Scenario of a fairy tale according to the rules of the road with phonograms. Scenario of the holiday according to the rules of the road "Visiting the traffic light"

Encyclopedia of Plants 01.10.2019

Scenes on traffic rules
traffic rules or rules traffic should be taught to children from an early age. Because there are many dangers on the road. But it is one thing to explain something to a child, and quite another to show it in such a way that it is both interesting and understandable for them. That is why our authors came up with skits on traffic rules for kindergarten and schools. Our skits on traffic rules are a vivid example of what cannot be done on the roadway and how to behave on the road where cars drive. And in addition to the scenes themselves, we offer you a large didactic and illustrated material with which you can decorate your Kindergarten and you can stage our scenes.


1. Don't play on the road!

For the scene, prepare a small decoration of the hall. Make curbs, mark the roadway with a pedestrian crossing.

From 3 to 5 children participate in the skit. Use as a ball balloon.

Children near the curb play football. Everyone shouts something from themselves, for example: “Come here!”, “Pass me!”, “Now I will score a goal!”, “Throw the ball to me!” I also want to!" etc.
And suddenly the ball hits the road.
Everyone stops at once, and one child (boy) runs after the ball onto the road and shouts: I'll get it now!
The rest shout to him: “Wait!”, “Stop!”, “Don't!”, “Come back!”.
But the boy does not listen to them and runs out onto the road, and a car drives out right in front of him (a child with a steering wheel in his hands, or, if possible, holding a drawing of a car on a piece of paper facing the audience) and bursts the ball.
The boy who ran after the ball manages to bounce onto the curb. All the other kids run up to him. The boy begins to cry, he is comforted.

1 child:
Where cars move, people shouldn't walk,
Because it is very easy to please a car.
On the street, such a place is called a roadway,
And people are strictly forbidden to walk on the roadway!

2 child:
You are not in the circus! Here is the road.
The steering wheel will turn a little -
Well, who will you surprise?
You will fit under the car.

3 child:
Football - good game
Let everyone practice
In stadiums, in courtyards,
But not on the streets!

4 child:
You always walk in the yard -
Don't run on the road!
There are playgrounds - there are kids
Plenty of room for games.

The policeman comes out.

Police officer:
Here, remember, friends!
There is NOTHING to play on the roadway!

2. Cross the road correctly!

Leave the scenery from the first scene. Just add a pedestrian crossing sign next to the pedestrian crossing.

Participants in the scene: a child and a cat (a child in a mask or cat costume).

The child stands near the pedestrian crossing and looks first to the left, then to the right. A cat approaches him.

Cat: why are you shaking your head? Lost who?
Child: No, I want to cross the road.
Cat: so why are you delaying? I would take it, and I switched a long time ago! What's stopping you?
Child: no, that's not possible! You must cross the road according to the rules of the road!
Cat: What? What other rules? Here I am a cat, where I want, I go there! And I can also cross the road where I want!
Child: no cat, you're wrong! You can not do it this way!
Cat: Yes, what did you do, “no” yes “no”! I can! Here look!

The cat tries to cross the road not on a zebra, but the child stops him.

It is clear to all smart guys:
Where the road - there is dangerous!
Look out, pedestrian
Black and white transition!

Does not burn green light?
No traffic lights?
What? How so?
Look for the blue sign.

Is there a person walking in it?
So this is a transition.
Stand quietly by the road
Don't run, don't be a bully

Take mom by the hand
Look left and right!
Invites the transition:
- Follow me forward!

Cat: those times! even spoke in verse! Well, what will your pedestrian crossing give me?
Child: Listen, I'll tell you how to behave,
So that you can cross this road safely!

Here is the usual transition.
People follow him.
Here is a special markup,
"Zebra" is aptly called!
white stripes here
lead across the street!
Crosswalk sign,
where is the pedestrian on the zebra,
You find it on the street
and go under it!

Cat (laughs): Ha ha ha! Zebra!! Oh, I can't! Well, you made me laugh! (stops laughing) you know what, cross your own zebra, and I'm a cat and I'll walk where I want!

The cat is leaving. The child shakes his head. Then he looks to the left again, and then to the right and is already raising his leg to step on the pedestrian crossing, as there is a noise, a screech of brakes and a cat screaming: Oh, help!
A lame cat comes out.

Cat (whining): I don’t want to walk on my own anymore, it’s better to follow your zebra than to be under a car again!

The child takes the cat's good hand, and together they cross the pedestrian crossing.

The policeman comes out.

Police officer:
If you need to go
You across the road
To this end, along the way
There are always transitions!

Transitions can be
Different guys!
To not forget it
You need to study the signs:

There is a sign "Underpass" -
Steps lead down!
Come down boldly and go -
After all, there is no movement here.

With a striped track
Stands at the "zebra" sign
You guys should know
That this is not a trifle:

Crossing the zebra
First make sure
That everyone is worth the car -
Now hurry up!

There are sometimes
Roads are small
Where there is no transition
And you decided to go.

Look first to the left
Look to the right.
Is there a car nearby?
Now move on.

Having finished the story,
I want, my friend, to tell you:
Be careful on the road
Then, believe me, there will be no trouble.

And in order to make your day according to the rules of the road a success, we offer you

That's how they rolled! (Staging of N. Nosov's story "Car" for younger students)




On the stage, the scenery of the yard: a bench, a sandbox with a fungus, trees and two cars of the Volga and Moskvich brands. Because of one car Deniska's face appears, because of another - Mishka. For a while, the boys look at each other in silence.

Deniska. And yet this is the "Volga"!

bear. No, it's Moskvich!

Deniska(laughs). You understand a lot!

Mishka comes out from behind his car and approaches the car where Deniska is hiding. Looks at it from all angles.

bear(confidently). Of course, "Moskvich"! Look at his hood!

Deniska(collapses with laughter). What a hood! It's the girls who have a hood, and the car has a hood! Look at the body.

The bear looks.

Bear. Well, such a belly, like the "Moskvich"!

Deniska(laughs). It's your belly, but the car has no belly!

Bear. You yourself said - "belly"!

Deniska."Body" I said, not "belly"! Oh you! You don't understand, but you climb!

Bear. Does the Volga have a buffer? This is Moskvich's buffer.

Deniska. You'd better shut up. Invented another buffer of some kind! The buffer is at the wagon on railway and the car has a bumper. Both Moskvich and Volga have a bumper.

The bear touches the bumper.

Bear. You can sit on this bumper and go.

Deniska. No need!

Bear. Don't be afraid. Let's drive a little and jump!

The driver comes out and gets into the car.

bear(sits on the bumper and whispers loudly). Sit down quickly! Sit down quickly!

Deniska. No need!

bear. Go quickly! Oh, you coward!

Deniska runs up and sits next to Mishka. The car starts up.

bear(scared). I'll jump! I'll jump!

Deniska. No need! You will break!

bear(persists). I'll jump! I'll jump!

The bear puts his foot down. Recorded sounds of cars passing by.

Deniska(shouts). Do not dare! Look, now the car will crush you!

Passers-by appear, they see the boys, they shout and point at them. A policeman comes out and whistles. The sound of brakes is heard in the recording.

Deniska(Mishka). Hold on tight!

People crowded around the car. The driver appears.

People(indignantly to the driver). Can't you see what's going on behind you?

The driver tries to justify himself, the policeman checks his documents and writes down the numbers of the car.

Deniska(Mishka). Get off! Let's go to!

The boys, while the adults sort it out, leave. A policeman with a driver, and behind them people disappear backstage. Frightened boys appear on the stage. The bear is limping.

Bear. Pants are nothing, you can sew them up, but your knees will heal on their own. I just feel sorry for the driver: he will probably get it because of us! Did you see the policeman write down the number of the car?

Deniska. I should have stayed and said that the driver was not to blame!

They sigh. They think. Suddenly Mishka runs away and brings a sheet of paper, an envelope and a pen.

bear. I think I figured it out! Let's write a letter to the policeman!

Deniska(easily) Come on!

Write and comment on the text of the letter aloud.

Boys.“Dear comrade policeman! You entered the number incorrectly. That is, you wrote down the number correctly, only wrong that the driver is to blame. The driver is not to blame, Mishka and I are to blame: we clung, but he did not know. The driver is good and drives correctly!

They sigh. They look at each other. Seal the letter in an envelope.

boys(friendly). That's how they rolled!

Deniska. Let's go to mailbox omit!

bear(with hope). It will probably come!

Scenario of an event on traffic rules

for children of primary school age

“The traffic rules are our respect!”

Location: CRTD&Y

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road and the prevention of child road injuries among schoolchildren. Contribute to the development of thinking, reaction speed, cognitive activity, creating an atmosphere of mutual assistance.



  • activization of interest in the study of traffic rules through gaming activities;
  • formation of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in a non-standard situation;
  • formation of skills to choose rational ways of doing work;
  • fixing the rules of the road;
  • formation of teamwork skills.


  • education of a system of views on the world around;
  • education of the ability to follow the norms of behavior;
  • nurturing norms social behavior children;
  • education respectful attitude to the importance of studying traffic rules.


  • development of speech, thinking, memory;
  • development of sensory and emotional-volitional spheres of personality;
  • development of skills to identify dangerous road zones and situations;
  • development mental activity, the ability to observe, draw conclusions, verify the results.

Required props:tokens for teams (green, yellow and red), traffic light balloons, clothespins, thread, two cars, skittles, 4 road sign templates for finishing, colored pencils, flat daisy flowers with questions.

Evaluation of results:for a complete correct answer, the team receives a green token, which is worth 3 points, for an incomplete answer, a yellow token of 2 points, and for an incorrect answer, a red and 0 points). At the end of the event, the points of each team are calculated, the team with the most points wins.

Event progress:

The song "Road alphabet" sounds

Hello guys! I am glad to see you all in our hall today. We have gathered here today to talk about traffic rules and road signs. All of you, of course, know and know how to behave correctly on the road, but the road does not forgive mistakes.

We live in a very beautiful city, in which there is a very rich car traffic. Cars and trucks are rapidly moving along the roads, buses are driving, and we, pedestrians, are walking along the footpaths.

And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. And to calmly cross the street, you need to know the rules of the road.

Suggestion for all guys:

urgently learn the rules of the road!

To keep parents calm

And the drivers didn't care.

Today we will find out who is your expert on the road, for this you will be divided into two teams. Split up? Excellent! Now your task is to come up with a name and motto for your team!!! Each team chooses a commander and completes a task, for a correctly completed task they receive a token. The team with the most tokens wins.(The guys are given a few minutes to divide teams, choose a commander, come up with a team name and motto). And our wonderful jury in the person of


Leading: Wonderful! Teams are ready to show good results in knowledge of traffic rules. To check how really the guys are in great shape and good location spirit, I propose a game for the most attentive and friendly team "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!". I will read out the questions, if you agree with the statement, then loudly and unanimously shout the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”, if you do not agree, be silent. Started!

Who walks to school like a merry gang every day?

Who always goes forward with his mouth wide open?

Who lets cars through, does everyone follow the traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives way to the elders in a cramped tram?

Who will cross the road only where the crossing is?

Who kicks the ball merry on the road in front of the school?

Who, playing in the yard, explains to the children “Remember the rules of movement, like a multiplication table!”?

Leading: Our next competition is related to balloons, with their help you will need to make a traffic light.

I explain the terms. This competition is attended by 4 people from the team. Each team must light a traffic light, for this you are given three balloons and threads. And at a distance of 3 meters, pay attention, there are assistants, they will act as a rack on which you hang all three balls with a clothespin. The winner is the team that will light the cheerful traffic light faster and better. So, to the start, attention, march!

Sounds music "Traffic light" relay race is on"Funny traffic light"

(The results of the Merry Traffic Light relay are summed up, the teams are given tokens. The team that came first and did everything right is given a green token, the second team is given a yellow one))

Leading: "Auto relay" is our next competition. There are letters at the finish line, you need to bring them to the start with the help of children's cars. On command, the players under the first numbers take a small car, which is tied to a thread and go to the table with letters, take a letter, get into the car and drive back, pass the car to the second participant, taking their letter, etc. After all the letters will be at the start, you need to make a sentence “Rules of the road” from them. The team that moves the letters forward and makes a word wins.

You can't drop a letter.

The music is playing, the relay race is on.

Props: 2 children's cars, 2 sets of letters. (phrase "Pedestrian crossing")

Wonderful! You have completed the task. (Evaluation of the results - the team that came first - receives a green token, the team that came second - a yellow token)

Presenter: Guys, tell me, do you like picking flowers? Yes? Excellent! So we are holding the next competition called "Autoromashka" for captains.

There are a lot of paper daisies on the floor, some have questions under the petals, the task of the captains is to find daisies with questions in 1 minute and after all the daisies with questions are found, the captains must give the correct answers to the questions. Started! Time has gone!


At the landing sites

Transport passengers are waiting

Established order

You can't break it here either.

("Bus stop")

This sign is like this:

He is guarding the pedestrian.

Going from doll together

We make our way to this place.


On the roads for pedestrians

It became easier with the transition.

Under the ground even the area

Going is much easier.

("Underground crossing")

Only cars drive here

Tires flash threateningly.

Do you have a bike?

So stop!

There is no road!

("No cycling allowed")

The man in the blue circle

This is clear to the whole district:

Cars won't go here

Pedestrians are welcome.


Lida with doll in anxiety:

They need a doctor on the road.

Don't look sad

Help is near! The doctor is near!

("Point of First Aid")

Man is digging the earth.

Why is there no way?

Maybe they're looking for treasure here.

and old coins

Are they in a big chest?

They are here, probably old

Hid a very greedy king.

("Road works")

We walked home from school

We see a sign on the pavement

Circle, inside the bike

there is nothing else

("Bike Lane")

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this

Guys in the triangle

they are running with all their might.


If you put your foot

on the road

Pay attention friend:

Road sign - red circle

man walking in black

crossed out with a red line

And the road is like, but

It's forbidden to walk here

("No Pedestrians")

Evaluation of results (captain who found large quantity chamomile with questions and who gave the correct answers to all questions receives a green token, the second captain receives a yellow token)

Presenter: The next competition is "Automulti"

Guys, do you watch cartoons? Have you looked before? Let's recall some of them. So, I will name a fairy-tale character or a cartoon character, and you have to name their vehicle for me. Questions are asked to teams in turn and tokens are given out.

1. On which transport means traveled crocodile Gena and Cheburashka? ( train )

2. What did Emelya ride to the king in the palace ( on the stove)

3. Cat Leopold's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport? ( bike )

4. What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? ( in a carriage)

5. Name the means of transportation controlled by Baba Yaga. ( mortar, broom)

6. What kind of vehicle did the robber Ali Baba have? ( horse)

(teams are given tokens)

7. What did old Hottabych fly on? (on a flying carpet)

8. What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents do to the postman Pechkin? (bike)

9. What did Carlson, who lives on the roof, smear with jam? (own motor)

10. What did Baron Munchausen fly? (On the core)

11. What did Kai ride? (Sledging)

Leading: The next competition is "Who is faster"

Race speed competition. Each member of the team needs to jump a course on one foot with obstacles made of pins, leading a toy car on a string and without hitting the pins.

The team that came first gets a green token, the second team gets a yellow one.

Leading: The next competition is "Artist's Island"

Task: "Finish the road sign" Each team is given a template of an unfinished road sign, the task of the teams is to finish the sign and color it as soon as possible.

Evaluation of results.

Calculating the number of points for tokens.

Leading: In the meantime, our jury is counting the points, we will watch a cartoon that shows what ignorance and non-compliance with the rules of the road leads to

Awarding the winners with medals, and the losers with participant tokens.

Julia Skvortsova
Scene on the rules of the road

Scene on the rules of the road"Dunno in the camp of traffic rules"

Target: show and prove the need for knowledge traffic rules through artistic means.

Age: 5-7 years

Picture 1.

Znayka. So, Dunno, let's repeat homework. You should have learned Traffic Laws. Now I will ask you questions, and you will answer them.

Dunno. Come on, take your questions.

Znayka. Who regulates traffic vehicles and pedestrians?

Dunno. Street cleaner.

Znayka. Did you think well?

Znayka. Where can I go road?

Dunno. Mmm. say at least one letter.

Znayka. "P"

Dunno. Exactly. On asphalt.

Znayka. What are "Pedestrian crossings"

Dunno. Flying, crawling, lying.

Znayka. Yes, Hard case. It is for you "The big Book traffic rules» sit down and read. And I'll come and check.

Dunno. Oh cuckoo! Cuckoo cuckoo, cuckoo me something. (Dunno curls up and falls asleep).

Picture 2

(Signs stand in a circle).

"Zebra". So what is it. He messed everything up.

"Traffic light". He is not alone doesn't know the rules.

"Crosswalk". One word - Ignorance.

"Caution Children"- Let's confuse him.

« railroad crossing» - How?

"Zebra"- I figured it out. Listen to me.

Picture 3.

Dunno. Here, what a beauty. Here great. No study, no books for you. If you want - relax all day, sunbathe. E - Ge - gay. Is anybody here.

Zebra comes out.

Zebra. Yes, yes, come on, dear. Come, come quickly, let's move on with you, then quickly.

Dunno. Yes, you can't be here. You don't know, you "zebra"

Zebra. Yes, what's the difference, the main thing on don't look at the road. (Grabs Dunno by the hand and runs across road)

Appears "Traffic light".

Traffic light. Hey, you crossed the road.. Did you see how the car slowed down and crashed into a pole? Fun.

Dunno. Not fun at all, but very scary. The car nearly hit us. And all Zebra - "let's run".

Traffic light. Well done, Zebra, but how fast, and where else cross the road.

Dunno. How where where "Zebra" on the road drawn and signs"Crosswalk" stand.

Zebra. And we have signs, signs. She signs. (Signs are coming out)

Here are the signs. This is a little blue square, this is a red triangle, but the train is in red. Meet.

Traffic light. Hurry, hurry cross the road already turned red.

Dunno. So. Stop. Are you out of your mind. What red, what a square with a triangle. Where did I end up anyway. To the land of fools?

Zebra. No. You are in the country Rules of the road.

Dunno. Some not you have the right rules. Znayka taught me differently.

Traffic light. What a Znaika. You know better. And as you know, that's how we do it.

Dunno. Ah-ah-ah. As I know. I know what to pass you need the road"pedestrian crossing" noted road markings and signs "crosswalk". the way go only to the green traffic light.

It's a sign - "Caution Children". This - "Crosswalk", well, this is « Railroad crossing» .

I know. I know. (joyfully jumping)

Picture 4.

Everyone disappears. Remains Dunno, who wakes up with a book.

Dunno. Hey everyone, I remembered! Znaechka, I remembered. Regulates traffic vehicles and pedestrians? Traffic light.

The road can be crossed, only by "Pedestrian crossing"

"Pedestrian crossing" are ground, above ground, underground.

Znayka. Well, here it is great.

Dunno. How good it is to know Traffic Laws.

Scenario according to the rules of the road.

All: (Dasha)

Today we will tell you a fairy tale,
Maybe we'll show something
And teach the rules of motion
Know them like a multiplication table.

Host: (Lisa)

In one kingdom
There lived a good king
And the daughter of a princess,
Pain for daddy.
Studied for triples
Capricious was, well, in general,
I grew up as a problem child.

Princess: (Lera)

Computers, players -
I'm tired of all!
Now, if a scooter, then that's the deal!

King: (Ilya)

You're a little girl, and you don't know the rules.
You can't guess the road alphabet.
An accident happens, what then?
The old man's heart can't take it.

Princess: (Lera)

I am the royal daughter! And I'm already 15! What do I care about rules!
The road itself, where it is necessary to direct!
I want a scooter! Or a moped!
I want to see all kinds of places.

Guard: (Andrey Grebenev)

You can't live without traffic rules
Let all the children in the world know them.
If you know and respect the rules of the road,
You can safely without anxiety
You then press the brakes.

Princess: (Lera)

Traffic lights, crossroads, I don't want to get bored!
Give me a scooter soon, or I don’t want to know you!

King: (Ilya)

You would have learned the traffic rules daughter,
Otherwise, you will cause an accident,
Well, at least one rule, well, at least a sign

You would know then what and how!

You would know that you can sit on a scooter at the age of 16!

And then you would have avoided many troubles on the road!

Princess: I don't want to and so be it! (runs away, calls friends with him, puts everyone on a scooter).

(Song of the Violators)

Ride on a scooter
play on the road
Don't see the traffic light
And run to red
This is us, this is us
And run to red
Road rules will be on - ru - shat!

King: Who saves my girl?!

Inspector: (Sergey Yankin)

Perhaps I would help the king
There is no equal in the knowledge of road signs.
I will bring up all the violators in an instant,
I will bring the princess home as soon as possible.
Leave you, father, your torment.
The traffic police inspector takes over.


Inspector: (Sergey Yankin)

Yep, got it.
You are not tired of walking in bruises and bumps.

It's time to present the documents.

How old are you and where are the helmets?

Show resolution

or driver's license.

Princess : (shrugs his hands and asks his friends):

I am a princess and I am 15

I don't want to wear helmets!

And what documents if dad is my king!

Dad - the king ran through all the intersections
And he issued a decree: “All violators of the kingdom should be arrested and trained in traffic rules
On the magic bus.
Who will ride it
Never forget the rules.
A march on the bus.

Princess: And my father's decrees do not concern me.

Inspector: touch, touch.

Because of you yesterday Stagecoach collided with BMW
Well, get on the bus.



Before you get behind the wheel

You have to wait 16 years.

Get documents,

To learn to drive a scooter.

Before you get behind the wheel,

You have to learn the rules.

Rule 1 :( traffic light out)(Kirill Alexandrov)


Oh what a beautiful rule
And everything is on fire! Why only 3 colors?

Rule: (Kirill Aleksandrov)

Ride on the road you always
And speaking colors will prompt and help.

The red light will tell you "No" restrained and stern
And the green light is on - go says.

Rule 2 (in) (Andrey Petukhov)

Princess: Oh, how many daws flew ?!


We are not jackdaws, we are the rules of the road.
We make your journey safe.
Dear violators, listen to us
Would you like?"

Princess: Zebra?!

Rule: (Andrey Petukhov)

Zebra lives in Africa, very striped, water
He drinks, chews grass, wants to frolic.
And on our street, here at the crossroads,
Like a zebra just right - the transition to the strip.

Drivers see a pedestrian crossing and slow down.

Rule 3 comes out: (Dasha Ishmaeva)

You can't ride a scooter without a helmet

Remember this, friends!

My gift will be useful to you

At the age of 16, drive. (Gives a helmet )

Rule 4 comes out: (Lisa)

To drive a moped

Turns need to know

Where to the left, where to the right

Where is back and where is forward

And where is the right turn.

Rule 5 comes out: (Kirill Alexandrov)

Carrying passengers is both dangerous and difficult

It is prohibited by traffic rules.

If only two people can ride in your scooter,

Do not take the third and avoid the danger!


Until this day, I did not know the rules,
risked her life recklessly.
I take every rule in my retinue.
Inspector - I will give my heart.


Your choice is undeniable, dear child.
Accept a gift from your father.

(gives the keys to the scooter)

Host: (Lisa)

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it:
Remember the rules of the road you
My friend, on the tooth.

(song) to the motif from the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood "If it's long - long - long"

Verse 1

If you go to school

Along the path, along the path

Be a little careful

Don't forget the rules

And probably, and of course,

And maybe, maybe, maybe

safe road

You choose for yourself!


Verse 2

And just as soon as
And once on the track

And once on the path

I will meet someone

To the one I meet

Even the beast, I believe, I believe
I will not forget, I will

I give way.

A - a! Think better when you go on a long journey!

Ah! Do not forget the rules of the road!

Ah! Both girl and boy

Ah! Even though you're not in too much of a hurry,

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

verse 3

But of course, but of course,
If I'm driving on the highway,

If I'm driving on the highway,

I look at the road.

I see the markup ahead

I see traffic lights

If somewhere turns,

Then I slow down.

A - a! Think better when you go on a long journey!

Ah! Do not forget the rules of the road!

Ah! Both girl and boy

Ah! Even though you're not in too much of a hurry,

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Verse 1

If you go to school

Along the path, along the path

Be a little careful

Don't forget the rules

And probably, and of course,

And maybe, maybe, maybe

safe road

You choose for yourself!


A - a! Think better when you go on a long journey!

Ah! Do not forget the rules of the road!

Ah! Both girl and boy

Ah! Even though you're not in too much of a hurry,

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Verse 2

And just as soon as
And once on the track
And once on the path
I will meet someone
To the one I meet
Even the beast, I believe, I believe
I will not forget, I will
I give way.

A - a! Think better when you go on a long journey!

Ah! Do not forget the rules of the road!

Ah! Both girl and boy

Ah! Even though you're not in too much of a hurry,

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

verse 3

But of course, but of course,
If I'm driving on the highway,

If I'm driving on the highway,

I look at the road.

I see the markup ahead

I see traffic lights

If somewhere turns,

Then I slow down.

A - a! Think better when you go on a long journey!

Ah! Do not forget the rules of the road!

Ah! Both girl and boy

Ah! Even though you're not in too much of a hurry,

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Verse 1

If you go to school

Along the path, along the path

Be a little careful

Don't forget the rules

And probably, and of course,

And maybe, maybe, maybe

safe road

You choose for yourself!


A - a! Think better when you go on a long journey!

Ah! Do not forget the rules of the road!

Ah! Both girl and boy

Ah! Even though you're not in too much of a hurry,

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Verse 2

And just as soon as
And once on the track
And once on the path
I will meet someone
To the one I meet
Even the beast, I believe, I believe
I will not forget, I will
I give way.

A - a! Think better when you go on a long journey!

Ah! Do not forget the rules of the road!

Ah! Both girl and boy

Ah! Even though you're not in too much of a hurry,

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

verse 3

But of course, but of course,
If I'm driving on the highway,

If I'm driving on the highway,

I look at the road.

I see the markup ahead

I see traffic lights

If somewhere turns,

Then I slow down.

A - a! Think better when you go on a long journey!

Ah! Do not forget the rules of the road!

Ah! Both girl and boy

Ah! Even though you're not in too much of a hurry,

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

Ah! Don't break the rules though!

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