Themed weeks. Plans and topics for weeks in kindergarten groups

garden equipment 23.09.2019
garden equipment

Many topics are worthy of being studied in more detail, devoting a whole series of lessons combined to them. For example, "Family", "Health", "Children's Books", "Theater"... there are many such topics!

We have collected for you on the pages of this thematic section publications containing the live experience of your colleagues in holding thematic weeks. These "based on true events" materials contain turnkey solutions for similar activities, for use in different age groups. For your convenience, publications are systematized by headings. Without spending a lot of time, you will certainly pick up the material you need for work here.

Check out our theme guide!

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All sections | Themed weeks. Plans and topics for weeks in groups kindergarten

Thematic week "Mathematics Week" Theme week« Week of mathematics» (photo report) Target: Instilling interest in mathematics, raising the educational level, teaching children independence and creativity, revealing the abilities of children. Work plan in senior group : 1. Viewing the cartoon "Learning to count with Fillya ...

Abstract of the final lesson of the thematic week "Getting to know the professions" in the first junior group Subject : "All professions are needed - all professions are important!" Target: to develop cognitive and speech activity of children. Tasks: expand and consolidate children's knowledge of professions, encourage children to talk about the labor activities of professions they know (doctor, educator, cook, expand ...

Themed weeks. Plans and topics for weeks in kindergarten groups - Thematic planning in the middle group, theme of the week: “We are friends of wintering birds”

Publication "Thematic planning in the middle group, the theme of the week:" We are friends ..." Y/N Mode moments Team work adult and children. OOD. Organization of RPPS Support for the individuality of the child Mutual. with families, in real. educational program 14. 01 MONDAY Morning exercises, preparation for breakfast. Breakfast. Games OOD Prep...

MAAM Pictures Library

Calendar plan for the week "Folk toy" in the first junior group(3rd week January Topic: Folk toy (3rd week January) Purpose: Introduce folk art using folk toys as an example. Introduce oral folk art (songs, nursery rhymes, etc. use folklore when organizing all types of children's activities. Introduce .. .

MBDOU Beloyarsky kindergarten "Spark" Project activity in the first junior group: “Bell” Topic: “Color Week” Prepared by: Educator Nepomnishchaya K.G. Project implementation period: From 18.02. 2019 to 02/22/2019 Project type: short-term (Week) Color affects...

Card file of finger gymnastics with children of the senior group on the topics of the week The card file of finger gymnastics with children of the senior group on the topics of the week was completed by Prakht E.A. MDOU d.s. No. 342, Chelyabinsk Group "Forget-me-nots" February 24, 2019 September 3-7 Topic: Goodbye summer. Hello Kindergarten. Knowledge Day (3.09- 7.09) (theme according to age) [...

Themed weeks. Plans and topics for weeks in kindergarten groups - A selection of outdoor games by thematic weeks in the senior group (September-November)

September Theme of the week: “Knowledge Day” Outdoor game “We are funny guys” Purpose of the game: To teach children to be attentive. Game progress: On two opposite sides platforms draw lines, and on the side - several circles. This is the leader's house. The players gather behind the line on one side ...

Daily planning of educational and educational work with children of the preparatory group, the fourth week of February February, 4th week "Experiments and experiments" The goals of the teacher: to teach to pay attention to new, interesting and unusual properties, characteristics, features of an object, object, phenomenon; develop cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire of children to explore and ...

Thematic weeks for 2016-2017

Goals and objectives:

To form the skills of highlighting the changes that have taken place in the kindergarten (repairs have been made, new toys, new plants on the site.

To expand the understanding of the professions of kindergarten employees.

To form friendly relations between children, to arouse a desire to help peers and adults.

adaptation period, repetition of the material covered, identification of the starting potential of the group, acquaintance with the school (1st week in the preparatory group)

Goals and objectives : to develop the skills to follow the basic rules of behavior for children on the street, on the road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.

Raise the need to observe the rules of safe behavior on the streets and in vehicles.

To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules; expand knowledge about road signs, rules of ethical and safe behavior in transport.

Teach children to memorize signs, pay attention to zebra pedestrian markings, and behave correctly on the street.

Goals and objectives:

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about fruits and berries.

Fix general concepts fruits, berries.

Learn to recognize fruits and berries by taste, by smell, by tactile sensations, by description.

Goals and objectives:

Continue to enrich and improve the concept of vegetables.

Learn to distinguish vegetables by taste, smell, tactile sensations and write a story-description.

Fix a general concept vegetables. To teach to recognize and correctly name specific objects related to these concepts.

Learn to differentiate conceptsvegetables, fruits, berries.

To form initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, about the benefits of food.

To cultivate respect for the work of adults in the garden, in the fields, in the garden.

Goals and objectives:

Expand children's knowledge about mushrooms. Give the terms: edible, inedible.

Clarify children's concepts of plants in the immediate environment, introduce changes in plant life in the fall (ripening of fruits and seeds, wilting of flowers and herbs, discoloration of leaves on trees and shrubs).

Clarify children's understanding of the importance of the forest in human life. Cultivate respect for nature.

Repeat the rules of behavior in the forest.

Goals and objectives:

To acquaint children with the peculiarities of growing cereal plants, to give an idea about the work of a grain grower, about assistant machines.

To acquaint children with the sequence of making bread, a variety of bakery and flour products.

To give an idea of ​​the professions associated with the manufacture of bread.

Cultivate respect for bread.

"We are not afraid of colds"

Goals and objectives :
Formation in children of interest in healthy lifestyle life and value attitude to physical culture.
1. Develop endurance, strength abilities, courage, self-confidence while running at an average and fast pace; teach when walking and running to coordinate their movements with the movements of other children.
2. Introduce children to sports exercises during games and relay races.
3.To educate in children the ability to quickly navigate in conditions game actions; develop the ability to quickly respond to a signal in game exercises.
4. To form a positive attitude towards the performance of independent motor actions with objects and the desire to achieve the goal (result) - “run”, “jump”, “jump”, “communicate

Goals and objectives:

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about transport. transport . Learn to correctly attribute specific objects to a general concept.

To form an idea about the types of transport: land, water, air; cargo, passenger; city, intercity.

Learn to correctly name the details of transport (wheel, cabin, steering wheel, steering wheel, wing, etc.).

Introduce children to the professions of people working on different types transport.

Repeat the rules of the road, the rules of conduct in transport.

Goals and objectives:

Expansion and enrichment of children's knowledge about the features of autumn (pre-winter), observation of such natural phenomena as frosts, the first snow, strong winds, rain, frost, hail, fog.

To give an idea of ​​how cooling and shortening of the day change the life of plants, animals and humans.

Expansion of knowledge about how some animals prepare for winter (frogs, hedgehogs, turtles, bears hibernate, hares, squirrels molt, some birds fly south).

Summarize the knowledge of children about the hallmarks of autumn by month (September, October, November).

Systematize ideas about autumn (reducing the length of the day, cooling, frequent rains).

To consolidate children's knowledge of yellow, green, red colors in nature.

November 7 - November 11. Theme of the week: School. Project "Year before school" (for children preparatory group)

Goals and objectives:

To systematize children's knowledge about the school: the name and purpose of the premises in the school (cloakroom, classrooms, gym, director's offices, doctor's, dining room), rules of conduct at school, differences between school life and life in kindergarten.

Introduce children to the work of a teacher.

Form (fix) a general conceptschool supplies.To learn how to properly attribute specific items to a general concept.

November 7 - November 11. Theme of the week: Kindergarten. Toys. (for children of younger, middle, older age)

Goals and objectives:

To systematize the knowledge of children about the kindergarten: about the appearance of the kindergarten building, about the name and purpose of the premises.

To consolidate knowledge about the work of adults in kindergarten.

Form (fix) a general concept toys .To learn how to properly attribute specific items to a general concept. Improve the ability to describe an object, indicate its essential features, recognize an object by description.

Goals and objectives:

Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about wild animals and their cubs. Form (fix) a generalizing concept wild animals .

Help learn the names of animals, introduce them to the habitat, features of appearance and lifestyle (habits, food, housing).

Develop the ability to identify signs of similarity and difference.

To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to prepare forest animals for winter.

Define the terms carnivores and herbivores.

Goals and objectives:

To consolidate children's knowledge about domestic animals (cow, horse, goat, pig, cat, dog, sheep) and their cubs. Form (fix) a generalizing conceptPets.

Clarify and expand children's ideas about the appearance, habits of pets.

To give ideas about how a person takes care of pets, about the benefits they bring to people.

Goals and objectives:

To consolidate children's knowledge about poultry (chicken, rooster, duck, goose, turkey) and their cubs. Form (fix) a generalizing concept poultry .

Clarify and expand children's ideas about the appearance, habits of poultry.

To give an idea of ​​how a person takes care of poultry, about the benefits they bring to people.

"The emotional world of a child" (Project)

Goals and objectives: integration of the efforts of the family and the preschool educational institution in the study, disclosure and development of the child's personality.

Ensure mutual understanding and coordinated interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in the implementation integrated approach to education.

Compensate for gaps in family education: identify, maintain and develop the educational potential of the family

Use various methods psychological and pedagogical diagnostics to identify the features of the development and upbringing of the child in the family.

To fill the lack of full-fledged communication between the child and parents.

Goals and objectives:

Continue to acquaint children with winter phenomena in nature.

Make up stories about winter fun for children.

To form children's ideas about winter sports.

Form a conceptsportswear.

Learn to compose a story based on plot pictures, based on your own impressions.

Goals and objectives:

To acquaint children with the tradition of celebrating St. Nicholas Day.

Reducing the psychological and mental stress on the child's body.

New Year's Eve parties.

Development of creative activity and independence of children.

To introduce children to the traditions of celebrating the New Year in kindergarten (decorating a group, preparing for a matinee, making New Year's crafts) and in the family (decorating the Christmas tree, apartments, making gifts, inviting guests).

Learn to write descriptive stories about Christmas toys, find them features: color, shape, size, material of manufacture, purpose.

Goals and objectives:

Expand children's ideas about winter. To generalize the observations of children, to systematize the knowledge of children about winter (cloudy sky, gray clouds, it is snowing, there are large snowdrifts, a cold wind is blowing, a snowstorm, a snowstorm). Continue to acquaint children with the characteristic signs of winter, describe and establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.

To consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to prepare forest animals and birds for winter; learn to analyze and draw conclusions.

Fix the names of the winter months.

Goals and objectives:

Clarify and expand children's knowledge of wintering birds. Form (fix) a general concept wintering birds.

Learn about the living conditions of birds.

Learn to recognize birds characteristics: color of feathers, size, shape of the tail, mode of movement.

Raise the desire to take care of the birds, feed them in the winter.

Goals and objectives:

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about the main types of furniture. Form (fix) a general concept furniture . To teach children to correlate specific objects with a generalized concept.

To acquaint with the purpose of furniture, the materials from which it is made. Name the pieces of furniture and their functional significance.

Cultivate a sense of beauty and respect for furniture.

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about household appliances. Form (fix) a general concept Appliances .

Familiarize yourself with the appointment household appliances, with safety rules for their use.

Goals and objectives:

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about dishes. Form (fix) a general concept dishes .

Teaching children to differentiate conceptstea room, dining room, kitchendishes, correlate specific objects with a generalized concept. Compare canteen, tea and kitchen utensils(appointment and materials from which it is made).

Cultivate a sense of beauty and respect for things.

Goals and objectives:

Clarify and expand children's ideas about clothes, hats, shoes. Form (fix) generalizing conceptsclothes, hats, shoes. Learn to correctly attribute specific objects to each generalizing concept.

To form an idea about the types of clothing, hats, shoes in accordance with the season (winter, summer, demi-season), by accessory (men's, women's, children's), by purpose (sports, uniform, elegant).

Learn to correctly name the details of clothing (sleeve, collar, cuffs, pocket, belt), hats (crowns, brim, visor, band), shoes (sock, heel, sole, heel, tongue).

To teach the formation of relative adjectives when naming the materials from which clothes, hats, shoes are made.

Name the rules for the care of clothes, hats, shoes. Cultivate respect for things

Goals and objectives:

To expand children's ideas about themselves and their families. Expand knowledge about the professions of family members. Form initial ideas about family relationships.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness; caring attitude towards elderly relatives. Cultivate the desire to please loved ones with good deeds. Encourage children to know their home address.

To expand children's knowledge about the diversity of residential buildings. To form knowledge about the parts of the house (entrance, stairs, elevator, apartment), the purpose of rooms and other rooms in the apartment (bedroom, dining room, hallway, kitchen, children's room, living room, toilet, bathroom).

Cultivate respect for everything that surrounds us. To form a respectful attitude towards the result of the work of others.

Goals and objectives:

To form children's ideas about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day. Get to know the branches of the military Russian army, military professions, military equipment.

To form ideas about the features of military service.

Tell about the history of the Russian army.

Expand children's ideas about our country.

Cultivate a sense of pride in your army and arouse a desire to be like strong, courageous Russian soldiers.

Goals and objectives:

Expand children's ideas about spring, teach them to talk about the signs of the coming spring.

Learn to observe changes in nature, draw conclusions based on observations.

Expand the horizons of children.

Cultivate respect for the environment.

Cultivate a sense of beauty, the ability to notice beauty in everyday events.

Goals and objectives:

To expand and clarify children's ideas about the holiday - International Women's Day. Remind that on this day it is customary to congratulate all the surrounding women.

Expand understanding of women's work.

Expand gender representations.

Cultivate a caring, sensitive, respectful attitude towards loved ones.

To cultivate the desire to help loved ones, take care of them, the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

Goals and objectives:

Clarify children's knowledge about the professions of adults.

Expand ideas about the work of adults, show its significance.

Familiarize yourself with the features of work, tools and instruments of labor.

Cultivate respect for working people.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards the result of someone else's work.

Goals and objectives:

Introduce indoor plants (geranium, begonia, violet).

Learn to find and name parts of indoor plants - stem, leaf, bud, flower.

To teach children to find the hallmarks of indoor plants, compare plants by stem, leaves, flowers, smell. To form the ability to care for indoor plants with the help of adults.

Goals and objectives:

Form a conceptmigratory birds. To expand the knowledge of children about groups of birds: wintering - settled, migratory - nomadic.

To acquaint with the life of birds in the spring (nesting, breeding chicks).

Learn to recognize and distinguish between migratory birds (starling, swallow, rook, crane, nightingale) by outward signs(size, color of feathers, characteristic habits, etc.)

Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds (examine, feed, do not scare, do not destroy nests).

Goal and tasks:

Raising a love and respect for books. Formation of children's interest in children's books through creative and cognitive activities.
To acquaint children with the types and purpose of books.
Clarify the role of writers, illustrators and designers.
Teach children to create a book with their own hands.
Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy.
Create conditions for development creativity children.
To form in children an idea of ​​the role of books in human life.
Introduce children to different genres of books.
Educate children about the role of the library.
Cultivate love and respect for the book.
Encourage children to write.
Activate children's speech, enrich and expand their vocabulary.
Involve parents in creative activities with children.
Complete the development environment creative games"Library", "Bookshop".

Goals and objectives:

To form an initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspace, the space system, planets solar system.

To form ideas about the state holiday "Day of Cosmonautics" that are understandable to children

To form ideas about the activities of people in space exploration (the profession of an astronaut, his personal qualities.)

Expand children's knowledge about spaceships, rockets and other space technology.

Develop cognitive activity and interest in the knowledge of the world around.

Goals and objectives:

To expand children's ideas about the Motherland, the symbolism of Russia. To give children an idea of ​​Moscow as the main city of our country.

Build an initial understanding of native land, his culture.

To cultivate love for the native city, for the Motherland.

Form patriotic feelings.

Goals and objectives: Teaching children the skills of examining and examining objects, highlighting the features of their structure, linking their qualities and properties with the purpose and reasonable way of behavior in the objective world.

Education of a careful attitude to the objective world; the formation of a conscious way of safe behavior for the child.

To fix the generalizing concept of "furniture". Summarize, clarify and activate the vocabulary of children: furniture, wardrobe, bed, cupboard, sideboard, sofa, armchair, ottoman, chair, table, chest of drawers, shelf, cabinet, stool, leg, armrest, backrest, seat. Develop children's curiosity.

Goals and objectives:

Expand ideas about the Victory Day holiday, about the soldiers who defended their homeland.

Clarify and expand children's ideas about the Great Patriotic War.

To form in children ideas about the feat of the people who stood up to defend their homeland during the Great Patriotic War.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the army, about representatives of different branches of the armed forces (pilot, tanker, infantryman, sailor).

Education of moral feelings (love, pride) for the older generation, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Goals and objectives:

Clarify and expand children's knowledge of insects ( appearance, food, mode of transportation). To form (fix) a generalizing concept of insects. To teach children to correlate specific objects with a generalized concept.

To form elementary ecological ideas in children, to expand and systematize knowledge about the natural world. To acquaint children with the diversity of native nature.

To form ideas about the protection of plants and animals.

Goals and objectives:

To acquaint children with various water bodies - a lake, a pond, a sea, a swamp.

Systematize children's ideas about the inhabitants of reservoirs.

To form a generalizing concept of fish, to teach children to correlate specific objects with a generalized concept.

Introduce the classification of fish (river, lake, sea), body structure.

Compare and describe fish (appearance, distinguishing features, what they eat).

Cultivate respect for nature.

May 22-26 Theme of the week: Safety Week project “We know and follow the rules”

Goal and tasks:

Continue to introduce children to the rules fire safety; teach careful handling of fire; instill in children respect for the profession of firefighters.

Consolidate and systematize knowledge on car safety - railway; teach children the rules of behavior and communication in public transport.

To form an idea of ​​the concept of health and healthy lifestyle; daily regime.

Contribute to the creation of a comfortable and safe atmosphere in the group. To introduce the basic rules of safe behavior at home, on the street and in kindergarten.

Continue to shape children's ideas about safe behavior in the world around him.

Goals and objectives:

Enrich children's knowledge about the changes in nature that occur in the summer. Fix the name of the summer months, their sequence.

Expand ideas about flowers (structure, variety of species, conditions necessary for growth and development), care garden flowers, protection of wildflowers.

Expand children's ideas about the life of animals in the summer.

To form ideas about the activities of people in the summer, about the reasonable behavior of a person in the natural world.

To continue to form ideas about the protection of wildlife, the skills of caring for it in everyday life.

in the 1st junior group:


1. Toys

2. Vegetables

3. Fruit

4. Trees, bushes, flowers


1. Autumn

2. Clothes, shoes

3. Transport

4. Domestic animals and their cubs.


1. Dishes

2. Properties and qualities of materials

3. Plants corner of nature

4. Poultry


1. Wild animals and their babies

2. Furniture

3. Hygiene items

4. New Year


1. Winter

2. Clothes, shoes

3. My beautiful body

4. Professions of adults (doctor, nurse)


1. Toys

2. Poultry

3. Furniture

4. Plants corner of nature


1. Professions of adults (cook)

2. Dishes

3. Vegetables, fruits

4. Wild animals and their babies


1. Pets and their babies

2. Transport

3. Hygiene items

4. Spring


1. Birds, insects

2. Trees, bushes, flowers

3. My beautiful body

4. Properties and qualities of materials

2nd junior group


1. Familiarization with the group and other premises of the kindergarten.

2. Garden. Fruits.

3. Garden. Vegetables.

4. Labor of adults.


1. Autumn.

2. Trees. Mushrooms. Forest.

3. Clothes. Shoes.

4. Transport.


1. Our body

2. Fire safety

3. Dishes.

4. The work of the seller. Food.


1. Winter.

2. Birds.

3. Family.

4. New Year.


I. Toys.

2. Winter, winter fun.

4. Wild animals and their babies.


1. Hygiene items.

2. Furniture.

3. Inhabitants of the living corner (plants, fish, birds, animals).

4. The work of a cook.


2. Who works in the kindergarten?

3. Transport.

4. Toy Week


1. City. The street. Traffic lights.

2. Properties and qualities of materials (wood, glass, fabric, paper).

3. Forest. Animals. Insects.

4. The work of a doctor.


1. Trees, bushes in spring.

2. Birds.

3. Garden and field flowers.

4. Nursery rhymes and fairy tales.

middle group


1. Garden. Fruits.

2. Garden, vegetables.

3. Autumn. adult labor.

4.Rules traffic


1. Trees. Forest. Mushrooms.

2. Clothes. Shoes.

3. Transport

4. Toy rushes. Belarusian toys.


2. Fire safety.

3. Dishes. The work of a cook.

4. Our body. Man and his health. Safety rules for the prevention of injuries and poisoning


1. Winter.

2. Birds.

3. Family.

4. New Year.


1. Vacation. toy week

2. Winter, winter fun.

3. Domestic animals, their cubs.

4. Wild animals, their cubs.


1. Transport.

2. Furniture.

3. Inhabitants of a living corner (plants, fish, birds, animals).

4. Belarusian folk art.


2. Air. Water. energy saving

3. Professions of adults working in transport.

4. Holidays. Toy week.


1. City. The street. Traffic lights.

2. Properties and qualities of materials.

3. The work of a doctor, a nurse.

4. Forest. Animals. Insects.


1. Who works in the kindergarten?

2. Trees, bushes in spring.

3. Birds.

4. Flowers garden and field.

Senior group


1. School.

2. Family. Acquaintance with elementary safety rules in the family (call by phone 101, 102, 103, 104).

3. Vegetables, fruits. Salad preparation.

4. Forest, its inhabitants. Gifts of the forest. Mushrooms.


1. Man and his health. Safety rules for the prevention of injuries and poisoning

2. Autumn is golden. The labor of the peasants.

3. Vehicles. The street. Road traffic.

4. Rights and rules of conduct. Teaching children proper behavior strangers


1. World of plants and animals of Belarus. Teaching children how to interact safely with animals.

2. Fire safety.

3. Our country. Our city (memorable places). Holidays. Traditions.

4 Family. Teaching children the rules of conduct so as not to get lost during natural disasters.


1. I am human. What do I know about myself (my body, my feelings, thoughts, actions, my skills, etc.)?

2. Clothing, shoes (modelling, production process).

3. House, apartment. Furniture (production process, classification).

4. New Year. Means of communication. Mail


1. Vacation. Toy week.

2. Winter. Winter entertainment.

3. Belarus (coat of arms, flag, anthem).

4. Belarusian folk art.


1. Animals and birds are part of wildlife. Animals and birds from different countries.

2. Solar system. Earth is a planet in the solar system. The globe.

3. Air, water and land transport. Defender of the Fatherland Day.

4. Inanimate nature(electricity, heat, magnet). Energy saving.


1. Spring. Changes in nature. Migratory birds.

2. Day 8 March. Professions of our mothers. Professions of kindergarten employees.

3. Inanimate nature (water, air). Energy saving.

4. The kingdom of the stars. The sun. Moon..

5. Vacation. Toy week.


1. Library. Books. School.

2. Cosmonautics Day. Man's exploration of space.

3. Our country. nature of the native country. Our famous countrymen.

4. Construction. Architecture. Design.

May - 1. Spring holidays. Victory Day.

2. Trees, bushes, birds, insects, fish, amphibians in spring.

3. Khokhloma and Gzhel painting. Dymkovo toy. 4. Professions.

In pedagogy, there are different forms of work with the family of preschool children. Our kindergarten is always looking for modern forms, methods and ways of working with parents, aimed at creating a single space for child development. Traditional in the work of our teaching staff with the family has become such a form as “Thematic Weeks”.

The holding of thematic weeks increased the interest of teachers in creating joint projects with specialists, using active forms of interaction. The main goal of holding thematic weeks in kindergarten is to systematize, deepen, generalize children's knowledge on a specific topic.

The theme of the week allows you to combine all types of children's activities, make them interesting, as useful as possible for children. The events held during the thematic week contribute to the development of creative interaction between children of different groups, educators, parents, and kindergarten specialists. They can have different forms of conduct: holidays, entertainment, travel games, experimentation, educational activities, observations, excursions, exhibitions, etc.

These activities serve several purposes at the same time. Firstly, the cognitive task is solved: depending on the topic of the week, the events include new material, which is considered in a slightly different aspect than in the classroom, which contributes to the best assimilation of the material.

Secondly, the social aspect is revealed pedagogical process, this is: the interaction of children of different ages, involving parents not only as spectators, but, above all, as direct participants. And, of course, by the forces of adults and children, an entertaining task is being realized.

Our kindergarten works according to the “Origins” program. For each week, the teacher is assigned tasks for educational and joint activities with children. But some dates and holidays are not covered by this program, therefore, when compiling a calendar-thematic plan for the academic year, we took into account such holidays as Easter, Victory Day, International Children's Day, Family, Love and Fidelity Day, Apple Savior, Day of the Elderly , Mothers Day. The kindergarten has a calendar of themed weeks.

Apple rescue.

Mothers Day.

Christmas beauty.

Let's take a closer look at the week dedicated to Victory Day. This is the most important holiday in our country. But it is also the most difficult holiday for children to understand. Love for a mother, respect for elders, pride in one's Motherland - these are the qualities that are formed from childhood. To theme Great Victory became more understandable to preschoolers, a lot of preliminary work was carried out. Works about the war were read, poems were learned, videos and video clips were viewed using a multimedia projector. Children drew pictures, made crafts together with their parents, brought holiday cards. A few days before the holiday, slide folders and consultations for parents were placed in the reception room, together with the children they designed a congratulatory poster with photographs of the war years. The St. George's Ribbon on the poster was made with an appliqué of woolen threads finely cut by children. From the brought postcards, wonderful garlands turned out. The children's drawings became one of the sections of the album "The Great Victory", the album was replenished with the children's statements recorded by their parents on the topic "What is war". The album contains photos of the war years and photos of veterans of our days. The album ends with photographs of visiting the monument by the children of our group, laying flowers. The integrated lesson “May 9 - Victory Day” was held very solemnly.

I would also like to tell you about one more of the thematic weeks that have been held. Many participants in the pedagogical process were involved in the preparation and holding of the week of the “Family”. Educators prepared exhibitions of books for children in the reading corner, learned poems and proverbs. In the art class, the children drew their family. Two weeks before the “Family, Love and Fidelity” holiday, parents were asked to bring a photo of the family, as well as to come up with and make a coat of arms of their family.

The children found it interesting to watch the cartoon “The Legend of Peter and Fevronia”.

Before the holiday, the exhibition “Family is the main thing in life” was placed in the reception room. These are photographs of families that I posted in the camomile symbol of the holiday, as well as coats of arms of families that children examined with genuine interest, adults studied, asked each other questions and explained symbols and signs.

The final event was a holiday prepared by the music director together with the teachers. During the holiday, the children not only answered questions and completed tasks offered by the host, but also read poetry, sang and danced. And in some rooms, parents also took an active part, which aroused great interest and delight among the children. All parents with their children could take part in the games. It was necessary to see how happy the children were when they played with their mothers. And how interesting it was for dads! In conclusion, the most attentive and quick-witted of the children were awarded commemorative medals.

Such events with parents not only give pleasure to children, but also serve to unite the kindergarten team and the family, being a fertile basis for the inclusion of parents in the educational process.

Bright thematic weeks raise relationships with parents to a new level, encourage them to look for new forms and methods of work. If adults are interested, then children will always pick up the game, entertainment, and they will never lose the desire to go to kindergarten. So the most important years will be held not only with educational, educational benefits, but also with a sense of joy and happiness. This is our main task!

Subject:"My Kindergarten"


Final event

Days of the week

Group, subgroup


Talk to parents about how their children are feeling.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Questioning to identify parental attitudes in education.

Monday 05.09


1. A conversation about caring for everything that is in the group room.

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the subject

environment, to educate children in frugality, accuracy.

2. Functional exercise "Mirror" (one child shows the movement, the rest repeat).

Didactic game with Dasha, Vlad, Daniil M. "What's gone?"

Supervision of the work of the assistant educator.

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the work of a nanny (washes, arranges dishes);

develop a desire to help adults.


in the "Center for Knowledge" illustrations for viewing

on the topic "Children

in kindergarten."

motor activity according to the plan of the physical instructor. culture

Visual activity (drawing).

Theme: "Our beautiful group."

Targets: acquaintance with artistic materials and tools: brush, gouache, water and paper; learn to notice the mood of their peers, adults and reflect it in color; choose your own colors cause a desire to work with a brush. (Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Summaries of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten” p.18)


to a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work,

1. Developing educational situation on a game basis “Let's show the Katya doll how we know how to dress

to walk". Purpose: to consolidate the sequence of dressing with children.

2. The mobile game "We are funny guys."

3. Didactic game "Know the tree

by picture."

Development of movements with Vlad, Dima R., Sonya

1. Conversation with children "What beautiful, roomy lockers for clothes in kindergarten."

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about the subject environment, to educate

children are careful.

Independent activity on a walk.

Games with portable material.

Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, a doll, cars.

Work before bed

1. Developing educational situation on a game basis "Let's show the Katya doll how we can undress."

Purpose: to consolidate the skill of neatly folding clothes.

2. Reading before going to bed a poem by 3. Alexandrova "Katya in a manger."


food, afternoon tea, dinner

1. Communication game"Friendly

Purpose: to learn to act in concert

2. The game "Who is missing?"

3. Tour of the kindergarten

"Meeting Great People"

With Kira, Darina Sasha G. Sasha K. conversation on the toy "Ball", "Doll".

The game "Who called?".

Under the poetic text leading

blindfolded looking for who called him!


    Mobile game "Traps".

    Sand experiment games "What sand can you build from, why"

Sky observation. Purpose: to teach children to note that the sky is blue, white clouds slowly float across it

Planning of educational work

Subject:"My Kindergarten"

Goals: evoke the joy of being in kindergarten in children; to develop children's ideas about the kindergarten as the nearest sociocultural environment: about the kindergarten staff, the subject environment, about the rules of conduct in the preschool educational institution; to form friendly, benevolent relations between children, between children and employees of the kindergarten; promote the establishment of emotional contact, the formation of motivation for interaction by involving children in joint activities

Final event: health leisure "Friendly guys"

Days of the week

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Information for parents about the mode of kindergarten. Conversations with mothers about the behavior of children in kindergarten. Consultation "Age

Features of children

3-4 years old. Folder-


"Good morning".

Tuesday 06.09

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

cognitive development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development

Meeting children with a glove puppet (put on the teacher’s hand), greeting ritual:

Who's come? Mashenka has arrived!

Oh, how I love the good Masha,

I'll look at Mashenka, I'll look at a good one! Hello Zhenechka!

Compilation of the story "My first day in kindergarten"

Exercise Leo, Vlad, Maxim in rhythmic claps to the nursery rhyme "Ladushki-ladushki".

Relaxing conversation "Let's say goodbye to parents until the evening." Objectives: to help understand that the morning parting is experienced by all babies and all mothers; exercise in pronouncing phrases that can be said when saying goodbye to mom (dad, grandmother).

consideration plot pictures(at the choice of the teacher). Purpose: to teach to comprehend the relationship of the characters in the picture.

Organized educational activities

Reading art literature / educational research activity. (09.05-09.20)

Topic: Reading the story of E. Yanikovskaya "I go to kindergarten."

Musical activity (15.50-16.05)


to a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work,

individual work, physical culture and health work

Journey through the territory of the site "What is on the site of the kindergarten?". Objectives: to teach to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the suggestions of the educator, to willingly fulfill them (to say or do something).

Motor exercise: at the signal of the teacher, find a fallen leaf on the ground and stand on it.

Labor activity teach Ruslan, Nikita, Sonya Sweeping the path leading to the site.

Sand games.

The teacher offers to make handprints on a flat surface of the sand, run along the sand

zigzag movements “like snakes, cars”, walk on the surface of the sand separately

with each finger, in turn

right and left hand.

Cleaning equipment after playing with sand.

Work before bed

Journey through the room "What is in the group room."

Objectives: to teach to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the suggestions of the educator, to willingly fulfill them (to say or do something).

Evening: games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for the reception

food, afternoon tea, dinner

Awakening gymnastics. hardening procedures.

Role-playing game"I'm going to kindergarten."

Board game "Journey to the world of emotions".

Figurative game "The chicken went out for a walk."

Listening to songs about summer or autumn.

Conversation "Education and politeness."


Game "What is the name of your favorite doll?".

Purpose: to form the ability to play with peers, answer questions

Mobile game "Traffic light". Purposes: to enrich the sensory

and motor experience of children; reinforce the rules of the road


Occupation: site cleaning. Objectives: to learn how to work in a team, to achieve the goal by common efforts.

Planning of educational work

Subject:"My Kindergarten"

Goals: evoke the joy of being in kindergarten in children; to develop children's ideas about the kindergarten as the nearest sociocultural environment: about the kindergarten staff, the subject environment, about the rules of conduct in the preschool educational institution; to form friendly, benevolent relations between children, between children and employees of the kindergarten; promote the establishment of emotional contact, the formation of motivation for interaction by involving children in joint activities

Final event: health leisure "Friendly guys"

Days of the week

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

by class

at home with children drawing.

Objectives: Introduce parents

with visual activity

Giving help

in resolution


Wednesday 07.09

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Cognitive development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development

Conversation "What I like in kindergarten."

Didactic game "Guess who called?".

Purpose: to develop communication skills in children, ideas about peers.

Game-dramatization "Our Masha



in children, the ability to use a comb, use a handkerchief in a timely manner,

unfolding it.

Conversation "What do we do in kindergarten?".

The situation "How Ira and Anya did not share a toy."

Objectives: to help learn specific ways to resolve conflicts and prevent quarrels;

Examining the premises

and equipment

group room.

Examining yourself in the mirror, drawing every detail of the face with your finger

Organized educational activities

Motor activity according to the specialist's plan.

Mathematical and sensory development.

Topic: Acquaintance with the concept of "one" and "many". Comparison of a set of items by quantity.

Targets: to develop the ability to single out individual items from a group and make a group of individual items. Establish a relationship between the concepts of "one" and "many"; develop the ability to navigate in a group - game room. (Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Summaries of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten” p.17)


to a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work,

individual work, physical culture and health work

Observation "Birds at feeding time (consider and tell which

the birds flew to the feeder, how the birds scream and move, how they collect grains)”.

Goals: to instill a desire to take care of birds; pay attention to the shape, size and body parts of birds; learn to name some birds, describe them.

Individual conversations with children on:

"What do you like? What toys do you want

do you like it? What do you like to do? What fairy tales do you like? Your favourite dish

Encouraging children to self-fulfillment elementary errands (feeding

birds, cleaning toys before leaving the walk).

Labor activity.

Collection of paper scattered from the wind, fallen branches, sluggish foliage.

Purpose: to teach to observe

cleanliness and order in the area


Work before bed

Reading thin. lit. Russian national fairy tales "Cat, rooster and fox"

The game "Who lives in the house" (children's names)

Evening: games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for the reception

food, afternoon tea, dinner

Drawing "Here it is in front of you, a box of pencils"

Objectives: to introduce pencils, paper; learn how to hold a pencil correctly; develop the desire to draw; cultivate respect for materials


Game situation "How a hare learned to hold a spoon correctly."

Objectives: to learn to hold a spoon with three fingers, bring the side to the mouth, take food with the lips, etc.

Familiarization of children with the premises of the group. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the subject environment, skills of orientation in space.


Mobile game "Sparrows and a cat"

Objectives: to learn to run without hitting each other, to run away quickly, to find your place; develop dexterity, skills of playing in a team of peers, the ability to navigate in space, act on a signal

Planning of educational work

Subject:"My Kindergarten"

Goals: evoke the joy of being in kindergarten in children; to develop children's ideas about the kindergarten as the nearest sociocultural environment: about the kindergarten staff, the subject environment, about the rules of conduct in the preschool educational institution; to form friendly, benevolent relations between children, between children and employees of the kindergarten; promote the establishment of emotional contact, the formation of motivation for interaction by involving children in joint activities

Final event: health leisure "Friendly guys"

Days of the week

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments


Selection for



child to protect nature. Target:

Giving help


in ecological


Thursday 08.09

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Cognitive development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development

Speech exercise:

You and me, you and me (Children indicate

finger each other.)

You and I are one family (lay

hands on leaks to each other).

We read together (make "glasses"),

We play together (jump on one

Together and in everything we will help our friends

gaem (clap hands).


relics to children (Maxim, Darina L., Darina Z.) in the selection of the necessary

words, phrases

for description


Conversation-game "Who is good with us, who is handsome with us."

Goals: evoke sympathy

to peers; help remember the names of comrades; overcome shyness.

The game "Flower-name"



to the book by V. Oseeva "The Magic Word".

Organized educational activities

The development of speech.

Theme: "From mischief to trouble - one step"

Targets: learn to compose short stories with the help of an adult clarify and fix correct pronunciation sound [w], teach the correct use of verbs in imperative mood. Expand words knowledge. . (Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Summaries of classes in the second junior group of kindergarten” p.15)

Motor activity according to the specialist's plan.


to a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work,

individual work, physical culture and health work

Thematic walk "How it blows

the wind sways the leaves.

Purpose: to continue to introduce natural phenomenon- by the wind Learning poems with children:

Wind, breeze, windmill,

What are you scouring the world for?

Better than the streets mark

Or turn the windmills!

Mobile game "Airplane"

Teaching children orientation in space

Watching the tops of the trees and talking about:

"What's going on with the trees?

In which direction do they swing?

(If the children find it difficult, offer to determine the direction

wind with a flag raised above your head.) What kind of wind,

strong or weak?"

Search and collection

beautiful, interesting-shaped pebbles

and shells in the sandbox at the children's area

Work before bed

Reading the poem "Brawl with Wind and Rain" by Tim Sobakin

Evening: games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for the reception

food, afternoon tea, dinner

Awakening gymnastics. Walking on gymnastic paths.

Physical culture leisure "Friendly guys".

Rhyme learning:

Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window! Sunny, dress up, Red, show yourself!

Children are waiting for you, Children-youngsters!

Come up quickly

Illuminate, warm the calves and lambs,

More little kids!

Individual task for children Kirill, Dima S. “Move the book (toy) towards you, move it away from you”

Practical situation "Let's tell the doll what we know about traffic rules."

Conversation on the questions: “How to find a public transport stop on the street? How to behave on the bus? What is a traffic light for? etc.".

The game "The hedgehog lost his thorns" (offer to make thorns from clothespins, pinning them on the silhouette of a hedgehog).


Mobile game "Get in the circle." Objectives: to develop the ability to throw objects at a certain place with both and one hand, to develop an eye, coordination of movements and dexterity

Planning of educational work

Subject:"My Kindergarten"

Goals: evoke the joy of being in kindergarten in children; to develop children's ideas about the kindergarten as the nearest sociocultural environment: about the kindergarten staff, the subject environment, about the rules of conduct in the preschool educational institution; to form friendly, benevolent relations between children, between children and employees of the kindergarten; promote the establishment of emotional contact, the formation of motivation for interaction by involving children in joint activities

Final event: health leisure "Friendly guys"

Days of the week

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Conversation with parents “What knowledge about nature is available to children?.

Objectives: to inform parents of the program tasks for children on familiarization with nature and environmental education, to give practical advice to expand and enrich children's knowledge of nature.

Friday 09.09

Morning: reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD

Cognitive development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development

P / and "Take care of the doll"

Objectives: to enrich the sensory and motor experience of children; develop physical qualities to teach to work together; to form the ability to follow elementary rules, to coordinate movements, to introduce more complex rules into games with a change in types of movements.

Individual conversations with children on the questions: “What toy did you bring to the kindergarten? What do they do with the machine? What is your doll's name?

Learning to follow the basic rules of behavior in the locker room: do not run, do not knock on the cabinet doors.

Reasoning with children “What will happen to nature, plants, animals and people if it is night all the time?”

An offer for children to tell dolls (toys) how good it is in kindergarten, what children like in kindergarten, what they do there.

Room in the "Center for Knowledge" illustrations for viewing.

Organized educational activities

Musical activity according to the plan of the musical worker.

Visual activity (design / application).

Topic: "Slide with ladders" (work with building material)

Targets: learn to build a slide with two ladders. (Kutsakova N.A. “Design and art work in kindergarten” p.25)


to a walk.

Walk: games, observations, work,

individual work, physical culture and health work

P / and "Sun and rain"

Objectives: to teach children to listen carefully to the words of the teacher and perform movements in accordance with them:

Rain, rain, more fun

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

You knock on the umbrella

Just don't get us wet!

Rain, rain, what are you pouring?

Will you let us take a walk?

Facilitate the grouping of children into groups of 2-3 people based on personal liking for the game.

Observation and conversation on the questions: “What is the weather like today? What areas are lit by the sun during the walk? Name the objects that the sun illuminates

Elementary labor actions (wash toys, put them in the sun to dry, lead the children to the conclusion that objects dry out in the sun "

Work before bed

Relaxation to music:

The songs are falling...

Eyes are closing...

We are relaxing….

We fall asleep with a magical dream ....

Breathe easily…evenly…deeply

Evening: games, leisure activities, communication and activities of interest, preparation for the reception

food, afternoon tea, dinner

Imitation game "Raise your hands":

Raise your palms up

And fold over your head.

What happened? The roof came out

And above the roof we are with you.

Raise your palms up

Wave faster.

What happened? The birds are out.

The birds are very nice!

Reminder for children Darina Z., Leo, Sasha of the rules for handling plants when caring for them

Conversation "What is in d / s?"

Suggestion for children to water houseplants, arrange neatly books in a book corner, arrange chairs in a row.

Objectives: to form knowledge about the subject environment in kindergarten, to cultivate industriousness and curiosity.

Plot game "Dolls go to visit Katya"

Doll dressing.

Conversation “What will the doll wear? What does Katya treat her guests to?


Thematic walk "The radiant sun smiled cheerfully." Drawing the attention of children to the evening sun, sunset, merging with the surface, scattering sunlight to learn to enjoy a sunny day, a warm ray of sunshine.

Observation “What grows in a flower bed? What flowers do you know? What does a flower have?

We recommend reading
