Railway crossing who sets road signs. Railway crossing, rules, signs, fine for railway crossing

Landscaping and planning 25.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

A railroad crossing is a very dangerous place on the road. Violation of traffic rules near or on it leads to various consequences and troubles. Incorrect crossing of the railway crossing leads to the loss of a driver's license and penalties. The amount of the fine for non-compliance with the rules traffic on the tracks will depend on the consequences and on the level of the violation.

The worst thing is that because of the stupidity of drivers who violate the rules of the road at the crossing, innocent people suffer. When a person, sitting behind the wheel, violates traffic rules, on the railway tracks, he does not even suspect that he endangers the lives of many people, including himself.

Basic rules for railway crossings

From the type of railway crossing, the rules of its intersection depend. On the this moment SDA knows 2 types of railway crossings:

  • With barrier;
  • Without barrier.

If a railroad crossing with barrier, which is lowered, and the alarm is still working (as a rule, a red light flashes on it), you should not be particularly at a loss, this means that the passage is closed. You just need to stop 5 meters from the barrier (or 1 meter from the white line, it is also called the "STOP" line), wait until the train passes, the alarm will stop and the barrier will rise, and then you can safely continue on your way.

It will be more difficult if the railway crossing without a barrier. It is usually equipped with the necessary signs, arranged in ascending order. Especially, with their difference, you should not be at a loss if there are 3 red lines at an angle on the sign, which means that 150 meters are left to the railway tracks, ate 2 red stripes - 100 meters, 1 line - 50 meters. These signs will help the driver to smoothly slow down before moving in order to become a kind of “queue” of cars.

There are crossings where you can build in 2 rows, but this is rare. It is worth noting that when crossing railway lines there are no priorities - whoever is the first to get there will be the first to pass. On such sections, you can overtake someone else's vehicle only if it is moving very slowly. Parking near railway tracks is also prohibited.

Railway crossings are of 2 types: single-track and multi-track. To determine its type, you should pay attention to a special sign that is placed right in front of the railway tracks (1.3.1 - single-track, 1.3.2 - multi-track). Also with its help, you can determine the approximate distance to the front car. You should not start crossing the railroad tracks until the front car has finished it, because there is a danger that it will simply stall (this, of course, happens extremely rarely, but it is better to protect yourself).

When approaching a railroad crossing it's better to shift to a lower gear. Roads in most cities of the CIS countries, near the railway tracks, leave much to be desired, therefore, in order to avoid demolitions, drifts or slips, you do not need to put pressure on the gas.

Near the crossings, you can notice the sign 2.5, according to which the driver must stop 10 meters from the railway tracks and look around (left, right), checking the presence of a train on the railway.

What is forbidden to do near the railway crossing?

There are a number of restrictions, subject to which, you can avoid penalties from the traffic police. What not to do near the crossing:

What to do if the car stalled while crossing the railway tracks?

Sometimes, it happened that the car stalled when passing railway tracks. The main thing when the car stalled is not to panic, but to act strictly according to plan. There are a number of rules that should be followed in order to avoid aggravating the situation:

  1. For starters, you should try to start the car (you never know).
  2. If attempts to start the vehicle fail, all passengers should be immediately disembarked from the car, first of all, for their safety: “What if a train is approaching?”.
  3. Report the situation to the officer on duty.
  4. Send several people on both sides of the tracks to inform the driver about the emergency.

After how to eliminate the danger of the unexpected appearance of the train, you can start trying to remove the car from the railway:

  1. Try to run on battery.
  2. Ask other drivers to tow the vehicle from the level crossing.
  3. If there are no drivers nearby, you can try to push the car along with the passengers.
  4. You can also try to move out on the crank.

Penalties for traffic violations near or at railway crossings

For violators of traffic rules at railway crossings, there are a number of penalties:

Railroad crossing- the intersection of the highway with the railway. tracks in the same level, equipped with the necessary devices to ensure traffic safety and improve the conditions for the passage of trains and vehicles. Depending on the traffic intensity of the railway. and road transport crossings are divided into 4 categories (see table 1).
By location they distinguish: moving common use- at the intersection of the railway. public roads with public roads and municipal roads, as well as streets; non-public use - at intersections with highways of individual enterprises and organizations. It is not allowed to reopen crossings on the public railway network: I, II and III categories in sections with train speeds of more than 120 km / h; IV category at the intersection of three or more main railway lines. tracks, when crossing tracks in recesses and other places where visibility conditions are not provided, as well as in cases where crossings are required to be serviced by a duty worker.
According to the method of traffic control, controlled crossings are distinguished - equipped with crossing signaling devices or serviced by persons on duty, and unregulated - having no signaling or persons on duty. At crossings without a duty officer, drivers of vehicles located at a distance of no more than 50 m from the near rail must be provided with the visibility of an approaching train in accordance with established standards (see Table 2).

Management of the crossing by duty workers with or without signaling is established: in sections with train speeds of more than 140 km / h, as well as in the presence of tram or trolleybus traffic; moving category I; Category II, located on sections with a traffic intensity of more than 16 trains per day and not equipped with automatic traffic signaling with a white-moon flashing light and automatic monitoring of the malfunction of crossing signaling devices by the station attendant or train dispatcher, and crossings without signaling only in cases where the road crosses three and more main ways; Category II under unsatisfactory visibility conditions and on sections with a traffic intensity of more than 16 trains per day, regardless of visibility conditions; Category III under unsatisfactory visibility conditions on sections with a traffic intensity of more than 16 trains per day and in all cases with a traffic intensity of more than 200 trains per day.
Crossings are usually located on straight sections of railways and roads outside of cuts and places where satisfactory visibility conditions are not provided. Crossings of railways by roads should be carried out mainly at right angles (Fig. 3.90). If this condition cannot be met, the acute angle between the intersecting roads must be at least 60°. Operating crossings located under more than acute angle, it is necessary to rebuild simultaneously with the reconstruction of roads.

At existing crossings, for at least 10 m from the outermost rail, the road in the longitudinal profile has a horizontal platform or a large-radius vertical curve or a slope due to the excess of one rail over the other when the intersection is in a curved section of the track. The longitudinal slope of the road approaches to the crossing for at least 20 m in front of the site should be up to 50%o. During the reconstruction and construction of new motor roads, the approaches are established in such a way that for at least 2 m from the outermost rail the motor road in the longitudinal profile has a horizontal platform.
The road approaches to the crossing for at least 50 m are designed with a longitudinal slope of up to 30%o. When approaching the crossing of unpaved automobile roads (without a hard surface), a hard surface is laid on both sides for a distance of 10 m or more from the head of the outermost rail. Newly created protective forest plantations must provide drivers of vehicles within 50 m from the crossing the visibility of an approaching train at a distance of at least 500 m.
The width of the flooring laid at the crossing should be equal to the width of the carriageway of the highway, but not less than 6 m, and in places of cattle driving - not less than 4 m. The path under the flooring can be both on wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers. From the outside rail gauge the flooring is laid flush with the top of the rail heads; it is not allowed to deviate the top of the rail head located within the carriageway by more than 2 cm relative to the pavement. Inside the track, the flooring is made 1-3 cm higher than the rail heads. With rubber cord or polymer material flooring, the lowering of its inter-rail part relative to the level of the rail heads is not allowed. Depending on the design of the crossing, in order to ensure the unhindered passage of wheel sets of rolling stock, counter rails can be laid within the flooring. Their ends, at a length of 50 cm, are bent inside the track by 25 cm. The width of the gutter is set to 75-110 mm, and the depth is at least 45 mm.

Barrier posts, traffic light masts, crossing signaling, fences, railings and guide posts are located at a distance of at least 0.75 m from the edge of the carriageway. Guide posts (Fig. 3.91) are installed on both sides of the crossing over a distance of 2.5 to 16 m from the extreme rails every 1.5 m. .2 m, and barrier nets are suspended from mechanized barriers. At crossings with heavy traffic of vehicles, as well as high-speed traffic of passenger trains, special railway barrier devices can be used. crossings (UZP) from unauthorized entry of vehicles. Crossings equipped with such devices must have footpaths and sound alarms.

On the approaches to crossings from the railroad. e. install permanent signal signs “C” about the whistle blowing by train drivers, and from the side of the highway before all crossings without an attendant - warning road signs: “Single-track railway”, “Multi-track railway”. If there is a traffic signal at the crossing, these signs are placed on the same support with traffic lights, and in its absence - at a distance of at least 20 m from the near rail.
Signal signs "C" are located on the right side in the direction of train movement at a distance of 500-1500 m from crossings, and on hauls where trains circulate at speeds of more than 120 km / h, at a distance of 800-1500 m. Before crossings without attendants with unsatisfactory visibility conditions, in addition, additional signal signs "C" should be installed at a distance of 250 m from the crossing (on sections where the speed of trains is more than 120 km/h, at a distance of 400 m). Before crossings without attendants and not equipped with crossing signaling, if the drivers of vehicles located at a distance of up to 50 m from the near rail are not provided with visibility of the train at the estimated distance, as well as during the performance of work at the crossing, a road sign "Movement without stopping is prohibited" is installed . At the approaches to the place for driving cattle, at a distance of 20 m from the outermost rails, signs are placed with inscriptions in Russian and local languages: “Beware of the train! Place for driving cattle, and at a distance of 3-4 m from the outer rail across the tracks for driving cattle - posts to prevent vehicles from entering the road. On electrified lines on both sides of the crossing, prohibitory road signs "Height restriction" with the number on the sign "4.5 m" are additionally placed at a distance of at least 5 m from the barrier, and in its absence - at least 14 m from the outermost rail.
At approaches to crossings from the side of highways, warning signs “Railway crossing with a barrier” or “Railway crossing without a barrier” are also installed at a distance of 150-300 m, and in settlements - at a distance of 50-100 m from the outermost rail.
Crossings with attendants are equipped with barriers, which are located on the side of the highway on the right side (in the direction of movement of vehicles) on both sides of the crossing, while the bars of the barriers in the closed position are installed at a height of 1-1.25 m from the surface of the carriageway. Automatic, semi-automatic and electric barriers must block at least half of the carriageway of the highway on the right side, the left side of the road with a width of at least 3 m is not blocked. The bars of these barriers are of standard length 4, 6 and 8 and are equipped with red reflective devices. Mechanized barriers block, as a rule, the entire carriageway of the road and have signal lights used at night, as well as during the day when visibility is poor (fog, blizzard, etc.). unfavourable conditions). Signal lights installed on the barrier bars of mechanized barriers should be directed towards the road: when the barriers are closed - red signals (lights), when the barriers are open - transparent white signals (lights); in the direction of the railway paths - control transparent-white signals (lights) both in the open and in the closed position of the barriers.
Mechanized barriers are located at a distance of at least 8.5 and not more than 14 m from the outermost rail; automatic, semi-automatic and electric barriers - at a distance of at least 6, 8 and 10 m from the outer rail, depending on the length of the barrier bar (4; 6; 8 m). The normal position of automatic and semi-automatic barriers is open, and that of electric barriers and mechanized barriers is closed. In some cases, at crossings with heavy traffic of vehicles, as well as at crossings transferred for service to employees of other services, for electric barriers and mechanized barriers, the open position may be set as normal.
To protect the crossing during the repair of the track, structures and devices, spare horizontal-turning barriers of manual action are used, installed at a distance of at least 1 m from the main barriers in the direction of the highway and blocking its carriageway no less than the main ones. These barriers must have devices for fixing them in the open and closed positions and hanging a signal light. Barriers of barriers (main and spare) are painted with alternating stripes of red and white color, tilted (when viewed from the side of the road) to the right horizontally at an angle of 45-50 °. Strip width 500-600 mm. The end of the barrier bar must have a red stripe 250-300 mm wide. The bars of the barriers are equipped with red reflective devices.
To separate traffic flows of opposite directions on roads with several lanes in both directions, horizontal markings are applied at a distance of 100 m before crossings. The marking is also applied at a distance of at least 5 m from the barrier or traffic light, and in their absence - at a distance of at least 10 m from the nearest rail.
On the railway at crossings with attendants, special premises for attendants are being built - buildings of crossing posts with access along the railway. path towards the highway. From the side of the railway Exit paths must be guarded with railings.
All crossings of I and II categories, as well as III and IV categories in the presence of longitudinal power supply lines or other permanent sources must have electric lighting. Illumination within the crossing must be at least: I category - 5 lux; II category - 3 lux; Category III - 2 lux; IV category - 1 lux. In necessary cases, to inspect passing trains, crossings are equipped with floodlights. At crossings with attendants, radio communication is provided with train locomotive drivers, direct telephone communication with the nearest station or post, and at sections with dispatcher centralization - with a train dispatcher. The telephone call is supplemented by an external call (howler).

On roads before crossings equipped with signaling, traffic lights are installed with two horizontally located and alternately flashing red signals (Fig. 3.92). Traffic lights are installed on the right side in the direction of movement of vehicles. In some cases (depending on visibility conditions and traffic intensity) signals (lights) of traffic lights may be repeated on opposite side highway. At separate crossings without an attendant, according to the conditions approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia, a traffic signal is used with two alternating flashing red signals and one white-moon flashing signal, indicating that the vehicles are allowed to move when the red signals are turned off (Fig. 3.92.6).


Types of railway crossings

Crossings are divided into public and non-public, regulated and unregulated. Public railroad crossings are the intersections of public railroad tracks with public roads; non-common - these are the intersections of railways with roads of individual enterprises or organizations (regardless of ownership). Crossings of railway tracks within the boundaries of the territory of enterprises (warehouses, depots, elevators, etc.) by roads designed to provide technological process the works of this enterprise are related to technological passages and are not subject to accounting as crossings.

Relocations are divided into regulated and unregulated. Regulated crossings include crossings equipped with crossing signaling devices that notify vehicle drivers about the approach to a train crossing or serviced by duty workers who are instructed to regulate the movement of trains and vehicles at the crossing. A regulated level crossing is equipped with an alarm system, and attendants can be appointed at regulated level crossings. The width of the flooring is equal to the width of the carriageway, but not less than 6 m, for driving livestock not less than 4 meters. Inside the track, the flooring is arranged above the rail head from one to 3 cm. Old ones are allowed from 1 to 4. Decreasing the flooring relative to the head is not allowed. Outside the track, the flooring should be on the same level with the rail head, a decrease of 2 cm is allowed, and an increase is not allowed. Unregulated crossings include crossings that are not equipped with crossing signaling devices and are not serviced by crossing attendants who are instructed to regulate the movement of trains and vehicles at the crossing.

Railway crossings are divided into the following categories:

I - crossings at the intersection of the railway with motor roads of categories I and II; with streets and roads with regular bus, tram or trolleybus traffic; when crossing four or more main paths.

II - crossings at the intersection of the railway with highways of category III; with roads and streets having regular bus traffic, but with an intensity of less than 8 train-buses per hour during peak hours; with city streets that do not have trolleybus or bus traffic; with motor roads, when the largest daily work of the crossing exceeds 50 thousand train crews; at the intersection of three main paths.

III - crossings at the intersection of the railway with motorways and horse-drawn roads with the highest daily work of more than 10 thousand train crews and satisfactory visibility and more than 1 thousand train crews with unsatisfactory visibility, if according to all other indicators they cannot be attributed to moving I and II categories.

IV - all other crossings at the intersection of the railway with low-traffic roads.

Table 1

Crossings of I and II categories are routinely replaced by crossings in different levels(bypasses). It is not allowed to build new crossings of category I or open tram or trolleybus traffic on existing ones in any cases.

Depending on the intensity and speed of trains and road transport, equipment with automation devices and visibility conditions, crossings are divided into guarded and unguarded. Crossings of I and II categories and partially of III category are serviced around the clock by duty officers for crossings. Guarded are also crossings within the stations with a large shunting work.

Stop and parking near the railway crossing.


Stop - intentional cessation of movement vehicle for up to 5 minutes, and also for more, if it is necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle.

Stopping is prohibited at railway crossings, in tunnels, as well as on overpasses, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for traffic in this direction) and under them.

And also, it is forbidden to go to the crossing if a traffic jam has formed behind the crossing, which will force the driver to stop at the crossing.

Despite the fact that these points of the rules relate to the passage of intersections, they are also relevant for railway crossings.


Parking - a deliberate stoppage of the movement of a vehicle for more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to the boarding or disembarkation of passengers or the loading or unloading of a vehicle.

Parking is prohibited in places where stopping is prohibited (i.e. directly at a railway crossing), as well as closer than 50 meters from railway crossings.

Forced stop

Forced stop - stopping the movement of a vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger created by the transported cargo, the condition of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road.

In case of a forced stop at a crossing, the driver must immediately disembark people and take measures to free the crossing. At the same time, the driver must:

If possible, send two people along the tracks in both directions from the crossing for 1000 m (if one, then in the direction of the worst visibility of the track), explaining to them the rules for giving a stop signal to the driver of the approaching train;

stay near the vehicle and give general alarm signals;

When a train appears, run towards it, giving a stop signal.

Note. The stop signal is a circular movement of the hand (during the day with a patch of bright matter or some clearly visible object, at night - with a torch or lantern). The general alarm signal is a series of one long and three short beeps.

So, in the event that the car is stuck at a railway crossing, you must immediately drop off passengers. At the same time, it is necessary to turn on the emergency light signaling, and in its absence or malfunction, set yourself or with the help of passengers at a distance of 25-80 m behind the vehicle an emergency stop sign or a flashing red light. After that, you need to ask two passengers (if any) to run along the railway tracks in different directions as much as possible farther. At the same time, if a passenger sees an approaching train, he must give him a stop signal with a circular motion of his hand.

As for the driver, according to the requirement of the rules, he must give a special sound signal designed to stop the train. The driver must also resort to the actions specified in this paragraph in the event of a load falling at the crossing, which creates a danger to the movement of trains.

3. Detour and overtaking within railway crossings.


The rules of the road restrict the execution of a detour near a railway crossing.

During the execution of the detour, it is forbidden to go to the crossing. In addition, it is forbidden to go around with exit to the oncoming traffic lane of vehicles standing in front of the crossing.

Consider the features of this item:

1. It is forbidden to perform a detour exclusively with a drive into the lane of oncoming traffic. If the width of the carriageway allows you to make a detour without entering the oncoming lane, then such a maneuver will not be a violation of traffic rules.

2. It is forbidden to detour only vehicles. A detour, for example, a heap of construction debris can be performed, even if this requires entering the oncoming traffic lane.

3. It is forbidden to drive around vehicles standing in front of the railway crossing.


Overtaking - advance of one or more vehicles associated with the exit to the lane (side of the carriageway) intended for oncoming traffic, and subsequent return to the previously occupied lane (side of the carriageway).

Overtaking is prohibited directly at railway crossings and closer than 100 meters in front of them.

If you are in a built-up area, then 100 meters start immediately after the first sign 1.1 or 1.2 :

Outside built-up areas 100 meters start after the signs 1.4.2 and 1.4.5 :

I note that if, after you started overtaking, you noticed one of the signs listed above, then it is better not to complete the maneuver. In this case, in order not to violate the rules, it is required to skip the overtaken vehicle and change lanes after it.


The intersections of railways and roads at the same level are complex and dangerous elements of the road network, which have a significant impact on the efficiency of operation and safety of the road and railway transport generally.

High rates of motorization (more than 1.3 million per year) and the emergence of high-speed trains create additional difficulties for ensuring traffic safety through crossings. To this it should be added that the road network of the country does not correspond to the actual intensity of traffic flows. The main highways are overloaded 2-3 times.

The problem of railway crossings is relevant not only for Russia, but also for the majority of industrial developed countries. These railway infrastructure facilities are characterized by unproductive vehicle downtime and traffic accidents (RTA), including those with particularly serious consequences. In addition, the possibility of a deliberate ramming of a locomotive by a motor vehicle with the aim of committing a terrorist act is not ruled out. Such incidents, along with significant material losses, also cause great public outcry.

It should be noted that even in such a critical and dangerous situation, the correct, timely and decisive actions of the driver will help prevent a disaster. The guarantee of safe railway crossing is, first of all, attentiveness, solid knowledge and strict observance rules of passage for railway crossings.

Introduction…………………………………....………………………...……..p. 2

1. The concept of a railway crossing, its types………..…..………...p. 3

2. Stopping and parking near a railway crossing .................................p. 7

3. Detour and overtaking within railway crossings .....……………page 9

4. The order of movement through the railway tracks….….……………..p. eleven

5. Penalties for non-compliance with traffic rules within railway crossings……………………………………………………………………….. p. fifteen

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………... p. 17

List of used sources………………………….…………p. eighteen


Rail transport has rendered truly invaluable services to mankind in the development of earthly civilization. Mass transportation of goods and passengers today is unthinkable without the use of railways. For more than 160 years of its existence, the railway transport of our country has become the most important industry National economy. Together with various technical means in transport, automation, telemechanics and communications developed and improved.

However, from the point of view of traffic safety, railway crossings are places of especially increased danger. Road traffic accidents that occur at crossings, despite their relatively small number, usually have very serious consequences. Largest number Severe traffic accidents, as practice shows, happen precisely at railway crossings due to the inattention and inexperience of drivers, unreasonable risk and non-compliance with the basic requirements of the Rules of the Road.

It should be noted that the braking distance of a train is many times greater than the braking distance of any trackless vehicle. Suffice it to say that to stop a train moving at a speed of 60-70 km / h, 600-700 m is needed. Considering this, the driver must cross the railway tracks only in the specified places, showing increased attention, caution and prudence.

The concept of a railway crossing, its types

For crossing railways at the same level with automobile, city and other types of roads and passing through the railway tracks of urban, automobile and horse-drawn transport, agricultural, road-building and other self-propelled vehicles, driving livestock, as well as the passage of pedestrians, they construct railway crossings. The intersections of railways with motor roads at the same level are established by the head of the road. The passage of vehicles and self-propelled vehicles, as well as the passage of livestock across the tracks in unspecified places, is prohibited; The duty to monitor the fulfillment of this requirement rests with the employees of the railway transport. Thus, a railway crossing is the intersection of a road with railway tracks at the same level.

At present, in Russia, as in most other countries, crossings and entrances to them are equipped with various technical means that both warn drivers of increased danger and (if possible) exclude the possibility of a vehicle leaving the crossing when a train approaches. At a certain distance from the crossing, road signs 1.1 "railway crossing with a barrier" and 1.2 "railway crossing without a barrier" are installed. Immediately before the move, it is customary all over the world to install a special sign in the form of the St. Andrew's Cross. Also, a special traffic light with two red flashing lights and a duplicate sound signal is installed on both sides of the crossing. If possible, crossings are equipped with two (one on each side of the railway track) or four (two on each side) automatic barriers. In the event that the crossed railway line is electrified, the road on both sides of the crossing is equipped with clearance gates to prevent oversized vehicles from passing through the roadbed.

The following requirements are imposed on railway crossings: serviceable condition and good visibility. Visibility is considered satisfactory when, while being at a distance of 50 m or less from the crossing, the train approaching from any side is visible at least 400 m away, and the crossing is visible to the driver at least 1000 m away. To ensure greater traffic safety, crossing the railway with roads is desirable do it at a right angle. In difficult conditions, this angle can be reduced to 60°.

Within the station, it is desirable to place crossings between the input signal and the input arrow, this ensures free passage of vehicles in the event of an arriving train stopping at a closed input signal. In relation to turnouts, crossings are located at a distance of no closer than 5 m from the wits or from the root of the cross, which guarantees the arrows from clogging. From the end of the passenger platforms, the crossing should be no closer than 100 m.

In order to inform the driver that he is approaching a railway crossing, the traffic rules have special signs:

1.1 "Railway crossing with a barrier".

1.2 "Railway crossing without a barrier".

Sign 1.1 indicates that the car is approaching a railway crossing with a barrier, sign 1.2 - to a railway crossing without a barrier. Outside settlements, these signs are installed by 2, while first sign installed at a distance of 150 - 300 meters from the crossing. Second sign installed at a distance of at least 50 meters.

On the territory of settlements, the only sign 1.1 or 1.2 is installed at a distance of 50 - 100 meters before the crossing.

In addition to the above signs 1.1 and 1.2, signs 1.4.1 - 1.4.6 may be installed before the railway crossing outside the city:

1.4.1 - 1.4.6 "Approaching the railroad crossing." Additional warning about approaching a railway crossing outside built-up areas.

These signs are installed to inform the driver about the approach to the railway crossing. The number of lanes on the sign indicates how close the driver is to the crossing. Signs 1.4.1 ,1.4.4 located at a distance of 150 meters, signs 1.4.2 ,1.4.5 at a distance of 100 meters, and the signs 1.4.3 ,1.4.6 at a distance of 50 meters.

I note that signs 1.4.1 - 1.4.6 are not installed in settlements, therefore, there are only two zones before railway crossings in cities (after the first sign "railway crossing" and after the second).

It is a high risk area. More than 250 accidents happen at crossings every year, half of which are fatal.

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To ensure the maximum level of safety, crossings are equipped with various protective systems. What are the rules for driving through a railway crossing, read on.

What law states

The rules of travel for railway crossings are reflected in the SDA (rules of the road) established.

Article 15 of this document is devoted to the direct crossing of railway tracks, which regulates:

  • the need to be guided by road signs, markings, traffic lights or on duty, and so on;
  • situations in the occurrence of which the exit to the crossing of the highway and railways is prohibited;
  • rules for stopping and parking near crossings;
  • rules of conduct for the driver and passengers in the event of a forced stop of the vehicle directly at the crossing.

For violation established rules the driver of the vehicle is punished in accordance with the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation ().

Sanctions such as:

  • the imposition of an administrative fine, the amount of which varies depending on the type and severity of the offense committed;
  • for a period specified by law.

When determining punishment, all factors, as well as mitigating and aggravating circumstances, are taken into account. The decision on deprivation of rights can be taken exclusively by the judicial authorities.

What are the rules for railway crossing

All railway crossings are divided into two main groups:

  • adjustable;
  • unregulated.

A crossing is considered regulated if it is equipped with one of the following devices that restrict the movement of vehicles:

  • traffic light;
  • barrier;
  • anti-ram means;
  • on duty.

Unregulated crossings can only be equipped with a road sign that prohibits the further movement of vehicles without stopping.

However, this sign is not mandatory and is installed only at crossings with insufficient visibility of the approaching train.

For safety reasons, all intersections of railway tracks with highways are equipped with additional road signs:

  • warning about the approach of the car to the crossing. Signs with a decrease in the number of red stripes as you approach the zone of increased danger should be installed at a distance of 300 m, 150 m, 50 m, respectively;

  • informational. Information signs indicate the number of tracks at the crossing;

  • indicating the type of crossing (regulated or unregulated).
  • On any type of railway crossing it is prohibited:

    • overtaking;
    • reversing;
    • stopping and parking;
    • reversal;
    • departure in the event of a congestion;
    • exit at prohibiting traffic lights, with a closed (closing) barrier, with appropriate restrictions imposed by the attendant, with an approaching train.

    If a forced stop occurs at the crossing, the driver must:

    • immediately disembark the passengers in the vehicle;
    • take all possible measures to free the railway tracks;
    • if necessary, give alarms;
    • if possible, send two people in different directions to signal the locomotive to stop. If two people are not found, then one person is sent to the side with the least visibility of the move;
    • notify the duty officer or the rescue service (call from mobile phone carried out by number 112).

    The alarm signal in this situation is the alternating supply of one long and three short beeps by the sound signaling of the vehicle.

    If people are sent to warn the train driver about the danger, then they must give signals with circular movements of the hand.

    To increase the field of view in the hands should be:

    • a red rag or any other bright device (during daylight hours);
    • flashlight or torch (at night).

    In addition, drivers of vehicles are prohibited from:

    • carry out crossing over the railway tracks in an undeveloped place;
    • to transport through the crossing construction, road and so on equipment that is not properly fixed on the vehicle;
    • cross the tracks without the permission of the officer on duty, if for technical or other reasons the transport cannot reach a speed of more than 8 km / h.


    So, regulated intersections are equipped with traffic lights, barriers, duty and other means of protection.

    When passing through a regulated crossing, the driver must:

    • clearly follow the traffic lights;
    • stop if the crossing is closed or closed by a barrier;
    • do not continue driving if the prohibition signal is shown by the attendant (hands raised up or spread apart).

    If there is a ban on further movement, the driver must stop:

    • at traffic lights or stop lines;
    • no closer than 5 m from the barrier.


    The passage of an unregulated crossing is carried out in accordance with the following rules:

    • when approaching the danger zone (to the warning signs), the driver must slow down;
    • before crossing the tracks, the driver of the vehicle must independently verify that there is no approaching train;
    • it is impossible to leave on the way if a congestion of several vehicles has formed on them.

    If there is no stop line or a corresponding sign at the crossing, then when the train approaches, the driver must stop at a distance of at least 10 m from the nearest rail.

    By traffic lights

    Two types of traffic lights can be installed at crossings:

    • with two signals located on the same line. The prohibiting signal in this situation will be the alternating flashing of red lights, and the permissive signal will be the off traffic light;

    • with three signals: two red, located horizontally and one white, located at the top. The prohibiting signal of this type of traffic light is the alternating flashing of red lights, and the permissive signal is luminous white;
    • If the traffic light prohibits further movement, the driver must stop:

      • in front of a traffic light;
      • before the stop line (if there is one on the roadway).

      With and without barrier

      If a railway crossing is equipped with a barrier, the driver must:

      • stop no closer than 5 m if the device closes or is already closed;
      • don't keep moving until full opening barrier.

      Most barriers operate automatically and close when the train is approximately 1 km from the crossing. There are also manual and semi-automatic barriers, which are activated by the attendant.

      It is strictly forbidden for the driver to independently open the traffic-restricting device, even after passing the train.

      With STOP sign

      If the crossing is equipped with a STOP sign, this means that the movement of motor vehicles without a preliminary stop near the sign is prohibited.

      The sign is placed at intersections with insufficient visibility of the train approaching at a distance of 50 m from the rail.

      Crossing Rule Violation

      Any violation of the established rules is punished in accordance with the Administrative Code.

      Currently, the following sanctions are provided for violations:

      Type of offense Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses Provided punishment
      Crossing railroad tracks at an unspecified location 12.10 part 1 - a fine of 1,000 rubles
      - travel railway crossing the red light according to traffic rules;
      - travel with a closed (closing) barrier;
      - driving under the prohibition signals of the duty officer
      12.10 part 1 - an administrative fine of 1,000 rubles
      - deprivation of rights for a period of 3 to 6 months
      Violation of other rules of passage through railway tracks 12.10 part 2 Fine 1,000 rubles
      Repeated offense under Article 12.10 12.10 part 3 Disqualification for 1 year
      U-turn or reversing 12.14 part 2 Fine 500 rubles
      Failure to comply with the requirements established by road signs or markings applied to the roadway 12.16 part 1 Fine 500 rubles
      Stopping or parking at a crossing 12.10 part 1 - a fine of 1,000 rubles
      - deprivation of rights for 3 - 6 months
      Failure to comply with the rules of stopping and parking at a distance of 50 m from the crossing 12.19 part 1 Fine of 500 rubles
      Overtaking at a level crossing or closer than 100 m in front of it 12.15 part 4 - a fine of 5,000 rubles
      - deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months
      Repeated offense under Article 12.15 12.15 part 5 Disqualification for 1 year
      If this offense is recorded by means of automatic control (photo or video cameras), then the deprivation of rights is replaced by penalties in the amount of 5,000 rubles

      All offenses can be recorded:

      • traffic police officer;
      • means of automatic fixation installed on the road.

      In any situation, a protocol must be drawn up, which reflects the following information:

      • data of the car that violated the traffic rules at the railway crossing (make, model, state license plate, color, and so on);
      • data of the owner of the car, if the violation is recorded automatically or the driver's data, if the violation of the rules is recorded by a traffic police officer;
      • description of the offense;
      • article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which provides for punishment for a violation.

      If the protocol is drawn up in the presence of the driver (car owner), then it must have the signatures of the compiler of the document and the driver (witnesses, if necessary).

      The driver has the right to appeal the protocol within 10 days after its preparation, if he does not agree with any aspects specified in the document.

      Railway crossings are places where both trains and locomotives, as well as automobile and other transport, move.

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      The requirements for railway crossings are to equip them with appropriate devices (barriers and others) and service by duty officers, who must strictly follow the rules in their work.

      General provisions

      The railway at the place of its intersection with the highway forms a crossing. In this zone, the movement of vehicles is regulated.

      For this purpose, barriers, traffic lights, signs are installed on the road in many cases (regulated intersection), and a duty officer works.

      In other cases (unregulated intersection, usually outside the boundaries of settlements), only a "Stop" sign is installed, suggesting the obligation of the driver to stop in front of the rails and establish that the crossing is safe.

      Basic concepts

      A railroad crossing is an area where a road at one level crosses one or more railroad tracks.

      The equipment of the crossing includes barriers, warning and signal signs, clearance gates.

      Vehicles traveling on the road include primarily automobile and urban vehicles (buses and trolleybuses), but also agricultural, horse-drawn and road construction vehicles.

      Vehicles traveling by rail are primarily trains, but also separately locomotives and, in addition, railcars.

      Purpose of appointment

      The purpose of a railroad crossing is to allow all vehicles, as well as cyclists, herdsmen and pedestrians, to cross the railroad tracks.

      Due to the presence of such areas outside this zone, move or cross railway prohibited by law.

      What regulations govern

      Among the legal acts that regulate the functioning of the railway crossing, we should mention:

      • rules of the road (SDA);
      • regulations technical operation(abbreviated as PTE) of the railway;
      • instructions for the operation of railway crossings.

      Sanctions for violation of traffic rules are established in.

      The standards related to the characteristics of the equipment, the requirements that exist for moving, are introduced by the following documents:

      Requirements for railroad crossings

      The main requirements for these areas are their defect-free condition in accordance with the regulations and a high (or at least acceptable) level of visibility.

      As an acceptable level of visibility, a situation is considered when the driver, at a distance of fifty meters before the crossing, is able to see the train that is moving towards the crossing and is himself at a distance of four hundred meters from it.

      For his part, the driver of a train or locomotive must have a railway crossing in his field of vision, already when he is a kilometer away from it.

      It is determined that the desired angle between the railway tracks and the road should be straight (90o).

      If necessary, it is allowed to make this angle different, but so that it is at least 60 degrees.

      The width of the crossing must coincide with the carriageway of the route. It cannot be less than six meters. In this case, the movement of cars and all other categories of transport is allowed on both sides.

      A deviation from this rule is allowed, in which the width of the crossing is only 4.5 meters, provided that the railway tracks do not cross agricultural vehicles on it. All other categories of transport are allowed to move along such a crossing through the railway.

      Statement by device

      It has been established that the intersection of the road and the railway is allowed where the crossing will not affect the useful length of the tracks and on the tracks that serve to perform maneuvers to form trains and disband them, as well as for the movement of locomotives from depot to train and its return to depot .

      If we are talking about creating a crossing within the railway station, then it is recommended to equip it on the segment between the input signal and the input arrow.

      Thus, automobile and other vehicles will be able to move freely through the intersection, since arriving trains will stop at the closed entrance signal.

      In relation to the turnout, the crossing should be placed at a distance of at least 5 meters from the wits. In this case, it will be possible to avoid clogging of the arrows during movement.

      It is undesirable to place a crossing in the neck of the station, since the movement of trains is very intensive in this zone, and numerous train maneuvers are also performed here.

      What equipment should be

      The railway crossing is required to be equipped with equipment from the following list:

      Flooring made of wood or concrete of a typical configuration
      Barriers It is allowed that they block both part of the road and its entire width.
      Signal lamp on the barrier beam
      Dimensional gate The maximum height of which is 4.5 meters, and the maximum width is the same as that of the railway passage, this design is designed to prevent short circuit or breakage of contact wires when transporting cargo of excessive height
      warning signs For drivers of vehicles with the inscription "beware of the train", who are placed on the side of the road on which there is traffic from this side, at a distance of twenty meters in front of the rails
      Signal sign for the driver Trains with "c" on the correct side

      On the path of non-public use

      A non-public railway track is a railway access track that is designed for operation in the course of servicing certain organizations.

      It adjoins public roads directly or through a special access road.

      It has been established that the arrangement of the crossing on the tracks of this category is carried out in accordance with general requirements to moving, including in terms of the required equipment.

      To regulated crossings

      At such crossings, by definition, a barrier is installed on the right on both sides of the road, which makes them adjustable.

      Photo: sign 1.1 Railway crossing with a barrier

      The distance between the barrier and the first rail that the vehicle needs to cross from that side must be at least 8.5 meters.

      When closed, the barrier must reach a height of up to 1.25 meters. On a two-way road, the barrier must cover up to 2/3 of its width, while its unblocked part must not exceed 3 meters.

      The axial median line should be marked on the road surface for 20 meters from the barrier in the direction from the railway tracks.

      This line should be 10 centimeters wide and the proper color is white. The lantern placed on the beam of the barrier must face the driver, whose movement the barrier regulates.

      When the barrier is lowered, the lantern should glow red; when it is raised, the lantern should glow white.
      It is defined that by default the automatic barrier should be in open mode.

      On the contrary, the hand-held device must be in closed mode. If it is the second option that is equipped at the crossing, then it is assumed that the duty officer opens the barrier only if necessary to let cars or agricultural machinery through.

      It is also possible to accept the open position as the default position for a manual barrier if heavy traffic is observed at this intersection.

      Along with barriers, other equipment is used at controlled crossings.

      Yes, traffic lights automatic alarm for drivers are placed to the right of the highway at a distance of at least 6 meters from the first rail in relation to the driver.

      Photo: traffic light at a railway crossing

      This traffic light without fail it is required to equip at crossings that belong to the first and second categories.

      At the same time, at crossings classified as the third or fourth category, such traffic lights are placed provided that there is heavy traffic and a significant speed of passage of this zone by trains and cars and other categories of transport.

      Barrage traffic lights are also installed for drivers. They are placed on the right side of the railway tracks, in the range from 15 to 800 meters from the crossing.

      A controlled crossing should be equipped with telephones, if it is impossible to install this species communication information exchange is carried out by means of telephone communication.

      Crossings, which are assigned the first and second categories, are equipped with electric lighting.

      At crossings of the remaining two categories, the use of such lighting is carried out if there are nearby sources of sufficient power.

      On the road when approaching controlled crossing put sign 1.1. If the move lies outside locality, the required distance to install the sign is 150–300 meters to the intersection.

      In the case when the crossing is located inside the settlement, the sign is placed at a distance of 50–100 meters from the tracks.

      Without barrier

      At a crossing without a barrier, otherwise called unregulated, a number of the above-mentioned devices are accordingly absent. It does not have a barrier and other means of signaling, there is no person on duty.

      When driving at such an intersection, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to act in accordance with the requirements, while observing all possible caution.

      The driver is warned about approaching this zone by sign 1.2. It is also required to install it outside the settlement at a distance of 150-300 meters from the railway tracks, and within the boundaries of the settlement - at a distance of 50-100 meters.

      Photo: sign 1.2 Railway crossing without barrier

      At the same time, in practice, in the vast majority of cases, a crossing without a barrier is arranged in places located at a distance from any settlements.

      Directly in front of the railway tracks at such a crossing, a sign is placed, 2.5 (Stop), prohibiting movement without stopping.

      Photo: stop sign at a railway crossing

      The driver must stop in front of this sign on the stop line and determine if the train is approaching the intersection.

      Demand from employees of these paths

      Employees who service moving must meet the appropriate requirements.

      Before taking office, they are required to complete training in a specialty program approved by the Department of Personnel in consultation with the Office of Tracks and Facilities. After preparation, the level of knowledge of the applicant is checked.

      Video: movement through the railway tracks

      Who is responsible for the breach

      Responsibility for non-compliance with regulations relating to the maintenance of crossings lies with the relevant personnel.

      In other words, it is provided for employees whose official duties include maintaining crossings in proper condition, including:

      Also, these employees are responsible if they themselves create a threat to traffic safety.

      What punishment awaits the driver for non-compliance with safety rules when driving through intersections

      The penalties for a driver who fails to comply with the rules relating to crossing railroad crossings are contained in the Code of Administrative Offenses. In the general case, the sanction will be a fine, which is 1000 rubles.

      However, when it comes to:

      • parking or stopping directly at the intersection;
      • driving at a prohibitory traffic light or an indication of a duty officer;
      • movement, when the barrier is in the lowered position or has already begun to lower,
        then an alternative sanction is provided along with a fine of 1000 rubles, namely from 3 to 6 months of deprivation of rights.

      Choice in this case at the discretion of the person imposing an administrative penalty (traffic police inspector).

      In addition, for violations from the above list, a more severe sanction for a second violation is applied, namely the deprivation of a driver's license for up to a year without a fine as an alternative.

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