A.V.

Secretary of the meeting: P/P Fomichev D.L.

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legal note

Documents SNT Privatization Press about land Lawyer's answers
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Represents an association of at least three persons who own land plots in the same territory and jointly carry out economic activity. As a legal entity, the SNT draws up a charter, elects a chairman and secretary, and is officially registered. All decisions taken by members of the SNT at general meetings are drawn up in the form of a protocol.

Meeting minutes

The activities of horticultural associations are regulated. The document dictates the following compilation procedure:

  • registration is carried out in a standard form;
  • filling is possible by hand or with the help of printing machines;
  • the completed document is certified by the chairman of the organization and its secretary;
  • The paper must be certified by a seal.

Minutes of general meetings act as a form of document flow of these associations. They are authorized to lead meeting secretary, and storage falls on the shoulders chairman SNT.

How to write a document correctly?

Compilation is carried out on a special form. It contains information that does not change from meeting to meeting, and presents a document with empty columns for making current entries. In most cases, the form is filled out by hand.

The secretary filling out the protocol must be competent and attentive. All entries must be legible. Records that can be interpreted in different ways should be avoided. Entering all discussions is best done with maximum, almost verbatim accuracy. This allows information to be conveyed in its original utterance and excludes moments when a participant in the meeting, after reading the document, denies that he uttered the recorded remarks. This is reason to challenge the document.

When the meeting is over and the protocol is finished, the secretary numbers the sheets of the protocol and staples it. A certification sheet is glued on top, which indicates total number pages and put the signatures of the secretary and chairman.

The rules for compiling the document must be strictly observed. If they are violated, it may be declared invalid.

Extract from the protocol

After the meeting is held and the protocol is filled out, extracts are made from it.

The extract is a collection of the main events and decisions of the meeting, issued in the form of a separate document.

That is, the extract contains information about the issues raised and heard and the decisions made on them. It does not include discussions of members of the partnership.

  • name of SNT;
  • information about the meeting held, indicating the date, place and number of the minutes;
  • solutions in the form of a list;
  • name of the chairman and secretary;
  • signature of the chairman and seal of the organization.

Extracts are used for:

  1. Acquaintance of SNT members with the results of the meeting.
  2. For submission to various government agencies.

Document Appeal

Like any document, the protocol can be appealed: challenged in court or declared null and void.

According to Civil Code The decision is considered null and void if:

  1. The issue was not included in the agenda. The exception is that all SNT participants were at the meeting.
  2. Contradicts the law.
  3. Adopted contrary to the results of the vote.
  4. Adopted on an issue that is outside the competence of the general meeting.


  1. Decisions of the SNT are taken at general meetings of members and recorded in the form of a protocol.
  2. Drawing up is carried out in a special form by the secretary with the introduction of all information about the meeting and the discussion of issues.
  3. To get acquainted with the results of the meeting and provide them to various bodies, there is an extract from the minutes, which is drawn up according to a certain scheme.
  4. A decision made on the basis of a protocol may be appealed in court in the manner prescribed by law.

The most popular question and the answer to it according to the model of the minutes of the meeting

Question: Most members of the dacha village want to change the chairman and the board. Can I have an extraordinary meeting? How can we do this and is it necessary for these persons to be present at the meeting?

Answer: Federal Law No. 66 allows the meeting to be held out of turn at the request of 1/5 of the members. The decision on the meeting is made by the board.

If members wish to elect a new chairman and board, then the meeting can be held without permission, that is, on their own. If the powers of the leaders are removed by a majority vote, then the fact of their presence at the meeting is not needed.

List of laws

Sample applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents.

This page contains a sample of the Minutes of the general meeting of the founders - members of the CNT "Crystal".

Horticultural partnership "Crystal"

Moscow region, Volokolamsky district, Spasskoe village, der Kletki district


general meeting of founders - members of SNT "Crystal"


104 founders (members).

Total founders 193 people.

Quorum - 97 people.


1. Report on the administrative and economic activities of SNT "Crystal" for 2011

2. Report of the audit commission.

The speaker is a member of the audit commission - Tarsukova L.

3. Approval of income and expenditure estimates for administrative and economic

service for 2012.


For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.


Reads the agenda. Who is in favor of the agenda, please vote.

And there is a proposal to approve the rules of speeches. 25 minutes for the first question, 10-15 minutes for other questions. No more than 5 minutes for performances.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.


Now let's hear the report of the Chairman of the Board of SNT "Crystal" on administrative and economic activities for 2011.

Dear Chairman, in the course of my report, I will have proposals that need to be adopted by the general meeting (or not adopted) and a vote will be required. Can you please tell me how to do this procedure?


First, we will listen to your report with your simultaneous proposals, and then after all the speakers have been heard, we will put these issues to a vote.

Thanks a lot.

I now turn to the board's 2011 progress report.

First of all I want to tell everyone thank you very much that you treat our SNT so responsibly, which turns 30 this year, which was formed on July 27, 1982.

I congratulate all of us on such a young anniversary date and wish everyone to remain at the same young age with good health, with a great mood.

According to the agenda, I, as the chairman of SNT "Crystal", must report on the administrative and economic work of the board. Briefly, we outlined the work done in the estimate, which was sent to everyone by mail.

I will report on the main points without loading you with numbers, because you all have them, and if someone needs to know the expense by item, I will definitely clarify.

First of all, I want to thank all the members of the board: Yu.M. Sablin, V.F. Pichugin, N.G. Prokhorov, N.N. Seleverstova, B.E. All of them selflessly and conscientiously worked in the past year.

    1. Road repair works: driveway and internal.

The access road was repaired in 2011 at the very beginning of the summer and very well, because at the same time as gravel filling, the road was leveled by a grader, which made it possible to have a good road all season. It should be noted that this time the repair of the bridge was carried out by SNT "Expert" - it is very pleasing that the conscience of our neighbors has woken up and we hope that they will not quickly lose it and we will jointly put the road in order in 2012.

Our internal roads are in fairly good condition. In 2011, for the first time in many years, backfilling was carried out along the forest (plots: 58,79,102,103, 156,157, 158, 159, 160, 161). Also along sections 62, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 80, 104, 105. We slept well right near the entrance to the SNT.

2.Trash. For the first time in many years, we did not have blockages of bulky waste thanks to the construction of the site. You all remember very well what a disgrace we had. No persuasion and intimidation of huge fines for the legal entity did not work, and since the fines were increased from 5,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles, the need for a closed area for bulky waste became a necessity. The site was cleared and leveled by a tractor, a pillow was made from a car (KAMAZ) of earth and a sand car, two concrete plates, fenced off metal profile, made the gate.

But I think that it is wrong if those who do not store it there will also pay for the removal of bulky waste. Therefore, a lock will be hung, it will be necessary to go to the watchman, who will open and write down who stores and the export will be carried out at their expense. ( YOU MUST VOTE).

3.Water pipes. Cash to be raised water pipes, by inserting vertical pipes 1 meter high, from both sides of the roads (where the pipes pass under the road) in order to further lift them along the sections, they were not carried out due to the fact that these funds were used in an emergency to repair the well (replacement of the pump). Unfortunately, there are many reasons for the possible failure of the pump - these are possible power surges, possible hidden factory defects that are not detected during the warranty period, etc.

In general, there were no problems with water supply to the plots during the season. And as you have already been informed, the old valves were replaced in the amount of 6 pieces. Work in this direction will be continued.

4.Electricity. We had one failure in the supply of electricity (for 1.5 days a part of Kristall had no electricity) - due to the fault of the power supply, which, when replacing common electric meters at the KTP, managed to supply them with a one-time load of 60 kW / h instead of 120 and so it just exploded. And since our energy supply system in Russia is shredded and divided without stopping, a paradox has turned out: the KTP is on the balance sheet of MOESK, which has an emergency service, and the electric meters were supplied by Mosenergosbyt, which does not have an emergency service. The accident happened on Saturday and we were only able to notify them on Monday morning.

Now I will report to you about our electricity consumption and possible options lack of money for it.

We all know today that there are many options for being an unscrupulous payer: this is elementary twisting of electric meters (the Internet will provide you with a complete set of options), this is not summing up one phase to an electric meter, etc. It is groundless to accuse us all or anyone in particular of bad faith it is forbidden. Therefore, we decided to install control electric meters, including board members, in order to sort it out. And insofar as we have our 2nd quarter (sections from 1a-31a) are on a separate electric meter, we installed a control one on all and plus separately on general lighting streets.

What result?

a) For sections 1a-31a: the electric meter was installed on April 11, 2011. Indication as of December 30, 2011 - 39,226 kW / h = 132,583.9 rubles ( street lighting 5%, i.e. 1800 = 6084 rubles). It was consumed by gardeners for 126,499.9 rubles, and 105,847.1 rubles were collected, that is, 20,652.8 rubles were not received - this is accounting for 8.5 months. Now I want to say for this quarter for January and February 2012: they consumed electricity 15,540 kW / h = 52,525 rubles - 3,000 rubles total light = 49,525 rubles. We paid: January - 3,549 rubles (Zenkov -1,014 and 2,028; Karyasova - 507.0), in February there was no payment through the bank for electricity, that is, we did not receive additional 45,976 rubles, and if we consider that Zenkov paid for 2011, since he does not travel in winter, it turns out for January, February, an underpayment of 49,000 rubles. We paid Mosenergosbyt for these two months 59,248 + 55,404 = 114,652 rubles, of which 65,652.2 rubles are sections from 1 to 175 and plus the total electricity.

What happens in the 2nd quarter in winter time? Minus 49,000 rubles. Who is driving?

Owners of plots: 5a, 8a, 19a, 27a, 29a, 31a. and none of them paid for those two months.

b) What do we have in the sections from 1-175? Nothing good. Out of 65,652 rubles - 20% (the gatehouse and general lighting are the maximum) = 52,498 rubles. How much did you give up?

January: school. 132 - 208.8 rubles; uch. 130 - 2028; uch. 111 - 338.0; uch. 60 - 3380; uch. 51- 1690 rubles

February: study. 143 - 2,230. Total = 9,874.8 rubles. Who consumed 42,623 rubles for the rest?

Many came both in late autumn and in winter, for example, to sites: 16, 23, 39, 44, 46, 54, 72, 101, 106, 131 (lives almost all winter), 141.

What did the control counters show in 2011?

Plot No. 90 consumed from April to December 2012 15,656 rubles (4,632 kWh) was not paid at all.

Section No. 131 consumed 2,311.9 rubles, paying only 473.7 rubles.

Plot No. 35 consumed 7,970 rubles, they paid only 3,441.47 rubles.

What should be noted. Control counters were also supplied to members of the board (Golosova, Sablin, Uspenskaya). Golosova L.D. did not live in her area. Uspenskaya has a new meter in her house, which was installed in 2004. Sablina I.V. there is an old counter, as basically we all have. So, for Uspenskaya, the readings of the electric meter in the house and on the control meter are identical, while for Sablin, the electric meter in the house shows 10% less.

From this we can conclude that the old counters are far from accurate and 10% is very significant.

In April, we will put control meters (5 pieces) on the 2nd in the quarter, for those who travel in autumn, winter, spring. We will also put a control counter on section 106.

But we need to deal with the old counters. Therefore, we need to make a decision to replace the old email. meters, the board will create a commission and find out how many electricity meters need to be replaced. It will be cheaper to buy from the factory.

After we have all the meters replaced with accuracy class 2, which is required by law, we can raise the question before the power engineers about concluding direct contracts with each. This will be done in an organized manner. And then we relieve ourselves of responsibility for the constant shortage of funds for the consumed electricity, since the control will be carried out by power engineers. We will only pay for public electricity.

I want to immediately reassure about kW / hour per site. Our PTS, taking into account the coefficient of simultaneity of connection, allow the use of up to 5 kW / h for each section.

This was calculated for me by the power engineers.

After we conclude contracts with power engineers, we will simply pay for the consumed electricity to the Savings Bank, just as we pay utility bills for an apartment.

We have repeatedly appealed to everyone to either free the electric wires from the branches in their sections, or to install an electric cable of the SIP brand.

Here, too, the percentage of losses accrues.

When we all switch to direct contracts, we will be able to raise the issue of paying for electricity at the rural tariff, which is much less (now it is 2.80 rubles per 1 kWh). And yet such a moment, a private person can buy up to 15 kW/h of el. energy at 550 rubles per kW. Our PTS is on the balance sheet of power engineers. Increasing power to a citizen is their direct responsibility. For a legal entity, they have a rate of several hundred thousand rubles.

  1. According to Shulgin E.V.. - he was also installed a control electric meter, which served as another complaint that he sent to Rospotrebnadzor, complained that SNT "Crystal" violated his rights by installing a control meter, as this contributes to the flow of low-quality electricity to his site and creates a fire hazard, and he is also disabled, his wife is disabled and his grandson cannot, for this reason, use their property - the dacha. He claimed that SNT is Management Company and that it had been established by the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow and that she was under an obligation to serve it properly.

I had to submit an explanatory letter to Rospotrebnadzor, where it was indicated that he was a malicious non-payer of the electricity he consumed, acts and court decisions were provided. It was explained that, according to Federal Law No. 66, the governing bodies in the SNT are: the general meeting, the board and the chairman, and this is not a management company at all. It was explained that our type of activity was “GARDENING”, that we removed through the court the type of activity “MANAGEMENT OF THE OPERATION OF NON-RESIDENTIAL FUND”, which Shulgin registered without our consent on April 21, 2005, when he entered himself into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as chairman, at that time , as was re-elected back in March 2005. It was also indicated that in our SNT all founders and SNT, as entity is not a management company.

Shulgin E.V. continues not to pay for plot 166, refuses to conclude the Agreement for the use of engineering infrastructure, which was granted to him by the board back in 2009.

He was invited to the board in 2011 in order to conclude an Agreement with him, he refused to appear. He was notified by registered mail with notice of his debts. He refused to receive this letter in the mail.

This citizen apparently believes that all other gardeners should pay for his convenience in the use of electricity, water supply, roads. On the website of the DEZ of the Airport district, where he lives, he is listed as a rent debtor in the amount of 80,000 rubles. Apparently he has a norm to live at the expense of others.

We need to approve the Agreement by the decision of the general meeting (as required by the law), I will read it, because it is quite short and if he then refuses to conclude this Agreement, we, by virtue of Article 8 of the Federal Law No. 66, have the right to disconnect it from electricity and water.

  1. About Tax. Now I will report to you on the tax notices that we must receive from the MIFNS.

Last summer, the chairmen of the SNT MIFNS No. 19 reported that from 2012 tax notices for land tax would no longer be sent by mail, that it was necessary that they be provided with a TIN for each member of the SNT, that taxes for 2011 and 2012 and subsequent years would be be posted on the official website of the Federal Tax Service and that every citizen himself is obliged to go to it, find his taxes, print and pay.

A letter was written to the Minister of Finance (since the Federal Tax Service is a subordinate subdivision of the Ministry of Finance) and asked for clarification under which Law every citizen is required to have a TIN, by what right they can oblige 70% of the population who do not own the Internet to retrieve payment notifications from the site, etc. Which ultimately can lead to the fact that the tax authorities will declare malicious non-payers for their real property and endanger citizens in depriving this property.

An official response was received from the Federal Tax Service, where an explanation was given that if a citizen does not pay taxes posted on the website within the specified timeframe, then after a month after the specified period tax authority is obliged to send on paper to each citizen. Therefore, we distribute this answer to all of you, and you keep it. And if you do not receive tax notices for 2011 and 2012 by the end of 2012, then you will need to write to MIFTS No. 19, attach a copy this letter and require a written Tax Notice by mail. It is very important.

  1. About the courts. Now MIFTS No. 19 is being investigated by the prosecutor's office on our complaint, since it made 3 illegal entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - this is to enter all the founders, change the type of activity, exclude 4 people well known to us from the founders. The entry should be - "By decision of the court", And they wrote "Due to the error of the registration authority."

I am simultaneously filing a lawsuit with the Arbitration Court on this issue. And until we get records such as required by law, we cannot register the PDO, because with such persistence of MIFNS 19, the illegality of actions, it cannot be ruled out that she can do some other illegal dirty trick. This issue will be sorted out this year. Sometimes the courts require the decision of the general meeting to file a Claim, so we need to make a decision on the obligation of the Chairman of the Board to Golosov L.D. file a Statement of Claim with the Arbitration Court for MIFNS No. 19 on the obligation to make entries in making changes related to making changes to the constituent documents, as well as not related to making changes to the constituent documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

  1. Question about PDO. And we come to the issue of PDO. And in this regard, I must return to the decision of the general meeting of March 25, 2011 on section 27a. I remember.

It was decided to oblige the owner of the land plot 27a-Zhukov D.F. remove the capital fence erected by him from the PDO and bring his site within the boundaries in accordance master plan. In May, he was invited to the board, this decision was announced to him and an extract from the Minutes of the general meeting was provided and a deadline was given for transferring the fence. Zhukov D.F. requested that the deadline be moved to August. The board agreed to his terms.

It should also be noted that the inspector for compliance with land legislation from the Cadastral Chamber of the city of Volokolamsk checked the correctness of the boundaries of plot 27a. It was found that 200 m2 was illegally occupied. The Act was presented and a fine was imposed. Also Zhukov D.F. a deadline was set for bringing the land plot within the boundaries in accordance with the Master Plan. But, unfortunately Zhukov D.F. did not comply with either the decision of the general meeting or the instructions of the inspector for compliance with land legislation. It is unacceptable. To raise the question again today, I think it is inappropriate, since the decision of the general meeting of March 25, 2011 is and it is necessary to oblige the board to take measures by virtue of the law of the implementation of the decisions of the general meeting.

At the last general meeting on March 25, 2011, it was recognized that SNT does not have the right to lease land, since we do not entrepreneurial activity and this is written in our Charter. For this reason, we do not accept any cash for rent. These decisions were made by the previous board, but they were illegal. We had several such sites: 106, 107, 18, 24, 27a. To date, precincts 106 and 107 use their land strictly according to the master plan. Plot No. 18 fenced a part of the PDO with a chain-link mesh (not a capital fence) with the consent of the previous board, in order to ensure the safety of the presence of an unfenced, deep reservoir.

Plot 24 also occupies about 200 m2 of PDO, which is fenced with chain-link mesh with a solid foundation and on this land there are built: a shed, a permanent greenhouse and a non-permanent greenhouse. This illegally occupied area adjoins directly to the site of the fire pond, the reduction of the area of ​​​​which is strictly prohibited.

We also need to understand what negative consequences this can lead to. Our Laws are so twisted and complete that they give the executive power wide opportunities to violate our rights, just give them a reason to accuse us of something, so that later they can extract their interests.

"Human laws are made

to shield human guilt;

innocence always suffers

since she is not a necessary virtue

and serves as a rebuke for sinfulness"

"Lies will be more convenient for...,

it spreads so easily and effortlessly:

and the truth will need

to be fought for and died for many years to come"

These words were written at least 2000 years ago.

So in SNT, according to articles 32,33,34 of the Federal Law No. 66, building is going strictly approved projects and master plans. An inspector for compliance with land legislation can come to us at any time and such violations as illegal occupation of 200 m2 of PDO will lead to the drawing up of an act on administrative offense, and it is worse than a court decision. We will be forced to make a new general plan, which today we will never agree on or approve, since today there are completely different building standards for SNT and internal roads not 6 meters wide, but 9. That is, we will recognize the old general plan as insignificant, and no one will will approve. And this is reality. And we simply do not have the right to subject the SNT to such violations, and we must oblige the removal of capital fences, and even more so, buildings on the lands of the PDO and use the territory of the site near the pond according to its purpose - PDO. The previous government, perhaps out of ignorance of the laws, distributed PDO left and right. But ignorance of the laws is no excuse. The Board is obliged to execute the decision of the general meeting of March 25, 2011 and bring the pond site in line with its purpose and oblige Zhukov D.F. execute the decision of the general meeting and the decision of the inspector for compliance with land legislation.

It is even unacceptable to vote again for what has already been adopted by the general meeting. It is legal to use the land plot in accordance with its area specified in the Certificate of state registration right, which was issued in accordance with the master plan. The area of ​​the land plot indicated in the Certificate and exceeding the area according to the general plan may be challenged in court.

The Board must act in accordance with Article 24 of the Federal Law No. 66.

  1. PRO power lines. We all know that there is a high-voltage power line near our SNT. Good is not enough. But I am a little glad that she did not go through our SNT and we did not have to say goodbye to our plots for $ 500. And this is only due to the fact that we submitted all the land plots to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on time and introduced everyone as founders to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Therefore, with us, on our lands, you can only talk at commercial prices. That was the only thing that stopped them.

Let's think, maybe we should make a high solid fence from the side of the high-voltage power line, since our fence is still on that side in many places just lies on the ground.

If we make such a decision, then the board will prepare a cost estimate for the next meeting.

  1. About land plots for which contributions are not paid.

We have land plots for which contributions are not paid for several years. We managed to find all the owners, we repeatedly informed them about their debts, but, unfortunately, no one listens. Last year, the board informed them all that the law allows the general meeting to recognize their plots as defrauded, since the owners have not been announced for several years, the site is not used for its intended purpose - misuse, and apply to the administration of the Volokolamsk district to transfer them to new owners.

I put this question at your discretion - these are sections No. 1a; 3a; 27; 108; 166; 169. Their total debt is 226,444 rubles.

  1. Do we want to keep our SNT or not?

And the last thing I want to inform you about and why, despite the fact that we, unfortunately, are getting older, and not only getting older, but our ranks of the generation that created our SNT is thinning every year, we need to remember that SNT is an enduring tidbit. piece for local power. It's no secret that our industry is dead, the local authorities do not want to live badly. Money must be taken somewhere to pay them and all state employees. And where to get the same Volokolamsk, whose population is 50,000 people, and around which there are 340 SNTs, which is more than its population. In summer, the population of the Volokolamsk region increases three times, or even more. And they are trying in every possible way to push the transfer of SNT to the municipalities. And what will this mean?

Firstly, it will be the re-registration of SNT with the approval of the Charter by the Municipalities and, accordingly, both the creation and their liquidation will already be in the power of the municipalities; secondly, a person from the municipality will be appointed chairman; thirdly, there will already be a real management company, to which an appropriate salary will be assigned, which, while maintaining the infrastructure, will deal with commercial companies (in which they themselves will directly participate). And the prices will be increased by a multiple and increase membership fee per month under 3-4-5 thousand. Our houses will be declared a second home and, accordingly, will be taxed as a second property. And there will be an option, as with the USSR: there were no hostilities, but the state was gone, industry was gone, etc. Throw away your acquired, because there will be nothing to pay.

Such bills have already been tried to stretch. We were able to resist, wrote, explained that it was impossible to create social tension and to deprive people of the last social corner, which, for good or bad, they maintain with their personal money.

But it cannot be ruled out that they will again be raised to the mountain. Therefore, I again appeal to the youth, do not stand aside. You need to understand that this will be your property or already yours, which will still be very useful to you in life, since you will have to raise your children in far from easy conditions.

And we, the old-timers, still need to honestly pay for the consumed electricity.

But I think this issue will disappear by itself when we become direct subscribers of guaranteed electricity suppliers. Moreover, we already have a breach - the transformer substation is on their balance sheet, the power transmission line is an object of increased danger.

This concludes my report, thank you very much for your attention. Chairman:

We need to evaluate the work of the board in conducting administrative and economic activities in 2011. What will be the proposals? Pelenitsina K.V. :

A proposal has been received - to recognize the work of the board for the period of 2011 as satisfactory. Please vote.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.


The word of the audit committee is given for.

Reads out the Act of the Audit Commission (the Act is attached to the Minutes).


Sablina I.V., plot No. 150-

approve this act.


A proposal was made to approve this act. Will there be more suggestions? There are no more offers. We put to a vote the approval of the Act of the Audit Commission.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

Tarsukova L.A. - member of the audit committee:

As a member of the Audit Commission, I would like to express a dissenting opinion.

1. In particular, during the audit it turned out that there is a problem of unexplained payments on a non-cash account. Gardeners do not indicate the term, the name of the payment or the consumption of electricity, they pay summarily, for example. In the column "Name of payment" indicate "contributions" and the total amount 2000 rubles meanwhile, any commercial Bank he also retains 1-3% for his services, so the amount of 1940 rubles comes to the SNT account. (2000 -3%). How is this payment divided by directions? I ask all gardeners to be more careful and indicate all the details of the payment, so that later there will be no questions about non-payments or underpayments for a particular site.

2. On account of the budget, but not received wages Chairman of the Board, 10 individual control electricity meters were purchased and installed. Accordingly, the facts of significant underpayments for the use of electricity were confirmed. It turns out that dishonest gardeners punish all SNTs repeatedly when they are underpaid, then they are given a counter at our expense to prove this fact, thirdly, the money could be spent on something important and necessary, not to mention that it Chairman's salary. I propose to the Board to consider the issue that in case of confirmation of underpayment by a specific gardener for electric energy, the possibility of taking specific measures against these persons, for example, demanding compensation from him, at least in the amount of the cost of the meter.

  1. As a result of checking the cash register for receiving cash. I want to draw the attention of gardeners to the honest, disinterested, accurate and regular work of Nadezhda Nikolaevna Seleverstova, a member of the board. I propose to the Board to consider the issue of a one-time payment of a bonus to Nadezhda Nikolaevna Seleverstova in the amount of 10,000 rubles. without going beyond the income and expenditure estimate, which is approved by the general meeting.


The issues raised in the Dissenting Opinion of a member of the Audit Commission will be put to a vote after consideration of all issues in accordance with the agenda.


Everyone was provided with a report on income and expenditure estimates for 2011, a draft income and expenditure estimate for the administrative and economic activities of SNT "Crystal" for 2012, and also presented the amount of work that needs to be done at the expense of earmarked contributions based on their amount 1550 rubles from each site.

Are there any comments, suggestions?

No comments or additional suggestions were received.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.


  1. It is proposed to carry out the removal of large-sized garbage at the expense of gardeners, who will store it in a designated area, previously recorded in the appropriate log by the watchman (the keys to the gate of this site will be at the watchman).

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

  1. In connection with the work carried out by the members of the board, as a result of which it turned out that the old-style electric meters show the consumed electricity that does not correspond to the actual consumption, they will need to be replaced, a commission of board members will carry out work to revise the electricity meters at the sites and switch to direct contracts with power engineers from us you will also need to have electric meters with passports on them. installation of new electric meters and direct contracts). Electric meters will be purchased directly from the manufacturer, it will be cheaper and, taking into account the wholesale purchase, a discount will still be made. This work will be done by the board.

1. Replace old electric meters with electric meters of a new design with the obligatory presence of a passport:

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

  1. It is necessary to approve the form of the Agreement for concluding it with a gardener who is not a member of the SNT-individual.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

  1. Owners of land plots 1a; 3a; 27; 108; 166; 169 do not pay membership, target fees. These land plots are abandoned and not used for their intended purpose. debt for all sites totals 226,444 rubles. We put the following question to the vote - to instruct the board to notify the owners of these land plots in writing about the need to repay the debt, and also to use the plots in accordance with the intended purpose and in case of failure to fulfill these conditions, at the next general meeting to raise the issue of the procedure for transferring these land plots to the administration with for the purpose of transferring them to new owners.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.


Who wants to speak?

Balashov Roman Vladimirovich, by proxy of the owner of the land plot No. 27A Zhukov John Filippovich:

- I am a representative of John Filippovich Zhukov by proxy, my name is Roman. On our issue, you said that a decision was made at the general meeting. I want to add that people are aware of our situation. We did not seize this area arbitrarily. These two acres of common land were leased by the previous chairman and the board of the partnership. For about 10 years we have been paying rent for this site and we have receipts for payment. On January 1, 2011, they refused to accept rent for this site and ordered the fence to be moved. We would like to leave this land, because. this does not bother anyone, the fence is not capital. Question: Why should this fence be moved?

I have already said in detail. It's just not allowed, it's against the law.

The fact that the former government allegedly gave permission is illegal. To be honest, over the years of our work, this issue has been missed by us and I am ready to return the money that you paid from your cash.

I conducted receptions of gardeners in Moscow, the Moscow region and from other regions, and I know what problems SNT have, where public land was illegally transferred. We will be obliged to register the land for common use and we will be obliged to provide the executive power with the General Plan, which has not been changed. If it is changed, then you violated it, and you need to do a new boundary case. Suppose we do it, and if the General Plan is violated, then we will be obliged to produce it in a new edition. But we will not approve the new General Plan, because. SNIPs are completely different now: internal roads when we built them were 6 m wide, and they are approved. Today they should be 9 m wide. we violated it, but a new one will not be approved and we will find ourselves outside the Law. We said earlier that we have Certificates with the specified larger area(more than 6 acres), but they passed according to a modified master plan in the 90s, at that time the previous SNiP was in force, so the previous board issued Certificates with a larger area.

Even if the general meeting wants to change the General Plan for the land of common use, then 100% of the members of the partnership must be present at the meeting. And everyone must confirm that he transfers part of his share of the common land to this citizen. This is by law.

From place: As soon as we start renting, then this is already a commercial activity.

Stefankova E.S. plot number 26A:

Here is my General Plan, there are two points. There should be a public well in Crystal 2. There were two committees. First on May 31, 2011. As a result of the check, it turned out that Zhukov D.F. arbitrarily occupied a land plot of 200 m2. For this he was brought to administrative responsibility under Article 7.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The second commission was held to verify the fulfillment of the previous order. After that, the administrative material on the first part was again compiled. It was noted that the execution of the order was not fulfilled and the materials were sent to the Magistrate's Court. (Stefankova read out a statement to the prosecutor's office).

Lyudmila Danilovna, do we have documents for leasing 200 m2 of land to Zhukov?

Confidant of Babadzhanova Z.V., station No. 37.

Does Roman have such documents?

Balashov Roman Vladimirovich (confidant of Zhukov D.F.)

No, they didn't let us.

Chairman: I believe that it is necessary to implement the decisions of the last meeting and therefore put an end to this issue.

Poluektova G. B. plot number 18A

- It is necessary to decide something according to Shulgin E.V.

He is obliged, in accordance with Article 8, Federal Law No. 66, to conclude an agreement with us, approved at the general meeting. If he refuses, then by law we can turn off the electricity, etc.

Stepanov B.E. :

We are too relaxed. Golosova L.D. works. Everything is fine. But we ourselves do a lot of bad things. For example, behind the fence are piles of apples, branches, garbage. Until the inspection got there. But possible a fine of up to 200,000 rubles, which will be issued to a legal entity and there are no specific culprits. I know one family that goes for berries and picks up trash. Shouldn't we make a subbotnik and clean it up?

Chairman: Only the board and a couple of other people come to this. But you can try by posting an ad.

Chairman: On this I declare the meeting closed, thank you all for your responsibility

presence at the general meeting.

Chairman Pichugin V.F.

Secretary Seleverstova N.N.


1. The work of the board on administrative and economic activities for 2011 was accepted with an assessment - satisfactory;

2. Approved the Act of the Audit Commission on the administrative, economic and financial and accounting activities of the Board of SNT "Crystal";

3. The income and expenditure estimate for administrative and economic activities for 2012 was approved.

Area, hundred Qty. uch. member per month months member vz. in year Total
until 6 154 RUB 605.00 12 RUB 7,260.00 RUB 1,118,040.00
6,1-7,5 7 RUB 638.00 12 RUB 7,656.00 RUB 53,592.00
7,6-8,5 12 RUB 726.00 12 RUB 8,712.00 RUB 104,544.00
8,6-9,5 35 RUB 792.00 12 RUB 9,504.00 RUB 332,640.00
Over 9.5 4 RUB 847.00 12 RUB 10,164.00 RUB 40,656.00
Total RUB 1,649,472.00
  1. Approved the amount of target contributions in the amount of 1550 rubles from each land plot;

Next decisions taken at a general meeting with a summary:

5. It is proposed to carry out the removal of large-sized garbage at the expense of gardeners, who will store it in a designated area, previously recorded in the appropriate log by the watchman (the keys to the gate of this site will be at the watchman).

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

6. In connection with the work carried out by the members of the board, as a result of which it turned out that the old-style electric meters show the consumed electricity that does not correspond to the actual consumption, they will need to be replaced, a commission of board members will carry out work on the revision of electric meters at the sites and the transition to direct contracts with power engineers we will also be required to have electric meters with passports on them. installation of new electric meters and direct contracts). Electric meters will be purchased directly from the manufacturer, it will be cheaper and, taking into account the wholesale purchase, a discount will still be made. This work will be done by the board.

Replace old electric meters with new-type electric meters with the obligatory presence of a passport:

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

7. After the preparation and coordination with the power engineers, a decision is made to conclude direct contracts with the energy supply organization:

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

8. It is necessary to approve the form of the Agreement for concluding it with a gardener who is not a member of the SNT-individual.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

9. Instruct the chairman of the board Golosova L.D. submit statement of claim to the Arbitration Court at MIFTS No. 19 in connection with illegal entries made by MIFTS No. 19 in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of SNT Kristall in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

  1. To oblige the board to take measures by virtue of the law of implementation of the decisions of the general meeting of March 25, 2011 on the issue of public lands, in particular the illegal use of PDO, with the construction of capital fences and the erection of buildings on them.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

11. Instruct the board to determine the possible cost of installing a solid fence on the side of the newly erected high-voltage power line and report to the next general meeting.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

12. Owners of land plots 1a; 3a; 27; 108; 166; 169 do not pay membership, target fees. These land plots are abandoned and not used for their intended purpose. The debt for all sites totals 226,444 rubles. Instruct the board to notify the owners of these land plots in writing about the need to repay the debt, and also to use the plots in accordance with the intended purpose and in case of failure to fulfill these conditions, at the next general meeting, raise the issue of the procedure for transferring these land plots to the administration in order to transfer them to new owners .

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

  1. At the suggestion of a member of the Audit Commission, Tarsukova, for the honest, disinterested, accurate and regular work of a member of the board, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Seleverstova, the Board is invited to consider the issue of a one-time payment of a bonus of 10,000 rubles to Nadezhda Nikolaevna Seleverstova. without going beyond the income and expenditure estimates approved by the general meeting.

For - unanimously.

Against - no.

Abstentions - no.

Chairman of the General Meeting Pichugin V.F.

Secretary of the General Meeting Seleverstova N.N.

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