Movement during transportation. PDD requirements when transporting dangerous goods

Garden technique 25.06.2019
Garden technique

Transportation of bulky I. heavy cargo In urban, suburban and long-distance communications, it is carried out in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation by road (approved by the Government Decree Russian Federation from April 15, 2011 No. 272) published in performance Federal Law Of November 8, 2007 No. 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" (hereinafter - the Charter) and have the same scope as the Charter, i.e. Regulate relationships arising from the provision of services by road.

In the case of transportation of large and heavy cargoes carried out to meet their own needs of legal entities and individuals on the vehicles that they own on legal grounds, contractual relations do not arise. Therefore, the specified transportation is still an area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the instructions for the transport of large-sized and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation (approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia on May 27, 1996). Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 No. 258 to the specified instructions were amended.

The same order approved the procedure for issuing a special permit to move on roads of a vehicle transporting large-sized and heavy cargoes, provided for in Article 31 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ "On roads and on road activities in the Russian Federation and On Amendments to Selected Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. "

Rules for transportation of oversized cargo by motor transport

Transportation of Negabarita It is allowed only in cases where a number of conditions are performed (clause 23.3. PDD):

  • The cargo does not worsen the review driver;
  • Does not provide negative influence on the stability of the vehicle;
  • Refrigerators, lighting devices, identifying signs, does not interfere with the perception of signals supplied by the driver by hand;
  • Does not create noise, does not raise dust during transportation, does not harm the road and the environment.

If one of these conditions is violated during the following, the driver's task enters the violation. If for any reason it is impossible, it is necessary to stop moving, otherwise it will be discharged fine for transportationlarge cargo.

Table fines

Article Code of Administrative Code


Transportation of large and heavy cargo without special permission and special pass in case the receipt of such a pass is necessarily, as well as deviation from the method specified in a special resolution

penalty: driver from 2000 to 2500 rubles. or deprivation of the management of the TS for a period of 4 to 6 months, on officials from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles, on legal entities from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles. / Withdrawal from the driver Wu, from July 1, 2008 - Detention of the vehicle

Transportation of large-sized cargoes with exceeding the dimensions specified in a special resolution, more than 10 centimeters

penalty: on the driver from 1500 to 2000 rubles. or deprivation of the management of the TS for a period of 2 to 4 months., on officials from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles, on legal entities from 250000 to 400,000 rubles. / Withdrawal from the driver Wu, from July 1, 2008 - Detention of the vehicle

Transportation of heavy cargoes with exceeding the allowed maximum mass or load on the axis specified in a special resolution, more than 15 percent

fine: on the driver from 1500 to 2000 rubles, on officials from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles, on legal entities from 250000 to 400,000 rubles.

Violation of the rules for transporting large and heavy cargoes, except in cases provided by the parts 1 - 3 of this article

penalty: on the driver from 1000 to 1500 rubles, on officials from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles, on legal entities from 150,000 to 250000 rubles.

There are also special identification signs that obligatory Must be installed on the load in cases (clause 23.4. PDD):
"If the load exceeds the dimensions of the vehicle and comes from behind or in front of more than 1 meter, or with a side of more than 40 centimeters, it should be marked with a" large cargo "sign.
"If transportation occurs in the dark or in conditions of insufficient illumination, in addition to the above rules, it is also necessary to observe the following: Attach the cargo in front of the transmitter white color or lantern; Rear in the back of red bristher. In case of non-compliance with these rules, the safety of motion is disturbed and a penalty may follow negabarrit.

There are specially designed regulations The movements that come into force in cases where the vehicle is with a load or without, exceeds the width of 2.55 meters, 4 meters in height, 20 meters in length.
The vehicle must be set identified

signs "Oversized cargo" and flashlight beacons (colors yellow and orange).

The following features of the movement relate to limitations in high-speed mode. Thus, the speed of driving on the roads should not exceed 60 kilometers per hour and 15 km / h when moving through bridges. In addition, the driver is prohibited to deviate from a pre-planned route, which is agreed with special authorities.

Rules for transportation of cargo

Transportation of bulky and heavy cargo

Shipping large and heavy cargo On roads are carried out in a permit, based on the carrier's ability of roads and structures. At the same time, loads allowed for transportation, depending on their mass and sizes, are divided into two categories. Under cargo B. this case It is implied by the vehicle itself (loaded or not) with valid:

  • axial load on each axis;
  • dimension in height, width or length.

Accordingly, the vehicle is understood under heavy cargo, the mass of which (with a load or without cargo) or the axial mass exceed at least one of the established parameters, and under large-sized cargo - the vehicle, the dimensions of which (with a load or without cargo) in height, width Or length exceed at least one of the established values.

Basic regulatory documentRegulating the transportation of large and heavy cargoes is the instruction manual of the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the transport of large-sized and heavy cargoes by road on the roads of the Russian Federation of 27.05.1996 (with change of 12.11.2012). In addition, large and heavy loads must be transported taking into account the requirements of the Rules road Of the Russian Federation, rules for transporting goods and additional requirements specified in the shipping permit.

Transportation on roads of large and heavy cargoes can be carried out only on the basis of special permits issued in the established\u003e order.

Applications for obtaining permits for the transport of large or heavy cargo, depending on the type of alleged transportation (international, interregional or local), the categories of large and heavy cargo and the locations of the carrier vehicle are served in the relevant road bodies, from the territory of which the route begins vehicle movement.

Applications for obtaining permits for international transport of large-sized and heavy cargoes of all categories are submitted to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation or its division (authorized body).

Applications for obtaining permits for interregional and local transport on the route passing out entirely or partly by federal roads, for large and heavy cargoes of all categories of all categories to the nearest point from which the transportation route begins, the management authority of the Federal Automotive Dear.

Applications for obtaining permits for the implementation of interregional and local transport of large-sized and heavy cargoes of all categories on the route passing entirely on the roads of the objects of the Russian Federation are filed with the territorial bodies of road management at the location of the carrier vehicle.

An application for obtaining permission to translate large or heavy cargo is filed to the authority authorized to issue appropriate permissions.

The information provided in the statement is certified by the signature of the head or deputy head and the seal of the organization or signature individualCarrying.

Application for shipping is filed in form, installed instruction For the transport of large-sized and heavy cargo by road. It must contain all the necessary organizations, coordinating transportation, information on the nature and category of cargo, the parameters of the mass and dimensions of the vehicle, the estimated timing of the transportation, the route of movement and other information.

Depending on the category of cargo transport, type and nature of transportation owners or users of vehicles carrying large and heavy cargoes can receive one-time permissions or permissions to a certain (specific) term.

One-time permissions are issued for one shipping on a specific (specific) route to the period specified in the resolution.

Permissions for a certain period are issued only for the transport of goods of the first category for a period of from 1 to 3 months or for a certain amount of this type of transport during the time specified in the application, but not more than 3 months.

Together with a statement to obtain a permit for the transport of large-sized and heavy cargoes of the second category, a road train scheme with an image on it participating in the transport of vehicles, the number of axes and wheels on them, the mutual location of the wheels and axes, the distribution of the load on the axes and on the individual wheels with By consideration of the possible uneven load distribution along the length of the axis.

Coordination of all transportation of bulky and heavy loads throughout the route of movement with automobile road management authorities, balance holders of artificial structures and communications, departments railways (bridges, overpasses, railway moving, subway lines, underground pipelines and cables, electricity supply and communication lines, etc.), services authorized by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government bodies to manage the street road network of cities and other settlements, carries out road control authority issuing permission.

After receiving permission, the carrier coordinates this carriage with the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. GUVD. Instruction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the territory, servicing the route of transportation (Appendix 3 to this paragraph). Upon coordination, special requirements for the order of cargo transportation are determined based on the conditions for ensuring road safety, and a special pass is issued, providing the right to move the vehicle. Pass is placed in the lower right corner windshield vehicle.

Transportation of large and heavy cargoes of the second category on settlements is carried out in the period of the lowest intensity of the movement, and outside the settlements in the bright time of the day. In the dark on the roads outside the settlements, as well as intensively movement in the daytime, the transportation is allowed only under the condition of cargo accompaniment.

When agreeing on the transportation of the traffic police, the traffic police determines the need and type of escort.

Accompanying can be carried out:

  • cover of cover and (or) tractor;
  • patrol car traffic police.

Accompanying the cover of the cover is necessarily in all cases when:

  • the width of the vehicle with a cargo exceeds 3.5 m;
  • freight length more than 24 m;
  • in other cases, when a resolution in the column "Special Motion Conditions" is recorded that movement through any artificial structure is permitted single, or other conditions that require operational changes in the organization of traffic on the route of shipping.

The car (cars) of the cover, as well as the tractor (depending on the cargo and road conditions) is highlighted by the carrier or shipper.

Participation accompanied by a patrol car of the traffic police is necessary if:

  • the width of the vehicle exceeds 4.0 m;
  • the length of the road train exceeds 30.0 m;
  • the vehicle when driving is forced to at least partially occupy the headband;
  • in the process of transportation, it is assumed to be the need to quickly change the organization of movement in order to ensure the safety of travel;
  • the cargo refers to the second category.

In other cases, the need for escort is determined by the traffic police on the basis of road conditions, the intensity of the motion and the composition of the transport flow.

As a car cover, a car with a flashing bearing of orange or yellow is used.

The cover of the cover must move in front at a distance of 10-20 m by a ledge on the left side with respect to the accompanied vehicle carrying large and heavy cargo, i.e. So that his envelope on the width advocates the dimensions of the accompanied vehicle. When driving through the bridge facilities, the movement of the car cover (distance, position on the bridge, etc.) is carried out in accordance with the agreed scheme.

The speed of movement during the transport of large-sized and heavy cargoes is established by the traffic police, taking into account the requirements of other organizations agreed by transportation.

The speed of movement should not exceed 60 km / h on roads, and on bridge structures - 15 km / h. In this case, the allowed motion mode may have variable character in different parts of the route.

During the transport of large and heavy cargo, it is prohibited:

  • deviate from the installed route;
  • exceed the speed specified in the resolution;
  • carry out movement during ice, as well as with meteorological visibility less than 100 m;
  • move on the side of the road, if such an order is not determined by the conditions of carriage:
  • stop outside of specially designated parking lots outside the road;
  • continue transportation in the event of a technical malfunction of a vehicle threatening traffic safety;
  • to travel to the flight without permission, with overdue or with incorrectly derived permission for transportation, in the absence of signatures indicated in it officials;
  • additional records are permitted for transportation of bulky or heavy cargo.

If circumstances that need to change the route occur during the move, the carrier must obtain permission to move on a new route in the prescribed manner.

The technical condition of vehicles, using transportation, must meet the requirements of traffic rules, the main provisions for the access of vehicles to the operation and responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety, rules technical exploitation Movable composition of road transport, manufacturer's instructions, as well as instructions for the transport of large and heavy cargo.

For the transport of large and heavy cargoes, it is prohibited to use wheeled tractors as a tractor federal roads, and tracked - on all roads with an improved coating.

It is not allowed to transport heavy cargo to the vehicle (tractor), when the mass of the trailer (semi-trailer) is exceeded with the load technical standardsinstalled by the manufacturer.

The braking system of the road train should work on the pedal of the car tractor brakes and ensure such a distribution of brake efforts between his links so that when braking is excluded the possibility of "folding" of the road train.

Cars-tractors designed to work with trailers should be equipped with a device that allows connecting highways between the tractor and its trailer (semi-trailer) to brake the car in a working or emergency brake.

Trailers (semi-trailers) must be equipped with a parking brake, ensuring the hold of the loaded trailer (semi-trailer) to the slope of the loaded trailer (semi-trailer) on the slope of at least 16% of the working brake acting on all the wheels and the device that provides automatic stop in the event of a breakdown of connecting highways with a car-tractor.

When transporting heavy loads, it is necessary to have at least two anti-tottack stops for each road train in order to further fix the wheels in the case of a forced stop at the slope.

The vehicle cabin must be equipped with no less than two outer rearview mirrors on both sides, which should provide a driver sufficient overview, both with rectilinear and curvilinear movement, taking into account the size of the vehicle and the cargo transported.

On vehicles carrying large and heavy cargo, identification signs "Auto tray", "Large cargo" and "long vehicle" in accordance with the main provisions on the access of vehicles to the operation and responsibilities for road safety and Road traffic rules.

Vehicles carrying large and heavy loads must be equipped with special light signals (flash beacons) orange or yellow.

With the height of the vehicle, more than 4.0 m, the cargo transporter is obliged to carry out controlling the heights under overpass and other artificial structures and communications on the route of transportation.

Control over compliance with the rules for the transport of large and heavy cargoes, permissible weight parameters and vehicle dimensions carry out road control bodies, organs Federal Service on the supervision of transport and traffic police.

Carriers of large and heavy cargoes are required:

  • comply with the requirements set out in the manual for the transport of large and heavy cargoes by road on the roads of the Russian Federation;
  • provide at the request of the traffic police inspector vehicles for weight control;
  • to present on the request of the regulatory authorities for the transportation of large and heavy cargoes, licenses of other documents provided for;
  • strictly guided additional requirements and the movement route specified in the resolution;
  • prevent damage to road and other engineering structures along the path;
  • perform the requirements of organs carrying out control over roads on roads of large and heavy cargoes within the authority of these bodies.

Drivers and officials, owners or users of vehicles are responsible, in accordance with current legislation, for violation of the rules for transporting large and heavy cargoes and installed vehicle operation factories.

In case of detention of vehicles carrying large and heavy cargoes, for violation of the established requirements for the expenditure of the vehicle on a paid car park is carried out by the carrier.

If the violation installed order Transportation of bulky or heavy cargo led to damage to roads, road structures and communications along the path of cargo, owners or users of vehicles are obliged at the request of road management bodies or owners (balance holders) of structures and communications to compensate them losses in the procedure established by law.

Drivers, owners or users of vehicles have the right to appeal against the illegal actions of officials engaged in control over the carriage of large and heavy loads, in the prescribed manner.

Parameters of vehicles of category 1 and 2

I. Motor vehicle parameters, with exceeding which it belongs to category 1

1. Classification of motor vehicles (PBX), depending on
From axial masses, divided into two groups:

A group A - PBX with axial masses of the most loaded axis over 6 tons are inclusive, intended for operation on the roads I - III category, as well as on the roads of the IV category, the coating of which are built or reinforced under the axial mass of 10 tons.

Group B - PBX with axial masses of the most loaded axis up to 6 tons inclusive, intended for operation on all roads.

2. Axial and full masses PBX

2.1. The axial mass of two-axle PBXs and two-axis carts should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bshown in Table 1.

Table I.


1) "*" - for containers - 9.0.

2) an increase in the axial mass is allowed at a distance between the axes of the two-axis trolley in the Motor vehicles of the group A over 1.35 to 1.65 m inclusive to 9.0 tons, if the axial mass arrives at the adjacent axis does not exceed 6.0 tons.

3) for motor vehicles of groups A and B, designed until 1995, with a distance between the axes of no more than 1.32 m, axial masses are allowed, respectively, 8.0 tons and 5.5 tons.

2.2 Axial mass of three-axis trucks of motor vehicles

it should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bgiven in Table 2.

table 2

Distance between axes, m

Axial mass for each axis no more, t

PBX of group A.

PBX B. Group

Over 3.20 to 5.00 inclusive

Over 2.60 to 3.20 inclusive

Over 2.00 to 2.60 inclusive

Up to 2.00

Note.The data shown in Table. 2, spread to three-axle trolleys, in which adjacent axes are at a distance of at least 0.4 m. Distances between the extreme axes.

2.3 The full mass of the PBX should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bshown in Table 3.

Table 3.

Full weight, t

The distance between the extreme axes of the ATS group is not less, m

Single cars




Saddle travelers (tractor with semi-trailer)



Five-axle and more

Trailed road trains



Five-axle and more


2) limit values full mass Motor vehicles are permissible with their uniform distribution over the axes with deviation in axial loads of no more than 35.8, but for the front axle no more than 40.8.

2.4 When driving on bridge structures, the full mass of motor vehicles should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bshown in Table 4.

table 4.


1) For single cars (tractors), exceeding the total mass of more than 30 tons is not allowed.

2) the maximum values \u200b\u200bof the total mass of motor vehicles are permissible with the uniform distribution of them on the axes with a deviation in axial loads of no more than 35.8 tons, and for the front axle no more than 40.8.

3. Dimensions ATS

3.1. Gabritary PBX in length should not exceed:

Single cars and trailers 12.0 m; and

Road trains as part of a "car trailer" "car semi-trailer" - 20.0 m; f,

3.2. The width envelope should not exceed 2.5 m, for refrigerators and isothermal bodies, 2.6 m is allowed.

Beyond the limits of the allowed dimensions by width can

Adaptations of anti-skid, cooked on the wheels;

Rear-view mirrors, the elements of the attachment of the awning, designed in such a way that they can deviate, entering the envelope;

Tires near contact with expensive, elastic wings, splashes of wheels and other parts made of elastic material, provided that the specified design elements or snaps are performed for dimensions of not more than 0.05 m on any side.

3.3. Gabritary PBX in height should not exceed 4.0 m.

Large-sized PBXs also include two or more trailer (semi-trailer), regardless of the width and total length road train.

II. Autotransport parameters,

under which it belongs to category 2

1. When moving vehicles on bridge structures frommass and loads on the axis specified in Table 5, they

Table 5.

Parameters PBX

Total weight, t

AK-11, N-30, NK-80

AK-8, N-13, NG-60

more than 9.5 * more than 12.0 *

* The value of the axial load refers to the cases of movement on wooden bridges.

One of priority areas Road safety is to ensure the safety of the life and health of passengers, as well as other participants in the movement.

Transportation of people in the body of a truck is regulated by the rules of the road and the main provisions.

Transportation must comply with all the requirements set out in traffic rules, in order to avoid harm to the health of passengers.

Requirements for the driver

The rules for transportation of people in the body of a cargo car (22.1 traffic rules), operating from July 25, 2017, establish that the driver with a certificate can carry the right to driving the following categories to carry passengers in the body:

  • category "C" - up to 8 people (including passengers in the cabin);
  • categories "C", "C1", "D1" - from 8 to 16 people;
  • category "D" - from 16 people.

What condition is allowed by the transport of people in truck bodies? According to paragraph 4 of the main positions of traffic rules, the transportation of passengers is allowed only in a specially equipped body.

The body of the truck must comply with the following requirements:

Board and seats must be smooth, without protruding sharp details. For landing (landing) of people, the body is equipped with a staircase, which is attached from the back side, on the right side of the movement.

On-board constipation should be in a closed state, and additionally fixed, to prevent a random opening, while driving.

A compulsory requirement is the presence of a fire extinguisher (with a capacity of 2 liters) and first aid kit.

Video: Transportation of people

Before boarding the body equipped for the carriage, the Senior Body or the driver of the truck is instructed by the rules of landing, placement and disembarkation, as well as rules of behavior during movement.

Landing and disembarking are allowed only from the sidewalk, in the absence of vehicle movement. All passenger movements can occur only during a stop, with the permission of the older body. The number of passengers cannot exceed the number of seats.

In the body of the truck, the civil transportation of children is strictly prohibited.

When transporting people in the body of a truck, there are several restrictions:

  • it is impossible to carry a piercing tool, without confusion or in open drawers;
  • it is impossible to move on the body, leaning up to sides, sit on them or go through the side walls during the movement of the vehicle.

If the body of the cargo vehicle with the onboard platform is not equipped with means of transporting people, only a certain category of passengers is allowed to carry in it.

These are people who provide cargo support or faces that follow it. The place for the seating of such passengers should be located below the level of the side, at least 15 cm.

Towing a truck

Does the transportation of people in the body of a cargo car be allowed when towing? According to paragraph 20.2 of the traffic rules, the presence of passengers in the body of the towed truck is unacceptable, with any method of towing.

People can only be in the body of a towing car if towing is carried out on a flexible or rigid coupling. If towing is carried out by partial loading, passengers are forbidden to be located in both cars.

What threatens the driver who violates the rules of transport and what is a penalty for transporting people in the body of Gazelles or another cargo car?

In 2019, the Administrative Code provides for the following administrative punishment:

Under administrative offenseswhich are subject to the fine, also fall into the absence or disruption of pre-trip and post-track technical inspection of the car and medical examination of the driver.

If the body of a truck is equipped in accordance with the rules established by traffic rules, and the driver and passengers comply with all the requirements for transportation, there are no restrictions on such transporting people.

The exception is the carriage of children, which can only be carried out in the car of the truck. To ensure their safety, children must be in a car seat or hold out other special safety belts.

Passenger transportation rules in traffic rules are given special attentionSince the car has always been considered a source of increased danger. In this section, changes are periodically made, especially if the mortality rate of passengers in an accident for one reason or another is increasing. Requirements operating during the transport of passengers are listed in paragraph 22 of the Rules.

Disembarkation and landing of passengers

The TC driver should be traded and landing of passengers only after a complete stop of the car. The beginning of the movement is permissible only with fully closed doors.

This rule is obligatory for execution, however, not all drivers are observed, touched from the spot even when the passenger door of the vehicle is open.

In this situation, there is a violation of not one rule, because before the start of the movement, the driver of the vehicle and passengers are obliged to fastened.

Transportation of passengers in a passenger car

Clause 22.8 PDDs set the following restrictions:

  • in any types of TC, with the exception of passenger traffic in the body-van or body of a cargo transport car with an onboard platform, it is forbidden to transport passengers outside the cabin or additional designs for motorcycles;
  • invalid transportation of people in an amount exceeding the norms permissible characteristics.

At the first point, some drivers periodically close their eyes, there are no people in the cabin, but also on the hoods, in the trunk, on the roof of the vehicle. It should be borne in mind that wines for the death of passengers in the event of their death will only lie to the driver who does not take care of their security.

Penalty for violation of passenger transportation rules 1000 rubles.

For the execution of the second item provides for a limited number of seats in the case of passenger cars or limit on technical specifications for large public transport, such as buses, trolleybuses or trams.

For the transportation of an additional person in the car there is a penalty of 500 rubles in accordance with Article 12.23 of the Code. Also, the inspector in the right to write an additional penalty for passenger procure without using a seat belt.

Violation of the rule of passenger transport can be observed in a situation where 6 people instead of 5 in the car, and the seat belt is not provided for the sixth, it means that it will not be able to use protection.

Passenger Transportation Safety Rules

Since January 2012, seat belts are required for all types of vehicles..

In accordance with clause 2.1.2 of traffic rules, drivers are obliged to carry their passengers using protective belts, and if there is a non-fastened passenger, it is not starting to move.

In the case when children have been transported at the age of less than 12 years, the driver needs to be installed in the cabin a special retaining device that can securely fix the small passenger. In the front seat you can carry a child only using children's chair. At the same time, it is forbidden to carry a child in the backseat of a motorcycle.

Rules for transportation of people in the body of a truck

In the body of the cargo machine, passengers can only be transported by the driver that for 3 years and more has a C category C or subcategory C1.

If there are more than 8 in the body of the truck, but not more than 16 people, taking into account the driver and passengers in the cockpit, then the driver must have a category B or subcategory D1. In the event of a provision of more than 16 people, taking into account the driver and passengers inside the cabin, only Category D is required.

As for the truck with the body with a side platformThe special equipment is allowed to carry adults. Provocative children is prohibited. If the onboard platform is not equipped for the carriage of passengers, then the passage in such a body will only allow persons accompanying the cargo or traveling the latter. But then the presence of equipped seating is below than the level of sides.

In the body of a cargo car should not take more manThanks for technical specifications or in larger quantitiesthan there is seats.

Before the start of the movement, the truck driver is obliged to instruct passengers about the rules for holding landings, disembarkation, placement and behavior in the body.

Rules for transportation of passengers in buses

Conducting organized transportation of children is allowed only in special buses on which there are identifying signs of "transportation of children".

The driver should be remembered that the life and health of his passengers should provide himself, because it is for him that this responsibility lies.

Video: Passenger Transport Rules by road

Exist various methods Motion organizations that are applied depending on the nature of the freight flows, transportation distances and the type of rolling stock. To consider these methods, it is necessary to establish the following general concepts.

The route is the path of movement of rolling stock from the initial to the final point when carrying out traffic.

Length of the route L M - the length of this path.

Time on the route T M is the route passing time by rolling stock.

The turnover of the rolling stock is the finished cycle of movement along the route with return to the initial item.

The length of the turn of L O is the length of this path.

Turn time T O - time to pass this path with rolling stock.

Movement interval I - the time between the passage of any place of the route by two closest cars working on this route and moving in one direction.

The frequency of movement and h is the number of cars passing in one direction per unit of time (usually in 1 h) through any place of the route. Routes are pendulum and ring.

On the pendulum route, the rolling stock is all loading and unloading points when moving on one highway in direct and reverse directions. Pendulum routes are full of running mileage, using the mileage of only direct direction or with incomplete use of a direct or reverse mileage or both directions.

On the ring route, the rolling stock passes sequentially all loading and unloading points when driving closed contour. The species of this route are the assembly route on which the rolling stock, passing sequentially loading points, gradually loads and carries out the load into one item, and the delivery route in which the loaded rolling stock delivers the cargo by parties on points, gradually unloading.

Another kind of ring route is applied - a team-dialing route, when one type of cargo is simultaneously delivered and another is collected. Examples can serve the delivery of the cargo with simultaneous collection of containers or the delivery of raw materials and the collection of finished products.

Mapping car movement routes - Important and difficult task. Choice optimal option routes giving the best opportunities to increase productivity, cargo delivery speeds and a decrease in the cost of transportation in specific conditions of rolling stock, is made using mathematical methods and computing machines. The approximate solution is obtained by comparison of cargo traffic and location of loading and unloading points on the location map, focusing on the maximum reduction in idle and zero runs, decline in the waiting time by the rolling stock of loading and unloading work.

Usually pendulum routes are more simple on the organization and execution, the annular is more difficult to draw up and perform, but they represent more possibilities To increase traffic efficiency.

The route is an established (intended), and if necessary, equipped, the path of the vehicle between the initial and end items.

Routing allows you to optimize cargo traffic taking into account:

  • - Volume of transportation;
  • - directions;
  • - range;
  • - the length of time;
  • - roadload of roads of different categories;
  • - motion sequences;
  • - Delivery efficiency.

The main tasks of routing are:

  • - organization of movement;
  • - minimization of shipping terms;
  • - traffic safety;
  • - efficient use of vehicles;

Execution of plans and charts of transportation;

Return response to changing road conditions.

To solve the issue of the feasibility of opening one or another route, it is pre-necessary:

  • 1. Determine the need for shipping on this route (suggested sustainable cargo traffic).
  • 2. Select the tracking track and examine road conditions.
  • 3. Compose a feasibility study of the feasibility of opening a route.

Routes open with the presence of stability of cargo traffic and conditions that ensure traffic safety.

When developing routes should be provided:

  • 1. Providing transport links for the greatest number customers in the shortest directions between the main points of the city.
  • 2. Using the type of vehicles corresponding to the type of transportation.
  • 3. The ability to control the movement of transport.
  • 4. Ensuring the coordination of the movement of the enterprise in the newly discovered route with the movement of enterprise vehicles on existing routes, as well as with the work of other types of transport.
  • 5. The location of the intermediate and final stopping points of the routes in sufficiently large cargo-forming places, in order to minimize the empty miles of vehicles.

The choice of route track is made subject to the following requirements:

  • - Compliance with the type of coating, condition and width of the roadway and the rooks, horizontal and vertical radii curves, longitudinal slopes, visibility and arrangement of roads, as well as rail crossings, ferry fixed requirements, construction standards and rules;
  • - conformity total weight Motor transport with maximum permissible load At bridges and roads located on the route.

Depending on the magnitude of the cargo flow, road conditions it is necessary to provide:

  • - platforms for reversal and parking of vehicles in the initial and endpoints of the route;
  • - Special sites for arrival - "Pockets", loading platforms.

Transportation of goods involves the use of only direct run, so applied to this type of transport, it is advisable to use a pendulum route using only a direct run.

The advantages of this route is that the total car service is used. However, the lack of this scheme can be attributed to the fact that the car transports the cargo only in one direction, and in the reverse machine rises by empty.

Thus, the routing of freight traffic ensures the efficiency of the use of vehicles, the rhythm of the implementation of applications for the carriage of goods and the safety of road transport.

Today, trucking is almost the most common activity in the world. There are many road carriers, ready to provide their services in the field of transportation of cargo.

Regulation of the legal side of this activity is carried out by the legislation and treaties that the parties conclude among themselves. The main arrangement of legal norms that must be followed during the transportation on the vehicle as a whole, and during the transportation of goods in particular, is communion. In it, relatively

The following requirements are indicated:

1. The total mass of the cargo transported and the distribution of its weight on the axis of the vehicle should not exceed certain technical characteristic Means of values.

2. The driver needs to be checked before the start of transportation, and the cargo is located, and it is also necessary to control it while driving to prevent falling, drawing or injured persons who accompany the cargo, or creating any obstacles during the movement.

3. Transport cargo can be transported according to the following conditions:
a) the cargo does not create a safety threat to road users;
b) the cargo does not complicate control and does not raise the resistance of the vehicle;
c) the cargo does not limit the driver inspection;
d) external lighting devices, reflectors, recognition and license plates are visible;
e) the cargo does not create any noise, and also does not raise dust or somehow does not pollute environment And driving part.

4. Loads, vehicles in the front or rear parts by more than one meter and at the same time exceeding the width distance of 40 cm from the edge of the dimensional lamp, must be denoted in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 30.3 of the rules of the road.

5., as well as containers, which is not neutralized, is carried out according to the special rules on which the movement of vehicles is allowed and, accordingly, their compositions in case of exceeding one of the dimensions in a width of 265 cm, in height - 400 cm (for container shipments which are installed on routes - 435 cm). In length - 2200 cm (route vehicles - 2500 cm), total weight of more than 38,000 kg, load produced on a single axis - 10,000 kg, load on axis, which dual - 16000 kg, axis construction - 22 000 kg (on determined by the Ministry of Transport and the State Auto Inspection of Routes - 40,000 kg, for container ships - 44000 kg, the load produced by a single axis - 11,000 kg, the load on the dual axis - 18,000 kg, the load on the axis of 24,000 kg) or in the case If the load is at the time of movement rear part The means for a distance exceeding 2 m. The axes are considered dual or by definition - constructed in case the distance between them does not exceed 2.5 m.

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