PDD transportation. Rules for transportation of large and heavy cargo

Engineering systems 25.06.2019
Engineering systems

4. Does shipping, if it limits the driver's review?

1. Allowed only if there are rearview mirrors on both sides vehicle.

2. Allowed in compliance with additional precautions.

3. Not allowed.

5. Does shipping, if it makes it difficult to control or violate the stability of the vehicle?

1. Not allowed.

2. Allowed only when moving at a speed of no more than 30 km / h.

3. Allowed in compliance with additional precautions.

6. Is shipping if it closes the lighting lantern of the registration sign?

1. Allowed.

2. Not allowed.

7. If on the trip, the cargo began to close the external car light instruments and there is no possibility to eliminate this violation, the driver must:

1. Continue only to the parking place in compliance with the necessary precautions.

2. Continue movement at no more than 30 km / h.

3. Stop further movement.

8. In this case, the shipment is allowed?

1. The load makes noise.

2. The cargo pollutes the road.

3. The cargo limits the overview of the passenger.

9. Will there be a means to designate the load a passenger car On the side of 0.3 m?

1. Required.

2. Not required.

3. Required only in the dark.

10. How should the cargo must be marked, protruding the dimensions of the vehicle in front or behind more than 1 m, in the bright time of the day?

2. Recognizable signs "Large cargo".

3. Front of the lanamar white colorAnd behind - red lantern.

4. Front reflector white, rear - red briefing red.

11. How should the cargo must be marked, protruding the dimensions of the vehicle in front or behind more than 1 m, in the dark?

1. Issimary signs "Other hazards".

2. Front of white light, and behind a red lantern.

3. Front reflector of white, rear - red briefing red.

4. Issimal signs "Large cargo", as well as lanterns or light rails (in front - white, and behind - red).

12. The cargo is prohibited if it is:

1. More than 1 m behind the dimensions of the vehicle in front and rear.

2 .. Outdoor lighting devices, backgrowers, registration and identification signs.

3. Installed on the seat for passengers.

13. Phonear or retroreflector What color should the cargo should be marked, protruding the vehicle dimensions on the side of more than 0.4 m, in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility?

1. Front of white, and rear - red.

2. In front yellow colorand behind - red.

14. In which of the listed cases, the movement of the vehicle with the cargo should be carried out in accordance with the special rules?

1. The load protrudes for the rear point of the vehicle dimensions by more than 2 m.

2. The cargo stands for the rear point of the vehicle dimensions by more than 2.55 m.

15. Whether the driver of the vehicle carrying a large load with a flashing beacon turned on yellow or orange color, retreat from road marking requirements?

1. Allowed in all cases.

2. Not permitted.

3. Allowed subject to security road.

16. In case, the movement of the vehicle is prohibited?

1. The tightness of the engine crankcase ventilation system is broken.

2. If the coupling device is faulty in the road train.

3. Faulty or absent design steering amplifier.

17.Ders who have the right to manage vehicles of category "B" can also manage them in the presence of a trailer, the allowed maximum mass of which does not exceed:

18. How does the movement with a trailer without a brake system for the length of the braking car?

1. The brake path increases.

2. Nobody affects.

3. The brake path is reduced due to additional resistance to the movement, which has a trailer.

19. In turning, the trailer trailer is shifting:

1. No offset occurs.

2.k the center of rotation.

3. Turning center.

20. Resistance to the car is:

1. The quality of the car, characterized by the value of the smallest radius of rotation and the dimensions of the car.

2.bility to withstand drift and tipping in various road conditions and at high speeds.

3. This is the operational property of the car, allowing the driver to control the car at the lowest spending of mental and physical energy, when maneuvers in terms of preservation or reference direction.

Requirements for the results of the program of program are formed on the basis of qualification requirementsFollowing the driver of vehicles category "B". The requirements for the development of programs describe the requirements for skills acquired during the development of the working program, the digestible knowledge is indicated, on the basis of which the skills are formed and the practical experience of transport management is being purchased.

The structure and content of the programs are represented by the curricula, thematic plans for educational subjects, working programs for educational subjects.

IN curriculum There is a list of training items indicating the volume of time allocated to the development of items, including the volume of time allocated to theoretical and practical training.

IN thematic Plan According to the study subject, the sequence of studying sections and themes is disclosed, the distribution of study clocks on sections and topics is indicated.

IN working program The study subject is given to the content of the subject, taking into account the requirements for the results of the development of the general program for the preparation of drivers of vehicles of categories.

The entire educational process can be divided into two components: theoretical and practical training. The theoretical part is divided into the basic and special cycle and include the following disciplines: "Basics of the legislation in the field of road traffic", "psycho-physiological basis of the driver's activities", "Fundamentals of transport management", "Device and maintenance Vehicles as management facilities "," First Aid at a Road Accident "in an equipped specialized office on the device and maintenance of cars, according to the rules of the road, the basics of managing the vehicle and road safety, the rules for providing the first medical care.

The practical part provides for conducting driving classes on specially equipped training vehicles. Practical classes are held on the site and on the developed routes for an academic ride.
Requirements for personnel support of the educational process:

Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or in the field that is appropriate to the subject matter, without the presentation of the work on experience or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the direction of activities in educational institution Without the presentation of the work on experience.

Master of Production Learning:
Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in areas appropriate training profiles, and additional professional education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without the presentation of work experience requirements.

The rights and obligations of organizations carrying out the training of vehicle drivers.

The organization carrying out the training of drivers must:

The organization carrying out the training of drivers has the right:

  • change the sequence of studying sections and those learning subject subject to the implementation of the training subject program;

  • increase the number of hours allocated to the study of training items and on driving training, introducing additional topics and exercises that take into account regional features;
Recommendations for the organization of the educational process:

Training teams on the preparation of drivers are created by no more established in accordance with the license obtained on this unit.

Accounting for attendance of classes, academic performance and topics are conducted by teachers and masters of production training in the relevant accounting documentation.

The duration of the study hour of theoretical and practical training - 1 academic hour, driving classes - 1 Astronomic hour, including time to summarize, design documentation.

Theoretical and practical training is carried out in equipped cabinets using educational and methodological and educational and visual aids in accordance with the list educational materials To prepare drivers.

In the course of practical training on the subject of "First Aid", students should be able to perform first-aid receptions (self-help) affected roads.

Driving training is carried out beyond the school time grid, the workshop of industrial training is individually with each trainee in accordance with the timing of the teaching of driving (on the training vehicle). Driving training consists of initial driving and teaching practical driving on training routes in real traffic conditions.

For training, practical driving on training routes are allowed by persons who have initial vehicle management skills that submitted a prescribed sample medical certificate and know the requirements of the traffic rules.

In the work on driving, the master of production training must have with you: a certificate for the right to manage the transport means of the relevant category, a document for the right to teach the driving of the vehicle in this category.

Training practical driving is carried out on a training vehicle equipped in installed manner and having identification signs "Training vehicle", on the site for an academic ride and on training routes approved by the organization engaged in the training of drivers and agreed with the traffic police.

When working on driving exercises, it is envisaged to perform work on the control examination of the training vehicle.

Each task of driving training program is divided into separate exercises, which are developed by the organization engaged in the training of drivers, and are approved by its leader.

To check the driving skills of the vehicle, it is envisaged.

The control occupation is carried out on the site for an academic ride. During the session, the quality of the acquired vehicle management skills is checked by performing appropriate exercises.

Persons who received an unsatisfactory assessment following the test activities are not allowed to fulfill subsequent tasks.
According to the subjects "Device and maintenance of vehicles" and "First Aid" is conducted.

Upon completion of the training, the final certification is carried out. The composition of the attestation commission is determined and approved by the head of the Organization, carrying out the preparation of drivers of vehicles.

The main types of certification tests are: a comprehensive exam and a practical vehicle management exam.

A comprehensive exam is carried out according to the subjects of the "Fundamentals of Traffic Legislation" and the "Basics of Safe Transport Management".

The exam and standings are held using exam tickets developed in an organization that prepare drivers of vehicles based on a program approved by the head of this organization.

At the reception of the exam is given 4 hours. When conducting exams using automated systems, the time assigned to the exam decreases to the actual spent.

The practical exam in the management of the vehicle is carried out in two stages. The first stage is carried out on a closed platform, the second stage is on the control route in a real traffic.

The results of the final certification are issued by the protocol.

According to the results of the positive final certification, a certificate of passing the training of the acting sample is issued.

When teaching driving on a vehicle equipped with an automatic gearbox in the certificate of learning, an appropriate entry is made.

The issuance of a driver's license for the right to control the vehicle is made by the traffic police units after the qualifying state exams.

The driver of the vehicle should know:

  • road rules, the basis for managing the vehicle and traffic safety;

  • influence of weather conditions (rain, fog, ice, etc.) on the safety of motion and ways to prevent road traffic accidents;

  • responsibility for violation of the rules of road traffic and operation of mechanical vehicles, environmental pollution;

  • appointment, location, device, principle of operation of the main mechanisms and instruments of the car;

  • signs of malfunctions of the mechanisms and instruments of the car arising in the way, and ways to eliminate them with the help of an existing tool;

  • safety regulations when checking the technical condition of the car and handling operational materials (gasoline, electrolyte, cooling and brake fluids, oils);

  • receptions and sequence of actions when providing prefigure medical care victims in road traffic accidents.
The driver of the vehicle should be able to:

  • comply with the rules of the road and not allow road traffic accidents;

  • driving a car in various road and meteorological conditions;

  • check the technical condition of the car before departure;

  • eliminate small operational malfunctions during operation on the line, which do not require disassembling mechanisms;

  • to provide self-help and first assistance to victims in road traffic accidents, comply with the requirements for their transportation.

The main rules and requirements for the transport of passengers are fixed. This should be followed by a certain safety appliance. The moment is also enshrined by law.

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What regulatory acts are regulated

Today, security requirements for transportation of people in vehicles are established by law. The violation of them is punishable quite seriously - cash fines.

If there are no violations of violations, they have serious consequences - the carrier can be prohibited by the transportation of people.

The list of regulatory and legal acts regulating the issue of human safety regulations includes only a few points.

The fundamental NAPs are the following:

Despite the fact that these documents apply primarily on the organized transportation, they are also applied for any other transportation of people.

At the same time, any enterprise has the right to independently form its own rules for the carriage of people. But at the same time they must match.

This section has a large number of subparagraphs. The requirements of all of them are also required to comply. Otherwise, questions will arise from the staff of the Road Police.

Legislative acts are edited annually. Therefore, it should be constantly following all changes. Especially often made adjustments to the rules of the road.

The most significant changes were made by the following NAP:

  • - Regarding the carriage of children in the car body;
  • - regarding the number of people transported in the car body;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 84 of February 16, 2008 - revised the rules of organized transport of groups of children;
  • - relative to the number of persons transported;
  • - The issue of transportation of children under the age of 12 will affect.

During 2018, the Russian Federation also plans to introduce various amendments. Particularly serious changes will be in the field of imposing administrative penalties for violation of road rules regarding the carriage of passengers.

For each type of transport, which provides for the transport of citizens, developed their own safety regulations.

Today the fundamental are the following:

  • for railway transport - as well as;
  • for air transportation -;
  • water transport -

For various alternative species Transport has also developed specialized legislation. First of all, it concerns bicycles, motorcycles.

Basic security requirements for passenger traffic

Today, the basic requirements for passenger transportation are fully reflected in the existing legislative standards. But at the same time exist various rules for different species transport. This moment must be taken into account.

Today, it is possible to divide passengers according to the rules of transportation of passengers to the following categories:

  • automobile transport;
  • Railway transport;
  • air flights;
  • water transport;
  • other types of transport (motorcycle, bike, belt conveyor, cargo cars and others).

Automobile transport

Automobile transportation according to statistics annually lifting lives twice as many lives than everyone else. Because the traffic police intently follows the observance of all the rules.

To the most significant points of the traffic rules should be attributed:

  • - Transportation in the body of the car is possible only if the driver has the driver's license of the category "C" and the duration of the management of the control of such a vehicle is more than 3 years;
  • - It is allowed to transport people in a car with a side platform only if it is equipped with special devices (the transportation of children is not allowed in this case);
  • - the total number of people transported in the vehicle should not exceed the total number of free passenger places (technical provided);
  • - the driver must necessarily instruct its passengers about all the rules whose observance is needed on the trip to avoid injury, other problems;
  • - Protection of people on the platform without special devices It is permitted only if it is necessary to accompany the cargo;
  • - the transportation of children should be carried out with a special sign on the vehicle, be sure to find an adult;
  • - the driver is allowed to plant passengers only after the vehicle has completely stopped;
  • Indicates situations when people transport are prohibited:
    • outside the places inside and outside the car provided for in the design;
    • expletion, which is provided for by the vehicle manufacturer.
  • - Transportation of children can only be carried out in the presence of a certain equipment within the vehicle itself.

Especially a lot of restrictions affects the issue of transporting children before the occurrence of the age of 12.

When carrying out the transport of persons under this age or the growth of which is less than 150 cm, special devices are required. It can be children's chairs or other retaining.

The main reason why the design belt is provided for people with growth more than 1.5 m. In case of fitting face with an increase in less than this magnitude, the belt at an accident can damage the neck.

It is also not allowed to transport children before the occurrence of 12 years in the rear seat of technical means of category "A" - motorcycles.

Special attention is always paid to the carriage of children. Since they are exposed to the greatest danger on the road due to age.

On railway transport

Basic requirements for passenger transportation on railway Reflected in ch. โ„–4 Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 473 dated December 19, 133

The main sections of this regulatory document are the following:

  • the train for passenger transport must be assigned the status "Corporate" - a trademark, the fact of the presence of which guarantees a certain level of service;
  • certification to the category "Corporate" should be carried out by specialists in accordance with certain criteria;
  • be sure to preliminarily explore the transportation of passengers;
  • the quality of passenger traffic on the railway is required to control the quality of passenger traffic in accordance with the "Protection of Consumer Protection";
  • be sure to be provided with access to services;

Special requirements are presented to railway cars depending on the distance of the following. First of all, it concerns long-distance trains.

They are divided into the following classes depending on the layout:

  • class 3 class - soft / rigid seats, central passage;
  • class 2 wagon - the chair of the appropriate type and the central passage;
  • 1st grade wagon - the chair of the corresponding class, as well as the central passage and tables.

Rules for transportation of passengers on rail transport Not less extensive than on a car. First of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with them who are planning to travel on such a vehicle.

With air flights

On the this moment The fundamental regulatory legal document regulating the issue of transporting civilian people by air transport is the Federal Aviation Rules.

At the moment, they are approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport No. 82 of 28.06.07. The issue of transporting passengers is revealed to ch. โ„–7 of this NAP.

To the most significant moments, it will be possible to attribute the following:

  • necessarily providing a passenger visual, as well as acoustic information;
  • immediately at the airport, the carrier must provide for its passengers:
    • registration and registration;
    • delivery to the location of the aircraft itself;
    • ensuring the exit from the aircraft and delivery to the building of the bus station;
    • unloading baggage, its transportation and other.
  • directly on board the aircraft, the carrier is required to provide:
    • informing all in the cabin on the conditions of flight
    • information about the location of emergency exits;
    • on the place of finding individual means of protection;
    • medical care if necessary;
    • hot food - if the flight duration is 3 hours or more.

There are also rules regarding individual groups of passengers. They are reflected in ch. โ„–8 of this regulatory document. First of all, it concerns minor citizens.

Water transport

With water transportation, conditions designated in "Instructions on the organization of transportation of passengers by water transport by legal entities should be observed. Also follow the basic rules reflected in

To the most important rulesThe observance of which is strictly necessary, should be attributed:

  • the vehicle must be appropriately registered in the State Register;
  • the main appointment of the vessel should be the transportation of passengers;
  • necessarily the availability of valid PPP documents;
  • before the exits, checks are required.

Other types of transport

Transportation can also be carried out by various other types of transport. It can be a bike, motorcycle, trucks. In some cases, the rules for the carriage of passengers may vary somewhat.

But it is possible to highlight the list of rules that are universal and mandatory to perform on all types of transport:

  • the vehicle must be equipped with a suitable seat;
  • necessarily the presence of means of protection;
  • the driver must have the appropriate experience in managing the vehicle and the right with the relevant category.
  • Transportation outside the cabin, without a special protective helmet - a fine of 1 thousand rubles;
  • violation of the requirements for the transport of children - 3 thousand rubles.

There is a large number of the most different features And the nuances associated with the transportation of children - with all of them worth reading in advance.

Remember the famous thesis expressed by Ostap Bender: "The car is not a luxury, but a means of movement"? Nowadays it can be supplemented with the words "people and goods".

If the rules of carriage of passengers do not arise from majority issues, then not everyone is familiar about the nuances associated with the carriage of goods. A whole section is assigned to this issue in the rules of the road.

PDA requirements

A section 23, consisting of five points, in which the legislator provided for all possible situations arising from their transportation by road transport.

In 23.1, we are talking about the permissible values \u200b\u200bby weight of the cargo. 23.2 prescribes the driver to control its placement and fastening.

23.1. The mass of the transported cargo and the load distribution over the axes should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bestablished by the manufacturer for this vehicle.

23.2. Before starting and while driving, the driver must control accommodation, fastening and state of cargo in order to avoid its fall, creating interference for movement.

Point 23.3 PDD expands when shipping is allowed and has five paragraphs, of which it should be mentioned quite unusual for modern drivers about that many drivers forget: the accommodation of the cargo should not prevent the perception of signals supplied by hand.

23.3. Shipping is allowed upon condition that it:

  • does not limit the driver review;
  • does not comply with management and does not violate the stability of the vehicle;
  • it does not cover external lighting devices and backgrowers, registration and identification signs, and also does not prevent the perception of signals supplied by hand;
  • does not create noise, not dust, does not pollute the road and the environment.

If the condition and accommodation of cargo do not meet the specified requirements, the driver is obliged to take measures to eliminate violations of the transferred rules of transport or stop further movement.

Permissible cargo dimensions for transportation by road

What is considered to be large cargo, the carriage of which does not require special permits, but has strictly certain rules Transportation specified in traffic rules?

23.4. The cargo, protruding the dimensions of the vehicle in front and behind more than 1 m or on the side of more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the overall fire, should be marked with the identification signs "Large loading", and in the dark and under insufficient visibility In addition, in front - a white lantern or a white retrorer, rear - a lantern or a red-factor of red.

By lenght

If the cargo stands for the dimensions of the car in front and behind more than 1m, but not more than 2m. It should be noted here that despite the presence of the letter "and" you can read "or". Suppose the cargo is extended by more than a meter only for the rear dimming of the car, and there is no front, it is already becoming large.

By width

It is also indicated how much load can perform in the width of the car - no more than 40cm.

ATTENTION. In contrast to the first case, where you should measure the length of the protruding part from the extreme point of the car, here the measurement is made from the edge of the rear dimming fire, which means that it will actually be somewhat less than those prescribed 40cm, since the specified flashlight is always a slightly deeper lateral side point car.

If, after measurements, at least one parameter exceeds the above norms, it should be marked by the "Large load" sign, and in the dark or when there is also insufficient visibility with lanterns or light rails: white front and red rear.

In height

Despite the fact that paragraph 23.4 of the traffic rules does not speak about the height of the cargo, it should be remembered that the cargo should not exceed four meters up from the surface of the roadway (p. 23.5 traffic rules).

Consider such a situation: the cargo does not protrude for the size of the car, and heights 3 meters of 85 centimeters from the road cannut, the "Large load" sign is not required.

Sometimes it happens.

Paragraph 23.5 PDD gives the definition of goods and vehicles for transportation or the passage of which will have to receive a special resolution:

23.5. Transportation of heavy I. dangerous cargo, vehicle movement, the overall parameters of which with a load or without it are exceeding in width of 2.55 m (2.6 m - for refrigerators and isothermal bodies), at a height of 4 m from the surface of the roadway, in length (including one trailer) 20 m, or the movement of the vehicle with a cargo, protruding for the rear point of the vehicle dimensions by more than 2 m, as well as the movement of road trails with two and more trailers is carried out in accordance with the special rules.

International road transport is carried out in accordance with the requirements for vehicles and transport rules established by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Transportation rules

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the transportation of large-sized cargo is regulated by a number of regulatory acts, except traffic rules here include:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/15/2011 โ„– 272 "On approval of rules for transportation of goods by road";
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2012 No. 258 "On approval of the procedure for issuing a special permit for traffic on road vehicles vehicle transporting heavy and (or) large-sized goods";
  • Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of January 15, 2014 N 7 "On approval of the rules for ensuring the safety of passenger and cargo transportation by road and urban ground electric transport and a list of measures for training workers legal entities and individual entrepreneurstransporting transportation by road and urban ground electric vehicles to safe work and vehicles to safe operation. "

The documents are quite voluminous and informative, affecting not only the topic under consideration, so consider them in a part concerning.

You should start with the rules of loading, the basic norms of which are written in sufficient detail. This includes sorting cargo by weight, namely, heavier are located at the bottom to preserve the stability of the vehicle when driving, the cargo must be homogeneous, well fixed. It is also prescribed to prevent the gaps between the loaded products, prescribing to fill them with gaskets.

Uniform piece goods in the body of the vehicle must be stacked with the equal number of tiers and ensuring reliable fastening of the upper tier of the stack (clause 36 of the order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 of January 15, 2014).

Here we are talking about the need to attract car maintenance, justifying it with an increased danger during the transport of large-sized goods (paragraph 52 of the order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 of January 15, 2014).

Paragraphs 53-58 of the order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 of January 15, 2014. Set the maintenance rules and the requirements for accompaniment cars. As data of vehicles, tractors and (or) cars of the traffic police (pp 53-58 of the Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 of January 15, 2014) can be used.

Paragraphs 59 and 60 of the same order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 of January 15, 2014, give an exhaustive list of situations and conditions in which transportation of such goods is prohibited:

  • deviate from the route installed in a special resolution;
  • exceed the speed specified in the resolution;
  • carry out movement during ice, snowfall, as well as with meteorological visibility less than 100 meters;
  • carry out traffic on the side of the road, if such an order is not determined by the conditions of carriage;
  • stop outside of specially designated parking lots located outside the carriageway;
  • continue transportation in the event of a technical malfunction of a vehicle, threatening traffic safety, as well as when the cargo is shifted or to attenuate its fastening.

If, during the move, circumstances requiring changes in the movement route, the subject of transport activity is obliged to obtain a special permit on a new route in the prescribed manner.

As is denoted

Due to the increased danger to road participants, these goods must be indicated by the "Large load" sign (clause 23.4 of traffic rules). The specified mark is installed directly to the load itself in the extreme protruding point.

Consequently, if the load exceeds the established norms behind the vehicle - it is installed from behind. If in front and rear - in both places, respectively. The same applies to the designation of the protruding parts on the Bocames TS.

In addition to the sign, it may be necessary to install lights or white and red light printors, respectively, in front and rear, but this requirement is appropriate when transporting in the dark or under limited visibility conditions.

Sign "Oversized cargo" - Sizes in GOST

The sign "Oversized cargo", as he is often called drivers, in the legal field of the Russian Federation simply does not exist, since this is a spaticrous and simplified name of the identification mark "Large load".

The dimensions of the sign are determined in the form of a square with a side of 400 mm and alternating inclined stripes of red and white width each 50 mm.

The above parameters are provided state Standard GOST R12.4.026-2001, therefore, be mandatory.

It is allowed to apply this sign to the load itself in the form of a sticker or pattern of the corresponding GOST.

IMPORTANT. The sign is made of back-growing materials!

This sign can be purchased or making yourself. The only difficulty that occurs is a sign must be averter.

Solutions of this problem have two ways. First - acquire special paintThat it will be easily cheaper than buying a finished sign. Second - to upset the sticker sign and glue it to any solid foundation, for example, a sheet of tin or pVC panel. The main thing is to keep the dimension, do not risk, do not sign less than this is provided by GOST.

Permission to transport

Until now, many motorists who have not come across the problem of transporting large-sized cargo believe that permission should be obtained in the traffic police. In fact, it is not.

With the traffic police provided for the procedure of approval and it is connected with the obligation of this service to determine whether there is a need to accompany the cargo and in the form of escort (carrier by a special car or a traffic police car).

The permission for transportation is issued a number of authorized bodies, depending on what roads the route is agreed by the route: international, federal significance or municipal. Recently, it also has the opportunity to receive the specified permission from the owner of the road, if it is in its property.

Authorities issuing transportation permit

Road categories for which route runs Authorized body
Federal significance or their sections, the territory of two or more subjects of the Russian Federation; International report Rosavtodor
Inter-municipal or regional importance or their sites, local significance located on the territory of two or more formations (districts, district municipality) Executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation
Local significance, on the territory of two and more settlements within the boundaries of the district Authority of the municipality of the municipality
Local significance, within the boundaries of one settlement Self-government authority settlement
Local city county City District Authority

To begin the procedure for obtaining a special permission, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application to the authorized body (see table above), a package of documents is attached to the application: on a car that will participate in transportation, cargo, route scheme. Also, the authorized body has the right to request additional documentation relating to the upcoming transportation.

The terms of consideration of the application are registered in the administrative regulations and, depending on the number of coordination and related actions (assessment of the state of the road or the need to strengthen or reconstruct) from five days to thirty.

Obtaining a special permission procedure is conditionally free. Require a fee for issuing permission authorized body is not entitled. But the applicant is obliged to pay a state fee in the amount of 1600 rubles (PP.111 of paragraph 1 of article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part two) of August 5, 2000 No. 117-F3, as amended. Federal Law from 21.07.2014 N 221-FZ).

Additionally, it may be necessary to pay for the assessment of the automotive road to the suitability of the transportation of the goods under consideration, as well as work to strengthen or reconstruct areas of the road and engineering structures (example - bridges) at the planned route. As well as reimbursement of damage caused by road and communications.

In what cases such transportation is prohibited

Transportation of large cargo is prohibited if there is an opportunity for separate transport without depriving the cargo of operational properties, it is also forbidden to transport the specified category of goods by organized columns (p.51 of the Ministry of Transport dated January 15, 2014 No. 7).

The prohibition can be made if there is no technical ability to carry out the following route.

What a penalty for violation

Responsibility for violation of the rules for transportation of goods is provided for by two articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Article 12.21 - Violation of the rules for transportation of goods. Sanction: Warning or penalty of 500 rubles.

This article applies to cargoes that do not require special permit and liability may arise in an approximate number of cases: the lack of sign "Large cargo", the cargo is noise, dust or unreliable, makes it difficult.

IMPORTANT. Sanctions of deprivation of the right to management of the vehicle is not, but according to Article.23.3 of the traffic control panel, further movement to eliminate the identified violations is prohibited, and the issuance of violation does not allow the right to continue the trip.

Article 12.21.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation provides for responsibility for violating the rules of movement of a large-sized vehicle. And here we are already talking, it is, about loads that require special permission. The entire article has 11 parts:

1. The movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle with an exception to the permissible dimensions of the vehicle by no more than 10 centimeters without special permission, or with the excess of the dimensions specified in a special resolution, by no more than 10 centimeters, or with exceeding the allowable mass of transport funds or permissible load on the vehicle axis by more than 2, but not more than 10 percent without a special permit, or with the excess of the vehicle mass or the vehicle axis of the vehicle specified in a special resolution, by more than 2, but not more than 10 percent driver In the amount of OT. one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; on the officials ten thousand to fifteen thousand rubles; on the legal entities - OT one hundred thousand to one hundred fifty thousand rubles on the owner (owner) of a vehicle in the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand rubles.
2. The movement of heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the permissible dimensions of the vehicle by more than 10, but not more than 20 centimeters or exceeding the allowed vehicle mass or permissible load on the vehicle axis by more than 10, but not more than 20 percent without special permission entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver In the amount of OT. three thousand to four thousand rubles; on officials from twenty-five thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on the legal entities โ€” from two hundred and fifty thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, and in the case of fixing the administrative offense working in automatic mode special technical meanshaving functions of photo and filming, video, - on the owner (owner) of a vehicle in the amount of three hundred thousand rubles.
3. The movement of heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the permissible dimensions of the vehicle by more than 20, but not more than 50 centimeters either with an exceedable mass of the vehicle or the permissible load on the vehicle axis by more than 20, but not more than 50 percent without special permission - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver In the amount of OT or deprivation of the right to control vehicles for a period of two to four months; on the officialsresponsible for transportation - from thirty-five thousand to forty thousand rubles; on the legal entities - from, and in the case of fixing the administrative offense, working in automatic mode with special technical means having functions of photo and filming, video recording, -
4. Movement of heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the dimensions specified in a special resolution, by magnitude more than 10, but not more than 20 centimeters or with an excess of vehicle mass or the load on the vehicle axis specified in a special resolution, by magnitude more than 10, but not more than 20 percent entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver In the amount of OT. three thousand to three thousand five hundred rubles; on the officialsresponsible for transportation - from twenty thousand to twenty five thousand rubles; on the legal entities - OT two hundred thousand to two hundred and fifty thousand rubles, and in the case of fixing the administrative offense, working in automatic mode with special technical means having functions of photo and filming, video recording, - on the owner (owner) of a vehicle in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand rubles.
5. The movement of heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the dimensions specified in a special resolution, by the amount of more than 20, but not more than 50 centimeters, either with an excess of the vehicle mass or the load on the axis of the vehicle specified in a special resolution, by magnitude more than 20, but not more than 50 percent entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver in the amount of from four thousand to five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to manage vehicles for a period of two to three months; on the officialsresponsible for transportation - from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles; on the legal Persons - Ot three hundred thousand to four hundred thousand rubles, and in the case of fixing the administrative offense, working in automatic mode with special technical means having functions of photo and filming, video recording, - on the owner (owner) of a vehicle in the amount of four hundred thousand rubles.
6. The movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle with exceeding the permissible dimensions by the amount of more than 50 centimeters without special permission, or with the excess of the dimensions specified in a special resolution, by more than 50 centimeters, or with an exceedable vehicle mass or permissible load on the vehicle axis by more than 50 percent without a special permit, or with the excess of the vehicle mass or the load on the vehicle axis specified in a special resolution, by more than 50 percent entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver vehicle in the amount of from seven thousand to ten thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to manage vehicles for a period of four to six months; on the official forty five thousand to fifty thousand rubles; on the legalpersons - Ot four hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles, and in the case of fixing the administrative offense, working in automatic mode with special technical means having functions of photo and filming, video recording, - on the owner (owner) of a vehicle in the amount of five hundred thousand rubles.
7. Violation of the rules of movement of heavy and (or) large vehicles, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 1 - 6 of this article entails the imposition of an administrative fine on driver vehicle in size from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; on the official persons responsible for transportation - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; on the legal Persons - Ot fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles
8. Providing inaccurate information about the mass or dimensions of cargo in documents for transported goods or unspecifies in the transport invoice when transporting large or heavy cargoes of information about the room, date or period of action of special permits or about the route of transportation of such a cargo if it has led to the violation provided for Part 1, 2 or 4 of this article entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens In the amount of OT. one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; on the official Persons - Ot fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles; on the legal Persons - Ot two hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles.
9. Providing inaccurate information about the mass or dimensions of cargo in documents for transported goods or disappointment in the transport invoice during the transport of large-sized or heavy freights of information about the room, the date or period of action of a special permit or on the route of transportation of such a cargo, if it caused a violation provided for Part 3, 5 or 6 of this article entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens at the rate of five thousand rubles; on the official Persons - Ot twenty-five thousand to thirty five thousand rubles; on the legal Persons - Ot three hundred fifty thousand to four hundred thousand rubles.
10. Exceeding the permissible mass of vehicle and (or) permissible load on the vehicle axis, or vehicle mass and (or) load on the vehicle axis specified in a special resolution, or permissible vehicle size, or the dimensions specified in a special permit , legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who carried out loading in the vehicle entails the imposition of an administrative fine on individual entrepreneurs In the amount of OT. eighty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles; on the legal Persons - Ot two hundred and fifty thousand to four hundred thousand rubles.
11. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting vehicle movement, the overall actual mass of which is either the load on the axis of which exceeds road signif the movement of such vehicles is carried out without a special permission entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.
Note. Per administrative offensesprovided for in this article, persons carrying out business activities Without the formation of a legal entity, administrative responsibility as legal entities.

As we see, the types of punishment are quite rigid, and parts of 3.5 and 6 tbsp. 12.21.1 provides for the deprivation of the management of the CU for various times.

Cargo transportation should be carried out in accordance with applicable and special standards established for certain types of TS and / or cargo transported (hereinafter also - property, things, items).

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For non-compliance with the legislative requirements, responsibility can be assigned both on the driver, the TC manager and the official responsible for the production of the vehicle on the line, as well as on the owner of the relevant cargo car.

What are transported by road

Loads are:

Variety The list of regulatory and legal acts regulating the transportation of this species
Dangerous European Agreement on International ..., concluded in Geneva on September 30, 1957 (hereinafter - the Agreement)
Government Decree No. 272 \u200b\u200bdated April 15, 2011 "On Approval ..." (hereinafter referred to - Resolution No. 272) (The provisions of the Resolution No. 272 \u200b\u200bare applied both to the transportation of ordinary goods and dangerous)
P. 60.1. Annexes 1 to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 7 of January 15, 2014 "On Approval ..." (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 7)
Large-sized Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 258 dated July 24, 2012 "On Approval ..."
Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 272 \u200b\u200bof September 21, 2016 "On Approval ..."
Art. 31 FZ No. 257 dated November 8, 2007 "On the automotive ..." (hereinafter - FZ No. 257)
Perishable Agreement on international transportation perishable ... (signed in Geneva on September 1, 1970)
Heavy In itself, the concept of "heavy cargo" in legislation is not represented, but it is said that such a heavy TC is a vehicle, the mass of which with a load or without that exceeds the permissible mass of the vehicle specified in Appendix 1 to Decree No. 272 \u200b\u200bor the axis load, Specified in Appendix 2 to Resolution No. 272

Regulatory signs

Road signs whose list is presented in Appendix 1 to traffic rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1090 dated October 23, 1993 "On Rules ...", are mostly not to loads, but to cars with a certain mass or load on the axis.

Let us give a list of such characters with decoding value:

  • 3.4. - Practhes motion for trucks that have a solved limit mass over 3500 kg (note - if there is a mass inside the sign, the TC movement is prohibited with a mass, above indicated on the sign);

  • 3.7. - Practhes the movement of trucks equipped with a trailer;

  • 3.15. - This pointer does not allow the TC to move, in which the overall length is more indicated on the sign (regardless of the presence or absence of property);

  • 3.13. and 3.14. - similar to 3.15., But only limit the overall height and overall width, respectively (including, taking into account the protruding cargo);

  • 3.22. - It measures to make overtaking trucks having a lot of more than 3,500 kg (the sign acts from the place of its location to the nearest intersection, or before the end of the settlement, except when the territory of the sign of the sign is governed by the information plate 8.2.1.);

  • 3.23. - cancels the action of the previous mark (3.22.);

  • 3.32. - establishes a ban on the movement of the vehicle equipped with a special sign "Dangerous Cargo" in accordance with the requirements presented in paragraph 8 of the main provisions for admission ...;

  • 3.33. - determines the ban on the TC driving carrying explosive and flammable cargo;

  • 4.8.1. - 4.8.3. - these signs are prescribed to carry out movement only directly, to the right or left for the vehicle carrying hazardous items;

  • 6.15.1. - 6.15.3. - we are advisory in nature (they recommend to ride trucks in a certain direction, if at the intersection in any direction, movement for trucks is prohibited);

  • 8.19. - This information plate is used in conjunction with any basic sign, for example, from 3.32. - In this case, the prohibition of the movement will be distributed only on the TC, which transport dangerous goods with a certain class of danger.

    Features of transportation of goods by traffic rules

    Transportation of any property should be carried out not only taking into account the requirements of special regulations, but also taking into account general provisionspresented in section 23 traffic rules.

    The main provisions of this section:

    • carrying the load is permitted only if its mass does not exceed the value set by the manufacturer for the manufacturer for this type TC;
    • before the start of the trip, the TS driver is obliged to control that the cargo is correctly placed, all attachments are intact, the state of property provides its transportation and others;
    • transportation of things is not allowed if during the movement of the cargo TS will interfere with other machines;
    • it is not allowed to start riding and in case the cargo transported closer overview from the driver's seat, it makes it difficult to manage, reduce the course stability of the truck, cover external light instruments or backgrowers.


    Under oversized things, it is probably meant:

    • large;
    • long;
    • heavyweight (that is, as a result of the presence on the vehicle of which the mass of such a vehicle or the load on the axis exceeds the maximum permissible).


    Based on Part 1 Art. 31 FZ โ„– 257, ride on roads by vehicles equipped with large-sized cargoes, can only be obtained after receiving a special permit issued in the manner approved by the administrative regulations contained in November 23, 2016 "On Approval ...".

    In case the vehicle carrying a large load will participate in international motionIt will additionally be applied the rules provided for in July 24, 1998 "On State ...".

    The following provisions are installed in traffic rules for large loads:

    • the driver of such a vehicle must have documents, provided for by the rules transportation of large property (p. 2.1.1. PDD) - for example, admission card for international transportation in accordance with the form presented in Appendix 2 to 16 June 2014 "On Approval ...";

    • a flashing lighthouse of yellow or orange should be included on the vehicle;
    • drivers such a vehicle can be departed from automotive markup prescriptions - subject to the inclusion of a flashing beacon (ab. 2 p. 3.5. PDD);
    • the maximum speed of movement for TC data is established when coordinating the conditions of transportation (AB. 2 p. 10.4. PDD).
    • Long

      Transportation of long cargo should be carried out under the condition of fastening from behind the vehicle special sign The "long vehicle" made in the form of a yellow-colored yellow rectangle in size of 120 to 20 centimeters, with a red color of a 4 centimeter width.


      In addition to the agreement, the regulation of the transportation of unsafe goods is also carried out by traffic rules.

      Here are the main provisions:

      • the driver must have a special permit with him;

      • when stopping by the Ministry of Transport, the driver must provide a vehicle for the implementation of weight and overall control;
      • on the TC, accompanying the vehicle carrying a dangerous cargo, a flashing light must be included;
      • the speed of movement is set when coordinating the conditions of transportation;
      • TCs must be equipped with a special identification mark "Dangerous Cargo";
      • the route of transportation of dangerous items is indicated in paragraph 13 of the transport invoice (AB. 2 of paragraph 7 of Resolution No. 272).
      • In the trailer of a car

        Based on ยง 1.2. PDD, any mechanical TC, adhesive with the trailer, is recognized by the road train. Accordingly, all the rules of traffic rules concerning road trains are applicable to such a vehicle.

        These provisions contain traffic rules regarding road trains and the order of cargo placement on them:

        • it is forbidden to carry the cargo if the coupling device is faulty (ab. 2 p. 2.3.1. PDD);
        • by virtue of paragraph 11 of the main provisions on the tolerance ..., the transportation of the cargo in the trailer is prohibited if its (trailer) does not meet the requirements for a loss of faults and conditions ...;
        • riding road trails with 2 or more trailers, as well as road trains, total length which exceeds 20 meters, is carried out in accordance with the special procedure;
        • the driver must have documents on the trailer, and he himself (trailer) must be registered in the traffic police bodies;
        • in accordance with paragraph 10.3. PDD, movement on the passenger vehicle with a trailer outside settlements should be carried out at a speed of no more than 70 km / h (on motorways - no more than 90 km / h);
        • at night and in case of insufficient visibility, the trailers should include dimensional lights (ab. 3 p. 19.1. PDD).

        Otherwise, the requirements are standard - transported property should not limit the overview, it makes it difficult to manage, close external lighting devices, etc.


        There is no mention of bulk cargoes in the PDD, so their transportation should be carried out according to the rules specified in other legal acts:

        • bulk loads can be transported only in containers, tank trucks or trailers specially intended for these purposes;
        • standard trailers for transportation of this kind of cargo will not fit;
        • the trailer must be hung as an awning with a reliable fastening, or a tarpaulter, or a tissue on a rubber basis - to avoid loss of goods;

        • in the absence of awning, the level of bulk property should not exceed the side of the trailer;
        • it is forbidden to transport such bulk materialwhich will create noise, dust, pollute the road or the environment.
        • Responsibility for violation of rules

          We give in the form of a table of responsibility measures that are expected by drivers, officials and organizations that own cargo TCs for certain misconduct:

          The essence of violation Regulatory regulation Possible sanctions
          Implementation of international freight without a special permit h. 2 tbsp. 11.29. COAP Penalty, superimposed on the driver, in the amount of from 150 to 200 thousand rubles
          TS management carrying dangerous property without a valid diagnostic card h. 2 tbsp. 12.1. COAP Penalty on the driver from 500 to 800 rubles
          Riding cargo cars with a mass of more than 3500 kg on the highway following the second strip h. 2 tbsp. 12.11. COAP Fine 1000 rubles
          Failure by the driver of the vehicle transporting large-sized property, paragraph 11.6. PDD regulating to skip the rear h. 1.1. Art. 12.15. COAP Penalty from 1000 to 1500 rubles
          Failure to follow the driver of the majority of the requirements of road signs prohibiting the movement of freight TCs part 6 and Part 7 of Art. 12.16. COAP 5000 rubles - when performing a violation in the city of federal significance, 500 rubles - in other cities
          Violation of any section of section 23 traffic rules part 1 Art. 12.21. COAP Warning or penalty 500 rubles
          Failure to comply with a driver of a large-sized or heavy vehicle not exceed the permissible dimensions, mass or load on the axis art. 12.21.1. COAP Sanctions depend on how much dimensions were exceeded, weight or load on the axis, as well as from the subject of the offense. Maximum responsibility for legal entities - a fine of 500 thousand rubles for h. 6 of this article
          Transportation of dangerous goods by a citizen who does not have a testimony for the passage of relevant training, or not possessing a certificate of the TC to transport such goods part 1 Art. 12.21.2. COAP Sanctions for the driver - or a fine of 2000 to 2500, or deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months
          Cargo transportation with violation of the requirements presented in Appendix 1 to Order No. 7 h. 6 tbsp. 12.31.1. COAP Penalty on the driver - 1500 rubles

          Transportation of citizens should occur in accordance with the regulations of security, therefore the transportation of people in the body of a truck is strictly regulated by traffic rules and the main positions. Sections of these arches describe the requirements for the owner of the truck, as well as the rules for the design of the vehicle in which passengers will be placed. Non-compliance with the norm entails administrative responsibility and imposition of a fine.

          Who is allowed to transport citizens

          If we talk about whether the transportation of people in the truck van is resolved, the answer will be - yes, this is possible, but only subject to the relevant norms. It is important to remember that not all drivers have the right to transport.

          The first section of clause 22.1 of the traffic rules reports that the ability to place people in the body have car owners with such driving categories:

          • C provided transporting 8 and less people, including citizens in the cockpit;
          • C, C1, D1, if 8-16 people are located in the van, for example, the gazelle driver must have a bus category D1;
          • D - 16 and more people.

          IMPORTANT! Additional condition is the presence of a driver's experience of 3 years.

          How to be equipped with cargo transport

          The items and rules for technical equipment and equipment of the cargo vehicle prescribe the following norms for the transport of citizens:

          • the car with a side platform, intended for transporting people, should be equipped with seats recorded at an altitude of 30-50 cm from the floor surface and at least 30 cm from the top edge of the side;
          • seats placed along the back or side sides must have durable backs;
          • the distance between the seats for passengers is at least 60 cm;
          • it is unacceptable for the presence of sharp, protruding parts on board and places for people;
          • the number of citizens transported cannot be higher than the number of places equipped in a seating van;
          • the body must be covered with an awning under which the lighting should be installed;
          • travel in a cargo transport van, not equipped with attributes for the transport of people, is allowed only to citizens accompanying cargo or as follows to obtain them, but provided the seating below the boring level of the machine (15 cm);
          • the body must be equipped with a driver communication button;
          • before starting the way, the driver is obliged to inform passengers about the rules of landing, placement within the body, disembarking and behavior during the trip;
          • it should be started only after one hundred percent confidence that citizens are accomplished true and their safety conditions are observed;
          • the van must be equipped with a staircase for planting and disembarking people placed by the back side of the right side relative to the course of the car;
          • the truck must be a first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher.

          IMPORTANT! In the body of the cargo vehicle with the onboard platform, the transportation of children is strictly prohibited.

          Penalty for violation of the rules

          This year, for violation of the rules for transporting people in Gazelle, a car van is relying material punishment regulated by the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

          Sanctions may be as follows:

          • violation of the rules of equipment of the body of a cargo vehicle - a fine of 1000 to 3000 rubles;
          • transportation of citizens in the absence of an appropriate category of driving - 20000 rubles for individual, 100,000 rubles for organizations, enterprises;
          • exceeding the permissible number of passengers is a fine of 500 rubles.

          IMPORTANT! Under administrative responsibility, car owners, who have not passed the technical inspection of transport and not taking care of the presence of a medical conclusion are also included.

          On video about transportation of people

          Transportation of people in the body of a cargo motor vehicle is permitted whether a number of requirements for the equipment of the van are observed. When violating at least one parameter, the driver falls under administrative responsibility. The penalty may vary from 500 rubles to 20,000 rubles for individuals.

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