What is the difference between OGRN and other codes, and how is it decrypted? How to get an OGRN - what documents are needed and where they need to be submitted.

Landscaping and planning 18.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

OGRN is individual for each legal entity registered in tax office for the purpose of doing business.

In fact, this number confirms the legality of the organization and allows you to confirm the fact of its existence. AT bank details it is used when making payments when it is necessary to provide the bank with information about the sender and recipient of money in full.

OGRN, or the main state registration number, appears in an economic entity when creating an enterprise.

All Russian companies, according to their location, are included in a single register, where this code is assigned. OGRN is a combination of 13 characters, each of which has its own decoding:

- 1st character - indicates the definition of the entry to the main or other registration number;

- 2nd and 3rd - the last two digits calendar year in which this entry was included in the state register;

- 4th and 5th - the serial number of the entrepreneur in the list of economic entities of the Russian Federation;

- 6th and 7th - the code of the branch of the tax office where the company was registered;

- from the 8th to the 12th - the number of the entry included in the unified register throughout the year;

- 13th character - control settlement code.

GRN, or state registration number, acts as a certificate of transformations or additions in a single register. It also includes 13 characters, but differs from the OGRN in its meaning.

The main number is assigned to the organization only once during registration and is retained throughout its business activities. GRN is the code of each addition or change to the USRIP or USRLE, so there can be many such numbers.

Another difference lies in the structure of the 13-digit code, namely in the 6th and 7th characters. In the OGRN, these numbers indicate the number of the branch of the tax service that carried out the registration. In the SRN, this place is filled with the numbers of the serial number of the entry.

If the OGRN is assigned to legal entities, then the OGRN is the property of an individual entrepreneur.

The number is a guarantee that a person exercises economic activity legally, and is assigned by the tax service when registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

OGRNIP - a combination of 15 digits, which is deciphered similarly to OGRN, only the number of the entry that entered the register during the year is indicated from the 6th to the 14th character.

OGRNIP and OGRN are among the most important details of an economic entity, and the certificate issued upon receipt of this number is one of the main constituent documents of the organization.

The code confirms the registration of the entrepreneur with the tax authorities and acts as a guarantor of the legal obligations that a particular company bears. Its absence automatically indicates that the organization is engaged in fraudulent activities, that is, it is a kind of signal that allows other enterprises to avoid fraudulent transactions in a timely manner.

Getting information about the state number is quite easy. Most fast way- through the official portal of the Federal Tax Service. To do this, you need to have at least partial information about the organization - the legal address or the region where it operates.

In accordance with the information provided, the system generates a list with matching indicators, in which it will be possible to find the right company. A formal request to the tax office with a request to provide will become longer in time. The procedure usually takes 7 days and requires the provision of identification documents.

Sometimes there are situations when there is no Internet at hand, and the number must be obtained from short time. Or it happens that the organization has just gone through the tax registration procedure, and information about it has not yet appeared on the service portals.

In this case, it is advisable to personally contact the tax office and ask for an extract. It is likely that there will also be a need to wait, although usually inspectors are sympathetic to such requests and do not delay the paperwork.

Each legally significant action during the registration of the legal form needs to be formalized. It is not easy to distinguish between OGRN and GRN: at first glance, they denote the same concept. But upon closer examination, the difference becomes apparent.


OGRN- this is the main state registration number of the record, which is indicated when creating a legal entity and consists of 13 digits. It, among other things, encrypts the number of the subject of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the entry was made, the code of the inspection for taxes and fees, and other important data.

UAH- the number of the entry on making changes and additions to the Unified State Register legal entities(EGRLE), individual entrepreneurs (EGRIP) or on state registration of a legal entity. It consists of 13 numbers arranged in a certain sequence.


Thus, the most important difference between these concepts lies in their meaning. OGRN - number state registration legal entity that is assigned only once. Accordingly, it remains constant throughout the entire period of the organization's activity. GRN is the number of each change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP, respectively, there may be several of them.

Another important difference is the presence in the structure of the tax inspection code number (sixth and seventh characters). Only the OGRN has this attribute, while the GRRN has the first two digits of the record serial number in this place. At the same time, the authenticity of both groups of numbers can be verified even without accessing the database, by simple arithmetic operations.

Findings site

  1. Meaning. PSRN - the number assigned during state registration, GRN - when making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  2. Volume. PSRN additionally has in its scope the code of the tax inspectorate, which the SRN is deprived of.
  3. Constancy. OGRN is assigned once and forever, GRN - several times, with each change in the register.

When a legal entity passes the registration stage, it receives all Required documents, the procedure for assigning registration numbers also takes place. One of these important numbers is OGRN. This number helps to identify legal entities, moreover, each organization separately receives its own PSRN. This code is easy to see full information about the company you are interested in, while little information is available on the TIN about the company, and only about the tax service that assigned this number.

But what is OGRN? OGRN is the main state registration number, which usually consists of thirteen digits, each of which has a specific meaning. Let's describe in more detail:

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  • This number is the main one, since it is used to search and display data of legal entities.
  • State called given number, since he is appointed by the state body of the Federal Tax Service under the laws of Russia.
  • It is registration, because it is issued together with a certificate of registration of a legal entity.
  • With the help of the OGRN, it is easy to find out the legality of the functioning of the counterparty, as well as detailed information about the features of the work of a particular organization.


At a time when there were a small number of enterprises in the Russian Federation, their accounting was carried out differently. Since there was no such amount of evidence as in our days, comprehensive control was not envisaged. For example, organs state power and other organizations acted in such a way that they needed only the TIN of taxpayers who were legal entities.

Over time, in addition to joint-stock companies and LLCs, firms with a different form of business organization began to appear. This led to the fact that the registration certificate of the TIN was now not enough. Since the data from this certificate spoke only about which tax service the company belongs to and what registration number it has.

All this became a prerequisite for one of the new federal laws to come into force in 2001, which determined the state registration regulations for legal entities. This new law introduced the concept of what OGRN is for all companies. If the TIN can be considered just a numerator, then the PSRN is a numerical code that contains information about the location of the company, the date of foundation, the form of ownership, the accountability of a certain tax, and other data.


It is known that the OGRN stores information. The OGRN scheme for legal entities is as follows: Х-ХХ-ХХ-ХХ-ХХХХХ-Х.

So, consider the signs of decoding this thirteen-digit number:

  • As a sign of assignment, the first digit can be 1, 2, or 3. When the number 1 is used, then this is a legal entity, 2 - state organization, 3 - IP.
  • Next are two numbers that indicate the year the company was founded.
  • The next two digits indicate the place of registration. Each subject of the Russian Federation has a specific number.
  • Then there are four numbers that show which specific IFTS this company belongs to in a particular region.
  • The next five digits are the number of the decision on which the company was founded. Interestingly, despite the fact that data is added to the tax register throughout the year, this number is also unique.
  • The thirteenth digit is a verification one, it is for it that the PSRN is checked. It is known that twelve digits are a single number that is divisible by eleven. The remainder resulting from the division will be in place of this thirteenth digit.

It is easy to see that the repetition of two identical numbers is impossible.

The numbers that indicate the year will repeat in a hundred years with the same accounting procedure. Also, repetitions cannot be in the numbers of the region and the IFTS.


So, the OGRN is intended for organizations, and the OGRNIP is, of course, for individual entrepreneurs.

This number is assigned in approximately the same way as the OGRN. Each individual entrepreneur receives this number during registration with the tax office. ORNIP consists of fifteen digits. As for the format, it looks like this: Х-ХХ-ХХ-ХХХХХХХХ-Х.

Decryption occurs in the same way as the decryption of the OGRN, but there are two differences:

  • The number of the decision from the register, according to which the tax authority approves the establishment of an individual entrepreneur, consists of nine digits, not five. The reason for this is that much more decisions are made on individual entrepreneurs than on legal entities.
  • Also, when checking the accuracy and reliability of the OGRNIP, you need to divide the number, the sum of which is the first fourteen digits of the number by thirteen, and then compare the remainder with the last, or check digit of the number, if everything matches, then the number is correct.

So, with the ability to decipher the OGRN and OGRNIP, you can get quite valuable information about the company or entrepreneur about which you need detailed information.

For non-residents

OGRN is issued only Russian companies, because it is received during registration with the tax office of Russia. The registration number that was issued by the responsible authority to a non-resident in his country and will be valid.

Also for this category, the OGRN can be a certificate of accreditation of a branch of a foreign legal entity, or the number of a certificate of accreditation of a representative office is used. Only with all this, the branch needs to get a CRO, the role of which can be compared with the role of a TIN for residents of the Russian Federation. All data is submitted to the tax service, and then after five working days it is assigned to the KIO.

So, in other words, OGRN is not assigned to foreign companies. Instead, certificates of entry into the state are used. register of branches of foreign legal entities that have received accreditation in the Russian Federation.


So, let's see what this number looks like in more detail. For example, we will use the OGRN of the St. Petersburg LLC Nevis 1087847036496. We make sure that the number consists of thirteen digits.

  • 1 - this figure acts as a sign of referring the record number to the OGRN.
  • 08 - Recorded in 2008.
  • 78 - the number of the subject, that is, St. Petersburg.
  • 47 - number of the registration authority. This is the inter-district IFTS No. 15 for St. Petersburg.
  • 03649 is the record number.
  • 6 - check number.

The last number is determined using a formula. OGRN without a check digit is divided by 11, that is, 108784703649/11=9889518513.5455. We discard the remainder after the decimal point, and multiply the result by 11, that is, 9889518513*11=108784703643. Then, 12 OGRN characters must be subtracted from this number: 108784703649-108784703643=6. This is the control number.

Differences between OGRN and GRN

The difference lies in the following three significant points:

  • The moment when the number is issued.
  • The numerical composition of the number.
  • Constancy.

GRN - this is the name of the state registration number of the entry with changes and additions that are made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This means that every time when information about a company is changed from the register, it is assigned a certificate of their entry, and a state registration number is issued. Whereas the OGRN is appointed once and operates from the foundation to the liquidation of the organization. Moreover, the differences are contained in the registration number itself.

There are no numbers in the SRN that indicate the tax authority that issued the certificate.

Who issues the OGRN

After registration, a legal entity receives this number. The tax inspectorate is engaged in the assignment of PSRN.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to appoint a PSRN, a future organization must do the following:

  • Provide a package of documents and write an application in a certain form.
  • Deliver documents to the tax office.
  • Obtain a certificate of registration or receive a refusal with an explanation of the reason, which can be appealed in court.

So, the OGRN is displayed in the very certificate of registration of the legal entity.


The price of assigning the OGRN is the amount of the fee, the collection of which occurs once when the documentation is provided.

Tax legislation defines this amount as 4000 rubles.

If it is necessary to issue a second PSRN, a fee of 800 rubles is usually charged, without the use of lawyers.

Search and verification of enterprises

With the help of the OGRN, anyone can get information about a particular organization on the website of the Federal Tax Service. With this service, it is easy to get detailed information about the company. For example, these:

  • Information about state registration.
  • Legal address.
  • Information about management and founders.
  • Changes from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

OGRN helps to obtain genuine information, as well as to avoid cooperation with unreliable companies.

OGRN of the branch

Since branches act as separate subdivisions and are outside the location of the legal entity, they cannot be separate legal entities. Branches are endowed with certain property from the company itself, whose leaders appoint the management of the branch by proxy. The charter of the organization must reflect the presence of branches and a documentary base that confirms the legality of their functioning. Branches do not need state registration, because they do not act in leading role, as a legal entity does.

So, knowledge about the purpose of the OGRN, about the nuances that are associated with obtaining this number by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, about how and what information can be obtained about an organization by this number, are quite useful skills in modern business life. The OGRN also helps to avoid difficulties in cooperation with a company, since it helps to determine the legality of its operation, its reliability.

When starting their own business, entrepreneurs are faced with huge amount identification and classification numbers that are assigned to their young enterprise. The business owner should know how all these identifiers differ from each other. Now we will tell you about the OGRN.

OGRN: what is it for

More recently, there were much fewer identifiers in Russia. This is understandable: after all, there were not many enterprises, and it was easier for the authorized bodies to classify them and keep statistics. Thus, JSC and LLC were assigned (an individual taxpayer number), and this suited everyone.

Over the years, new business structures have appeared, which entailed changes in the field of legal relations. Now the regulatory authorities could no longer be content with the TIN certificate. In 2001, a law came into force regulating the registration of legal entities. For the first time in this law, such a concept was fixed as:

OGRN- the main state registration number.

The number is assigned to all organizations. It contains data on the form of ownership, the date of foundation, the territory in which the enterprise is registered, and the branch of the Federal Tax Service (Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service) to which it belongs.

Deciphering the OGRN number

Many people know that the TIN is just a serial number. Another thing is OGRN. It is decoded according to certain rules and contains more information than the TIN.

Consider one of the codes (1-14-77-46-30576-2) and decipher it.

The code is formed by 13 digits in the format С-ГГ-КК-НН-ХХХХХ-Ч.

  • The code begins with the number 1, which is a sign of assignment and indicates that the number has been assigned to a legal entity. 2 - attribute public institution. The number 3 at the beginning of the number is the affiliation of the IP (in this case, the number is called not OGRN, but).
  • This is followed by two numbers (14), thanks to which we find out in which year the enterprise was formed (in this case- in 2014).
  • Then follow two numbers indicating the place of registration of the legal entity. Each subject of the federation has its own number, fixed by law. 77 is the code for Moscow. It is not difficult to draw conclusions.
  • The numbers from the fourth to the seventh (in our example - 7746) are an indication of the tax office in the region. Specification is provided by the sixth and seventh digits. This example refers to the 46th inter-district inspection of Moscow.
  • What is meant by the next five digits (30576)? – The number of the decision due to which this organization was created. Throughout the year, the Tax Service enters fresh data on decisions into the register, but in this case we are talking only about serial numbers.
  • The final digit is a check digit and serves to verify the authenticity of the OGRN code. To find out if a certain combination of numbers is an OGRN code, you can use the OGRN online calculator or a special formula.

Of course, there are no two completely identical OGRN codes. Under the current accounting procedure, the numbers can be repeated no earlier than in a century (two digits indicating the date of foundation are responsible for this). In addition, the region number combined with the branch number of the IFTS forms a unique combination, so that repetitions are excluded. A person who knows how to decipher the OGRN has the ability to extract much more from this code. useful information than from TIN.

Checking the counterparty for PSRN

The reliability of the counterparty is the key to successful cooperation. Therefore, before concluding a deal, you must at least make sure that the organization (IP) with which you are going to deal really exists. The easiest way in this situation is to go to the website of the Federal Tax Service and open the section containing information about entrepreneurs and legal entities. If you know the OGRN of your prospective partner, then you can easily find the organization itself, or make sure that such a number is not registered.

There is also a more complicated (but more reliable!) way - submitting a request to the tax service. As a result, you will receive an extract confirming the information about the counterparty.

As for cooperation with individual entrepreneurs, then, knowing the name of the prospective partner, you can also find out his OGRNIP.

Why is it necessary to study information about the counterparty so carefully?

  • Firstly, to be sure that the legal entity is actually registered.
  • Secondly, to verify the authenticity of the securities provided by the counterparty.
  • Thirdly, to check the TIN, clarify the authority of the management and the legal address.
  • Fourth, to know for sure that the counterparty is not blacklisted by the Federal Tax Service.

Sometimes you can notice that different tax inspection codes are recorded in the OGRN and TIN. There is nothing reprehensible in this, because the TIN is issued by the local tax office, and the OGRN is provided by the interdistrict one.

OGRN is one of the most informative identifiers. It gives the entrepreneur the opportunity to verify the reliability of the counterparty.

When an individual entrepreneur or legal entity is registered, the business manager has to deal with a number of different numbers -, TIN, PSRN and other ambiguous and significant numbers. All these data identify the entrepreneur or company, usually requested by future partners or inspection bodies. When preparing company letterheads, the heading indicates the name of the company, taxpayer identification number, main state number, contact details (address, phone number, Email, website, etc.). Such a form indicates the seriousness of the organization and allows the future partner to verify all the data provided.

What is OGRN - transcript

OGRN (main state number) is a unique registration number of a legal entity. It is assigned to each new enterprise regardless of the legal form of ownership and, together with the taxpayer identification number, identifies the company. Decoding, the procedure for obtaining the main state number and all actions related to it are regulated federal law No. 29-FZ of 08.08.2001 "On State Registration of Legal Entities".

The number is unique within Russian Federation and allows you to get detailed registration information about the enterprise and its director.

What is the OGRN for?

Such a number is needed to identify and verify a legal entity - for example, in order to open a bank account for an LLC, draw up offer for a large client or investor, to give guarantees to suppliers or buyers. You won’t get much information from the taxpayer identification number, except that you can find out in which tax office and under which serial number the company was registered. And by the PSRN number, you can find out the form of ownership of the company (IP, LLC, JSC), information about the date of creation, the subject of the Russian Federation that owns the company, the tax office in which the enterprise is serviced, etc.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, each of which has its own decoding:

  • The first digit is a sign by which you can find out the assignment of the subject. 1 - legal entity, 2 - state organization, 3 - individual entrepreneur (for individual entrepreneurs there is a separate numbering - OGRNIP).
  • The second and third digits are the year of creation. For example, the numbers 16 would mean the year of registration in 2016.
  • The next 2 digits indicate the region of registration (for example, Moscow companies are assigned to number 77).
  • The numbers from the fourth to the seventh contain the number of the IFTS of a particular region.
  • The eighth-twelfth digit is the number of the decision to establish this legal entity. This decision number is recorded in the tax register, it is unique.
  • The last, thirteenth digit is used to check the correctness of the number. All first digits are divided by 11, and the digit obtained in the remainder is recorded as the 13th digit of the OGRN number (if the remainder is 10, zero is recorded).

In what cases may an OGRN be required?

In order to reduce the risks of concluding transactions with insolvent companies or entrepreneurs, it is better to check the counterparty before signing a major contract. In such cases, the OGRN number with decoding allows you to obtain information that such a company is actually registered, there is data on the date of its registration, owner, etc. If the company is blacklisted as a non-payer or bankrupt, then it is better for the future partner to find out about this before the conclusion of the contract.

The PSRN number and decoding may be required in the following cases:

  • confirmation of the existence of the enterprise;
  • exact taxpayer identification number;
  • verification of the reliability of the data provided by the counterparty;
  • obtaining information about the legal address of the organization;
  • obtaining information about the director of a legal entity;
  • confirmation or refutation of the presence of the enterprise in the "black lists" of the tax RF (or specifically the director of this company).

Advice: For those who have just started doing business and do not yet know how and how to check the solvency of a person, we recommend: you only need to believe official documents and signed contracts. You can’t take the client’s word for it - before you ship him a product or provide a service for a large amount, check it on the basis of the Federal Tax Service using the PSRN number indicated by him, be sure to sign the contract and demand an advance payment!

Who can ask you for the OGRN number?

The reasons why most legal entities publish their OGRN on letterhead is the high frequency of its requests by counterparties. Decoding and verification of the main state number is necessary to obtain reliable and detailed information about the company with which it is planned to conclude large contracts or long-term cooperation.

You may be asked to provide your OGRN by the following counterparties.

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