Please do not respond to this letter. Business letters

Decor elements 20.10.2019
Decor elements

The compilation of the accompanying letter of a certain sample in the case of sending documents to the Company or government agencies is an optional, but desirable stage. How to properly develop the correct form of such a document and some nuances of working with it - right now.

The document is drawn up in an arbitrary form, since the unified sample does not exist. The main purpose is to give the correct presentation to the addressee, which documents were sent and most importantly - what a goal is prosecuted by the sender.

Although formally, the company is not required to compile accompanying letters, however, in business document flow, this is a fairly established norm to adhere to. It allows you to solve several tasks at once:

  1. First of all, it is it that contains the main clarification of the sender, which he wants to bring to the addressee. In this case, it matters, since the business correspondence is mediated communication, which should be extremely clear to both parties.
  2. In the accompanying letter, both documents are given - in fact, the list of full name and the number of documents that were sent are duplicated. This eliminates possible errors when designing.
  3. Thanks to the instructions of the list of documents, it is possible to avoid certain difficulties of their recovery in case of loss. In addition, it indicates outgoing and incoming numbers of documents, thanks to which they can be easily found and monitor the direction of movement.
  4. Finally, the addressee, who adopted not only documents, but also the accompanying letter to them, will be able to understand the essence of the sender wishes and faster to respond to them in accordance with the situation.

Therefore, it can be said that the competent registration of the accompanying letter to the documents, the creation of its own unified samples to give the process of monotony - in the interests of the sender itself.

Sample of the accompanying letter 2019

Despite the fact that the approved form of such a document does not exist, and each organization has the right to determine itself, how to compile it, there are both generally accepted rules that should be observed.

  1. In the "header", as usual, the full official names of the addressee ("in ...") and the sender ("from ...") are indicated.
  2. Next, there is a mark about the room for which the letter is registered in the company of the sender.
  3. Then there is actually the text of the document. It is very important to start the phrase correctly. This case has 3 options:
  • "We send you" - For those cases when the documentation is sent to the same companies (for example, counterparties);
  • "We present you" - The letter goes to the tax inspection, courts, head office - i.e. all institutions having a higher position;
  • "we are sending you" - If we are talking about documents that are sent, on the contrary, into subordinate branches (for example, departments, branches of the same company).
  1. After describing the purpose of the shipment, you need to bring a complete list of documents (inventory), which is convenient to submit in the form of a table. There should be such columns in it:
  • full name of the document;
  • number of copies;
  • if necessary, it is indicated in the same way, in what form a document is sent - an original or copy (certified or unfinished).
  1. At the end of the table, the final number of documents sent together with the accompanying letter is indicated.
  2. Finally, applications are specified in which additional documents are listed, if so, are also sent to the addressee. It is important to understand that the word "application" is written in the singular only when the document is one. If the documents are multiple, then written "applications". Together with the name of the document are given:
  • document acceptance date;
  • the total number of forwarded copies;
  • number of pages in each document (written the total number of sheets on all instances);
  • if necessary, indicate the need for firmware.

Signs the accompanying letter to documents, regardless of its sample, not only the Director-General, but also the corresponding authorized person. The signature traditionally puts the employee with whose activities are directly related to the sent documents:

  1. The Director General or the branch head, the division signs the total flow documents relating to the entire company immediately, as well as documents of particular importance (for example, annual reports that are sent to the head office).
  2. The chief accountant signs letters that accompany financial documents - usually they are sent to the Tax Inspectorate.
  3. The company's staff lawyer sends accompanying letters in the case of documents that are connected, for example, with legal proceedings, with the conclusion of contracts with potential counterparties, etc.

NOTE. In cases where we are talking about the mass distribution of documents of the same type (for example, several invoices or one-type contracts with counterparties) can be combined into one group and write a total number of sheets in all copies.

How to register the accompanying letter

It is important to observe the features of business etiquette from the point of view of the accompanying letters - first of all, it is better to use the same sample, a template of the document, and the same person whose signature should be in the letter in the sender.

It is sent with the help of Russian Post or private mail - as a rule, it is better to make it by registered correspondence. It is necessarily affected by the departure number, which is registered in the logbook of the sender's document management. Under this address number, the number has already puts its number - and thus the risk of confusion is significantly reduced.

As a rule, the accompanying letter is drawn up at least 2 copies - 1 for the destination, 1 for the sender. Such a document is stored during the period, the feasibility and the duration of which are determined by the company itself. Usually in modern document flow of companies all documents have backup copies in electronic form - it allows you to quickly find them and reliably save to demand.

Date of response

As for the response time, this is a less unambiguous question. On the one hand, there is a general rule, according to which the term for processing any appeal to government agencies, as well as in firms, companies, public associations should not exceed 1 month, i.e. 30 calendar days. The countdown starts from the working day, which follows when correspondence has reached the addressee.

On the other hand, very often in practice there are cases when the sender expects the addressee will react to his request as quickly as possible. Then it is necessary to register such a wish separately, for example: "I convincingly ask you to sign the necessary documents and give an answer on the merits within 7 business days." In the event that we are talking about a branch, a structural unit that is directly subordinated to the sender, the wording is more categorical: "The deadline for the answer is 3 working days from the date of the official notification of obtaining this accompanying letter."

NOTE. If in the contract between companies initially prescribed a certain procedure for working with claims, pre-trial settlement of possible disagreements, it is necessary to proceed by their text of such contracts. The example of the text is given below.

Storage procedure

The accompanying letters relate to private documents of the organization, the content of which it can disclose or classify at their discretion (this also applies to incoming and outgoing documents). Therefore, the choice of a particular storage method depends on the decision of the manual.

In general, these rules are followed:

  1. Since the main legal value is not the accompanying letter and its sample, namely the documents that it preders, then the main attention is paid to their safety.
  2. After all the applications (i.e., the documents themselves) were seized, the storage period is determined individually.
  3. In some cases, the company has a special folder of the "accompanying letters", which makes the appropriate documentation. This option is suitable for small firms with low documencing flows.
  4. If the document flow is too big, and there are several branches in the company, then special nomenclature of cases are compiled - i.e. Lists of documents grouped by a total intended purpose, for example "Delivery Treaties", "Lease Contracts", "Judicial", etc.

Thus, the most optimal option is to draw up its own single sample of accompanying letters to documents and organize the system of storage, an adequate volume of the company's document management.

The most common variety of business letters are requests and letters requests. Request letters are compiled in order to initiate certain actions of the addressee necessary to the author of the letter. Request letters - to obtain any information of an official or documents. What situations are they drawn up in? How to set out the essence of the request or request?

In the system of document communications, business letters are the most massive documents, and among the business letters of the most common species are letters of requests and letters requests. How to make them right and arrange? It is important to know all the secretaries.

Request letters are compiled in order to initiate certain actions of the addressee necessary to the author of the letter. In managerial activities, a huge number of situations give a reason to compile such letters. This may be a relatively simple situation in which it is not necessary to identify the challenging information in the eventual relationship, bring any argument, to convince the addressee. In such cases, the letter of request is better to start directly with the presentation of the request itself, for example:

We ask you to send a calendar plan for seminars on the 1st half of 2006. We ask you to consider the allocation of the association of fruits and vegetables of a preferential loan in the amount of 600 million rubles. For the purchase of citrus fruits from the company "Import - Export" for implementation in Moscow and other cities of Russia.

However, not all situations in management activities are so simple. Most of the situations require a substantiation or, in other words, explaining, in connection with which, why, for what purpose a letter is drawn up. As a rule, the rationale is necessary in order to influence the addressee, to convince it to do quite in a certain way, as it would like to or need the letter to the author. If the letter request contains a justification, then most often it precedes the presentation of the request, for example (sign // shows the border between the parts of the letter text):

Due to the fact that the official responsibilities of the administration workers are associated with travel in the area of \u200b\u200bthe district, // convincingly, please identify funds for the purchase of two new service cars "Volga" for the needs of the administration. In connection with the expansion of the range of products we produce //, we ask you to provide us with information on new technological and design developments of refrigerators and freezing chambers "Stinol".

The Russian language belongs to the number of languages \u200b\u200bwith a relatively free word of words. In any of the above texts, we can change the part of the sentence without any particular damage for meaning, for example:

We kindly ask to highlight the funds for the purchase of two new service cars "Volga" for the needs of the administration // due to the fact that the official responsibilities of the administration workers are associated with travel through the district. We ask you to provide information on new technological and design development of refrigerators and freezing chambers "Stinol" // in connection with the expansion of the range of products we produce.

The phrases in which the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe letter is presented first, and then the argument is given, they have a special stylistic color: they are always perceived as more expressive than phrases, built on the basis of "Justification - Conclusion". However, any expression is alien to business style, it is almost always preferred in stylistically neutral language means, therefore phrases are more correct, in which the explanation is first given, the rationale is given, and then the situation is set out. By compiling a letter, try to justify and the final part (request) grammatically were one sentence. Even in cases where references to regulatory documents are given, the facts, events, do not allocate the rationale for a separate proposal, otherwise you will have to use the type: "in connection with the foregoing ...", "considering the foregoing, please ask ... "," In connection with which we ask ... ", etc. These designs do not carry information and make text more complex and in terms of structure, and from the point of view of perception. Request letters can be drawn up in even more complex management situations. Schematically, this situation can be represented as follows:

The letter drawn up in such a situation will be perceived easier if the content is set out in the sequence reflecting the logic of the development of the situation itself. In the structure of the letter in this case, three parts can be distinguished: Introduction (Description of events, facts that directly influence or can affect the management situation), justification (explanation of the reasons for which you need to contact a request for a request), conclusion (request), for example ( Communicative and semantic parts of the letter are separated by the sign //):

According to this data, in the Kursk and Belgorod sugar processing factories, which are the main suppliers of sugar to Moscow and the Moscow region, during March - April of the current year, planned preventive work should be carried out, whose schedules are not agreed by time. // Due to the fact that in the period of prophylactic work, the release of sugar and its receipt of consumers will significantly reduce, // ask you to hold a workshop with the participation of representatives of the Moscow Government on providing sugar supply to the Moscow region for a period of partial stop of these factories.

Regardless of the text structure, the request in the letter is formulated using the verb to "ask." In letters issued in the form of organizations, the form of the verb of the 1st face of the plural:

We ask you to inform information about ..., we ask you to provide the data about ..., appeal to you with a request for ..., we ask you to spend ... etc.

In letters issued in the form of officials, the shape of the 1st face of the singular is used:

I ask you to consider ..., I ask you to provide information about ... and others.

One letter may contain several requests (preferably one question). In this case, the main request is first formulated, and then the rest, the following language turns are used:

We also ask you (consider, provide, spend ...), at the same time ask you ... etc.

For example:

Due to the insignificant consumption of the gas mill of the plant No. 4 (less than 3.5 million cubic meters per year), we ask you to exclude this company from the Gas consumer group with mandatory reserve fuel (fuel oil) to the heating season of 2005-2006 at the same time asking for " Mosgorkhleboprodukt "To consider the possibility of accession of the plant No. 4 in the heating season of 2006-2007 to the system of centralized heat supply.

A request letter is actually a kind of request letter. As a rule, requests are compiled in order to obtain any formal information or documents. In commercial activities, the request is a buyer's appeal to the seller (importer to exporter) with a request to give detailed information about the product (services) or send a proposal for the supply of goods (providing certain services). In general, letters requests are drawn up according to the same rules as requesting letters, for example:

In accordance with paragraph 10 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.05.94 No. 498 "On some measures to implement the law on insolvency (bankruptcy) of enterprises" We ask you to inform us of the amount of the share of the state in the authorized capital of OJSC "Moscow Bakery No. 18", Located at: ul. Nikitinskaya, d. 45 In the event that the stake in this enterprise is sold, please tell the date and method of sale.

In commercial activities in the query text, as a rule, indicate: the name of goods (services); the conditions on which the author of the letter would like to get them; quantity and / or quality; Terms of delivery of goods or service provision; Price and other information. The following expressions are used in the commercial request:

We ask you to inform about the possibility of delivery ... Please make an offer for delivery ... We ask you to inform detailed information about ... and others.

For example:

Please inform you about the possibility of supplying air conditioners AS-200 models in the amount of 150 pcs. During February - March 2005, and also inform the terms of payment and the terms of delivery.

The reaction of the corresponding organization on the letter request or request is a letter-answer, which may be consent or refusal. In commercial activities, the response to the request is drawn up as a commercial letter, which confirms the receipt of the request, information about the goods you are interested in are reported. The answer to the request may be a commercial offer (offer). Request letters and request letters are executed in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork. " When compiling and designing requests and requests, the following details are used: the addressee, the header to the text (if the text of the letter is more than 4-5 lines), the text, signature, mark on the artist. All business letters are drawn up on special blanks - letters.

Letter request

The written appeal, addressed to representatives of the organization (usually referred to the name of the head) or a certain person compiled in order to obtain information, providing access to business securities or asking for any work, is called a request letter. According to the rules of office work, the reconnaissance of correspondence must provide an answer to such a letter.

Sample letter of request

Rules for writing a letter of request are consistent with generally accepted canons of business correspondence. The appeal form of a letter containing a request is the most common in business correspondence, therefore it provides for a variety of writing. The most general recommendations that can be assisted to the compiler of such a letter - to adhere to a simple and brief style of presentation with the mandatory specifics of the actions that must be accomplished, example: "I ask you to assist ...", "I ask you ..." (hereinafter refers to a specific action), "I hope for your support in obtaining ...", etc.

As a rule, the official letter with a request is set out on the sender's branded form and in its structure includes such sections:

  • details with indication of the registration number of outgoing correspondence and the date of creation of the letter
  • personal data by correspondence (position and phio)
  • the name of the letter, which characterizes the essence of the request
  • respectful appeal to the addressee of the message, which most often begins with "Dear ..."
  • the essence of the request with reference to the action that the sender wants to initiate its appeal
  • in the text of the letter, in some cases, the use of the phrase about the presumably successful decision of the case, for example, "Thank you in advance for the participation ..."
  • the signature of the author's request indicating its data.

    When drawing up the text, the basic request can be preambled in which you need to briefly state the reasons for contacting the addressee. If the sample contains several stages, it is permissible to apply the wording of the form: "I also ask ...", "simultaneously with the above request I appeal to you ...". Each new question must be set forth in a separate paragraph. According to the rules of business correspondence, the answer to the integrated request can be sent by one letter, with comments at each request. This type of correspondence reduces the volume of paper-turnover and temporary costs for reading and processing incoming documentation.

    In the event that the nature of the correspondence allows the designation of a temporary interval to consider requests and obtaining the result, in the text of the letter, it is necessary to correctly express the desire to receive an answer within the prescribed period.

    In mandatory, the business letter must contain the contacts of the sender. This data is indicated in order for the recipient if the recipient has the opportunity to contact the sender of the request directly.


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    Letter request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. Letter to promote the sample. He constantly chatted about five or six. Letter request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. In many cases, such a letter is no less important than the resume itself for the following reasons. Found - a letter about the assistance of the sample. Letter to promote the sample. A letter of promotion Sample downloaded 5228 times. You see, the "diplomat" and put it extremely rarely. A letter to promote the sample was downloaded for a month 3958 times.

    How to write a letter request?

    Properly compiled letter - a request may, in many respects bring you to a positive answer. The text of such a letter will depend on the recipient and on the content of the request. Ask you a good friend, relative, boss or official - an individual approach should be chosen for each specific case to write a letter asking for help.

    Do not lie

    Holding on a positive result, it is necessary to present the essence of the case in this form to be beneficial for you. Try not to make the situation invesuled or unreal events. Otherwise you risk staying without support, so you are now necessary.

    Be brief

    A letter that includes a request for help, should not be too voluminous. Clearly and clearly understand your thoughts. Do not go to the description of the smallest details and details, without which you can do. It only prevents the achievement of the goal and annoy the reader.

    Think over the main reason for which you chose to contact this person. It will not be superfluous to be mentioned Casual your attitude to personal qualities of the addressee, however, but do not overdo it with flattery. Stress in the letter, what benefit the addressee can be learned to help you.


    How to write a letter to write if you react to this person? In this case, in a letter, it is necessary to express gratitude for previously rendered help or the service provided. It is necessary to explain that this particularly served as one of the reasons for a new appeal to him. Several offers will be enough to thank the addressee.

    Circumstances of force majeure

    Always take into account that the person you appeal can be affected by the circumstances that may affect its solution. And that you are unable to give a favorable moment when your letter will come to my eyes. An example of such a state may be when a person is tormented by toothache, or all his thoughts occupy an undeservedly obtained catch from the bosses. Circumstances may be different. With this you can do nothing. Your task is to try to think about how to write a letter to write a letter, avoiding errors that may affect the solution of the question not in your favor. Unsuccessful verbal turnover, fuzzy wording, improper appeal - can spoil the mood of the addressee and cause your failure.

    Remember that your letter must be sincere. Between the lines, your self-esteem should be read, and what is important - faith in success, and the support of the person you turned to. Hope for the manifestation of understanding, decency and generosity on his part.

    Letter stranger

    An important point that should not be underestimated when writing any letter, and even more so letters with a request addressed to you a stranger - this is a greeting. Your letter will be read with great attention if you can make it personal and welcome the recipient by name. When you think about how to write a letter - a request to an unfamiliar person, it is worth considering that personalization is a guarantee that your letter will be at least viewed. Observe the following rules:

    1. Correctly formulate the topic of circulation. Try to always fill this field.
    2. Clearly formulate why it is necessary to man this letter. Enter it in the title. This will help you draw attention to the message.
    3. If you can, first call the recipient and complain the reason for the appeal. In this case, it appears hope that the message will not fall into spam automatically.
    4. Use the "Combination T":
    5. creative theme
    6. topic with contacts
    7. text in the body, and not in attachment.
  • At the end of the letter, re-remind of her request, paraphrasing it. Then they say goodbye politely, I am fleeing the time for reading the message for the address spent by the address.
  • Specify in what form you expect a reverse response. And of course, do not forget to indicate all the options for communication with you.
  • Ingoda is easier to draw up an appeal, if you have an example, as wrote a letter of request. The sample can be viewed by clicking on the following link.

    waiting for an answer

    So, the letter is written and sent. Waiting for the answer, it is worth keeping in mind that if the letter was official in nature, the request is addressed to the official, then there is a regulated period during which you will definitely answer. In other cases, it all depends on the education of a person to whom you turned with a letter of request.

    During the consultation, I often appeal to show an example of a letter of requests for sponsorship.

    Visual example of a request for sponsorship

    Previously, I was reviewed an example of finding sponsors for the school in terms of payment services and the Internet. Today I will give a sample letter on the allocation of funds for the equipment of the computer class of secondary school.

    When making a letter, we will need the following data:

  • number of students, age
  • quantitative composition of school staff
  • characteristic of the necessary equipment, its cost.
  • After receiving the data on one of the schools of St. Petersburg, I was compiled an example of a letter of requests to the sponsor of the following content:

    Dear name Patronymic!

    The inhabitants of our city are good known for your activity in the field of charity, including education. In this regard, we appeal to you to support the modernization of the computer class of Kkola No. 108 of the Children's District of St. Petersburg.

    A few words about school. The educational institution was opened in 1937. Currently, 312 people are studying at school from 1 to grade 11. Over the past 50 years, the school has released 66 medalists, of which 19 people are with gold medals. Six students were awarded the diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. These factors contribute to the high level of school graduates in leading universities of the country. Five former graduates returned to school in a new quality - teachers. School employs 38 teachers, of which 32 teachers have the highest qualifying category Teacher and 4 teacher - scientific degrees.

    The leadership of the region appreciates the merits of the pedagogical composition and the level of education at school. At the beginning of the 21st century, the building was reconstructed. At the opening after major repairs, the governor of the Leningrad Region Valentina Matvienko was attended. But the focus of the organs in the region is not enough to maintain the technical equipment of the school at the present level.

    The school is profiled on natural mathematical education. To maintain a high level of education in computer science, a computer class is upgraded. The technical update includes purchasing 14 computers (system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse), removable hard disk, video projector, interactive board ActivBoard 595Pro, licensed software, furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets). The planned cost of modernization of 1,200,000 rubles, including the delivery and installation of new equipment, dismantling is old.

    With the financial support of the modernization of the computer class, we undertake to place advertising your company inside the school and on its territory. Advertising will be available not only to 312 schoolchildren. It will be seen about 1,200 people - parents, grandparents and grandmothers of our students who monthly attend school events. In addition, school activities are highlighted by the media of St. Petersburg and we oblige to convey to the inhabitants of the city about your support for our school. Pedagogical composition and other school staff are ready to promote the brand of your company among potential buyers and maintain the good reputation of your enterprise.

    Contact person for discussing issues of cooperation: position, name, phone from 9.00 to 18.00.

    With respect to you and your activities,

    Here is an example of a letter of requests to sponsors turned out from me. You can take it as a basis. The main thing is that you should pay attention - this is the data on Tom: how much money you need and what they will be spent, who will see sponsorship advertising. If you cannot attract sponsors, then try to place a loan online. Quickly, affordable, reliable.

    In the next publication, I will scatter a real letter to the sponsor and make it a parsing. Use recommendations to compile your letters.

    Business correspondence is an integral part of the life of almost every person. It is in such a form that is most convenient to turn to the authorities, colleagues, various organizations. Letter-request is one of the most common types of this kind of communication, because each company may require an expert opinion in any area, help from various financial or administrative structures. This article will consider how it is necessary to write a letter request, as well as an example of such a type of circulation.

    Structure of letters

    Of course, the content and structure of the business letter depends on who writes it and to whom it is addressed. So, for example, the head of the organization, referring to his subordinate or long-standing partners, can write a shorter letter, but in order to enlist the support of higher organizations or ask for help from various specialists, more often need to write a clearest request. It is necessary to interest the addressee and convince it to support you. Consider for the beginning longer option.

    Input part

    First of all, it is necessary to create a "header" of the letter in which to specify the name of your organization and its details, as well as information about who you send a letter. This can be as a certain person (for example, a chapter of some company) or a group (employees of the department of your company or your partners). Next, a greeting follows: if you contact a particular person, you need to contact by name: "Dear Ivan Petrovich!". If you write a team, then you may have the appeal "Dear Colleagues!", "Dear Department employees!".

    Cause and purpose of circulation

    First you need to justify why you appeal to this person. Accordingly, you can start a letter from such phrases:

    • You are an outstanding expert in the field ...
    • You have always taken part in the affairs of our organization ...
    • Your department is a leading ...
    • You can solve the most complicated questions in the field ...
    • Over the years has accumulated positive interaction experience between ...
    • due to the fact that…
    • in order to resolve the situation ...
    • for business development ...
    • to achieve the best results in ...
    • to resolve conflict situations ...

    Statement of request

    Finally, you must actually set out your request. The text itself should be concise, but contain a full description of what you need that the addressee does not have any questions. Also, the request must be specified, that is, if you ask for the provision of services, you need to specify the exact cost or number of the desired dates, etc.

    The request is advisable to start with the following words:

    • We ask you to support the issue of the issue ...
    • I appeal to you with a request ...
    • Please inform / send / report me ...
    • I ask your consent to ...

    Then you can write what benefit will receive a recipient with a positive response to your request or explain all the importance and need to solve your question.

    Example letter:

    LLC "Dari Good" Center for assistance to large and poor families

    to CEO

    OJSC "Chitai" Ivanov A. G.

    Dear Alexander Gennadevich,

    Your company always takes part in the affairs of our organization, and no longer the first year assists in conducting various shares. Due to the fact that on August 20, 2016 we hold an event aimed at helping families in the preparation of children to school, we hope for your help. All children are eligible for happy childhood, and poor families, as anyone, need to participate and support.

    We ask you to take part in our share "Collect a child to school" and consider the allocation of school supplies for it. We need stationery for 50 children from poor families.

    Of course, if you agree to assist us, we, in turn, promise you advertising your company's products on our promotion. Let's give children joy together!

    Yours faithfully,

    Director of Organization Vasilyeva N. I.

    (electronic correspondence)

    Letter-Offer on Cooperation

    Subject: A proposal for cooperation.
    Data: 05/20/0216.
    From: [Email Protected]
    To: [Email Protected]

    Chairman of the Board
    Union of manufacturers of alcoholic beverages
    Dobrow D.E.

    Dear Dmitry Evgenievich!

    The union of manufacturers of alcoholic beverages (SPAP) is the leading association of industry leaders of the domestic alcoholic industry. Causes respect for active activities carried out by your organization regarding the creation of the civilized alcoholic and liquor-vodka products in the Russian Federation.

    Of course, the concern for the quality and safety of products is one of the priority tasks of the spa, and its participants are conscientious manufacturers paying great attention to these aspects.

    "AIG" is one of the world's largest insurance institutions. The international company exists in the insurance market for 90 years and has offices in 160 states. The Russian division of the company has been operating for more than 15 years.

    Cooperation with food and beverage manufacturers is the priority direction of our company. Guided by many years of international experience "AIG" in Russia, a unique program for insurance of enterprises of the alcohol industry was developed (commodity management and product responsibility insurance).

    We believe that this program is of potential interest for the spa participants, because Such a product as alcohol requires a special approach to the quality of raw materials, packaging and safety for the consumer.

    Based on the foregoing, we appeal to you with a proposal to discuss the potential of cooperation in this area.

    We will be grateful for your professional assessment of such cooperation and ask to establish the procedure for further interaction between our companies. We are ready to consider any of your suggestions on the format of collaboration.

    Yours faithfully,

    Andreev Pavel

    Vice President AIG
    Tel.: 8-495-XXX-XXHH
    [Email Protected]

    Invitation letter

    Subject: Invitation to the seminar
    Data: 06/25/2016
    From: Anna Simonova

    Dear partners,

    March 17, 2016 We invite you to join the seminar on the construction of international insurance programs, which is specifically for AIG partners will hold Mark Goldenberg - Regional Advisor to International Insurance Programs AIG.

    Mark arrives in Russia specifically for a series of training events, as it has the most extensive experience in insurance of transnational companies.

    Given the current experience in the proposal of international programs for Russian clients with international presence, I am sure that this seminar will be very interesting and will answer many questions in this area.

    In the application I am sending an invitation and a seminar program.

    I ask you to redirect this invitation to colleagues who will be interested in this topic.

    Registration is carried out by answering this letter. Participate is free, the number of places is limited.

    Seminar address: Russia, 125315, Moscow, Leningradsky Avenue, 72, Corps 2, Floor 3

    We will be glad to see you!

    Yours faithfully,

    Anna Simonova

    Head of trainings
    Tel.: 495-777-11-11
    [Email Protected]

    Letter request for the organization of the meeting

    SUBJECT: organization of meeting with Elena Firsova
    Data: 06/25/2016
    From: Circassians Ilya
    To: Ivanova Galina

    Dear Galina Nikolaevna!

    If your offer is in force, next week (from 06 to 10 June), I could drive up to any convenient time for Elena Petrovna.

    I will be very grateful to you if you inform me the decision of Mrs. Firsa.

    Yours faithfully,

    Vadim Tatarenko


    [Email Protected]

    Letter request about contact

    Subject: Telephone Elena Firsova
    Data: 06/25/2016
    From: Circassians Ilya
    To: Ivanova Galina

    Dear Galina Nikolaevna!

    Thank you again for the meeting and a constructive conversation.

    I will be very grateful if you send it to the specified address or inform the phone.

    Thanks in advance!

    Yours faithfully,

    Vadim Tatarenko

    Tel.: 495-777-11-11; 8-916-777-45-56
    [Email Protected]

    Letter-answer to the aggressive letter of the client

    Customer's aggressive letter:

    Subject: Yes, you go nuts at all!
    Data: 20.02.2016
    From: Petrov Andrei
    To: [Email Protected]

    How can I return the money I paid for your damn service. I'd rather spend them on something that is your pornographic system. Use your yourself.

    Andrei Petrov

    The answer to the aggressive letter of the client

    Subject: About the return of money and solving the issue!
    Data: 20.02.2016
    From: [Email Protected]
    To: Petrov Andrei

    With a refusal letter

    Hello Andrey!

    If I understand you correctly, you are unhappy with the work of our service and you would like to return the money back.

    2. Clarification from the addressee of our understanding of requests / claims / issue. This is especially necessary if the recipient's letter is chaotically, it is difficult to understand the essence of the problem.

    I inform how this can be done.
    According to paragraph 2.4. Contract, if you do not plan to further enjoy our service, we can return to you money. For this, please send me an official statement (form in the annex). After receiving it, we will run the return procedure. In general, it will last no more than three days.
    If something from my answer requires additional explanations, please write or call - I will definitely answer you.

    3. It is extremely clear and fully inform the address of the information on the issue that interests it.

    Andrei, I just like you, the situation is unpleasant, as a result of which you are willing to stop interacting with us. I think we, and in this case we find yourself in the loss: we lose the client, and you are able to use our service (I assure you, the service is quite convenient and efficient!). If you are ready to allocate time to deal with the situation, write me what happened that you require the return of money. We will deal with the reasons and help you make the use of our services as comfortable as possible and efficient to you.

    4. Comments and emotional aspect.

    P.S. The only request: let's communicate within the framework of regulatory vocabulary.

    5. Using postscript, express your attitude to the use of an incorrect writing style address.

    Yours faithfully,

    Elena Ivashchenko

    Customer Service Manager
    CJSC "Service Standard"
    Tel.: 8-999-111-22-33

    Cliché to express requests not to use abnormative vocabulary in correspondence:
    Please try not to use incorrect vocabulary. It does not contribute to a constructive solution to the issue.
    We inform you that we reserve the right not to respond to letters containing vulgar or gross expressions to the company or its staff.

    Letter failure

    Letter customer

    Good day, Andrey!

    I appeal to you with an official request.

    Our company is delivered by industrial equipment, as well as spare parts for food industry enterprises. Since 2010, we are your regular customers.

    We thank you in advance for understanding and support!

    Yours faithfully,

    Marketing director

    CJSC "Food"

    Roman Petrenko

    Tel.: 495-777-77-77
    8-905- 777-89-45
    [Email Protected]

    Sample 1. Letter refusal to the request of the client

    With a refusal letter

    Dear Roman Petrovich!

    1. Appeal by name - a sign of attention to the interlocutor. Helps to avoid lightness.

    Express you sincere appreciation for long-term cooperation with our company.

    2. Thank for cooperation with the company (or just for the letter).

    Currently, your company's discount is 10%. Over the past 12 months, your company ordered services for .... rubles.

    The next threshold of the discount - ... rubles. 15% discount will be started with it. When this threshold is reached, your discount will increase automatically.

    3. Set up specific reasons that do not allow you to satisfy the request (use the history of this issue, numbers, deadlines, procedures).

    In the case of a solution to use the service delayed payment, please contact Irina Mikhailova (Tel.: 495-777-89-21; [Email Protected] ).

    4. Express the understanding that the request of the request is really important.

    5. Offer an alternative solution if possible.

    6. Express the hope of continuing partnerships.

    Yours faithfully,

    Andrey Ivanov

    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Sample 2.

    SUBJECT: On the termination of cooperation
    Data: 03/20/2016
    From: [Email Protected]
    To: Petrenko Ivan

    Dear Ivan Nikolaevich!

    We were pleased to cooperate with your firm for 7 years. We always satisfy us a good level of service and product quality. However, over the past year, a number of incidents occurred, somehow: a regular violation of the delivery time, unsatisfactory quality of goods, incorrect attitude to these situations of your company employees. As a result of all this, our interaction went into a dead end.

    In this regard, we, unfortunately, are forced to stop working with you upon expiration of the contract. Thanks for the years of service.

    Yours faithfully,

    LLC "Maculatura"

    Malakhov Gennady Viktorovich
    Tel.: 8-945-XXX-XXHH
    [Email Protected]

    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Sample 3.

    Subject: Failure to pay compensation
    Data: 06/20/2015
    To: Evgeny Knush

    Dear Eugene!

    Thank you for a long-term cooperation with our company!

    To our regret, we are forced to refuse you to pay the required compensation in the amount of ... rubles.

    At the moment, the company has another procedure for making decisions on insurance compensation, which you have repeatedly notified.
    (In the application, see a copy of this alert).

    In addition, the claim No. 4-6 claims specified by you in the claim are not insurance, since paragraphs 12.1-12.2 of the contract were violated.

    We understand your situation well and, if in the future you want to avoid such precedents, we propose to conclude with our company an additional agreement that allows you to compensate for the losses associated with business risks, like yours. (See Extras. Agreement in Appendix)

    We hope for your understanding and continuation of cooperation!

    Yours faithfully,

    AIG Manager

    Tuchkov Vladimir
    Tel.: 8-495-XXX-XXHH
    [Email Protected]

    Letter response to a reasonable complaint

    SUBJECT: answer to the claim.
    Data: 05/12/2016
    From: [Email Protected]
    To: Anna Kolesnikova

    Dear Anna!

    From the face of the whole team of our factory I want to express sincere regrets to you and apologize for the situation.

    Our factory has been consistently and working in the sewing and repair of clothing for many years.

    Your situation relates to rare cases, which is so-called human factor.

    We conducted an investigation, and persons guilty of violating the terms of execution and rudeness are punished. According to the order of the factory dated 13.04..2016 No. 78/2 by a replaceable Master Volkova V. V. Announced a reprimand, the crucidian A. P. Gusev is translated by a tailor to the brigade on the sewing of men's outerwear.

    The administration has taken urgent measures to fulfill your order. He will be ready 15.05.2016. At any time convenient for you, the courier will deliver it to the address you specified.

    Believe me, we are the same as you, the established situation is unpleasant!

    We recommend to read
