J road crossing. Requirements for the device and operation of railway crossings

garden equipment 25.06.2019
garden equipment

Unregulated railway crossings require the utmost care from the driver. Such intersections are characterized by increased danger due to the lack of a barrier.

Crossing tracks must be carried out according to the rules of the road to avoid collision with a moving train.

Railway crossings that are not regulated by a barrier are divided into two main types:

  1. With a single track. Sign No. 1.3.1 is installed at such crossings. And these are the most common types of crossings without barriers. Because the lack of regulation makes the intersection dangerous, bi-directional travel is extremely rare.
  2. With a multi-track road. Regulated by sign No. 1.3.2. It means that there is a crossing ahead, equipped with two or more tracks. This is a difficult and dangerous section of the roadway that requires utmost care.

Multi-track roads should be regulated by duty signals, traffic lights and other installations. The absence of regulating devices is allowed with rare use of these railway tracks.

The absence of a barrier, as a rule, is due to the specifics of the move. If trains rarely follow this track, then there is no need for a blocking device. In many cases, low speed trains are launched over them.

The assistant driver can independently regulate the crossing, blocking the way for cars with special signals.

Another option is also possible - the barrier is present, but does not function. In this case, the driver should focus on the traffic lights or the signals of the attendant. In any case, precautionary measures will not be superfluous.

In what area are they arranged

The passage of regulated railway crossings without barriers is found in urban areas. But in this case, they are necessarily equipped with a traffic light, and the situation is controlled by the person on duty. Although such crossings carry a potential danger for drivers.

If the barrier thoroughly blocks the way, then in its absence reckless drivers can ignore the prohibitory signs. Unfortunately, this often causes accidents with a tragic outcome.

Unregulated railway crossings are arranged mainly outside settlements. Since such intersections carry a potential danger, their installation within the city is undesirable.

Signs in front of a railway crossing without a barrier

The location and number of signs depends on the location of the crossing. If the crossroads with rails is outside the city, then the drivers meet the first sign 200 meters before the tracks.

Crossing approach signs numbered 1.4.1-1.4.6 are installed in three stages:

  1. Approximately 200 meters away, the driver encounters signs 1.4.1 and 1.4.4. They warn that the railroad tracks are coming.
  2. At a distance of about 150 meters from the railway tracks, there are signs 1.4.2 and 1.4.5 with two stripes on a white background.
  3. Signs 1.4.3 and 1.4.6, installed 50 meters before the tracks, indicate the approach to the crossing.

It is easy to remember these signs - the fewer lanes, the closer the dangerous intersection.

The next sign that the driver will meet when approaching the railway crossing will be a sign that the crossing is unregulated.

Sign No. 1.2 means that there is a crossing ahead without a barrier. It is installed once or twice depending on the terrain:

  • once installed in an urban area about 50 meters before the move;
  • twice arranged outside the city: about 150 and 50 meters.

Double installation of the sign is necessary in order to additionally warn drivers. Many do not notice the warning signs, especially in bad weather.

This can lead to the fact that the driver sees the crossing too late and does not have time to slow down. Re-installing the sign allows you to warn those drivers who did not notice the first warnings.

The next sign is STOP, number 2.5 warns that the driver cannot continue driving without first stopping.

The STOP sign is installed approximately 10 meters before the rails. It requires drivers to stop, make sure that further traffic is safe, and only then continue to drive in a given direction.

It should be borne in mind that this sign is installed at all crossings. But in the absence of a traffic light and a barrier, it is of paramount importance.

If the driver does not stop to make sure there is no oncoming train, then he may receive a fine from the traffic police officer.

If the intersection is regulated by a traffic light, then its signal is taken into account in the first place. With clear light, you can drive without stopping. Accordingly, if the red light is on, movement is prohibited.

It is equally important to know the road markings.

Marking 1.2 or stop line. The figure shows that it will trim the safe area to the rails.

This marking warns drivers to stop, make sure that traffic is safe and then continue on their original path.

The marking coincides with sign 2.5, but can be applied on the road without the STOP sign.

It should be borne in mind that failure to comply with these rules is fraught with the deprivation of a driver's license.

Many drivers do not understand why it is necessary to leave such a large space before the rails. The explanation is easy enough. A train can simply hit a car. There is also a risk that a stone will fly out from under the wheels.

The risk of the train derailing cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the distance between the car and the crossing must be at least 10 meters.

The very last sign is the type of crossing (single-track or multi-track). It is installed approximately 5 meters before the extreme rail.


The rules for crossing a railway crossing are the same for all types of roads. The only difference is that the driver, according to sign No. 2.5, is obliged to stop, check for the absence of an approaching train (visually and aurally) and only then continue on his way.

There are several rules in the SDA that relate to crossing a railway crossing. Consider them:

  • Rule #12.4 says you can't stop on railway tracks. The exceptions are forced stops. For example, if a car breaks down;
  • Rule 12.5 states that you must not park less than 50 meters before and after a crossing;
  • rule No. 15.3 prohibits leaving the railway track if a traffic jam has formed after them.
  • the driver must give way to the journey, freight train or locomotive;
  • approaching the crossing, you need to be guided by the signs, not forgetting the visual assessment of the situation;
  • you can not cross the crossing with a prohibitory light of a traffic light;
  • it is impossible to overtake the vehicle in front with the exit to the oncoming line;
  • You can't make a U-turn at the crossing.

Unregulated crossings require special care on the part of the driver.

If there is poor visibility outside (for example, precipitation or fog), then you need to stop, get out of the car and check the situation. After making sure that there is no approaching train, you can continue moving.

It is forbidden to disembark passengers on the rails and at a distance of less than 50 meters from them. Exceptions are situations when the stop is forced. In this case, passengers must be disembarked for their safety.

If the road is multi-track, then as soon as the train has passed, there is no need to rush to continue moving.

First, the driver must make sure that the locomotive is not heading along the other lane. This is why multi-track crossings are dangerous, near which traffic lights are usually installed.

In any case, the movement can be started after the appearance of a green light. If there is no traffic light, then with confidence that the train is not approaching the crossing.

Penalties for traffic violations

What threatens the driver traffic violations concerning the crossing of level crossings without a barrier:

  1. Article 12.10 states that if the driver crosses the railway track at an unspecified place or at a prohibited traffic signal, then he is threatened with deprivation of rights for 12 months. In the best case, you will be able to get off with a fine of 1 thousand rubles. The same punishment is provided for those who made a stop on the tracks.
  2. From the same article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, you can find out that any violation of the rules for crossing railway crossings is punishable by a fine of 1 thousand rubles. In case of a repeated similar violation, the punishment increases and reaches deprivation of rights for 12 months.
  3. Article 11.4 indicates that if a driver overtakes a vehicle in front with a drive into the oncoming lane at a distance of less than 100 meters before crossing, then he faces a fine of up to 5,000 rubles or deprivation of rights for six months. If you repeatedly violate traffic rules, then you can stay without a license for a whole year.

But the most severe punishment for non-compliance with the rules is the death of people or a car. The rules are designed to make driving on the road as safe as possible.

Therefore, it is worth strictly observing them so as not to meet the train, which will certainly prove who is more important and stronger on this stretch of road. Be careful and follow the signs!

Railway crossing without a barrier

Unregulated railway crossing

"...Railway crossings that are not equipped with crossing signaling devices and are not serviced by a duty worker are classified as unregulated..."


"technical operation of railways Russian Federation"(approved by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation on May 26, 2000 N TsRB-756) (as amended on July 3, 2001, as amended on March 9, 2004)

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012 .

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To regulated include railway crossings equipped with crossing signaling devices, or serviced by a duty worker (Fig. 1.13.1).

Rice. 1.13.1 - Controlled level crossing

To the unregulated includes crossings that are not equipped with crossing signaling devices and are not serviced by an attendant (Fig. 1.13.2).

Rice. 1.13.2 - Unregulated level crossing

On the unregulated railway crossings for drivers Vehicle located at a distance no more than 50 m from the near rail, the visibility of an approaching train from either side must be ensured in accordance with the rules for ensuring the visibility of a train approaching a railway crossing, indicated in table 1.13.2.

Rules for ensuring the visibility of an approaching train

To the railroad crossing

tab. 1.13.2

Train speed, km/h 141 - 200 121 - 140 81 - 120 41 - 80 26 - 40 25 or less
Visibility distance, m, not less than

Arrangement and equipment of crossings

Railroad crossings must located mainly on straight sections of railways and highways outside the recesses and places where satisfactory visibility conditions are not provided.

Crossings of railway tracks by roads are carried out mainly at right angles. If this condition cannot be met sharp corner between intersecting paths and highways is at least 60 degrees.

On the railway at crossings for at least 10 m from the outermost rail, the road in the longitudinal profile must have a horizontal platform or a vertical curve of a large radius, or a slope due to the excess of one rail over the other when the intersection is in a curved section of the railway. way.

Newly created protective forest plantations must provide drivers of vehicles at a distance of 50 m or less from the crossing the visibility of a train approaching it at a distance of at least 500 m.


Width of the carriageway of the crossing should be equal to the width of the carriageway of the highway, but not less than 6 m, and the width of the flooring in the places of cattle driving - at least 4 m.


Level crossing decking must be of a design approved by the owner of the infrastructure or the owner of the non-public railway track. The path under the flooring can be both on wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers (Fig. 1.13.3).

On the outer side of the track, the flooring should be flush with the top of the rail heads. It is not allowed to deviate the top of the rail head, located within the carriageway, relative to the coating

more than 2 cm.

Inside the track, the flooring must be higher than the rail heads within

With rubber - cord or polymer material flooring, lowering the interrail flooring below the level of the rail heads is not allowed.

At operated crossings before planned reorganization

the elevation of the flooring inside the track is allowed within 3 - 4 cm.

There are three types of modern railway decking:

reinforced concrete, rubber-cord and rubber-reinforced concrete.

Gutters at the crossing

Depending on the flooring design standard project To ensure the unhindered passage of wheel pairs of rolling stock, counter rails can be laid within the deck. Their ends, at a length of 50 cm, are bent inside the track by 25 cm. The width of the gutter is set within 75 - 110 mm, and the depth is at least 45 mm.

At crossings with attendants inside the gauge of each track (on single-track sections - on both sides), at a distance of 0.75 - 1.0 m from the flooring, devices are fixed in the form of metal tubes for installing portable train stop signals (red shield, lantern), and a device to determine the lower oversize of the rolling stock, as well as a bumper bar (Fig. 1.13.5, 1.13.6).

Device for determining the lower oversize

A wooden plank, measuring 140 * 1300 * 15 mm, is fixed from vertical and horizontal displacement with one bolt with a nut or a roller with a cotter pin.

Racks of barriers, masts of traffic lights of crossing signaling, fences, railings and guide posts should be located at a distance of at least 0.75 m from the edge of the carriageway (Fig. 1.13.7).

Guide posts are installed on both sides of the crossing at a distance of 2.5 to 16 m from the outermost rails every 1.5 m.

Total number of installed guide posts at the crossing

should be at least 40 things.

The reflective elements on the bollards should be red in the direction of travel on the right and white or, more preferably, yellow on the left.

Road and signal signs

Signal sign "C"

On the approaches to the railway At crossings from the side of the railway, permanent warning signs "C" are installed about the whistle blowing by train drivers. Signs are installed on the right side in the direction of train movement at a distance of 500-1500 m from crossings, and on hauls where trains circulate at speeds of more than 120 km / h - at a distance of 800-1500 m.

Every day they have to interact with pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists as well. The principles of communication between different road users are simple and clearly spelled out in the traffic rules. It is necessary to comply with them in order to avoid unpleasant incidents on the road.

One of the most dangerous violations of the rules is considered the wrong behavior of the driver at the railway crossing. After all, the inability to drive through such sections or ignorance of the rules for their passage can lead to death.

In this article, we will tell you how to pass a railway crossing without violating the rules and, as a result, without endangering yourself and your passengers.

To begin with, let's figure out what kind of space can be called a railway crossing.


A railroad crossing is one that intersects with a railroad. At the same time, the asphalt in this section lies at the same height with the rails, which allows cars to pass over them.

Such a segment of the route is considered the most dangerous, therefore it is always provided with warning signs and other means of protection against accidents.

Special signs

So, we figured out what such a site looks like. It can hardly be confused with anything. However, there are also special signs that are designed to tell the driver about approaching the rails. Such road marks inform the driver that the rules for crossing the railway crossing come into force on this section.

If the passage without a barrier

If there is no barrier next to the crossing, which would be lowered in the event of a train approaching, 1.2 will be installed next to the rails.

It has a triangular shape. It depicts a smoking steam locomotive in a red frame.

In this area, the driver must be very careful. Indeed, in the event that he ignores the requirement of a traffic light and warning signs, nothing will separate him from the rushing freight train.

If crossing with a barrier

Sometimes a barrier is installed next to such dangerous areas. In the event that a train is approaching the crossing, the barrier lowers and does not allow the driver to pass until the last car of the train has passed along the rails.

Such places are marked special sign 1.1. It is triangular in shape. It depicts a black jagged fence in a red frame.

If one way

A single-track railway is marked with a special label 1.3.1. It looks like a horizontal cross with red fields and is installed directly at the intersection of the road and the rails.

If multiple paths

If a motorist has to cross two or more paths, he will be told about it. Her number is 1.3.2. It looks like a horizontal cross with red margins, under which there is another detail in the form of an inverted jackdaw with the same red margins.

early warning

In order for drivers moving, for example, along the highway, to know that they will soon find themselves at the intersection of the road and the rails, the approach to the railway crossing is marked with special marks.

They are rectangular shape. Red diagonal lines are drawn on a white background. One stripe or two or three can be drawn there. The fewer lanes shown, the closer the crossing is.

Other signals

Sometimes a traffic light designed specifically for such sections is installed at the crossing point. If not, a 2.5 STOP sign will be placed in front of the rails.

Now, having information about the signs described above, you can easily determine the location of a single-level intersection of the road with rails. It remains to talk about how to behave in such a site.


With traffic light

The traffic light, which is installed at the intersection of the railway and asphalt roads, differs from the one that is present in the zone of controlled intersections.

He has two indicators located side by side, and the third - separately. Either top or side.

The rules for crossing a railway crossing state that if the light that is located separately is on, movement is allowed. It is usually white in color.

If those lights that are installed in a pair are on (they are red), movement is prohibited. The driver needs to stop at or barrier. If there is neither one nor the other, you should stop at the traffic light.

Without traffic light

There are also such sections of the intersection of the railway and asphalt roads, the traffic on which is not automatically regulated. There is a STOP sign. It looks like a red octagon with white lettering.

The presence of such a label means that the driver should not move on without stopping the vehicle. It is assumed that first you need to stop the car and make sure that there is no rail transport. Only then can you continue moving.


intentional stop

According to the rules of the road, the passage of railway crossings must be carried out at a time. That is, it is strictly forbidden to stop on the tracks.

If the driver sees that a traffic jam has formed behind the rails, he should not continue driving until he realizes that there is enough space between the rails and the traffic jam to stop his car. Standing on the rails is prohibited. It is very dangerous.

Unintentional stop

If the driver was forced to stop on the tracks due to a breakdown of the car, he must do everything to eliminate this incident as safely as possible.

First of all, he must leave the passenger compartment of the car and help his passengers do the same.

Then you need to warn the mover on duty, if any. If the driver is accompanied by two adults, they must be sent to run along the rail in both directions. If they notice a moving train, they should start signaling to the driver.

The signal is given by moving the hand in a circle. Seeing such a signal, the driver must begin to slow down. After all, he was told that there was an obstacle on the way.

The driver at this time can try to start the car without getting into it. But it is better to try to push the vehicle to a safe area.


It is easy to guess that parking a car at the intersection of the road with the rails is strictly prohibited. But the fact is that parking is also prohibited fifty meters before and after the move.

This area is marked with a sign that looks like a white vertical rectangle with one diagonal red stripe.

Detour, overtake and advance

Now let's talk about how the detour, overtaking and advance at the crossing are carried out. But first, let's identify the difference between these concepts.

A detour is considered a forced exit of the driver into the oncoming lane. Such a maneuver is caused by the presence of a static obstacle on the “native” lane of the motorist.

Overtaking is considered a maneuver in which the driver taxis into the oncoming lane in order to overtake a moving vehicle.

An advance is a maneuver in which the driver is ahead of a moving car, but does not enter the oncoming lane.


It is forbidden to drive around static vehicles that stopped before the crossing itself. But the rules for driving at a railway crossing do not prohibit the driver from driving around broken cars in an emergency gang and other obstacles, such as deep potholes or construction debris.


If you know you're approaching a railroad crossing, be patient and don't overtake oncoming vehicles. The rules of the railway crossing prohibit overtaking not only on the most dangerous section, but also 100 meters before it.

This zone is marked with a white vertical rectangle with two red diagonal stripes.

If you started to overtake a car, but saw such a sign near the road, it is better not to complete the maneuver and return to your lane. Otherwise, you may endanger the safety of other road users and earn a fine.


If the passage through a railway crossing occurs on a wide road, which has at least two unidirectional lanes, passing ahead of passing vehicles is not prohibited.

What is the risk of violation?

For any violation of the rules of the road, the driver is punished. And the norms we have described are no exception.

If the driver ignored the ban on overtaking and nevertheless drove into the “oncoming lane” to get ahead of a passing car, he can be fined five thousand or completely take away his rights.

Detour of vehicles stopped before crossing is not punished so severely. The driver may be required to pay a fine, the amount of which will exceed a thousand rubles.

For driving at a prohibiting signal of a railway traffic light or stopping on the rails, you can pay a fine of a thousand rubles or give away your rights. But it would be useful to note that the price of such negligence may be the lives of people in the car.

For parking near the crossing, you can be fined five hundred rubles.

As we can see, every offense has its own punishment. But, violating traffic rules, you need to remember not about the money that you can give for your misconduct, and not even about the driver's license, which you can lose. It must be remembered that the threat own life and the lives of others you imagine at such a moment. After all, sanity and attentiveness - the best companions driver.

The railway crossing was created for the unimpeded overcoming of the railway track by any vehicles: automobile, urban, horse-drawn, agricultural, road construction, etc.

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Including, in addition to vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, cattle drivers use the crossing.

Crossing the railroad tracks in a place not intended for this action is prohibited by law. Railway workers are required to monitor compliance with the requirements associated with crossing the railway track.

What law governs

The arrangement of the crossing is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the PTE (Rules Technical Operation) of the railway of the Russian Federation, as well as being guided by the Rules road traffic, Operating instructions for railway crossings, because this is not a highway.

The main documents responsible for equipment, rules, requirements introduced at crossings:

Railway crossing requirements

The main requirements for a railway crossing are its good condition and excellent visibility.

The train driver must see the crossing a kilometer away. Ensuring safety when moving at crossings is achieved by its location, relative to the roadway, at a right angle. However, a decrease in the angle is allowed, which can reach 60 degrees.

By device

The device for crossing over a stationary track can only be in a place where the useful length of the tracks and active exhaust / running tracks will not be affected.

The equipment of the crossing in the neck of the precinct station from part of the traction facilities is not recommended due to the existing congestion through the movement of trains and shunting work on this section of the railway track.

When arranging a crossing on the territory of the station, they are located in the area from the input signal to the input switch.

This ensures the process of free passage of road transport in connection with the stop of arriving trains near the closed entrance signal.

If we take into account the turnouts, then the crossing is located no closer than five meters from the wits. This transfer device guarantees that the switches will not clog.

The passenger platform is located at a distance of more than 100 meters from the railway crossing.

The railway crossing must have:

  • typical reinforced concrete or wooden flooring;
  • entrances;
  • barriers blocking the full or part of the width of the highway, coupled with a signal light located on the barrier bar;
  • clearance gates, having a width equal to the width of the railway crossing, a height of not more than 4.5 meters, to prevent possible breaks or short circuits contact wires by means of a bulky load;
  • warning signs "beware of the train", located for drivers of road transport on the side of the corresponding road 20 meters before the place where the rails are located;
  • signal sign "c" for the driver of the train from the responsible side.

The width of the crossing must be equal to the width of the road and is not less than six meters, and therefore the movement of vehicles from two sides in different directions is allowed.

However, there may be an exception here, when the width of the crossing can be at least 4.5 meters. It is forbidden to pass agricultural vehicles on such railway crossings.


The barrier is installed on both sides of the railway crossing. The distance between the first rail and the barrier must be at least eight and a half meters. When the closed mode is in effect, the height of the barriers is 1.25 meters.

If the crossing provides for two-way traffic, then the overlap with the barrier of the road reaches up to 2/3 of its width.

The unclosed section of the road is no more than three meters. From the barrier, at a distance of 20 meters along the roadway, namely in the middle, an center line is drawn.

The color of the line is white, the width is 10 centimeters. The lantern on the barrier bar in the closed mode faces the road, emitting red color, in the open mode - white.

The barrier can be automatic and manual, depending on the type of control.

If a train (train, trolley) is approaching, all automatic settings: traffic signal, sound signal, red flashing light at the barrier and traffic lights, barriers begin to close.

Automatic lighting signaling is used in the presence of barriers with manual control.

If a train is approaching, sound and light signals are given.

traffic light with automatic alarm must be installed at crossings having categories 1 and 2, and is located on the right side of the roadway at a distance of at least 6 meters from the first rail.

At crossings of the 3rd and 4th category, such devices are installed if they have a high intensity and speed of movement of trains and vehicles. Visibility conditions also affect the installation of such devices.

Barrage traffic lights are located on the right side of the railway tracks at a distance of 15-800 meters from the crossing.

They are installed to inform train drivers about finding an obstacle at the crossing by turning on the red signal.

The installed mechanized barriers are brought into working condition and different modes (closed, open) by means of the force of the crossing employee - duty officer.

The usual position of the automatic barrier is open mode, and the manual one is closed. The manual barrier opens only if it is necessary to pass through the crossing of motor vehicles, agricultural machinery or livestock.

However, with a high traffic volume of vehicles, the main position without a barrier can be switched to open mode.

At each guarded crossing there must be a telephone connection with nearby stations or posts. If it is not possible to establish a telephone connection, then the notification takes place by means of radio communication.

Electric lighting is installed in without fail for crossings having 1 and 2 categories. It is also allowed to install lighting on other categories of crossings if they are located next to permanent sources electrical supply.

Before a regulated crossing, it is mandatory to establish road signs, notifying drivers about approaching such an intersection of the road:

When the crossing is related to the settlement, sign 1.1 is installed at a distance of 50 to 100 meters. If the crossing is not located in a populated area, then the location of such a sign is allowed at a distance of 150 to 300 meters.


An unregulated crossing is considered to be the intersection of a motor road with a railway track, on which there are no devices that ensure safety during the passage, by means of signaling and a crossing attendant.

An unregulated crossing must be installed in a place where there are excellent performance in the visibility zone. At the same time, the angle at the intersection of two roads: automobile and railway should be at least 60 degrees.

In order for the driver to be notified in time about approaching an unregulated crossing, sign 1.2 is installed on the road in the direction of movement:

The installation of such a sign in the settlement is possible at a distance of 50 to 100 meters, and outside locality at a distance of 150 to 300 meters.

The driver, moving along an unregulated crossing, must be guided, since no additional warning, control and signaling devices are installed on it.

An unregulated crossing is mainly equipped in a territory that is considered remote from the settlement.

Usually, before such a crossing there is a sign indicating the requirement for the driver to stop in front of the railway tracks (“no movement without stopping is prohibited”):

All other crossing devices, except for blocking installations, are identical with the arrangement of controlled crossings. When approaching such a move, you should be especially careful.

Having stopped at the stop line or before crossing the railway track with the highway, you should carefully inspect the railway. This is necessary to exclude the presence of a train on the tracks and avoid an emergency.

If visibility on the railway tracks is very limited, then the driver must get out of the car and make sure the presence / absence of the train on railway through auditory sensations. Such manipulations help in the dark, with fog.

On the path of non-public use

A non-public railway track is a railway siding that adjoins directly or through another railway siding to a common railway track.

Such a track is intended for use in the service of certain persons using railway transport under the relevant agreement.

The non-public route provides shunting and sorting work based on the volume of transportation, as well as rhythmic loading and unloading of cargo.

Device and equipment common facility such paths complies with the building code and relevant regulations.

At the same time, the process of passing wagons must be ensured, subject to the norms of technical loads permissible on the railway track, the movement of the locomotive intended for maintenance of this railway.

On a busy highway

Due to the intensity of traffic on a busy highway, it is planned to equip only controlled crossings. All requirements for the device are provided for by current standards and instructions.

To employees

Crossing employees undergo specialized training approved by the Department of Human Resources and agreed with the Department of Tracks and Facilities.

Appointment to a position occurs only after passing a certain established test.

Upon going on duty, the employee is given:

  • one box of firecrackers, designed to protect an obstacle formed at the crossing;
  • signal horn to give a sound signal to employees of the railway track;
  • a whistle to give an additional signal to give instructions to road users;
  • yellow and red signal flags, as well as a lantern for signaling during daylight and darkness, respectively.

To service

When going on duty, the crossing officer is obliged to check the railway tracks at a distance of fifty meters on both sides of the intersection of the roadbed with the railway.

The equipment and all devices located at the crossing are subject to verification, the presence / absence of special seals on the relevant prohibiting devices, as well as the working condition of the equipment received.

Liability for non-compliance

In case of non-fulfillment of the instruction intended for crossing the crossing according to the current standards, norms and rules, to ensure safety at the railway crossing, it is understood:

  • responsibility that is imposed on the heads of an enterprise, organization or other persons in the form of a fine of 2-3 times the minimum wage;
  • responsibility that is imposed on the heads of an enterprise, organization or other persons in the form of a fine of 2-5 times the minimum wage in case of repeated failure to comply with existing rules and regulations;
  • responsibility that is imposed on the heads of an enterprise, organization or other persons in the form of a fine of 3 times the minimum wage and deprivation of a license in case of repeated failure to comply with codes and instructions within one year.

This is what concerns drivers and the automobile inspection that controls them.

Who carries

Responsibility is borne by persons whose duties include ensuring the normal condition of the railway crossing.

In particular, they are responsible for:

  • for the repair or maintenance of the roadway, railway crossings and other road devices designed to ensure safety when moving along the crossing;
  • for failure to take measures to timely eliminate an obstacle that has arisen at the intersection of the road and railroad tracks, which prohibits or restricts traffic on a separate section of the road;
  • for a safety hazard.

What is the punishment

The above violations that pose a threat to the safety of movement both on the road and on railway transport through moving, entail a fine in the amount of 5 to 10 times the minimum wage.

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